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    • Ankle Sprain
A literature review examining conventional proprioceptive interventions (i.e. unstable surface training) and novel proprioceptive interventions (i.e. tactile and vibratory stimulation) of the ankle and foot on measures of proprioception... more
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      PhysiotherapyRehabilitationFoot and Ankle BiomechanicsPhysical Therapy
Ankle sprains make up about 15% of all athletic injuries, with a reported 23,000 ankleligament injuries occurring each day. This study aims tofind out the effectiveness of Mulligan’s mobilization fibular repositioning taping along with... more
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      TapingAnkle Sprain
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      Foot and Ankle BiomechanicsExercise ScienceExercise and physical activity for healthAnkle Sprain
Background: Complex foot and ankle fractures, such as calcaneum fractures or Lisfranc dislocations, are often associated with a poor outcome, especially in terms of gait capacity. Indeed, degenerative changes often lead to chronic pain... more
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      Gait BiomechanicsFoot and Ankle BiomechanicsNonlinear dynamicsMusculoskeletal Rehabilitation
OBJECTIVE: Ankle rigidity is a common musculoskeletal disorder affecting the talocrural joint, which can impair weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion (WBADF) and daily-life in people with or without history of ankle injuries. Our objective... more
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      Manual TherapyOsteopathyAnkle SprainMulligan Mobilization
Objective The ankle joint is the most frequently injured anatomical site in athletes. Ankle instability is responsible for 25% of the time which is lost in sport activities. Clinical efficacy of taping in athletes with ankle instability... more
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      Ankle SprainDynamic balance
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders of the lower extremities are commonly affected by chronicity and disability. One of the most commonly affected areas is the ankle. Epidemiological information is limited for chronic musculoskeletal... more
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      EpidemiologySri LankaMusculoskeletalFoot and Ankle
Soft tissue injury screening faces two main diagnostic challenges. one is the perceptual bias of the athlete in terms of referred pain and second injury assessment tools are not only in need of highly specialized personal but they are... more
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      InflammationThermal ImagingDiagnosticsAnkle Sprain
Objective Some individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) termed as functional ankle instability (FAI) suffer from repetitive ankle giving way and feeling of ankle joint instability during dynamic activities like walking. Walking,... more
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      CognitionGaitAnkle SprainDynamic balance
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      Sport ScienceAnkle Sprain