Animals in Art and Culture
Recent papers in Animals in Art and Culture
Biocultural diversity and the concept of culture animals have been around since the time immemorial, however, they made inroads into scientific research and discourse relatively recently. In this article an attempt was made to refer to... more
The presence of the image of animals in the graphic, plastic and artistic manifestations in general is so old that we could almost say that it is the fundamental motor of its origin and its own existence. Not even the evolution of the... more
Bugün bakışımızı çevirdiğimiz her yerde hayvan imajına rastlamak mümkündür. Yoğun olarak yeniden üretimin başat öznesi haline gelen hayvanların bu kadar sık kullanılmasının sebebi, ilk bakışta herkesin dikkatini yakalamasıdır. Çünkü... more
In recent years, an increasing number of contemporary artists have incorporated live animals into their work. Although this development has attracted a great deal of attention in the artworld and among animal rights activists, it has not... more
Resumen: Se realiza un recorrido por la obra más universal de la literatura española, Don Quijote de la Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes, analizando los artrópodos citados en ella y comentando el contexto histórico y cultural en el que... more
Resumen: Si cada vez está más extendido y aceptado el hecho de que a determinadas especies animales, fundamentalmente los grandes primates, se les reconozca la posesión de cultura, ¿qué sucede entonces con el arte? ¿Cabría la posibilidad... more
Resumen: Se describen y comentan los artrópodos (imaginarios y más o menos reales) utilizados en la obra de Salvador Dalí. Se analizan sus antecedentes, sus orígenes, su intencionalidad y su significación. En base a las numerosas... more
Progress of experimental science and the humanist revival of classical texts were two major factors in precipitating a turning point in the history of zoological literature and illustration by the late fifteenth century. Nevertheless, it... more
Resumen: Aunque apenas sabemos casi nada de ellos, en comparación con otras civilizaciones como los babilonios, egipcios, persas, griegos y romanos, nos adentramos en el artropodiano mundo fenicio en base a los escasos elementos... more
Resumen: Tras una breve introducción sobre los primeros asentamientos humanos durante el Neolítico, entraremos en las civili-zaciones mesopotámicas. Ya en ellas, comentamos primero, de forma general, los animales que aparecen en su... more
Resumen: Con una breve introducción sobre los primeros asentamientos humanos durante el Neolítico, nos introduciremos en la fascinante civilización egipcia. Tras un comentario introductorio sobre su dilatada historia y su estructura... more
Resumen: Al inicio se realizan unos breves comentarios introductorios sobre los artrópodos (fantásticos e imaginarios, o más o menos reales) que forman parte del ideario artropodiano de la Cristiandad, y de su significado e iconografía... more
Resumen: Se comenta la importancia que los artrópodos tuvieron en la historia de la ciudad Florencia y, consecuentemente, en la propia historia de la Europa medieval-renacentista. Se hace referencia a los artrópodos relacionados con la... more
Resumen: Se realiza un comentario descriptivo de los artrópodos utilizados en la obra cinematográfica de Luis Buñuel. Se analizan ciertos antecedentes entomológicos de su infancia aragonesa, sus orígenes en su etapa de formación... more
Resumen: Tras algunas palabras sobre su biografía y su filmografía, nos adentramos en el mundo de Pedro Almodóvar y en su particular zoológico, y con él, en su entomología cinematográfica. Se realiza un comentario descriptivo de los... more
""In many cultural fields honeybees reveal themselves as a highly generative species; one that humans have become dependent on. Within the backdrop of Colony Collapse Disorder, this essay examines how live bees are used in the production... more
Resumen: Se realiza un recorrido a lo largo de más de veinte siglos por la iconografía artropodiana presente en la arquitectura de España y Portugal, desde la arquitectura que nos dejó el Imperio Romano, hasta la arquitectura... more
Resumen: Se realiza un comentario introductorio sobre los orígenes de las creencias y mitos entomológicos de las culturas Cicládica, Minoica y Micénica como antecedentes de lo que hallaremos en la Grecia Clásica, y que en particular queda... more
in: Animals and Early Modern Identity, ed. Pia F. Cuneo (Basingstoke: 2014), 209-242.
Description et analyse de la série d'aquariums intitulés Zoodram, dans le cadre d'un mémoire de recherche sur le vivant mis-en-scène dans l'œuvre de l'artiste contemporain français Pierre Huyghe.
To believe that mankind, specifically humans exist in vacuum is an erroneous take on the world and the way that it normally functions. In reality, humans can never achieve the perfect image of an autonomous separate being, rather they... more
This entry examines the geopolitical economic utility of the dog in China during the Chairmanship of Mao Tsetung (1949-76) and how this pivoted unexpectedly with the neoliberal initiatives that Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping (1978-1992)... more
La figura del carnero destaca de forma significativa dentro del simbolismo animalístico en el cristianismo. El presente artículo se centra en el estudio diacrónico de las representaciones de dicho animal insertas dentro del tipo... more
Der Artikel konfrontiert die Kölner Retrospektive des französischen Künstlers Pierre Huyghe (Museum Ludwig, 2014) mit dem "Versuch einer Kosmologie" des angloamerikanischen Mathematikers und Philosophen Alfred North Whitehead. Diese an... more
The article presents some thoughts about the cosmetic palette New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Acc.-No. 10.176.78 and a new interpretation of the piece. It can be interpreted as a depiction of a two-headed turtle, a representation of... more
You are walking through a tree shaded path and you encounter a donkey on parade. The walk is enchanting, with music, donkeys and goats, their caretakers, cooking appliances, and people preparing to sing when they reach their destination.... more
The horse-man (not woman) is both metaphor and lived relationship, illuminating the Western dominator ecocultural identity that actively denies animal sentience and physical autonomy. The horse-man relationship has played a central... more
The following is an interview conducted with Kostas Tsiambaos following a seminar at the Architectural Association on 30 January 2020. This interview as well as the seminar Kostas held at the Architectural Association is owed to his... more
A cura di Caterina Mordeglia e Paolo Gatti 🔗 Il collegamento tra i comics e la rappresentazione degli animali parlanti, in particolare quelli della favola esopica, affonda le sue radici nel Medioevo. Non solo perché... more
Tiere sind auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise Teil unserer häuslichen Umgebung. So werden ihnen in menschlichen Domizilen eigene Wohnstätten eingerichtet, als sog. Ungeziefer hingegen gelten sie als ungebetene Gäste in den menscheneigenen... more
By examining images of the imaginary Chinese animal Sum Xu, this essay engages with questions about artistic origins and authorial originality, two art-historical concepts that so often exclude peripheral artists and their supposedly... more
La presencia de la imagen de los animales en las manifestaciones gráficas , plásticas y artísticas en general es tan antigua que casi podríamos decir que es el motor fundamental de su origen y su propia existencia. Ni siquiera el devenir... more
This essay focuses on the role played by symbolism in the representation of animals in art. It investigates the intrinsic relations between anthropocentrism and objectification and how contemporary artists subvert the power of classical... more
Common and exotic, glamorous and ferocious, sociable and sullen: zebras mean many things to many people. The extraordinary beauty of their striped coats makes them one of the world’s most recognizable animals. They have been immortalized... more
Animal figures are an intrinsic feature of ancient Egyptian wall scenes, yet they have received little attention when it comes to artistic analysis in comparison to their human counterparts. The current research aims to shed new light on... more
Die zeitgenössischen Künste sind auf das Tier gekommen. Zunehmend bestimmen auch non-human animals die Werke. Warum ist das so? Woher rührt das gegenwärtige Bedürfnis, sich neue Bilder vom Tier zu machen? Vielleicht weil wir derzeit gar... more This is the very first version of a bibliography on history of animals in the (Medieval and Ottoman Muslim world. Please send comments at [email protected] and [email protected]. If people are... more
Još je prošla godina označila svojevrsni pozitivni trend “ulaska životinja u muzeje”. S kostimografkinjom, docenticom na TTF-u, predsjednicom ULUPUH-a i uzgajivačicom dalmatinskih pasa razgovaramo o izložbi Nacionalna baština – hrvatske... more
Reprinted in "Conversations on Sculpture", Glenn Harper and Twylene Moyer eds., Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2007, pp.180-185.
Animal figures are an intrinsic feature of ancient Egyptian wall scenes, yet they have received little attention when it comes to artistic analysis in comparison to their human counterparts. The current research aims to shed new light on... more
This book review was published in the peer-reviewed Journal for Critical Animal Studies (JCAS VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4, 2012; pg. 188-197). In Surface Encounters (2011), Ron Broglio broadens the phenomenological ground of his first book,... more
Art World China (founded in 1979 - leading art magazine in China), in its first January 2015 edition concentrates on the humble sheep to commemorate the Chinese Year of the Sheep (2015); and the myriad of ways that these docile yet... more