Ancient and Medieval Navigation
Recent papers in Ancient and Medieval Navigation
Collection of contributions on the phenomenon of Piracy in the ancient Mediterranean World, with special reference to its development in the Roman Period as well as to some aspects of its evolution from the Middle Ages to the Present, in... more
Als Motto für die Ausstellung und das Begleitbuch wurde gewählt „Navigare necesse est“. Dieses Motto hat uns Plutarch (um 45 – um 125 n.Chr.) überliefert. Es geht auf den römischen Feldherrn Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (106–48 v.Chr.) zurück,... more
Cette communication propose de revenir sur le terme « viking » en analysant la notion de piraterie dans les sources norroises. Si les historiens sont familiers des témoignages des victimes de ces pirates du Nord, les sources norroises... more
Il testo prende in esame le caratteristiche tecniche e costruttive delle principali tipologie di navi del Medioevo.
En este artículo pretendemos mostrar una breve visión de la navegación y el comercio marítimo durante la edad media en Europa. Abordaremos temas tales como las rutas comerciales, las mercancías y los actores del intercambio comercial. De... more
Local and imperial, insular and expansive, both English yet British: geographically and culturally, the sea continues to shape changing models of Englishness. This volume traces the many literary origins of insular identity from local... more
The 13th-century route description from Utlängan to Tallinn - colloquially known as King Valdemar's Itinerary - is one of the oldest and most exiting written sources on navigation in the Baltic Sea. While the Latin transcription was... more
Se trata, en definitiva, de un libro con importantes reflexiones de orden teórico y metodológico y un conjunto suficientemente variado de casos estudiados, referidos a distintos espacios y cronologías, para facilitar adecuadas estrategias... more
Dalle Chonigliere a Susa 30 miglia quarta di ponente inuer libeccio. Susa e buono porto per contra a la terra e a ui cierte secche, lassale da tramontana che ti fanno porto, achostati a terra a uno tracto di balestro e ua a toccho di... more
This work examines the origination of the 11/83 ratio found in the c. 150 CE Almagest of Claudius Ptolemaeus. We computationally deconstruct the ratio and link it to the 1/11 ratio which Hipparchus is the originator.
This paper aims to study a hitherto bad known aspect, the position of the Republic of Florence in the Nasri sultanate. To achieve this we shall take as reference the commercial mechanisms developed by the Tuscan merchants in their... more
Les différents types de navigation vénitienne tels que les galères, les coques et les petits bâtiments privés n'étaient pas distincts les uns des autres. Ils se complétaient et se concurrençaient mutuellement. L'analyse détaillée des... more
In questo lavoro per la prima volta vengono analizzati i graffiti navali presenti sia all'interno che all'esterno della chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Monte Sant'Angelo. Questi graffiti, ad oggi non ancora studiati, potrebbero avere un... more
Florence developped a system of statal galleys in the 15th century. The present article analyzes its role in the Crown of Castile, through the Florentine Sea Consul's orders as well as in privet documentation. It studies aspects as... more
A sarcophagus being part of the antiquities collection of Venetian van Axel Palace was re-discovered during the last archaeological investigations directed on site. A Renaissance galley is represented, by low relief technique, on a... more
Florence developped a statal galleys system in the XVth century. The present article analyzes its role in the Kingdom of Granada, in the Florentine Sea Consuls' orders as well as in the privet documentation. Thus, we study aspects as... more
Κατά το έτος 2010 συνεχίστηκε από την Εφορεία Εναλίων Αρχαιοτήτων σε συνεργασία με το Ινστιτούτο Εναλίων Αρχαιολογικών Ερευνών η υποβρύχια επιφανειακή έρευνα σε επιλεγμένες θέσεις του Νότιου Ευβοϊκού, με το ερευνητικό πεδίο να... more
Providing a comprehensive examination of the capacity of ancient ships and seafarers to cope with seasonally changing sea conditions, this book draws on a wide range of ancient literary sources while also taking account of modern weather... more
In November 1490, Bernardino Rizo da Novara issued the earliest printed anonymous portolano. Several months later, a print privilege was issued at the request of Andrea Badoer, a merchant. With the support of a newly published database of... more
A short history of the Tower of the Winds in Athens as the navigational monument undergoes some much needed conservation work.
As we already stated in a previous article, focusing on Yemen’s Red Seaside, History proved that instead of separating, the Bab al Mandeb Straits bring people around the two coasts close to one another. In this article, we analyze the... more
El objetivo de este libro es estudiar los viajes de descubrimiento en la Edad Media. Hemos reservado este término a aquellos viajes que suponen la ampliación del mundo conocido, fuesen cuales fuesen sus condiciones de realización.
The Gascon Rolls are the main source on "English" Gascony kept at the National Archives (TNA) of Kew. Since 2008, three editorial projects are publishing on the web the calendars of this source for the period 1317 to 1467. Guilhem Pépin... more
The conference summary is as follows: “The Basques established relations with Native Americans in the St. Lawrence River area over many centuries, and evidence of this appears in historical records. A wealth of historical, archaeological... more
Les différents types de navigation vénitienne tels que les galères, les coques et les petits bâtiments privés n'étaient pas distincts les uns des autres. Ils se complétaient et se concurrençaient mutuellement. L'analyse... more
Online GIS MOMM Congress ( Papers will be in French.
Published in:
Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. 125 (2002). Neumünster, 2002, S. 83-96.
Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. 125 (2002). Neumünster, 2002, S. 83-96.
El alejamiento del mundo y la renuncia a los bienes familiares no son características exclusivas de los hombres que hacen del desierto su lugar de residencia y de predicación. Durante la Edad Media y en las zonas insulares, el mar sirve... more
„Sterne weisen den Weg“ Ohne Navigation wäre Hamburg, das Tor zur Welt, nicht das, was es ist. Navigation hat die Welt begreifbar und kartografierbar gemacht. Navigation hat die Welt befahrbar gemacht. Erst die Navigation hat weltweiten... more