Anarchism, Insurrection
Recent papers in Anarchism, Insurrection
An introductory pamphlet of on anti-statism and the anarch.
This paper locates a convergent origin of insurrectionalist anarchism and neo-vitalist currents of contemporary theory in the 'savage ontology' (Foucault) of vitalism formed in 19th century post-Hegelian currents. It critically probes the... more
The neo-insurrectionist network known as Bash Back! has contributed to the queering of the animal liberation discourse through the publication of their 2010 communiqué entitled, “Bash Back!ers in Support of Autonomous Animal Action Call... more
In this essay, we identify the primary traits of the "insurrectionary anarchism" that has recently influenced the North American anarchist community and attracted attention from other political activists. In doing so, we explore... more
Italy has a long history of struggle against terrorism. At least since the mid-1970s, it has developed a national counterterrorism (CT) strategy, combining a range of different tactics and tools. Over the decades Italy has had to respond... more
Los estudios sobre el anarquismo en la región argentina indagan, en una abrumadora mayoría, sobre el movimiento a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX; deteniéndose, en líneas generales, entre las décadas de 1930 y 1940. Sin... more
Since the mid-1980s, Italian insurrectionary anarchists have been responsible for dozens of attacks both within Italy and abroad. For more than a decade, the prevailing tactics were small-scale acts of vandalism, sabotage and arson.... more