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This contribution to Bill Solomon's edited volume examines shifts in the narrative motifs used to depict the 1930s in the decades since the Reagan era.
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      Great DepressionRadical LiteratureAmerican Literture and Culture
ABSTRACT: Many transformations occur in the daily lives of the peoples of the Arab Gulf. Undoubtedly, such changes have left very deep influence in the varied areas of lives. Writing Gulf Sates literature in general and narrative in... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePostcolonial LiteratureModern Arabic LiteratureENGLISH LITERTURE
For the poet H.D. and the novelist Thomas Pynchon, a personified World War II represents the masculine appropriation of a feminine, reproductive Nature. I argue that Pynchon’s notions of nature and war are partly developed in response to... more
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      American LiteratureGender StudiesWar StudiesRecycling
“American Literature in Iran during the Cold War: Politics and Aesthetics of Reception”
Anti-colonial Aesthetics and the Global Cold War
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)
June 2022
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      American StudiesPersian LiteratureCold War and CultureCold War