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Using Amir Baraka’s conception of Afrosurrealism as a black aesthetic form that is imbricated with ‘lived life’, this article proposes an Afrosur/realist reading of Djibril Diop Mambéty’s Touki Bouki (‘The hyena’s journey’) (1973). I... more
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      Urban GeographyAfrican CinemasCritical Black StudiesAfrosurrealism
Review of: Moroccan Cinema Uncut: Decentred Voices, Transnational Perspectives, Will Higbee, Florence Martin and Jamal Bahmad (2020)
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      Arab CinemaMoroccan cinemaAfrican CinemasMaghrebian Cinema
Distribution remains one of the main challenges facing African cinema. Reaching domestic and international audiences is difficult despite the promise of digital technological innovations over the last fifteen years. In fact, scholarship... more
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      African StudiesAfrican DiasporaFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film Distribution
The article approaches The Hurt Locker, an enthusiastically-received ‘critical’ film, as a symptom of today’s prevailing cultural and political codes. First we dwell on the homologies between the state of exception and the narrative logic... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer TheoryGilles DeleuzePolitics and Film
Nel corso degli ultimi vent’anni, grazie all’introduzione di nuove tecnologie e alla trasformazione del contesto economico e politico locale, la Nigeria ha visto la propria industria cinematografica Nollywood divenire una delle più grandi... more
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      African StudiesAnthropology of MediaNigeriaAfrican cinema
Based on previously unexamined documents in Soviet archives, this essay shows Paulin S. Vieyra's key role as a "cinematic internationalist" who used the socialist and Cold War film networks to advance African cinema.
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      Cold War and CultureSoviet Union (History)'Third Cinema' Theory and Third World Radical FilmsCulture in the Soviet Union
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      Film Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm TheoryMarxist theory
Moroccan post-colonial cinema has suffered from the lack of adequate channels of domestic and international distribution and exhibition for most of its relatively short history. Despite the existence of a burgeoning distribution business... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryDigital MediaMoroccan Studies
Il volume ricostruisce la genesi e lo sviluppo dell’industria video nigeriana detta Nollywood, un sistema che produce 1000-1500 film ogni anno e li distribuisce direttamente in formato home-video. I video di Nollywood circolano in quasi... more
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      African StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfricaAfrican cinema
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      African StudiesFilm TheoryFilm HistoryFilm and Media Studies
Pressoché assente sul mercato italiano, il «cinema africano» si riaffaccia all’attenzione della critica perlopiù solo in occasione dei festival. Eppure, tanti registi o anche interpreti, emersi sulla scena negli ultimi anni appartengono... more
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      Film StudiesPostcolonial StudiesItalian CinemaEthnicity and Race in Film
This article examines the shifting interpretations of homosexuality in colonial and post-colonial contexts in east Africa. In 1886, Mwanga II, the king of the Baganda kingdom, executed forty-five male pages of his court. All forty-five... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer TheoryReligion and SexualityNegative Theology
Does a Zimbabwean film industry exist? The answer is complex. The answer depends on two issues. The first is one's chosen definition of a film industry. The second is the extent of one's knowledge of realities on the ground. This article... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisFilm History
Primo regista dell’Africa subsahariana a vincere i due festival storici del continente e primo in concorso a Cannes (con Yeelen, nel 1987), Souleymane Cissé rappresenta senza dubbio il massimo autore vivente delle cinematografie africane.... more
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      African cinemaWorld CinemasMaliAfrican Cinemas
cinema and tv terminology (English-Turkish) This is not a complete collection of all film-making terms, because so many of them are too obscure or technical to be included. However, this listing should provide enough background for a... more
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      European CinemaLiterature and cinemaAmerican CinemaCinema
Cet ouvrage n'est pas l'aboutissement d'un dessein prémédité. Il est simplement le fruit spontané d'une série de réflexions sur des films ou sur des expériences de cinéastes. C'était une pratique à laquelle nous nous étions habitués, des... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer TheorySexuality StudiesFeminist Theory and Gender Studies
Since the early 2000s, Ethiopia has witnessed the rapid growth of a local digital film industry whose economic model is similar to the one adopted by other industries of this kind emerged in African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana and... more
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      African StudiesEthiopian StudiesAnthropology of MediaEthiopia
Journal of African Cinemas, Volume 7, Number 1, 1 April 2015, pp. 51-55. South Africa’s most popular film, one of the local industry’s greatest achievements, arouses mixed feelings. The Gods Must Be Crazy managed to evade the... more
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      African FilmAfrican cinemaSouth African cinemaSouth African film, national identity, cultural re-definition
Over the past decade, Ethiopian films have come to dominate the screening schedules of the many cinemas in Ethiopia’s capital city of Addis Ababa as well as other urban centers. Despite undergoing an unprecedented surge in production and... more
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      African StudiesMedia StudiesFilm StudiesEthiopian Studies
This study focusing on the relationship between African cinema, colonialism and postcolonial discourse, addresses the cinema of Senegalese director Ousmane Sembene in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Sembene’s films, it was first determined which... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesSub-Saharan African CinemaOusmane SembeneAfrican Cinemas
Afrika sineması, dünya sinema tarihi açısından farklı bir yerde durmaktadır. Bu farkın kökenleri 1960'larda oluşmaya başlayan sömürgecilikten kurtulma sürecinden ve aykırı sinema hareketlerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu tez çalışması... more
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      African cinemaSinemaPostkolonyalizmAfrican Cinemas
"ABSTRACT: Responding to Rosi Braidotti’s call for more ‘conceptual creativity’ in thinking through contemporary feminist subjectivity, this paper proposes the figuration of the body of water. I begin with a critical materialist take on... more
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      Cultural StudiesFeminist TheoryWaterQueer Theory
On any given Thursday night, the residents of Soweto gather around their radios to listen to the salacious radio show Cheaters. Inspired partly by the US-based television show of the same name, and broadcast on Jozi FM, the radio show... more
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      Cultural StudiesAfrican StudiesQueer TheorySexuality Studies
nomic, cultural, and political practices? If so, does this alter higher-order claims we may wish to make about, say, commodification, the production of the subject, the creation of the mass, technological reproducibility, speed, and a... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureUrban GeographyAfrican StudiesAnthropology
Mi texto escrito para mi ciclo (13 proyecciones) "La Tricontinental. Cine, utopía e internacionalismo" para el Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid). My text written for my film program (13 screenings) "Tricontinental. Cinema, Utopia and... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesLatin American StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaMiddle East Studies
Artigo publicado como parte do catálogo da mostra "Clássicos Africanos: A primeira geração de cineastas da África do Oeste" realizada na CAIXA Cultural do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) de 19 de novembro a 01 de dezembro de 2019. O artigo (p.... more
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      AllegoryOral TraditionAfrican CinemasAllegory Studies
Executive summary of the report on the state of the African documentary film industry, aimed at the creation of an African Documentary Film Fund.
Check the entire report at
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      African StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)AfricaAfrican Film
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      African StudiesAnthropologyFilm StudiesTransnationalism
While conducting my research on the Nigerian video industry over the past few years, I often had the impression to fi nd myself in front of an object of study that implicitly resisted defi nition. While, on the one hand, one could say... more
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      African StudiesMedia IndustriesAnthropology of MediaCinema
The present article examines the use of cinema as an instrument of national liberation in colonial Angola. After contextualizing the use of cinema by independence movements in Portugal's former colonies, I question first whether the... more
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      CommunicationFilm StudiesPostcolonial StudiesNational Cinemas
Latin American telenovelas began to be widely broadcast on African screens between the late 1970s and early 1980s, and today are among the most popular entertainment products on the continent. The content, aesthetic and narrative format... more
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      African StudiesMedia StudiesAudience StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
This essay starts off with a theoretical review of the notions of “author” and “authorship” as reflected by academic theory and cultural, artistic and film criticism by scholars of African arts and cinema. The notions of “author” and... more
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      African cinemaFlora GomesAutoriaAfrican Cinemas
For quotation please refer to the articles published from the thesis : - Part of chapter one can be found in: “Small screen cinema: Informality and remediation in Nollywood”. Journal of Television and New Media 13(5): 431 – 446 - A... more
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      African StudiesMedia StudiesAnthropology of MediaNigeria
A Post-coloniality millennial great piece of writing from Namibia diaspora. Ngamije's inspiration behind the transcontinental journey in the novel highlights that migration, and foreign places shape people’s “desires, fears, and... more
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      African LiteratureMigration StudiesAfrican CinemasAfrofuturism and Science Fiction
"Monograph about Souleymane Cisse's work (the very first one ever dedicated to the director of Yeelen), with textual analysis of his films, discussions about main symbolic motives and style and references to the context. Written in the... more
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      African cinemaWorld CinemasWorld CinemaSouleymane Cissé
Minha tentativa de responder como se pode dialogar o estudo da arte e os estudos de gênero/gender. Não pretendi dar uma única resposta à contribuição dos estudos de gênero, e, mais espeficamente, dos estudos gays, à análise de produtos... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer TheorySexuality StudiesFeminist Theory and Gender Studies
New Book Series from The University of California Press
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      Cinema (Celluloid and Digital)Avant-Garde CinemaFilm Theory and PracticeFilm Studies
El contraste más evidente entre la presentación de la familia como protagonista antes y después del franquismo lo encontramos en la saga que nació a raíz de la película La gran familia (Fernando Palacios, 1963). Esta primera película,... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer TheorySexuality StudiesFeminist Theory and Gender Studies
Um dos grandes desafios para os cinemas situados no contexto do Sul Global, é encontrar estratégias para criar narrativas fílmicas que, para além da relevância social e temática de suas histórias, operem um movimento crítico aos efeitos... more
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      AristotlePoeticsAllegoryJean-Pierre Bekolo
MO* Mondiaal Nieuws
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      African StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPostcolonial Studies
Depuis les années 2000, le cinéma africain est marqué par de nombreuses évolutions nouvelles avec un impact considérable sur son positionnement dans le paysage cinématographique international , notamment concernant sa présence dans les... more
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      African cinemaSouth African cinemaAfrican Cinemas
The feature films by Flora Gomes: Mortu nega (1988), Udju azul di Yonta (1992), Po di sangui (1996), Nha fala (2002) and Republica di mininus (2012) narrate stories that speak of transits, music, woman, children, war, (neo)colonialism,... more
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      African cinemaFlora GomesAfrican Cinemas
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      TransnationalismPostcolonial StudiesAfrican cinemaFilm Festival Studies
Analyzing the Nigerian video industry through the lens of new media theory, this article proposes a genealogy of the Nollywood media format to identify and define its specificities. The films that the industry produces are often referred... more
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      Media StudiesMedia IndustriesCinemaNigeria
Introduction to Journal of African Cinemas 4.1 Special Issue on Nollywood
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    • African Cinemas
Civil war is not a new phenomenon in Africa. The Nigerian Civil War of 1967-1970 represents a dark past but provides an intriguing basis to develop a history that enables us to understand Nigeria’s direction. It is against this backdrop... more
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      Urban StudiesNigerian Civil WarFirst and Second World WarsAfrican Cinemas
Cinematically, Yoruba filmmakers represent different aspects of the Nigerian nation and various elements of traditional cultures, customs, and praxes. In particular, they pay close attention to the influences of supernatural powers and... more
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      Cultural StudiesAfrican StudiesWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Women and Culture
Petit panorama du cinéma algérien (extrait du catalogue du Festival de Cinéma de Douarnenez, 2019).
Little Glimpse on Algerian Cinema
(taken from the Catalog of Douarnenez's Film Festival, 2019)
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      African StudiesDocumentary FilmAfrican cinemaCinema Studies
L'article donne une re-définition de l'intime à l'aune d'une analyse du cinéma de Catherine Breillat.
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural Studies
With the introduction of analogue and (later) digital technologies, many sub-Saharan African countries have witnessed the emergence and rapid growth of commercial video film industries. The Nigerian industry, Nollywood, is the case... more
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      African StudiesMedia StudiesFilm StudiesEthiopian Studies