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      ReligionGnosticismEnglish LiteratureFeminist Theory
The Mandaeans are the members of an ethno-religious group living in Iran and Iraq. The religion of the Mandaeans is a written tradition and is the main reference of their identity. As a small endogamous group under the hegemony of the... more
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      GnosticismMiddle East StudiesSocial IdentityRitual
The fight against gnostics allowed the holy bishop to develop the Christian doctrine with a perfect way. At first, he showed that the knowledge (gnξsij) that heretics sought in vain in mythical narratives was not real. The only real... more
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      AeonsHoly SpiritGnosticsIrenaeus of Lyon
The paper addresses the Mandaeans' long lasting identity challenge as a small ethno-religious group living under the threat of cultural extinction. The Mandaeans are followers of an ancient gnostic tradion and they have been living in... more
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      GnosticismAsian StudiesSymbolismReligion and Identity (Anthropology)
The main purpose of this research is to examine the impact of customer perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices or initiatives undertaken by foreign multinational retailers in Malaysia on customer satisfaction and... more
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      MalaysiaAeonsRetail IndustryMncs
(Summary) The fight against gnostics allowed the holy bishop to develop the Christian doctrine with a perfect way. At first, he showed that the knowledge (gnosis) that heretics sought in vain in mythical narratives was not real. The only... more
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      GnosticismAeonsHoly SpiritIrenaeus of Lyon
Aeon Management is reviewed as the most admirable holiday planner in chennai, with lifetime membership provided at affordable costs.

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International Journal of Accounting & Business Management
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      BusinessCorporate Social ResponsibilityMalaysiaCustomer Satisfaction
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To modern readers, the Gospel of Truth is a composition charged with intrigue and perplexity. This anonymous second-century work seems like a philosophical account of a world different from any known earlier. The complexity and enigmatic... more
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      GnosticismNew TestamentLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
The main purpose of this research is to examine the impact of customer perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices or initiatives undertaken by foreign multinational retailers in Malaysia on customer satisfaction and... more
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      MalaysiaCustomer SatisfactionRetail MarketingCustomer Retention
The main purpose of this research is to examine the impact of customer perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices or initiatives undertaken by foreign multinational retailers in Malaysia on customer satisfaction and... more
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      MalaysiaCustomer SatisfactionRetail MarketingCustomer Retention
Due to persecution, Sabean Mandaeans have fled Iraq in large numbers. Although there is widespread suffering and vulnerability in Iraq, the Mandaeans are a special case, since they have no safe enclave within Iraq to which they can return... more
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      GnosticismPolitical SciencePoliticsIraq
ABSTRACT The Mandaeans are members of an ethno-religion living in Iran and Iraq. They are bearers of a Gnostic tradition that makes their main identity reference. Being a small, local, endogamous group under non-Mandaeans hegemony, they... more
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      GnosticismIdentity (Anthropology)Identity politicsSymbolism
This article responds to the debate between Bryan Rennie and Russell McCutcheon in the journal Religion. Taking a methodologically reductive position, this article raises a few methodological guidelines for studying religious phenomena at... more
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      ReligionGnosticismPatristicsMethod and Theory in the Study of Religion