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Acute abdomen in pregnancy remains one of the most challenging diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas today. The incidence of acute abdomen during pregnancy is 1 in 500-635 pregnancies. Despite advancements in medical technology,... more
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      PathologyPancreatitisPancreatic CancerLiver diseases
Results: Of a total of 106 patients, positive bile cultures were positive in 49.1% and blood cultures were studied in 19% of patients. Most isolates were: Escherichia coli (51.42%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (17%) and other Gram-positive... more
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      ColombiaAntibiotic Susceptibility TestingPopayánAcute Cholecystitis
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become the gold standard for the surgical treatment of gallbladder disease, but conversion to open cholecystectomy is still inevitable in certain cases. Knowledge of the rate and impact of the... more
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      ComorbidityConversionRisk factorsAged
Acute abdomen in pregnancy remains one of the most challenging diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas today. The incidence of acute abdomen during pregnancy is 1 in 500–635 pregnancies. Despite advancements in medical technology,... more
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      PregnancyAcute PancreatitisIntestinal ObstructionAcute Appendicitis
Background: The third most common healthcare-associated infection is surgical site infection (SSI), accounting for 14%-16% of infections. These SSIs are associated with high morbidity, numerous deaths, and greater costs. Methods: A... more
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      MedicineHospitalsProspective studiesInfection Control
We present a 74-year-old male patient with a rare case of acute calculous cholecystitis that was complicated by formation of a large anterior abdominal wall abscess due to neglection. The primary management consisted of antibiotic therapy... more
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    • Acute Cholecystitis
Background: Acute cholecystitis remains to be a frequent presentation in emergency rooms worldwide. Role of ultrasound in evaluation of acute cholecystitis is well established however, Computed Tomography (CT) is still under evaluated as... more
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      Computed TomographySingle Photon Emission Computed TomographyGallstoneX ray Computed Tomography
In adults presenting to the emergency depart-ment with biliary colic, is treatment with non-steroid anti-in-flammatory drugs (NSAIDs) safer and more effective thantreatment with other analgesics? The aim of this study was toanswer... more
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      Abdominal PainAcute Cholecystitis
Acute abdomen in pregnancy remains one of the most challenging diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas today. The incidence of acute abdomen during pregnancy is 1 in 500-635 pregnancies. Despite advancements in medical technology,... more
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      ObstetricsBiologyDeveloping CountriesHealth
Introduction: Acute lithiasic cholecystitis is one of the most common gallbladder pathologies. Conservative treatment can hardly be considered as a definitive treatment. The objective of this study is to determine the factors associated... more
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      Acute CholecystitisCholecystitis
Acute abdominal pain is a common symptom and often inconsequential. It can represent a wide spectrum of conditions from benign to surgical emergencies. The association of two diseases as a cause of acute abdominal pain is uncommon. It may... more
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      DermatologyHerpes ZosterAbdominal PainAcute Cholecystitis
The most common casues of acute abdomen during pregnancy are acute appendicitis followed by acute cholecystitis. The case presented is a 33-year-old patient in 16 weeks’ in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer pregnacy who developed... more
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      PregnancyLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy-AnalgesiaCholecystectomyAcute Cholecystitis
Acute calculus cholecystitis is a very common disease with several area of uncertainty. The World Society of Emergency Surgery developed extensive guidelines in order to cover grey areas. The diagnostic criteria, the antimicrobial... more
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      MedicineGeneral SurgeryDiagnosisMagnetic Resonance
INTRODUCTION Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the gold standard for treatment of symptomatic gall stone disease. However, its place remains controversial in the management of acute cholecystitis due to a high reported incidence of... more
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      MedicineGeneral SurgeryProspective studiesLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy-Analgesia
Background Acute cholecystitis (AC) is a common surgical emergency. The Tokyo Guidelines 2018 (TG18) provides a reliable algorithm for the treatment of AC patients to achieve optimal outcomes. However, the economic benefits have not been... more
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      OutcomeCost effectivenessAcute CholecystitisLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Question: A 52-year-old woman without any significant medical history presented to the emergency department with a 2-day history of poor appetite, chills, and abdominal pain. The patient was alert at the emergency room. The initial... more
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    • Acute Cholecystitis
Leptospirosis typically presents with fever and thrombocytopenia, with or without jaundice. Acute necrotising pancreatitis and acalculous cholecystitis are rare presentations of this spirochetal infection. Here is the case of necrotising... more
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      LeptospirosisAcute PainAcute Cholecystitis