European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and
Reproductive Biology 131 (2007) 4–12
Non-obstetrical acute abdomen during pregnancy
Goran Augustin *, Mate Majerovic
Department of Surgery, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Received 11 January 2006; received in revised form 19 April 2006; accepted 4 July 2006
Acute abdomen in pregnancy remains one of the most challenging diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas today. The incidence of acute
abdomen during pregnancy is 1 in 500–635 pregnancies. Despite advancements in medical technology, preoperative diagnosis of acute
abdominal conditions is still inaccurate. Laboratory parameters are not specific and often altered as a physiologic consequence of pregnancy.
Use of laparoscopic procedures as diagnostic tools makes diagnosis of such conditions earlier, more accurate, and safer. Appendicitis is the
most common cause of the acute abdomen during pregnancy, occurring with a usual frequency of 1 in 500–2000 pregnancies, which amounts
to 25% of operative indications for non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy. Surgical treatment is indicated in most cases, as in nonpregnant
women. Laparoscopic procedures in the treatment of acute abdomen in pregnancy proved safe and accurate, and in selected groups of patients
are becoming the procedures of choice with a perspective for the widening of such indications with more frequent use and subsequent optimal
results. Despite these advances, laparotomy still remains the procedure of choice in complicated and uncertain cases.
# 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Acute abdomen; Pregnancy; Appendicitis; Cholecystitis; Pancreatitis; Bowel obstruction; Abdominal trauma
Introduction . . . . . .
Acute appendicitis . .
Acute cholecystitis . .
Hepatic rupture . . . .
Intestinal obstruction
Acute pancreatitis . .
Blunt trauma . . . . . .
Penetrating trauma . .
Conclusion . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . .
1. Introduction
The term ‘acute abdomen’ designates symptoms and signs
of intraperitoneal disease that is usually best treated by
* Correspondence to: Department of Surgery, Division of Abdominal
Surgery, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Kispaticeva 12, 10000 Zagreb,
Croatia. Tel.: +385 915252372; fax: +385 12421845.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (G. Augustin).
surgical operation. The incidence of acute abdomen during
pregnancy is 1 in 500–635 pregnancies [1,2]. Leading problems in the diagnosis of acute abdomen during pregnancy are:
(a) Expanding uterus, which dislocates other intra-abdominal organs and thus makes physical examination very
(b) high prevalence of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
pain in the normal obstetric population, and
0301-2115/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Augustin, M. Majerovic / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 131 (2007) 4–12
(c) general reluctance to operate unnecessarily on a gravid
Therefore, close cooperation between surgeon and
obstetrician is obligatory. The most common cause of the
acute abdomen in pregnancy is acute appendicitis, but
almost all causes of acute abdomen can manifest during
pregnancy. The objective of this review is to give an
overview of the most common causes of acute abdomen
during pregnancy with special attention to the diagnosis and
treatment of such cases.
2. Acute appendicitis
Appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdomen
during pregnancy, occurring with a usual frequency of 1 in
500–2000 pregnancies, which amounts to 25% of operative
indications for non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy [3–5].
This frequency can be explained by the fact that young
persons are more prone to acute appendicitis and pregnant
women are usually young. Pregnancy does not affect the
overall incidence of appendicitis. Appendicitis seems to
be more common in the second trimester, with 40% of
cases [6]. The difficulties in diagnosis of appendicitis in
pregnancy are:
(a) Blunting of signs and symptoms,
(b) changes in appendiceal location as pregnancy advances.
Baer et al. described migration of the appendix as a
progressive upward displacement after the third month,
reaching the level of the iliac crest at the end of the sixth
month. The appendix returns to its normal position by
postpartum day 10 [7]. A recent article by Hodjati and
Kazerooni did not show that pregnancy changes the location
of the appendix [8]. This discrepancy is probably due to the
different extents of cecal fixation.
The most reliable symptom is right lower quadrant pain
[4,5]. Rebound tenderness and guarding are not very specific
because of the distension of the abdominal wall muscles and
the interposition of the uterus between the appendix and the
anterior abdominal wall. This displacement of the cecum and
the appendix, when associated with retrocecal appendix, can
result in flank or back pain, which is often confused with a
urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis, especially late in the
pregnancy. Direct abdominal tenderness is observed most
commonly and is only rarely absent [4,6]. Rebound
tenderness is present in 55–75% of patients [4–6]. Abdominal
muscle rigidity is observed in 50–65% of patients [5]. Psoas
irritation (psoas sign) is observed less frequently during
pregnancy compared with nonpregnant states [9]. Anorexia
and vomiting, very common in the first trimester of pregnancy
are not specific and sensitive predictors. Leukocytosis ranging
from 10,000 in pregnancy to 20,000 during labor is not very
helpful either [10]. Only a granulocytosis (left shift) suggests
an infectious etiology such as appendicitis. A urine specimen
should be obtained to rule out pyelonephritis or renal calculus,
but pyuria can be present in appendicitis.
Graded compression ultrasound is the diagnostic imaging
procedure of choice with high sensitivity and specificity in
diagnosing appendicitis [11]. Accuracy is demonstrated in
the first and second trimesters, while third trimester accuracy
was lower because of technical difficulties. Lower sensitivity (28.5%) was present when perforated appendix was
found in contrast to nonperforating appendicitis (80.5%) or
an appendiceal mass (89%) [11]. Despite these results, other
authors presented studies with confirmed pathologic
diagnosis of acute appendicitis in 36–50%. In these studies,
accuracy of diagnosis is greater in the first trimester, and
lower in the second and third, when more than 40% of
patients who underwent appendectomy had a normal
appendix [3,12]. However, no maternal or fetal morbidity
was found to be associated with a normal appendix [12].
Fetal mortality depends on whether appendiceal perforation occurs. With perforation, the fetal loss rate may be as high
as 20–35% in contrast to 1.5% if no perforation has occurred
[2]. Preterm contractions caused by localized peritonitis are
common (83%). Overall, preterm labor and delivery are not
common (5–14%), but preterm delivery in the third trimester
can be up to 50% [2]. Tamir et al. reported a 66% incidence of
appendiceal perforation in patients when surgical delay
occurred for greater than 24 h, yet no case of perforation in
patients taken to surgery within 24 h of presentation [13].
Maternal mortality is uncommon in the first trimester, but
increases with advancing gestational age and is usually
associated with a delay in diagnosis and appendiceal
perforation. Overall, maternal mortality should be less than
1% when appendicitis is promptly diagnosed and treated.
Pregnancy should not deter a surgeon from removing an
appendix once the diagnosis is suspected because pregnancy
is not affected by removal of a normal appendix [14].
Incisions in open appendectomy (OA) during pregnancy
can be a muscle-splitting incision over the point of maximal
tenderness, a right pararectal or a midline vertical incision. If
laparoscopic surgery is to be performed during pregnancy,
open laparoscopy (Hasson technique) is recommended to
avoid trocar or Veress needle injury to the uterus. In the late
second trimester and beyond laparoscopy becomes technically difficult and a vertical midline incision is advisable.
Therapeutic recommendations in cases of acute appendicitis
with diffuse peritonitis are:
(a) Cefuroxime, ampicillin, metronidazole, and oxygen
(b) cesarean section because fetal loss is up to 20–36%,
(c) preoperative intubation and ventilation in cases of fetal
hypoxia and resuscitation in cases of hypovolemia, and
(d) copious irrigation and use of an intraperitoneal drain.
Without perforation cesarean section is not performed
and tocolytics are administered only for perceived or
G. Augustin, M. Majerovic / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 131 (2007) 4–12
documented contractions. Delays in diagnosis predispose to
more advanced disease with the increased risk for perforation and generalized peritonitis which contribute to
increased risk of further complications including premature
labor, abortion, and maternal mortality [4,5].
3. Acute cholecystitis
Acute cholecystitis is the second most common cause of
acute abdomen during pregnancy, occurring in 1 in 1600–
10,000 pregnancies [2]. Cholelithiasis is the cause of
cholecystitis in over 90% of cases. The incidence of
cholelithiasis in pregnant woman undergoing routine
obstetric ultrasound examinations is 3.5–10% [15]. The
progesterone-induced smooth muscle relaxation of the
gallbladder promotes stasis of bile and increases the risk
of cholelithiasis and subsequently of acute cholecystitis
[16]. Additionally, elevated levels of estrogen during
pregnancy increase the lithogenicity of bile, which further
increases the risk of cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis
[17]. Ultrasound findings of the gallbladder in pregnant
women show a decrease in the emptying rate and an increase
in residual volume after emptying. Two other possible
consequences of cholelithiasis, which are the same as in
nonpregnant woman, are choledocholithiasis and biliary
The symptomatology of acute cholecystitis is almost
identical in pregnant and nonpregnant women. Nausea,
vomiting, dyspepsia, intolerance of fatty foods, and an acute
onset of a colicky or stabbing pain that begins over the
midepigastrium or right upper abdominal quadrant and
radiates to the back are typical. Murphy’s sign is less
common in pregnant women with cholecystitis. Differential
diagnosis includes myocardial infarction, acute fatty liver in
pregnancy, HELLP syndrome (which is explained in Section
4), acute appendicitis, preeclampsia, acute hepatitis,
pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, and herpes zoster.
Serum levels of direct bilirubin and transaminases may be
elevated, as in nonpregnant women. Serum alkaline
phosphatase is less helpful in diagnosing acute cholecystitis
in pregnancy because estrogen causes elevation of serum
alkaline phosphatase (levels may double during pregnancy).
Serum amylase levels are elevated transiently in up to a third
of patients [18].
Ultrasound is the diagnostic procedure of choice in
pregnancy because of its non-invasiveness, speed, and
accuracy of approximately 95–98% for detecting gallstones
[19]. Acute cholecystitis can be diagnosed with high
reliability when classic findings are present: gallbladder
calculi, wall thickening (>3 mm), pericholecystic fluid, and
the sonographic Murphy’s sign (focal tenderness under the
ultrasound transducer positioned over the gallbladder) and
dilation of intra- and extrahepatic ducts in common bile duct
Owing to the high incidence of fetal loss, early studies
recommended medical management and delay in operation
until after parturition [18]. Recently, surgery as a primary
treatment has been used widely because of:
(a) Reduced use of medications,
(b) recurrence rate during pregnancy of 44–92%, depending
on the trimester of presentation,
(c) shorter hospital stay, which did not include hospital days
for subsequent cholecystectomy, and
(d) minimizing the development of potentially life-threatening complications such as perforation, sepsis, and
peritonitis, which are all indications for surgical
treatment [20].
In addition, non-operative management of symptomatic
cholelithiasis increases the risk of gallstone pancreatitis up
to 13% [21], which causes fetal loss in 10–20% of cases [22].
Non-operative management has also been associated with
higher incidences of spontaneous abortions, preterm labor,
and preterm delivery than among those undergoing
cholecystectomy [23]. Two surgical procedures are used:
laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy. In the third
trimester, premature onset of labor is a common complication of operative intervention. Pneumoperitoneum at 10–
12 mmHg, used in laparoscopic procedures in nonpregnant
women, can safely be used in pregnant women. The
recommendation is to perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the first, second, and early in the third trimester, if
indicated, because the procedure is safe for both the mother
and the fetus [21]. The open technique (Hasson technique) is
necessary for trocar insertion to minimize organ injuries.
Transvaginal ultrasound for fetal assessment is ideal during
laparoscopy. In general, maternal mortality is low and
complications are not significantly increased compared with
those operated on in an emergency (open or laparoscopic)
who are not pregnant. Both mother and fetus continue to be
managed safely by the monitoring of maternal end-tidal
carbon dioxide intraoperatively [24] and fetal heart rate
before and after surgery [23,25].
There is disagreement on the use of operative cholangiography in the pregnant patient. Current Society of American
Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgery (SAGES) recommendations are: if acute cholecystitis with symptomatic
choledocholithiasis is evident, then open cholecystectomy
with choledochotomy and extraction of the calculi is
performed. Cholangiography is then performed after the
childbirth if pregnancy at an advanced stage. Cholangiography in early-stage pregnancy should be performed after
the period of fetal organogenesis. Pelvic lead shielding is
used to protect the uterus during intraoperative cholangiography (IOC), which is indicated in pregnancy after the
period of fetal organogenesis [26]. IOC did not correlate
with preterm delivery or adverse fetal outcomes and is used
in more than 26% of laparoscopic cholecystectomies [25].
IOC is used less often in pregnant than in nonpregnant
G. Augustin, M. Majerovic / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 131 (2007) 4–12
women. For those patients with common bile duct stones,
flexible fiber optic choledochoscopy was done as part of
ductal stone clearance whose use eliminates the need for IOC.
The frequency of choledocholithiasis in pregnancy requiring
intervention has been reported to be as low as 1 per 1200
deliveries [27]. Complications of choledocholithiasis (acute
pancreatitis and cholangitis) can significantly increase
morbidity and mortality, with up to 15% maternal deaths
and 60% fetal loss in acute pancreatitis during pregnancy [27].
Another issue is the use of ERCP (endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography) procedures during pregnancy.
Radiation exposure using ERCP procedures during pregnancy are minimized by direct cannulation with a
sphincterotome and bile aspiration before using irradiation
exposure to verify the bile duct site of obstruction [28].
Videotapes have been used to capture fluoroscopic images,
thus obviating the need for additional radiation exposure.
ERCP without radiation avoids the need for maternal
protective lead shielding during the procedure. It also
eliminates the need for fluoroscopy. If needed, the use of
ultrasound guidance of catheters during sphincterotomy
obviates the need for fluoroscopy [29].
4. Hepatic rupture
Liver disease is rare in pregnancy. Diseases of the liver in
pregnancy can be divided into those that occur as a
consequence of pregnancy and those that occur simultaneously with pregnancy, but are not specifically related to
the pregnancy. The first category consists of a spectrum of
disease that occurs in association with pregnancy-related
hypertension: intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, acute
fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) and the HELLP syndrome
(associated with severe eclampsia and pre-eclampsia and
characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low
platelet levels).
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy is a rare disorder whose
onset occurs typically in the third trimester and is
characterized clinically by the nausea, vomiting, moderate
enzyme elevations, significant coagulopathy, hypofibrinogenemia, hypoglycemia, and hyperbilirubinemia [30].
Maternal and fetal mortality rates have been reported to
be as high as 80% in the past [31]. However, recent reports
have shown a decreasing trend in mortality rates, because of
increased awareness of the clinical entity and earlier
recognition of the disease [30]. Complications of AFLP
include acute renal failure, liver failure, acute respiratory
distress syndrome, hemorrhage because of disseminated
intravascular coagulopathy, and pancreatitis [30].
All pregnant women with above mentioned conditions
are at risk of spontaneous liver rupture, which is often
diagnosed late, carries a very high risk of mortality for both
the mother and the fetus if not identified early and treated
aggressively. Therapy for AFLP is directed toward delivery
and supportive care, with resolution observed in most cases.
Hepatic rupture is usually manifest late in the third
trimester. Patients complain of symptoms related to hypertension. There may be a history of nausea, vomiting or
epigastric discomfort. Laboratory tests show only elevated
liver transaminases. Mild jaundice and elevation of alkaline
phosphatase may be present. The coagulation profile is
abnormal and thrombocytopenia is present. If subcapsular
hematoma is present it is diagnosed by ultrasound. On the
other hand, hepatic rupture is characterized by the presence of
shock and this situation is a surgical emergency requiring
termination of the pregnancy and operative control of the
hemorrhage in order to prevent the death of the mother. Fetal
outcome is catastrophic even in term pregnancy [32].
In patients with a viable pregnancy, liver hematoma and
coagulopathy who are otherwise stable, conservative therapy
with bed rest, treatment of eclampsia, fetal monitoring, and
correction of the coagulopathy is initiated. Serial ultrasound
evaluations should be performed. Patients managed conservatively are in the minority, but have the best outcome.
Delivery is most commonly by cesarean section, which also
allows operative assessment of the extent of the liver
In patients with hepatic rupture urgent resuscitation is
followed by operation, during which it is necessary to
terminate the pregnancy regardless of the viability of the
fetus. Liver packing is the primary treatment for ruptured
liver hematoma and is associated with a better result than
surgical resection. Liver packing is also a temporary
measure in inexperienced hands when surgery is indicated,
until transportation to specialized centers where definitive
operation is undertaken.
Mortality rates range from 40 to 60% for both the mother
and the fetus [32]. This is due in part to the delayed diagnosis
with the mother in hemorrhagic shock, and to the fact that
the mother is critically ill with a metabolic imbalance and
5. Intestinal obstruction
Bowel obstruction is the third most common cause of
acute abdomen during pregnancy, occurring in 1 in 1500–
16,000 pregnancies [33]. Adhesions are found in 60–70% of
cases (previous abdominal surgery, pelvic surgery, or pelvic
inflammatory conditions) [34], followed by volvulus, which
occurs in approximately 25% of cases [35]. This differs from
the incidence of volvulus in nonpregnant patients, which is
3–5% [36]. The incidence of cecal volvulus is 25–44% of all
cases of mechanical obstruction [36], increases with the
duration of gestation and is the greatest at times of rapid
uterine size changes, especially from 16 to 20 weeks, when
the uterus becomes an intra-abdominal organ, from 32 to 36
weeks, as the fetus enters the pelvis, and in the puerperium,
when uterine size changes rapidly again. As the uterus
enlarges during pregnancy, it raises any redundant or
abnormally mobile cecum out of the pelvis, increasing the
G. Augustin, M. Majerovic / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 131 (2007) 4–12
incidence of the cecal rotation around a fixed point [37]. A
similar pathophysiologic process is found in obstructions
secondary to small bowel volvulus, which occurs most
commonly in the third trimester or puerperium [1,34]. Small
bowel volvulus occurring alone represents 9% of all cases of
intestinal obstruction during pregnancy [38]. Other causes,
such as intussusception (5%), hernia, cancer, and worsening
diverticulitis/diverticulosis, are rare [35,39]. The incidence
of bowel obstruction has increased over the years because of
an increase in the number of abdominal operations
performed that cause adhesions. Perdue et al. described
overall maternal mortality of 6%, fetal mortality of 26%, and
bowel strangulation requiring resection of 23% [34]. The
mortality rate of intestinal obstruction is much higher during
pregnancy than in the general population. There is dramatic
progression of fetal mortality as gestation continues. Most
commonly, obstruction occurs in the third trimester, when
maternal mortality can be as high as 10–20%.
The varied symptoms of pregnancy itself may be a source
of confusion leading to a delay in diagnosis and
subsequently to an increase in complications. The uterus,
cervix, and adnexa share the same visceral innervation as the
lower ileum, sigmoid colon, and rectum, and distinguishing
between pain of gynecologic and gastrointestinal origin is
often difficult [40]. Typical symptoms are as in nonpregnant
(a) Crampy abdominal pain: in the case of high obstruction
with intervals between attacks of 4–5 min and diffuse,
poorly localized upper abdominal pain, or in the case of
low obstruction with intervals of 15–20 min and low
abdominal or perineal pain,
(b) obstipation, and
(c) vomiting [34].
During the first 14–16 weeks of a normal intrauterine
gestation, approximately 50% of pregnant women complain
of nausea and 33% experience emesis [41]. Nausea and
vomiting usually resolve near the end of the first trimester. In
cases of severe, persistent vomiting, particularly if it begins
after this time period, excluding intestinal obstruction as a
cause is very important. Fever, leukocytosis, and electrolyte
abnormalities increase the likelihood of intestinal strangulation.
Plain abdominal films with the presence of air–fluid
levels or progressive bowel dilatation in serial films obtained
at 4–6 h intervals are diagnostic, as in nonpregnant women.
Perdue et al. found radiologic evidence of intestinal
obstruction in 82% of pregnant patients [34]. The diagnosis
of cecal volvulus can be made with abdominal plain X-ray
with 95% sensitivity. A characteristic coffee-bean deformity
may be seen directed toward the left upper quadrant.
Because the cecum is mobile, the dilated cecal loop may
actually appear anywhere in the abdomen [42]. Radiological
studies with the use of contrast media should be performed if
bowel obstruction is still suspected in the absence of typical
findings on plain abdominal films. The significant maternal
and fetal mortalities associated with obstruction outweigh
the potential risk of fetal radiation exposure [37].
Colonoscopy carries a high rate of diagnosis and
reduction in volvulus of the sigmoid colon (60–90%).
However, its rate of reduction in cecal volvulus is low.
Colonoscopy has been employed to confirm or exclude the
diagnosis of colonic volvulus, to detect the danger signs of
mucosal ischemia and to avoid the need for emergency
surgery by reducing the volvulus in cases in which ischemia
is not present. Because of a >50% recurrence, delayed
surgery after delivery is mandatory in all cases [43]. During
pregnancy, surgery is safest before the third trimester. The
finding of bloody intestinal contents or cyanotic mucosa
suggests the need for termination of the colonoscopic
procedure and prompt laparotomy [43]. The mortality rate
has been reported to be 33% when gangrenous bowel is
present. The presence of gangrenous bowel makes
immediate resection mandatory [42].
The therapeutic algorithm is the same for pregnant and
nonpregnant women. Conservative therapy is indicated first
with fluid and electrolyte replacement, nasogastric suction
for bowel decompression and enemas. Fetal monitoring and
maternal oxygen saturation levels need to be closely
Unsuccessful medical treatment or fever, tachycardia and
progressive leukocytosis, in association with abdominal pain
and tenderness warrant early surgical exploration. A midline
vertical incision is recommended. If necrotic bowel is
identified, segmental resection is indicated. Intravenous
resuscitation of fluid and electrolytes is continued for at least
5 days. The surgical techniques described for cecal volvulus
are cecostomy, cecopexy, resection with ileostomy, and
resection with primary anastomosis [36]. Laparoscopic
cecopexy for primary intermittent cecal volvulus may be an
alternative to laparotomy in selected cases, but is not
indicated in the emergency situation [44]. The cecopexy
technique has low complication rates and recurrence rates of
0–8% [45]. However, resection is usually favored for all
cases of cecal volvulus in which cecopexy is technically
difficult. Surgical resection eliminates the possibility of
recurrence, usually resulting in low morbidity and mortality,
and is always indicated if bowel necrosis is evident [46].
Fetal death rates following maternal intestinal obstruction
are between 20 and 26% [39]. Maternal mortality can range
from 6 to 20% [1,39].
6. Acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis occurs in 1 in 1000–3000 pregnancies,
usually late in the third trimester or in the early postpartum
period [47]. One hypothesis to explain the frequent
occurrence of acute pancreatitis in the third trimester of
pregnancy is increased intra-abdominal pressure on the biliary
ducts. Cholelithiasis is the most common cause and accounts
G. Augustin, M. Majerovic / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 131 (2007) 4–12
for 67–100% of cases, followed by alcohol abuse [47]. Other
causes are abdominal surgery, blunt abdominal trauma,
infections (viral, bacterial, parasitic), penetrating duodenal
ulcer, connective tissue diseases, and hyperparathyroidism.
Hyperlipidemic pancreatitis accounts for 4–6% of acute
pancreatitis during pregnancy [48]. It usually occurs in the
second and the third trimesters of primipara women who have
hyperlipoproteinemia. This condition has been reported to
lead to a high rate of fetal mortality (up to 37%), primarily due
to premature birth [49]. Most cases of hyperlipidemic
pancreatitis in pregnancy are associated with either type I
or V familial hyperlipoproteinemia [49]. Pregnancy is
normally associated with hyperlipoproteinemia, and may
be associated with an increase of as much as 2.5-fold in very
low-density lipoprotein triglycerides over pre-gestational
levels in the middle of the third trimester [50]. An increase in
cholesterol of 25–50% occurs primarily as a result of higher
blood levels of estrogen [51]. The level of triglycerides
required to induce acute pancreatitis is between 750 and
1000 mg/dl [52]. The total serum triglyceride level during
pregnancy is usually less than 300 mg/dl. Acute pancreatitis
associated with preeclampsia/eclampsia is rare [53]. Preeclampsia is associated with microvascular abnormalities that
may involve cerebral, placental, hepatic, renal, and splanchnic
circulation, and thus can cause acute pancreatitis. Another
predisposing factor for the development of acute pancreatitis
is AFLP, but this pathology is rare (see Section 4). An
important observation is that pancreatic abnormalities
typically appear after hepatic and renal dysfunction and that
laboratory evidence of renal dysfunction peaked after the
worst hepatic enzyme abnormalities for most patients. It is
also important to bear in mind this entity because maternal
mortality of this pathology is as high 17% and fetal mortality
reaches 25% [54].
Typical symptoms are as in nonpregnant women and
include sudden and severe epigastric pain radiating to the
back, postprandial nausea and vomiting, and fever. The patient
is often found lying in the fetal position with flexed knees, hips,
and trunk. Bowel sounds are usually hypoactive, secondary to
paralytic ileus, and the abdomen is diffusely tender.
Differential diagnosis includes all pathologic conditions in
the differential diagnosis of acute cholecystitis (see Section 3).
Laboratory investigations are the same as in nonpregnant
women. In their study, which included a matched control
group, Karsenti et al. confirmed that the values of serum
amylase activity are similar in pregnant and nonpregnant
women. The same group also concluded that serum lipase
activity was significantly lower during the first trimester of
pregnancy compared with nonpregnant women and compared
with those in the third trimester. Serum lipase activity was not
statistically different between pregnant and nonpregnant
women during the second and third trimesters. Their conclusion is that an increase in serum amylase and lipase activities
during pregnancy should be taken into account, as in
nonpregnant women, and that lipase levels are a better
predictor of acute pancreatitis that amylase levels [55].
Several conditions may result in the elevation of serum
amylase and lipase levels, which include cholecystitis, bowel
obstruction, hepatic trauma, perforative duodenal ulcer.
Therefore, diagnostic recommendations are: serial measurements of serum amylase and lipase levels, and the calculation
of an amylase to creatinine clearance ratio. This ratio, which is
generally low in pregnant woman, was found to be elevated in
pregnant women with pancreatitis. A ratio greater than 5%
suggests acute pancreatitis [56]. Acute pancreatitis is associated with pulmonary findings in 10% of patients, but the
cause is unknown. Pulmonary signs often include hypoxemia,
which can lead to full-blown adult respiratory distress
syndrome. A pulse oximeter reading should be obtained. The
severe hypoalbuminemia – out of proportion to the degree of
proteinuria, hypocalcemia, and generalized anasarca – should
raise the suspicion of some inflammatory condition that can
result in the capillary leak syndrome, including acute
pancreatitis [57]. Ultrasound is useful for ruling out
cholelithiasis, pancreatic pseudocysts, and abscesses. Still,
there are no guidelines for the use of CT in complicated and
doubtful cases. Ranson developed criteria for the classification of severity of acute pancreatitis based on nonpregnant
persons. These criteria are often used as a guide when treating
gravid women with pancreatitis to judge the severity and
recovery progress in pregnant women [58].
Medical management is the same as in pancreatitis in
nonpregnant women and consists of bowel rest, fluid/
electrolyte resuscitation, and the use of analgesics and
antispasmodics. Bowel rest is achieved by the use of
nasogastric suction, intravenous fluids are used for correction of fluid/electrolyte abnormalities, and pethidine
(merperidine) or tramadol are used for pain relief instead
of morphine, because these two analgesics do not produce
spasms of the sphincter of Oddi [59]. If fever persists and
sepsis occurs or is suspected, broad-spectrum antibiotics
should be started. Because acute pancreatitis in pregnancy is
a critical condition it is best managed in an intensive care
unit. Most patients will respond to medical management
within a few days. Clear liquid diet can be started on day 4 or
5. The management of gestational hypertriglyceridemic
pancreatitis lies in the correction of lipoprotein metabolism
disturbances. Dietary fat restriction, lipid-free parenteral
nutrition or lipoprotein apheresis and plasmapheresis have
all been used to achieve this [60]. Antihypertriglyceridemic
drugs, such as fibric acid derivatives, should not be
considered, due to the possibility of teratogenic effects.
ERCP and endoscopic sphincterotomy are techniques
used to treat gallstone-related pancreatitis (see Section 3)
[28]. Increased serum amylase levels are often elevated
transiently following this procedure.
Surgical management is reserved in cases refractory to
medical management. Unified data for maternal mortality are
lacking. The relapse rate for gallstone-related pancreatitis is
higher than for other causes: up to 70% with conservative
treatment can only be associated with a significant fetal loss
rate of between 10 and 20% [22].
G. Augustin, M. Majerovic / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 131 (2007) 4–12
7. Blunt trauma
Trauma affects 6–7% of pregnancies in the USA and is
the leading cause of non-obstetric maternal death, with 0.3%
of pregnant women reported to require hospital admission
because of trauma [61]. The most common causes of blunt
trauma are motor vehicle accidents followed by physical
abuse and accidental falls [61,62]. The frequency of sexual
abuse or rape as a cause of blunt trauma in pregnancy
decreases as pregnancy progresses. Physical violence occurs
in as many as 10% of pregnant women [63].
Pathophysiology is dependent on anatomical alteration
of intra-abdominal organs. Pressure transmission to the
uterus causes placental abruption and uterine rupture, which
are primary causes of fetal death in motor vehicle accidents.
Up to 40% of severe blunt trauma is associated with
placental abruption. The propensity toward uterine rupture
increases with advancing gestational age and the severity of
the direct traumatic abdominal force of injury. Direct fetal
injury from blunt trauma most commonly involves damage
to the fetal skull and brain when pelvic fracture occurs in
association with cephalic presentation of the fetus. In motor
vehicle accidents, the most common cause of fetal death is
maternal death [64]. The same study reported a reduction in
the maternal death rate from 33 to 5% with the use of twopoint restraint. The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration does not consider pregnancy as an indication for the deactivation of air bags. Direct fetal injuries and
fractures complicate less than 1% of cases of severe blunt
abdominal trauma in pregnant women. The rate of fetal
mortality after maternal blunt trauma is 3.4–38.0% [61,65],
mostly from placental abruption, maternal shock, and
maternal death.
The mean Injury Severity Score (ISS) was lower in
pregnancies resulting in fetal survival compared with the ISS
in pregnancies resulting in fetal death. The optimal cut-off
point for predicting fetal death was ISS 4 [65,66]. The ISS
did not perform well in discriminating between injured
pregnant women with and without placental abruption [66].
This means that relatively minor injuries were associated
with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Of the other scoring
systems only the Glasgow Coma Scale [65] and arterial
blood pH [67] have been good predictors of fetal death. A
more comprehensive injury assessment tool for the pregnant
trauma population, including fetal heart rate monitoring and
obstetric ultrasound as well as injury severity scoring and
maternal arterial blood acid–base status measurements,
would likely improve the predictive accuracy of adverse
outcomes among pregnant trauma patients [66].
Rapid maternal respiratory support is critical; anoxia
occurs more quickly in advanced pregnancy because of the
changes that occur in respiratory physiology during
pregnancy [68]. Evaluation of the fetus should begin only
after the mother has been stabilized. Supplementary oxygen
and intravenous fluids are administered initially, and are
continued until hypovolemia, hypoxia, and fetal distress
resolve. These measures maximize uterine perfusion and
oxygenation for the fetus [69].
A topic for discussion is female trauma patients evaluated
in the emergency department with altered mental status or
unable to convey to the health care providers their pregnancy
status, and women who are unaware of their pregnancy at the
time the traumatic injuries are sustained. This is termed
incidental pregnancy. New or real incidental pregnancy
includes only women with normal mental status who are
unaware of their pregnancy. One of the biggest studies on
this topic concluded that many centers have eliminated the
use of rapid urine pregnancy testing because of quality
control issues. Although the serum b-HCG test is the gold
standard, it may take hours. Most urine pregnancy kits may
reveal positive results 3 or 4 days post-implantation, with a
98% sensitivity by 7 days [70]. The incidence of incidental
pregnancy was 11.4% and the overall fetal mortality for all
incidental pregnancies was 77%, but the mortality rate was
100% in the newly diagnosed incidental pregnancy group.
Three of the nine fetal deaths were the result of an elective
abortion and the remainder were the result of spontaneous
abortion. The reason for elective pregnancy termination was
fear of an abnormal fetus resulting from the combination of
the injury and the radiation exposure they received. Each of
these patients had received proper counseling on the effects
of prenatal radiation exposure.
8. Penetrating trauma
The most common causes of penetrating trauma are
gunshot and stab wounds, and unlike blunt trauma these are
rarely associated with maternal mortality, but with perinatal
mortality of 47–71%. Fetal injury is documented in 59–89%.
After the first trimester, the expanding uterus plays a
‘‘protective’’ role for other abdominal organs. The maternal
death rate from gunshot wounds to the abdomen is
significantly lower than in nonpregnant women (3.9% versus
12.5%). The death rate from abdominal stab wounds is also
Algorithms for the assessment of maternal status are the
same in pregnant as in nonpregnant women, following the
ABCs of basic and advanced trauma life support. The
additional assessment in pregnant women includes fetal
status. Cardiotocography is a much better diagnostic
procedure than ultrasound for assessing the risk of suspected
placental abruption due to trauma. Lateral displacement of
the uterus is an important initial measure in pregnancies of
longer than 24 weeks’ gestation. Pressor/inotropes may
reduce uteroplacental blood flow; however, in the critically
ill gravida, their use may be necessary to save the mother’s
life [69].
The recommendation is that fetal doses below 100 mGy
should not be considered a reason for terminating a
pregnancy [71]. Ultrasound is used for the assessment of
fetal gestational age, fetal heart activity, fetal activity,
G. Augustin, M. Majerovic / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 131 (2007) 4–12
amniotic fluid volume, and maternal intraperitoneal fluid if
suspected. The presence of uterine contractions should raise
the suspicion of placental abruption. If there is no evidence
of uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding, uterine tenderness
or ruptured amniotic membranes, and maternal status is
stable, fetal monitoring can be discontinued after 4 h if the
fetal heart rate is normal [62].
Traditionally, the presence of a penetrating abdominal
injury during pregnancy necessitates surgical exploration.
Laparotomy for maternal indications is not an indication for
cesarean section. A cesarean section should be performed
for fetal distress, direct perforating uterine injury or for
maternal indications if abdominal exploration and surgical
intervention cannot be carried out because of a gravid uterus.
A special problem in trauma with hemorrhage is Rh
immunization. Direct blood contact between mother and
fetus is assessed with the Kleihauer–Betke test (acid elution
for fetal hemoglobin), which allows accurate determination
of the amount of Rh immunoglobulin to administer to Rhnegative women. One ampoule of 300 mg D-immunoglobulin protects against hemorrhage of less than 30 ml. The
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends administering D-immunoglobulin to all sensitized Dnegative pregnant patients evaluated for abdominal trauma
[72]. Perimortem cesarean section should be considered in
the trauma patient who is unresponsive to cardiopulmonary
resuscitation. Results show that 75% of surviving infants
delivered within 5 min of maternal death were neurologically intact [68]. The recommendation is to perform 4 min of
resuscitation and if the patient has not responded, to perform
emergency abdominal delivery. This rule is called the ‘‘5minute rule’’.
9. Conclusion
Advances in technology used in clinical medicine make
precise diagnosis of the acute abdomen in pregnant women
earlier and more accurately. Abdominal ultrasound is the
procedure of choice in many situations because of its noninvasiveness, speed, and accuracy. Also, therapeutic
advances, especially using laparoscopic and endoscopic
procedures, open new possibilities for treating acute
abdominal conditions during pregnancy. Several series have
now been published documenting the use of laparoscopy in
pregnant women with an acute abdomen in over 500 cases, yet
long-term follow-up data are scarce. Ultrasound and
laparoscopy (and other modalities too) significantly influenced diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms, but unified
international recommendations have not yet been established.
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