Recent papers in Acustics
Los aspectos básicos de la acústica arquitectónica que deben tener en cuenta los proyectistas a la hora de diseñar algún espacio arquitectónico.
Consideraciones para un ambiente acústica-mente confortable
Consideraciones para un ambiente acústica-mente confortable
Dossier sobre Tango - Está disponible on line en la página de la Asociación Argentina de Musicología (
In the Southeast USA, major contributors to estuarine soundscapes are the courtship calls produced by fish species belonging to the family Sciaenidae. Long-term monitoring of sciaenid courtship sounds may be valuable in understanding... more
Este articulo propone la aplicacion de un modelo energetico, comprobado en iglesias espanolas, a un grupo diferente y mas amplio. Su simplicidad permite una prediccion rapida de cada uno de los parametros energeticos, cuando el... more
Didier Méhu (dir.), Mises en scène et mémoires de la consécration de l'Église dans l'Occident médiéval, Turnhout (Brepols) 2007, 400 p. (Collection d'études médiévales de Nice [CEM], 7), ISBN 978-2-503-51833-6, EUR 50,00. rezensiert... more
This book gathers the most recent studies on a subject which has only recently been approached by archaeology. Today, the current literature on the topic of shamanism is not current compared when with other subjects studied by... more
ABSTRACT: After a brief review of the literature available about eigenmodes, in this article we present a room dedicated to the practice of yoga, where the vocal activity occupies a privileged place, especially mantra chanting. After... more
Since 1999, a joint project called ECHOS has started to explore extremely shallow zones of the lagoon of Venice with the help of acoustic techniques. The main aim of ECHOS is to reconstruct the ancient lagoon environment and investigate... more