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      Achaemenid HistoryAchaemenid Army
This paper considers the emergence of various military guises in the tomb art of Western Anatolia as responses to the Persian Wars. It includes the convoy in the Tatarli Tomb, taken by others to be a funerary procession, as well other... more
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      Military HistoryIdentity (Culture)Identity politicsNationalism
First academic monograph on the subject (only in Russian), 304 Pp. Author's preface Introduction Chapter I. Scythed chariots in the Achaemenid and Hellenistic periods. 1. Antique sources on the origin of scythed chariots. 2. Modern... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaHellenistic warfareSeleucid ArmyAchaemenid Army
Thermopylae, situated in Greece, was a special place created by Nature, which played an important and incomparable role in the times of the history of the antique wars. The place formed a specifc ‘eye of the needle’ which impeded all... more
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      Ancient HistoryHellenistic HistoryCeltic HistoryRoman Army
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      Historical GeographyHistorical ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian Archaeology
Położone w Grecji Termopile stanowiły szczególny twór ukształtowany przez Naturę, który w dziejach wojen epoki antyku odegrał istotną i z niczym nieporównywalną rolę. Stanowiły one swoiste „ucho igielne” utrudniające wszelkiego rodzaju... more
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      Ancient HistoryHellenistic HistoryCeltic HistoryRoman Army
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      LogisticsRiversAlexander the GreatXenophon