Recent papers in Absurdism
This study focuses on the shared characteristics of Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot (original title En attendant Godot) and of Eugène Ionesco’s play The Bald Soprano (original title La Cantatrice chauve), which are significant... more
Like a newborn child, the magician wept In spite of his avowed disrespect for the magic skills of Mommy Fortuna, it seems he is deeply affected by her tragic death. Inverted, the word "child" is related to the keyword "old". 2 "No," she... more
Giuseppe Borgese contra Benedetto Croce-A respeito de uma contenda acerca do lugar de Vico na modernidade .
Piala di Atas Dangau, sebuah antologi cerpen remaja yang berasal dari pengarang remaja dari berbagai daerah di nusantara. Cerpen-cerpen ini memiliki keunikan dalam penyampaian permasalahan dengan menyinggung unsur-unsur lokalitas dari... more
[Artículo de revista] Pedro Naranjo Cobo y Alejandro G. J. Peña, «El absurdo de la condición humana en Sartre y Camus», Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, 80, núm. 308, 2024, pp. 337-350. RESUMEN: En este... more
Βάσω Κατράκη| Η γυναίκα που καθυπόταξε την πέτρα και χάραξε πάνω της τον μύθο του ελληνικού δράματος Η γυναίκα που ταξίδεψε το 1963 στην Κίνα του Μάο για να αποδείξει ότι είχε δίκιο. Μέλος μίας αποστολής Ελλήνων Κομμουνιστών, η χαράκτρια... more
Translation of the commentary in Annotated Last Unicorn. Annotations in pages 11_12 are translated.
Pada pertanyaan “Apa Tujuan Kita Menjalani Kehidupan Ini?”, subjek yang ditanya adalah Kita (yang Sedang Menjalani Kehidupan Ini). “Kita” di sini adalah siapa saja yang sedang Menjalani Kehidupan Ini. Artinya, pertanyaan tersebut... more
Ketika kita bertanya “Apa Tujuan Kehidupan Ini?”, itu artinya kita sedang menanyakan terkait apa yang dituju atau ingin dicapai oleh “Kehidupan Ini”. Subjek yang ditanya adalah “Kehidupan Ini”. Oleh karena itu, hanya “Kehidupan Ini” lah... more
Albert Camus's La Malentendu (or The Misunderstanding, or Cross-Purpose) foregrounds itself as a magnum opus in the theater of the absurd. Fashioned in the style of a Greek tragedy, it loosely plays with the themes of fate and destiny to... more
Kurt Vonnegut is an integral part of the postmodernist literary movement and a master of satire, gallows humor, and science fiction. The uniqueness of Vonnegut's works is that in addition to having excellent themes, the novels are... more
Cerpen merupakan karya prosa fiksi yang memiliki persoalan yang terfokus dan kompleks. Bentuknya yang pendek dibanding novel, membuat cerpen dapat dengan mudah untuk dipahami peserta didik. Pembelajaran moral dalam pendidikan selalu... more
The present essay intends to look through and into the play Cross Purpose (1943) by Albert Camus as an illustration of existential philosophy, looking at how the characters-Jan and Martha in particular-maneuver through the absurdity of... more
La exploración del absurdismo y el existencialismo revela una lucha intrínseca del ser humano por encontrar sentido y autenticidad en un mundo que, en su esencia, puede parecer vacío y desprovisto de significado. Este análisis invita a... more
Bu çalışma, kaynak dil İngilizce’den hedef dil Türkçe’ye çevrilen iki metin üzerinden çevirmenlerin bakış açısını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, Avustralyalı yazar Jessica Au’nun ilk baskısını Şubat 2024 tarihinde... more
This paper analyzes the act of 'thalaikoothal,' performed on ill and infirm older people in the southern part of the state of Tamil Nadu, India, with reference to two Tamil films, K.D. (2019) and Thalaikoothal (2023), which portray the... more
The essay analyses the potential for a negative hermeneutic in liturgical studies, taking as its basis Cyprian Krause's 'justification of the ritual in the face of the absurd'. It then examines consequent challenges for other theological... more
Matt Haig uses the conceit of a staging place between life and death to explore the what might have beens that have the potential to make our lives appear to be oceans of lost opportunity. Nora Seed had plenty of talent but had made... more
This paper aims to unmask the sharp vestiges of Absurdity as an offshoot of Existentialism both through the form and content of the play, for which, a skull-like room devoid of any sign of life and hope has been designed. As a matter of... more
Not only did Camus include in his philosophical essay The Myth of Sisyphus an appendix dealing with “Hope and Absurd in the Work of Franz Kafka”, but Kafka’s The Trial (1925) seems to have inspired him when writing The Outsider/The... more
This paper examines absurdist drama and absurd humor in the interest of br inging the following desiderata t o light: (a) their common feature: what does each have which, despite their marked differences, enables the same adjective to... more
Chaoticism is a philosophical doctrine that assumes life is governed by unpredictability and disorder. It does not rule out the fact that certain things occur at the right time, but generally speaking, life has no inherent meaning. This... more
The practice of theatre of the absurd is more present and popular with politicians in Africa than with playwrights. Particularly in Nigeria, the grotesque images and ridiculousness in the utterances of those saddled with the... more
This is a meeting point between philosophy, literature and rhetoric with the purpose of finding out whether life is worth living or not. The literary device known as oxymoron is brought into within the context of the absurdist theory and... more
Exploring how the character of Sisyphus can be seen as an allegorical representation of human condition in "Waiting for Godot". Discussing the parallels between Sisyphus's fate and the characters' predicament in Beckett's play.
Existentialism in Kafka’s Metamorphosis
La propuesta de la presente investigación considera que Revueltas eligió, como núcleo composicional de Los errores, el choque entre dos pulsiones: liberación y encierro, para dar cuenta de la lucha interna que se suscita en los personajes... more
The following chapter presents an ideology of working – ‘landscape fictions’ as ‘future realities’ – and an example of how this methodology was deployed in one recent design project. Both the methodology and the project are reflective of... more
Visual humor is one of the important tools used by designers and artists. Art historians and thinkers have mostly analyzed, commented on, and researched humor in literary fields, such as stories and novels. However, in the context of the... more
The intention to make parallels between L. Carroll and S.Beckett and proposes an intertextual approach to show how much Caroll`s work can be interpreted as a foreshadowing of postmodern discourse in modern drama with specific reference to... more
The intention to make parallels between L. Carroll and S.Beckett and proposes an intertextual approach to show how much Caroll`s work can be interpreted as a foreshadowing of postmodern discourse in modern drama with specific reference to... more
Theatre of the Absurd has been an important experiment in the history of theatre and of the collective canvas of literature. The forerunning plays of absurd theatre primarily focused on ‘man’ as an alienated and isolated being, having... more
Argumentative Essay examining a foundation of Camus’ the Myth of Sisyphus. Focusing on the exploration of selectively applied explanations of the myth. Raising comparative metaphor and its potential inconsistencies in motivation, ethics... more
Laporan Tugas Akhir ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana penulis bekerja sebagai sutradara di dalam sebuah film pendek Mie Kuning Abadi yang memiliki unseen character. Analisa yang didapat bahwa dalam menyutradari film pendek dengan menggunakan... more
Δεν θα υπήρχε καλύτερη επιλογή έργου από Τα πικρά δάκρυα της Πέτρα φον Καντ για να φέρει αντιμέτωπες περιόδους και καταστάσεις της ανθρώπινης υπόστασης. Το έργο αναπτύσσει μια ιστορία σχεδόν εξ ολοκλήρου μέσα στον ορίζοντα της ανατροπής... more
Writers who have undergone a psychic trauma during their childhood mirror those memories in their works. Those memories, as Freud says, are a site where the past is maintained, nourished and sometimes rewritten. Based on the theories of... more
The Old Man And The Sea, by Ernest Hemingway, went in printing in 1952, a year later was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. In 1954, Hemingway was given the Nobel Prize in Literature. After such a big success and a long and well... more
A brief observation on the notion of 'being a person' through a short review on Sartre’s "Being and Nothingess" (1943).
In this article, we recommend the drama of theatre of the absurd as a novel space for critically reflecting upon management and management education as shaped by the forces of emotion, irrationality and conformism rather than reason. We... more
This paper claims that Rushdie develops his protagonist Saleem as an unreliable anti-hero. In doing so, the novel borrows tools and techniques of Mock Heroism. The Restoration and Augustan authors John Dryden and Alexander Pope are... more
Historically, Canada was a country that most Germans associated with wild animals, an abundance o f nature, and Indians. Ever since Hessian mercenaries aided Great Britain during the American War o f Independence, there was an awareness o... more