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Recent papers in ACG
Only the book cover is provided. 兵法舞雪(彭卓鋒):《在二次元世界呼喚愛:日本ACG萌文化入門》,香港:天地圖書,2020。 一部深入而全面探討動漫、萌文化的作品,學術而不枯燥,萌爆了!... more
With 6-man Chess essentially solved, the available 6-man Endgame Tables (EGTs) have been scanned for zugzwang positions where, unusually, having the move is a disadvantage. Review statistics together with some highlights and positions are... more
determined the part of the state space ofthe Japanese Oshi-Zumo game in which pure strategies suffice to win. This paper completes the analysis by computing and discussing a Nash-optimal mixed strategy for this game.
Abstract Objectives: This exploratory study uses outpatient laboratory test results from electronic health records (EHRs) for patient risk assessment, and evaluates whether risk markers based on laboratory results improve the performance... more
Recently, Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) has advanced the field of computer Go substantially. In the game of Lines of Action (LOA), which has been dominated in the past by αβ, MCTS is making an inroad. In this paper we investigate how to... more
OBJECTIVES This exploratory study used outpatient laboratory test results from electronic health records (EHRs) for patient risk assessment and evaluated whether risk markers based on laboratory results improve the performance of... more
This paper describes the design and development of two world-class Lines of Action game-playing programs: YL, a three time Computer Olympiad gold-medal winner, and Mona, which has dominated international e-mail correspondence play. The... more
ProbCut is a selective-search enhancement to the standard alpha-beta algorithm for two-person games. ProbCut and its improved variant Multi-ProbCut (MPC) have been shown to be effective in Othello and Shogi, but there had not been any... more
This thesis provides an insight into understanding why women journalists failed to reflect on, and react to, their subordinate status in the content they produce, even as they have already become the majority in the newspaper industry in... more
determined the part of the state space ofthe Japanese Oshi-Zumo game in which pure strategies suffice to win. This paper completes the analysis by computing and discussing a Nash-optimal mixed strategy for this game.
Chess endgame databases, while of important theoretical interest, have yet to make a significant impact in tournament chess. In the game of checkers, how-ever, endgame databases have played a pivotal role in the success of our World... more
Complete tablebases, indicating best moves for every position, exist for chess endgames. There is no doubt that tablebases contain a wealth of knowledge, however, mining for this knowledge, manually or automatically, proved as extremely... more