The Voting Power Approach: A Theory of Measurement
A Response to Max Albert
Christian List
Australian National University and London School of Economics1
Abstract. Max Albert (2003) has recently argued that the theory of power indices “should not ... be considered as
part of political science” and that “[v]iewed as a scientific theory, it is a branch of probability theory and can safely
be ignored by political scientists”. Albert’s argument rests on a particular claim concerning the theoretical status of
power indices, namely that the theory of power indices is not a positive theory, i.e. not one that has falsifiable
implications. I re-examine the theoretical status of power indices and argue that it would be unwise for political
scientists to ignore such indices. Although I agree with Albert that the theory of power indices is not a positive
theory, I suggest that it is a theory of measurement that can usefully supplement other positive and normative socialscientific theories.
1. Introduction
Power indices have received increasing attention in political science, especially in the field of
European Union politics. They are frequently used for investigating, first, the present distribution
of voting power among EU member states in the Council of Ministers and the European
Parliament, and, second, the effect of proposed institutional changes or EU enlargement on that
distribution (e.g. Felsenthal and Machover 1997; Nurmi 1997, 2000; Nurmi and Meskanen 1999;
Dowding 2000; Aleskerov et al. 2002). In a recent article, however, Max Albert (2003) argues
that the theory of power indices “should not ... be considered as part of political science” (p. 1),
and further that “[v]iewed as a scientific theory, it ... can safely be ignored by political scientists”
(p. 1). His argument rests on a particular diagnosis of the theoretical status of power indices. The
theory of power indices, Albert argues, is not a positive theory, i.e. not one that has falsifiable
implications. Rather, he suggests, depending on the interpretation, the theory is either an
empirically vacuous branch of probability theory or an unconvincing branch of political
philosophy. In either case, the theory “has no factual content and can therefore not be used for
purposes of prediction or explanation” (p. 1).
I seek to re-examine the theoretical status of power indices and to explain why, in my view, it
would be unwise for political scientists to ignore such indices. I agree with Albert on what the
theory of power indices is not. It is not, by itself, a positive theory. But I disagree with him on
what it is. I suggest that, in terms of its theoretical status, the theory of power indices is similar to
the theory of inequality indices. The theory of inequality indices is not, by itself, a free-standing
theory. Rather, it is a theory of measurement that supplements other social-scientific theories. An
inequality index is a statistical measure for summarizing certain properties of a given income (or
other) distribution across a population. Inequality indices can thus supplement any theory that
refers to such distributions, whether that theory is positive or normative. Analogously, the theory
of power indices is a theory of measurement that supplements other social-scientific theories. A
power index is a statistical measure for summarizing certain properties of a given voting game, as
defined below. Power indices can thus supplement any theory that refers to such voting games,
particularly cooperative game theory and its applications to modelling political institutions.
I thank Simon Hix for his invitation to write this response, and Robert Goodin for his helpful suggestions. Address
for correspondence: (until 30 August 2003) C. List, SPT Program, RSSS, Australian National University, Canberra
ACT 0200, Australia; (from 1 September 2003) C. List, Department of Government, London School of Economics,
London WC2A 2AE, U.K.; E-mail:
[email protected].
2. Power indices as statistical measures on the set of voting games
The general definition clarifies that power indices are statistical measures on the set of voting
games (e.g. Laruelle and Valenciano 2001). A voting game is a pair <N, v>, where N = {1, 2, ...,
n} is a set of players and v a function mapping each subset of N (a coalition) to either 0 (nonwinning) or 1 (winning), such that:
v(∅) = 0 (the empty coalition is non-winning) and v(N) = 1 (the coalition of all
players is winning);2
there exists at least one subset S ⊆ N such that v(S) = 1 (there is at least one
winning coalition);
for all subsets S, T ⊆ N, S ⊆ T implies v(S) ≤ v(T) (a superset of a winning
coalition is also winning);
for all subsets S ⊆ N, v(S) + v(N\S) ≤ 1 (for any partition of the set of players into
two disjoint coalitions, at most one is winning).3
Each n-player voting game represents a particular voting procedure in an n-member electorate.
For example, simple majority voting or unanimity voting in a 100-member electorate each
correspond to a particular 100-player voting game. Let Vn denote the set of all logically possible
n-player voting games. Then Vn can be interpreted as the set of all logically possible (binary)
voting procedures in an n-member electorate.4
Now a power index is a function Φ (with domain Vn and co-domain Rn) that maps each n-player
voting game to a vector of real numbers, <p1, p2, ..., pn>, called a power profile. For each i, pi is
interpreted as the voting power of player i.
The Penrose-Banzhaf (PB) index and the Shapley-Shubik (SS) index, discussed by Albert, are
instances of such functions:
ΦPB(<N, v>) := <p1, p2, ..., pn>, where
for each i, pi :=
ΦSS(<N, v>) := <p1, p2, ..., pn>, where
for each i, pi :=
S⊆N : i∈S
S⊆N : i∈S
(For each S ⊆ N, s := |S|).
Each index can be interpreted in multiple ways. For the PB index, we say that player i is pivotal
for a particular coalition if i’s leaving that coalition turns it from a winning to a non-winning one.
The PB index for each i can then be interpreted as the proportion among all logically possible
The condition v(N) = 1 is not strictly necessary, as it is already implied by the conjunction of v(∅) = 0 and (ii), (iii),
(iv) below.
Technically, a voting game is a simple superadditive game.
Under this interpretation, conditions (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) are minimal consistency conditions on such voting
coalitions for which player i is pivotal. For the SS index, consider all (n!) logically possible
sequences in which the n players can join a coalition one-by-one. We say that player i is pivotal
for a particular sequence if i’s joining the coalition of all players preceding i in the sequence turns
that coalition from a non-winning to a winning one. The SS index for each i can then be
interpreted as the proportion among all logically possible such sequences for which player i is
pivotal. Other interpretations of the indices are possible, e.g. in terms of players’ probabilities of
being pivotal. But while such interpretations help our intuitive understanding of a given power
index, they are not definitions of the index. A more precise way to characterize a particular index
is to state a set of axioms – minimal conditions on summarizing voting power – such that the
given index is the unique function Φ satisfying these axioms (Laruelle and Valenciano 2001).
A power index is thus a statistical measure for summarizing each logically possible voting game
into a corresponding summary statistic, namely a power profile across players. As each possible
voting procedure in the Council of Ministers or the European Parliament (including relevant
weights) corresponds to a particular voting game, a power index can serve as a statistical measure
for summarizing certain procedural features of such voting procedures taken in isolation.
3. The analogy with inequality indices
To illustrate the usefulness of such statistical measures, consider the example of an inequality
index. An inequality index is a function that maps each logically possible income (or other)
distribution across a population into a single quantity: the level of inequality. Prominent such
indices are the Gini and Atkinson indices, but others have been discussed (Sen 1997). Just as a
power index summarizes each voting game into a single summary statistic (the power profile), an
inequality index summarizes each income (or other) distribution into a single summary statistic
(the level of inequality). Power indices and inequality indices summarize different items, and thus
the resulting summary statistics have different interpretations. But the theoretical status of both
kinds of indices is similar. They are both functions aggregating relatively complex items into less
complex summary statistics, and they can thus supplement any theory requiring such statistics.5
In the case of inequality indices, the resulting summary statistics are known to be useful from
normative and positive perspectives. Normatively, ranking alternative socio-economic policies in
an order of desirability may involve assessing the level of inequality under each policy, which
requires using an inequality index. Positively, the level of inequality, measured by the Gini index,
has been shown to be a predictor of several phenomena. For example, inequality of land
distribution correlates negatively with the stability of democracy (e.g. Russett 1968), and income
inequality correlates negatively with voting turnout (e.g. Goodin and Dryzek 1980).
In the case of power indices, the generated summary statistics may be relevant for normatively
evaluating alternative voting procedures (or voting weights) in a given context. While the
distribution of voting power is unlikely to be the only normatively relevant consideration here, it
is plausibly one of several such considerations (others being the avoidance of stalemate or the
consistency of voting outcomes). Most of the recent applications of power indices to EU politics
Indeed, power indices and inequality indices can even be usefully combined to obtain a summary measure of
inequality of voting power: using a power index we can assign to each voting game a corresponding power profile,
and using an inequality index we can then assign to each such power profile a corresponding summary statistic
capturing the level of inequality of voting power under the given voting game.
fall into this normative category. Power indices are used for evaluating alternative institutional
arrangements in the EU and the effects of potential changes, and sometimes for making
recommendations on how to equalize voting power across member states or across EU citizens.
The potential of using power indices in positive research, by contrast, has been largely unexplored so far. So Albert’s complaint that power indices are disconnected from positive research
is correct to the extent that we have not yet seen much evidence of their usefulness in positive
research. But there is no reason why power indices cannot in principle be used in such research
too. Like inequality, voting power might plausibly serve as a regressor in models of certain
empirical phenomena. For instance, it is conceivable (though still an untested hypothesis) that
voting power might affect decision outcomes: policies preferred by agents with greater voting
power might prevail more often than ones preferred by agents with less voting power. Similarly,
the distribution of voting power might conceivably affect the dynamic of decision processes and
perhaps the nature of deliberation in a collectivity: if there are significant inequalities in voting
power, certain agents might frequently be agenda-setters while others might be marginalized.
There are clearly avenues for positive research here. The results, to be sure, are open.
4. The informational poverty of power indices
Albert might grant that power and inequality indices are similar in that they are both statistical
measures for summarizing certain items. But he might argue that their difference lies in the fact
that inequality indices are useful such measures while power indices are not. Following the
claims in his paper, he might argue that inequality indices are useful because they capture certain
social-scientifically relevant properties of the items they summarize, whereas power indices are
not useful because they capture only very abstract, and social-scientifically detached properties of
the items in their domain: “the definition of voting power ... is disconnected from any positive
theory and, therefore, useless for purposes of political science” (Albert 2003, p. 13).
In particular, Albert criticizes the “assumption of simple random voting” underlying power
indices.6 In terms of the informal interpretation of the PB and SS indices offered above, Albert’s
point is a critique of the method of ‘brute counting’ across all logically possible coalitions (in the
PB case) or across all logically possible sequences (in the SS case), without considering any
potentially relevant facts on how likely each such coalition or sequence is to arise. For instance, if
a player’s voting power stems solely from his or her being pivotal for coalitions that are unlikely
to arise (e.g. ones between libertarian and Marxist players), then his or her alleged voting power
seems a vacuous quantity. In short, the PB and SS indices are informationally poor. By focusing
solely on the formal structure of the voting game and not on the players’ behaviour, they screen
out potentially relevant information.
This point is forceful, but we should be clear about what follows from it. First, the fact that
standard power indices are sensitive exclusively to the formal structure of a voting game may
sometimes be a virtue rather than a vice. For some normative purposes, certain behavioural facts
about the players, such as their preferences, might be deemed normatively irrelevant. Veil of
ignorance arguments are based on this view. Albert criticizes such arguments, but I think that the
best response here is to point out that there exist several influential normative theories that make
While some standard power indices can be interpreted in terms of random voting, note that this is an interpretation
and not part of their definition. Other non-probabilistic interpretations can be given (like the ones in section 2 above).
Thus these power indices are not strictly speaking based on an assumption of random voting.
use of veil of ignorance arguments – whether or not one endorses them (e.g. Rawls’s, Harsanyi’s
and Buchanan’s theories) – and such theories can thus employ power indices as methodological
tools. On the other hand, whether or not the informational restrictions of standard power indices
impair their usefulness in positive research remains to be seen.
Second, it is conceivable that, for at least some purposes (whether normative or positive), the
informational restrictions do pose significant limitations. We might be interested, for instance,
not in the proportion of logically possible coalitions or sequences for which a given player is
pivotal, but rather in the proportion of realistically feasible such coalitions or sequences. Once
we recognize this point, as Albert does, one response might be to pursue Albert’s route and to
abandon power indices for the purposes of political science. But there exists a more constructive
route: namely not to abandon, but rather to extend the theory of power indices. Nurmi (2000)
explains how this can be done. If we assume that not all logically possible coalitions, but only
some specific ones are likely to arise, we can easily accommodate this behavioural assumption in
the construction of a power index. In the definition of the PB and SS indices, we simply need to
replace summation over all logically possible coalitions S⊆N (such that i∈S) with summation
over all coalitions S∈C (such that i∈S), where C is the set of those coalitions that are assumed to
be feasible. As an illustration, Nurmi (2000, p. 368, Table 3) computes the modified SS index for
the Council of Ministers under the assumption that only 4 particular coalitions between member
states are feasible (e.g. Franco-German, Mediterranean, Benelux, Neutral-plus-Nordic). Nurmi
concludes that “… the criticism of the power index studies that is based on the equiprobability of
coalitions assumption misses the point in so far as various kinds of player groupings can be
modelled using the same apparatus”. Formally, all that such an extension requires is defining
power indices on a domain that is richer than the one traditionally used. Such a richer domain
might for instance be the Cartesian product of [the set of all logically possible n-player voting
games] and [the set of all logically possible sets C, as just defined].
Again the analogy with inequality indices is instructive. Standard methods of inequality
measurement are often criticized for their narrow focus on income. Just as power indices screen
out certain information, so inequality indices, applied to just one attribute such as income, screen
out potentially relevant information, for instance about each person’s capacity to convert income
into welfare. Someone with a medical condition might require more income to attain a particular
welfare level than someone without that condition, and therefore what superficially seems like an
equal distribution (in terms of income) might actually be an unequal one (in terms of welfare)
(for a famous discussion, see Sen 1980). But it would be unwise, as a consequence, to abandon
inequality indices for social-scientific purposes. Rather, a more promising route (and one pursued
by many welfare economists) is to extend the theory of inequality indices, and to construct
indices that are sensitive to a richer information set. For example, multi-attribute inequality
indices have been developed to meet this demand (e.g. Koshevoy and Mosler 1997; Tsui 1999).
So power indices and inequality indices can each be defined on informationally poor domains as
well as on informationally rich ones, depending only on the required social-scientific application
and on the amount of information that is available.
5. Conclusion
I have invoked the analogy with inequality indices to illustrate why Albert’s conclusion – that
political scientists can safely ignore power indices – does not follow from his diagnosis of the
theoretical status of these indices. The premises concerning theoretical status that Albert uses to
support his conclusion seem to be met equally by the theory of inequality indices, and yet (I
think) we would not conclude that social scientists can afford to ignore inequality indices. The
fact that something is not a free-standing (positive or normative) theory, but ‘merely’ a statistical
measure does not undermine its usefulness (for positive or normative purposes, respectively).
Something may be useful precisely because it is a statistical measure.
Just as inequality indices usefully supplement theories that refer to income (or other)
distributions, so power indices can play a potentially useful role in theories that refer to voting
games. There is no doubt that our methodological toolbox would be poorer without inequality
indices. Power indices are a more recent addition to that toolbox and have had less time to prove
their value. But throwing them out at this point seems premature.
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