The Journal of Neuroscience, August 29, 2007 • 27(35):9341–9353 • 9341
A Microcircuit Model of the Frontal Eye Fields
Jakob Heinzle, Klaus Hepp, and Kevan A. C. Martin
Institute of Neuroinformatics, University and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland
The cortical control of eye movements is highly sophisticated. Not only can eye movements be made to the most salient target in a visual
scene, but they can also be controlled by top-down rules as is required for visual search or reading. The cortical area called frontal eye
fields (FEF) has been shown to play a key role in the visual to oculomotor transformations in tasks requiring an eye movement pattern that
is not completely reactive, but follows a previously learned rule. The layered, local cortical circuit, which provides the anatomical
substrate for all cortical computation, has been studied extensively in primary sensory cortex. These studies led to the concept of a
“canonical circuit” for neocortex (Douglas et al., 1989; Douglas and Martin, 1991), which proposes that all areas of neocortex share a
common basic circuit. However, it has not ever been explored whether in principle the detailed canonical circuit derived from cat area 17
(Binzegger et al., 2004) could implement the quite different functions of prefrontal cortex. Here, we show that the canonical circuit can,
with a few modifications, model the primate FEF. The spike-based network of integrate-and-fire neurons was tested in tasks that were
used in electrophysiological experiments in behaving macaque monkeys. The dynamics of the model matched those of neurons observed
in the FEF, and the behavioral results matched those observed in psychophysical experiments. The close relationship between the model
and the cortical architecture allows a detailed comparison of the simulation results with physiological data and predicts details of the
anatomical circuit of the FEF.
Key words: cortex; frontal eye field; laminar architecture; microcircuit; model; saccades
The frontal eye field (FEF) of the monkey is a functionally well
studied area. Electrical stimulation (Ferrier, 1874; Robinson and
Fuchs, 1969; Bruce et al., 1985), recordings of neuronal activity
(Bizzi, 1967; Bruce and Goldberg, 1985), and lesion studies (Dias
et al., 1995; Dias and Segraves, 1999) demonstrate that the FEF is
one of the key areas for processing saccadic eye movements. Visual responses and saccade vectors are topographically represented in the FEF (Robinson and Fuchs, 1969; Bruce and Goldberg, 1985). Neurons in the FEF show responses related to visual
saliency and visual selection (Mohler et al., 1973; Bruce and
Goldberg, 1985; Schall et al., 1995b), motor preparation (Segraves and Park, 1993), attention (Moore and Fallah, 2004; Schall,
2004; Thompson et al., 2005a), working memory (Goldberg and
Bruce, 1990), and fixation (Hanes et al., 1998; Hasegawa et al.,
Although much is known about its physiology and its connections with other cortical areas (Huerta et al., 1987; Schall et al.,
1995a; Lynch and Tian, 2005) and subcortical structures (Huerta
et al., 1986; Parthasarathy et al., 1992), the local cortical circuit of
the FEF is not known. The major output of the FEF is to the
superior colliculus (SC) (Leichnetz et al., 1981) and to premotor
neurons in the reticular formation (Schnyder et al., 1985). CytoReceived March 5, 2007; revised June 7, 2007; accepted July 6, 2007.
This work was supported by Swiss National Science Foundation National Centres of Competence in Research
Neural Plasticity and Repair and by European Union Daisy Project Grant FP6-2005-015803. We thank E. Salinas for
sharing the code of his model (Salinas, 2003), parts of which were adapted for our simulations, and two anonymous
reviewers for their helpful remarks.
Correspondence should be addressed to Jakob Heinzle at his present address: Bernstein Center for Computational
Neuroscience, Philippstrasse 13/Haus 6, D-10115 Berlin, Germany. E-mail:
[email protected].
Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/07/279341-13$15.00/0
architectonic comparisons of prefrontal granular cortex (Stanton
et al., 1989; Petrides, 2005) and the connection patterns of single
neurons in early visual (Kisvarday et al., 1989) (for review, see
Douglas and Martin, 2004) and prefrontal (Kritzer and
Goldman-Rakic, 1995) cortex suggest that the structure of the
FEF might be similar to that of early visual areas.
Several models of the FEF have been proposed. An early study
modeled the complete visual to oculomotor transformation including area FEF (Dominey and Arbib, 1992). More recently,
three models specifically addressed the role of the FEF (Mitchell
and Zipser, 2003; Brown et al., 2004; Hamker, 2005). All these
models used rate coding rather than spiking neurons and took a
rather simplified view of the local cortical circuitry.
Here we present a model of the local circuit of area FEF that
follows the well described layered architecture of the neocortex
and obeys the principles of a “canonical circuit” whose feature is
its recurrent connections (Douglas et al., 1989; Douglas and Martin, 2004). We constructed a network of integrate-and-fire (IF)
neurons based on a quantitative study of the connection matrix
of cat area 17 (Binzegger et al., 2004) and tested whether it could
replicate the electrophysiological and behavioral findings reported for FEF. The FEF model simulated several classical paradigms such as visual saccades and delayed memory saccades and
also successfully performed a task that flexibly required either
saccades or antisaccades. Hence, the canonical circuit model derived from cat primary visual cortex successfully captured the
functionality of the primate FEF.
Materials and Methods
The local circuit model of the FEF presented here simulated the layered
structure of neocortex. The model will first be explained by its functional
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Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
architecture, and then the details of the IF neurons, synapses, and the pattern of connections
will be described.
Separation of functions between layers. The
control of saccadic eye movements requires
several computational steps: selection of a target, allocation of attention to the location of the
intended target, and the motor output that
drives the eye movements. The selection of the
next target could follow a particular rule, as in
an antisaccade task or in reading. In addition,
the oculomotor part of eye movement control
interacts with cognitive processes that recognize visual features and influence how long attention is needed at a specific position. Here, we
did not model such cognitive processes in detail
but condensed them in a cortical module called
REC (for recognition), which interacted with
the FEF. The FEF model circuit received two
external inputs. A retinotopic visual input,
which represented the input from earlier visual
areas, and a fixation input that was active when
a fixation stimulus was present.
Figure 1 sketches the layers of the FEF network and explains their role in the visual-tooculomotor transformation. Only the feedforward connections within the network are
shown. The arrows represent the general flow of
information, but were not necessarily the strongest connections in the circuit. Layer 4 neurons Figure 1. Left, Functional layout and distribution of computational properties on the layered structure of the FEF. The gray box
received a dorsal, feature-unspecific visual in- outlines the border of the FEF within the model. Layers within the FEF are arranged in a functional order, beginning with layer 4
put from early visual areas and selected the reti- that received the visual input. The feedforward connections, which represent the main flow of information, are shown by filled
notopic position of the strongest of those in- arrows. The population of fixation neurons (FIX) received a “fixation input.” The output of the network was only from layer 5. Layer
puts. They formed a visual saliency map, with 2/3 interacted with an REC module that provided a feature selective signal at the position that was currently being attended. The
prospective capabilities for rapid scanning, so input from these feature detectors to layer 6 provided FEF with a rule (RULE) signal. In addition, the recognition of a target allowed
that a new stimulus was acquired as soon as layer 2/3 to shift the attention to another salient target. Right, Layered retinotopic architecture of the FEF model. Visual space is
attention was successfully allocated. Layer 2/3 represented along the horizontal axis as indicated. Gray boxes are populations of excitatory neurons, and white boxes with black
neurons transformed the phasic signal of layer 4 borders represent inhibitory neurons. The size of the boxes corresponds to the number of neurons (e.g., in layer 2/3, the gray box
into an attentional signal at the position of the represents 100 excitatory neurons, and the white box represents 25 inhibitory neurons).
selected target and stored it until the time of the
saccade. They connected to the REC module
“default mode” in which the attentional signals in layer 6a were small and
and activated feature detection and recognition at the currently attended
did not influence the selection of targets in layer 4. If the attended target
retinotopic position. Hence, they signaled the focus of attention. The
had an antisaccade feature, the rule input targeted all retinotopic posiREC module in response sent a signal back to layer 2/3 of the FEF when a
tions in layer 6a. This global input allowed layer 6a to be activated by the
target was “recognized.” “Recognition” in this context meant that the
layer 2/3 input and hence achieve the remapping required for an antisacattentional focus could be withdrawn from the current position, either
cade response. In no-go trials, the rule input specifically targeted the
because the target was indeed fully recognized or because no future refoveal population of layer 6a. The top-down saliency depended on the
ward could be expected from that particular position in space. In addilocation currently attended (through layer 6a as in antisaccade trials), but
tion, layer 2/3 neurons drove the motor neurons in layer 5. (Neurons
was also influenced by the last saccade (through layer 6s), which induced
whose firing was tightly coupled to the motor response will be called
an inhibition-of-return (IR).
“motor neurons,” but also correspond to “movement” or “premotor”
Neurons and synapses. The basic elements of the FEF model, IF neuneurons in the literature.) Therefore, layer 2/3 could be interpreted as
rons, and synapses, were defined similarly to those of Salinas (2003). (In
both generating an attentional signal and a motor plan.
our common effort for transparency and reproducibility of computer
Layer 5 consisted of two functional types of neurons: “buildup” motor
simulations, our complete code is available at⬃jakob/
neurons (L5r), which showed ramping activity, and “burst” motor neucode/ The membrane dynamics of the IF neurons were
rons (L5b), which signaled the motor output to the SC and the braingiven by
stem. A population of fixation neurons inhibited the ramping activity in
dV 共 t 兲
layer 5. Layer 6 also had two functional types of neurons: one type (L6a)
⫽ ⫺ V 共 t 兲 ⫹ g e 共 t 兲共 V 共 t 兲 ⫺ V e 兲 ⫹ g i 共 t 兲共 V 共 t 兲 ⫺ V i 兲 .
was driven by layer 2/3 and therefore related to attention, the other (L6s)
was excited by the saccadic activity from layer 5b. Neurons in layer 6
The membrane time constant m and the excitatory Ve and inhibitory Vi
projected back to layer 4 and biased the visual selection, or, under some
reversal potentials are summarized in Table 1.
conditions, they excited layer 4 in the absence of a visual input. They
The conductances ge and gi consisted of two parts. First, synapses
provided a “top-down saliency” signal that influenced the visual selecwithin the FEF were modeled as decaying exponential conductances:
tion and could even induce a “quasi-visual” signal in layer 4, generated
internally and looking like the response to a real visual input (Barash,
dg e,i
⫽ ⫺ g e,i .
The attention related top-down saliency was selected by a “rule input”
from the REC module to layer 6a. In prosaccades and during scanning,
Each spike instantaneously increased the conductance of the correlayer 6a did not receive a rule input, in which case the FEF ran in its
sponding synapse by a fixed weight ge,i 3 ge,i ⫹ we,i. Weights and time
Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
J. Neurosci., August 29, 2007 • 27(35):9341–9353 • 9343
Table 1. Single-neuron parameters
Excitatory neurons
Inhibitory neurons
20 ms
74 mV
⫺10 mV
20 mV
10 mV
1.8 ms
25 nS
10 ms
74 mV
⫺10 mV
20 mV
10 mV
1.2 ms
20 nS
Table 2. Mean values of fluctuating external inputs
Neuronal population
Layer 4 exc and layer 2/3 exc
Layer 4 inh and layer 2/3 inh
Layer 5r exc
Layer 5r inh
Layer 5b exc
Layer 5b inh
Layer 6a exc
Layer 6s exc
Fixation neurons
Visual input to layer 4
Fixation input
W nm,pq
exc, Excitatory; inh, inhibitory.
constants differed between connections and will be described in a separate paragraph (see Table 3).
Second, the external inputs to each neuron were modeled as fluctuating conductances gext(t) (Salinas, 2003) and added to the internal conductances:
saccades comparable with primate behavior. This manual tuning required the insertion of some additional connections.
The retinotopic structure of the network is indicated in Figure 1. Each
layer of the FEF circuit contained several populations of IF neurons
located at 21 different retinotopic positions along the horizontal axis.
Each retinotopic position in layer 4 and in layer 2/3 contained a population of 100 excitatory and one of 25 inhibitory neurons. In layer 5, populations of 40 excitatory and 25 inhibitory ramping neurons (layer 5r)
and the same numbers of bursting neurons (layer 5b) were inserted. The
number of excitatory neurons per population in layer 5 was reduced so as
not to exceed the total number of neurons in layers 2/3 and 4. However,
for stability reasons, the number of inhibitory neurons could not be
reduced by the same factor (for a discussion of the strength of inhibition
in infragranular layers, see Douglas et al., 1989).
Layer 6 consisted of excitatory populations of 50 attention-related (6a)
and 50 saccade-related (6s) neurons at each retinotopic position. Finally,
one population of 100 fixation neurons was included in the network. The
final ratio of excitatory versus inhibitory neurons within the model resulted to be 3.6:1 (7980:2200), which was close to the desired ratio 4:1.
Figure 2 shows the network with all its connections. Connections are
numbered according to Table 3, and the same numbers in brackets will be
used to refer to particular connections in the main text. (For example, [1]
is the excitatory connection within layer 4.) The connection between two
classes of cells, e.g., excitatory neurons and inhibitory neurons in layer
2/3, was described by
⫽ ⫺ 共 gext ⫺ e,i 兲 ⫹ 冑D共t兲.
The fluctuations of the external input were given by the diffusion constant
e,i w e,i
and a white Gaussian noise (t). e,i gave the mean conductance of the
external input. The external weights we ⫽ 0.02 and wi ⫽ 0.06 and the time
constant ext ⫽ 3 ms defined the size and the temporal correlation of the
input. Background inputs drove the neurons to spontaneous firing rates
of ⬍10 Hz. Only the fixation neurons had a spontaneous firing rate of
⬃40 Hz (Hanes et al., 1998). The values of all the external inputs are
given in Table 2.
The visual input to layer 4 was turned on 50 ms after presentation of
the stimulus on the screen, or after the last saccade, and was reduced in
intensity to 50% of the initial value 40 ms later until it was extinguished
or the next saccade was made. This temporal pattern approximated the
transient and sustained responses to visual stimulation. The spatial pattern of the visual input was given by the relative strength of the inputs at
each retinotopic position. When the population activity of bursting neurons in layer 5b crossed a threshold of 50 Hz, it initiated a saccade to the
corresponding retinotopic position, and the visual input was updated
The fixation input targeted the population of fixation neurons and was
turned off 50 ms after the offset of the fixation stimulus.
Network architecture. The detailed architecture of the FEF local circuit
model followed some general principles of cortical architecture. The relative proportion of excitatory and inhibitory neurons reflected the 4:1
ratio observed in cortex. As suggested by experimental data (Douglas et
al., 1989; Kritzer and Goldman-Rakic, 1995; Binzegger et al., 2004), the
recurrent connections dominated the feedforward connections. The network was then tuned to scan an array of targets and produce single
(the weight of the synapse from neuron m in the excitatory population q
of layer 2/3 to neuron n in the inhibitory population p of layer 2/3). The
individual synaptic weights were assigned as follows.
A population weight matrix
W pq
defined the average weight of the synapses between population q in layer 4
and population p in layer 2/3. Individual weights were randomly distributed
between 0.5 and 1.5 times this average weight. The connectivity between two
populations was made 50% by randomly setting half of the weights to zero
(Fig. 2, bottom). In the excitatory to inhibitory connections within layers 4
[2] and 2/3 [8], 75% of the weights were set to zero, resulting in 25% connectivity. This randomness in the connection between two populations ensured that the inputs to single neurons differed. The average weights and
time constants of all connections are listed in Table 3.
There were three major classes of connections: local, global, and special purpose. Local connections (Fig. 2, solid lines) were described by the
weight matrix
W pq
⫽ w AB ␦ pq ,
with ␦pq ⫽ 1 if p ⫽ q and 0 otherwise. The self-excitation within layer 4
[1] included a weak nearest neighbor interaction:
W pq
⫽ wE4E4 共␦pq ⫹ 0.05共␦p 共 q⫺1 兲 ⫹ ␦p 共 q⫹1 兲 兲兲.
The connection from layer 2/3 excited inhibitory neurons in layer 4
locally and included nearest neighbors [6]:
W pq
⫽ wI4E23 共␦pq ⫹ ␦p 共 q⫺1 兲 ⫹ ␦p 共 q⫹1 兲 兲.
Global connections (Fig. 2, dashed lines) targeted all retinotopic positions. These connections were fully described by their weight
W pq
⫽ w AB .
Finally, some connections were more specific than the local and global
ones described above. Such special-purpose connections (Fig. 2, dashdotted lines) were required for the remapping of visual activity in the
anti-saccade task or to provide an inhibition-of-return.
The connection from layer 6s neurons to inhibitory neurons in layer 4
[5] consisted of two components: a global fast component with weight
w I4E6s that reset the activity in layer 4 after each saccade and a slow
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Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
component ( ⫽ 50 ms) of excitation to inhibitory neurons that represented the position
mirrored at the vertical meridian:
W IR,pq
⫽ wIR
␦p 共 2z⫺q 兲 .
Here z is the position of the fovea relative to the
leftmost position represented in the network. In
the retinotopic coordinates of the model, this
mirrored position of a target corresponds to
where the current location of the fovea will be
after the saccade to the target. Hence, this connection introduced an inhibition-of-return in
the visual selection process of layer 4 attributable to an inhibition of activity at the retinotopic location of the last-foveated target.
The connection from layer 6a to layer 4 excitatory neurons [4] provided the antisaccade rule
in the network, i.e., the visual target opposite to
the currently attended location should be selected
next. The connection matrix was given by
W pq
⫽ wE4E6a␦p 共 2z⫺q 兲 .
Excitatory neurons in layer 5b globally excited
all populations of inhibitory neurons in layer
2/3 [11] except for the foveal one:
W pq
⫽ wI23E6a共1 ⫺ ␦zp 兲.
The feedback connection from excitatory neurons of layer 5b to excitatory neurons in layer
2/3 [12] targeted the foveal representation only:
W pq
⫽ wE23E5b␦zp
This connection reset the attentional activity in
layer 2/3 back to the fovea after each saccade.
Finally, the fixation neurons received excitatory input from the foveal representation in
layer 2/3 [24] and were inhibited by the inhibitory neurons in layer 5r [25]:
W qIFIX E23 ⫽ wIFIX E23 ␦qz and WqIFIXI5r ⫽ wIFIXI5r.
The fixation neurons prevented the buildup of
motor activity by inhibiting all retinotopic positions in layer 5r [17]:
W pE5r IFIX ⫽ wE5r IFIX.
To compare the connectivity of the FEF model
circuit to the connectivity matrix for cat visual
cortex in the study by Binzegger et al. (2004),
the strength of each connections was calculated
as the product of the average synaptic weight,
the synaptic time constant, and the number of
synapses in the connection:
s AB ⫽ w AB AB N AB .
This product provided a direct measure of the
strength of a connection. The values of the
strengths of all connections are listed in Table 3.
Only two connections ([5] and [11]) deviated
strongly from the connectivity pattern in cat
visual cortex. Both of them controlled the activity of the network after saccades.
Implementation of the recognition module and
mapping to rule. The recognition (REC) module
consisted of three arrays of feature detectors for
Figure 2. Layout of the FEF circuit. Top, Complete network architecture. Colored circles are full retinotopic representations
consisting of arrays of 21 populations of neurons. Colored rectangles are single populations, e.g., fixation neurons (red, excitatory;
blue, inhibitory). Layer 4 received a visual input from the dorsal stream, which is not feature specific. The fixation neurons received
a fixation input, and the motor output of the FEF was given by the bursting neurons in layer 5 of the FEF. The spatial pattern of the
connections is summarized into three groups: local connections (solid lines) connected only to populations at the same retinotopic
position, global connections (dashed lines) connected to all retinotopic positions, and the connections that could not be grouped
into one of the two above, which were called other connections (dash-dotted line). All connections are numbered according to
Table 3. External inputs and the connections to and from the REC module are shown in black. The REC module received a
feature-specific visual input, which represented the ventral processing stream. Layer 2/3 connected to the REC module [C1] and in
turn received input from it [C2]. Layer 6a of the FEF received the rule input directly from antisaccade [C3] and no-go [C4] feature
detectors in the REC module. A detailed description of the REC module and its interactions with the FEF is given in the supplemental
data (available at as supplemental material). Bottom left, Retinotopic arrangement of the connections in layer
2/3. A, Local self-excitation (only shown for 1 retinotopic position). B, Global excitation of all inhibitory populations (only shown
for 1 efferent excitatory population). C, Local inhibitory connections. Bottom, Illustration of the random selection of connections
for three sample inhibitory neurons connecting randomly to 50% of the excitatory neurons. The distribution of the weights is
indicated by the histogram on the right. The minimum, maximum, and mean of the uniform distribution are shown by the
horizontal dashed lines.
Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
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Table 3. Parameters of connections within the local circuit model
Fig. 2
WpqE4 E4
WpqI4 E4
WpqE4 I4
WpqE4 E6a
Wpq14 E6s
I4 E6s
I4 E23
WpqE23 E23
WpqI23 E23
WpqE23 I23
WpqE23 E4
WpqI23 E5b
WpqE23 E5b
WpqE5r E5r
WpqI5r E5r
WpqE5r E23
WpqE5r I5b
WpqE5b E5b
WpqI5b E5b
WpqE5b I5b
WpqE5b E5r
WpqE6a E23
WpqE6s E5b
L4 exc
L4 inh
L4 exc
L4 exc
L4 inh
L4 inh
L4 inh
L2/3 exc
L2/3 inh
L2/3 exc
L2/3 exc
L2/3 inh
L2/3 exc
L5r exc
L5r inh
L5r exc
L5r exc
L5r exc
L5b exc
L5b inh
L5b exc
L5b exc
L6a exc
L6s exc
Fix. inh
Fix. inh
L4 exc
L4 exc
L4 inh
L6a exc
L6s exc
L6s exc
L2/3 exc
L2/3 exc
L2/3 exc
L2/3 inh
L4 exc
L5b exc
L5b exc
L5r exc
L5r exc
L2/3 exc
L5b inh
Fix. inh
L5b exc
L5b exc
L5b inh
L5r exc
L2/3 exc
L5b exc
L2/3 exc
L5r inh
C1 (Attention)
C2 (Recognition)
C3 (Antisaccade Rule)
C4 (No-go Rule)
t = 0 ms Fixation off,
memory saccade
target on
t = 0 ms Target on
t = 200 ms Target off
t = 0 ms Fixation off,
target on
t = 600 ms Fixation
no-go task
t = 0 ms Fixation off,
target on
the three features (prosaccade, antisaccade, and no-go) and an array of
neurons expressing the recognition of the target. The feature detectors
received a feature specific visual input, which simulated the input from
the ventral processing pathways. Riesenhuber and Poggio (1999) provided a possible implementation of such feature detectors in a neural
network. FEF also received a feature-independent input from the dorsal
pathway. Figure 3A outlines the REC module and its connections to the
FEF. By a retinotopically specific release of inhibition, the attentional
activity in layer 2/3 directly selected the retinotopic position at which the
feature detectors should respond [C1]. All other retinotopic positions
were suppressed. Hence, the feature detectors responded with a firing
rate of ⬃70 Hz only if their preferred feature was at the attended location.
The feature detectors projected to layer 6a and directly provided the
rule input that depended on the feature of the visual input that was being
attended to currently. This occurred in the following way: prosaccade
features did not influence the FEF, but antisaccade feature detectors
excited all retinotopic positions in layer 6a [C3]. This excitation allowed
layer 2/3 of the FEF to drive neurons in layer 6a. By this means, the
remapping of the visual stimulus, as given by the connection from layer
6a to layer 4, was activated. It is important to note that the input from the
antisaccade feature detectors was not strong enough to drive layer 6a.
However, in conjunction with the global rule input, the attention specific
input from layer 2/3 was able to drive layer 6a neurons representing the
retinotopic position currently attended. This activation was then
remapped onto visual neurons in layer 4 through the direct connection
from layer 6a. The no-go feature detectors, conversely, excited only the
foveal population of layer 6a [C4] and induced a remapping of visual
activity to the fovea. This input was strong enough to directly elicit activity in layer 6a.
The actual recognition neurons were driven locally by the feature detectors. Prosaccade features drove recognition only at the fovea, whereas
antisaccade and no-go features were recognized at any retinotopic position. The recognition population was modeled similarly to layer 5 in the
FEF. A population of ramping neurons introduced a delay between the
onset of activity of the feature detectors and the burst of activity that
Visual Field
exc, Excitatory; inh, inhibitory; g, global connection; l, local connection; o, other connection. The column Fig. 2
indicates the number of the connection in Figure 2.
Constant visual input
Figure 3. Connections of the FEF with the REC module and saccade tasks. A, Feature detection and mapping to the rule. Visual input directly drove feature detectors in the REC module.
The attentional input from layer 2/3 of the FEF selected the retinotopic position at which the REC
module could respond. All retinotopic positions outside the focus of attention (not shown in the
figure) were suppressed. Antisaccade feature detectors directly excited all populations in layer
6a of the FEF. No-go feature detectors connected to the foveal position in layer 6a (central
population with black border). In addition, antisaccade and no-go feature detectors projected
to a recognition population. The recognition was modeled as a buildup of neuronal activity that
led to a burst of activity, similar to that of layer 5 of the FEF. The bursting recognition neurons
projected to inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3 at the same retinotopic position (white box). B,
Sequences of visual inputs for different tasks. Time always runs from top left to bottom right.
Crosses indicate fixation points. Dashed circles show the desired position of gaze for a correct
trial. In all tasks, time was aligned to the onset of the visual stimulus. The fixation point always
appeared before that point in time without any specific delay. In all single saccade tasks, the
visual input was shown for 200 ms. In the delayed memory saccade task, the fixation input was
turned off at t ⫽ 600 ms, whereas in all other tasks, it was turned off at time 0 ms. For the
scanning task, the network was presented an array of six targets with different stimulus intensities. It freely scanned the array for 60 s.
signaled the recognition of a target. The burst of recognition excited
inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3 and turned off the memory and attentionrelated activity in layer 2/3. Hence, the recognition signal corresponded
to the command to release attention. A detailed description of the REC
module and its connections to the FEF is given in the supplemental data
(available at as supplemental material).
Behavioral tests and simulations. The behavior of the network was
tested in different tasks (Fig. 3B). First, the behavior of the network was
9346 • J. Neurosci., August 29, 2007 • 27(35):9341–9353
Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
assessed for visual saccades and delayed memory saccades. In these tasks,
the network “fixated” on a point. A visual stimulus at a single retinotopic
position was turned on at time 0 ms and was kept on for 200 ms. Simultaneously the fixation input was turned off. The network immediately
made a saccade to the stimulus. In the delayed memory saccade task, the
fixation point was turned off 600 ms after stimulus presentation. The
stimulus was presented for 200 ms as in the visual saccade task.
Second, the network was tested with a task in which the network had to
select one of three responses (prosaccade, antisaccade, or no-go), depending on the nature of the target. The recognition of the target shape
and the corresponding rule input were given by the REC module. As an
additional demonstration of the remapping, the network was tested in a
delayed memory antisaccade task.
Third, we ran the network while freely scanning an array of six targets,
which differed in their intensity. The six targets had the relative strengths
0.9:1:0.8:1:0.9:0.8. In this last case, the task of the network was to freely
look around in the visual scene for 60 s. This paradigm, which illustrated
the effect of the inhibition-of-return, was simulated with five different
versions of the network.
All simulations were run in Matlab (MathWorks, Natick, MA) using a
first order Euler method with integration time steps of 0.1 ms. Test
simulations with a shorter time step of 0.01 ms did not reveal any significant changes in the results.
Data analysis. The spiking of the populations of all neurons within the
network was saved for each simulation. Most results will be reported as
population activities. The number of spikes within a population was
counted in time bins of 1 ms and then smoothed by a synaptic kernel
(Sato and Schall, 2003):
S共t兲 ⫽
共 1 ⫺ exp共⫺ rise兲兲exp共⫺ decay兲
共1 ⫺ exp共
(rise ⫽ 1 ms, decay ⫽ 10 ms). In the delayed memory saccade task,
responses of single neurons were averaged over all correct saccades and
binned into time windows of 1 ms. Traces were aligned with the temporal
onset to show visual activity and to the time of the saccade for movement
activity. Again the result was smoothed by the synaptic kernel.
The behavioral data were given by the activity in the bursting motor
neurons in layer 5b, which signaled both the location and the timing of
saccades. Reaction or fixation times were binned in time windows of 10
ms and are shown as histograms. Average values are always reported as
mean ⫾ SD.
The local circuit model of the FEF simulated several different
tasks. First, it was used to control eye movements in visual and
delayed memory saccades. In these tasks, a single visual target was
presented in the periphery, and the network had to make a saccade to it as quickly as possible in the visual saccade task and after
a delay in the memory saccade task. The responses of populations
of neurons and single cells in these two tasks are presented in the
figures to illustrate how the circuit transformed the visual input
to an oculomotor output and to enable a comparison of the network activity with results from equivalent experiments in awake
behaving monkeys. Throughout the paper, exact references to
experimental papers will be given, citing the figures that correspond to the simulation results.
Second, the network performed a saccade versus antisaccade
task. According to the shape of the visual target, the saccade had
to be made toward that target (prosaccade trial) or away from it
(antisaccade trial) or fixation had to be maintained (no-go trial).
This second task showed how the FEF circuit could use a topdown rule to select a particular strategy for its eye movements.
The behavior of the network in this case was switched between
Figure 4. Visual saccade. A, Left, Timing of external inputs in the saccade task. Fixation input
was turned off simultaneously with the visual target onset. Right, Spatial arrangement of populations shown in the graphs below. B, The population rates for two selected retinotopic positions are shown for all layers of the FEF. Black traces, Populations representing the location of
the target; gray traces, populations representing the location mirrored at the vertical meridian
(see A). The type of the neuronal populations (excitatory or inhibitory) and the layered position
are indicated by the insets. Filled arrows show the flow of information along the feedforward
pathway (compare with Fig. 1). The dashed arrows are the connections involved in biasing the
visual selection according to the location being currently attended. Note that the inhibitory
neurons in layers 4 and 2/3 are not tuned to a specific direction. They fire a postsaccadic burst
that is involved in resetting activity in those two layers.
strategies by the input from the REC module, whereas the structure of the FEF network remained exactly the same.
Third, the network scanned an array of inputs. This scanning
paradigm was used to test how well the model behaved under the
condition of a constant visual input. The results of all simulations
were traces of population activity or single-cell firing, together
with the behavioral data of the eye movement traces.
Visual saccades
In the visual saccade task (Fig. 4), the peripheral stimulus was
presented to the network at time 0 ms and lasted for 200 ms. Most
neurons had spatially tuned activity as indicated by the higher
firing rates for neurons representing the target position (Fig. 4 B,
black traces) compared with neurons at the retinotopic position
mirrored at the vertical meridian (Fig. 4 B, gray traces).
Excitatory neurons in layer 4 responded with a phasic visual
activity with a latency of 50 –100 ms after stimulus presentation.
Their activity was transmitted to excitatory neurons in layer 2/3,
and they in turn were suppressed by inhibitory neurons in layer 4
Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
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Fig. 5]. The ramping had the effect of delaying the motor output compared with
the onset of visual selection and attention
in layers 4 and 2/3. Fixation neurons were
suppressed by layer 5r activation and had
enhanced firing when the fixation input
was on [Hanes et al. (1998), their Fig. 8].
Sufficiently high firing of the excitatory
layer 5r neurons drove a burst in layer 5b
that initiated the saccade [Segraves (1992),
his Fig. 5]. The resetting of the activity of
the network after the saccade occurred
through the inhibitory neurons in layers 4
and 2/3. These neurons responded with a
burst of activity at each saccade regardless
of the target location. Note that, with exception of the inhibitory neurons in layers
4 and 2/3, all neurons were tuned to their
retinotopic position.
The network activity was simulated 200
times for the same visual saccade task. The
average reaction time over all trials was
246 ⫾ 33 ms (for the distribution of reaction times, see Fig. 7).
Delayed memory saccades
In the delayed memory saccade task (Fig.
5A), the saccade to the position of the peripheral target could only be made after a
delay during which the target disappeared,
which meant that the position of the target
had to be remembered by the network.
The presence of a fixation command was
modeled as a constant input to the fixation
neurons up to t ⫽ 650 ms. The elevated
activity of the fixation neurons suppressed
the build up of activity in layer 5r “ramping” neurons. The network made 96.5%
(193 of 200) saccades to the target with an
average reaction time of 147 ⫾ 32 ms after
fixation point offset (Fig. 5B), which was
faster than reported in experiments (Roesch and Olson, 2005). In this task, the main
delay was the time to build up activity in
layer 5, whereas in the case of visual saccades, additional time was required to
Figure 5. Responses of single neurons in the delayed memory saccade task. A, Temporal and spatial characteristics of the visual make the visual selection.
Figure 5C shows the single-cell reinput. Left, The retinotopic organization of the FEF model is shown with the fixation point at the fovea (black cross), the target
position (black square), and a randomly chosen position different from the target (dark gray square). Right, Temporal pattern of sponses of all classes of neurons within the
visual inputs to the network. B, Distribution of reaction times after fixation point offset (mean ⫾ SD, 147 ⫾ 32 ms). C, Responses network. Neurons with their receptive
of single cells for all cell classes of the network. The firing of single neurons is shown as spike raster plot (20 random samples) and field at the position of the memory target
the average firing rate over all correct trials (n ⫽ 193). Responses are aligned to the visual stimulus (V, left dashed vertical line) were compared with neurons that had a
and to the saccade onset (S, right dashed vertical line) for each neuron. Black traces and raster plots correspond to neurons that different receptive field position. These
have their response field at the position of the visual target, and gray traces and rasters are neurons with a different response field. single-cell responses were directly compaexc, Excitatory; inh, inhibitory.
rable with single-cell measurements in
awake behaving monkeys.
driven by feedback from layer 2/3. This resulted in a phasic visual
Excitatory neurons in layer 4 were visual neurons showing a
activity of layer 4 neurons, which was suppressed already before
transient response to a visual input [Hanes et al. (1998), their Fig.
the upcoming saccade [Bruce and Goldberg (1985), their Fig. 3],
4a]. The winner-take-all competition between these neurons perwhereas neurons in layer 2/3 fired until the time of the saccade
mitted only one population to respond maximally to the visual
[Bruce and Goldberg (1985), their Fig. 4]. The firing in layer 2/3
input. Only one retinotopic position was therefore selected. Indrove the ramping neurons in layer 5 (5r), which increased their
hibitory neurons in layer 4 had directionally tuned responses
firing until the time of saccade [Bruce and Goldberg (1985), their
during the delay period because of the feedback from layer 2/3. At
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Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
the time of each saccade, they showed a
phasic, spatially unspecific response. Excitatory neurons in layer 2/3 provided the
short-term memory of the circuit. Recurrent excitation allowed a population of
neurons to sustain their activity at the selected retinotopic position until the saccade was made [Umeno and Goldberg
(2001), their Fig. 9; Thompson et al.
(2005a), their Fig. 3d]. Inhibitory neurons
had untuned delay activity and responded
with a burst after each saccade. The global
bursting of inhibitory neurons suppressed
prospective visual activity in layer 4 and
short-term memory in layer 2/3 after saccades to allow the FEF to process the “new”
visual input whose retinotopy was
changed according to the saccade.
The two classes of layer 5 cells showed
spatially selective motor responses. Ramping neurons (5r) showed an activity that
increased toward the time of the saccade,
and “bursting” neurons (5b) exhibited a
clear burst of activity for each saccade.
This saccadic burst at a particular retinotopic position constitutes a clear temporal
and spatial signal for the SC and motor
neurons in the brainstem [Segraves
(1992), his Fig. 5]. Neurons in layer 6
showed activity related to attention (layer Figure 6. Antisaccade and no-go task, single trials. A, Responses of selected populations during an antisaccade. The left and
6a) and related to the saccadic burst (layer right columns of the FEF population traces correspond to the response fields as indicated on the top. The average population rates
are shown for excitatory neurons in layers 4, 2/3, and 6a and for inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3. The two REC graphs show the
A special group of neurons represented feature detectors (EF) on the left (prosaccade, gray solid; antisaccade, black solid; no-go, black dashed) and recognition populathe fovea. An elevated activity of foveal tions (ER) on the right [gray, ramping neurons (ERr); black, bursting neurons (ERb)] at the retinotopic position of the visual input.
neurons in layer 2/3 signaled that the focus Note the activation of layer 6a at the visual target position, which induces the quasi-visual activity on the saccade target position.
of attention was on the foveal representa- The bursts in the firing of inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3 correspond to either a recognition or a saccade as indicated. B, Same as
tion. The excitatory feedback from layer in A but for the fixation task. Note the activation of the fixation feature detector. It activates layer 6a at the fovea, which induces
foveal quasi-visual activity in layer 4. The burst in the firing of inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3 corresponds to the recognition of the
5b ensured that this foveal attention was visual target.
activated after each saccade. Fixation neurons responded strongly while the external
task. The network was simulated in a task similar to one studied
fixation input was turned on. Their activity was suppressed toin primates (Sato and Schall, 2003), in which the shape of the
ward the saccade attributable to input from layer 5r inhibitory
visual target defined whether the network had to make a prosacneurons [Segraves (1992), his Fig. 8]. After each saccade, the
cade or an antisaccade or hold fixation in a no-go trial.
excitatory input from foveal neurons in layer 2/3 excited the fixThe remapping of activity in the antisaccade and no-go tasks
ation neurons.
will be described below. The behavior of the network and the
firing of some selected groups of neurons were compared for the
Rule-dependent remapping of visual inputs
different tasks.
The excitatory connection from layer 6a to layer 4 enabled the
As in a normal visual saccade, layer 4 always selected the visual
network to influence the selection of the next target according to
and layer 2/3 signaled the attentional focus on the target
the currently attended location. This top-down bias of selection,
A, B). If the network attended an antisaccade feature stimhowever, was only effective if the firing rate of neurons in layer 6a
ulus, the corresponding populations of feature detectors in the
was enhanced by a global excitatory rule input. In our model, this
REC module responded. The input from the antisaccade feature
rule input was feature dependent and was given by the input from
detectors increased the activity in all populations of layer 6a. In
antisaccade feature detectors in the REC module to layer 6a of the
particular, the input from layer 2/3 resulted in a higher firing rate
FEF. It is important to notice that this rule input did not have any
of the layer 6a neurons compared with their firing in the visual
spatial content or preference, but rather enabled the FEF circuit
saccade task (compare with Fig. 4 B). This resulted in a top-down
to use the attentional signal to influence the next visual selection.
visual signal in layer 4 at the prospective landing position of the
The possibility of influencing the visual selection with respect to
saccade, i.e., opposite to the visual stimulus [observed in the latthe location being currently attended to, or even to produce a
eral intraparietal area (LIP) by Zhang and Barash (2000), their
quasi-visual, internally generated neuronal signal that looked like
Fig. 4]. In addition to this remapping, the recognition signal (Fig.
the response to a real visual input (Barash, 2003), allowed the
6 A, bottom right) excited inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3 and,
network to control eye movements according to specific rules.
hence, suppressed activity in layer 2/3. The recognition signal was
Primates can use such a rule in a prosaccade versus antisaccade
Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
necessary to shift the focus of attention in layer 2/3 away from the
visual target. The enhanced firing of inhibitory neurons in layer
2/3 after the saccade was required to reset the network activity.
In the no-go task, the rule input from no-go feature detectors
in the REC module targeted only the foveal population, which
resulted in a quasi-visual signal and a shift of attention back to the
fovea (Fig. 6 B). Again, the recognition signal allowed the shift of
attention to occur. Without it, layer 2/3 excitatory neurons would
stay active until a saccade was made to the position of the visual
The network was run 200 times for each of the three conditions of the task (Fig. 3B). Prosaccades corresponded exactly to
the visual saccade trials explained previously. All 200 saccades
were made correctly to the visual target. The average reaction
times of 246 ⫾ 33 ms for the saccades (Fig. 7A) were slower than
those observed in monkey experiments (Amador et al., 1998;
Everling et al., 1999).
In the antisaccade task, the network made 92% (184 of 200)
correct responses with a reaction time of 346 ⫾ 29 ms (Fig. 7A).
Again, these reaction times were slower than in monkey experiments (Amador et al., 1998; Everling et al., 1999). The errors in
the antisaccade task were either erroneous prosaccades (3 of 200)
or no saccade was made within 450 ms after stimulus presentation (13 of 200). In the no-go task, the network always successfully suppressed the saccade.
Figure 7B shows the firing pattern of four different types of
neurons and compares their activation pattern for prosaccades
and antisaccades. The average population rate at the retinotopic
position of the visual target (black curves) and the anti-saccade
target position (gray curves) are shown for excitatory neurons in
layers 4, 2/3and 5r and for inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3. Only
correct trials were taken into account. Traces of single trials
started with the stimulus presentation and ended with the time of
the saccade.
Excitatory neurons in layer 4 and layer 2/3 showed a clear
selection of the visual target followed by a selection of the saccade
target position in antisaccade trials. In some trials, layer 4 selected
the visual input a second time, after it had been correctly transformed into an antisaccade quasi-visual signal. This second visual
selection was a result of the prospective visual saliency in layer 4,
which always “preselected” a new target, as soon as the attentional signal was established at the target previously selected. The
activities of layer 4 and layer 2/3 neurons were directly comparable with “type I” neurons reported in experiments [Sato and
Schall (2003), their Fig. 2]. Activity in neurons in layer 4 of the
model was inhibited before the time of the saccade, whereas layer
2/3 neurons fired until the time of the saccade. A similar inhibition of visual activity was reported in visual prosaccades (Bruce
and Goldberg, 1985).
Layer 5r neurons clearly selected the endpoint of the saccade,
but had only little activity at the position of the visual target in
antisaccade trials. Similar neurons were observed by Sato and
Schall (2003, their Fig. 3) and were called “type II.”
The FEF model also exhibited neuronal activity that has not
been reported in experiments. Inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3
(Fig. 7B, bottom) did not show any selectivity for the position of
the target in prosaccade trials. However, in antisaccade trials, they
signaled the shift of the attention. This specific response was
caused by input from the REC module, and it should be observable in experiments.
The mapping through quasi-visual input in layer 4 was well
illustrated in experiments involving a delayed memory antisaccade task (Amemori and Sawaguchi, 2006). A visual prosaccade
J. Neurosci., August 29, 2007 • 27(35):9341–9353 • 9349
Figure 7. Comparison of prosaccade versus antisaccade trials. A, Distributions of reaction
times for the two tasks. B, Population firing rates at the retinotopic position of the visual target
(black curves) and the position mirrored at the vertical meridian (gray curves) are shown for
several populations. All traces are averages over all correct trials. Excitatory neurons in layer 4
and 2/3 clearly selected the visual target and the saccade target position in antisaccade trials.
Neurons in layer 5r mainly selected the saccade target and showed only little activity for the
visual target in antisaccade trials. Inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3 reflected the recognition
signal. They had a differential activity between the two positions only in the antisaccade task. C,
Activity of neurons in layers 4 and 2/3 in a delayed memory antisaccade task. Same conventions
as above. The gray shaded area indicates the time during which the antisaccade feature was
presented. Traces are aligned to the onset of the first visual input.
9350 • J. Neurosci., August 29, 2007 • 27(35):9341–9353
Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
stimulus was shown at the beginning of the
trial. In the middle of the delay period, a
second input was shown that signaled the
antisaccade rule. Hence, the task was to
remap the motor plan according to that
input in the middle of the delay period.
The network made 99% (199 of 200) correct eye movements. Figure 7C illustrates
the activation of neurons in layers 4 and
2/3 of the model. Note the quasi-visual signal in layer 4 that was induced at the time
of the remapping (Amemori and Sawaguchi, 2006, their Fig. 5B). Activity of neurons
in layer 2/3 signaled the “intention of a
movement” [Zhang and Barash (2000), their
Fig. 4; Amemori and Sawaguchi (2006), their
Fig. 5A].
In a covert attention task, the model
layer 2/3 neurons reproduced well the experimental results of memory neurons
[Thompson et al. (2005a), their Fig. 3],
whereas visual neurons in layer 4 failed to
show the prolonged firing measured in the
FEF. The ramping neurons in layer 5r were
suppressed if the monkey had to fixate
[Thompson et al. (2005a), their Fig. 4].
Hence, our model is in line with the finding that covert attention can be controlled
by the FEF without evoking any motor
Scanning of a constant visual scene
Finally, we simulated the scanning of a
constant visual scene. The network looked
at a visual stimulus that contained typically six targets, which differed in their intensity and hence in their input strength to
layer 4. Five different configurations of the Figure 8. Scanning of a visual scene. A, Foveal position as a function of time over a period of 5 s (gray trace) sampled from 60 s
of simulation. Time is running from top to bottom. Bars on the bottom indicate the strength of the visual input at six different
network were each simulated for a period locations. B, Distribution of fixation times binned in 10 ms time windows. A total of 1011 saccades entered this distribution
of 60 s. These networks differed in the ran- (mean ⫾ SD, 296 ⫾ 98 ms). The inset shows the mean ⫾ SD for the five simulations of 60 s individually. C, Distribution of saccade
dom distribution of weights and in their targets. Percentage of saccades made to the six positions. The probability of selecting each target is shown for each of the five
random external inputs. A 5 s excerpt of a simulations. The strength of the target is indicated by the color as in A. Black, Strong; gray, medium; white, weak. D, Inhibitionfixation pattern is shown in Figure 8 A.
of-return. Left, Average firing rate of inhibitory neurons in layer 4 at the retinotopic position of the saccade target mirrored at the
During the 60 s trials, the network vertical meridian (black trace) and for other positions (gray trace). The difference in firing resulted from the connection from layer
made on average 202 ⫾ 4 saccades. A total 6s to layer 4. Middle, Same traces for the simulations, in which the weight of the slow 6s to layer 4 connection was set to zero. No
of 1011 saccades were recorded for the five difference was seen between the different retinotopic positions (same conventions as before). Left, Percentage of return saccades
different configurations of the network. for the five simulations of 60 s with and without inhibition-of-return (IR).
The resulting distribution of fixation times
dium strength targets were fixated in 31% and the weak targets in
is shown in Figure 8 B. The average fixation time was 296 ⫾ 98 ms
12% of the trials (Fig. 8C).
with a median of 267 ms, and the 5th and 95th percentiles were
The connection from layer 6s to the layer 4 inhibitory neurons
213 and 509 ms, respectively. Similar distributions were observed
introduced inhibition-of-return to the behavior of the network
in scene viewing (Henderson, 2003) and reading (Rayner, 1998)
and so reduced the probability of gaze being switched back and
in humans and also in viewing of natural scenes in monkeys
forth between the two most salient targets. The number of return
Schiller et al., 2004). Although the shape of the fixation time
saccades back to the previously visited target was small (6%, 60 of
distribution is very similar [Schiller et al. (2004), their Fig. 2], the
1011). Figure 8 D illustrates how the connection from layer 6s
average fixation times of our model lie between the slower averslightly increased the firing of layer 4 inhibitory neurons at the
age times for humans and the faster times recorded in macaque
retinotopic position opposite to the saccade landing position
(black trace). When the same task was simulated with the weight,
At each saccade, the retinotopic input to the network was
updated to match the new direction of gaze. The relative strength
w IR
of the inputs was reflected in the number of saccades that were
made to a particular target. The majority of saccades (57%)
all inhibitory neurons in layer 4 had the same firing pattern and
landed on one of the two targets with input strength 1. The mehence there was no inhibition-of-return. The number of return
Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
saccades then increased to 33% (Fig. 8 D, left), whereas the fixation time distribution remained the same (mean ⫾ SD, 295 ⫾
100 ms). Inhibition-of-return also influenced how frequently targets of different strengths were selected: 62% of the saccades
landed on a target with relative input strength 1, 29% on medium
strength, and only 8% on weak targets. The example of the
inhibition-of-return illustrates how the visual selection could be
influenced not only with respect to the currently attended position, but also with respect to the last saccade made.
The detailed model of the cortical area FEF presented here incorporated the layered structure of neocortex and used realistic spiking neurons. It showed that a canonical circuit derived from primary visual cortex of the cat could, with relatively few
modifications, be used to control eye movements in a variety of
tasks seen in primate area FEF.
The model was able to make normal saccades to targets presented briefly in the periphery and was able to scan an array of
visual targets. A separate fixation input suppressed saccades and
allowed the model to perform a delayed memory saccade task.
The mapping of visual targets to the saccade output could be
changed according to a given rule. The effect of this rule input was
illustrated in a task in which the visual-to-oculomotor transformation depended on the feature of the target. A retinotopic array
of feature detectors that performed a feature recognition (the
REC module) provided an input to the FEF network. All spatial
transformations occurred through remapping of signals in layer
4, which gave rise to so-called quasi-visual activity (Barash,
2003). The model was able to reproduce single cell as well as
behavioral data from experiments in awake monkeys. The detailed and biologically realistic functional architecture of the
model not only provides plausible mechanisms for existing experimental results but makes precise predictions for future
A single local circuit for visual selection, attention, and
eye movements?
The compression of function into the single cortical area FEF is,
of course, an idealization and simplification of the interactive
network of cortical areas and subcortical structures involved in
the control of eye movements (Büttner and Büttner-Ennever,
2005). However, all neurons within the model were functionally
related to real cortical neurons recorded within the FEF. Visual
saliency and target selection (Mohler et al., 1973; Schall et al.,
1995b; Schall, 2004; Thompson and Bichot, 2005), short-term
memory responses (Bruce and Goldberg, 1985), attention related
activity (Thompson et al., 2005a), saccadic activity (Bruce and
Goldberg, 1985; Segraves and Park, 1993), and fixation-related
responses (Hanes et al., 1998; Hasegawa et al., 2004) were described in FEF experiments and were captured by the model
The FEF model included a functional segregation between
different layers, as is observed in early visual areas. Nothing is
known about the local circuit in FEF, and the lack of direct data
on the layered position of FEF neurons in recordings from awake
monkeys makes it impossible to answer conclusively the question
of the laminar segregation of functions. As in the laminar segregation of receptive field types in primary visual cortex, the true
segregation of functional properties may not be as strict as the
model implies. For example, cells projecting to the SC, which are
presumably located in layer 5 (Leichnetz et al., 1981), were found
to show visual and memory activity as well (Sommer and Wurtz,
J. Neurosci., August 29, 2007 • 27(35):9341–9353 • 9351
2000, 2001). Although the strict functional segregation of the
model is not in line with these findings, it would not violate the
principles of operation of the model to include in layer 5 some
relay neurons that show visual and memory activity. The strong
prediction of the FEF model, however, is that the local circuit in
primate FEF will follow the same principles of cell-type and
laminar-specific connections as those determined from the extensive studies of cat primary visual cortex.
Electrical stimulation experiments (Moore and Armstrong,
2003; Moore and Fallah, 2004; Armstrong et al., 2006; Ruff et al.,
2006; Armstrong and Moore, 2007) and neuronal responses
(Thompson et al., 2005a) have clearly demonstrated the role of
the FEF in guiding attention, as exemplified by the role of layer
2/3 in the model. This makes an interesting interpretation with
respect to the premotor theory of spatial visual attention (Rizzolatti et al., 1987): the FEF model can control covert attention
without motor activity (Thompson et al., 2005a). The connection
of layer 2/3 to the REC module, which is presumably located in
inferotemporal cortex, is in line with the observation that the
projections of FEF to temporal areas such as the temporal– occipital area and the visual cortical area V4 arise mainly from
pyramidal neurons in the superficial layers (Schall et al., 1995a;
Barone et al., 2000).
Anatomical considerations
The laminar connectivity of the model was based directly on the
canonical circuit of cat visual cortex (Douglas et al., 1989; Binzegger et al., 2004) and tuned to perform the function of the
primate FEF. Despite this functional tuning, the anatomical
structure of the FEF circuit was well conserved, and the function
of the FEF was robust to small changes (up to 10%) in the connectivity pattern. The connections within the individual layers
were stronger than the connections between layers in the feedforward loop (layer 4 –layer 2/3–layer 5–layer 6 –layer 4). The intralaminar connections within layer 5, however, were much
stronger than in cat visual cortex. The main reason for the large
number of connections in layer 5 was the required bursting behavior that was entirely attributable to recurrent connections and
not a result of the biophysical properties of single neurons.
Some interlaminar connections were considerably stronger
than expected from cat visual cortex. The connections from layer
5b to layer 2/3 excitatory and inhibitory neurons and the connection from layer 6s to layer 4 inhibitory neurons all required stronger connections than predicted from the cat cortex. Interestingly,
all three connections were involved in controlling the network
activity after saccades. Remarkably, just these few changes in the
strength of connections of neurons in layers 5 and 6 of allowed
the local circuit of cat visual cortex to function as a primate FEF
Rule input as top-down bias for visual selection
The connection from layer 6a to layer 4 provided a dynamic
top-down bias for the function of visual selection. It depended on
the current focus of attention and the last saccade. In the absence
of visual targets, this bias induced a quasi-visual signal. Neuronal
activity related to a prosaccade versus antisaccade rule was observed in prefrontal areas (Everling and DeSouza, 2005;
Amemori and Sawaguchi, 2006), and a top-down saliency on the
visual selection in the FEF was also reported (Thompson et al.,
2005b). A typical example of a top-down bias would be the leftto-right bias in humans in Western culture attributable to reading (Spalek and Hammad, 2005). Although the anatomical connection enabling the FEF model to perform antisaccades was
9352 • J. Neurosci., August 29, 2007 • 27(35):9341–9353
hardwired, as expected for highly learned tasks, it was dynamically activated through the rule input. Other remappings, such as
making saccades to the midpoint between the target and the fixation point, could be implemented in the same way.
Whether the rule input targets layer 6 of the FEF is an open
question. The strength of the connection from layer 6 to layer 4 in
visual cortex (Binzegger et al., 2004) suggests that this connection
could provide a powerful modulation that directly acts on the
input layer of the FEF. Responses of visual neurons during voluntary saccades in the dark (Bruce and Goldberg, 1985) and
quasi-visual responses in area LIP during antisaccades (Zhang
and Barash, 2000) indeed suggest such a mechanism that acts via
a quasi-sensory input. Firing-rate models of task-specific sensorimotor mappings can be achieved through learned spatially selective connections in which task modulated sensory neurons
project directly onto the motor units (Salinas, 2004a,b).
Other models of the FEF
Of the three recent FEF models, the internal update of short-term
memory during saccades (Mitchell and Zipser, 2003) and the
“reentry hypothesis” of attentional influence of FEF on area V4
(Hamker, 2005) focused on computational aspects that were not
addressed by our model. Hence, they are not directly comparable.
A similar layered structure as in our model was used by Brown et
al. (2004). In contrast to our model, layer 4 of their model only
normalized the incoming visual input without any additional
computation. Layers 2/3 and 5 were similar to our model, but
organized in feature-specific zones. However, the feature specificity predicted by their model was reported in the FEF only in
one overtrained paradigm (Bichot et al., 1996). In the model of
Brown et al. (2004) a rule was implemented by the connection
from layer 6 to layer 2/3; however, the layer 6 to layer 4 connection in our model reflects better the known anatomical connections (Binzegger et al., 2004) and is consistent with quasi-visual
signals (Barash, 2003).
A ramping-to-threshold behavior that is very similar to ramping neurons in layer 5 was modeled recently in the context of
saccade generation (Lo and Wang, 2006). In the study by Lo and
Wang (2006), ramping occurred in the cortex, but, unlike in our
model, the saccadic burst itself was produced in the SC. In general, layered structures do have computational advantages
(Douglas and Martin, 2004; Haeusler and Maass, 2007), but cortex may have additional constraints, such as efficient developmental mechanisms and a requirement for multiple parallel and
distributed processing, that also have strong influence on the
final form of the circuit .
General conclusions and outlook
The local circuit model of the FEF presented in this paper is one of
the few models of a layered cortical microcircuit that tries to
simulate real cortical behavior. The realistic, layered organization
of the model and its implementation with spiking neurons allowed us to compare results directly with physiological data and
ensured that the computational strategy of the model was biologically feasible. One main advantage of the layered structure was
the possibility to have separate, stable functions within single
layers as proposed by Douglas and Martin (2004). The detailed
structure of the model makes clear predictions on the functional
role of the microcircuit of the FEF. Many important assumptions,
such as the behavior of inhibitory neurons and the role of layer 6,
have yet to be tested by experiments. Thus, the model not only
offers plausible, biologically based mechanisms that underlie a
rich repertoire of saccadic eye movement behavior, but also
Heinzle et al. • A Microcircuit Model of the FEF
makes specific predictions about the structure of the circuits to be
found in primate FEF and the functional role of particular neuronal elements of the network.
The dynamic control of the visual selection via an attentionand saccade-dependent rule is a highly flexible mechanism. It
could be used in other tasks such as reading in humans that
involve the coupling of a top-down saliency and a premotor response. Finally, the model demonstrates that a cortical circuit
based on a primary visual area in the cat requires only few changes
in its connectivity to be able to compute the very different functions of the primate prefrontal area FEF. The general principle of
the canonical cortical circuit is strong recurrent, intralaminar
connections and rather weak ones between layers. This principle
of function is the basis of a powerful and flexible computational
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