American Academy of Nursing on Policy
Reduce noise: Improve the nation’s health
Sally Lechlitner Lusk, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAAOHNa,*,
Marjorie McCullagh, PhD, RN, PHNA-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN, FAANa,
Victoria Vaughan Dickson, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAANb, Jiayun Xu, PhD, RNc
Health Behavior Expert Panel
Environmental & Public Health Expert Panel
American Academy of Nursing Jonas Policy Scholar
Executive Summary
Although noise as a cause of hearing loss and tinnitus
among civilian (Hearing health care for adults:
Priorities for improving access and affordability, 2016)
and military populations (Noise and military service:
Implications for hearing loss and tinnitus, 2006) is
well known, studies conducted in the past 15 years
document that noise exposures negatively affect
health by contributing to many diseases, including
cardiovascular diseases, obesity, developmental delays, mental illness, and reduced job and academic
performance (Basner et al., 2015; Lusk, Gillespie,
Hagerty, & Ziemba, 2004; Münzel, Gori, Babisch, &
Basner, 2014; Pyko et al., 2015; Ristovska, Laszlo, &
Hansell, 2014; Tzivian et al., 2015; Yoon, Hong, Roh,
Kim, & Won, 2015). Reducing noise will decrease the
incidence of diseases and also decrease health care
costs. The American Academy of Nursing supports efforts to determine sources of harmful noise, establish
programs (e.g., educational, surveillance, testing) to
reduce noise, and promote policies and legislation to
control noise exposures (Lusk, McCullagh, Dickson, &
Xu, 2016).
Environmental noise, defined as unwanted or disturbing sounds (Clean air act overview: Title IV noise
pollution, n.d.), is more than an annoyance; it is a
public health hazard. It modifies the function of multiple body organs and systems (Table 1) and has a significant impact on the health of our nation and its
economic well-being (Zaharna & Guilleminault, 2010).
Reducing noise and the health problems it causes will
result in a reduction in disease and health care costs
(Swinburn, Hammer, & Neitzel, 2015).
In the United States, noise exposure is linked to
multiple diseases that are among the top causes of
death, including heart disease, heart attacks, stroke,
and high blood pressure (Babisch, 2014; Vienneau,
Schindler, Perez, Probst-Hensch, & Röösli, 2015). Sleep
disturbance is another severe nonauditory effect of
noise, causing acute and chronic sleep disorders that
lead to changes in insulin and appetite-regulating
hormones (Hume, 2010; Münzel et al., 2014). Noise is
associated with several negative emotions, including
anger, disappointment, dissatisfaction, withdrawal,
helplessness, depression, anxiety, distraction, agitation, exhaustion, and stomach discomfort (World
Health Organization: European Commission, 2015).
Noise affects the health of infants, with noise exposure
during pregnancy linked to low birth weight (Ristovska
et al., 2014). Children who are exposed to noise also
suffer from decreased reading skills and memory,
impacting their school performance (Clark et al., 2006)
as well as increased distractibility, annoyance
(Stansfeld, Haines, & Brown, 2000), aggression,
decreased helpfulness, and learning difficulties (Dinno,
Powell, & King, 2011; Haines, Stansfeld, Job, Berglund,
& Head, 2001; Kawada, 2004; Klatte, Bergstrom, &
Lachmann, 2013; Lercher, Evans, Meis, & Kofler, 2002;
Stansfeld & Clark, 2015; Stansfeld, Haines, Brown,
2000). Although many people recognize the effects of
noise on hearing, fewer are aware that noise is the
leading cause of tinnitus (head noises or ringing in the
ears), affecting 50 million U.S. adults (Shargorodsky,
Curhan, & Farwell, 2010).
The health effects of noise place a high economic
burden on our society, which is comparable to the
economic impact of passive smoking (Basner et al.,
2014). On a global level, the World Health Organization conservatively estimates that at least one million
healthy years of life are lost every year in western
Europe alone because of traffic-related noise (World
Health Organization: European Commission, 2015).
Approximately 61,000 healthy years of life are lost
because of ischemic heart disease, 45,000 years
* Corresponding author: Sally Lechlitner Lusk, Health Behavior Expert Panel, 1111 west Clark Rd., Ypsilanti, MI 48198.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (S.L. Lusk).
0029-6554/$ - see front matter Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Nurs Outlook 65 (2017) 652e656
Table 1 e Examples of Auditory and Nonauditory Effects of Noise on Human Health
Body System
Health Effect
Mental and emotional
Hearing loss and tinnitus
Difficulty falling asleep, awakenings, decreased sleep quality, fatigue, and headache
Hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and heart attack
Declines in verbal and nonverbal learning, psychomotor function, response speed,
attentiveness, memory, recall, and helpfulness. Increases in cognitive difficulties,
distractibility, annoyance, aggression, and hyperactivity
Low birth weight and prematurity
Overweight and obesity
because of cognitive impairment of children, and
903,000 years because of sleep disturbance (World
Health Organization: European Commission, 2015). A
reduction in environmental noise levels (within the
range of 45e75 dB) by a modest 5 decibels (dB) is expected to reduce the prevalence of hypertension by
1.4% and coronary heart disease by 1.8%, with an
annual U.S. economic benefit of $3.9 billion (Swinburn
et al., 2015).
These are just a few examples of the debilitating and
potentially life-altering effects of environmental noise
on health. Effects of environmental noise on health
often go unnoticed, as they slowly build over time, and
are often not recognized as associated with noise. The
public, although generally aware that noise exposures
cause hearing loss and tinnitus, is not well informed
regarding the other negative effects of noise on health.
Although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is
responsible at the federal level to control environmental noise, they are not funded to do this work.
Therefore, responsibility for specific noise regulations
has been left to the states with inadequate results and
inconsistencies across the nation.
A 2016 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine report stated that hearing loss is a broad
public health issue and that societies have a responsibility to improve the hearing environment for
the public (Hearing health care for adults: Priorities for
improving access and affordability, 2016). Thus, it is
critical that the public be informed regarding the
negative effects of noise on health and well-being and
that policies and other strategies be developed and
implemented to institute appropriate controls.
Noise Levels
Federal agencies, including the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), have defined exposure limits for noise among
workers by indicating length of exposure and decibel
levels. The guide of NOISH for workers indicates that
at 85 dB, the worker’s exposure time is limited to
8 hr. For higher noise exposures, NIOSH reduces the
allowable time by half for every 3-dB increase in
noise level. Table 2 depicts noise levels from several
sources to add meaning to the NIOSH-recommended
exposure limits.
Studies documenting the negative effects of environmental noise have defined noise and measured
noise exposures in a variety of ways. Although NIOSH
and OSHA provide guidelines for length of exposure at
different decibel levels for workers, no entity has
determined the safe exposure levels for environmental
noise for children and adults in the community. Thus,
there is a need for the recommended surveillance of
sources, further analysis of health effects, and reporting of these findings regarding environmental noise.
Table 2 e Examples of Noise Levels in Decibels (Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Noise
Exposure [NIOSH Publication No. 98-126], 1998; Noise Thermometer, n.d.)
Time to Risk of Hearing Damage
<3 s
28 s
1 min 29 s
4 min 43 s
15 min
47 min 37 s
2 hr 31 min
Example Sources
Gunshot and jet engine on takeoff
Pain threshold; air raid siren, and fire cracker
Rock concert and sandblasting
Baby’s cry and stadium football game
Snowmobile from driver’s seat
Jackhammer and helicopter
Chainsaw and stereo headphones
Motorcycle and power saw
Lawnmower and truck traffic
Faint sound and whisper
Note. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Hearing Conservation program is mandated at 85 dB.
Nurs Outlook 65 (2017) 652e656
Responses and Policy Options
During the past 40 years, there have been numerous
federal, international, and public health initiatives to
address the health risks posed by inadequately
controlled noise. These include the ones discussed
Federal and State Legislation
The Noise Control Act of 1972 (Noise Control Act,
1972) established a national policy to promote an
environment for all Americans free from noise that
jeopardizes their health and welfare (Shapiro, 1992).
Specifically, the act established a means for effective
coordination of Federal research and activities in
noise control and authorized establishment of Federal noise emission standards for products distributed in commerce. Importantly, the act provided
information to the public about noise emission and
noise reduction characteristics of these products.
The Quiet Communities Act of 1978 (Carver, 1988)
amended the Noise Control Act of 1972 and placed
primary responsibility for noise control at the state
and local government levels. The act also authorized
the Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) to
create a grants program and offer technical assistance to support state and local noise abatement efforts (Shapiro, 1992).
The ONAC was created by the EPA following the
enactment of the Noise Control Act of 1972. The
purpose of ONAC was to regulate noise emission
standards, implement product labeling, facilitate
the development of low-emission products, coordinate Federal noise reduction programs, assist state
and local noise abatement efforts, and promote
noise education and research. Although ONAC was
defunded in 1982 primarily because of federal
budget cuts and the transfer of regulatory power
back to state and local governments (Shapiro, 1992),
the Noise Control Act of 1972 and Quiet Communities Act of 1978 are still law and remain in effect.
The implications of ONAC defunding include lack of
EPA resources to set new standards for either previous noise sources or new noise sources and to
enforce existing standards. As a result, regulations
promulgated by state and local governments to
control noise vary widely; and there is a lack of
centralized governmental clearing house for noise
control and abatement.
Global Recommendations
1999 WHO Guidelines for Community Noise (Berglund,
Lindvall, & Schwela, 1999): Set guidelines for community noise and summarized sources of noise,
health effects of noise, noise assessment, and noise
management across global populations.
2002 European Union Directive on Environmental Noise
(European Union directive on environmental noise,
2002): Addressed the assessment and management
of environmental noise in member states through
strategic noise mapping, estimating population
exposure, noise action planning, and dissemination
of results to the general public.
2009 WHO Night Noise Guidelines for Europe (Night
noise guidelines for Europe, 2009): Updated evidence and recommendations to address targeted
limits for night noise.
2010 WHO Assessment of Needs for Capacity Building for
Health Risk Assessment of Environmental Noise
(Belojevic, Kim, & Kephalopoulos, 2012): Developed
guidelines that included the need for consistent
implementation of the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/European Commission, human resources development through education and training
in health risk assessment, and provision of methodological guidelines for health risk assessment of
environmental noise exposure.
Professional Organization Statements
American Academy of Pediatrics (Noise: A hazard for the
fetus and newborn, 1997): Provided information and
recommendations to reduce the health effects of
noise among fetuses and newborns.
American College of Occupational and Environmental
Medicine (Kirchner et al., 2012): Clarified best practices
to diagnose noise-induced hearing loss.
American Academy of Audiology (Position statement:
Preventing noise-induced occupational hearing loss,
2003): Described the audiologists’ role and responsibilities in the prevention of occupational
hearing loss.
Recent U.S. Legislative Actions
Despite widespread agreement that noise exposure
poses significant health concerns for children and
adults, noise regulations vary widely by state and even
within states at regional and local levels. Recognizing
the growing health problems related to environmental
noise, U.S. Representative Grace Meng (New York)
introduced H.R. 3384 Quiet Communities Act 2015 in
the 114th Congress to re-establish the ONAC under the
A related bill was introduced by U.S. Senator Chuck
Schumer (New York) in the U.S. Senate (S. 3197: Quiet
Communities Act of 2016). This legislation proposed
that the responsibilities of the re-established ONAC
will be to develop effective state and local noise control
programs; implement a national noise control research
program to assess the impacts of noise on mental
and physical health; implement a national noise
environmental assessment program to identify trends
in noise exposure and response, ambient levels, and
Nurs Outlook 65 (2017) 652e656
compliance data and to determine the effectiveness of
noise abatement actions; develop and disseminate information and educational materials to the public on
the health effects of noise and the most effective
means for noise control; develop national and regional
educational and training materials and programs;
establish regional technical assistance centers to assist
state and local noise control programs; and undertake
an assessment of the effectiveness of the Noise Control
Act of 1972.
The Academy’s Position
The American Academy of Nursing supports efforts to
reduce noise at its source by requiring production and
use of quieter equipment and appliances; implementing measures to reduce airport, railway, and road
noise; and enacting legislative restrictions at state and
local levels on reducing environmental noise levels,
including those at public events (Lusk et al., 2016). The
academy will collaborate with federal agencies, state
and federal legislators, and nursing/non-nursing organizations to support the reduction of environmental
highways, and others. National, state, and local
level noise data could be generated from this
system annually to provide a continuous assessment of noise health in the United States and
inform future guidelines/policies for noise health;
and (b) collaborate with aircraft and machinery
manufacturers as well as highway developers to
create a penalty and incentive system to make/
design/purchase products that are within established noise guidelines.
5. Collaborate with other relevant organizations (e.g.,
The American Association of Retried Persons, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, American
Medical Association) in the development of national
programs to educate the public and health care
providers about common noise sources, the ubiquitous nature of noise, groups at high risk for noise
(e.g., children), and its effect on national health
problems (e.g., obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, prematurity). Programs could be embedded
within established health programs such as health
education programs in schools and community
centers, or programs could be established solely for
the dissemination of noise effects on health.
1. Develop partnerships with federal agencies and organizations working on noise issues (e.g., Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, American Association of Occupational Health Nurses) and media outlets to facilitate the dissemination of noise
education programs and noise health information to
inform the public regarding noise exposure and its
effects on human health.
2. Encourage nurses, physicians, and other health
professionals and health organizations to work with
their respective members of congress to enact federal legislation to re-establish the EPA ONAC; enact
federal legislation to reduce environmental noise;
appropriate dedicated funding to develop costeffective strategies to mitigate the effects of noise
on human health; appropriate funding for an EPA
clearing house for noise-related policies as a
resource for local governments; and urge the
administration to create and maintain an environmental noise enforcement and surveillance system.
3. Advocate to the U.S. Department of Transportation
to develop specific directives to establish clear industry and government roles in controlling exposure
to noise from airports, roads, railways, heavy machinery, and other major noise sources.
4. Encourage the EPA to (a) develop partnerships
with universities and/or private organizations to
establish a centralized reporting system to measure noise in/around airports, industrial sites,
The authors express appreciation for guidance and
assistance provided by Shannon Zenk, PhD, RN, AOCN,
FAAN, Chair, Health Behavior Expert Panel; Matthew J.
Williams, JD, MA, Policy Manager and Academy Staff
Liaison to the Health Behavior Expert Panel; Linda D.
Scott, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Board Liaison to the
Health Behavior Expert Panel; and for the review and
support by the members of the Health Behavior Expert
American Academy of Audiology. (2003). Position statement:
Preventing noise-induced occupational hearing loss. Reston, VA:
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American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Environmental
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