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1987, Physics Letters A
4 pages
1 file
We study a ferromagnetic system in which each bond can have either 0(1) (Ising) or 0(2) (XY) orthogonal symmetries at random with concentrations I-p and p, respectively. By means of a Migdal-Kadanoff approximation we obtain the global phase diagram in the temperature-concentration-anisotropy space. Sections ofthe phase diagram are obtained in which the boundaries between paramagnetic and ordered phases display sharp minima consistent with experimental and c-expansion predictions.
Physical Review B, 1988
We study a ferromagnetic system in which each bond can be either of the Ising type (cr'cr') or of anisotropic Heisenberg (Ising cr cr' like) type, at random with respective concentrations (1p) and p. A global phase diagram in the temperature-anisotropy-concentration space is obtained within the Migdal-Kadano8' approximation. For the paramagnetically ordered transitions, our results for the critical temperature as a function of p agree very well with those obtained experimentally for Fei-~Co~C12 2820. Magnetic systems with random anisotropies have attracted a great number of experimental and theoretical investigations over recent years. In these systems the coupling between any pair of neighboring spins can have O(n) symmetry (n 1, 2, 3 correspond to Ising, XY, and Heisenberg models, respectively) with n being either n~or n2~ni at random. When the order parameters for the pure O(n2) and O(ni) phases are not orthogonal [e.g. , a random mixture of Heisenberg and Ising or of XY (S'S'+SOS") and Ising (S S") couplings[ there is a critical line separating the paramagnetic from a single ordered phase for any finite concentration of less symmetric bonds [O(n i) symmetry] and accordingly, the critical exponents are those of the pure O(n1) system.~Also, the critical temperature increases as the concentration of O(ni) bonds is increased from zero, since the concentration plays the role of an effective anisotropy parameter.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1999
We show using extensive simulation results and physical arguments that an Ising system on a two dimensional square lattice, having interactions of random sign between first neighbors and ferromagnetic interactions between second neighbors, presents a phase transition at a non-zero temperature. *
Physical review. B, Condensed matter, 1988
The phase transitions of a randomly mixed quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet and ferromagnet Rb2Mn& "Cr"C14 have been studied experimentally using ac susceptibility (7), magnetization, and neutron scattering techniques. A characterization of the single crystals of Rb2Mn& Cr"C14 grown for this study is made with ac 7 and electron-spin-resonance measurements. It turns out that the mixed system is a typical example of an XF magnet in the concentration range 0, 1 x g 1.0. The concentration versus transition-temperature (x-T) phase diagram of this alloy under zero external magnetic 6eld is constructed. The transition temperature from the paramagnetic (PM) to the antiferromagnetic phase decreases rapidly with increasing Cr concentration. A transition from the PM phase to the spin-glass {SG)phase is observed in the concentration region 0.34&x g0. 5. The mixed crystals with the concentrations 0.50&x g 1.0 show a reentrant spin-glass {RSG}transition; a sequence of transitions from the PM to ferromagnetic (FM) phase and from the FM phase to SG at a lower temperature. Qualitatively, the x-T phase diagram of Rb2Mn&, Cr C14 is explained by the theories on competing exchange interactions. The RSG transition is discussed in the context of recent theories on the two-dimensional XY spin glass.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2010
The theory of phase transitions is based on the consideration of "idealized" models, such as the Ising model: a system of magnetic moments living on a cubic lattice and having only two accessible states. For simplicity the interaction is supposed to be restricted to nearest-neighbour sites only. For these models, statistical physics gives a detailed description of the behaviour of various thermodynamic quantities in the vicinity of the transition temperature. These findings are confirmed by the most precise experiments. On the other hand, there exist other cases, where one must account for additional features, such as anisotropy, defects, dilution or any effect that may affect the nature and/or the range of the interaction. These features may have impact on the order of the phase transition in the ideal model or smear it out. Here we address two classes of models where the nature of the transition is altered by the presence of anisotropy or dilution.
Physical Review B, 1997
Solid State Communications, 1978
It is shown that random off-diagonal exchange interaction coefficients destroy ferromagnetic long range order in isotropic systems with less than four spatial dimensions. A special case is that of random isotropic systems with dipole-dipole interactions. The proof breaks down when (cubic or hexagonal) symmetry breaking terms are introduced. However, in some cases such terms turn the transition into the ferromagnetic phase first order, with a possible spin glass phase above it.
The influence of a local anisotropy of random orientation on a ferromagnetic phase transition is studied for two cases of anisotropy axis distribution. To this end a model of a random anisotropy magnet is analyzed by means of the field theoretical renormalization group approach in two loop approximation refined by a resummation of the asymptotic series. The one-loop result of Aharony indicating the absence of a second-order phase transition for an isotropic distribution of random anisotropy axis at space dimension d<4 is corroborated. For a cubic distribution the accessible stable fixed point leads to disordered Ising-like critical exponents.
Physical Review B, 1999
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
The anisotropic XY ferromagnet has been studied by Monte Carlo simulation in a three dimensional simple cubic lattice. The increase in critical temperature (ferro-para transition) has been noticed with increasing the strength of anisotropy. The effects of random fields (both with full circular symmetry and in angular window) on the critical temperature are investigated systematically in the anisotropic XY ferromagnet in three dimensions. Reduction of the critical temperature of anisotropic XY ferromagnet has been observed in the presence of random field. The compensating field (the required amount of field which preserves the critical temperature for isotropic XY ferromagnet) has been studied as a function of the strength of anisotropy. The compensating field was found to depend linearly on the strength of anisotropy. We have also studied the effects of random field confined in the angular window and observed the reduction of the critical temperature with increase of the angular extension. The critical behaviours are formalized by the usual finite size analysis and the estimation of critical exponents for the susceptibility and the specific heat.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2008
Magisterarbeit, Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, 1992
International Journal of Economic Sciences, 2021
Human Resource Management Review, 2017
'Atiqot, 2023
Brazilian Journal of Development, 2020
Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 2019
Transplantation, 2016
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2012
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2018
Teoria Hermenêutica do Direito: autores, tendências e problemas, 2012
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2013