Fantasy Asks: Where the Reality Ends?
Başak Göksel DEMİRAY
keele üniversitesi
ziyaretçi araştırmacı
[email protected]
This study will examine Woody Allen’s The Purple Rose Of Cairo
(1985) in the context of the placement of its main character, Cecilia,
between the worlds of ‘reality’ and ‘fantasy’. Employing the prominent
method in the field of film studies, namely that of discourse analysis,
this study first will emphasize the distinction between the ‘real’ and the
‘reality’. Second, it will elaborate the historical, cultural, economical and
social circumstances that structure the ‘reality’ of Cecilia’s life. Then, it
will question the effects of Hollywood Industry on the spectatorship of
women. Lastly, it will describe how Cecilia constructs her own ‘reality’
through the fantasies her mind produces; and in conclusion this study will
answer the title question as “reality ends in film theaters since films take
the spectators to the worlds of fantasy, at the same time a new reality
begins in film theaters since the spectators carry that fantasy into each
moment of life as Cecilia does”.
keywords: The Purple Rose of Cairo, reality, fantasy, alienation,
female spectatorship
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Fantasie Demande: Où Finit la Réalité?
Ce travail examine le film de Woody Allen “la Rose pourpre du Caire du
(1985)” dans le contexte de placement de la caractere principale, Cecilia, entre
le monde réel et le monde de fantasie. Lors de cet étude faiteen utilisant la
methode discursive, nous distinguons d’abord la la notion de ‘ réel’ et celle de
‘réalité’. Deuxiemment nous mettons l’accent surr les circonstances culturelles,
historiques, économiques et sociales qui structurent ‘la réalité’ de la vie de
Cecilia. Ensuite, nousinterregons les effets de l’industrie de film Hollywood sur
les spectatrices . Enfinr, nous décrions comment Cecilia construit sa propre
‘réalité’ par les fantasies de ses pensées.En conclusion ce travail répond a la
question posée dans le titre de cet article : “la réalité finit, quand on regarde
un film dans le cinéma, ou ce film nous eammène dans son univers de fantasie
et en ce moment, une autre réalité apparait quand les spectateurs portent ces
fantasies à chaque moment de leurs vies comme Cecilia le fait”.
mots-clés :
La Rose pourpre du Caire, réalité, fantasie, aliénation,
Fantezi Soruyor: Gerçeklik Nerede Sona Erer?
Bu çalışma, Woody Allen’ın The Purple Rose Of Cairo (Kahire’nin Mor Gülü,
1985) adlı filmini, ana karakter Cecilia’nın, ‘gerçek’ dünya ile ‘fantazi’ dünyası
arasındaki konumlandırılışı bağlamında inceleyecektir. Söylemsel analiz metodunu
kullanarak yaptığı inceleme sırasında, bu çalışma, ilk önce ‘gerçek’ ve ‘gerçeklik’
kavramları arasındaki ayrıma vurgu yapacak; ikinci olarak, ana karakter Cecilia’nın
hayatının ‘gerçeklik’ini yapılandıran tarihsel, kültürel, ekonomik ve sosyal koşulları
detaylandıracak; daha sonra Hollywood film endüstrisinin kadınların sinema
izleyiciliği üzerindeki etkilerini sorgulayacak; son olarak da, Cecilia’nın, kendi
aklının ürettiği fanteziler aracılığıyla nasıl bir yaşam ‘gerçeklik’i kurduğunu tarif
edecek ve şu sonuca ulaşacaktır: “gerçeklik sinema salonunda film izlerken
sona erer, fantezi dünyasına sığınılır fakat sığınılan fanteziler Cecilia’nın yaptığı
gibi yaşamın her anına taşındığında da o salondan başka bir gerçeklik doğuyor
anahtar kelimeler: Kahire’nin Mor Gülü, gerçeklik, fantezi, yabancılaşma,
kadın sinema seyirciliği
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This study will examine Woody Allen’s The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
regarding its main character Cecilia’s relationship with the worlds of ‘reality’ and
‘fantasy’. Since reality and fantasy are interwaver so much in Cecilia’s life; even
her mind brings a film character out of a screen into the life she lives in and makes
that film character one of the components of her ‘reality’, this study first will
emphasize the distinction between the ‘real’ and the ‘reality’. In order to clarify
this distinction, it will try to put an explanation of the concept of ‘fantasy’ instead
of ‘fiction’ since this study will examine the construction of the main character
of the foregoing film rather than the medium itself. Second, it will elaborate
the historical, cultural, economical and social circumstances that structure the
‘reality’ of Cecilia’s life. Then, it will question the effects of Hollywood Industry
on the spectatorship of women; and lastly this study will describe how Cecilia
constructs her own ‘reality’ through the fantasies her mind produces.
Cecilia the main character of The Purple Rose Of Cairo is a woman
who looks for a bit of romanticism in her life while the heavy conditions of the
Depression years of thirties are surrounding her and her husband, Monk, in
New Jersey. The source of the romanticism she wishes to have is not Monk
but exactly the Hollywood movies to which she is addicted. In those years of
crisis, the cinema serves as the main entertainment realm which reaches to the
masses because of its cheapness. It has a great influence on public to make
people forget their economic, social and familial problems. Most importantly, it
is one of the building structures of popular/consumer culture. In the context of
cultural, social and ideological functions of cinema, this study will embrace the
character Cecilia as split in two: the Cecilia in the “reality” of her life, and the
Cecilia living in a “fantasy” world that the movie she watches – the film within
film named also as The Purple Rose Of Cairo – leads her into.
The distinction between reality and fantasy is the main theme in Allen’s
The Purple Rose Of Cairo. It emerges around the idea of how it would be
interesting if a character of a film steps out of a screen at a movie theatre. At
this point Cecilia as a ‘keen cinema-goer’ occurs to be the reason (responsible)
for the action of the romantic-archaeologist character Tom Baxter to step out
of the screen. To be more clear, the answer of how the reality that she lives in
makes her responsible for the fantastic action of Tom? should be elaborated in
the following parts as well. However, firstly the distinction between the ‘real’
and the ‘reality’ is needed to be emphasized.
‘Reality’ emerges in a way depending on the cultural, economical and
social circumstances. It is relative. Catherine Belsey points that “reality is what
we do know, because culture defines it for us” (Belsey 2005: 5) How ‘reality’
differs from the ‘real’? As Jacques Lacan affirms “The ‘real’ is what does not
depend on our idea of it” (Belsey 2005: 4) “The ‘real’ is what is there, but
undefined, unaccountable, perhaps within the frameworks of our knowledge.
It is there as such, but not there-for-a-subject.” (Belsey 2005: 5) In contrast
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to the real, something is reality when it is there-for-a-subject. That is to say,
Cecilia is the subject and in the following the ‘reality’ of her life will be elaborated
according to the cultural, economical and social circumstances that she lives in.
However, before stepping inside the ‘reality’ of Cecilia’s life, an explanation
on how this study handles the concept of ‘fantasy’ should be made following the
path of Rosemary Jackson’s book titled Fantasy (1995). In her book, Jackson
defines the birth of ‘fantasy’ as a “protest” to some particular constraints and at
the same time, as an “attempt to compensate for a lack1” resulting from those
constraints. (Jackson 1995: 3) This is the point why this study will focus on the
constraints of Cecilia’s life in the following to explain her escape or refuge to
the fantasies her mind produce and to the ones Hollywood movies present and
function as a shelter for her.
Cecilia lives in New Jersey in 1930s. After the First World War, the
economical crisis dominates USA, factories are closed, in Cecilia’s words “the
whole country is out of work”, most of the men are unemployed, women
work at daily jobs as a waitress, laundrywoman, housemaids, babysitter or as
a prostitute. People queue in the streets for some soup to drink, they light fires
in barrels and stand in front of them all day with nothing to do. Most of the men
pitch pennies, shoot craps, play cards, drink and make passes at the girls who
walk by.
Cecilia works as a waitress at a restaurant. She takes in extra laundry after
work to pay the rent of her house. Her husband Monk spends the money she
earns in gambling and drinking. He does not look for a job. He behaves Cecilia as
if he is the boss and she is a slave. He does not spend his time with her. He just
see her to get money and to eat something at home. He also comes home with
another girls when Cecilia is out. He pays no attention to Cecilia, but he maintains
his patriarchy, giving orders to her, beating and shouting at her. He believes that
she achieves nothing without him, she can not produce any idea without him.
On the other hand, Cecilia wants him to spend time at home with her, have a
job, think of her, love her, go to cinema with her, take her dancing, be kind, be
romantic and pay attention to her. Unfortunately, Monk is not her type and the
life is not the one she wants to live. She says Monk “I don’t know how much
longer I can go on like this”. She is tired of everything. She does not concentrate
on her job because of thinking of the movies and the movie stars all the time
and talking to her sister about them while working. This causes her to pay less
attention to what she is doing. Instead of thinking about the unhappy life of her
own, she prefers to think about the romantic movies she watches again and
again. She knows too much about the movie stars’ private lives. She memorizes
all the lines of the stars. “She is an addict, using Hollywood as a substitute for
her miserable life.” (Girgus 2002: 78) In other words she is alienated to the world
In Cecilia’s case, she attempts to compensate the lack of ‘romance’ in her life.
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(reality) she lives in. Movies, stars, film musics, film locations and film lines
becomes vital for her instead of the real world.
At this point, ‘alienation’2 – which is referring to “the perceived states
of loneliness and rootlessness” in the sense of isolating the ‘self’ socially and
culturally – is the appropriate concept to understand Cecilia’s plight. (Kanungo
1982: 27) When it comes to elaborate the reasons of her alienation depending
on the social, cultural, economical, historical and ideological constraints of her
life, the relation between all the constraints and Cecilia’s unconscious (where
her fantasises originate) should also be taken into account. Since this study
believes that those constraints make Cecilia’s mind protest the harsh realities
of her daily life and attempt to compensate for the lack of romance by the
fantasies, following explanation of Sigmund Freud as: “‘In the psychic life, there
is nothing arbitrary, nothing undetermined.’” would be pointed. (Jackson 1995:
8) Taking her departure from this idea of everything in human mind is already
determined by the components of existing order of the life (including natural
origins), Jackson defines the concept as: “[f]antasy is not to do with inventing
another non-human world: it is not transcendental. It has to do with inverting
elements of this world, re-combining its constitutive features in new relations to
produce something strange, unfamiliar and apparently ‘new’, absolutely ‘other’
and different.” (Jackson 1995: 8) In this sense, it might be good to remind how
Cecilia’s “alienation” from existing order of human-world results in a fantasy
which comes out as “apparently ‘new’” and “absolutely ‘other’ and different”
will be explained in the last part of this study regarding the reasons of the fantastic
action of the interior Purple Rose of Cairo’s male character, Tom Baxter.
Evidently, regarding Cecilia’s plight, the oppression of the Depression
years and her husband do not let her express herself as a woman. She has no
chance for self-realization. She feels herself alone, and she really has to confront
all the difficulties of her life alone. In this situation, she naturally requires some
care, support, appreciation, confidence, fine understanding and a bit of romance
from her husband. Actually, Hollywood movies present the ‘romance’ that she
is looking for. Cecilia refuges to the movies and consoles with the fantasy world
that she could never live.
There is a common tendency to evaluate such kind of attitude illustrated
by women on the basis of the concepts of popular and consumer culture. Jackie
Stacey mentions Hollywood movies as “popular culture and its female spectators”
This concept exactly has a link with what Jackson explains by referring to Dostoyevski’s opinions
about fantastic literature. As she points out “Dostoyevski frequently writes of a fantastic
literature as being the only appropriate medium for suggesting a sense of estrangement, of
alienation from ‘natural’ origins.” (Jackson 1995: 17) Not in the context of literature, but similarly
concerning the characterisations of minds which recognize the real world through fantasies
likewise its main character Cecilia, The Purple Rose of Cairo tells us a story of alienation from
the natural origins of life.
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in her article Star Gazing: Hollywood Cinema and Female Spectatorship. She
emphasizes that some women take Hollywood cinema seriously and give
much status to it – Cecilia is a good instance – and some express shame in
their pleasure because they were aware of its low status. (Stacey 2003: 156) At
the end, there is the ‘pleasure’ that cinema provides for women regardless of
its status. In the book Woody Allen on Woody Allen, Allen answers one of the
questions of Stig Björkman trying to explain what kind of ‘pleasure’ it can be.
Björkman asks: “The Swedish writer and […] Harry Martinson designated the
movie houses as ‘temples for the cowards of life’. What would you say to such
a description?”. Allen answers: “[…] Certainly, I agree with him completely that
one of the ‘pleasures’ of going into a movie house is to avoid the harsh ‘realities’
of life”. (Allen and Björkman 2005: 149) This is valid for Cecilia’s plight, for sure.
In addition to this, from the perspective of Marxist approach, “She has attached
herself with real desperation to the cultural goods on offer. […] None of the
passion, knowledge and focus she is able to bring to bear is given to struggling
with her conditions and life; all is expended on a fantasy world.” (Witkin 2003:
Accordingly, Theodor Adorno, inspired by Marx’s theory of alienation,
would suggest that Cecilia’s refuge to the movies is not the right strategy in
the face of an alienated world. Works of art should not restrain or isolate human
beings in their conduct with the outer world. Rather, they should provide a
source of inspiration for their struggle with the conditions of real life by invoking
the possibility of alternative non-alienating worlds. In this vein, the work of art
should support one to confront the harsh realities. However, the Hollywood
industry presents itself as a shelter to refuge. It creates a fantasy world and
offers nothing to its audiences to cope and struggle with their lives. As Harold
Garfunkel emphasizes, this industry creates its own “cultural dopes” who act
in compliance and get what is given by the common culture (Miller and Stam
2000: 338). Jean Baudrillard asks a good question to reveal how human beings
are culturally constructed: “Can we be sure where Disneyland ends and the
real America begins?”(Belsey 2005: 3). This study puts that, in the case of the
Hollywood cinema, the following verdict is fair: the real never comes to the
In fact, Hollywood industry as one of the most effective medium in the
popular culture in USA and in all over the world, does not serve for only women.
However, from its beginning, cinema has become the common entertainment
realm and the common public space that women easily participate in. In addition
to this, “cinema”, as the medium of the beginning of twentieth century and
the “seventh art” also caused redefinitions of “public sphere”. In its classical
perception, “public sphere” defines a space where the problems, needs and
responsibilities of the public is discussed, planned, decided, solved and at the
end formed as a “public opinion”. Because of the patriarchy that is established at
the very beginning of the human life basicly in the family then in all the institutions
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of public life, “public sphere” is always dominated by men. Although Habermas
defines the classical “bourgeois public sphere” as “gender-neutral”, decision
mechanism has always operated with masculin bias, that is, dominated by men
who is well-educated, mostly at similar ages (elder) and have an appreciated
status in the public. (Hansen 1991: 10) In the beginning of twentieth century,
the “public sphere” has transformed. In line with this, Miriam Hansen argues in
the following as,
[T]he logic of consumption already invaded the classical forms of public life
[which has been characterized with the masculin bias of which is mentioned
above]. And with women, increasingly being perceived as the subject of
consumption, the repressed gender subtext of the bourgeois public sphere
returns– with the emergence of qualitatively different types of publicity such
as the ‘cinema’, with relations of representation and reception no longer
predicated on the exclusionary hierarchies of literary culture. (Hansen 1991: 11)
In somehow similarly, Alexander Kluge defines non-industrial and noncommercial cinema as an alternative “public sphere”. He thinks that “a film
either exploits the viewer’s needs, perceptions, and wishes or it encourages
their autonomous movement, fine-tuning, and self-reliance” – the latter is what
Adorno expects from the work of art. (Hansen 1991: 13) In this case, Cecilia is
a viewer whose needs, perceptions and wishes are exploited. That is to say,
she is the one who is manipulated by the cultural industry of Hollywood. In the
context of The Purple Rose Of Cairo, manipulation starts with the ‘romance’
which is promised by the interior film within it and as it is mentioned at the
beginning of this study, ‘romance’ is the strongest component of Hollywood
movies for Cecilia to refuge the ‘fantasies’ her mind produces through them.
The Purple Rose Of Cairo’s first shot is a close-up of a poster of the
interior The Purple Rose of Cairo movie. On the poster, Egypt, Pyramids and
the archaeologist Tom Baxter is located on the left, on the right there are men
in suits holding champagne glasses and a luxurious car near them and in the
middle there is a woman in a stylish coctail dress. In the second shot, there is
a close-up of Cecilia looking at the affiche with admiration and wonder. Then
the theater manager informs her the impending arrival of a new movie – the
interior The Purple Rose of Cairo. “You’re gonna like this one. It’s better than
last week’s, more ‘romantic’.” This is where the interior film starts its promises,
by an expression of the manager before its screening. When it comes to the
screening, ‘romantic’ as a word is emphasized many times in the lines of the
characters. First we hear it from a blonde female character, she is in a flamboyant
dress, ready for a party. She enters a room where a man in suits, sitting in front
of a piano and saying that he is bored with coctail parties and opening nights.
Another man brings a glass of martini to him and offers to go to Paris for a
couple of days. The man who is bored says “I am talking about some place
completely different. Like Morocco or Egypt.” There, the female character says
“Ooh, a boat trip down the Nile. Sounds so ‘romantic’.” In the first scene of
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the interior film, we and Cecilia see a section of Manhattan high-life and start
to imagine how romantic it can be to go to Egypt and have a boat trip down
the river. Then, the bored man adds to travel to Casablanca and Tangiers. The
man who brings martini toasts and says “to Cairo, Morocco and Tangiers, to all
the exotic and ‘romantic’ places in the world.” In this way he strengthens the
curiosity about all the mentioned places and the romantic atmosphere of them.
In another scene, we see these three characters of the high-life of Manhattan
visiting Pyramids in Egypt. There, they meet the archaelogist Tom Baxter and
he tells the legend of The Purple Rose: “a pharaoh had a rose painted purple
for his queen, and now the story says purple roses grow wild at her tomb.”
The expected reaction comes immediately from the blonde woman: “How
romantic!” After a short conversation, three from Manhattan invite Tom Baxter
to New York to meet Countess. He accepts and goes to New York and at his first
night, they all together go to club Copacabana. A singer character Kitty Haynes
who was already in the middle of the affiche that is shown in the first shot, sings
a ‘romantic’ song. While listening to her Tom Baxter seems attracted by her.
We see Cecilia watching the above-mentioned scenes at the first
screening of the movie. A day after the first screening, she daydreams about
the movie while working and the boss warnes her to concentrate on the job.
Just a few seconds after the warning, she tells about the film to her sister
while both going on working. Sister asks what she is thinking about and Cecilia
answers: “A penthouse [bored man’s home], the dessert, kissing on a dance
floor [Copacabana club where probably Tom and the singer have a kiss]… The
people were so beautiful. They spoke so cleverly and do so much ‘romantic’
things…The man playing Tom was so cute.” Cecilia talks about the film in a
mood as if she is charmed by it and she convinces her sister to go and watch it
again that night. A day after that night, she insists daydreaming at the restaurant
regardless of her boss’s warnings and at last Cecilia is dismissed from the job.
Nonetheless, immediately after the dismissal, she finds herself in the movie
theater again. She cries and watches the interior The Purple Rose of Cairo for at
least five continuous showings in a bad mood. In fact, Cecilia’s desperate hours
of sitting, crying and just looking at the screen, while the movie starts and ends
several times, are the indication of the big action3. Cecilia makes Tom Baxter,
the romantic character in the interior movie, to step out of the screen4. She
Although this study handles the concept of ‘fantasy’ in the context of its examination of the
placement of The Purple Rose of Cairo’s main character between the worlds of ‘reality’ and
‘fantasy’, a point also needs to be made here concerning the fantastic narrative of the movie. The
Purple Rose of Cairo places the spectators between the worlds of reality and fantasy through
its narrative as well. It definetely corresponds to Rosemary Jackson’s following explanation of
‘fantastic narratives’. As Jackson states: “They assert that what they are telling is real – relying
upon all the conventions of realistic fiction to do so – and then they proceed to break that
assumption of realism by introducing what – within those terms – is manifestly unreal. They pull
the reader [spectator] from the apparent familiarity and security of the known and everyday world
into something more strange, […]”(Jackson 1995: 34)
This fantastic action can be read as resulting from Cecilia’s attempt to compensate the lack of
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causes to a new fantasy that brings some meaning to her empty life. He wants
to stay with her, not to go back to the screen. He says many times that he loves
Cecilia. He behaves her nicely, something that Monk never does. He takes her
to a romantic dinner, to dancing and he gives her flowers. He ensures ‘romance’
for her that she sees only on movies. However when Gil Shepherd, the actor
who plays the character named Tom Baxter, comes to New Jersey to find and
convince Tom to return to the screen, he meets Cecilia and pretends as if he likes
her. He wants her to leave Tom. He promises to bring her to Hollywood. At this
moment, Cecilia prefers the biggest ‘fantasy’ – going to Hollywood – to the small
one that Tom Baxter provided her with a couple of romantic moments. Although
Tom Baxter steps out of the screen for her, at her most desperate moments and
makes the ‘romance’ real in her life, Cecilia choses to leave the ‘reality’ behind.
She achieves it exactly, not by going to Hollywood with Gil – she can not go
because Gil Shepherd deceives her in order to make her let Tom Baxter go back
to the screen – but by going to the movie theater again as she always does5 and
watching a brand new ‘romance’: Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in Top Hat (Dir.
Mark Sandrich, 1935) dancing and Fred Astaire is singing “I’m in heaven”.
In conclusion, this study examined Woody Allen’s The Purple Rose of
Cairo (1985) in relation to the concepts of ‘reality’ and ‘fantasy’, through its main
character Cecilia and the circumstances surrounding her. Within its examination,
this study explained how ‘reality’ is differing from the ‘real’ and what are the
components of Cecilia’s ‘reality’. Thus, it revealed how the world of ‘fantasy’
Hollywood film industry is selling affected Cecilia’s life as a woman i.e. made her
alienated to her daily life ; and at the end became the most critical component
‘romance’ in her life. In other words, this is the way how Cecilia expresses her desire for the
romantic moments with Tom Baxter. As Jackson puts out “[i]n expressing desire, fantasy can
operate in two ways ([…]): it can tell of, manifest or show desire ([…]), or it can expel, when
this desire is a disturbing element which threatens cultural order and continuity ([…]).” (Jackson
1995: 3) In light with the foregoing categorization, it can obviously be said that Cecilia’s fantasy
of making a romantic film character step out of a movie screen to have a love relation with her
can be interpreted as: she expresses her desire by telling of/manifesting or showing it in an
unusual/different/strange way which threatens the cultural or Caillois’s “acknowledged” order
and continuity in her life. (Jackson 1995: 21) Even though she is not happy with her life that she is
experiencing lots of constraints and lack of romance, she knows somewhere in her unconscious
that in this way of expressing her desire, there is something wrong, she is still married and it is
impossible to go on with a lover that came from a fantasy world. Thus, later on, her fantasy turns
to operate in the latter category.
At this time, Cecilia’s fantasy operates in the way of expelling the ‘desire’ which made Tom
Baxter once step out of the screen, has romantic moments with Cecilia but then go back to the
screen again just because of Cecilia’s mind did not let this fantasy go on like that; and so, made
Gil Shepherd come to town, convince Tom to return to the screen, promise Cecilia to take her to
Hollywood and at the end turn her adrift. Since the existence of a romantic film character out of
a film-world, and having a new place near by Cecilia as a lover in her fantasy world, threatens her
unconsciously and she prefers not to break the acknowledged order in which she was enduring
all the harsh constraints of her life by means of just watching romances on the screen of a film
theater in a passive act - with no film character stepping out of or with no Cecilia stepping into
the screen.
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of her own ‘reality’. In sum, if it comes to answer the question been asked at
the very beginning, the ‘reality’ that is experienced in Cecilia’s daily life might
be seen as ended in the ‘heaven’ which was being presented via the ‘fantasy’
worlds of Hollywood movies, in film theaters; but might also be seen as just
starting in the film theater each time she watches a new romantic film (or the
same film again and again) and carries the fantasy world of those movies into
each moment of her real life.
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Allen on Woody Allen, Grove Press, pp. 148-152.
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GIRGUS Sam B. (2002), “The Purple Rose of Cairo”, The Films of Woody Allen,
Cambridge University Press, pp. 70-88.
HANSEN Miriam (1991), “Introduction: Cinema Spectatorship and Public Life”,
Babel &Babylon: Spectatorship in American Silent Film, Cambridge, MA:
Harvard U.P., pp. 1-19.
JACKSON Rosemary (1995), Fantasy, Routledge.
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Greenwood Publishing Group.
MILLER Toby and STAM Robert (2000), “The Historical Spectator/Audience”,
Film and Theory: An Anthology, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 337-344.
STACEY Jackie (2003), “Star Gazing: Hollywood Cinema and Female
Spectatorship”, The Audience Studies Reader, edited by Will Brooker and
Deborah Jermyn, Routledge, pp. 150-158.
WITKIN Robert W. (2003), “Woody Allen’s Culture Industry”, Adorno on
Popular Culture, Routledge, pp. 151-169.