Detect-and-Track: Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos
Rohit Girdhar1 Georgia Gkioxari2 Lorenzo Torresani2,3 Manohar Paluri2 Du Tran2
The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University 2 Facebook 3 Dartmouth College
arXiv:1712.09184v2 [cs.CV] 2 May 2018
Stage #1
(3D) Mask R-CNN:
Detect person tubes +
keypoints in clip
This paper addresses the problem of estimating and tracking human body keypoints in complex, multi-person video.
We propose an extremely lightweight yet highly effective approach that builds upon the latest advancements in human
detection [17] and video understanding [5]. Our method operates in two-stages: keypoint estimation in frames or short
clips, followed by lightweight tracking to generate keypoint
predictions linked over the entire video. For frame-level
pose estimation we experiment with Mask R-CNN, as well as
our own proposed 3D extension of this model, which leverages temporal information over small clips to generate more
robust frame predictions. We conduct extensive ablative experiments on the newly released multi-person video pose
estimation benchmark, PoseTrack, to validate various design
choices of our model. Our approach achieves an accuracy
of 55.2% on the validation and 51.8% on the test set using
the Multi-Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA) metric, and
achieves state of the art performance on the ICCV 2017
PoseTrack keypoint tracking challenge [1].
Stage #2
Bipartite Matching:
Link the predictions
over time
Figure 1. We propose a two-stage approach to keypoint estimation
and tracking in videos. For the first stage, we propose a novel
video pose estimation formulation, 3D Mask R-CNN, that takes
a short video clip as input and produces a tubelet per person and
keypoints within those. In the second stage, we perform lightweight optimization to link the detections over time.
one of the more interesting aspects of video understanding,
namely modeling the changes in appearance and semantics
of scenes, objects and humans over time [6, 13, 15, 37].
In this work, we focus on the problem of human pose
tracking in complex videos, which entails tracking and estimating the pose of each human instance over time. The
challenges here are plenty, including pose changes, occlusions and the presence of multiple overlapping instances.
The ideal tracker needs to accurately predict the pose of all
human instances at each time step by reasoning about the
appearance and pose transitions over time. Hence, the effort
to materialize a pose tracker should closely follow the state
of the art in pose prediction but also enhance it with the tools
necessary to successfully integrate time information at an
instance-specific level.
Most recent video pose estimation methods use handdesigned graphical models or integer program optimizations
on top of frame-based keypoint predictions to compute the final predictions over time [21,26,48]. While such approaches
have shown good performance, they require hand-coding of
optimization constraints and may not be scalable beyond
short video clips due to their computational complexity.
Most importantly, the tracking optimization is only responsible for linking frame-level predictions, and the system has
no mechanism to improve the estimation of keypoints by
1. Introduction
In recent years, visual understanding, such as object and
scene recognition [17, 40, 44, 55], has witnessed a significant
bloom thanks to deep visual representations [18, 31, 47, 50].
Modeling and understanding human behaviour in images has
been in the epicenter of a variety of visual tasks due to its importance for numerous downstream practical applications. In
particular, person detection and pose estimation from a single image have emerged as prominent and challenging visual
recognition problems [36]. While single-image understanding has advanced steadily through the introduction of tasks
of increasing complexity, video understanding has made
slower progress compared to the image domain. Here, the
preeminent task involves labeling whole videos with a single
activity type [5, 7, 10, 14, 29, 30, 32, 46, 49, 51, 52]. While still
relevant and challenging, this task shifts the focus away from
∗ Work
done as a part of RG’s internship at Facebook
leveraging temporal information (except [48], though it is
limited to the case of single person video). This implies that
if a keypoint is poorly localized in a given frame, e.g., due
to partial occlusion or motion blur, the prediction cannot
be improved despite correlated, possibly less ambiguous,
information being at hand in adjacent frames. To address
this limitation, we propose a simple and effective approach
which leverages the current state of the art method in pose
prediction [17] and extends it by integrating temporal information from adjacent video frames by means of a novel
3D CNN architecture. It is worth noting that this architecture maintains the simplicity of our two-stage procedure:
keypoint estimation is still performed at a frame-level by
deploying space-time operations on short clips in a slidingwindow manner. This allows our 3D model to propagate
useful information from the preceding and the subsequent
frames in order to make the prediction in each frame more
robust, while using a lightweight module for long-term tracking, making our method applicable to arbitrarily long videos.
Fig. 1 illustrates our approach.
We train and evaluate our method on the challenging
PoseTrack dataset [24], which contains real-world videos
of people in various everyday scenes, and is annotated with
locations of human joints along with their identity index
across frames. First, and in order to convince of the efficacy
of our method, we build a competitive baseline approach
which links frame-level predictions, obtained from Mask
R-CNN [17], in time with a simple heuristic. Our baseline approach achieves state of the art performance in the
ICCV’17 PoseTrack Challenge [1], proving that it performs
competitively on this new dataset. We then propose a 3D
extension of Mask R-CNN, which leverages temporal information in short clips to produce more robust predictions
in individual frames. For the same base architecture and
image resolution, our proposed 3D model outperforms our
very strong 2D baseline by 2% on keypoint mAP and 1% on
the MOTA metric (details about the metrics in Sec. 4.1). In
addition, our top-performing model runs at 2 minutes on a
100-frame video, with the tracking itself running in the order
of seconds, showing strong potential for practical usage. As
we show in Sec. 4.2, this is nearly two orders of magnitude
faster than IP based formulations [26] using state-of-the-art
solvers [16].
2. Related Work
Multi-person pose estimation in images: The application
of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to keypoint
prediction [4, 17, 22, 40] has led to significant improvements
over the last few years. Some of the most recent efforts in
multi-person keypoint estimation from still images can be
classified into bottom-up versus top-down techniques. Topdown approaches [17, 40] involve first locating instances
by placing a tight box around them, followed by estimation
of the body joint landmarks within that box. On the other
hand, bottom-up methods [4,22] involve detecting individual
keypoints, and in some cases the affinities between those
keypoints, and then grouping those predictions into instances.
Our proposed approach builds upon these ideas by extending
the top-down models to the video domain. We first predict
spatio-temporal tubes over human instances in the video,
followed by joint keypoint prediction within those tubes.
Multi-person pose estimation in video: Among the most
dominant approaches to pose estimation from videos is a
two-stage approach, which first deploys a frame-level keypoint estimator, and then connects these keypoints in space
and time using optimization techniques. In [21, 26], it is
shown that a state of the art pose model followed by an integer programming optimization problem can result in very
competitive performance in complex videos. While these
approaches can handle both space-time smoothing and identity assignment, they are not applicable to long videos due to
the NP-hardness of the IP optimization. Song et al. [48] propose a CRF with space-time edges and jointly optimize for
the pose predictions. Although they show an improvement
over frame-level predictions, their method does not consider
body identities and does not address the challenging task of
pose tracking. In addition, their approach is hard to generalize to an unknown number of person instances, a number
that might vary even between consecutive frames due to
occlusions and disocclusions. Our approach also follows a
two-stage pipeline, albeit with a much less computationally
expensive tracking stage, and is able to handle any number
of instances per frame in a video.
Multi-object tracking in video: There has been significant effort towards multi-object tracking from video [12, 43].
Prior to deep learning, the proposed solutions to tracking
consisted of systems implementing a pipeline of several
steps, using computationally expensive hand-crafted features and separate optimization objectives [54] for each
of the proposed steps. With the advent of deep learning,
end-to-end approaches for tracking have emerged. Examples include [39, 45] which use recurrent neural networks
(RNNs) on potentially diverse visual cues, such as appearance and motion, in order to track objects. In [11], a tracker
is built upon the state of the art object detection system
by adding correlation features between pair of consecutive
frames in order to predict frame-level candidate boxes as
well as their time deformations. More recent works have
attempted to tackle detection and tracking in end-to-end
fashion [20, 27, 28], and some works have further used such
architectures for down-stream tasks such as action recognition [20]. Our work is inspired by these recent efforts but
extends the task of object box tracking to address for the
finer task of tracking poses in time.
3. Technical Approach
In this section, we describe our method in detail. We
propose a two-stage approach that efficiently and accurately
tracks human instances and their poses across time. We
build a 3D human pose predictor by extending Mask RCNN [17] with spatiotemporal operations by inflating the
2D convolutions into 3D [5]. Our model takes as input
short clips and predicts the poses of all people in the clips
by integrating temporal information. We show that our 3D
model outperforms its 2D frame-level baseline for the task of
pose estimation. To track the instances in time, we perform
a lightweight optimization that links the predictions. To
address exponential complexities with respect to the number
of frames in the video and the number of detections per
frame, we employ a simple yet effective heuristic. This
yields a model that achieves state of the art accuracy on the
challenging PoseTrack benchmark [24] and runs orders of
magnitude faster than most recent approaches [21, 26].
3.1. Two-Stage Approach for Pose Tracking
Stage 1: Spatiotemporal pose estimation over clips.
The first stage in our two-stage approach for human keypoint
tracking is pose estimation using a CNN-based model. Although our approach can build upon any frame-based pose estimation system, for this work we use Mask R-CNN [17] due
to its simple formulation and robust performance. Mask RCNN is a top-down keypoint estimation model that extends
the Faster R-CNN object detection framework [44]. It consists of a standard base CNN, typically a ResNet [18], used to
extract image features, which are then fed into task-specific
small neural networks trained to propose object candidates
(RPN [44]), classify them or predict their mask/pose through
an accurate feature alignment operation called RoIAlign.
We take inspiration from the recent advancements in action recognition achieved by I3D [5], which introduces a
video model obtained by converting a state of the art image recognition model [23] by inflating its 2D convolutional
kernels to 3D. Analogously, starting from the vanilla Mask
R-CNN model, we transform the 2D convolutions to 3D.
Note that the receptive field of these 3D kernels spans over
the space and time dimensions and integrates spatiotemporal cues in an end-to-end learnable fashion. Now, the
input to our model is no longer a single frame, but a clip
of length T composed of adjacent frames sourced from a
video. We extend the region proposal network (RPN) [44],
to predict object candidates which track each hypothesis
across the frames of the input clip. These tube proposals
are used to extract instance-specific features via a spatiotemporal RoIAlign operation. The features are then fed into
the 3D CNN head responsible for pose estimation. This
pose-estimation head outputs heatmap activations for all keypoints across all frames conditioned on the tube hypothesis.
Thus, the output of our 3D Mask R-CNN is a set of tube
hypotheses with keypoint estimates. Fig. 2 illustrates our
proposed 3D Mask R-CNN model, which we describe in
detail next.
Base network: We extend a standard ResNet [18] architecture to a 3D ResNet architecture by replacing all 2D convolutions with 3D convolutions. We set the temporal extent of
our kernels (KT ) to match the spatial width, except for the
first convolutional layer, which uses filters of size 3 × 7 × 7.
We temporally pad the convolutions as for the spatial dimensions: padding of 1 for KT = 3 and 0 for KT = 1. We
set temporal strides to 1, as we empirically found that larger
stride values lead to lower performance. Inspired by [5, 8],
we initialize the 3D ResNet using a pretrained 2D ResNet.
Apart from their proposed “mean” initialization, which replicates the 2D filter temporally and divides the coefficients by
the number of repetitions, we also experiment with a a “center” initialization method, which has earlier been used for
action recognition tasks [9]. In this setup, we initialize the
central 2D slice of the 3D kernel with the 2D filter weights
and set all the other 2D slices (corresponding to temporal
displacements) to zero. We empirically show in Sec. 4.3
that center initialization scheme leads to better performance.
The final feature map output of the base 3D network for a
T ×H ×W input is T × H8 × W
8 , as we clip the network after
the fourth residual block and perform no temporal striding.
Tube proposal network: We design a tube proposal network inspired by the region proposal network (RPN) in
Faster R-CNN [44]. Given the feature map from the base
network, we slide a small 3D-conv network connected to
two sibling fully connected layers – tube classification (cls)
and regression (reg). The cls and reg labels are defined with
respect to tube anchors. We design the tube anchors to be
similar to the bounding box anchors used in Faster R-CNN,
but here we replicate them in time. We use A (typically 12)
different anchors at every sliding position, differing in scale
and/or aspect ratio. Thus, we have H8 × W
8 × A anchors in
total. For each of these anchors, cls predicts a binary value indicating whether a foreground tube originating at that spatial
position has a high overlap with our proposal tube. Similarly,
reg outputs for each anchor a 4T -dimensional vector encoding displacements with respect to the anchor coordinates for
each box in the tube. We use the softmax classification loss
for training the cls layer, and the smoothed L1 loss for the
reg layer. We scale the reg loss by T1 , in order to keep its
values comparable to those of the loss for the 2D case. We
define these losses as our tracking loss.
3D Mask R-CNN heads: Given the tube candidates produced by the tube proposal network, the next step classifies
and regresses them into a tight tube around a person track.
We compute the region features for this tube by designing a
3D region transform operator. In particular, we extend the
RoIAlign operation [17] to extract a spatiotemporal feature
map from the output of the base network. Since the temporal
“𝐴” proposals at
every pixel,
Trained with cls
and reg loss
cls loss
reg loss
Figure 2. Proposed 3D Mask R-CNN network architecture: Our architecture, as described in Sec. 3.1, has three main parts. The base
network is a standard ResNet, extended to 3D. It generates a 3D feature blob, which is then used to generate proposal tubes using the Tube
Proposal Network (TPN). The tubes are used to extract region features from the 3D feature blob, using a spatiotemporal RoIAlign operation,
and are fed into heads that classify/regress for a tight tube and another to predict keypoint heatmaps.
extent of the feature map and the tube candidates is the same
(of dimension T ), we split the tube into T 2D boxes, and use
RoIAlign to extract a region from each of the T temporal
slices in the feature map. The regions are then concatenated
in time to produce a T × R × R feature map, where R is
the output resolution of RoIAlign operation, which is kept
7 for the cls/reg head, and 14 for the keypoint head. The
classification head consists of a 3D ResNet block, similar to
the design of the 3D ResNet blocks from the base network;
and the keypoint head consists of 8 3D conv layers, followed
by 2 deconvolution layers to generate the keypoint heatmap
output for each time frame input. The classification head is
trained with a softmax loss for the cls output and a smoothed
L1 loss for the reg output, while the keypoint head is trained
with a spatial softmax loss, similar to [17].
Stage 2: Linking keypoint predictions into tracks.
Given these keypoint predictions grouped in space by person identity (i.e., pose estimation), we need to link them
in time to obtain keypoint tracks. Tracking can be seen as
a data association problem over these detections. Previous
approaches, such as [41], have formulated this task as a bipartite matching problem, which can be solved using the
Hungarian algorithm [33] or greedy approaches. More recent work has incorporated deep recurrent neural networks
(RNN), such as an LSTM [19], to model the temporal evolutions of features along the tracks [39, 45]. We use a similar
strategy, and represent these detections in a graph, where
each detected bounding box (representing a person) in a
frame becomes a node. We define edges to connect each
box in a frame to every box in the next frame. The cost of
each edge is defined as the negative likelihood of the two
boxes linked on that edge to belong to the same person. We
experimented with both hand-crafted and learned likelihood
metrics, which we describe in the next paragraph. Given
these likelihood values, we compute tracks by simplifying
the problem to bipartite matching between each pair of adjacent frames. We initialize tracks on the first frame and
propagate the labels forward using the matches, one frame
at a time. Any boxes that do not get matched to an existing
track instantiate a new track. As we show in Sec. 4.2, this
simple approach is very effective in getting good tracks, is
highly scalable, is able to deal with a varying number of
person hypotheses, and can run on videos of arbitrary length.
Likelihood metrics: We experiment with a variety of handcrafted and learned likelihood metrics for linking the tracks.
In terms of hand-crafted features, we specifically experiment
with: 1) Visual similarity, defined as the cosine distance
between CNN features extracted from the image patch represented by the detection; 2) Location similarity, defined as the
box intersection over union (IoU) of the two detection boxes;
and 3) Pose similarity, defined as the PCKh [53] distance
between the poses in the two frames. We also experiment
with a learned distance metric based on a LSTM model that
incorporates track history in predicting whether a new detection is part of the track or not. At test time, the predicted
confidence values are used in the matching algorithm, and
the matched detection is used to update the LSTM hidden
state. Similar ideas have also shown good performance for
traditional tracking tasks [45].
In Sec. 4 we present an extensive ablative analysis of
the various design choices in our two-stage architecture
described above. While being extremely lightweight and
simple to implement, our final model obtains state of the art
performance on the benchmark, out-performing all submissions in the ICCV’17 PoseTrack challenge [1].
4. Experiments and Results
We introduce the PoseTrack challenge benchmark and
experimentally evaluate the various design choices of our
model. We first build a strong baseline with our two-stage
keypoint tracking approach that obtains state of the art performance on this challenging dataset. Then, we show how
our 3D Mask R-CNN formulation can further improve upon
that model by incorporating temporal context.
Head Shou Elbo Wri Hip Knee Ankl Total Head Shou
Knee Ankl Total Total Total Total
0.0, random tracks
75.6 65.3 54.3 63.5 60.9
75.6 65.3 54.3 63.5 60.9
75.6 65.3 54.3 63.5 60.9
70.2 62 51.7 60.7 58.7
Table 1. Effect of the detection cut-off threshold. We threshold the detections computed by Mask R-CNN before matching them to
compute tracks. While keypoint mAP goes down, the tracking MOTA performance increases as there are fewer spurious detections to
confuse the tracker. The first row also shows the random baseline; i.e. the performance of the model that randomly assigns a track ID
between 0 and 1000 (maximum allowed) to each detection.
4.1. Dataset and Evaluation
PoseTrack [24, 25] is a recently released large-scale challenge dataset for human body keypoint estimation and tracking in diverse, in-the-wild videos. It consists of a total of 514
video sequences with 66,374 frames, split into 300, 50 and
208 videos for training, validation and testing, respectively.
The training videos come with the middle 30 frames densely
labeled with human body keypoints. The validation and
test videos are labeled at every fourth frame, apart from the
middle 30 frames. This helps evaluate the long term tracking performance of methods without requiring expensive
annotations throughout the entire video. In total, the dataset
contains 23,000 labeled frames and 153,615 poses. The test
set annotations are held-out, and evaluation are performed
by submitting the predictions to an evaluation server.
The annotations consist of human head bounding boxes
and 15 body joint keypoint locations per labeled person.
Since all our proposed approaches are top-down and depend
on the detection of the extent of the person before detecting keypoints, we compute a bounding box by taking the
min and max extents of labeled keypoints, and dilating that
box by 20%. Also, to make the dataset compatible with
COCO [35, 36], we permute the keypoint labels to match the
closest equivalent labels in COCO. This allows us to pretrain
our models on COCO, augmenting the PoseTrack dataset
significantly and giving a large improvement in performance.
The dataset is designed to evaluate methods on three
different tasks: 1) Single-frame pose estimation; 2) Pose
estimation in video; 3) Pose tracking in the wild. Task 1)
and 2) are evaluated at a frame level, using the mean average
precision (mAP) metric [42]. Task 3) is evaluated using a
multi-object tracking metric (MOT) [3]. Both evaluations
require first computing the distance of each prediction from
each ground truth labeled pose. This is done using the PCKh
metric [2], which computes the probability of correct keypoints normalized by the head size. The mAP is computed
as in [42], and the MOT is as described in [38]. Their MOT
evaluation penalizes false positives equally regardless of
their confidence. For this, we drop keypoint predictions with
low confidence (1.95 after grid-search on the validation set).
We use the PoseTrack evaluation toolkit for computing all
results presented in this paper, and report final test numbers
as obtained from the evaluation server.
4.2. Baseline
In an effort to build a very competitive baseline, we first
evaluate the various design elements of our two stage tracking pipeline with a vanilla Mask R-CNN base model. This
model disregards time-sensitive cues when making pose predictions. Throughout this section, our models are initialized
from ImageNet and are pretrained on the COCO keypoint
detection task. We then finetune the Mask R-CNN model
on PoseTrack, keeping most hyper-parameters fixed to the
defaults used for COCO [36]. At test time, we run the model
on each frame and store the bounding box and keypoint predictions, which are linked over time in the tracking stage.
This model is competitive as it achieves state of the art results on the PoseTrack dataset. In Sec. 4.3, we prove that our
approach can further improve the performance by incorporating temporal context from each video clip via a 3D Mask
R-CNN model.
Thresholding initial detections: Before linking the detections in time, we drop the low-confidence and potentially
incorrect detections. This helps prevent the tracks from drifting and reduces false positives. Table 1 shows the effect of
thresholding the detections. As expected, the MOTA tracking metric [3] improves with higher thresholds, indicating
better and cleaner tracks. The keypoint mAP performance,
however, decreases by missing out on certain low-confidence
detections, which tend to improve the mAP metric. Since
we primarily focus on the tracking task, we threshold our
detections at 0.95 for our final experiments.
Deeper base networks: As in most vision problems, we
observed an improvement in frame-level pose estimation
by using a deeper base model. The improvements also directly transferred to the tracking performance. Replacing
ResNet-50 in Mask R-CNN with Resnet-101 gave us about
2% improvement in MOTA. We also observed a gain in performance on using feature pyramid networks (FPN) [34] in
the base network. Ultimately, we got best performance by
using a ResNet-101 model with FPN as the body, a 2-layer
MLP for the classification head, and a stack of eight conv
and deconv layers as the keypoint head.
Head Shou Elb
Hip Knee Ankl Total Total Total Total
Hungarian 61.7
61.5 88.1 66.5
61.5 88.1 66.5
Table 2. Comparison between Hungarian and Greedy algorithm for matching. Effect of matching algorithm in tracking
performance, computed over the bounding-box overlap cost criterion. The hungarian algorithm obtains slightly higher performance
than the simple greedy matching.
Matching algorithm: We experimented with two bipartite
matching algorithms: the Hungarian algorithm [33] and a
greedy algorithm. While the Hungarian algorithm computes
an optimal matching given an edge cost matrix, the greedy
algorithm takes inspiration from the evaluation algorithms
for object detection and tracking. We start from the highest confidence match, select that edge and remove the two
connected nodes out of consideration. This process of connecting each predicted box in the current frame with previous
frame is repeatedly applied from the first to the last frame of
the video. Table 2 compares the two algorithms, using the
“bounding box overlap” as cost metric (details in Sec. 4.2).
We observe that the Hungarian method performs slightly
better, thus we use it as our final model.
Tracking cost criterion: We experimented with three handdefined cost criteria as well as the learned LSTM metric to
compute the likelihoods for matching. First, we use bounding box overlap over union (IoU) as the similarity metric.
This metric expects the person to move and deform little
from one frame to next, which implies that matching boxes
in adjacent frames should mostly overlap. Second, we used
pose PCKh [53] as the similarity metric, as the pose of the
same person is expected to change little between consecutive frames. Third, we used the cosine similarity between
CNN features as a similarity metric. In particular, we use
the res3 layer of a ResNet-18 pretrained on ImageNet,
extracted from the image cropped using the person bounding box. Finally, as a learned alternative, we use a LSTM
model described in Sec. 3.1 to learn to match detections to
the tracks. Table 3 shows that the performance is relatively
stable across different cost criteria. We also experimented
with different layers of the CNN, as well as combinations of
these cost criteria, all of which performed similarly.
Given the strong performance of bounding box overlap,
we use the box xmin , ymin , xmax , ymax as the input feature
for a detection. Despite extensive experimentation with
different LSTM architectures (details in supplementary), we
found that the learned metric did not perform as well as the
simpler hand-crafted functions, presumably due the small
size of the training set. Hence for simplicity and given robust
performance, we use box overlap for our final model.
Upper bounds: One concern about the linking stage is that
it is relatively simple, and does not handle occlusions or
Head Shou Elb
Hip Knee Ankl Total Total Total Total
Bbox IoU
Pose PCK
CNN cos-dist
All combined
61.4 88.1 66.5
Table 3. Comparison between different similarity cost criteria.
We compare various different hand-crafted and learned cost criterion for the matching stage to generate tracks. Interestingly, simple
hand-crafted approaches perform very well for the task. We choose
to go with the simple bounding box overlap due to low computational cost and strong performance.
Ours Perfect association Perfect keypoints Both
78.4 82.9
Table 4. Upper bounds: We compare our performance, with our
potential performance, if we had the following perfect information.
a) Perfect association: We modify the evaluation code to copy over
the track IDs from ground truth (GT) to our predictions (PD), after
assignment is done for evaluation. This shows what our model
would achieve, if we could track perfectly (i.e. incurring 0 ID
switches). b) Perfect keypoints: We replace our PD keypoints with
GT keypoint, where GT and PD are matched using box overlap.
This shows what our model would achieve, if we predict keypoints
perfectly. c) Finally we combine both, and show the performance
with perfect keypoints and tracking, given our detections.
missed detections. However we find that even without explicit occlusion handling, our model is not significantly affected by it. To prove this, we compute the upper bound
performance given our detections and given perfect data association. Perfect data association indicates that tracks are
preserved in time even when detections are missed at the
frame level. As explained in Table 4, we obtain a small
2.5% improvement in MOTA (55.2 → 57.5) compared to
our box-overlap based association, indicating that our simple
heuristic is already close to optimal in terms of combinatorial matching. As shown in Table 4, the biggest challenge
is the quality of the pose estimates. Note that a very substantial boost is observed when perfect pose predictions are
assumed, given our detections (55.2 → 78.4). This shows
that the biggest challenge in PoseTrack is building better
pose predictors. Note that our approach can be modified
to handle jumps or holes in tracks matching over the previous K frames as opposed to only the last frame, similar
to [41]. This would allow for propagation of tracks even if a
detection is missed in K − 1 frames, at a cost linear in K.
Comparison with state of the art: We now compare our
baseline tracker to previously published work on this dataset.
Since this data was released only recently, there are no published baselines on the complete dataset. However, previous
work [26] from the authors of the challenge reports results
on a subset of this data. We compare our performance on
Final model
(Mini) Test v1.0
PoseTrack [26]
Test (subset)
Total Total Total
Table 5. Final performance on test set. We compare our method with the previously reported method on a subset of this dataset [26].
Note that [26] reports performance at PCKh0.34; the comparable PCKh0.5 performance was provided via personal communication. Our
performance was obtained by submitting our predictions to the evaluation server. Our model was a ResNet-101 base trained on train+val
sets, and tracking was performed at 0.95 initial detection threshold, hungarian matching and bbox overlap cost criterion. This model also
out-performed all competing approaches in the ICCV’17 PoseTrack challenge [1].
Figure 3. Sample results. Visualization of predictions from our two-stage model on the PoseTrack validation set. We show five frames
per video, with each frame labeled with the detections and keypoints. The detections are color coded by predicted track id. Note that our
model is able to successfully track people (and hence, their keypoints) in highly cluttered environments. One failure case of our model, as
illustrated by the last video clip above, is loss of track due to occlusion. As the skate-boarder goes behind the pole, the model loses the track
and assigns a new track ID after it recovers the person.
the test set (obtained from the evaluation server) to their performance in Table 5. Note that their reported performance
in [26] was at PCKh0.34, and the PCKh0.5 performance was
provided via personal communication. We note that while
the numbers are not exactly comparable due to differences
in the test set used, it helps put our approach in perspective
to the state of the art IP based approaches. We also submitted our final model to the ICCV’17 challenge [1]. Our
final MOTA performance on the full test set was 51.8, and
out-performed all competing approaches submitted to the
challenge. Fig. 3 shows some sample results of our approach.
Run-time comparison: Finally, we compare our method
in terms of run-time, and show that our method is nearly
two orders of magnitude faster than previous work. The IPbased method [26], using provided code takes 20 hours for a
256-frame video, in 3 stages: a) multiscale pose heatmaps:
15.4min, b) dense matching: 16 hours & c) IP optimization:
4 hours. Our method for the same video takes 5.2 minutes,
in 2 stages: a) Box/kpt extract: 5.1 min & b) Hungarian: 2s,
leading to a 237× speedup. More importantly, the run time
for [26] grows non-linearly, making it impractical for longer
videos. Our run time, on the other hand, grows linearly with
number of frames, making it much more scalable to long
Knee Ankl Total Total Total Total
Head Shou Elbo Wri Hip Knee Ankl Total Head Shou
2D ImNet
23.4 20 12.3
3D ImNet center 27
22 13.3
3D ImNet mean 26.7 20.1 11.6
16.9 11.2
19.2 12.8
19.2 12.4
57.8 22.6
56.9 24.6
55.6 24.6
28.7 25.4 17.5 10.8 24.4 17.1 11.3 19.9
3D COCO center 32.5 30.4 19.9 12 26.6 18.7 13.5 22.6
3D COCO mean 29.3 26.4 18.2 10.4 24.9 16.8 12.1 20.4
73.6 24.6
70.7 28
69.7 25.7
Table 6. 3D Mask R-CNN performance. We compare our proposed 3D Mask R-CNN model with the baseline 2D model that achieves
state of the art performance on the PoseTrack challenge. Due to GPU memory limitations, we use a ResNet-18 base architecture for both
models with frames resized to 256 pixels (this leads to a drop in performance compared to ResNet-50, over 800px images). Our 3D model
outperforms the 2D frame-level model for the tracking task in both MOTA and mAP metrics. We observe slightly higher performance with
our proposed “center” initialization (as opposed to the “mean” initialization proposed in [5]).
4.3. Evaluating 3D Mask R-CNN
So far we have shown results with our baseline model, running frame-by-frame (stage 1), and constructing the tracks
on top of those predictions (stage 2). Now we experiment
with our proposed 3D Mask R-CNN model, which naturally
encodes temporal context by taking a short clip as input
and produces spatiotemporal tubes of humans with keypoint
locations (described in Sec. 3.1). At test time, we run this
model densely in a sliding window fashion on the video, and
perform tracking on the center frame outputs.
One practical limitation with 3D CNN models is the GPU
memory usage. Due to limits of the current hardware, we
choose to experiment with a lightweight setup of our proposed baseline model. We use a ResNet-18 base architecture
with an image resolution of 256 pixels. For simplicity, we
experiment with T = 3 frame clips without temporal striding, although our model can work with arbitrary length clips.
Our model predicts tubes of T frames, with keypoints corresponding to each box in the tube. We experiment with
inflating the weights from both ImageNet and COCO, using either “mean” or “center” initialization as described in
Sec. 3.1. Table 6 shows a comparison between our 3D Mask
R-CNN and the 2D baseline. We re-train the COCO model
on ResNet-18 (without the 256px resizing) to be able to
initialize our 3D models. We obtain a mAP of 62.7% on
COCO minival, which is comparable to the reported performance of ResNet-50 (64.2% mAP, Table 6 [17]). While the
initial performance of the 2D model drops due to small input
resolution and shallower model, we see clear gains by using
our 3D model on the same resolution data with same depth
of the network. This suggests potentially similar gains over
the deeper model as well, once GPU/systems limitations
are resolved to allow us to efficiently train deeper 3D Mask
R-CNN models.
5. Conclusion and Future Work
We have presented a simple, yet efficient approach to human keypoint tracking in videos. Our approach combines the
state-of-the-art in frame-level pose estimation with a fast and
effective person-level tracking module to connect keypoints
over time. Through extensive ablative experiments, we explore different design choices for our model, and present
strong results on the PoseTrack challenge benchmark. This
shows that a simple Hungarian matching algorithm on top of
good keypoint predictions is sufficient for getting strong performance for keypoint tracking, and should serve as a strong
baseline for future research on this problem and dataset. For
frame-level pose estimation we experiment with both a Mask
R-CNN as well as our own proposed 3D extension of this
model, which leverages temporal information from small
clips to generate more robust predictions. Given the same
base architecture and input resolution, we found our 3D
Mask R-CNN to yield superior results to the 2D baseline.
However, our 2D baseline requires less GPU memory and
as a result can be applied to high image resolutions (up to
800 pixels) with high-capacity models (ResNet-101), which
elevate the performance of this simple 2D baseline to state
of the art results on the challenging PoseTrack benchmark.
We believe that as GPU capacity increases and systems become capable splitting and training models across multiple
GPUs, there is a strong potential for 3D Mask R-CNN based
approaches, especially when applied to high-resolution input
and high-capacity base models. We plan to explore those
directions as future work.
Acknowledgements: Authors would like to thank Deva Ramanan
and Ishan Misra for many helpful discussions. This research is
based upon work supported in part by NSF Grant 1618903, the
Intel Science and Technology Center for Visual Cloud Systems
(ISTC-VCS), Google, and the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via IARPA R&D Contract No. D17PC00345. The
views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors
and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of
ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is
authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental
purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation thereon.
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