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1973, Fundamenta Mathematicae
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Academia Biology, 2024
Aquaculture, or the activity of raising aquatic organisms from early development stages to a commercial size mainly as food source for humans, is an ancient activity. It is known that fish aquaculture was done in Egypt as far as 2500 BC. In China, a book on fish culture has been recorded dating back to 500 BC. Culture of shellfish such as oyster has been done for 2000 years in Japan and China, whereas its culture in Europe was recorded by 100 BC in Italy and Greece [1]. At present, aquaculture is an important production industry of animal, algae and microorganisms living in fresh-, brackish-, and sea- water.
Routledge, 2024
This book offers a radical new understanding of law, beyond the con nes of its formalization by the state. The book takes off from the late work of Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault, for whom law and its institutions came to be liberated from an ideological perspective that had treated them as sterile instruments for the reproduction of domination. Engaging with its continental history, it addresses the concept of law, not merely as 'command', but as the result of a much more complex legal operation aimed at dynamically stabilising the social relations of a community. The book thus sidesteps the usual legal-political focus on those-from Hobbes to Schmitt-who have contributed to the categorical scheme of the modern state, and with it questions of political representation, sovereignty, the rigid distinction between public law and private law, and so on, as it pursues an alternative theoretical trajectory through Ravaisson, Tarde, and Hauriou. Politics, this book maintains, can no longer be treated simply through the state form. And, relatedly, the law must be seen as a living law: a law that cannot be treated exclusively in formal terms, but must be taken as a grammar capable of articulating a politics of process, relationality, and innovation. Reconceived as such, law can then circumvent the aporias that arise when society is viewed as a private company, and the state seen as the bearer of the only possible means of formalising its relationships. At the intersection of law and political theory, this book will speak to scholars and others with interests in both these areas, and especially those concerned with the limits of both conventional and critical approaches to law.
International Journal of Entomology Research, 2024
numerous other countries. A multitude of nations have documented its extensive utilisation in traditional medicine. It is employed in the treatment of bronchial asthma, skin conditions, and constipation, among others. Worldwide, mosquitoes are a significant vector of numerous human maladies. The present research was aimed to assess the Larvicidal efficacy of the medicinal herb Acalypha indica L. against three distinct species of Mosquitoes. At concentrations of 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 ppm, ethanol, acetone, and chloroform extracts of the Acalypha indica plant were applied to Third-instar larvae. After observing the mortality after a 24 hours exposure, the LC50 and LC90 values were calculated. The results clearly indicate that the effectiveness of larvicidal agents was dependent on the dosage. The ethanol extract of Acalypha indica exhibited the highest larvicidal efficacy when tested against Culex quinquefasciatus.
Molienda, procesos, energía e insumos.
This BLOG post draws upon cognitive science, evolutionary psychology and philosophy, among other fields, to explore the emerging idea that global warming exceeds modern humans’ cognitive and sensory abilities. To overcome this impasse, climate communication needs to engage people at a philosophical, sensory and feeling level. People need to be able to feel and touch the new climate reality; to explore unfamiliar emotional terrain and be helped to conceive their existence differently. How is this to be done? The world must turn to its artists: storytellers, film-makers; musicians; painters and multi-media wizards, to name a few.
What is 'the English legal system'? 1 'English legal system' textbooks The rule-centred paradigm Dispute avoidance, dispute settlement, and 'the English legal system' Problems with the state-rule-centred paradigm Textbooks for lawyers "The English legal system' and law reform Alternative legal theories Conclusion Further reading 2 The significance of courts Courts as rule-makers The court as legislature Limits to the judicial legislature Conclusion Further reading XIV CONTENTS 3 Courts in 'the English legal system' Introduction Categories of courts Individual courts Conclusion Further reading Tribunals The present system of precedent Ratio and obiter 98 Finding the ratio The hierarchy of courts Using precedents The use of language Conclusion Further reading 6 English legal reasoning: reading statutes Interpretative communities 133 Conclusion 135 Further reading 7 The university law school and law students University law schools and gender Conclusion Further reading 8 Solicitors and barristers 151 Conclusion 174 Further reading 175 9 Judges and judging 176
F. Rappazzo, G. Traina (a cura di), I linguaggi del potere. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Ragusa, 16-18 ottobre 2019), 2020
La genesi dei testi di Lavorare stanca, opera d’esordio, rinsalda l’intuizione calviniana di una forte contiguità fra maturazione tecnica e Weltanschauung in Pavese. Se la passione letteraria per il Nordamerica è nota carta di tornasole dell’insofferenza verso un orizzonte ristretto dall’autarchia culturale fascista, il confino calabro e la censura di alcune liriche (recuperate poi, parzialmente, nella seconda edizione) restituiscono le tracce di un rapporto quantomeno contrastato fra intellettuale e potere. Ma il confino fu poco politico, e la censura, che invece l’autore attendeva tale, fu piuttosto «puritana». Meno battuta e più proficua, la strada delle carte offre invece una prospettiva inedita. Le fitte cassature di Pavese testimoniano una ricerca in cui gli epifenomeni alla portata del filologo (correzioni, varianti, riscritture), messi a sistema, finiscono per adombrare una più profonda ragione etica. Attraverso prove ed errori, il primitivo (e tutto teorico) codice binario di stampo manicheo – che attecchisce ancora in studi e manuali, sub specie oppositorum (dall’archetipo città-campagna in giù) – viene svelato in tutta la sua approssimazione. È l’autore stesso, infatti, alla prova della realtà, ad avvertirne i limiti e superarli, proponendo soluzioni che diventeranno il suo alfabeto: il non detto e il miticamente detto, il rapporto fantastico e l’immagine. Così, nel reciproco alimentarsi di queste due sfere (etica e tecnica) è possibile cogliere nel vivo la problematica convivenza tra autore e autorità.
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Convivial Thinking Group, EADI, Bonn, Germany, 2018
Conflito de Interesses e outras Hipóteses de Impedimento de Voto na Lei das S/A, 2023
Policy Studies Journal, 2007
Mégalithes dans le monde, 2022
Environmental Science & Policy, 2019
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2015
International Journal of Botany Studies, 2020
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2006
2001 Annual Conference Proceedings
Annals of Combinatorics, 2011
19th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development Proceedings, 2020