Optics Communications 349 (2015) 185–192
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Plane-wave expansion of elliptic cylindrical functions
Carlo Santini n, Fabrizio Frezza, Nicola Tedeschi
Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, Italy
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 14 November 2014
Received in revised form
20 March 2015
Accepted 24 March 2015
Available online 27 March 2015
Elliptic Cylindrical Waves (ECW), defined as the product of an angular Mathieu function by its corresponding radial Mathieu function, occur in the solution of scattering problems involving two-dimensional structures with elliptic cross sections. In this paper, we explicitly derive the expansion of ECW,
along a plane surface, in terms of homogeneous and evanescent plane waves, showing the accuracy of
the numerical implementation of the formulas and discussing possible applications of the result.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Elliptic cylinder
Plane-wave spectrum
Mathieu functions
Plane surface
Fourier integral
1. Introduction
The plane-wave representation of electromagnetic field, in its
connection to Fourier analysis, is a fundamental tool in dealing
with several aspects of the electromagnetic theory [1,2]. By expressing complex electromagnetic fields in terms of superpositions
of very simple solutions of Maxwell's equations, it is capable of
delivering a great simplification in the analytical treatment of
several complex radiation, propagation and diffraction problems.
In particular, the aforementioned technique may be used to express the electromagnetic field radiated by localized sources or
scattered by localized obstacles with simple shapes, expressing the
typical solution of Helmholtz equation in orthogonal curvilinear
coordinates in terms of natural solutions of Maxwell's equations in
Cartesian coordinates [2,3]. This approach has proved to be extremely fruitful in dealing with the reflection of complex electromagnetic fields by plane surfaces, e.g., when the fields are expanded in terms of cylindrical functions in circular coordinates [4–
8]. Since the reflection and transmission properties of surfaces are
known, or at least easily expressible, just for incident plane waves,
solutions of diffraction problems in the presence of a generally
reflecting plane surface require an integral expansion of the diffracted field along the plane surface in terms of homogeneous and
Corresponding author. Fax: þ 39 06 44585918.
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URL: (F. Frezza).
0030-4018/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
evanescent plane waves, for which the reflection behavior may be
characterized by means of the Fresnel coefficients [9–12]. The
solution of two-dimensional scattering problems in elliptic coordinates is pursued by expanding the diffracted field by means of
Elliptic Cylindrical Waves (ECW), defined as the product of an
angular Mathieu function by its corresponding radial Mathieu
function. Integral plane-wave representations of ECW as a contour
integral in the complex plane may be found in many fundamental
works [2,13,14] but, to the best of our knowledge, none of the
available forms is suitable for the straightforward application of
the aforementioned analytical procedure.
In this paper we show the explicit derivation of the plane-wave
spectrum of ECW, whose final analytical form is directly applicable
to the study of the reflection of ECW by a planar discontinuity
between propagation media. Such result is significant in many
fields of applied optics, since it constitutes a basilar step in
the construction of full-wave solutions of scattering problems regarding cylindrical diffracting structures with elliptic cross
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we resume some
fundamental concepts about ECW, we define the notations used in
this paper and we show explicit analytical derivation of the planewave expansion. In Section 3 we present numerical results,
pointing out the accuracy and reliability of the proposed planewave spectrum representation. In Section 4 we discuss relevant
applications of the proposed expansion. Finally, conclusions are
given in Section 5, where further developments are outlined too.
C. Santini et al. / Optics Communications 349 (2015) 185–192
2. Plane wave expansion of ECW
respectively, give rise to corresponding ECW representing outgoing (first kind, ECWp (1) ) and ingoing (second kind, ECWp (2) ) fields
2.1. Elliptic Cylindrical Waves
when a time factor exp( − iωt) is assumed. In this paper, for
relevant applications to diffraction theory, we will focus on
ECWp (1) functions corresponding to Mathieu–Hankel functions of
the first kind:
With reference to the notation used in [3,15], we will denote
with symbols Spn (v, q) the angular Mathieu functions (AMF), and
with symbols Jp (u, q), Npn (u, q) the radial Mathieu functions
(RMF) of the first and second kind, respectively: (u, v) being the
elliptic cylindrical coordinates, q being the elliptic parameter, the
index p = {e, o} and index n ∈ denoting functions of even or odd
ECWp (1) (u, v, q) = H p (1) (u, q)·Spn (v, q);
for this reason, in the following sections, the superscript “(1)” will
be dropped.
type p and integer order n, respectively. With symbols H p (m) (u, q),
m = {1, 2} , we will denote radial Mathieu functions of the third
kind, analogous to the Hankel functions in circular coordinates,
defined as
H p (1) (u, q) = Jp (u, q) + iNpn (u, q),
H p (2) (u, q) = Jp (u, q) − iNpn (u, q).
By means of such notation, the basic solutions of the Helmholtz
equation in elliptic coordinates are of the form
H p (m) (u, q)·Spn (v, q);
the elliptic parameter q is connected to the wavenumber k in the
Helmholtz equation since q = k 2ρ2 /4 , k = 2π /λ , λ being the wavelength, ρ = d/2, d being the interfocal distance of the reference
ellipses. For the sake of simplicity and readability in the rest of this
paper, we will refer to these basic solutions as Elliptic Cylindrical
Waves (ECW), denoted by symbols ECWp (m) (u, v, q), to focus on the
analogies with the results of plane-wave expansion of circular
cylindrical waves in [4]. We point out that the two different forms
of Mathieu functions of the third kind in (1) and (2), also called
Mathieu–Hankel functions of the first and second kind,
2.2. Integral representation of ECW
The geometric layout of the problem is shown in Fig. 1, where
the axes and coordinates of the Cartesian reference frame are visualized together with the corresponding elliptic coordinates. We
will refer to dimensionless Cartesian coordinates ξ = kx and η = ky .
Our aim is to express the ECW field distribution (3), across a plane
η = η0 > 0, as a superposition of plane waves, following an analytical approach similar to the one used in [4]. We start from the
integral representation in [14], reported as “Integral Representation with Elementary Kernel” in [16,17] at Section 28.28.7
∫3 exp(2ihw)meν (t, h2) dt
= exp(iν )meν (α, h2) Mν(3) (z, h),
variable w is defined as w = cosh z cos t cos α + sinh z sin t sin α ,
w, z, α, t represent complex variables,
h2 = q ,
ν represents a complex index,
the complex variable t must follow an integration path 3
Fig. 1. Geometry of the problem and reference frame; ξ and η are Cartesian dimensionless coordinates, defined as ξ = kx and η = ky , where k = 2π /λ , λ being the wavelength;
(u, v) are elliptic coordinates; F1 and F2 are the foci of the elliptic reference frame, ρ = F1F2 /2.
C. Santini et al. / Optics Communications 349 (2015) 185–192
belonging to the strip in the complex plane delimited by
( − r1 + i∞) and (r2 − i∞), (r1, r2 ∈ ) ,
meν (in plain roman font) and Mν(3) denote a Mathieu Function and
a Modified Mathieu Function of the third kind, respectively,
the integral representation, as stated in [14], is convergent if
−r1 < arg{h [cosh(z + iα)] ± 1} < π − r1,
− r2 < arg{h [cosh(z − iα)] ± 1} < π − r2.
To express equations in the desired notation, we write (4) in the
case ν ∈ , separate the two cases ν = ± n (n ∈ ) and apply the
following relations, available in [18]
Mn(3) (z, h) =
He (z, q),
π n
n (z, h) = ( − 1)
men (α,
n ≥ 1,
n ≥ 0,
So (α, q),
Nno n
me−n (α, h2) = − i
Ho (z, q),
π n
Se (α, q),
Nne n
Fig. 2. Integration path 3 on the complex plane, 3 = *1 ∪ *2 ∪ *3.
n ≥ 0,
n ≥ 1,
are normalization factors for AMF. With simple
algebra and by referring only to real values of variables z and α,
representing elliptic coordinates u, v, respectively, we get to the
following form:
ECWpn (u, v, q) = Hpn (u, q)·Spn (v, q)
( − i)n
∫3 exp(2ihw) Spn (t, q) dt,
w = cosh u cos v cos t + sinh u sin v sin t .
In (9) the explicit dependence of the exponential factor on
variables ξ, η0, t and parameters k, q may be shown considering
that h = q = kρ /2
2ihw = ikρ cosh u cos v cos t + ikρ sinh u sin v sin t ,
thus, by using relations x = ρ cosh u cos v and y = ρ sinh u sin v ,
between elliptic cylindrical (u, v) and Cartesian (x,y) coordinates
2ihw = ikx cos t + iky sin t .
By introducing Cartesian dimensionless coordinates, a point (x, y0 )
on the plane y = y0 is identified by (ξ, η0 ), with ξ = kx and η0 = ky0 ,
2ihw = i (ξ cos t + η0 sin t).
ECWpn (u, v) =
Fpn ⎜η0, β⎟ exp(iξβ) dβ,
in which the elliptic coordinates are functions of the Cartesian
dimensionless coordinates ξ = kx , η = ky , thus u = u (ξ, η0 ),
v = v (ξ, η0 ), and the field produced by an ECW, evaluated across a
plane η = η0 , is explicitly expressed as a superposition of plane
2.3.1. Choice of the integration path
As stated before, the integration path 3 of the complex variable
t = (r + is) ∈ may be chosen arbitrarily in the strip of the complex plane delimited by (−r1 + i∞) and (r2 − i∞) , (r1, r2 ∈ ). By
choosing values r1 = 0 and r2 = π relations (5) ensure convergence
of the integral representation (13) for u ∈ [0, + ∞), v ∈ [0, π]. Under these assumptions, we choose the integration path as composed of three linear portions *1, *2, *3, shown in Fig. 2,
*1: (0 + i∞) → (0 + i0),
*2: (0 + i0) → (π + i0),
*3: (π + i0) → (π − i∞),
each one giving rise to a separate contribution to the integral (13).
Such choice allows us to derive a plane-wave integral representation of ECW explicitly taking into account, by means of path *2, all
homogeneous plane waves propagating along directions v ∈ [0, π]
and by means of path *1 and *3, all evanescent plane waves
propagating on the surface along directions v = 0 and v = π .
ECWpn (ξ , η0, q)
( − i)n
∫3= * ∪ * ∪ *
exp[ i (ξ cos t + η0 sin t)] Spn (t , q) dt ,
ECWpn (ξ , η0, q) = 01 + 02 + 03,
ECWpn (ξ , η0, q)
( − i)n
∫3 exp[i (ξ cos t + η0 sin t)] Spn (t, q) dt.
Finally, we obtain the desired form of integral representation of
the ECW:
0m =
( − i)n
m = 1, 2, 3.
exp[ i (ξ cos t + η0 sin t)] Spn (t , q) dt ,
2.3. Fourier integral representation
Each contribution (17) will be treated individually to show the
analytical derivation.
Our intention is to express the integral (15) in the form of a
spatial Fourier integral:
2.3.2. First contribution: portion *1
From the contribution related to portion *1 of the integration
C. Santini et al. / Optics Communications 349 (2015) 185–192
path it is possible to derive the explicit expression of the right part
of the plane-wave spectrum of ECW in (14), corresponding to
evanescent plane waves with β > 1:
( − i)n
01 =
exp[i (ξ cos t + η0 sin t)] Spn (t , q) dt ,
cos r = β,
β ∈ [ − 1 ;+ 1],
sin r =
1 − β2 ,
r = arccosβ,
dr = − dβ/ 1 − β 2 ,
by posing t = 0 + is with s ∈ (+∞ ; 0] and dt ¼i ds on path *1,
we obtain
( − i)n
01 =
02 =
∫+∞ exp[i (ξ cos is + η0 sin is)]
× Spn (is , q) i ds
( − i)n + 1
( − i)n
∫−1 exp(iξβ)exp(iη0
× Spn (arccosβ, q)
1 − β2
1 − β2 )
exp(iξ cosh s)exp( − η0 sinh s)
By comparing (27) with (14), we get to the expression of the
× Spn (is , q) ds .
sin is = i sinh s ,
exp(iη0 sin is) = exp( − η0 sinh s), so in (20) as s → + ∞,
exp( − η0 sinh s) → 0, providing convergence. By posing
homogeneous plane-wave spectrum of ECW, Fpn η0 , β , for |β| < 1,
2π ( − i)n exp iη0 1 − β 2
Fpn (η0, β) =
× Spn (arccosβ, q),
cosh s = β,
|β| < 1.
β ∈ [1 ;+∞],
β2 − 1 ,
sinh s =
s = ln
β2 − 1 + β ,
ds = dβ/ β 2 − 1 ,
2.3.4. Third contribution: portion *3
From the contribution relevant to the portion *3 of the integration path it is possible to derive the explicit expression of the
left part of the plane-wave spectrum of ECW in (14), corresponding to evanescent plane waves with β < − 1:
we obtain
01 =
i)n + 1
03 =
exp(iξβ)exp(−η0 β 2 − 1 )
× Spn ⎢i ln( β 2 − 1 + β),
portion of the plane-wave spectrum of ECW, Fpn η0 , β , for β > 1,
2π ( − i)n + 1 exp(−η0 β 2 − 1 )
exp[i (ξ cos t + η0 sin t)] Spn (t , q) dt ,
03 =
( − i)n
exp[iξ cos(π + is)]exp[iη0 sin(π + is)]
× Spn (π + is , q) i ds
( − i)n + 1
∫−∞ exp( − iξ cosh s)exp( + η0 sinh s)
× Spn (π + is , q) ds .
β2 − 1
× Spn ⎢i ln( β 2 − 1 + β),
by posing t = π + is with s ∈ (−∞ ; 0] and dt = i ds on path *3,
⎥⎦ β 2 − 1
By comparing (22) with (14), we get to the expression of the
Fpn (η0, β) =
( − i)n
β > 1.
sin is = i sinh s ,
exp (−iη0 sin is) = exp (+η0 sinh s), so in (31) as s → − ∞,
exp( + η0 sinh s) → 0, providing convergence. By posing
cosh s = − β,
2.3.3. Second contribution: portion *2
From the contribution relevant to portion *2 of the integration
path it is possible to derive the explicit expression of the part of
the plane-wave spectrum of ECW in (14) corresponding to
homogeneous plane waves with |β| < 1:
02 =
( − i)n
( − i)n
By posing
sinh s = −
β2 − 1 ,
s = ln − β 2 − 1 − β ,
ds = dβ/
− 1,
we obtain
exp[i (ξ cos t + η0 sin t)] Spn (t , q) dt ,
by posing t = r + i0 with r ∈ [0; π] and dt ¼dr, on path *2,
02 =
β ∈ [ − ∞; − 1],
exp(iξ cos r)exp(iη0 sin r) Spn (r , q) dr .
03 =
( − i)n + 1 − 1
exp(iξβ)exp(−η0 β 2 − 1 )
× Spn ⎢π + i ln(− β 2 − 1 − β), q⎥
⎥⎦ β 2 − 1
By comparing (33) with (14) we get to the expression of the left
part of the plane-wave spectrum of ECW, Fpn η0 , β , for β < − 1,
C. Santini et al. / Optics Communications 349 (2015) 185–192
Fpn (η0, β) =
2π ( − i)n + 1 exp(−η0 β 2 − 1 )
β2 − 1
× Spn ⎢π + i ln(− β 2 − 1 − β),
β < − 1.
We may summarize results (23), (28) and (34) in the following
Fpn (η0, β)
⎧ 2π ( − i)n + 1 exp(−η γ)
Spn [i ln(γ + β), q],
⎪ 2π ( − i)n exp(iη0 γ)
Spn (arccosβ, q),
values computed by applying numerical quadrature formulas to
the plane-wave expansion (14) (named ECWp int ). To avoid nun
|β| > 1,
|β| < 1,
where γ = |1−β | . Finally, by means of the definition of the arccos
function in the complex domain, as described in [9], we can
express the plane wave spectrum function Fpn in a compact form
Fpn (η0, β)
plotted versus β for values of η0 = 1, 5, 10, 20. The evanescent
plane-wave portion of the ECW spectrum is strongly affected by
the variation of the η0 parameter, compared to the homogeneous
plane-wave portion.
Numerical tests involving expression (35) have been carried out
to estimate its suitability for computational purposes. To perform
convergence and accuracy validation, values of ECW computed by
means of reliable numerical methods available in the literature
[15,19] (named ECWp lib ) have been compared to ECW function
2π ( − i)n exp iη0 1 − β 2
∀ β ∈ \{ ± 1}.
(arccosβ, q),
3. Numerical results
In Fig. 3, curves of the modulus of Fe n (η0 , β) for η0 = 20 , q¼ 4 are
plotted versus β for values n = 4, 6, 8, 10 (Fig. 3a) and
n = 5, 7, 9, 11 (Fig. 3b). The curves, showing a singularity for
|β| = 1, may be compared to the plane-wave spectrum of cylindrical
functions, related to a circular cylinder, presented in [4]. These
singularities disappear when the constant k is complex, i.e., when
the losses are considered in the physical problem, similar to the
case of circular cylindrical waves [8].
In Fig. 4a, curves of the modulus of Fe 4 (η0 , β) for η0 = 20 are
plotted versus β for values of q = 1, 2, 5, 10. The homogeneous
plane-wave portion of the ECW spectrum is strongly affected by
the variation of the q parameter, compared to the evanescent
plane-wave portion.
In Fig. 4b, curves of the modulus of Fe 4 (η0 , β) for q ¼10 are
merical integration issues due to the presence of singularities in
the plane-wave spectrum, it is possible to resort to a suitable
change of variable, as stated in [9]. By bringing integrals (20), (27)
and (31) back to their previous form (19), (25) and (30), respectively, it is possible to remove the presence of the singularity at the
cost of keeping an oscillating term in the integrand. We point out
that the oscillating factor in the form exp(iξ cosh s) in (30) and (31)
or exp(iξ cos r) in (25) may behave as a highly oscillating kernel for
large values of |ξ|: in this case, to avoid loss of accuracy due to
numerical cancellation, the development of specific numericalquadrature strategies and algorithms [23,24] might turn out to be
necessary. For our validation purposes, the adaptive recursive algorithm based on Gauss–Kronrod quadrature formulas provided
by MATLABs libraries has proved to rely on sufficient precision.
In Figs. 5–8 the real and imaginary part of ECWpn , respectively,
is plotted versus ξ variable, for values q ¼10, η0 = 20, p = {e, o} , for
different even or odd values of n.
To estimate numerical reliability of the integral representation,
we define a computational relative error function Erelpn (ξ, η0 , q) as
Erelpn (ξ , η0, q)
∣ECWp lib (ξ , η0, q) − ECWp int (ξ , η0, q) ∣
∣ECWp lib (ξ , η0, q) ∣
In Fig. 9 computational relative error function Erele 4 , for values
q¼ 10, η0 = 20, is plotted versus ξ variable in two different
intervals ξ ∈ [−10 ;+ 10] and ξ ∈ [+10 ;+ 1000]. Typical relative
error values for plots in Figs. 5–8 have proved to be smaller than
4. Applications of the proposed plane-wave expansion
Relevant applications are targeted to the extension of the
Fig. 3. Curves of the modulus of Fen (η0 , β , q) for η0 = 20 , q ¼10 are plotted versus β for values of n = 4, 6, 8, 10 (a) and n = 5, 7, 9, 11 (b).
C. Santini et al. / Optics Communications 349 (2015) 185–192
Fig. 4. (a) Curves of the modulus of Fe 4 (η0 , β , q) for η0 = 20 are plotted versus β for values of q = 1, 2, 5, 10 . (b) Curves of the modulus of Fe 4 (η0 , β , q) for q¼ 10 are plotted
versus β for values of η0 = 1, 5, 10, 20 .
Fig. 5. Curves of real part (a) and imaginary part (b) of ECWen are plotted versus ξ for n = 4, 6, 8, 10 , η0 = 20 , q ¼10. Lines refer to ECW values computed by means of integral
representation. Markers refer to ECW values computed by means of library numerical routines.
Fig. 6. Curves of real part (a) and imaginary part (b) of ECWen are plotted versus ξ for n = 5, 7, 9, 11, η0 = 20 , q ¼10. Lines refer to ECW values computed by means of integral
representation. Markers refer to ECW values computed by means of library numerical routines.
analytical and numerical methods shown in [9,10] to the scattering
of electromagnetic waves by a perfectly conducting or dielectric
elliptic cylinder near a plane discontinuity between different
propagation media. A solution for such problems is available in the
special cases of a half-cylinder in the presence of a ground plane
[20] or a single cylinder placed near a perfectly reflecting mirror
[21]: these results have been obtained by applying the method of
images and the addition formulas for ECW. By means of the proposed expansion, we could provide a full-wave solution to the
problem of plane-wave scattering by a perfectly conducting elliptic
C. Santini et al. / Optics Communications 349 (2015) 185–192
Fig. 7. Curves of real part (a) and imaginary part (b) of ECWon are plotted versus ξ for n = 6, 8, 10, 12, η0 = 20 , q ¼10. Lines refer to ECW values computed by means of
integral representation. Markers refer to ECW values computed by means of library numerical routines.
Fig. 8. Curves of real part (a) and imaginary part (b) of ECWon are plotted versus ξ for n = 5, 7, 9, 11, η0 = 20 , q ¼10. Lines refer to ECW values computed by means of integral
representation. Markers refer to ECW values computed by means of library numerical routines.
Fig. 9. Semilogarithmic plots of Erele 4 (ξ, η0 , q) , for η0 = 20 , q¼ 10, are drawn versus ξ in two different intervals: (a) ξ ∈ [−10 ;+ 10] and (b) ξ ∈ [+10 ;+ 1000].
cylinder in the presence of a generally reflecting plane surface
[22]. The quest for the solution is pursued by separating the total
electromagnetic field in fourcontributions: incident field Vi, reflected field Vr, diffracted field Vd, diffracted–reflected field Vdr. As
shown in [22], while the incident plane wave Vi , reflected plane
wave Vr, and the diffracted field Vd may be directly expanded in
terms of AMF and RMF, the evaluation of the diffracted–reflected
component Vdr may be expanded in terms of Reflected Elliptic
Cylindrical Waves, obtained by a Fourier integral involving the
proposed plane-wave spectrum of ECW functions and the reflection coefficient of the plane discontinuity. The resulting expression
for Vdr may be given in a simple form, representing the
C. Santini et al. / Optics Communications 349 (2015) 185–192
generalization to the elliptic case of results available in [9]: such
form proves to be suitable for the determination of the total
electromagnetic field by imposing boundary conditions on the
cylinder surface.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, starting from an integral representation of Mathieu functions, we show the explicit analytical derivation of the
plane-wave expansion of ECW in terms of homogeneous and
evanescent plane waves impinging on a surface. The proposed
spectrum is finally reduced to a simple analytic form and is suitable to be directly applied to the evaluation of the reflection of a
ECW on a generally reflecting plane surface by means of Fresnel
coefficients. The proposed approach has proved to ensure numerical reliability and accuracy, allowing the development of numerical solutions for a class of diffraction problems involving the
scattering of electromagnetic waves by elliptic cylinders near a
plane discontinuity between different propagation media. To allow
exact numerical computation in the case of large structures, a
further study on the behavior of the integration kernel and the
proposal of specific quadrature algorithms [23,24] may be needed.
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