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1994, Physica C: Superconductivity
2 pages
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Gd2CuO4 developes, at TN, a long range AF order with a weak ferromagnetic (WF) component. This component is allowed by in-plane distortions of the tetragonal T' structure and persists above TN, induced by the magnetic field, in a large temperature interval. From de magnetization measurements, we have accurately determined the WF transition, which follows the characteristic law of classical ferromagnets, h = t(' Y+13), with (¥+[~) = 1.8(2). The WF component persists in Gdl.g5Ce0.15CuO4+8, even after a reduction procedure, although the Ce 4+ doping lowers 'IN. A set of Gd2-xSrxCuO4-8 samples, prepared via a sol-gel method at a maximum temperature of 900"C, showed an expanded unit cell without distortions, the absence of a WF component and strongly modified magnetic properties of the Gd sublattice.
Journal of Applied Physics, 2000
The weak ferromagnetic transition of TЈ-phase Gd 2 CuO 4 single crystals has been studied by dc-magnetization measurements. Weak ferromagnetism is generated in this material by a very slight canting of the Cu moments from a perfect antiferromagnetic structure. This canting enables the inspection of the magnetic state of the Cu sublattice by pure magnetic methods. The critical exponents of the transition are calculated, ␥ϭ1.32͑2͒, ϭ0.34͑1͒. Nevertheless, a rapid evolution of  to a 2D XY behavior is observed below the critical temperature. It is interpreted as evidence of a transition in the 2D system, namely CuO 2 planes, that behave as 3D at the critical point due to the effect of the interlayer interaction along the c-axis.
We have measured the EPR spectrum of dilute Gd + ions substituting for Eu'+ in Eu2Cu04. Each one of the resonance lines shows a splitting into two or more weaker lines below T& =215 K. The simultaneous appearance of a low-field microwave-absorption signal is attributed to the onset of long-range antiferromagnetic ordering with a weak ferromagnetic component. The splitting of the EPR spectrum is associated with different Gd sites in the magnetically ordered structure. A reduction of the local symmetry of the rare-earth sites below Tz is described in terms of an internal magnetic field lying in the ab plane and additional crystal-field terms related to local crystallographic distortions. Dipolar and exchange contributions to the internal field are discussed. Possible random static displacements of the oxygen atoms in the Cu02 planes and their role in the development of the weak ferromagnetism and the presence of internal fields at the Gd sites are also analyzed. A strong dependence of the Gd EPR spectrum and the microwave absorption on the magnetic history of the samples has been observed, suggesting the formation of magnetic domains or a glassy state.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1992
The electron paramagnetic rewnance spectra of Gd" in single crystals of (G~, I E q , , s) 2 C~O I show an anomalous anisotropy for temperatures below the magnetic ordering of the Cu ions (T = 280 K). We have performed a detailed experimental study of this feature, and we discuss our results in terms of a model that assumes a weak Heisenberg interaction beween Cu and Gd moments. We shoa that that anisotropy is a consequence of the dynamic coupling of the Gd" paramagnetic mode with a weak ferromagnetic mode originating in the Cu magnetic moments.
Physica C: …, 1989
Neutron and X-ray diffraction have been used to study the magnetic and structural properties of single crystal Nd 2 CuO 4. Long range magnetic order of the Cu moments develops at TN= 245 K, with a noncollinear antiferromagnetic arrangement of spins. ...
Electron spin resonance ͑ESR͒ experiments of Gd 3ϩ in the antiferromagnetic ͑AF͒ ordered phase (TϽT N) of Eu 2 CuO 4 can be interpreted in terms of four magnetically nonequivalent rare-earth sites with local internal fields H i ϭϮ310(30) Oe along the ͓100͔ and ͓010͔ directions. The internal field is well described by a dipolar magnetic field of a noncollinear AF array of 0.35͑4͒ B per Cu moment aligned along the ͓100͔ and ͓010͔ directions. This is consistent with recent results of magnetic-field-dependent neutron-diffraction experiments. From the ESR and magnetic susceptibility data, the crystal field parameters for Gd 3ϩ and Eu 3ϩ in Eu 2 CuO 4 are determined. The exchange parameters between the rare earths are also estimated. ͓S0163-1829͑96͒07726-0͔
Journal of Applied Physics, 1996
ESR measurements of the microwave absorption signal associated with weak ferromagnetism in single crystals of Eu 2Ϫx Gd x CuO 4 are presented for X band ͑9.5 GHz͒ and L band ͑1.2 GHz͒ as a function of the Gd concentration. The strong absorption observed at low magnetic fields was interpreted, for samples with low Gd concentration, as due to a field-induced spin reorientation transition occurring at a critical field H c , coincident with the in-plane magnetic anisotropy effective field H eff y. For larger x the Cu-Gd magnetic interaction needs to be considered leading to smaller H c values. Our measurements show that for Gd concentrations in the range 0рxр1 the experimental data can be very well fitted with parameters derived from previous measurements. This fact indicates that these compounds have nearly the same in-plane anisotropy effective field, in spite of the small changes in lattice parameters. For xϭ2 lattice distortions increase causing an H c larger than the expected one.
Physical review. B, Condensed matter, 1993
We report a magnetic-resonance study of Gd-doped Eu2Cu04 single crystals. Cooling the samples in a magnetic field HFC, induces weak ferromagnetisrn (WF), with a strong out-of-plane anisotropy determined by the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction. In addition, there is in-plane anisotropy with an easy-axis parallel to the [110]crystal axis closest to HFc. An intense resonance mode is observed at the X band (9.5 GHz) when H"c is applied parallel to one of the (110) axes and the measuring field is rotated by 90 in the CuOz plane. At the Q band (35 GHz), the in-plane resonance modes strongly depend on angle and temperature. We analyze the experimental results in terms of a phenomenological model for the magnetic free energy, which predicts a reorientation transition of the WF component of the magnetization m~F induced by the external field. Associated with this transition, a softening of the WF rnagnetic resonance mode occurs when the external field is applied perpendicular to the easy magnetization axis. The resulting angular variation of the resonance modes depends on whether the energy gap for the magnetic excitations is larger or smaller than the microwave energy. From the resonance data we have determined both the out-of-plane and in-plane anisotropy fields, HDM(T) and H,"(T),respectively. The extrapolated values for T =0 are HDM(0) =3.5(5) X IO' G and H,"(0)=12(2) G. Both anisotropy fields decrease with increasing T, vanishing around T&-243 K. The temperature dependence of the peak-topeak linewidths, 61I~~, measured at the X and Q bands is explained in terms of a temperatureindependent frequency linewidth, Ace&~2/y = 1.6(2) kG. Nonresonant absorption losses around the maxima and minima of the co/y vs H curves are also described in terms of this finite width for the resonance modes. Eu2Cu04, the anomalously large thermal parameters in the x-ray-diffraction spectrum ' for Gd2Cu04 and Tm2Cu04, and the differences between the Raman scattering of Gd2Cu04 and the lighter rare-earth cuprates. These distortions have been proposed as displacements of the oxygen ions in the Cu02 planes away from the highly symmetric positions O(1) in the T' structure. The estimated average values are 0.18 A for GdzCuO~(Ref. 7) and 0.36 A for Tm2Cu04 (Ref. 8). These displacements lower the symmetry of the Cu-O(1)-Cu bonds and the existence of a nonvanishing antisymmetric exchange interaction between Cu moments is then allowed. ' '" These distortions seem to be disordered in the case of compounds near the WF boundary. In contrast, superstructure rejections suggesting an
Journal of Applied Physics, 1993
List of changes made over Version 9.1 MCQ solution modified as per MCQ guidelines in EE example 1……………………Page no. 188 List of changes made over Version 9.2 Existing solution replaced with new solution in EE example 1-MCQ ………………Page no. 200 Fill in the blank type solution added in EE example 7…………………..………………….Page no.220 True or False type solution added in EE example 8….…………………..………………….Page no.220 Very Short Answer type solution added in EE example 9……………..………………….Page no.221 w q 2 1 1 2C Substitute 2q for q 1 in the equation for stored energy in the capacitor.
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