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Direito do Trabalho | leandro antunes asPeCtOs GeRaIs. deFInIÇÃO e FOntes dO dIReItO dO tRaBaLHO CONCEITO Inicialmente cabe aqui conceituar a matéria ora em estudo, ou seja, o Direito do Trabalho.
Tarbiz, 2024
Rabbi Yom-Tov Asevilli’s Book of Rememberance: Philosophy, Kabbalah, Halakhah Rabbi Yom-Tov Asevilli’s (Ritva, Spain 1250-1320) Book of Remembrance (Sefer Ha-Zikaron) is a defense of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed against Nahmanides’ harsh criticism in his well-known commentary on the Pentateuch. The Book of Remembrance is puzzling, because Asevilli, a prominent halakhist of the school of Nahmanides, comes to the defense of ha-Rav-ha-Moreh – Maimonides’ title in this book that indicate his greatness in both halakhah and philosophy – while at the same time declares throughout his treatise that he is an adherent of the kabbalah of “our great master,” and emphasizes that Nahmanides criticized Maimonides because of his kabbalistic views. The first sections of this article present the puzzling aspects that this composition raises, and the methods and techniques that Asevilli utilizes to defend Maimonides’ philosophy. The last sections offer a solution to the perplexity raised by the Book of Remembrance. The Book of Remembrance is a nexus at which major trends of Jewish thought in the High Middle Ages confront one another. This article interprets main passages of this book, draws an intellectual portrait of Assevilli, and analyzes his views on the relations between philosophy and kabbalah, and between both of them and halakhah. The enigma of Asevilli’s Book of Remembrance offers an opportunity to study the relationships between philosophy, kabbalah and halakhah in the world-view of sages from the school of Nahmanides, and through them, to portray the intellectual history of the Jews in Spain at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
, whose contagious enthusiasm resulted in the Mana Mā ori exhibition and the Waka Mā ori project. I am grateful for the support of colleagues Anne-Marie Woerlee, Head Public Programmes, John Sijmonsbergen, Director Public Programmes and Development, Geke Vinke, Head PR and Marketing, Floor Scholte, Exhibition Developer, and Laura Van Broekhoven, Head Research Department. I am deeply appreciative of the work of Herman de Boer, Curator Exhibitions and Film: he allowed me to use his images and made work a pleasure during Waitangi Day 2010. Tamara Chase, Project Assistant, secured all the image licences and proofread the English text. Mette van der Hooft, Documentalist, proofread the Dutch text and provided inspiration for the introduction. Monique Koek, Collections Manager, Farideh Fekrsanati, Conservator and Lex Verhey, Storage Manager, organized the photography of our own Museum objects and Ben Grishaaver photographed them. Harm Linsen, Storage Manager, pointed to the Museum's historic photographs. Esther van Zutphen, Museum Educator, made valuable critical comments. Thank you! The time Luit Bieringa, Guest Exhibition Coordinator, took out of his busy schedule to proofread the English text resulted in much appreciated critical notes and stylistic improvements. I am very grateful to Matthi Forrer, Curator Japan and Korea, for providing valuable expertise in compiling the index and Véronique Degroot, researcher Ancient Southeast Asia, for her map-making skills. I am indebted to David Stuart-Fox, Senior Librarian, for suggesting new acquisitions to the library on Māori material culture. I value the research that Dirk Smidt, Honorary Curator Oceania, has carried out on de Māori collection. The financial support of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds is gratefully acknowledged as is that of the BankGiro Loterij and the Vereniging Rembrandt, instrumental in the Museum acquisition of pieces discussed in this publication. I want to thank Anthony Meyer who gave me free use of object images. Following people and institutions have
International Journal of Management and Digital Business
This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture on employee performance, explore the factors that influence an effective organizational culture. This research uses quantitative methods. Processing and hypothesis testing using SPSS version 25. The research location is a government institution in Riau Province. The population in the study were all office employees. In this study, sampling used a saturated sample, that is, if the population is smaller than 100 people, then the population is used as a sample, so that the number of samples studied is 35 employees. the results indicated that Organizational culture significant effect on performance. . It was found that Organizational Culture contributed 26.6% to employee performance, the remaining 73.4% was influenced by factors not examined in this study.
White Paper, 2017
Restorative practices (RP), an alternative discipline approach focused on repair rather than punishment, has attracted the attention of school districts throughout the United States. As mounting evidence demonstrates the long-standing system of punitive discipline to be not only ineffective in reducing behavioral incidents but to be detrimental to young people, particularly those of color, districts are increasingly turning to the research-supported practice of restorative justice.This brief highlights three schools located in the urban districts of New York City and Rochester, N.Y., each committed to restorative justice reform: Leadership and Public Service High School (LPS) in Manhattan, World of Inquiry School (WOIS) in Rochester, and East Lower and Upper Schools (East) in Rochester. Presented here are the experiences they shared with us at the Center for Urban Education Success (CUES) through a series of interviews that included administrators, a university professor, teachers, social workers, and a student. Interviews with several LPS staff, conducted by The New York Times Magazine, supplement these accounts . Together, these stories are intended to provide a more intimate, personal depiction of a movement whose successes and challenges have been well-documented in research.
Prilozi za knjizevnost i jezik istoriju i folklor
Рукоpисно наслеђе Службе Свеtом Симеону од Свеtоgа Саве, уpркос чињеници да броји свеgа неколико pреpиса-од средине ХIII до tридесеtих gодина ХVII века-није довољно исtражено. Минеј бр. 11, који се налази у збирци манасtира Свеtоg Панtелејмона на Аtосу, из pрвих деценија ХIV сtолећа, садржи веома рани и досад неpознаt pреpис Савине Службе свеtом Симеону. У раду се размаtра сtрукtура Службе из овоg минеја и њено месtо у рукоpисној tрадицији дела и доноси издање Пролошкоg жиtија свеtоg Симеона.
Identify 4 components either environment or systems connection between this components
Prévention et lutte contre les trafics d’armes classiques le détournement d’armes: acteurs, contrôle, objets, 2023
International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSpub, 2022
The Logos Concept and Correlations with Contemporary Science, 2023
Quaternary International, 2013
Anthropology <html_ent glyph="@amp;" ascii="@amp;"/> Humanism Quarterly, 1989
Journal of Engineering and Management Industial System, 2014
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 2000
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2021