INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 17(3):312–319
© 2013 The Union
E-published ahead of print 14 January 2013
Trends in the annual risk of tuberculous infection in India
V. K. Chadha,* R. Sarin,† P. Narang,‡ K. R. John,§ K. K. Chopra,¶ R. Jitendra,# D. K. Mendiratta,‡
V. Vohra,† A. N. Shashidhara,* G. Muniraj,§ P. G. Gopi,** P. Kumar††
* Epidemiology and Research Division, National Tuberculosis Institute, Bangalore, † Lala Ram Sarup Institute of TB and
Allied Respiratory Diseases, New Delhi, ‡ Department of Microbiology, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences,
Sevagram, Wardha, § Department of Community Medicine, SRM Medical College, Kanchipura, ¶ New Delhi TB Centre,
New Delhi, # Department of Statistics, National Tuberculosis Institute, Bangalore, ** National Institute of Research in
Tuberculosis, Chennai, †† National Tuberculosis Institute, Bangalore, India
Estimated ARTI rates in different zones varied between 1.1% and 1.9% in Survey I and 0.6% and
1.2% in Survey II. The ARTI declined by respectively
6.1% and 11.7% per year in the north and west zones;
no decline was observed in the south and east zones.
National level estimates were respectively 1.5% and
1.0%, with a decline of 4.5% per year in the intervening
C O N C L U S I O N : Although a decline in ARTI was observed in two of the four zones and at national level,
the current ARTI of about 1% in three zones suggests
that further intensification of TB control activities is
K E Y W O R D S : tuberculosis; infection; risk; trends;
Twenty-four districts in India.
To evaluate trends in annual risk of tuberculous infection (ARTI) in each of four geographically defined zones in the country.
S T U D Y D E S I G N : Two rounds of house-based tuberculin
surveys were conducted 8–9 years apart among children
aged 1–9 years in statistically selected clusters during
2000–2003 and 2009–2010 (Surveys I and II). Altogether, 184 992 children were tested with 1 tuberculin
unit (TU) of purified protein derivative (PPD) RT23 with
Tween 80 in Survey I and 69 496 children with 2TU dose
of PPD in Survey II. The maximum transverse diameter
of induration was measured about 72 h after test administration. ARTI was computed from the prevalence
of infection estimated using the mirror-image method.
R E S U LT S :
INDIA CONTINUES to have the highest tuberculosis (TB) burden in the world.1 To address the problem, a National TB Programme (NTP) was implemented in 1962.2 Following a review of the NTP, the
Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP),
adopting the DOTS strategy, was launched in 1997
and extended in phases to achieve complete population coverage by 2006.3,4
To evaluate the impact of the RNTCP, two rounds
of tuberculin surveys were carried out during 2000–
2003 and 2009–2010 (Surveys I and II). For this purpose, the country was divided into four geographic
zones, north, south, east and west, with the objective
of estimating the annual risk of tuberculous infection
(ARTI) and its trends in each zone. ARTI denotes the
proportion of persons in a community who become
(re-) infected within 1 year.5 It depends not only on
the incidence of infectious TB cases but also on the
efficiency of the programme.6 In all the zones, high
rates of treatment success (⩾80%) among diagnosed
TB patients have been achieved since the introduc-
tion of the RNTCP, and notification rates among new
smear-positive TB cases have shown consistent improvement over the years, reaching 50 per 100 000
population in the south, east and west zones and
60/100 000 in the north zone in 2010.4
Study population
House-based surveys were carried out among children aged 1–9 years. Survey I was planned to estimate the ARTI primarily among children without
bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination (referred
to as non-vaccinated children).7 However, children
with BCG scar (referred to as vaccinated children)
encountered during the process of registering nonvaccinated children were also tuberculin-tested. Analyses revealed that the ARTI rates estimated by including vaccinated children were not different from those
based exclusively on non-vaccinated children.8,9 Survey II was therefore carried out to estimate ARTI
Correspondence to: V K Chadha, Epidemiology and Research Division, National Tuberculosis Institute, 8 Bellary Road,
Bangalore 560 003, India. Tel: (+91) 99164 93109. Fax: (+91) 802 344 0952. e-mail:
[email protected]; vineet2.chadha@
Article submitted 7 May 2012. Final version accepted 17 September 2012.
ARTI trends in India
among ‘all children’ (including non-vaccinated, vaccinated and those with a doubtful BCG scar).
The sample size for both surveys in each zone was
calculated to estimate the prevalence of tuberculosis
infection within 10% of true value at a 5% level of
significance and with a design effect of 2 to account
for cluster sampling. In Survey I, the sample size for
non-vaccinated children in each zone was estimated
at 11 045, arbitrarily considering the expected prevalence of infection at 10%. In Survey II, the expected
prevalence of infection among all children in each
zone was estimated considering a decline of 5% per
year from the prevalence of infection estimated in
Survey I. The sample size thus estimated for each
zone was as follows: north 13 600, west 16 800, east
20 000 and south 25 000.
In each zone, the estimated sample size was equally
allocated to 600 clusters in Survey I and 300 clusters
in Survey II. Numbers of clusters were allocated in
ratio of population size to six districts selected by
population proportion to size (PPS) sampling. Numbers of clusters allocated to individual districts were
further allocated to rural and urban areas in proportion to population; clusters were selected by PPS
Field procedures
Three visits were made to each cluster for planning,
registration and testing, and reading. During planning, community leaders were apprised of the purpose
of the surveys. A sketch of the cluster, including hamlets and lanes, was made and the lane to start fieldwork was selected using a random number table.
On the day of testing, children were registered on
individual data cards, starting from the first house of
the selected lane. Contiguous houses were visited in a
clockwise direction until the cluster size was achieved.
Tuberculin skin tests (TSTs) were performed at a temporary centre set up by trained testers after obtaining
informed written consent from the parent/guardian.
Each child was injected intradermally on the anterior
aspect of the left forearm with 0.1 ml of ready-to-use
dilution containing PPD RT23 with Tween 80 (Statens
Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark). 1TU dose
was used in Survey I and 2TU in Survey II. Each test
was recorded as ‘satisfactory’ if it raised a flat pale
wheal with clearly visible pits and well demarcated
borders, and ‘unsatisfactory’ in case of leakage or
subcutaneous injection. Presence/absence of BCG scar
was recorded after examining both shoulders; scars
not characteristic of BCG were recorded as ‘doubtful’. Children with fever, history of skin rash or antituberculosis treatment during the previous 6 months
were excluded from testing.
Reactions were read approximately 72 h after test
administration. Trained readers identified the margins
of induration by careful palpation and measured the
maximum transverse diameter of induration in mm.
Most reactions in a given zone were read by a single
reader; only in the event of his/her absence did a second trained reader perform the reading.
Children suspected to have TB (based on symptoms, contact history and TST result) were further
investigated and treated at the nearest government
health centre.
In Survey II, 150 new smear-positive TB patients
also underwent a TST in each zone to facilitate a comparison with tuberculin sensitivity patterns among
the truly infected children at the time of analysis.
Statistical methods
Data were double-entered into Epi Info™ 3.5.3 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA,
USA) and verified. Analyses were performed using
SPSS 15.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
Inc, Chicago, IL, USA) and R software 2.5.1 (R Software Computing, Vienna, Austria), in addition to an
in-house programme written in Microsoft Foxpro
version 9.0 (Microsoft, Redwoods, WA, USA).
The reaction sizes of all children aged 1–9 years
were arrayed in frequency distributions to identify the
mode of tuberculous reactions. In the event of failure
to identify a clear mode, frequency distributions were
plotted and examined for subsets of study population
in the following order sequentially until decisions
could be made on mode (and also anti-mode, applicable to non-vaccinated children only):
1 Non-vaccinated children aged 1–9 years
2 Non-vaccinated children aged 5–9 years
3 Non-vaccinated children aged 5–9 years of age
from urban areas
Non-vaccinated children are more likely to portray bimodality due to absence of contamination by
BCG-induced tuberculin sensitivity, and also an antimode that separates tuberculosis reactions from
cross-reactions. Each of the above subsets has a
greater likelihood of throwing up mode/anti-mode
than the previous subset, due to a higher prevalence
of true tuberculous infection.7–11
In Survey II, in the event of continued uncertainty,
the mode of the tuberculous reactions was identified
after fitting normal distribution to the frequencies of
tuberculin reaction sizes among new smear-positive
patients who had undergone a TST.
The mode seen in any of the above distributions
was applied to all children (tuberculous reactions were
assumed to be normally distributed around the same
mode, irrespective of age group, BCG vaccination status and presence/absence of TB disease8,9,12–18).
Prevalence of infection was estimated using the
mirror image (MI) method, in which the proportion
of reactions larger than the mode of TB reactions is
doubled and added to the proportion at the mode.19
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
To reduce the influence of digit preference, estimations were made using frequencies of tuberculin reaction size at each millimetre, as obtained by moving
averages (5-point).20
In each zone, prevalence and standard deviation
(SD), which measures the spread of data about the
mean infection, with standard error (SE), as SD/√c ,
where c is the number of clusters, were first estimated
separately for urban and rural areas. Weighted prevalence of infection for zone (PZ) was obtained as
∑wsps/ ∑ws, where ps is prevalence in urban/rural area
and ws is weight corresponding to proportion of population (all age groups) of the total zonal population.
The SE for zonal level prevalence was estimated using the pooled variance method.21
Zonal estimates of infection prevalence were pooled
to obtain the weighted national-level estimate; the
weight corresponded to the proportion of population
in the zone of the total population in the country. The
SE for national-level prevalence was estimated as
where wi and si represent the weight and SE for the
ith zone. 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were derived
as prevalence of infection ± 1.96*SE. ARTI was
computed from the estimated prevalence of infection
using the following formula:22
Rb+a/2 = 1 – (1 – Pb+a)1/a
where b = the median year of birth of the children
test-read, a = the mean age of the children, Rb+a/2 =
the ARTI at the mid-point in calendar time between
the median year of birth and the period of the survey,
and Pb+a = the prevalence of infection at the time of
the survey.
Estimation was also carried out separately for nonvaccinated and vaccinated children by the MI method
Table 1
using the same mode obtained as above. In addition,
estimation among non-vaccinated children was also
carried out by the anti-mode (if observed) method, in
which reactions greater than or equal to the antimode are attributed to tuberculous infection.19 This
method was not applied to all children or vaccinated
children due to the greater likelihood of overlap between true tuberculous reactions and cross-reactions
around the anti-mode. For comparisons, the χ2 test
with continuity correction was used for test of significance; P < 0.05 was considered significant.
Using R software, changes in ARTI rates and CIs
were computed by the beta distribution function, with
input as ARTI rates, the SEs in Surveys I and II and
the intervening time period in years, by simulating
the number of response vectors to 50 000 iterations.
Analysis was also undertaken by the mixture
model using R software and scripts available at www. As the model did not generate a good
fit in either zone, the results of mixture analysis are
not presented here.
The numbers of children registered and satisfactorily
test-read in each zone in Surveys I and II are given in
Table 1. The number of children for whom data were
available for analysis was much larger than the estimated sample size for Survey I, as explained under
‘Study population’.
Zone-wise frequency distributions of reaction sizes
for ‘all children’ aged 1–9 years did not reveal clear
bi-modality in either zone (Figure 1). Distributions
for subsets of children that revealed maximum clarity
of mode/anti-mode during Survey I are presented in
Figure 2. Distributions of reaction sizes among TB
patients in Survey II are presented in Figure 3. In the
north zone, a mode at the same reaction size as in TB
Numbers of children investigated by zone, Surveys I and II
North zone
Survey I
Survey II
South zone
Survey I
Survey II
East zone
Survey I
Survey II
West zone
Survey I
Survey II
Children tested
No. read of those satisfactorily tested
from testing
n (%)*
n (%)†
n (%)
n (%)§
55 433
15 175
3728 (6.7)
1524 (10.0)
51 380 (87.7)
13 309 (94.2)
25 816
4 286
21 869
7 684
48 323 (94.1)
12 535 (94.2)
52 951
25 704
327 (0.6)
2137 (8.3)
52 300 (98.8)
23 343 (90.8)
17 811
6 201
32 549
15 577
50 533 (96.6)
22 059 (85.8)
44 165
20 969
883 (2.0)
1326 (6.3)
42 836 (97.0)
19 563 (93.3)
17 861
6 058
19 488
12 678
37 854 (88.4)
19 159 (97.9)
55 366
16 800
3434 (6.2)
540 (3.2)
51 733 (93.4)
16 065 (95.6)
22 258
3 770
25 114
11 868
48 282 (93.3)
15 743 (98.0)
* Proportion excluded from testing of those registered.
† Proportion satisfactorily tested of those registered.
‡ Includes non-vaccinated and vaccinated children and children with doubtful BCG scar.
§ Proportion of all children read of those satisfactorily tested.
BCG = bacille Calmette-Guérin; – = negative ; + = positive.
Figure 1 Frequency distributions of reaction sizes for all children aged 1–9 years, irrespective of BCG status, rural and urban populations combined. BCG = bacille Calmette-Guérin.
Figure 2 Frequency distribution of tuberculin reaction sizes for selected subgroups, Survey I. BCG = bacille Calmette-Guérin.
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Figure 3 Frequency distribution of reaction sizes among smear-positive TB patients by zone, Survey II. TB = tuberculosis.
patients and an anti-mode at 13 mm was seen among
non-vaccinated children aged 1–9 years (data not
shown); none of the subgroups of children in the
other zones revealed a mode/anti-mode in Survey II.
Based on these distributions, the modes/anti-modes
used for estimations are given in Table 2.
The estimated prevalence of infection with computed ARTI rates among all children in Surveys I and
II and the average per year change in ARTI are preTable 2 Mode and anti-mode used for estimating prevalence
of infection by zone, Surveys I and II
Survey I
Survey II
Survey I
Survey II
Table 3
sented in Table 3. Considering the mean age of the
test-read children and mid-points of surveys in individual zones, the ARTI rates in Survey I corresponded
to the year 1998 for the north, south and west zones
and 1999 for the east zone, and 2007 for all zones in
Survey II. ARTI rates declined by respectively 6%
and 11.7% per year in the north and west zones; there
was no change in the south and east zones. ARTI
rates at the national level declined by 4.5% per year
between 1998 and 2007.
Infection prevalence estimates were lower in vaccinated children than in non-vaccinated children in
most of the surveys (Table 4); the estimated ARTI
rates were similar between the two subgroups.
The estimated ARTI rates among all children aged 1–
9 years varied between 1.1% and 1.9% in Survey I
Estimated prevalence of infection and ARTI by zone, Surveys I and II
Survey I
National level
Survey II
% (95%CI)
% (95%CI)
% (95%CI)
% (95%CI)
Change in ARTI /year
% (95%CI)
10.1 (9.1–11.1)
6.1 (5.4–6.7)
6.2 (5.5–7.0)
8.7 (7.7–9.6)
7.8 (7.3–8.2)
1.9 (1.7–2.1)
1.1 (1.0–1.2)
1.2 (1.0–1.3)
1.7 (1.5–1.9)
1.5 (1.4–1.6)
5.9 (4.7–7.0)
5.3 (4.5–6.0)
6.5 (4.8–8.2)
3.0 (2.3–3.7)
5.2 (4.6–5.8)
1.1 (0.8–1.3)
1.0 (0.8–1.1)
1.2 (0.9–1.5)
0.6 (0.4–0.7)
1.0 (0.8–1.1)
–6.1 (–8.8 to –3.6 )
–1.0 (–3.0 to +0.8)
–0.1 (–3.2 to +3.0)
–11.6 (–14.7 to –8.7)
– 4.5 (–6.3 to –2.8)
ARTI = annual rate of tuberculous infection; CI = confidence interval.
ARTI trends in India
Table 4 Estimated prevalence of infection and ARTI by BCG scar status
Survey I
North zone
Test read, n
MI method
AM method
South zone
Test read, n
MI method
AM method
East zone
Test read, n
MI method
AM method
West zone
Test read, n
MI method
AM method
National level
Test read, n
MI method
AM method
% (95%CI)
% (95%CI)
25 816
21 869
Survey II
P value*
% (95%CI)
% (95%CI)
4 286
7 684
P value*
10.9 (9.7–12.1)
2.0 (1.8–2.2)
9.5 (8.3–10.7)
1.8 (1.6–2.0)
6.7 (4.1–9.3)
1.1 (0.7–1.6)
5.4 (4.0–6.8)
1.0 (0.7–1.3)
11.4 (10.5–12.3)
2.1 (1.9–2.2)
7.6 (5.8–9.5)
1.3 (1.0–1.6)
17 811
32 549
6 201
15 577
6.6 (5.6–7.5)
1.2 (1.0–1.3)
5.7 (5.0–6.4)
1.1 (0.9–1.2)
5.2 (3.9–6.4)
0.9 (0.7–1.2)
5.1 (4.2–5.9)
1.0 (0.8–1.1)
7.1 (6.4–7.8)
1.2 (1.1–1.4)
6 058
12 678
17 861
19 488
6.6 (5.7–7.6)
1.2 (1.0–1.4)
6.0 (5.2–6.2)
1.2 (1.1–1.3)
7.7 (5.0–10.3)
1.3 (0.8–1.8)
5.7 (4.2–7.3)
1.1 (0.8–1.4)
7.7 (6.8–8.6)
1.4 (1.3–1.6)
3 770
11 868
22 258
25 114
9.6 (8.5–10.7)
1.8 (1.6–2.0)
7.8 (6.5–9.2)
1.5 (1.2–1.8)
2.9 (1.7– 4.1)
0.5 (0.3–0.7)
3.0 (2.2–3.7)
0.6 (0.4–0.7)
9.9 (9.0–10.7)
1.9 (1.7–2.0)
83 746
99 020
18 400
47 807
5.7 (4.6–6.7)
1.0 (0.8–1.2)
4.8 (4.2–5.4)
0.9 (0.8–1.0)
8.4 (7.9–9.0)
1.5 (1.4–1.6)
7.3 (6.7–7.8)
1.4 (1.3–1.5)
9.0 (8.6–9.5)
1.7 (1.6–1.8)
* P values are for test of significance between the estimated prevalence among children with BCG scar and those without BCG scar.
to non-identification of anti-mode, estimates of prevalence of infection and P values were not available.
ARTI = annual risk of tuberculosis infection; BCG = bacille Calmette-Guérin; MI = mirror-image; AM = anti-mode method.
† Due
and 0.6% and 1.2% in Survey II in the different
zones. Variable trends in ARTI were observed in the
different zones during the intervening period of
roughly 8–9 years, which coincided with the expansion phase of the RNTCP.3,4 While significant declines
in ARTI rates were estimated for the north and west
zones, no such decline was noticed in the south and
east zones. This was contrary to expectations, as
uniform progress in RNTCP implementation should
have reduced transmission rates in all of the zones. It
was perhaps easier for the RNTCP to bring down the
level of infection from relatively higher levels during
Survey I in the west and north zones, where the estimated ARTI rates were respectively about 1.7% and
1.9% compared to respectively 1.1% and 1.2% in
the east and south zones. However, this incongruence
could also be attributed to limitations of the methods
available to segregate true tuberculous infections from
cross-reactions and subjectivity in measuring TST
reaction size. It may not be naïve to say that while
significant declines in the transmission of infection
were observed in two zones, similar declines were not
observed in the other zones due to limitations of the
survey tool. It would also be improbable to segregate
the impact of control efforts from improvements in
socio-economic conditions, as seen in the significant
increase in gross domestic product (GDP) in all the
Indian states.
Although the surveys were not designed (with respect to sample size) to estimate ARTI and trends by
area (rural, urban) or by age group, the ARTI was
higher in urban than in rural areas in all the zones in
both rounds of surveys. Estimated ARTI rates were
similar among the 1–4 year and 5–9 year age groups,
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
which may be due to the fact that estimates in the latter group included the exposure experienced in the
younger age group, thus masking the actual size of
the difference and making it undetectable.
The pooled national-level estimates of ARTI were
respectively 1.5% and 1.0% in Surveys I and II, with
a decline in the intervening period of 4.5% per year.
It has been estimated that if at least 70% of incidence
cases of smear-positive pulmonary TB are detected
every year and 85% of them are cured, ARTI rates
would decline by 7–11% per year.23 Declines of 10–
15% per year have been observed under good programme conditions in some Western countries.22,24–26
An important difference between the two surveys
was that while 1TU PPD was used during Survey I,
its non-availability during Survey II prompted the use
of 2TU, which is now recommended as the standard
dose.12 Differences between these two doses usually
show up in the intermediate range of reaction sizes
and are therefore not likely to influence the estimates,
particularly those made using the MI method.27
To evaluate the effect of BCG vaccination, if any,
estimations were also carried out separately for nonvaccinated and vaccinated children using the MI
method. Estimated ARTI rates were found to be similar between vaccinated and non-vaccinated children
in most of these surveys. However, the prevalence of
infection was generally lower among the former due
to their lower mean age. This was due to a decline in
the proportions of vaccinated children with age, supporting the phenomenon of scar disappearance with
age in a proportion of children.28,29 In addition, estimations among children without BCG scar were also
carried out using the anti-mode method to ascertain
any gross variation between estimates using the MI
method in all children when compared to the estimates using the anti-mode method in non-vaccinated
children. These differences were not found to be
None of the data sets among all children showed
clear bimodal patterns. On examining the data subsets by BCG status and age group, only mode or antimode could be discerned in some of them. Such identified modes of tuberculous reactions were not far
askew from the normal pattern one would expect in
a group of infected individuals, and were generally in
line with tuberculin distributions seen among TB patients. Nevertheless, challenges faced in segregating
true tuberculous reactions from cross-reactions suggest that future tuberculin surveys should be restricted
to high-risk populations.
The authors are grateful to the field and supervisory staff for
timely and quality work, the district officials for support and
P Glaziou for help in calculating changes in annual risk of tuberculous infection rates. Funds were provided by the Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, Government of India.
Conflict of interest: none declared.
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ARTI trends in India
Vingt-quatre districts en Inde.
Déterminer les tendances du risque annuel
d’infection tuberculeuse (ARTI) dans chacune des quatre
régions géographiquement définies du pays.
S C H É M A : On a mené deux séries d’enquête tuberculinique basées sur le domicile à 8–9 ans d’intervalle chez
les enfants âgés de 1 à 9 ans dans des grappes statistiquement sélectionnées au cours des périodes 2000–
2003 et 2009–2010 (Enquêtes I et II). Au total, 184 992
enfants ont été testés au moyen d’une unité internationale de tuberculine purifiée (PPD) RT23 avec Tween 80
lors de l’Enquête I et 69 496 enfants au moyen d’une
dose de 2 unités de PPD lors de l’Enquête II. Le diamètre
transversal maximal de l’induration a été mesuré environ 72 h après l’administration du test. On a comparé
l’ARTI à partir des prévalences d’infection estimées au
moyen de la méthode des images en miroir.
Les taux d’ARTI estimés dans les différentes zones ont varié entre 1,1% et 1,9% lors de
l’Enquête I et entre 0,6% et 1,2% lors de l’Enquête II.
L’ARTI a diminué de 6,1% et 11,7% par année respectivement dans les zones du nord et de l’ouest ; on n’a
observé aucune diminution dans les zones du sud et de
l’est. Les estimations nationales du niveau ont été
respectivement de 1,5% et 1%, avec une diminution de
4,5% par année dans la période concernée.
C O N C L U S I O N : Bien qu’un déclin de l’ARTI ait été observé dans deux des quatre zones ainsi qu’au niveau national, le niveau actuel d’ARTI d’environ 1% dans trois
zones suggère la nécessité d’une intensification future
des activités de lutte contre la tuberculose.
Veinticuatro distritos en la
Evaluar las tendencias del riesgo anual de
infección tuberculosa (ARTI) en cuatro zonas del país
definidas geográficamente.
M É T O D O S : Se llevaron a cabo dos sesiones de encuestas
de tuberculina en los hogares con un intervalo de 8 a
9 años, en niños de 1 a 9 años de edad, en un muestreo
por conglomerados del 2000 al 2003 y del 2009 al 2010
(Sesiones I y II). En total, se practicó la prueba tuberculínica a 184 992 niños con 1 unidad tuberculínica purificada (PPD) RT23 y polisorbato 80 en las encuestas
de la Sesión I y a 69 496 niños con 2 unidades tuberculínicas (TU) PPD en las encuestas de la Sesión II. El
diámetro máximo de induración se midió 72 h después
de la administración de la tuberculina. El ARTI se ob-
tuvo a partir de la prevalencia de infección, calculada
mediante el método de la imagen especular.
R E S U LTA D O S : El índice del ARTI en las diferentes zonas
osciló entre 1,1% y 1,9% en las encuestas de la Sesión I y
entre 0,6% y 1,2% en las encuestas de la Sesión II. El
ARTI disminuyó a 6,1% por año en la zona norte y a
11,7% por año en la zona occidental. No se observó
ninguna disminución en las zonas sur y oriental. A escala
nacional, el ARTI fue 1,5% al norte y 1,0% al occidente, con una disminución de 4,5% por año, durante el
período de la intervención.
C O N C L U S I Ó N : Si bien se observó una disminución del
ARTI en dos de las cuatro zonas estudiadas y a escala
nacional, este criterio que fue cercano a 1% en tres zonas
justifica una mayor intensificación de las actividades del
control de la tuberculosis.