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El próximo 16 de enero Susan Sontag cumpliría 82 años, pero otro aniversario viene antes: el de su muerte. El 28 de diciembre se cumplen diez años del fallecimiento de quien fuera, a partir de los años sesenta del siglo pasado, una de las intelectuales más importantes no sólo de su país, Estados Unidos de América, sino del mundo.
Publicado por Ediciones del Sur. Córdoba. Argentina. Enero 2005.
Info DaF. Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 2018
Anales del Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas "Mario J. Buschiazzo", 2024
Son varios los enfoques desde donde podemos abordar la popular festividad eucarística del Corpus Christi. El artículo se inclina por el arte festivo, sin soslayar todo lo que conlleva esta fiesta especial en los poblados tutelados por jesuitas, donde se creaba para la ocasión un escenario de marcada heterogeneidad, que en cierta forma lo diferenciaba de otro tipo de núcleos urbanos. Los tradicionales arcos de follajes, flores y pájaros cortando calles pavimentadas con esteras, son algunos de los elementos comunes en América que se pretenden narrar a través de documentos y relatos de contemporáneos y que reafirman el sincretismo de estas comunidades que dejaron testimonios del tridentino, a pesar de ubicarse en un rincón remoto del mundo. Se enfatiza en esta complejidad, en la participación exclusiva de los guaraníes, significativamente permeables al cristianismo impuesto por los jesuitas con su marcada empatía por la otredad.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia, 2021
Introduction: Research is one of the competencies expected of a beginning professional nurse. While research attitude has been widely explored among nursing students internationally, there is limited published research among nursing students in the Philippines. Objective: This study was conducted to find out the factors associated with attitude towards research among nursing students. Method: The design of this study cross-sectional with 79 undergraduate third-year nursing students in one higher education institution in the Philippines as participants. The Attitude Toward Research scale was the primary data collection tool. Differences in research attitude were tested using t-test and one-way ANOVA. Results: The results indicated that nursing students generally had positive attitude towards research. Graduates of public junior and senior high schools, those who had experience doing research in junior high school, and those who had presented in a research conference outside their sch...
Annals of the University of Craiova: Series Philology, Linguistics / Analele Universității Din Craiova: Seria Ştiințe Filologice, Linguistică, 2022
The language (or languages) of the ancient Minoan civilization of Crete, developed in the European Bronze Age, was written using the so-called Cretan Hieroglyphs and the Linear A writing system. To this day, the Minoan language and its writing systems, Cretan Hieroglyphs as well as Linear A, are undeciphered. The main obstacle in deciphering Linear A is the lack of knowledge of what language it transcribes. This article presents an ‘external analysis’ and a ‘lexicographic’ approach in an attempt to compare Linear A with Linear B and Egyptian, aiming at identifying a known language that Linear A may represent. The paper starts by introducing Minoan civilization and its writing system, Linear A, followed by a brief literature review on deciphering attempts. An overview follows, on the relationship between the Minoan and ancient Egyptian Bronze Ages, provided in order to support the hypothesis that there are possible interconnections between Linear A and Egyptian. The subsequent section further describes the method of using corresponding Linear B phonetic values to identify Linear A words or phrases in a few examples and match them to Egyptian. Finally, the possibilities and limitations of employing this method to decipher Linear A are discussed. Key Words: Language Decipherment, Linear A, Linear B
(CULTURAL) CONTACTS & CERAMIC CONTEXTS 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariae Fautores, Leiden, 15 – 22 September 2024
Nel giugno del 1974 l'Accademia Americana effettuò un sondaggio lungo una delle arterie viarie principali della colonia di Cosa, la strada 5, che collegava Porta Marina a Porta Fiorentina. La trincea fu scavata in prossimità dell'incrocio con la via sacra, la strada P, che dal Foro raggiungeva l'Arce. Del contesto, a oggi inedito, si hanno poche notizie attraverso i taccuini di scavo, nei quali sono sinteticamente appuntati i principali reperti rinvenuti. Le indagini avevano restituito materiale eterogeneo, comprensivo di vasellame ceramico, terrecotte architettoniche, un peso da telaio, un ago in osso, un frammento lavorato in legno, materiale metallico forse pertinente alla decorazione di
Southern Journal of Philosophy, 2006
Kant revolutionized our thinking about what it is to have a mind. Some of what seem to me to be among the most important lessons he taught us are often not yet sufficiently appreciated, however. I think this is partly because they are often not themes that Kant himself explicitly emphasized. To appreciate these ideas, one must look primarily at what he does, rather than at what he says about what he is doing. For instance, the revolutionary conceptual transformation Kant focuses on is his "Copernican Revolution": assignment of responsibility for some structural features of knowledge to the nature of the activities of knowing subjects rather than to the nature of the objects known. While this is, of course, an important aspect of his view, as I understand things it is a relatively late-coming move; it occurs significantly downstream from his most radical and important innovations, whose significance owes nothing to this subsequent, optional way of developing them. I want here to sketch in very broad terms some Kantian ideas that it seems most important to me for us to keep in mind in our own thinking about mind, meaning, and rationality. Some of these are very familiar, others less so. And the structural relations I perceive among them seem to me often not perceived.
L'internationale Contributions, 2024
BMC health services research, 2024
Concordia discors. Ästhetiken der ‚Stimmung‘ zwischen Literaturen, Künsten und Wissenschaften, 2012
Putting Tradition into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design; Proceedings of 5th INTBAU International Annual Event, G. Amoruso (Ed.), 2018
Sociology of Health & Illness
Acta Veterinaria Brasilica, 2017
International Journal Of Scientific Advances, 2021
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2009
Paradikma: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2020
Digestive and Liver Disease, 2000