Mutation Research, 198 (1988) 221-226
MTR 04520
Mutations in h u m a n lymphocytes studied by an H L A selection system
M. Janatipour, K.J. Trainor, R. Kutlaca, G. Bennett 1, j. Hay 1, D.R. Turner
and A.A. Morley
Department of Haematology, Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, SA 5042,
and I Tissue Typing Laboratory, Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Pirie Street, Adelaide, SA 5000 (Australia)
(Received 28 April 1987)
(Revision received 4 August 1987)
(Accepted 10 August 1987)
Keywords: Human mutagenesis; Autosomal mutation; Mutation frequency; Gene deletion; Human lymphocytes; HLA locus.
Human lymphocytes mutated at the HLA-A2 or HLA-A3 alleles were enumerated and studied by
primary selection using antibody and complement, followed by limiting dilution cloning and secondary
selection using immunofluorescence or antibody and complement. The geometric mean frequency of in
vivo mutant lymphocytes was 3.08 × 10 -5 for the HLA-A2 allele and 4.68 x 10 -6 for the HLA-A3 allele.
Mutagenesis by X-radiation or mitomycin produced a dose-related increase in mutant frequency. HLA-B
phenotyping and Southern Analysis of the HLA-A gene suggested that mutation was frequently due to
gene deletion, which was often substantial.
In recent years cloning techniques have been
developed for studying in vivo and in vitro mutations in human somatic cells, using the lymphocyte as the model nucleated cell. The genetic locus
used to date, at least for in vivo studies, has been
the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase
(HPRT) locus (Albertini et al., 1982; Morley et al.,
1983b). The HPRT locus has proved very informative but it does have some potential limitations.
Thus it is not known whether it is representative
of other loci in the genome, particularly since,
being X-linked, large mutations may be underrepresented owing to involvement of adjacent
Correspondence: Dr. A.A. Morley, Department of Haematology, Fiinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, SA 5042
functionally hemizygotic gene(s) essential for cell
survival; cells bearing HPRT mutations may be
selected against in vivo and the measured mutant
frequency may not truly reflect the number of
mutational events which have occurred in the past;
and since any X-linked gene locus cannot detect
mutations involving mitotic recombination (at least
in males), the HPRT locus may completely miss a
class of mutations which seem to be of great
importance in carcinogenesis (Murphree and Benedict, 1984; Frearon et al., 1984; Koufos et al.,
1984; Orkin et al., 1984).
For these reasons we have developed a mutation assay using the HLA-A locus to detect and
study mutations in human T lymphocytes. This
locus was chosen since it is autosomal, being on
chromosome 6, the alleles are codominant, and
past studies (Pious et al., 1973; Kavathas et al.,
1980) have shown that it is feasible to use comple-
0027-5107/88/$03.50 © 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)
ment-mediated cytotoxicity to detect HLA-A loss
mutants in human lymphoblastoid cell lines.
Materials and methods
Individuals who were heterozygous at the
HLA-A locus and who were either HLA-A2 or
HLA-A3 were studied. The two antibodies used
were BB7.2 which is a complement fixing IgG 2
antibody directed against HLA-A2 and GAP A3
which is a complement fixing IgM antibody directed against HLA-A3. They were obtained from
the American Type Culture Collection (Rockville,
MD, U.S.A.). Lymphocytes were isolated by
Ficoll-Hypaque, centrifuged, and washed 3 times
in McCoy's medium containing 8% foetal calf
serum. Selection was performed either immediately, or after stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA, Wellcome reagent grade, 1/~l/ml)
and culture for 3-10 days. For selection the cell
suspension was centrifuged, the supernatant removed and the cells resuspended in 100 /,1 of a
1 : 5 dilution of antibody in Hanks' solution. After
incubation at 4 ° C for 30 min, the suspension was
centrifuged, the supernatant removed, the cells
resuspended in 200 /,1 of rabbit complement
(Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Parkville,
Victoria, Australia) and held at room temperature
for 60 min. Control lymphocytes were exposed to
antibody alone, complement alone or medium
only. The cells were then mixed with McCoy's
medium containing PHA, 104 irradiated lymphocytes and 10% conditioned medium (as source of
interleukin-2), and cloned as previously described
(Morley et al., 1983a). Based on the original counts
before cytotoxicity, wells were set up to contain 2
or 5 cells/well for control lymphocytes and 2 ×
104 lymphocytes for cells exposed to antibody and
Plates were scored after 16-20 days. The cells
in wells showing growth were scored for A2 or A3
positivity using the appropriate antibody, the binding of which was detected either by imunofluorescence using fluorescein-labelled rabbit or
goat a n t i - m o u s e - i m m u n o g l o b u l i n a n t i b o d y
(Nordic Immunology) or by complement-mediated cytotoxicity. Only wells which were negative
were regarded as being presumptively mutant
clones. The mutation frequency was calculated
from the cloning efficiency without cytotoxicity
and from the cloning efficiency of HLA-A
lymphocytes. Wells containing cells which were
presumptively mutant cells were expanded as previously described (Morley et al., 1985) to obtain
20-50 x 10 6 lymphocytes. At this stage, HLA
phenotyping of the A and B loci was performed
with polyclonal antisera by the standard N I H
technique (Mittal et al., 1968) and genomic DNA
was obtained for subsequent Southern blotting.
The DNA probe used was a 490-base pair genomic probe from the 3'-untranslated segment of
the HLA-A2 gene which at high stringency hybridization has been shown to be specific for
HLA-A genotypes (Koller et al., 1984). DNA
probing was done only for HLA-A2 mutant clones.
Mutagenesis studies were performed essentially
as previously described for the H P R T locus (Morley et al., 1985). Freshly isolated lymphocytes were
mutagenized either with various doses of 100 kV
X-radiation or by exposure to various concentrations of mitomycin. The mitomycin remained in
contact with the cells for the first 3 days of
culture. After mutagenesis the lymphocytes were
cultured for a total of 7-10 days to allow expression and then selection was performed to enumerate and isolate mutant clones. Induced mutation was measured only at the HLA-A2 locus.
In one experiment the recovery of H L A - A 3 cells was studied by mixing cells from an HLA-A3 individual with cells from an HLA-A3 + individual
in a ratio of 1 : 104. After antibody-mediated cytotoxicity the cells were cloned and the recovery of
the H L A - A 2 - cells determined.
Absolute selection against wild-type cells was
not achieved since in all experiments a proportion
(5-100%) of the wells showing growth still scored
as H L A - A 2 or HLA-A3 positive by immunofluorescence or complement-mediated cytotoxicity. In the majority of the experiments (68%)
the number of wells showing growth was sufficiently low for the second round of selection by
immunofluorescence or complement-mediated cytotoxicity to be practicable and for results to be
obtained. However, some early experiments
showed that when all wells showed growth, all or
16o 260
X-RAY (rad)
0.6250.65 0.0750.:10 0.;125
Fig. 1. Frequency of mutant cells in 13 heterozygous individuals as measured by selection against HLA-A2 or HLA-A3.
virtually all of these wells would contain wild-type
cells. It was therefore subsequently felt that, when
all wells in an experiment were found to be positive, second-round selection was not practicable
and such experiments were abandoned. The reason for the variable killing by antibody and complement was not established although a number of
technical variables were investigated and continue
to be investigated.
HLA typing showed that 188 of 198 clones
studied had lost the index HLA-A2 or HLA-A3
allele; the 10 clones which were HLA-A2 ÷ or
HLA-A3 ÷ presumably arose from wild-type cells
which had escaped the two rounds of selection.
These clones were excluded from the study.
The frequencies of presumptively mutant HLAA2 or HLA-A3 cells for 13 individuals are shown
in Fig. 1. The geometric mean frequency ( + 1
S.E.) was 3.08 (3.71-12.55)X 10 -5 for H L A - A 2 mutants and 4.68 (5.81-3.76)x 10 -6 for HLAA 3 - mutants. Mutation assays were performed
twice in 4 individuals. The mean values of each
duplicate are shown in Fig. 1 and the co-efficient
of variation for these 4 individuals was 33%.
Mutagenesis was produced by X-radiation in
lymphocytes from 6 subjects and by mitomycin in
lymphocytes from 7 subjects and these data are
shown in Fig. 2. Data from all subjects at all doses
were not obtained owing either to inadequate cytotoxicity or to different doses of mutagen being
used in some experiments.
In the mixing experiment, the cloning efficiencies were: H L A - A 3 - cells, 0.25; HLA-A3 ÷ cells
without selection, 0.22; HLA-A3 ÷ cells with selec-
Fig. 2. Frequency of HLA-A2- mutant cells produced by
X-radiation or mitomycin. The results are shown as the mean
_+1 S.D.
tion 5.6 x 10-6; mixed H L A - A 3 - and HLA-A3 ÷
cells (1 : 104) with selection, 1.6 x 10 -5. From
these results it was calculated that 42% of the
H L A - A 3 - cells added to the mixture were recovered after selection.
The results of phenotyping at the HLA-B locus
and of molecular probing of the HLA-A gene are
summarized in Table 1 and an example of the
results of molecular probing is shown in Fig. 3.
Loss of one HLA-B allele was seen in both spontaneous and induced mutants and, for any one
individual, always involved the same HLA-B allele, suggesting that the lost allele was on the same
chromosome as the index HLA-A locus. Mutants
induced by mitomycin showed a significantly
greater frequency of loss of the presumptively
linked HLA-B allele (P:0.05, X2 test) suggesting
that this agent produces particularly large genomic
HLA-A gene
Loss of
Spontaneous mutants
in vivo
after 3-10 days in culture
Fig. 3. Southern analysis of a control clone (second track from left) and spontaneously mutant clones isolated from one individual by
selection against HLA-A2. Genomic DNA was digested with the enzyme Hind III and the arrows show the band attributable to the
HLA-A2 allele (5.25 kb). The other HLA-A allele (in this individual, A 11) yields a band at 4.75 kb, immediately below the A2
loss. Conversely the mutants induced by X-radiation showed a significantly reduced frequency of
loss of the presumptively linked HLA-B allele
( P < 0.02, X 2 test) suggesting that this agent produces deletions small with respect to those which
arise spontaneously in vivo or in culture.
H L A phenotyping and D N A analysis were performed jointly in a total of 119 clones. Gene
deletion was observed in 70 of these clones and
simultaneous loss of an HLA-B allele was observed in 35 of the 70. Gene deletion was not
observed in 49 clones and both HLA-B alleles
were detected in 47 of these 49.
The evidence is strong that clones finally scored
as H L A - A 2 - or HLA-A3 were actually mutant
cells. The H L A - A loss phenotype persisted during
the divisions involved in clonal expansion, in 38%
of clones was associated with loss of an HLA-B
phenotype and in 53% of clones was associated
with gene deletion at the H L A - A locus. The results of H L A typing and D N A analysis were in
good agreement in that loss of an HLA-B allele
was commonly seen when gene deletion was present but was seen in only 2 or 49 clones when gene
deletion was not detected. The failure of D N A
analysis to detect an abnormality in these two
clones may be explicable by the occurrence of a
deletion which did not affect the probed restriction fragment which is 3' to the gene but which
nonetheless produced phenotypic loss of HLA-A2.
Comparison of the results obtained with selection against the two H L A - A alleles was of interest
as the spontaneous in vivo mutant frequency measured with the anti-HLA-A2 antibody was almost
an order of magnitude higher than that measured
with the anti-HLA-A3 antibody. It is possible but
inherently unlikely that the spontaneous mutation
frequency for the two alleles was different or that
the intensity of any in vivo selection differed
between the two types of mutants. The most likely
explanation for the difference between the results
with these two antibodies is a difference in the
stringency of the binding conditions for the two
antibodies. If the anti-HLA-A2 antibody had very
stringent requirements then it would not bind to
mutants showing only slight conformational
changes of the HLA-A2 epitope; conversely if the
HLA-A3 antibody had very relaxed requirements
then it would eliminate such mutants.
The results obtained with the HLA system
showed some similarities to and some differences
from those previously obtained with the HPRT
system (Morley et al., 1983b; Trainor et al., 1984),
although in comparing quantitative results from
the two systems, it should be borne in mind that
the HPRT system as usually performed involves
stringent thioguanine selection and probably underestimates mutation frequency. The frequency
of spontaneous mutants detected with the antiHLA-A3 antibody ranged from 1.7 x 10 -6 to 8.5
x 10 -6, which is similar to the range of 1 x
10-6-2 x 10 -5 observed for H P R T mutant
frequency (Morley et al., 1983b; Trainor et al.,
1984). However, as seen in Fig. 1, the frequency of
mutants observed using the anti-HLA-A2 antibody was almost an order of magnitude higher,
ranging from 1.5 x 10 -5 to 7.0 x 10 -5.
Study of mutation induction by X-radiation or
mitomycin was performed only using the antiHLA-A2 antibody. The mean frequency of induced mutant cells was 23.7 x .~9-5 after 400 rad
which is somewhat greater than previous results
with the HPRT system which showed a frequency
of 9.2× 10 -5 after 400 rad (Sanderson et al.,
1984). Waldren et al. (1986) studied X-ray mutagenesis at a locus on human chromosome 11 in a
CHO hybrid containing that chromosome, and
obtained a mutant yield 2 orders of magnitude
greater than that obtained by others using the
HPRT locus and 20-fold greater than the results
obtained in the present experiments using the
HLA-A locus. They attributed the difference between their results and those of others to the fact
that mutagenesis was carried out at low doses of
radiation, 25-150 rad, at which there was little
killing, but this cannot account for the difference
between their results and our own at both the
HPRT and HLA-A loci, since our experiments
were carried out in the same dose range and since
lymphocytes have virtually the same radiation
sensitivity as CHO cells (Kutlaca et al., 1982a, b).
It may be that a foreign chromosome in a cell
hybrid sustains more damage or is repaired less
accurately than an endogenous chromosome in
that cell.
Molecular analysis of the HLA-A gene was
performed only for HLA-A2 mutants and showed
that mutation frequently involved deletion, at least
of the 3' portion of the gene being probed. Deletion was observed both in spontaneous and induced mutants and was of the same order of
frequency as that previously observed using the
HPRT system for both spontaneous (Albertini et
al., 1985; Turner et al., 1985) and induced mutants
(Thacker and Cox, 1984; Vrieling et al., 1985;
Skulimowski et al., 1986; Gibbs et al., 1987). The
results were also broadly similar to those obtained
by Yandell et al. (1986) for spontaneous and
induced mutations at the thymidine kinase locus
in a lymphoblastoid cell line although they observed a somewhat higher frequency of 71% for
gene loss in spontaneous mutations. The results of
HLA phenotyping, which showed that loss of an
HLA-B allele was common when molecular evidence of gene deletion was present in spontaneous
or mitomycin-induced mutants, indicate that many
of these deletions must have been quite large, as
the HLA-B locus is approximately 1 cM or 1000
kb distant from the HLA-A locus. Deletions at the
HPRT locus, which is approximately 34 kb in size,
seem to be smaller, for we have never seen complete deletion of this gene in spontaneous mutant
lymphocytes, although other workers have (personal communication from R. Albertini). Mutants
induced by X-rays predominantly arise from deletion of the HLA-A2 gene. However, in agreement
with previous results, these deletions are small in
genomic terms and this is reflected in the low
frequency (14%) of associated loss of HLA-B phenotype in these mutants.
The results from the HLA and HPRT system
are therefore in broad agreement. They suggest
that neither region of the genome is likely to
represent a genetic "hot-spot" and that these
genetic systems are likely to provide valid information on the number and types of mutations
which affect autosomal and X-linked loci on the
human genome. The HPRT system has the advantage of being easier to use and provides precise
single-step selection; the HLA system has the
advantage that larger deletions, recombinational
events and chromosomal events can be detected,
and readily mapped by existing HLA-specific and
other probes and chromosomal study. The extent
to which this advantage can be exploited in practice remains to be determined.
This study was supported by the Anti-Cancer
Foundation of the Universities of South Australia.
We thank Dr. H. Orr for supply of the genomic
probe for HLA-A.
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