Research Article
Golgi polarization in a strong electric field
Jin Pu and Min Zhao*
Biomedical Sciences, School of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, UK
*Author for correspondence (e-mail:
[email protected])
Accepted 11 November 2004
Journal of Cell Science 118, 1117-1128 Published by The Company of Biologists 2005
Directional cell migration requires proper cell polarization.
The redistribution of the Golgi apparatus is an important
event in the polarization and migration of many types of
cells, as a polarized Golgi supplies membrane components
for leading edge protrusion. Direct current electric fields
induce directional cell migration in a wide variety of cells.
Here we show that electric fields of 300 mV/mm induce
robust Golgi polarization and directional cell migration in
CHO cells. Asymmetric Src and PI 3-kinase signalling as
well as actin polymerization are essential for electric fieldinduced Golgi polarization and directional cell migration.
The Golgi polarizes at the same time as cells change
morphology and migrate directionally in response to an
electric field. Golgi polarization in turn significantly
reinforces and maintains optimal electrotaxis. It is not
known whether electrical signals, when contradicting other
directional cues, are still able to polarize cells and direct
cell migration. Most strikingly, Golgi polarization and cell
migration simply follow the direction of an applied electric
field and ignore all other cues generated by wounding a
monolayer of CHO cells. Thus, an electric field of 300
mV/mm is the predominant cue to polarize the Golgi and
direct cell migration mediated by PI 3-kinase and Src
Cell polarization is important for cell migration. It is often
defined by membrane domain segregation, intracellular
organelle localization, asymmetric cytoskeletal arrangement
and the appearance of polarized cell morphology. In motile
cells, these features are closely associated with membrane
protrusion and directional cell migration (Kupfer et al., 1982;
Kupfer et al., 1983; Etienne-Manneville and Hall, 2001;
Etienne-Manneville and Hall, 2003; Nobes and Hall, 1999;
Ridley et al., 2003; Raftopoulou and Hall, 2004; GomezMouton et al., 2004). These motile cells have a distinctive
leading edge, i.e. lamellipodia or pseudopodia where active
membrane protrusion occurs (Ridley et al., 2003; Manes et al.,
2003; Jaffe and Hall, 2003; Nabi, 1999; Xu et al., 2003;
Devreotes and Janetopoulos, 2003). In Dictyostelium cells and
neutrophils, chemoattractant gradients induce polarized Gprotein-coupled receptor signalling with PI 3-kinase polarized
in the direction of the chemoattractant source and Pten or Rho
opposite to it (Parent et al., 1998; Meili et al., 1999; Iijima and
Devreotes, 2002; Funamoto et al., 2002; Xu et al., 2003). This
polarized cascade results in actin polymerization and
membrane protrusion at the leading edge and myosin II
redistribution to the rear and eventually directional cell
migration towards the chemoattractant.
Golgi polarization is an important feature of cell
polarization. This is critically involved in directional cell
migration, as the Golgi apparatus plays an important role in
anterograde supply of membrane components to the leading
edge for membrane protrusion (Bershadsky and Futerman,
1994; Nabi, 1999; Ridley et al., 2003; Prigozhina and
Waterman-Storer, 2004). Generally, directional sensing, cell
polarization and directional migration are closely associated.
This, however, is not always the case. Directional sensing is
sometimes distinct from cell polarization in Dictyostelium
(Devreotes and Janetopoulos, 2003), and cell polarization
indicated by polarization of Golgi apparatus (Golgi
polarization) can sometimes be uncoupled from cell
migration in fibroblasts (Magdalena et al., 2003a; Magdalena
et al., 2003b). Significantly, in addition to secretory traffic
directed towards the front of a motile eukaryotic cell, signals
from the Golgi matrix play an important role in cell motility
and in allowing reorientation of the Golgi towards the
direction of movement (Mellor, 2004; Preisinger et al., 2004).
Despite significant mechanistic insights gained into the
molecular mechanisms of Golgi polarization, it is not fully
understood how Golgi polarization regulates directional cell
Many extracellular cues are capable of inducing cell
polarization and directional cell migration. These include
chemoattractant gradients (Nabi, 1999; Xu et al., 2003;
Devreotes and Janetopoulos, 2003), mechanical forces (Li et
al., 2002; Decave et al., 2003; Wojciak-Stothard and Ridley,
2003) and gradients of adhesiveness (Libotte et al., 2001).
Wounding monolayer cultures is one of the most widely used
techniques to study molecular mechanisms of polarization and
directional migration of many types cells (Kupfer et al., 1982;
Kupfer et al., 1983; Etienne-Manneville and Hall, 2001;
Etienne-Manneville and Hall, 2003; Nobes and Hall, 1999;
Magdalena et al., 2003a; Magdalena et al., 2003b). In
Supplementary material available online at
Key words: Golgi polarization, Cell polarity, Directional cell
migration, Electric field
Journal of Cell Science 118 (6)
this model, multiple candidate cues are generated for cell
polarization and migration into the wound. These include the
initial mechanical stimulation, loss of contact inhibition at the
wound edge, and chemical gradients formed upon wounding
(Martin and Parkhurst, 2004; Singer and Clark, 1999; Grose
and Martin, 1999).
Direct current (DC) electric fields (EFs) are able to induce
directional responses such as cell migration (galvanotaxis/
electrotaxis) and cell division in many cell types (Robinson,
1985; Wang et al., 2000; Zhao et al., 1999b; Song et al., 2002).
Therefore EFs have been proposed to play a role in directional
cell migration in wound healing and development in vivo (Jaffe
and Vanable, 1984; McCaig and Zhao, 1997; McCaig et al.,
2002; Nuccitelli, 2003a; Nuccitelli, 2003b; Ojingwa and
Isseroff, 2003; Robinson and Messerli, 2003). In addition to
any potential physiological roles that endogenous EFs may
have in vivo, in vitro application of an EF is a convenient and
reliable technique to induce predictable cell polarization and
directional migration. Using this as a convenient tool to
polarize cells, we report that an EF of 300 mV/mm induces
Golgi polarization towards the cathode that is mediated by Src
and PI 3-kinase signalling. The Golgi polarizes concomitant
with changes in cell morphology and migration towards the
cathode. Golgi polarization in turn significantly reinforces and
maintains optimal electrotaxis. Using a monolayer woundhealing assay, we show that this large EF is a predominant
guidance cue directing both Golgi polarization and cell
migration in the scratch-wound model.
Materials and Methods
Chemical agents and cell cultures
Cell culture media and reagents were from Gibco. Brefeldin A
(BFA), cytochalasin D (CyD), PP2 (Src inhibitor), Y27632 were
from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA). LS203 (Cdc42 inhibitor) was a
kind gift of L. Smith (synthesized and prepared by Proteomics
Facility, University of Aberdeen) (Vastrik et al., 1999). CHO cells
were grown in NM-F12 medium, with 5% fetal bovine serum
(FBS), 50 U/ml penicillin, 50 µg/ml streptomycin. CO2independent medium was used for experiments performed in room
atmosphere. CHO cells were starved for 3 hours in serum-free NMF12 medium prior to experiments. For wound-healing assays, a
confluent monolayer grown in the electrotactic chamber was
scratch-wounded using a 10 µl tip. Wounded CHO cells were
subject to an EF for 3 hours. All experiments were performed
within passage five.
Electric field stimulation and drug treatment
CHO cells were seeded at low density in electrotactic chambers on
Falcon tissue culture dishes 16-20 hours before EF exposure. A roof
consisting of a No. 1 coverglass was applied and sealed with DC4 on
top of the chamber as described (Zhao et al., 1996). The final
dimensions of the chamber, through which the electric current was
passed, were 40×10×0.3 mm. A DC EF of 300 mV/mm was applied
through agar-salt bridges connecting silver/silver chloride electrodes
via beakers of Steinberg’s solution to pools of culture medium at
either side of the chamber. The dish was placed on a Zeiss Axiovert
100 microscope with temperature control at 37°C. For inhibition
experiments, CHO cells were pretreated with PP2 (20 µM), BFA (1
µM, 5 µM), cytochalasin D (0.2 µM), Y27632 (50 µM), Toxin B (10
ng/ml), LS203 (100 ng/ml) or Wortmannin (500 nM) for 2 hours,
then exposed to EF in the presence of the same concentration of
Immunofluorescence microscopy
For immunofluorescence staining, CHO cells were fixed in 4%
paraformaldehyde (15 minutes), permeabilized (5 minutes in 0.2%
Triton X-100) and blocked for 30 minutes with blocking solution
(10% goat serum, 1% BSA and 0.02% NaN3 in PBS). A monoclonal
antibody against GM130 (1:100, BD Transduction Laboratories) was
used to label the Golgi apparatus for 1 hour at room temperature.
Monoclonal antibody clone 28 (0.3 µg/ml) kindly provided by M. K.
Owada (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto, Japan) (Yamada et
al., 2000) was used to label active forms of c-Src tyrosine kinases
(pSrc), and anti-phospho-Akt (1:100, Cell Signalling) to stain active
Akt (pAkt) for 2 hours at room temperature. Akt is a serine/threonine
kinase and its encoding nucleotide sequence was originally identified
in the AKT8 virus isolated from a spontaneous thymoma of an AKR
mouse (Staal, 1987). It is also called protein kinase B (PKB) (Coffer
and Woodgett, 1991; Downward, 1995). Akt/PKB is a downstream
signalling target of PI 3-kinase. After washing, the cells were
incubated with Texas Red-conjugated secondary antibodies (1:200
Jackson Immuno Research Laboratories) and phalloidin-FITC (1:100
Sigma) for 1 hour at room temperature. Nuclei were stained with
DAPI. Images were obtained with a Zeiss inverted fluorescence
microscope (Axiovert 100) controlled with MetaMorph software. A
40× Fluor oil-immersion lens was used.
Cell polarization analysis
CHO cells cultured in an EF of 300 mV/mm for 3 hours showed
distinct polarized morphology (Fig. 1). Cells with the long axis of the
cell body falling in the quadrant between 45° and 315° of the EF
direction were scored as polarized in the EF direction (Fig. 1G). This
criterion was used for scoring polarization of Golgi, F-actin, pSrc and
pAkt. The percentage of polarized cells±s.e.m. was calculated from
three separate experiments.
Time-lapse video microscopy and quantification of cell
Time-lapse images were recorded every 10 minutes and analysed
with a MetaMorph system (Universal Imaging Corporation, PA)
(Zhao et al., 2002a). Migration directedness (cos θ) shows how a
cell migrated directionally within the field, where θ is the angle
between the EF vector and a straight line connecting the start and
end position of a cell (Zhao et al., 1996). A cell moving perfectly
toward the cathode would have a directedness of 1; a cell moving
perfectly along the field lines toward the anode would have a
directedness of –1. Therefore, the average of directedness values of
a population of cells gives an objective quantification of how
directionally cells have moved. A group of cells migrating randomly
would have an average directedness value of 0. Migration rate was
analysed with the following three parameters. Trajectory speed
(Tt/T) is the total length of the migration trajectory of a cell (Tt)
divided by the given period of time (T). Displacement speed (Td/T)
is the straight-line distance between the start and end positions of a
cell (Td) divided by the time (T). Displacement speed along the x
axis (Dx/T) is a cell’s displacement distance along the x axis (Dx)
divided by the time (T).
Fluorescence video imaging of Golgi polarization and cell
CHO cells were cultured on glass coverslips coated with fibronectin
(5 µg/cm2, Sigma) overnight. After rinsing with HBSS, the cells were
incubated for 15 minutes at 37°C with 2.5 µM BODIPY FL ceramideBSA complex (Molecular Probes). The cells were allowed to recover
in fresh NM-F12 medium (5% FBS) for 1 hour before time-lapse
recording of bright field and fluorescence images with MetaMorph
system. A 40× Fluor oil-immersion objective was used. Statistical
Golgi polarization in electric fields
analyses were made using unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t-test. Data
are expressed as mean±s.e.m.
Electric field-directed cell polarization and migration
In an applied EF of 300 mV/mm, CHO cells elongated and
polarized with distinct lamellipodia facing the cathode (Fig.
1A-D, supplementary material video 1). Cells extended
lamellipodia and started to migrate towards the cathode within
10-30 minutes of EF application. Simultaneously the cells
reoriented and elongated to lie parallel to the field vector (Fig.
1A-D). Electric stimulation increased the number of cells
with a polarized morphology consisting of a leading edge
lamellipodia and a trailing tail. Exposure to an EF of 300
mV/mm for 3 hours resulted in 76% of the cells showing
distinct polarized and elongated morphology, significantly
higher than that in a control culture without an applied EF
(19%) (Fig. 1C, Table 1). It is interesting to note that CHO
cells aligned with the long axis of cell body parallel to, instead
of perpendicular to the EF vector, which is very different from
other cell types.
In an applied EF of 300 mV/mm, CHO cells migrated
directionally towards the cathode with a directedness value of
0.93±0.01 (mean±s.e.m. n=45). A directedness value of 1
represents 100% of the cells moving with a net displacement
in the direction of the cathode. Thus, a directedness value of
0.93±0.01 indicates that nearly all of the cells migrated
directionally towards cathode. The trajectory and displacement
speeds increased significantly by about two- and threefold
Fig. 1. An electric field of
300mV/mm directs CHO cell
migration and Golgi polarization.
(A-C) Time-lapse images
showing morphological
polarization and directional
migration of CHO cells in a DC
EF. (D) Outlines of the labelled
cells from A-C highlight
morphological polarization and
cell migration. (E-F) Golgi (red)
polarization and actin (green)
distribution in CHO cells cultured
in the absence (E) or presence (F)
of an EF for 3 hours. The cells
were fixed and triple-labelled
with GM130 antibody (Golgi
marker, red), FITC-phalloidin (Factin, green) and DAPI (blue).
(F′) Golgi polarization in control
experiments with cross-current
medium flow where chemical
gradients, ionic gradients and
fluctuation in temperature and pH
were eliminated. (G) Cells with
the Golgi falling in the indicated
quadrant were scored. (H) An EF
of 300 mV/mm increased the
percentage of cells with the Golgi
polarizing towards the cathode with time. Results shown are the mean±s.e.m. For each time point, a minimum of 300 cells was scored from
three independent experiments. Bar, 10 µm. See also supplementary material video 1.
Table 1. Percentage of cells with polarized morphology and Golgi apparatus
No drug
Toxin B
Golgi polarization
Morphology polarization
CHO cells were starved and pretreated with inhibitors for 2 hours, then subjected to an EF of 300 mV/mm for 3 hours. Data are presented as mean±s.e.m. of
three independent experiments. The total numbers of cells are in brackets. *P<0.01 when compared with the no EF value, P<0.01 when compared with the EF
no-drug value.
Journal of Cell Science 118 (6)
Table 2. Migration rates (µm/hour) of CHO cells
Trajectory speed
No drug
Toxin B
Displacement speed
Displacement speed
along x-axis
(average cosθ)
n (cell number)
Definitions of the parameters are given in the Materials and methods. CHO cells were starved and pretreated with inhibitors for 2 hours, then subjected to an
EF of 300 mV/mm for 3 hours. Data are presented as mean±s.e.m. of three independent experiments. *P<0.01 when compared with the no EF value, †P<0.01
when compared with the EF no-drug value.
respectively, compared to the no EF control data (P<0.001)
(Table 2). CHO cells cultured in the electrotactic chamber
without an applied EF moved randomly, with an average
directedness of 0.06±0.10 (mean±s.e.m., n=45) and a
displacement speed of 4.4±0.4 µm/hour (n=45).
An EF of 300 mV/mm represents a 7.5 mV drop across a
CHO cell with average diameter of ~25 µm. CHO cells have a
membrane potential of 73 mV (Rotoli et al., 1991). Thus the
theoretical perturbation of the membrane potential is only
about 5% of the resting potential.
Electric field-directed Golgi polarization and asymmetric
actin polymerization
In CHO cells cultured in an applied EF of 300 mV/mm both
the Golgi apparatus and actin filaments polarized towards the
cathode (Fig. 1F-H), whereas in cells cultured without an
applied EF, the Golgi apparatus and actin filaments polarized
randomly (Fig. 1E). The percentage of Golgi polarized towards
the cathode (Fig. 1G) increased gradually during the first 3
hours in an EF. Additional exposure to EF did not increase the
value further (Fig. 1H). Exposure to an EF polarized the
distribution of actin filaments towards the cathode in
62.7±4.5% cells (n=161) (Fig. 1F; 300 mV/mm for 2 hours),
whereas very few cells (~4%) showed F-actin polarization
when cultured in the absence of an EF (Fig. 1E).
Golgi polarization is the direct effect of the applied
electric fields
To exclude the possibility that Golgi polarization might be an
indirect effect mediated by chemical or ionic gradients,
temperature or pH variation, we conducted a more stringent
control using a cross-current medium flow chamber modified
from that described (Erickson and Nuccitelli, 1984; Bai et al.,
2004). In this experimental set-up, the electrotactic chamber was
perfused constantly with the culture medium in a direction
perpendicular to the EF vector. A continuous flow of copious
culture medium through the electrotactic chamber was
maintained with a peristaltic pump during the entire experimental
period (24 ml/hour through a 0.2 mm2 channel). This eliminated
possible build up of chemoattractant or ionic gradients and
maintained a stable temperature and pH across the chamber
during experiments. The Golgi polarization was virtually the
same as in experiments performed in the absence of medium flow
(Fig. 1F′, compared with Fig. 1F) (64.8±2%, n=583 cells from
three independent experiments in cross-current fluid flow
experiments). Therefore, Golgi polarization in single CHO cells
is mainly due to the direct effects of the applied EF, rather than
indirectly by chemical gradients caused by the applied EFs.
Actin polymerization is required for Golgi polarization
To test whether EF-directed Golgi polarization requires actin
polymerization, CHO cells were treated with cytochalasin D.
Cell morphology and Golgi polarization was assessed
quantitatively using the same method as Fig. 1G. Cytochalasin
D completely inhibited cell morphology changes, cell
polarization, cell migration and Golgi polarization (Fig. 2A,B).
Golgi polarization versus Golgi dispersal and directional
cell migration
Brefeldin A (BFA) prevents the assembly of cytosolic coat
proteins onto Golgi membranes, resulting in the formation of
Golgi tubules and prevents tubule detachment from the Golgi
structure which then fuses with the endoplasmic reticulum
(ER). This leads to rapid diffusion of Golgi membrane into the
ER and disruption of Golgi. BFA at high concentrations of 25 µg/ml (~18 µM) causes this rapid dispersal of the Golgi
within 5-8 minutes after addition of the drug (Presley et al.,
1998; Sciaky et al., 1997; Hirschberg et al., 1998). We used a
similar concentration of BFA (15 µM) and found the same
quick dispersal of the Golgi apparatus. This treatment resulted
in discoid cell morphology. It is impossible to analyse Golgi
polarization and cell migration as there is no visible Golgi
staining with BODIPY FL ceramide and the cells do not move.
In order to analyse how Golgi polarization regulates cell
migration, we chose much lower concentrations of BFA (1 µM
and 5 µM). These concentrations represent only 5.6% and 28%
of the concentration (5 µg/ml) used to induce dramatic Golgi
dispersal (Sciaky et al., 1997; Presley et al., 1998; Hirschberg
et al., 1998). BFA at 5 µM caused significant dispersal of Golgi
(Fig. 2C), which significantly decreased Golgi polarization and
the morphologic polarization induced by an EF (Fig. 2A,B). A
lower concentration of BFA (1 µM) was able to abolish EFinduced Golgi polarization completely whereas Golgi staining
was unambiguous for polarization scoring (Fig. 2A,C). We
Golgi polarization in electric fields
Fig. 2. Cathodal polarization of
Golgi requires actin polymerization
and signalling of Src and PI 3kinases. (A,C,D) EF-induced Golgi
polarization was abrogated by
incubation of the cells with Brefeldin
A (BFA), Cytochalasin D (CyD),
Wortmannin (WM, PI 3-kinase
inhibitor) and PP2 (Src inhibitor).
Toxin B, LS203 (cdc42 inhibitor)
and Y27632 (ROCK inhibitor)
decreased Golgi polarization
significantly (P<0.0001), but not
completely (P<0.0001) (A). (B) The
percentage of cells with their
morphology polarized towards the
cathode was also scored. For drug
treatment, CHO cells were pretreated
with PP2 (20 µM), BFA (1 µM, 5
µM), CyD (0.2 µM), Y27632 (50
µM) or LS203 (100 ng/ml) for 2
hours, then subjected to an EF of 300
mV/mm for 3 hours, fixed and triplestained with phalloidin (green),
GM130 (red) and DAPI (blue). Golgi
polarization was scored as in Fig.
1G. More than 200 cells from three
independent experiments were
scored for each condition. Bar, 10
therefore chose this concentration for further experiments.
BFA at 1 µM significantly inhibited EF-directed cell migration
(Figs 4, 5). This indicates that BFA at lower concentrations (1
µM) did cause derangement of Golgi complex reorientation,
although did not cause complete dispersal of Golgi. This
derangement in Golgi reorientation significantly decreased EFdirected cell migration (see the following section).
Treatment with either CyD or BFA completely abolished
Golgi polarization in an EF. These data indicate that cathodal
redistribution of Golgi and actin are interdependent, as
inhibition of actin polymerization completely inhibited Golgi
polarization, and inhibition of Golgi redistribution abrogated
the polarization of cell morphology and F-actin (Fig. 2).
Essential role of PI 3-kinase and Src signalling in Golgi
To identify signalling elements involved in Golgi polarization,
we chose PI 3-kinase as a target. PI 3-kinase signalling is the
compass mechanism in chemotactic directional sensing in
Dictyostelium, neutrophils and fibroblasts (Ilijima and
Devreotes, 2002; Servant et al., 2000; Xu et al., 2003; Firtel
and Chung, 2000; Haugh et al., 2000). Treatment with
wortmannin completely abolished EF induced Golgi
polarization and the changes in cell morphology (Fig. 2). In
fibroblast cells, Src tyrosine kinase activity is required for cell
polarity establishment via small GTPases, the Rho family
members Rac1 and Cdc42 (Timpson et al., 2001). PP2, a
specific inhibitor for Src tyrosine kinases also completely
inhibited Golgi and cell morphologic polarization (Fig. 2).
More importantly, Akt and Src were activated preferentially at
the cathodal side of cells (Fig. 3). In an EF of 300 mV/mm for
1 hour, significant proportion of cells showed redistribution of
activated Akt (pAkt) (56±5%, n=154) and Src (pSrc) (62±6%,
n=156) towards the cathode (Fig. 3B,D) whereas control cells
without EF did not show this polarization (Fig. 3A,C). This
polarized signalling is similar to that underlying directional
sensing in chemotactic cells (Parent et al., 1998; Firtel and
Chung, 2000; Servant et al., 2000; Haugh et al., 2000; GomezMouton et al., 2004).
Rho family GTPase and EF-induced Golgi polarization
ROCK (Rho-associated protein kinases) and cdc42 are
required for Golgi polarization in fibroblast 3T3 cells and in
primary rat astrocytes (Magdalena et al., 2003a; Nobes and
Hall, 1999; Etienne-Manneville and Hall, 2003). Y27632 was
used to inhibit p160ROCK and Toxin B was used as a general
inhibitor of Rho, Rac and Cdc42. Y27632 (50 µM) or Toxin
B (10 ng/ml) significantly (P<0.0001) decreased the
polarization of both Golgi and cell morphology in an EF
(Fig. 2). We used LS203 (a synthesized short peptide) to
verify these results. LS203 inhibits cdc42 signalling by
binding to the binding motifs of PAK and N-WASP for
cdc42/Rac1 (Vastrik et al., 1999). LS203 reduced the
polarization of Golgi and cell morphology to a similar extent
as observed with Toxin B treatment (Fig. 2). However, cells
treated with all three inhibitors still showed significant
Journal of Cell Science 118 (6)
A no EF
B + EF
0º 180º
Cytochalasin D +EF
(P<0.0001) Golgi and morphologic polarization (Fig. 2). This
indicates that the Rho family of small GTPases play an
important role in EF induced cell polarization, but they are
only partially involved.
Golgi polarization correlates well with but lags slightly
behind electrotaxis of CHO cells
To establish the role of Golgi polarization in EF-directed cell
migration, we correlated Golgi polarization to the
electrotactic response of CHO cells treated with different
drugs (Figs 4, 5). In control experiments in the absence of an
EF the cells migrated randomly (Fig. 4A). When subjected to
an EF of 300 mV/mm, cells migrated toward the cathode (Fig.
4B). Inhibition of actin polymerization using Cytochalasin D
completely inhibited the migration of CHO cells (Fig. 4C).
BFA (1 µM) significantly decreased the migration rate and
directedness (Table 2, Fig. 4D). PP2 abolished Golgi
polarization and decreased trajectory speed to the level of
non-EF treated cells (Tables 1, 2; Fig. 4E). Inhibition of Rho
family small GTPases with Y27632, Toxin B or LS203
(cdc42 inhibitor) decreased the migration rate to a greater
extent than they decreased the directedness of migration (Fig.
In an EF, the directedness value of cell migration rose more
rapidly than the percentage of cells showing cathodally
directed Golgi polarization in the first hour (Fig. 5A).
Subsequently the percentage of cells with polarized Golgi
and morphology gradually caught up with the migration
directedness (Fig. 5A).
Inhibition of Golgi polarization with different drugs
accordingly inhibited the EF-induced directional migration and
polarized morphology. The directedness of cell migration
and cell morphologic polarization correlated significantly
Toxin B +EF
90º 0.73±0.04
H LS203 +EF
G Y27632 +EF
90º 0.40±0.03
Fig. 3. Phospho-Akt and phospho-Src are distributed to the cathodal
facing side of CHO cells in a DC EF. CHO cells were fixed after 1
hour in an EF of 300 mV/mm (B,D) or without an EF (A,C) and
labelled with anti-phospho-Src (pSrc, red, A,B) or anti-Phospho-Akt
antibody (pAkt, red, C,D). Nuclei were labelled with DAPI (blue).
Fig. 4. The net translocation of CHO cells in an EF. Cells were
followed for a 3-hour period in an EF (B-H) or without an EF (A).
Each cell’s position at t=0 is represented by the origin (0,0), with the
final position of each cell at 3 hours plotted as a single point on the
graph. The radius of each circle represents 100 µm (the average cell
length is ~25 µm). n, the total number of cells at a given condition.
Values of directedness (the average cosine of the distribution) ±s.e.m.
are indicated in the upper right corner of each plot. (C-H) Treated
with different inhibitors then in an EF with continuous presence of
the same drug. EF, 300 mV/mm.
(P<0.0001) with Golgi polarization (Fig. 5B). Correlation
coefficients of 0.98 and 0.99 indicate the linear regression of
cell morphologic polarization and migration directedness on
the percentage of Golgi polarization in an applied EF (300
mV/mm for 3 hours).
Golgi polarization also correlated linearly with the
migratory indexes. The correlation coefficients of Golgi
polarization to displacement speed along the x axis,
displacement speed and trajectory speed are 0.97, 0.94 and
0.92 respectively (Fig. 5C).
Golgi polarization in electric fields
cell morphology
Golgi polarization
hours in EF
B %
No drugs
Toxin B
or PP2
cell morphology
+ EF
No drugs
Toxin B
Migration rate
Golgi polarization (%)
or PP2
% of cells showing cathode-directed response
along X axis
+ EF
Golgi polarization (%)
Fig. 5. Cathodal Golgi polarization and electrotaxis of CHO cells in
an EF. (A) Time course of directional cell migration, morphologic
polarization and Golgi redistribution. (B) Correlation of Golgi
polarization with morphologic polarization and directedness of cell
migration. (C) Correlation of Golgi polarization with migration rates
in an EF. In B and C, CHO cells were pretreated as indicated with
BFA (1 µM, 5 µM), CyD (0.2 µM), PP2 (20 µM), Y27632 (50 µM),
Toxin B (10 ng/ml) or LS203 (100 ng/ml) for 2 hours and subjected
to an EF for 3 hours with presence of the drug. Cell migration,
morphologic polarization and Golgi polarization were analysed as in
Materials and methods. Each data point in A represents mean±s.e.m.
from at least 200 cells from three independent experiments.
Golgi polarization reinforces electrotaxis of CHO cells
BFA (1 µM) inhibited Golgi polarization completely (Fig. 2A),
but significant electrotaxis remained (Fig. 4D). This suggests
that Golgi polarization is not essential for electrotaxis.
However, BFA treatment did significantly inhibit electrotaxis
by reducing the directedness value from 0.93 in to 0.28
(compare Fig. 4B with4D) (P<0.0001). To further test the role
of Golgi polarization in the electrotactic response of CHO
cells, we did multichannel time-lapse video imaging (Fig. 6).
Active membrane protrusion occurred at the cathodal side ~30
minutes after application of an EF of 300 mV/mm (Fig. 6B).
In most cases, only the protrusion next to the Golgi persisted
(Fig. 6C). Then the cell changed morphology, moved and
polarized towards the cathode. At the same time, the Golgi
moved to polarize in the same direction (Fig. 6D). This showed
that Golgi polarization lagged slightly behind membrane
protrusion but occurred concomitantly with cell morphologic
polarization and cell movement toward the cathode. At this
stage, electrotactic response, the directional cell movement
towards the cathode (along the x axis in EF direction), was slow
and cells moved preferentially along the y axis (compare Fig.
6H to 6J). Following Golgi polarization in the direction of the
EF, net migration towards the cathode significantly increased,
and little movement along the y axis was observed (Fig. 6J).
Trajectory speed, displacement speed, x axis displacement
speed and directedness of migration increased significantly
after the Golgi polarized in the direction of the EF (Fig. 6KL; P<0.05). These results show that although Golgi
polarization is not essential for the electrotaxis of CHO cells
(Fig. 4D), it can significantly enhance directional migration
when it is polarized in the direction of the EF (Fig. 6).
An applied EF of 300 mV/mm is a predominant cue in
directing Golgi polarization
Scratch wounding of a monolayer culture induces robust
polarization of the cells towards the wound in many cell types.
Golgi polarize towards the wound in CHO cells at the wound
edge (Fig. 7A). Directional cues such as mechanical
stimulation, wound void and chemical gradients are present in
this model. We tested the hierarchical order of the electrical
signal as a directional cue in relation to the other cues. When
an EF of 300 mV/mm was applied with the field vector in the
normal healing direction, the Golgi polarized more
directionally towards the wound (Fig. 7B). Remarkably, when
an EF was applied opposite to the normal healing direction,
Golgi polarized away from the wound (Fig. 7C). This is against
the direction of other coexisting cues. EFs applied with the
field vector in or opposite to the normal healing direction
resulted in the same percentage of cells showing Golgi
polarization towards or away from the wound, respectively
(Fig. 7G). The mechanical signals were proposed to provide a
crucial directional cue (Martin and Parkhurst, 2004). Clearly,
in our experimental system the mechanical cues were present
throughout and were being overridden by the applied electrical
signals (Fig. 7C). What we do not know at this stage is whether
the chemical gradients formed at the wound were affected by
the large electric field applied. Chemical gradients inevitably
form at the wound (Hansen et al., 1993; Sammak et al., 1997;
Klepeis et al., 2001). It is likely that the strong EF may
influence the chemical gradients and thus may mediate the
directional response.
Therefore, an EF of 300 mV/mm predominated over and/or
modified other coexisting cues in this scrape-wound model in
directing Golgi polarization. In some cells actin filaments
appeared to polarize in the direction of the EF against the
normal healing direction (Fig. 7C). BFA at a very low
concentration of 1 µM completely abolished the Golgi
polarization induced by wounding and application of an EF
(Fig. 7D-G).
An applied EF is a predominant cue in directing CHO
cell migration
When applied opposite to the normal healing direction, an EF
Journal of Cell Science 118 (6)
Fig. 6. Golgi polarization lags behind membrane protrusion, but can significantly enhance directional cell migration when Golgi polarizes in the
EF direction. (A) Both the cell morphology and the Golgi of the cell at the left polarized downward before the onset of EF. (B) Active
membrane protrusion happened at the cathodal side 30 minutes after onset of the EF (arrowheads). (C) Only the protrusion next to the Golgi
persisted (arrow head). (D) The cell then moved and polarized as well as having the Golgi polarized towards the cathode. After this, net
migration towards the cathode increased markedly. The directedness value and displacement speed along the x axis were significantly higher
than that before the Golgi polarized in the EF direction (compare J with H and I). Note that the cell on the right did not move and the Golgi did
not repolarize. (K,L) Golgi polarization towards the cathode significantly increases the trajectory speed, displacement speed and x-axis
displacement speed, and directedness (*P<0.05). n=8 from three independent experiments. See also supplementary material video 2.
of 300 mV/mm directed cells at the wound edge to migrate
away from the wound (Fig. 8A-C,G). The cells migrated in the
same direction as the Golgi polarized (Fig. 7). This indicates
that an EF of 300 mV/mm is able to predominate over and/or
modify other coexisting cues in directing cell migration as well
as polarizing Golgi in this scratch-wound model.
BFA completely abolished Golgi polarization induced by
wounding and/or an applied EF (Fig. 7D-F). Accordingly,
directional migration of wound edge cells was significantly
inhibited. Nevertheless, definitive directional migration
remained (Fig. 8D-G). Cell tracings demonstrated significantly
improved directional cell migration when Golgi polarized in
the migration direction (Fig. 8A-C) compared to that when
Golgi polarization was inhibited (Fig. 8D-G). This supports the
notion that Golgi polarization is not essential for the EFdirected cell movement, but rather permits optimal directional
migration in this large electric field.
EFs induce persistent and predictable cell polarization and
directional cell migration. It is a useful and convenient tool to
dissect the intracellular mechanisms of directional polarization
and migration (Zhao et al., 2002a; Zhao et al., 2002b;
Finkelstein et al., 2004). As EFs direct both Golgi polarization
and cell migration, we are able to dissect the relationship
between the two events in dissociated cells and in monolayer
wounds where multiple cues are present. Using CHO cells, we
have shown that: (1) an electrical signal induces pronounced
Golgi polarization towards the cathode; (2) Src and Akt are
activated at the cathodal side of the cells in an EF and are
essential for EF induced polarization of the Golgi apparatus
and cell morphology; (3) the Rho family of small GTPases play
an important role in EF-induced Golgi polarization, but their
inhibition does not completely abolish Golgi polarization; (4)
EF-induced Golgi polarization is not essential for electrotaxis,
however, Golgi polarization reinforces and maintains an
optimal electrotactic cell migration; (5) Most significantly, an
EF of 300 mV/mm appears to be a predominant cue directing
Golgi polarization and cell migration in the monolayer scratchwound model. This overriding effect is likely to be mediated
through direct and indirect mechanisms.
Parallel orientation of CHO cells in an electric field
Mammalian cells, including human cornea epithelial cells and
Golgi polarization in electric fields
Fig. 7. An electric field of 300 mV/mm predominates over other
directional cues in directing Golgi polarization in the scratch-wound
model. Monolayer culture of CHO cells were wounded and allowed
to heal for 4 hours (A) without an EF; (B) with an EF applied in the
normal healing direction, or (C) opposite to the normal healing
direction (the EF was applied 1 hour after wounding for 3 hours).
(C) An EF applied against the default healing direction polarized the
Golgi away from the wound, completely ignoring the wound
direction. Some degree of F-actin polarization in EF direction can be
seen (C, arrowheads). The three cells on the right in C have been
focally enhanced to show clearer cell contours. BFA completely
inhibited both scratch wounding and EF-induced Golgi polarization
(D-G). The cells were triple-labelled with F-actin (green), GM130
(red) and DAPI (blue). Cells along the wound edge were scored as
polarized if the Golgi was orientated to the right (for A,B,D,E) or to
the left (for C,F) as in Fig. 1G. The percentage of polarized
cells±s.e.m. was calculated from the means of three independent
experiments from 255~595 cells (G). Bar, 10 µm.
keratinocytes migrate directionally towards the cathode.
Endothelial cells migrate to the anode. Migrating either toward
the cathode or anode, those cells align with the long axis of
cell body perpendicular to the EF vector (Robinson, 1985;
Zhao et al., 1996; Zhao et al., 1997; McCaig and Zhao, 1997;
Zhao et al., 2004). CHO cells however polarize very
differently; they align their cell bodies in parallel with the EF
line with distinct lamellipodia in the direction of migration
Fig. 8. An electric field of 300 mV/mm predominates over other
directional cues in directing cell migration in the scratch wound
model. Migration trajectories of individual cells are indicated by red
lines and direction and endpoint of a 3-hour experiment indicated by
arrows. (A) No EF control, wound edge moved into the wound.
(B) an EF applied with the field vector in normal healing direction
enhanced cell migration into the wound (P<0.001). (C) An EF
applied with the field vector opposite to the normal healing direction
directed the cells at the wound edge to migrate away from the
wound. BFA significantly decreased but did not completely abolish
directional cell migration induced by wounding and/or an applied EF
(D-G). Directness was calculated from 60 cells collected from three
independent experiments (G). See also supplementary material
video 3.
towards the cathode (Fig. 1C). This orientation of polarized cell
morphology is completely different from most other types of
cells cultured in an EF. It has been proposed that cells align
perpendicular to an EF to minimize the stress of the voltage
drop across the cells (Robinson, 1985). CHO cells and one
other type of cells we tested, non-small-cell lung cancer cells
(A549), are two exceptions. Instead of aligning perpendicular
Journal of Cell Science 118 (6)
to the field vector, A549 cells align parallel when cultured in
an EF (B. Song, J. P. and M.Z., unpublished data). Dissociated
CHO cells in our culture system are normally ~25 µm in
diameter (cells 1, 2 in Fig. 1A). This produces a voltage drop
of about 7.5 mV per cell diameter. When they elongate in an
EF of 300 mV/mm, the length of cell along the field vector
increased significantly (more than doubled) (compare cells 1,
2 in Fig. 1A with cells 1, 2 in 1C). Thus the voltage drop across
the cell doubled (>15 mV). Therefore, minimizing the voltage
drop across the cell might not explain why the cells assume a
perpendicular orientation in an EF.
mechanical and chemical. An EF applied in contradiction to
these cues in the model overrode their effects on Golgi
polarization and directional migration. Golgi polarization and
cell migration simply followed the field direction and ignored
other cues (Figs 7, 8). Mechanical cues were present in the
experiments and were clearly overridden by the strong electric
field applied. However, it is very likely that chemical cues
might be strongly affected by the large applied EF. As chemical
gradients inevitably form at the wounds, perhaps part of the
overriding effect is mediated by local chemical gradients
modulated by the electric field.
Direct versus indirect effects of EFs on Golgi
To exclude possible effects of gradients of chemoattractants,
ions and pH on cell polarization, we performed cross-current
fluid flow experiments (Erickson and Nuccitelli, 1984; Bai et
al., 2004). Golgi polarized to the same extend in experiments
where continuous flow of copious culture medium
perpendicular to the EF direction was maintained throughout
the experiments (Fig. 1F′). Therefore, Golgi polarization in
single cells should be mainly due to the direct effects of the
applied EF, rather than indirect means.
In the monolayer wound-healing model however, chemical
gradients would inevitably form (Hansen et al., 1993; Sammak
et al., 1997; Klepeis et al., 2001). Such chemical gradients may
be strongly affected by the large EF. It is not yet known
whether the chemical gradients play a role in Golgi and cell
polarization and cell movement into this wound model. If so,
it is likely that the applied EF may induce cell polarization and
migration indirectly through modification of the chemical
gradients, at least partially. How the applied EFs affect the
chemical gradients and what effects this has on cell
polarization and migration in the scratch-wound model needs
further investigation.
Intracellular signalling mechanisms of EF-induced Golgi
polarization and electrotaxis
PI 3-kinase and Src are required for Golgi polarization in the
directional cell migration of fibroblast cells (Haugh et al.,
2000; Magdalena et al., 2003a). The two kinases are activated
at the leading edge of fibroblasts responding to platelet-derived
growth factor gradients and keratinocytes in the scratch-wound
model (Haugh et al., 2000; Yamada et al., 2000). An applied
EF redistributes activated PI 3-kinase and Src towards the
cathode (Fig. 3). We have shown that in cornea epithelial cells,
applied EFs asymmetrically redistribute membrane receptors
(EGF receptor) and activate its downstream signalling target,
extracellular regulated kinase (ERK1/2), in a polarized manner
towards the cathode (Zhao et al., 1999a; Zhao et al., 2002b).
This may finally lead to asymmetric actin polymerization and
directional migration towards the cathode.
Rho family members of small GTPases, mainly Rho, Rac1
and cdc42, are important for cell polarity establishment.
However, different directional cues and different types of cells
appear to involve different Rho family members. In response
to scratch wounds, astrocytes and fibroblasts polarize the Golgi
into the wound, which requires cdc42 (Etienne-Manneville and
Hall, 2001; Etienne-Manneville and Hall, 2003; Nobes and
Hall, 1999). Polarization of endothelial cells in response to
shear stress, however, is not mediated by cdc42 or PI 3-kinases,
but by Rho and Rac (Wojciak-Stothard and Ridley, 2003). EFinduced directional responses involve these three major Rho
family members but substantial polarized morphology and
Golgi remained (Fig. 2). This suggests that EF-induced Golgi
polarization may involve some different signalling pathways
partially bypassing Rho small GTPases.
Golgi polarization versus Golgi dispersal and directional
cell migration
BFA, at high concentrations causes rapid dispersal of Golgi
apparatus into endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (Presley et al.,
1998; Sciaky et al., 1997; Hirschberg et al., 1998). In order to
analyse how Golgi polarization affects cell migration, we chose
a much lower concentration of BFA (1 µM). BFA at 1 µM
abolished EF induced Golgi polarization (Fig. 2A) and
significantly inhibited EF-directed cell migration (Figs 4, 5, 7,
8). This indicates that BFA at lower concentrations (1 µM)
does cause upset in Golgi complex reorientation and inhibits
cell migration, although it does not cause complete dispersal
of the Golgi. Therefore, the effects of BFA on Golgi
polarization and dispersal are highly concentration dependent.
Golgi polarization in response to extracellular cues
Scratch-wounding monolayer cultures of fibroblast, astrocytes
and endothelial cells generates reproducible and consistent
cues to induce Golgi polarization (Etienne-Manneville et al.,
2001; Etienne-Manneville et al., 2003; Nobes and Hall, 1999;
Magdalena et al., 2003a; Magdalena et al., 2003b). It is
assumed that there are two categories of directional cues:
Golgi polarization and directional cell migration
Cell polarization is believed to be a prerequisite for directional
cell migration. In chemotaxis, directional sensing mechanisms
are activated first, cells then polarize in the right direction and
migrate directionally in chemoattractant gradients. During the
first hour in an EF, the rate of polarization of the Golgi was
slower than both the appearance of a polarized morphology and
the increase in the directedness of cell migration (Fig. 5A). The
earliest response (<10 minutes) to an applied EF is the
membrane protrusion on the cathodal side of the cells (Fig. 6
and supplementary material video 2). Not all the protrusions
persisted. Most often, only the protrusion next to the Golgi
remained. Polarization of cell morphology, Golgi and cell
migration happened concomitantly (Fig. 6).
Before Golgi polarization in the EF direction, cells moved
Golgi polarization in electric fields
more in the direction Golgi polarizes than towards the cathode.
Nevertheless movement of the cells and appearance of a
polarized morphology facing the cathode were evident
(Fig. 6H). This suggests that although Golgi polarization,
morphology polarization and long-lasting cell migration are
linearly correlated (Fig. 5B,C), Golgi polarization did not
causally precede the appearance of the polarized morphology
and directional cell migration in an EF. Golgi polarization
however did reinforce and maintain electrotaxis of CHO cells
as failure of Golgi to polarize or disruption of Golgi
significantly decreased electrotactic responses (Tables 1, 2;
Figs 5-8).
In summary, we have shown that an EF of 300 mV/mm is a
predominant directional cue sustaining Golgi polarization and
electrotaxis. An EF activates Src and Akt asymmetrically,
which mediates Golgi polarization and directional cell
migration. Golgi polarization is not a causal prerequisite for
electrotactic migration, but its polarization reinforces and
maintains directional cell migration. Application of an EF
offers an easy and useful laboratory technique to dissect out
the cellular and molecular mechanisms of directional cell
behaviour. Given its predominant directional effects, electrical
signals may have potential use in directing cell polarization and
migration in cell and tissue engineering.
We thank the Wellcome Trust for continuous support. M.Z. holds
a Wellcome Trust University Award (058551). The work was also
supported by the Wellcome Trust grant (068012). We thank Colin
McCaig and Christine Pullar for their critical reading of the
manuscript and Lynne Shanley for her comments.
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