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2013, Agricultural Research
8 pages
1 file
Global warming and climate change are a cause for great concern demanding intensive research on CO 2 emission from soil under different management options. Therefore, a pot experiment was conducted using 0.25 g C 100 g-1 soil from rice straw, rice root, cowdung, and poultry manure to quantify CO 2 emission under alternate wetting and drying and continuously moist conditions. The maximum emission was recorded during the first week of incubation and after 3 weeks, it came down sharply and finally approached almost zero to 5 mg CO 2 day-1 kg-1 irrespective of organic materials and water management. Among the organic materials, cowdung released less CO 2 and increased carbon content in soil. During 118 days of incubation, cumulative emissions were 158, 313, 366, 283, 576 mg CO 2 100 g-1 from soil, soil plus rice straw, soil plus rice roots, soil plus cowdung, and soil plus poultry manure, respectively. Alternate wetting and drying condition released more CO 2 than that under continuously moist condition. Application of cowdung in agriculture can restrict CO 2 emission. From the findings it could be apprehended that before application to soil, composting of organic materials through anaerobic digestion might be the best option to reduce CO 2 emission, and thus help mitigate global warming.
Journal of Agricultural Science
Composting of animal manure had been considered a sustainable alternative method for recycling organic waste. However the process involved had been associated with greenhouse gas emission (CO2, N2O and CH4) which play an active role in global warming. This study evaluated CO2 emissions from biochar-manure co-compost production. Biochar (from rice husk) and manure were mixed in a ratio of 3:1 v/v to achieve a range of different co-compost mixtures. The treatments and controls in triplicates of 18 units were arranged in a complete randomize design. All treatments were incubated at around 28 oC and turned every two days for 2 weeks, and later five days for 39 days. CO2 production in the compost bins was measured by trapping the evolved gas in 5M NaOH. Total CO2 emissions varied over time with higher rates at the beginning of the composting process. Within the first 7 days, total CO2 emissions (587 mg/m2) from cow dung alone was not significantly different from cow dung plus biochar (50...
Purpose Information on carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emission from different organic sources and their temperature sensitivity to decomposition is scarce in Bangladesh. Therefore, this study quantified the rates of CO 2 emission and carbon (C) degradation constants from different organic material mixed soils at variable temperatures in two laboratory experiments. Methods The first experiment was conducted at room temperature for 26 weeks to study CO 2 emission and C mineralization using vermicompost, chicken manure, cow dung, rice straw, and rice husk biochar. Weekly CO 2 emission was measured by alkali absorption followed by acid titration. The second experiment comprised two factors, viz. four organic materials (vermicompost, chicken manure, cow dung, and rice straw) and six temperature regimes (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50°C). Organic materials at 2.5 g C kg -1 soil were mixed in both experiments. Results CO 2 emission reached the peak at 5th weeks of incubation and then decreased with irregular fashion until 21st week. The C emission loss followed in the order of chicken manure [ rice straw [ vermicompost [ cow dung [ rice husk biochar, and C degradation constants indicated the slower decomposition of rice husk biochar compared to cow dung, vermicompost, chicken manure, and rice straw. Temperature positively enhanced the mineralization of organic materials in the order of 50 [ 45 [ 40 [ 35 [ 30 [ 25°C, which contributed to higher availability of soil phosphorus. Conclusions High temperature increased mineralization of tested organic materials. Because of slower decomposition rice husk biochar, cow dung and vermicompost application can be considered as climate-smart soil management practices that might help in reducing CO 2 emission from soil.
As the atmospheric CO2 concentration continues to increase, more attention is being focused on the soil as a possible sink for atmospheric CO2. Fertilizer application to soil can play a vital role in influencing the losses of soil carbon by CO2 emission from the soil. This study was conducted to examine effect of different fertilization types on soil CO2 emissions. Emission of CO2 from wheat cultivated soil and fertilized with five different types of both organic and bio fertilizers were measured during seasons of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, comparing with the emission in case of using chemical fertilizers at experimental farm and laboratory of Soils and Water Sci. Dept., Fac. of Agric., AL-Azhar Univ., Assiut, Egypt. Tested fertilizers were 150 L/fed., compost tea, 20 L/fed., K-Humate, 10 L/fed., EM, 150 L/fed., compost tea + 10 L/fed., EM, 20 L/fed., K-Humate + 10 L/fed., EM and common chemical fertilizers (NPK). Amount of CO2 emission were measured frequently every 30 days after sowing date (30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days) and total accumulated CO2. Moreover, Soil properties as available nitrogen (AN), soil organic matter (SOM), soil pH content and yield and its components were determined. Results indicate that, the highest values of "AN" and "SOM" were recorded with compost tea + EM, while, the lowest values were obtained with chemical treatment. Chemical treatment increased soil pH more than other treatments except K-Humate and K-Humate + EM treatments. The compost tea + EM treatment gave the high reduction value of pH, while, control, K-Humate and K-Humate + EM treatments gave highest values without any significant between them. The greatest values of yield and its components were from applied compost tea + EM treatment. Meanwhile, the lowest values of tested parameters were recorded with added EM treatment. The lowest emission was taken by using compost tea + EM. While, the soil CO2 emission was increased with added K-Humate + EM. In addition, amount of emission from soil was increased by the time to reach the peak after 120 days from sowing date. Furthermore, indicated that, the average air temperature, minimum air temperature, maximum air temperature and average soil temperature, respectively, had significant exponential relationship regression during the entire measuring period of CO2 emission.
Agricultural practices affect the production and emission of Carbon dioxide (CO 2) from paddy soils. Evidence now exists on increased CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere as a result of decomposition of organic matter which impacts on climate change and global warming. The release of CO 2 from soil (soil CO 2 efflux or soil respiration) is the largest source of carbon to the atmosphere. In Ghana, the major challenge is lack of data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emission to form the basis of scientific debate. Furthermore, the efficacy of interventions such as bio-char application to reduce GHG emission from crop fields has not been investigated. This research presents a nine (9) months field and screen house experimental study aimed at measuring CO 2 emission from vertisols in the coastal savannah zone of Ghana and to assess the effect of biochar in combination with irrigation treatments on the emission of CO 2 of the paddy system. The treatments for the field experiment were established following a split-plot design with soil amendment as main plot treatment and levels of N fertilization as the subplot treatment. The main plots were control (C), bio-char rice husk (BRH) and raw rice husk (RH). The subplots treatments were 0, 45, 90 and 120 kg N/ha applied as urea. The subplots were replicated three times and completely randomized in each main plot. The screen house study was set out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three types of soil amendment (BRH, RH and C), two fertilizer levels (0 and 90 kg N/ha) and two irrigation treatments (0 cm water head and 5 cm water head). These treatments were replicated three times. Soil CO 2 efflux was measured in-situ using closed chamber method during the whole study period. Generally, low CO 2 emissions were observed for BRH amended plots followed by C with relatively high emissions from RH amended plots. Soil CO 2 efflux increased with increasing level of N fertilizer. Higher emissions were recorded in the afternoon particularly, in mid
Agricultural greenhouse gases (GHG) fluxes are complex and heterogeneous, the management of recycle agricultural residues offers promising possibilities for mitigation. Firing the rice straw presented a main source of CO2 emission of agricultural activities in Egypt. The study aimed to investigate the effect of applying rice straw into soil with or without rice straw decomposing fungi (RSDF) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) under 50 and 100% of recommended NPK on sequestrating CO2 into soil and eggplant production. Field experiment was conducted at experimental Site of Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt during 2013 and 2014 seasons. A randomized complete block design was used with three replications. RSDF were used as one fungal strain of Trichoderma viride. PGPR were used as mixture of Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillium brasilense, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus circulans. The obtained results showed that growth characteristics, mineral composition and yield component of eggplant cultivar Black Balady were significantly improved by applying 100% mineral fertilizers with rice straw plus PGPR with or without RSDF. Using 50% mineral fertilizers with rice straw plus RSDF and PGPR gave good yield with no significant differences comparing with 100% mineral fertilizers without rice straw treatment (control). This work shows that incorporation of rice straw into soil with decomposing fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria led to improve the production of eggplant, as well as reduced the amount of mineral fertilizers and avoided one of the most serious environmental air pollution (Black Cloud), caused by burning rice straw annually.
El libro "Fundamentos de la preparación de la fuerza" proporciona un panorama general de los temas que se abordarán a lo largo de la obra. Se explicará la importancia de la preparación física en el ámbito deportivo y se destacará la relevancia de desarrollar una adecuada fuerza muscular. Además, se presentarán los principios básicos de la fuerza, los diferentes métodos de entrenamiento disponibles y se brindarán ejemplos prácticos de su aplicación. Esta sección servirá como punto de partida para comprender y adentrarse en el amplio campo de la preparación de la fuerza. La preparación física es de suma importancia en el ámbito deportivo y de acondicionamiento físico. La práctica regular de ejercicios específicos y orientados a mejorar la fuerza y resistencia muscular, así como la flexibilidad y la agilidad, permiten obtener mejoras significativas en el rendimiento deportivo. La preparación física adecuada brinda una base sólida para el desarrollo de habilidades técnicas y tácticas en los deportes, ya que fortalece el cuerpo y lo prepara para afrontar las demandas del entrenamiento y la competencia. Además, contribuye a la prevención de lesiones, promueve la salud y el bienestar general del individuo. En resumen, la preparación física es esencial para optimizar el rendimiento deportivo y garantizar un entrenamiento seguro y efectivo. Los principios básicos de la fuerza son fundamentales para entender cómo mejorar esta capacidad física. El principio de sobrecarga indica que, para desarrollar la fuerza el cuerpo debe ser expuesto a un estímulo mayor al que está acostumbrado, ya sea aumentando la carga, las repeticiones o la intensidad del entrenamiento. El principio de especificidad señala que los ejercicios y métodos utilizados deben estar directamente relacionados con el objetivo de desarrollar la fuerza en particular. El principio de progresión stablece que el aumento de la carga o la dificultad del entrenamiento debe ser gradual y sistemática para evitar lesiones y permitir adaptaciones duraderas. Además, el principio de individualidad reconoce que cada persona responde de manera diferente al entrenamiento de la fuerza, por lo que es importante adaptar los programas de entrenamiento a las necesidades y capacidades de cada individuo. Existen diferentes métodos de entrenamiento que se utilizan en la preparación de la fuerza. Uno de ellos es el método de entrenamiento de la fuerza máxima, el cual se enfoca en levantar cargas pesadas para desarrollar la fuerza máxima de los músculos. Otro método es el entrenamiento de la hipertrofia, que busca aumentar el tamaño muscular a través de la realización de series y repeticiones específicas. También se encuentra el método de entrenamiento de la resistencia muscular, que se basa en realizar ejercicios con pesos moderados y un alto número de repeticiones para mejorar la resistencia de los músculos. Además, el entrenamiento pliométrico es un método que involucra movimientos explosivos y rápidos para mejorar la potencia muscular. Por último, el método de entrenamiento de la velocidad se centra en realizar ejercicios a alta velocidad para desarrollar la capacidad de moverse rápidamente. Cada método tiene sus propias características y beneficios, y es importante seleccionar el más adecuado según los objetivos individuales de entrenamiento. La aplicación práctica de la preparación de la fuerza es fundamental para alcanzar los objetivos físicos deseados. En esta sección, se presentarán diversas estrategias y recomendaciones para diseñar un programa de ejercicio efectivo que mejore la fuerza. Se discutirán diferentes variables como el volumen, la intensidad y la frecuencia del entrenamiento, así como la selección de ejercicios que se ajusten a las necesidades individuales. Además, se abordarán los diferentes métodos de progresión y periodización para evitar el estancamiento y maximizar los resultados. Se analizarán también las consideraciones para adaptar el programa de fuerza a diversos deportes y poblaciones, teniendo en cuenta las demandas específicas de cada uno. Al finalizar esta sección, los lectores tendrán las herramientas necesarias para aplicar de manera práctica los principios fundamentales de la preparación de la fuerza. Estamos en presencia de un libro de extraordinaria calidad académica y científica y de vital importancia para todos los interesados en el mundo de la fuerza en el entrenamiento deportivo. Los autores
Η παρούσα έκδοση είναι ψηφιακή (e-book) και διατίθεται ΔΩΡΕΑΝ σε ιδιώτες μέσω της ιστοσελίδας Διαθέτει τα πλεονεκτήματα του pdf και επιτρέπεται η εκτύπωση για ιδιωτική χρήση Υπάγεται στη γνωστή για τα έργα του λόγου νομοθεσία. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή του παρόντος έργου στο σύνολό του ή τμημάτων του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, αλλά και η εκτύπωσή του σε έντυπη μορφή. Απαγορεύεται η μετάφραση, η διασκευή, η εκμετάλλευση με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των θεατρικών ή κινηματογραφικών δυνατοτήτων του. Επίσης απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή της στοιχειοθεσίας, της σελιδοποίησης, του εξωφύλλου και γενικότερα της αισθητικής εμφάνισης του βιβλίου με οποιεσδήποτε μεθόδους. Για όλα αυτά απαιτείται η γραπτή άδεια αυτοεκδότη και συγγραφέα
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