International Journal of Environment 3(4): 230-237, 2014
ISSN: 2077-4508
Carbon Sequestrate through Incorporate Rice Straw and Microorganisms into Soil for
Eggplant Production
Abou-El-Hassan S., 2M.A.A. Abdrabbo, 2F.A. Hashem, 2A.A. Farag, 2M.A. Abul-Soud and 2S.H.
Central Lab of Organic Agriculture, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt.
Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt
Agricultural greenhouse gases (GHG) fluxes are complex and heterogeneous, the management of
recycle agricultural residues offers promising possibilities for mitigation. Firing the rice straw presented a main
source of CO2 emission of agricultural activities in Egypt. The study aimed to investigate the effect of applying
rice straw into soil with or without rice straw decomposing fungi (RSDF) and plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPR) under 50 and 100% of recommended NPK on sequestrating CO2 into soil and eggplant
production. Field experiment was conducted at experimental Site of Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate
(CLAC), Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt during 2013 and 2014 seasons. A randomized complete
block design was used with three replications. RSDF were used as one fungal strain of Trichoderma viride.
PGPR were used as mixture of Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillium brasilense, Bacillus megaterium and
Bacillus circulans. The obtained results showed that growth characteristics, mineral composition and yield
component of eggplant cultivar Black Balady were significantly improved by applying 100% mineral fertilizers
with rice straw plus PGPR with or without RSDF. Using 50% mineral fertilizers with rice straw plus RSDF and
PGPR gave good yield with no significant differences comparing with 100% mineral fertilizers without rice
straw treatment (control). This work shows that incorporation of rice straw into soil with decomposing fungi and
plant growth promoting rhizobacteria led to improve the production of eggplant, as well as reduced the amount
of mineral fertilizers and avoided one of the most serious environmental air pollution (Black Cloud), caused by
burning rice straw annually.
Key words: Sequestrate CO2, Rice straw management, Microorganisms, Trichoderma viride, Plant growth
promoting rizobacteria (PGPR), Eggplant.
Agricultural lands occupy about 8.6 million faddans (faddan = 4200 m2) in Egypt, GHG Emission/
Agricultural Sector producing about 52.18 million tons CO2 (Nakhla et al., 2013) while 1 – 1.5 million faddans
or about 22% of the cultivated area in Egypt during the summer season take in place of rice cultivation. The
average of rice straw biomass yearly is around 3-4 million tons (Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation,
2013), more than 50% of the rice straw residues, which are produced annually by farmers, are burnt in the field
as a practical means of disposal. This allows farmers to clear and cultivate land early (within some 1-2 weeks
after harvest) for sowing clover, which is the following major crop. The opportunities available for the use of
residues in increasing farm income and value added to the national income have not generally been appreciated.
The rice straw burning has resulted in a considerable loss of value to farmers and created extensive air pollution
(viz. “black cloud”) that affects wide areas of the Nile delta and even Cairo.
Improved agricultural management can reduce net GHG emissions, often affecting more than one
GHG. The effectiveness of these practices depends on factors such as climate, soil type, and farming system.
Agriculture releases to the atmosphere significant amounts of CO2, CH4 and N2O (Cole et al., 1997; IPCC 2001;
Paustian et al., 2004). Carbon dioxide is released largely from microbial decay or burning of plant litter and soil
organic matter (Janzen 2004; Smith 2004b).
Incorporating rice straw back into the soil is an alternative to burning, albeit an unpopular one with
farmers. Its advantage is that it builds up organic matter in the soil as well as returning the nutrients contained in
the rice straw back to the soil (Singh, 2001). However, it has been shown that the incorporation of rice straw
contributes to significant levels of methane which enter the atmosphere and therefore contributes to greenhouse
gas emissions (Wu et al., 2012). Singh and Singh (2001) noted that burning causes a loss of nutrients and
organic matter. Not only is rice straw the major organic material available to rice farmers but a considerable
amount of the macro-nutrients, namely nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as well as important micro-nutrients
Corresponding Author: Abou-El-Hassan S., Central Lab of Organic Agriculture, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt.
[email protected]
Int. j. Environ. 3(4): 230-237, 2014
like sulfur and silicon are contained in the rice straw (Dobermann and Fairhurst, 2002). The problem of
agricultural wastes in Egypt became very obvious especially after the harvest of summer crops. Egyptian
farmers get rid of the most these wastes by burning. Burning not only is considered an economic loss but also
has harmful effects on the environment, i.e. emission of gases to the air and reducing the microbial activities in
the soil. Therefore, utilization of agriculture wastes in any other environmentally friendly way is very important
(Abou Hussein and Sawan, 2010).
The decomposition of crop stalks biomass in the soil improved the soil fertility by supplying organic
matter, plant nutrients and improving the soil texture (Yu and Song, 2003; Abdulla, 2007; Dai et al., 2010). As
well as soil microbial structure and population. (Glinwood et al., 2011 and Hou et al., 2012).
Decomposition of rice straw is responsibility of many type of microorganisms, i.e. bacteria and fungi
(Sirisena and Manamendra 1995; Kausar et al., 2010). Fungi, i.e. Aspergillus, Fusarium, Trichoderma,
Chyptoga, Mucor sp. the main decomposer agents that can breakdown the rice straw (Nandi et al., 2000).
Fungal inoculate can accelerate the decomposition of rice straw. Trichoderma sp. is the best indigenous fungi in
the decomposition process of rice straw (Irfan et al., 2010).
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are naturally occurring soil bacteria that aggressively
colonize plant roots and benefit plants by providing growth promotion. Inoculation of crop plants with certain
strains of PGPR at an early stage of development can improve biomass production through direct effects on root
and shoot growth. Inoculation of vegetables with PGPR may result in multiple effects as seen in the
enhancement of seed germination, stand health, plant vigor, nutrients content of plant tissues, early bloom and
chlorophyll content (Joseph et al., 2007). PGPR influenced the growth, yield, and increase supply with different
nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, iron and copper, produce plant hormones, enhance
other beneficial bacteria or fungi (Saharan and Nehra, 2011).
Eggplant (Solanumm melongena var. esculenta L) is one of the important vegetable crops grown in the
summer season of Egypt. The total cultivated area in Egypt was about 108 thousand feddans, producing about
1193 thousand tons on annual basis with an average of 11.079 tons/feddan (Ministry of Agriculture and Land
Reclamation, 2013). Eggplant fruits contain a considerable amount of carbohydrates(6.4%), protein (1.3%) and
fat (0.3%).They are also a rich source of potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron (Zenia and Halina, 2008).
This work aimed mainly to offer a new strategy for management the rice straw for sequestrating CO2
into soil through microorganisms as mitigation procedure of CO2 emission and a good agriculture practices, to
improve the production of eggplant, and avoid the serious of environmental air pollution (Black Cloud), caused
by burning rice straw annually.
Materials and Methods
The field experiment was carried out during the two growing summer seasons of 2013 and 2014 at
Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Agriculture Research Center, Egypt to investigate the
effect of applying rice straw into soil with or without rice straw decomposing fungi and plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria on eggplant production. Eggplant (Solanumm melongena var. esculenta L) seedlings (cultivar
Black Balady) were planted in the field on 24 and 20 of February in the first and second seasons, respectively.
The experimental trial was conducted in clay soil using drip irrigation system. Emitter discharge rate was 4 l/hr,
the distance between emitters was 0.5 m. Physical and chemical properties of the experimental soil were
analyzed before cultivation according to FAO (1980) in Table (1).
Table 1: Physical and chemical analyses of the experimental soil.
Texture pH
67.60 18.56
Cations meq/l
Anions meq/l
The soil of the experiment was ploughed and divided into ridges; each plot contained three ridges 0.80
m width and 5 m length. The space between plants was 0.50 m on one side of ridge. Two ton/feddan (0.5 kg/m2)
of chopped rice straw (2 – 10mm) were incorporated into experiment soil during soil preparation except control
treatment. Two different types of machines were used for cutting rice straw into different sizes. The first
machine designed to chop rice straw between (10-15 cm) and the machine capacity was one ton/h. The second
machine equipped with hammer mill drum and fixed knife, the machine capacity was 250kg / h, chopped rice
straw size after grinding between (2mm -10mm). The chopped rice straw was incorporated into soil on the depth
10 – 15 cm. The main chemical analyses of rice straw are shown in Table (2). Incorporation rice straw into soil
was applied two weeks before transplanting.
The recommended dose of NPK as mineral fertilizers (MF) were applied according to Ministry of Agriculture
and Land Reclamation (2009) as follows: 140kg N/fed as 680kg ammonium sulphate (20.5% N); 45kg P2O5/fed
as 300kg calcium super phosphate (15.5%P2O5) and 48kg K2O/fed as 100 kg potassium sulphate (48% K2O).
Calcium super phosphate was added as one dose during soil preparation, whereas ammonium sulphate and
Int. j. Environ. 3(4): 230-237, 2014
potassium sulphate were added at three equal portions, during soil preparation, after 21 and 45 days from
transplanting. Half of the above mentioned quantities (70 kg N/ Fed., 22.5 P2O5/fed and 24 K2O/fed) of mineral
fertilizers were applied at the same times with 50% NPK treatments.
Table 2: Chemical composition of the rice straw
All microorganisms (pure local strains) were kindly provided by the Microbiology Dept. Soil, Water
and Environment Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center. Trichoderma viride as rice straw
decomposing fungi (RSDF) was supplemented to the soil by using liquid culture at a rate of 10 L/feddan (1ml
contains 107cell) after rice straw incorporation and irrigation directly.
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were used as mixture of Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillium
brasilense (nitrogen fixing bacteria), Bacillus megaterium (phosphate dissolving bacteria) and Bacillus
circulans (potassium releasing bacteria). PGPR were supplemented to the soil surface beside plants after 2 and 4
weeks from transplanting by using liquid cultures at a rate of 20 ml/plant (1ml contains 108cell) according to
Mashhoor et al. (2002) after diluted by water without Chlorine at 1 : 20 rate.
No manure, organic fertilizers or compost were applied in the experimental soil to avoid any interrupted effects.
The Experimental Treatments
1) Recommended NPK as mineral fertilizers without rice straw (100% MF as a control treatment).
2) 100% MF + rice straw (100% MF + RS).
3) 100% MF + rice straw + rice straw decomposing fungi(100% MF + RS + RSDF).
4) 100% MF + rice straw + plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (100% MF + RS + PGPR).
5) 100% MF + rice straw + rice straw decomposing fungi + plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (100% MF
+ RS + RSDF + PGPR).
6) 50% MF + RS
7) 50% MF + RS + RSDF
8) 50% MF + RS + PGPR
9) 50% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block design, with three replicates for each treatment.
After 60 days from transplanting, three plants per replicate were randomly chosen to measure plant
height, stem diameter (under the first bottom leaf directly), number of leaves/plant, chlorophyll reading in the
fourth upper leaf by using Minolta Chlorophyll Meter Spad 501. Total nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium
percentage were determined in the dry matter of fourth upper leaf according to Cottenie et al. (1982). Total
nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl method according to the procedure described by FAO (1980). Phosphorus
percentage was determined using spectrophotometer according to Watanabe and Olsen (1965). Potassium
percentage was determined spectrometrically using Phillips Unicum Atomic Absorption Spectrometer as
described by Chapman and Pratt (1961). Fresh and dry shoot weight was measured at harvesting. Early yield
(recorded during the first two harvests) and total yield for each plot were recorded after each harvesting
accumulatively and were collected per meter square. The saved nutrient of rice straw is calculated as following:
Nutrient save Kg /tone rice straw = Nutrient content % x 10
Data of the two seasons were statistically analyzed by the analysis of variance using one way ANOVA
according to Snedecor and Cochran (1980) using SAS software, version 2004. Comparison of treatment means
was done for significance at 0.05 level using Tukey test.
Results and Discussion
The environmental impact assessment of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation
The obtained data of Table (3) presented that the saved nutrients through rice straw and
microorganisms incorporation, the revealed data indicated that rice straw offer moderate amounts of K 15.3
Kg/ton of rice straw followed by N 4.8 Kg/tone and minority amount of P 0.56 Kg/ton while presented huge
amounts of organic carbon 311 Kg per each ton of rice straw. The organic matter contents of experimental soil
plots showed that all rice straw treatments increase of organic soil matter content slightly compared to control
treatment. These results were true in both seasons. Otherwise, any advantage could be achieved through rice
straw and microorganisms incorporation is better than losing the essential nutrients, organic matter and
increasing CO2 emission that resulted from rice straw burning.
Int. j. Environ. 3(4): 230-237, 2014
The real advantage is storing organic carbon of rice straw into soil by huge amounts. Needless to
mention that, each faddan under the treatments of rice straw application receive about 0.6 ton of organic carbon
(2 tons of rice straw/fad.). Carbon sequestration in soils implies transferring atmospheric CO2 into long-lived
pools and storing it securely so it is not immediately reemitted. Thus, soil carbon sequestration means increasing
soil organic carbon and soil inorganic carbon stocks through judicious land use and recommended management
practices (Lal, 2004). Although soil carbon sequestration does not mean avoidance and reduction of the
formation of greenhouse gases, it is considered as a significant mitigation strategy because of the soils’ potential
to store large amounts of CO2 at a global scale. Carbon sequestration is a promising mitigation option, it has to
be emphasized that it is difficult to quantify the corresponding mitigation potential, due to the difficulties in
measurement, data uncertainties and gaps. The slight increasing of organic matter content in the applied soil
from first to second season and also among the control and treated soils as presented in Table (3) gave a good
indicator for increasing soil fertility and sustainable agriculture production as a result of rice straw
incorporation. Increasing organic soil matter content played a vital role in crop production (Abul-Soud et al.,
2014). Otherwise, the use of lower dose of recommended NPK had positive environmental impacts through
mitigating the agricultural soil and fertilizers processing emission, save the natural sources (soil, water and
energy), decrease the pollution and reduce the cost.
Table 3: The environmental impact assessment of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation into soil.
Nutrient save Kg / ton
Organic matter %
100% MF (control)
0.00 b
0.00 b
0.00 b
0.00 b
1.236 b
100% MF + RS
4.80 a
0.56 a
15.30 a
311.60 a
1.349 a
100% MF + RS + RSDF
4.80 a
0.56 a
15.30 a
311.60 a
1.350 a
100% MF + RS + PGPR
4.80 a
0.56 a
15.30 a
311.60 a
1.352 a
100% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
4.80 a
0.56 a
15.30 a
311.60 a
1.351 a
50% MF + RS
4.80 a
0.56 a
15.30 a
311.60 a
1.351 a
50% MF + RS + RSDF
4.80 a
0.56 a
15.30 a
311.60 a
1.351 a
50% MF + RS + PGPR
4.80 a
0.56 a
15.30 a
311.60 a
1.350 a
50% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
4.80 a
0.56 a
15.30 a
311.60 a
1.349 a
Means followed in same column by similar letters are not statistically different at 0.05 level according to Tukey test.
= Mineral fertilizer
= Rice straw
RSDF = Rice straw decomposing fungi
PGPR = Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
1.238 b
1.362 a
1.363 a
1.364 a
1.363 a
1.363 a
1.363 a
1.365 a
1.361 a
The effect of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation on eggplant vegetative growth
Vegetative characteristics of eggplant plants as affected by the different treatments are presented in
Table (4 and 5). Data showed that the treatments of 100% MF plus rice straw plus plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPR) with or without rice straw decomposing fungi (RSDF) significantly increased vegetative
growth of eggplant plants, these treatments gave the highest values of vegetative characteristics expressed as
fresh and dry shoot weight, leaves number, plant height, stem diameter and chlorophyll reading compared to the
other tested treatments. The treatments of 100% MF plus rice straw with or without RSDF increased of fresh
and dry shoot weight compared to 100% NPK without rice straw treatment, while there were no significant
differences among these treatments in other vegetative characteristics. On the other hand, the treatments of 50%
MF plus rice straw plus PGPR with or without RSDF decreased of fresh, dry shoot weight and plant height
compared to 100% MF without rice straw treatment, while there were no significant differences among these
treatments in other
Table 4: Effect of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation on fresh, dry weight and leaves number of eggplant plants during 2013 and
2014 seasons.
Fresh weight
Dry weight
Leaves No/plant
100% MF (control)
950 d
958 d
266 c
270 c
32.33 c
33.33 bc
100% MF + RS
1033 c
1050 c
284 b
287 b
32.67 c
33.43 bc
100% MF + RS + RSDF
1087 c
1092 c
289 b
291 b
33.00 c
34.33 b
100% MF + RS + PGPR
1225 b
1247 b
320 a
326 a
37.67 b
39.33 a
100% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
1300 a
1310 a
333 a
336 a
40.67 a
41.67 a
50% MF + RS
710 f
717 f
193 f
194 f
25.67 d
26.33 d
50% MF + RS + RSDF
740 f
750 f
189 f
192 f
26.33 d
27.33 d
50% MF + RS + PGPR
830 e
853 e
214 e
220 e
30.33 c
30.67 c
50% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
883 e
897 e
236 d
240 d
30.67 c
31.33 bc
Means followed in same column by similar letters are not statistically different at 0.05 level according to Tukey test.
= Mineral fertilizer
= Rice straw
RSDF = Rice straw decomposing fungi
PGPR = Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
Int. j. Environ. 3(4): 230-237, 2014
vegetative characteristics. Whereas, 50% MF plus rice straw with or without RSDF gave the lowest vegetative
characteristics during the two growing seasons. The positive effect of 100% MF plus rice straw plus PGPR with
or without RSDF treatments might be due to the decomposition of rice straw in the soil, that improved the soil
fertility by supplying organic matter and improving the soil texture (Yu and Song, 2003; Abdulla, 2007). This
effect also might be due to the beneficial effects of PGPR, that help in increasing nitrogen fixation in
rhizosphere, increase supply of other nutrients and produce plant hormones (Saharan and Nehra 2011). All these
led to improve the plant growth. These results are in agreement with those obtained by Joseph et al. (2007) on
chickpea, Glinwood et al. (2011), Hou et al. (2012) on hot pepper and Latha et al. (2014)on eggplant.
Table 5: Effect of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation on plant height, stem diameter and chlorophyll of eggplant plants during
2013 and 2014 seasons.
Plant height
Stem diameter
Chlorophyll reading
100% MF (control)
77.00 b
79.33 cd
13.00 b
13.78 cd
41.30 bc
42.29 bc
100% MF + RS
76.67 b
79.67 cd
13.33 b
14.12 c
42.00 b
42.99 b
100% MF + RS + RSDF
78.67 b
82.33 bc
13.33 b
14.39 bc
42.23 b
43.22 b
100% MF + RS + PGPR
84.67 a
88.33 ab
16.00 a
16.54 ab
44.13 a
45.12 a
100% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
90.00 a
92.67 a
16.33 a
16.89 a
44.60 a
45.59 a
50% MF + RS
56.67 d
57.33 f
8.33 c
8.62 f
37.07 d
38.05 d
50% MF + RS + RSDF
59.33 d
61.33 f
8.67 c
9.98 ef
38.03 d
38.82 d
50% MF + RS + PGPR
68.67 c
72.00 e
11.50 b
11.89 de
40.13 c
40.62 c
50% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
70.67 c
74.00 de
11.67 b
12.32 cd
40.8 bc
41.287 c
Means followed in same column by similar letters are not statistically different at 0.05 level according to Tukey test.
= Mineral fertilizer
= Rice straw
RSDF = Rice straw decomposing fungi
PGPR = Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
The effect of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation on the leaves N, P and K content of eggplant
The effect of treatments on the nutritional status in eggplant plants is shown in Table (6). The obtained
results in both seasons revealed that application of 100% MF plus rice straw plus PGPR with or without RSDF
treatments gave the highest concentrations of N, P and K in eggplant leaves. On the other hand, the lowest N, P
and K percentage of eggplant leaves were obtained by 50% MF plus rice straw with or without RSDF
treatments. While, the treatments of 50% MF plus rice straw plus PGPR with or without RSDF were moderated,
as these treatments decreased concentration of N in leaves compared to 100% MF without rice straw treatment,
whereas there were no significant differences among these treatments in concentrations of P and K in eggplant
leaves. These findings may be due to addition of rice straw as organic residues, the decomposition of this
organic material improves physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, it also improves the nutrient
cycling and availability to the plants (Yu and Song, 2003; Abdulla, 2007; Dai et al., 2010). In addition, the
presence of PGPR can increase nitrogen fixation, phosphate dissolving and potassium releasing (Saharan and
Nehra 2011). All these increases of nutrient uptake and promote the nutritional status of eggplant plants. These
results are in harmony with those obtained by Shehata et al. (2010) and Shahein et al. (2013) working on celery
and lettuce respectively they reported that the biofertilizer increased NPK content in the leaves.
Table 6: Effect of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation on NPK content of eggplant leaves during 2013 and 2014 seasons.
100% MF (control)
4.039 b
4.192 b
0.352 bc
0.358 bc
3.577 cd
3.623 d
100% MF + RS
4.087 b
4.219 b
0.370 bc
0.380 bc
3.690 bc
3.828 bc
100% MF + RS + RSDF
4.102 b
4.252 b
0.403 b
0.415 b
3.827 b
3.969 b
100% MF + RS + PGPR
4.557 a
4.736 a
0.577 a
0.599 a
4.630 a
4.840 a
100% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
4.667 a
4.851 a
0.607 a
0.628 a
4.747 a
4.962 a
50% MF + RS
2.677 d
2.713 e
0.230 d
0.236 d
2.350 f
2.438 f
50% MF + RS + RSDF
2.867 d
2.905 d
0.247 d
0.254 d
2.557 e
2.653 e
50% MF + RS + PGPR
3.660 c
3.877 c
0.327 c
0.342 c
3.380 d
3.592 d
50% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
3.807 c
4.004 c
0.343 c
0.360 bc
3.523 cd
3.710 cd
Means followed in same column by similar letters are not statistically different at 0.05 level according to Tukey test.
= mineral fertilizer
= rice straw
RSDF = rice straw decomposing fungi
PGPR = plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
The effect of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation on eggplant yield
Data in Table (7) show yield properties (early, total yield and fruits number) of eggplant as affected by the
different treatments. In both seasons the results cleared that the highest early and total yield were obtained by
100% MF plus rice straw plus PGPR with or without RSDF treatments compared to the other tested treatments.
In addition, the treatments of 100% MF plus rice straw with or without RSDF came in the second order with no
Int. j. Environ. 3(4): 230-237, 2014
significant differences in comparison with 100% MF without rice straw treatment, then the treatments of 50%
MF plus rice straw plus PGPR with or without RSDF came in the third order. Finally, the treatments of 50% MF
plus rice straw with or without RSDF gave the lowest early and total yield of eggplant. Similar trend was true
with property of fruit number on plant. In general, the most favorable treatments were 100% MF plus rice straw
plus PGPR with or without RSDF compared with the other treatments. The superiority of these treatments may
be due to increased uptake of N, P and K by these plants as shown in table (6) which resulted in increased plant
growth characteristics as shown in table (4 and 5). The improved plant growth led to better carbohydrate build
up which increased the early and total yield of eggplant. In this concern, Suge et al. (2011) reported similar
results and explained that addition of suitable organic matter in the soil improves the soil physical and chemical
properties which encourage better root development, increased nutrient uptake and water holding capacity
which leads to higher fruit yield and better fruit quality of eggplant. These results confirmed the study by Man et
al. (2003), they indicated that rice straw after harvesting was incorporated into soil within a week by tilling the
land with power tiller plus NPK fertilized; grain yield offered higher than treatment of fertilizer without addition
of rice straw. These results also supported the finding in experiment by Man and Ha (2006), they mentioned that
there was not significant different in rice yield between decomposed rice straw combined with 50%
recommended rate of chemical fertilizer (NPK) and 100% recommended rate of chemical fertilizer treatments.
Table 7: Effect of rice straw and microorganisms incorporation on early, total yield and fruits number of eggplant during 2013 and 2014
Early yield
Total yield
Fruit No./plant
100% MF (control)
0.795 b
0.760 b
3.197 bc
3.230 bc
18.18 c
18.36 c
100% MF + RS
0.799 b
0.764 b
3.242 b
3.349 b
18.83 bc
18.91 bc
100% MF + RS + RSDF
0.805 b
0.770 b
3.269 b
3.351 b
19.04 b
19.45 b
100% MF + RS + PGPR
1.052 a
1.089 a
4.360 a
4.368 a
24.31 a
24.38 a
100% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
1.062 a
1.099 a
4.473 a
4.482 a
24.95 a
25.01 a
50% MF + RS
0.283 f
0.248 f
2.063 e
2.073 f
11.50 f
11.56 f
50% MF + RS + RSDF
0.373 e
0.338 e
2.243 d
2.256 e
12.52 e
12.59 e
50% MF + RS + PGPR
0.627 d
0.594 d
3.078 c
3.088 d
17.20 d
16.99 d
50% MF + RS + RSDF + PGPR
0.712 c
0.679 c
3.082 c
3.118 cd
17.20 d
17.40 d
Means followed in same column by similar letters are not statistically different at 0.05 level according to Tukey test.
= mineral fertilizer
= rice straw
RSDF = rice straw decomposing fungi
PGPR = plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
In conclusion, this study showed that incorporation of rice straw into soil instead of burning. This
process increase of carbon and nutrient sequestration in soil, thus increase of soil fertility and decrease of CO2
emission. As well as, incorporation of rice straw into soil with decomposing fungi and plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria, improved the production of eggplant in the clay soil at Giza governorate, Egypt. The
recommended treatments under the study was 100% mineral fertilizer + rice straw + plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria with or without decomposing fungi that recorded the highest yield. More research is need to
present accurate monitoring and effect of sequestrate CO2 and organic matter in soil through rice straw and
microorganisms incorporation.
This work has been supported by Central Lab of Organic Agriculture (CLOA) and Central Laboratory for
Agricultural Climate (CLAC), Giza, Egypt.
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