Brazilian Dental Journal (2013) 24(2): 174-178
ISSN 0103-6440
Multidisciplinary Therapy of
Extensive Oligodontia: A Case Report
Thaís Marques Simek Vega Gonçalves1, Letícia Machado Gonçalves1, José
Ribamar Sabino-Bezerra2, Alan Roger Santos-Silva2, Wander José da Silva1,
Renata Cunha Matheus Rodrigues Garcia1
Oligodontia is a rare congenital disorder consisting in the absence of six or more teeth. This
case report describes a multidisciplinary treatment approach for a 12-year-old male with
absence of 11 permanent teeth. Prior to any procedure, all primary teeth were scheduled
for extraction due to poor crown-to-root ratio. The treatment plan comprised two phases:
1. orthodontic and speech therapy aimed at overbite and anterior open bite adjustment, as
well as tongue position improvement; and 2. prosthetic treatment by insertion of removable
temporary partial dentures. The multidisciplinary treatment involving orthodontics, speech
and prosthetic therapies have reestablished the masticatory function and aesthetics,
allowing the patient to achieve greater self-esteem and better social acceptance.
Oligodontia is considered a rare condition that consists
in the congenital absence of six or more teeth, excluding
the third molars (1-3). The loss of several permanent teeth
causes masticatory impairment with long-term problems,
including a negative impact on the remaining teeth.
Previous studies have reported a prevalence of around
0.1% to 0.3% when considering the worldwide population
(4,5), with no gender differences (2,6). The etiology of
oligodontia includes several hypotheses such as traumatic
injury during tooth development, endocrine disturbances,
infections, as well as radiation or chemotherapy during
childhood cancer therapy (4,7). Moreover, specific genes
have been associated with tooth agenesis, particularly the
MSX1 (8), PAX9 (9) and AXIN2 mutations (10).
This condition is mostly manifested in the permanent
dentition (11,12) and the diagnosis is normally based on
radiographic evidence and routine clinical examination
detecting delayed eruption of permanent teeth, which
begins around 6 to 12 years of age (2). During the diagnosis
process, several other dental and oral symptoms can
be observed, including reduced size and form of teeth,
delayed growth of the alveolar processes, deficiency of
teeth eruption, persistent deciduous teeth, taurodontism,
false diastema, and deep overbite (13,14). Speech and
masticatory disorders may also occur (15). However,
aesthetic and psychological problems require special
attention for these patients, considering that they are often
associated with low self-esteem and problems of social
acceptance (16,17). Thus, early diagnosis and treatment
are important to encourage and improve masticatory
function, speech, appearance and reduce the psychosocial
impact (15).
of Prosthodontics and
Periodontology, Piracicaba Dental
School, UNICAMP - University of
Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
2Department of Oral Diagnosis,
Piracicaba Dental School,
UNICAMP - University of
Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
Correspondence: Profa. Dra.
Renata Cunha Matheus Rodrigues
Garcia, Avenida Limeira, 901,
13414-903 Piracicaba, SP, Brasil.
Tel:+55-19-2106-5240. e-mail:
[email protected]
Key Words: oligodontia, temporary
partial denture, case report.
The optimal therapy should include an interdisciplinary
team approach, and rely on positive interaction between
pediatric dentists, orthodontists, oral and maxillofacial
surgeons and prosthodontics (11,13,15). The treatment
goals are to keep the remaining teeth, recover the
masticatory function and aesthetics, speech improvement,
and reestablish the emotional and psychological well
being (7). Hence, the following case report summarizes
the multidisciplinary treatment approach to a 12-yearold patient diagnosed with oligodontia, with absence of
11 permanent teeth.
Case Report
Pre-Treatment Evaluation
A 12-year-old male was referred to Piracicaba Dental
School, State University of Campinas, Brazil, seeking a
comprehensive aesthetic dental rehabilitation. A detailed
clinical interview was undertaken with the patient and
his legal guardian, which revealed no classical syndrome
features, such as ectodermal dysplasia associated with
missing teeth. The dental history included absence of dental
caries and no previous treatment for the missing teeth.
The extraoral clinical examination revealed a mild
reduction of the lower third of facial height, with
profile changes including a marked nasolabial angle
and procumbent lip contours; however, the facial
symmetry was not affected. No clicking or crepitus of the
temporomandibular joint was detected and masticatory
muscles were not sensitive upon palpation.
During the intraoral examination, the absence of 11
permanent teeth was noted, including maxillary lateral
incisors and canines, mandibular central and lateral
incisors, mandibular right canine and mandibular right
Braz Dent J 24(2) 2013
Treatment Planning
The treatment plan comprised 2 phases. Prior to any
clinical procedure, all primary teeth were scheduled
for extraction due to poor crown-to-root ratio. After
extractions and before orthodontic treatment, a mandibular
removable denture was inserted and used during the
whole orthodontic treatment period in order to provide an
immediate aesthetic benefit. A pre-prosthetic orthodontic
treatment was conducted only in the maxilla, aiming to
reestablish the space between the incisors and premolars
in order to properly replace the missing teeth. Further,
the patient underwent correction of the overbite and
anterior open bite while improving incisal relation and lip
support. Simultaneously to orthodontics, speech therapy
was performed in order to improve tongue position during
speech. After orthodontic treatment and speech therapy,
the second-phase plan was accomplished, consisting of
prosthetic treatment aimed to provide masticatory function
and improved aesthetics.
Phase I - Orthodontic Treatment and Speech Therapy
Orthodontic treatment was performed only in the
maxilla due to the small number of mandibular teeth.
Orthodontic bands were used on molars and brackets
(0.022” slot, Roth prescription) were applied on the
remaining permanent teeth. Furthermore, artificial
maxillary lateral and canine teeth were incorporated into
the orthodontic appliance in order to maintain aesthetics.
Afterwards, 0.018”, 0.017” x 0.025” NiTi arch wires were
used sequentially allowing the adjustment of the position
and angle of the permanent teeth. The maxillary midline
diastema was closed with elastic chains and a needed
maxillary lateral incisor space was provided. Lip position
was also improved. The teeth alignment was completed by
using 0.019” x 0.025” NiTi arch wire and total orthodontic
treatment was completed after 8 months.
Throughout the process, speech therapy was performed
in order to eliminate the parafunctional habit and improve
word pronunciation. Vocal and articular exercises were
accomplished to improve tongue position during speech.
After both orthodontic and speech treatments (Fig. 1C),
the prosthetic phase started.
Phase II - Prosthetic Treatment
Considering that the craniofacial growing of a 12-yearold patient is not complete, temporary maxillary and
mandibular removable partial dentures were determined
to be the treatment of choice. The conical mandibular right
canine was reshaped with composite, and diagnostic casts
were fabricated using irreversible hydrocolloid (Jeltrate;
Dentsply Ind. e Com. Ltda., Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil), and
poured in Type III dental stone (Herodent; Vigodent, Rio
de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil). Custom trays were then fabricated
using autopolymerized acrylic resin (Clássico Artigos
Odontológicos Ltda., São Paulo, SP, Brazil), and definite
impressions of the maxillary and mandibular dental arches
were obtained with silicone (Xantopren; Heraeus Kulzer,
São Paulo, SP, Brazil). Next, working casts were obtained
and the maxillary cast was mounted on a semi-adjustable
articulator, using a face ball (Gnatus 8600; Gnatus, Ribeirão
Preto, SP, Brazil). The interocclusal relationship in the
maximum intercuspal position was clinically determined
using vinylpolysiloxane, and the mandibular cast was
then mounted on the articulator. The artificial teeth were
arranged in wax for clinical trial evaluation.
The occlusion and position of the artificial teeth were
clinically evaluated and the necessary corrections were
made before denture processing. The maxillary denture
was planned with a containment arc on permanent incisors
and artificial teeth in order to maintain the dental position
obtained by the orthodontic treatment, and mimic the use
of removable dentures, similar to a removable orthodontic
Multidisciplinary therapy of oligodontia
first and second premolars (Fig. 1A). The mandibular left
permanent canine (conical shape), maxillary right primary
canine, and mandibular right first and second primary
molars were present in dental arches. Regarding the soft
tissues, the labial frenulum was within normal limits, there
were no soft tissue masses, swelling or lesions present on
the gingival, buccal and labial mucosa, tongue or alveolar
mucosa. Oral hygiene was considered satisfactory and no
bleeding on probing of the periodontal tissues was noted.
The patient also presented upper midline diastema and
underdeveloped alveolar ridges in the anterior mandibular
region. In addition, a parafunctional habit of thumbsucking during sleep was self-reported by the patient, and
clinically confirmed by the presence of an anterior open
bite and tongue interposition during speech. Moreover,
the patient reported extreme difficulty in chewing and
severe aesthetic dissatisfaction, which resulted in several
social problems.
Panoramic radiograph examination showed no osseous
lesions and a dense alveolar bone (Fig. 1B). The images of
retained primary teeth revealed severe root resorption and
absence of permanent successors. Cephalometric analysis
revealed a regular development of the cranial base with
a counterclockwise rotational pattern of the maxilla. The
facial pattern was classified as mesofacial with a reduction
of lower anterior face height (Ricketts analysis). Lateral
radiograph showed a Class I skeletal pattern with a normal
growth pattern.
After careful clinical interview, clinical examination,
radiographic and cephalometric analysis, a diagnosis
of oligodontia was confirmed and a multidisciplinary
treatment approach was planned.
Braz Dent J 24(2) 2013
reported that his self-esteem and quality of life improved
Several factors are involved in the complex treatment
planning for patients with oligodontia, especially when a
large number of teeth are missing, presenting the greatest
challenge to the interdisciplinary team (11,13,15). The lack
of 11 teeth leads to a severe limitation on aesthetics and
mastication and these effects could become crucial as
the child reaches school age when social relationships are
established. Thus, a multidisciplinary approach was planned,
including orthodontics, speech therapy and prosthodontics,
T.M.S.V. Gonçalves et al.
appliance. Finally, the temporary dentures were inserted
(Fig. 1D, 1E, and 1F) and the patient was instructed to
use them continuously in order to retain the orthodontic
treatment result until the age of skeletal maturity, when
definitive prosthodontic treatments could be planned.
Written and verbal instructions on how to use, to
clean and maintain the prostheses were given to the child
and his parents, and the patient was instructed to return
the following day and once a week for two months for
inspection and possible corrections and adjustments.
The patient has familiarized himself with the dentures
in a short time and showed considerable speech and
masticatory function improvement. Additionally, it was
Figure 1. Composite figure of photographs and radiographs of the case. A: Pretreatment frontal view showing excessive open bite and diastema in the
anterior teeth. B: Pretreatment panoramic radiograph shows hypodontia and lack of teeth development. C: Post-orthodontic frontal view of dentition
showing maxillary incisors alignment and reduced open bite. D: Frontal view of the final removable partial dentures in position. E: Occlusal view of
the maxillary removable partial denture in position. F: Occlusal view of the mandibular removable partial denture in position.
to ensure adequate and durable results.
The orthodontic treatment was of fundamental
importance to reestablish the correct position of the
remaining teeth. However, the orthodontic appliance was
used only on the maxilla due to the large amount of missing
teeth in the mandible. The main goals were to reduce
the overjet, correct the open bite, and close the midline
diastema, besides prevent the existing teeth from settling in
abnormal positions and deflect. These procedures restored
the teeth position, assisting the processing of the proper
removable dentures. In addition, the braces combined with
artificial teeth allowed the immediate restoration of the
anterior missing teeth, improving aesthetic and patient
self-esteem. On the other hand, the orthodontic treatment
alone would not be successful, since patient had speaking
problems due to tongue interposition during speech and
thumb sucking during sleep. Thus, the simultaneous vocal
and articular speech exercises were crucial for treatment
results and improved tongue position besides reducing the
thumb-sucking habit.
Regarding the prosthetic treatment, its objectives
included 1) restore the masticatory function, 2) maintain the
position of adjacent natural teeth preventing undesirable
movements, such as inclination, extrusion or migration,
3) improve aesthetics, 4) avoid social problems to the
patient, especially in adolescence, 5) replace the missing
teeth without interfering on the growth of mandible and
maxilla. In the prosthetic area, it is not important only the
number of missing teeth, but also their distribution on
the dental arch, which is a critical factor in the estimated
treatment needs. Patients presenting a small number of
missing teeth can be treated by adhesive restoration, fixed
prosthesis, and dental implants. However, for patients with
a large number of missing teeth, as the child of the present
case, the treatment choices should include overdentures
supported by natural teeth or by osseointegrated implants,
fixed prostheses, or temporary/definitive removable partial
dentures (12). However, the age of the patient of the
present case was carefully considered, since younger adults
require special attention with regard to their psychological
and emotional condition, and particularly the anatomical
changes related to facial growth. In the last context, the
installation of implants is contraindicated and should be
postponed until after puberty or after the growth spurt
of the child (16-18). It must also be pointed out that the
development of jaws could be limited when implants are
used (12), especially when the implants are fixed together
in a prosthesis with multiple elements. Moreover, implants
placed in young patients act as ankylosed teeth resulting
in infraocclusion of the restoration (19,20). Another reason
for implant contraindication is related to the atrophy of the
ridge, a common condition in oligodontia patients, and that
interferes with the longevity of implants (20,21). As a result
of all these facts, the placement of implants in the growing
maxilla should be avoided until early adulthood (21).
Another prosthetic treatment option that could have
been considered for this clinical case is the conventional
fixed prosthesis. However, this type of prosthesis imposes
tooth structure removal, which can lead to pulp exposure
in young patients. The potential for jaw growth also contraindicates the use of this prosthesis (22), as jaw growth can
lead to altered occlusion and poor aesthetics. Additionally,
the possible presence of conical teeth is not propitious to
retentive crown preparation (12).
Considering all possibilities for oral rehabilitation of the
referred patient, the prosthetic treatment of choice was
the placement of temporary removable partial dentures.
This type of prosthesis allows the restoration of function
and aesthetics of missing teeth, and does not interfere
with bone development and eruption of permanent teeth.
Thus, the multidisciplinary treatment allowed the patient to
achieve greater self-esteem and better social acceptance,
and provided reestablishment of masticatory function and
aesthetics until the final treatment plan could be performed
after bone growth.
The multidisciplinary clinical approach comprehending
orthodontics, speech therapy and prosthodontics was
mandatory for this patient with oligodontia because it
could restore function and aesthetics in the best possible
manner for the characteristics of the case, aiding the child
to achieve social and emotional maturity.
A oligodontia é uma doença rara, congênita, caracterizada pela ausência
de seis ou mais dentes. Este relato de caso descreve uma abordagem
terapêutica multidisciplinar de um adolescente de 12 anos de idade com
ausência de 11 dentes permanentes. Antes de qualquer procedimento,
todos os dentes decíduos foram extraídos devido à pobre relação coroaraiz. O plano de tratamento foi constituído por duas fases: 1. terapia
ortodôntica e fonoaudiológica com o objetivo de ajuste de sobre-mordida
e mordida aberta anterior, bem como melhoria da posição da língua, e
2. tratamento reabilitador protético através da instalação de próteses
parciais removíveis provisórias. A abordagem multidisciplinar envolvendo
os tratamentos ortodônticos, fonoaudiológico e protético reestabeleceram
a função mastigatória e a estética, melhorando a autoestima e aceitação
social do paciente.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Maria Antonieta Marques Simek
Vega for her assistance with the orthodontic treatment.
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Received December 20, 2012
Accepted April 18, 2013