Papers by Amândio J M Barros
Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Historia, 1993
A PROCISSÃO DO CORPO DE DEUS DO PORTO NOS SÉCULOS XV E XVI: A PARTICIPAÇÃO DE UMA CONFRARIA por A... more A PROCISSÃO DO CORPO DE DEUS DO PORTO NOS SÉCULOS XV E XVI: A PARTICIPAÇÃO DE UMA CONFRARIA por Amândio Jorge Morais Barros ... Em Portugal o Corpo de Deus foi celebrado pelo menos desde o tempo de D. Afonso III e, com toda a certeza, também ...
Ports in the Medieval European Atlantic, 2021
Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 2018
During the 16th century, while the Portuguese Crown was concentrating its best efforts on explori... more During the 16th century, while the Portuguese Crown was concentrating its best efforts on exploring the Cape sea route ("The India Run"), as well as the far-eastern circuits, from Lisbon, commercial shipping agents from other Portuguese seaports sought alternative outlets for their business. It was due to the existence of ports such as Oporto, Viana do Castelo, Vila do Conde, etc., long considered to be minor, that the Portuguese Kingdom was able to make its definitive contribution to the formation of the first Atlantic system. The present essay follows a tendency in modern historiography and pays attention to one particular case: that of the evolution of the city of Oporto, the building and organization of its seaport, its inclusion in an international port system, the mobility of its merchant fleet and the extent of their enterprise. The influence of the Oportan maritime space was felt across the Atlantic world and helped to improve European trade and the economic system of that period.
Pretende dar-se a conhecer, partilhando reflexões com a comunidade educativa, o projeto de invest... more Pretende dar-se a conhecer, partilhando reflexões com a comunidade educativa, o projeto de investigação Oficina Didática de Ciências Humanas. Esta Oficina constitui-se como um projeto de investigação-ação, dirigido a todo o universo da Educação Básica. A equipa de investigadores apropriou-se do conceito de Comunidade Virtual de Prática como estratégia, de forma a conseguir a partilha de experiências, um diálogo aprofundado e a promoção de uma praxis socio-construtivista. A questão central de investigação que se coloca é a de saber se uma plataforma colaborativa deste tipo pode criar redes de interação, contribuindo para melhorar as práticas do ensino-aprendizagem das Ciências Humanas.
This paper will focus on the analysis of the Port wine dynamics in the Early Modern Period. One o... more This paper will focus on the analysis of the Port wine dynamics in the Early Modern Period. One of the major objectives we'll try to achieve is to present evidence that the birth of Port wine was the result of a long and persistent process of implantation in the territory in which men took advantage of favourable natural conditions of the ground to manufacture a wine which is unique. The first section will deal with the relation between wine and its implantation in the territory in which we will prove that Port wine can only be identified with the Douro region in the 18 th century although the exploratory phase begun in the Middle Ages. Next, we will focus on the historical roots of wine-growth in the region by presenting evidence from chroniclers and archive documents that some parts of the region (namely Lamego) had already been involved in the commercialization of wines of quality ("old" and "aromatic" wines) at an international level. The third section de...
Port-Cities and their Hinterlands, 2022
Comunicacao apresentada no Porto International Conference on Research in Education, realizado de ... more Comunicacao apresentada no Porto International Conference on Research in Education, realizado de 19 a 21 de Julho de 2017, no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Instituto Politecnico do Porto, organizacao do Centro de Investigacao e Inovacao em Educacao (inED) da ESEP
This article will focus on the history of relations between Porto and its hinterland between the ... more This article will focus on the history of relations between Porto and its hinterland between the end of the Middle Ages and throughout the Early Modern Times, and examine the general conditions from which a jurisdictional kind of process generated an articulated economy. The proposal of analysis consists in demonstrate how, in the longduration, several actions were directed from the city with the objective of extend and make effective its authority over the surrounding territory, and profiting from that. In these forewords it seems to me important to point-out some a few main ideas that will be developed in the chapters ahead, namely the territorial extension and the jurisdictional level of influence in a diachronic perspective, and the initiatives aiming its consolidation, the motivation of the whole plan and the evolution of the economic ties in the meantime established. The first-one underlines the fact that this was a fast and not by all means erratic process by which Porto achi...
This article will focus on the history of relations between Porto and its hinterland during late-... more This article will focus on the history of relations between Porto and its hinterland during late-Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, and examine the general conditions from which a jurisdictional kind of process generated an articulated economy. The analysis here proposed will demonstrate how, in the long-duration, several actions were directed from the city and were meant to extend and make effective its authority over the surrounding territory, and profit from that. In these forewords it seems to me important to present the guidelines of the main ideas that will be developed in the chapters ahead, namely the territorial extension and the jurisdictional level of influence in a diachronic perspective, and the initiatives aiming its consolidation, the motivation of the whole plan and the evolution of the economic ties in the meantime established. The first one underlines the fact that the process by which Porto achieved to control a vast territory around the city was rapid and not by...
Resumo: O projeto de investigação-ação Oficina Didática de Ciências Humanas, da Escola Superior d... more Resumo: O projeto de investigação-ação Oficina Didática de Ciências Humanas, da Escola Superior de Educação do Porto, dirige-se ao universo da Educação Básica. Apropriando-se da noção de comunidade virtual de prática, constituiu-se uma plataforma colaborativa – o ClioESE – que se assume como um instrumento destinado à criação de redes de interação que permitam a partilha de experiências, um diálogo aprofundado entre profissionais educativos e a promoção de uma praxis socio-construtivista no domínio das Ciências Humanas. O presente artigo apresenta o projeto e propõe a discussão, com a comunidade educativa, dos resultados obtidos até ao momento.
Patrimonio Cultural De La Vid Y El Vino Conferencia Internacional Vol 1 2013 Isbn 978 84 8344 352 1 Pags 195 209, 2013
Isabel La Catolica Y Su Epoca Actas Del Congreso Internacional Valladolid Barcelona Granada 15 a 20 De Noviembre De 2004 Vol 2 2007 Isbn 978 84 8448 432 5 Pags 877 986, 2007
Em busca de um mercado integrado: redes comerciais portuenses e trato internacional Amândio Jorge... more Em busca de um mercado integrado: redes comerciais portuenses e trato internacional Amândio Jorge Morais Barros* 1. No dia 31 de Julho de 1578 aportava junto dos muros e cais da cidade do Porto o navio S. João, mestre Gonçalo Vaz, por alcunha o Barba Leda, procedente do Brasil. Vinha carregado de açúcares. Mais exactamente, 1666,5 arrobas, pertencentes a 21 mercadores do Porto e seus associados 1. Contendas relacionadas com a cobrança de direitos alfandegários permitem-nos conhecer os nomes destes comerciantes e as quantidades de açúcar que a cada um pertenciam.
La Peninsula Iberica Entre El Mediterraneo Y El Atlantico Siglos Xiii Xv Jornadas Celebradas En Cadiz 1 4 De Abril De 2003 2006 Isbn 8495174723 Pag 195, 2006
Las Sociedades Ibericas Y El Mar a Finales Del Siglo Xvi Congreso Internacional Vol 6 1998 Isbn 84 923834 7 X Pags 263 283, 1998
Culti Santuari Pellegrinaggi in Sardegna E Nella Penisola Iberica Tra Medioevo Ed Eta Contemporanea 2006 Isbn 9788887822274 Pags 371 408, 2006
Actas Del I Simposio De La Asociacion Internacional De Historia Y Civilizacion De La Vid Y El Vino Vol 1 2001 Isbn 84 89141 45 2 Pags 445 462, 2001
Ao Modo Da Flandres Disponibilidade Innovacao E Mercado De Arte Na Epoca Dos Descobrimentos Actas Do Congresso Internacional Celebrado Em a Reitoria Da Universidade De Lisboa 2005 Isbn 84 87369 36 7 Pags 37 46, 2005
Papers by Amândio J M Barros