The aim of this study is to analyse how suprasegmentals influence the judgment of foreign accent.... more The aim of this study is to analyse how suprasegmentals influence the judgment of foreign accent. Two studies were carried out using speech samples of native and non-native Hungarian speaking speakers. In the first experiment, reversed speech was used, so the speech was incomprehensible and the characteristics of pitch disappeared, but voice quality, variability of F0, and timbre didn't change. In the second experiment, speech samples were filtered so that only those elements remained which were under 300 Hz. This way speech became incomprehensible, but pitch, tempo, and rhythm remained the same as of the original speech. Participants were asked to detect any foreign accent and categorize the speakers into native and non-native groups. Results of both experiments show that it is relatively easy to recognize whether we listen to a native or a non-native speaker only upon the suprasegmental structure.
A beszédtempó sajátosságai Bevezetés A beszéd szupraszegmentális elemeinek jellemzésében a beszéd... more A beszédtempó sajátosságai Bevezetés A beszéd szupraszegmentális elemeinek jellemzésében a beszédtempó meghatározása tűnik a legegyszerűbbnek. Ez azonban korántsem olyan egyszerű feladat, mivel a beszéd sebességét mind a produkció, mind a percepció szempontjából számos tényező befolyásolja-noha elsősorban az artikulációs sebességen és a szünetek számán, illetve időtartamán alapszik. Produkciós szempontból a beszédtempó jellemző az egyénre: alakulását az életkor, a személyiség, a beszédstílus, a pszichés állapot, a szociológiai háttér, az egyénre jellemző hezitálások és nyújtások, a beszédtéma, a beszédhelyzet stb. befolyásolják. Korábbi vizsgálatok tanúsága szerint az egyénre jellemző beszédtempó az életkor előrehaladtával változik: az anyanyelv-elsajátítás korai szakaszaiban lassabb, mint később; majd időskorban ismét lelassul, a gyermekekéhez hasonló lesz. Az idős emberek beszédtempóját befolyásolja hallásállapotuk, éppúgy, mint a szervezet általános elhasználódása következtében lassuló artikulációs működések (Gósy 1997). Közismert az is, hogy a beszélő pszichés állapota is hatással van a beszédtempóra: az izgalom, a szorongás legtöbbször gyorsítja az artikulációs tempót, míg a szünetek, főként a hezitálások száma növekszik a beszédben. Hasonlóan különböznek ugyanazon beszélő beszédtempó-indexei a különböző beszédhelyzetekben. Változik a tempó annak függvényében, hogy monológot vagy dialógust vizsgálunk (Markó 2005); befolyásolja a beszédtéma; illetve az is, hogy a produkciós folyamatnak része-e a beszédtervezés. Felolvasáskor általában a közlésegységek határán, a nyelvtani szerkezeteket is figyelembe véve tartunk szünetet, míg a spontán beszédben nem feltétlenül; és az olvasás során-mivel a tartalom tervezésére már nem kell figyelmet fordítani-a beszéd meghangosítására (így az artikulációs tempóra) is jobban tudunk ügyelni. Az, hogy egy beszélőt lassú, közepes vagy gyors beszédtempójúnak ítélünk, a hallgató észlelésétől függ. A beszédfeldolgozás során hozott "szubjektív" tempóítéleteket befolyásolják a szupraszegmentális struktúrák, a beszédhelyzet, az adott feladat megértési nehézségei, a hallgató életkora, a beszédrészlet terjedelme, a hallgató saját beszédtempója, illetve a hallott beszédprodukció artikulációs megformáltsága stb.
Temporal characteristics in the perception of fluency in native speech The aim of the study is to... more Temporal characteristics in the perception of fluency in native speech The aim of the study is to analyse the role of speech rate and articulation rate, and duration, frequency and place of occurrence of pauses in the perception of speech fluency. Two experiments were carried out with the same material. A four-sentence coherent read speech sample was modified according to the analysed parameters: it was accelerated, slowed down, and pauses were modified, too. In the first experiment, participants were asked to rate on a five-point scale how fluent they perceived the speech sample. In the second experiment, participants were asked to compare pairs of speech samples according to their fluency. 32 young adults participated in the study. Results show that the place of occurrence, the duration and the frequency of pauses (number in 100 words) are the most important factors in the perception of fluency, while speech rate and articulation rate are less dominant.
Bóna, Judit Temporal characteristics of diverse speech styles: the effect of speakers' age and ge... more Bóna, Judit Temporal characteristics of diverse speech styles: the effect of speakers' age and gender Temporal characteristics of speech are affected by several factors, like speech style or speakers' age and gender. In this study, temporal features (speech rate, articulation rate, pauses) of the speech of young and elderly men and women were analysed in four different speech styles. The results show that speech style has the strongest effect on the parameters analysed, while the weakest effect is that of the speakers' gender.
This paper investigates the effects of disfluencies in the source language on target language spe... more This paper investigates the effects of disfluencies in the source language on target language speech production during simultaneous interpretation. We hypothesized that disfluent source language texts would be easier to simultaneously interpret, as hesitations and disfluencies provide extra time for the interpreter for processing and translation. Our analysis of four target language texts interpreted from English into Hungarian revealed that although temporal characteristics of the target language renderings of a regular and disfluent source language text do not show considerable differences, the content analysis of the target language texts shows that a greater proportion of the disfluent source language text was rendered correctly in the target language than in the case of the regular source language text.
BABArczy, Anna-szűcs, Márta 2017. The role of Theory of Mind, grammatical competence and metaprag... more BABArczy, Anna-szűcs, Márta 2017. The role of Theory of Mind, grammatical competence and metapragmatic awareness in irony comprehension. In AssiMAKoPoulos, Stavros (ed.): Pragmatics at its interfaces. De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston. 129-150. BAlázs Patrícia 2010. A pragmatikai kompetencia fejlődésének vizsgálata kisiskolások körében. Anyanyelv-pedagógia 3/1.
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2019
Purpose This article presents a collaborative initiative of members of the Committee of the Inter... more Purpose This article presents a collaborative initiative of members of the Committee of the International Representatives of the International Cluttering Association (ICA) upon celebrating the 10th anniversary of the ICA. Such collaborative efforts are designed to improve communication skills, enlighten lives of people with cluttering, and serve as models for speech therapists and other health care professionals in countries around the globe. Method This initiative began with a seminar at the Inaugural Joint World Congress in Japan in 2018 and continues with an article for this special issue on cluttering based on the contents of the papers presented at the Congress. Sixteen researchers and speech therapists from 15 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe (East and West), America (North and South), and the Middle East have explored the following themes related to cluttering: cluttering awareness, research, professional preparation, intervention, and self-help groups. Results This article ...
GABI (Gyermeknyelvi beszédAdatBázis és Információtár; Child Language and Speech Database and Info... more GABI (Gyermeknyelvi beszédAdatBázis és Információtár; Child Language and Speech Database and Information Repository) is a multipurpose speech database which is currently under development. This database contains recordings of speech production by 420 children / adolescents ages 3-18 years of age. Two age-specific variations of linguistic material were developed. One protocol was developed for children between the ages of 3 and 9 years, and the other one for adolescents between the ages of 9 and 18 years. In the case of 9 year old children, recordings were using both protocols. Speech tasks included the following: sentence repetition, spontaneous speech, definition of words, narrative recall of two listening materials, oral reading, story-telling based on a picture sequence, and a debate between two speakers about various topics (for children 9 years of age and older).
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the annotating method of the tryadic conversations in the... more The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the annotating method of the tryadic conversations in the Hungarian Spontaneous Speech Database. The protocol of the annotation takes into consideration the phonetic and the pragmatic aspects of the analysis of the conversations supported by the project NKFI K-128810. The aim of the project is to analyse speech units, such as turns, turn-takings or overlapping speech, from multiple aspects. The large data sample allows describing synchronous changes such as the formation of discourse marker combinations. Furthermore, the aim of the project is a description of speech accommodation. The research has further scientific benefits as a result of the cooperation of several linguistic disciplines, such as a novel description of the structure of tryadic conversations. Theoretically, if discourses are performed according to a particular system, they can be modeled technologically. So, in addition to the theoretically findings, the results may be applied in speech technology.
The study analyses the relationships between reading miscues, self-repairs, and temporal characte... more The study analyses the relationships between reading miscues, self-repairs, and temporal characteristics in oral reading of children in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Speech samples of 30 children were analysed from each of the GABI Speech Database. 10 children were selected from the three grades. Speech and articulation rates, pausing characteristics, frequency of reading miscues, and correction strategies and their durational patterns (error-to-cutoff time, editing phases, and error-to-repair time) were analysed.<br> Results show that although older children produce faster speech rates and less disfluencies and oral reading errors than younger children, the types and correction times of reading errors are similar in every age group. Results show great differences among the children independently of grade.<br> Results confirm the facts established by the prior literature while also providing new results on the<br> types of reading miscues and the timing of error-repair...
Megakadásjelenségek és önkorrekciók gyermekek hangos olvasásában Oral reading of children learnin... more Megakadásjelenségek és önkorrekciók gyermekek hangos olvasásában Oral reading of children learning to read shows whether they are at the initial or the competent stage of reading. According to the literature, reading fluency is related to understanding. This paper analyses that which types of disfluencies and oral reading errors characterize the oral reading of Hungarian children in the third, fourth and fifth grade. Results show that although older children produce less disfluencies and oral reading errors than younger children, the types and correction time of reading errors is similar in every age group. There are great differences between the children independently of age.
The aim of this paper was to investigate the changes in fluency of speech during ageing. The nove... more The aim of this paper was to investigate the changes in fluency of speech during ageing. The novelty of the examination is that this is a longitudinal study: it analyses the speech of 7 speakers from middle or young-old age to old-old age. Pausing strategies and frequency of disfluencies were analyzed. Results show that active aging helps to preserve certain parameters of speech characteristics of young speakers.
The aim of this study is to analyse how suprasegmentals influence the judgment of foreign accent.... more The aim of this study is to analyse how suprasegmentals influence the judgment of foreign accent. Two studies were carried out using speech samples of native and non-native Hungarian speaking speakers. In the first experiment, reversed speech was used, so the speech was incomprehensible and the characteristics of pitch disappeared, but voice quality, variability of F0, and timbre didn't change. In the second experiment, speech samples were filtered so that only those elements remained which were under 300 Hz. This way speech became incomprehensible, but pitch, tempo, and rhythm remained the same as of the original speech. Participants were asked to detect any foreign accent and categorize the speakers into native and non-native groups. Results of both experiments show that it is relatively easy to recognize whether we listen to a native or a non-native speaker only upon the suprasegmental structure.
A beszédtempó sajátosságai Bevezetés A beszéd szupraszegmentális elemeinek jellemzésében a beszéd... more A beszédtempó sajátosságai Bevezetés A beszéd szupraszegmentális elemeinek jellemzésében a beszédtempó meghatározása tűnik a legegyszerűbbnek. Ez azonban korántsem olyan egyszerű feladat, mivel a beszéd sebességét mind a produkció, mind a percepció szempontjából számos tényező befolyásolja-noha elsősorban az artikulációs sebességen és a szünetek számán, illetve időtartamán alapszik. Produkciós szempontból a beszédtempó jellemző az egyénre: alakulását az életkor, a személyiség, a beszédstílus, a pszichés állapot, a szociológiai háttér, az egyénre jellemző hezitálások és nyújtások, a beszédtéma, a beszédhelyzet stb. befolyásolják. Korábbi vizsgálatok tanúsága szerint az egyénre jellemző beszédtempó az életkor előrehaladtával változik: az anyanyelv-elsajátítás korai szakaszaiban lassabb, mint később; majd időskorban ismét lelassul, a gyermekekéhez hasonló lesz. Az idős emberek beszédtempóját befolyásolja hallásállapotuk, éppúgy, mint a szervezet általános elhasználódása következtében lassuló artikulációs működések (Gósy 1997). Közismert az is, hogy a beszélő pszichés állapota is hatással van a beszédtempóra: az izgalom, a szorongás legtöbbször gyorsítja az artikulációs tempót, míg a szünetek, főként a hezitálások száma növekszik a beszédben. Hasonlóan különböznek ugyanazon beszélő beszédtempó-indexei a különböző beszédhelyzetekben. Változik a tempó annak függvényében, hogy monológot vagy dialógust vizsgálunk (Markó 2005); befolyásolja a beszédtéma; illetve az is, hogy a produkciós folyamatnak része-e a beszédtervezés. Felolvasáskor általában a közlésegységek határán, a nyelvtani szerkezeteket is figyelembe véve tartunk szünetet, míg a spontán beszédben nem feltétlenül; és az olvasás során-mivel a tartalom tervezésére már nem kell figyelmet fordítani-a beszéd meghangosítására (így az artikulációs tempóra) is jobban tudunk ügyelni. Az, hogy egy beszélőt lassú, közepes vagy gyors beszédtempójúnak ítélünk, a hallgató észlelésétől függ. A beszédfeldolgozás során hozott "szubjektív" tempóítéleteket befolyásolják a szupraszegmentális struktúrák, a beszédhelyzet, az adott feladat megértési nehézségei, a hallgató életkora, a beszédrészlet terjedelme, a hallgató saját beszédtempója, illetve a hallott beszédprodukció artikulációs megformáltsága stb.
Temporal characteristics in the perception of fluency in native speech The aim of the study is to... more Temporal characteristics in the perception of fluency in native speech The aim of the study is to analyse the role of speech rate and articulation rate, and duration, frequency and place of occurrence of pauses in the perception of speech fluency. Two experiments were carried out with the same material. A four-sentence coherent read speech sample was modified according to the analysed parameters: it was accelerated, slowed down, and pauses were modified, too. In the first experiment, participants were asked to rate on a five-point scale how fluent they perceived the speech sample. In the second experiment, participants were asked to compare pairs of speech samples according to their fluency. 32 young adults participated in the study. Results show that the place of occurrence, the duration and the frequency of pauses (number in 100 words) are the most important factors in the perception of fluency, while speech rate and articulation rate are less dominant.
Bóna, Judit Temporal characteristics of diverse speech styles: the effect of speakers' age and ge... more Bóna, Judit Temporal characteristics of diverse speech styles: the effect of speakers' age and gender Temporal characteristics of speech are affected by several factors, like speech style or speakers' age and gender. In this study, temporal features (speech rate, articulation rate, pauses) of the speech of young and elderly men and women were analysed in four different speech styles. The results show that speech style has the strongest effect on the parameters analysed, while the weakest effect is that of the speakers' gender.
This paper investigates the effects of disfluencies in the source language on target language spe... more This paper investigates the effects of disfluencies in the source language on target language speech production during simultaneous interpretation. We hypothesized that disfluent source language texts would be easier to simultaneously interpret, as hesitations and disfluencies provide extra time for the interpreter for processing and translation. Our analysis of four target language texts interpreted from English into Hungarian revealed that although temporal characteristics of the target language renderings of a regular and disfluent source language text do not show considerable differences, the content analysis of the target language texts shows that a greater proportion of the disfluent source language text was rendered correctly in the target language than in the case of the regular source language text.
BABArczy, Anna-szűcs, Márta 2017. The role of Theory of Mind, grammatical competence and metaprag... more BABArczy, Anna-szűcs, Márta 2017. The role of Theory of Mind, grammatical competence and metapragmatic awareness in irony comprehension. In AssiMAKoPoulos, Stavros (ed.): Pragmatics at its interfaces. De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston. 129-150. BAlázs Patrícia 2010. A pragmatikai kompetencia fejlődésének vizsgálata kisiskolások körében. Anyanyelv-pedagógia 3/1.
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2019
Purpose This article presents a collaborative initiative of members of the Committee of the Inter... more Purpose This article presents a collaborative initiative of members of the Committee of the International Representatives of the International Cluttering Association (ICA) upon celebrating the 10th anniversary of the ICA. Such collaborative efforts are designed to improve communication skills, enlighten lives of people with cluttering, and serve as models for speech therapists and other health care professionals in countries around the globe. Method This initiative began with a seminar at the Inaugural Joint World Congress in Japan in 2018 and continues with an article for this special issue on cluttering based on the contents of the papers presented at the Congress. Sixteen researchers and speech therapists from 15 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe (East and West), America (North and South), and the Middle East have explored the following themes related to cluttering: cluttering awareness, research, professional preparation, intervention, and self-help groups. Results This article ...
GABI (Gyermeknyelvi beszédAdatBázis és Információtár; Child Language and Speech Database and Info... more GABI (Gyermeknyelvi beszédAdatBázis és Információtár; Child Language and Speech Database and Information Repository) is a multipurpose speech database which is currently under development. This database contains recordings of speech production by 420 children / adolescents ages 3-18 years of age. Two age-specific variations of linguistic material were developed. One protocol was developed for children between the ages of 3 and 9 years, and the other one for adolescents between the ages of 9 and 18 years. In the case of 9 year old children, recordings were using both protocols. Speech tasks included the following: sentence repetition, spontaneous speech, definition of words, narrative recall of two listening materials, oral reading, story-telling based on a picture sequence, and a debate between two speakers about various topics (for children 9 years of age and older).
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the annotating method of the tryadic conversations in the... more The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the annotating method of the tryadic conversations in the Hungarian Spontaneous Speech Database. The protocol of the annotation takes into consideration the phonetic and the pragmatic aspects of the analysis of the conversations supported by the project NKFI K-128810. The aim of the project is to analyse speech units, such as turns, turn-takings or overlapping speech, from multiple aspects. The large data sample allows describing synchronous changes such as the formation of discourse marker combinations. Furthermore, the aim of the project is a description of speech accommodation. The research has further scientific benefits as a result of the cooperation of several linguistic disciplines, such as a novel description of the structure of tryadic conversations. Theoretically, if discourses are performed according to a particular system, they can be modeled technologically. So, in addition to the theoretically findings, the results may be applied in speech technology.
The study analyses the relationships between reading miscues, self-repairs, and temporal characte... more The study analyses the relationships between reading miscues, self-repairs, and temporal characteristics in oral reading of children in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Speech samples of 30 children were analysed from each of the GABI Speech Database. 10 children were selected from the three grades. Speech and articulation rates, pausing characteristics, frequency of reading miscues, and correction strategies and their durational patterns (error-to-cutoff time, editing phases, and error-to-repair time) were analysed.<br> Results show that although older children produce faster speech rates and less disfluencies and oral reading errors than younger children, the types and correction times of reading errors are similar in every age group. Results show great differences among the children independently of grade.<br> Results confirm the facts established by the prior literature while also providing new results on the<br> types of reading miscues and the timing of error-repair...
Megakadásjelenségek és önkorrekciók gyermekek hangos olvasásában Oral reading of children learnin... more Megakadásjelenségek és önkorrekciók gyermekek hangos olvasásában Oral reading of children learning to read shows whether they are at the initial or the competent stage of reading. According to the literature, reading fluency is related to understanding. This paper analyses that which types of disfluencies and oral reading errors characterize the oral reading of Hungarian children in the third, fourth and fifth grade. Results show that although older children produce less disfluencies and oral reading errors than younger children, the types and correction time of reading errors is similar in every age group. There are great differences between the children independently of age.
The aim of this paper was to investigate the changes in fluency of speech during ageing. The nove... more The aim of this paper was to investigate the changes in fluency of speech during ageing. The novelty of the examination is that this is a longitudinal study: it analyses the speech of 7 speakers from middle or young-old age to old-old age. Pausing strategies and frequency of disfluencies were analyzed. Results show that active aging helps to preserve certain parameters of speech characteristics of young speakers.
Papers by Judit Bóna