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Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner, 2000
Most of duck husbandry in Indonesia is still run traditionally, herded in rice field or in the swampy area. This kind of husbandry seemed to be much preferred by farmers as they thought it was a simple and did not need high skill and high capital "IP padi 300" was a term of rice planting system tree times instead of twice in a year. This kind of changing might have significantly affected duck faming. The objective of the study was to observe the interactively effect of "IP padi 300" to duck husbandry at the same area. Two locations were choosen (Subang, West Jawa and Pemalang, Central Java) with 5 farmers at each location to be involved in the study. As many as 1200 laying pullet ducks were distributed to 10 farmers at two locations. The farmers were suggested to raise laying ducks with their own systems (fully intensive, semi intensive and fully herded) and were observed for 6 months. Biota was observed on both field and in the crop of the laying ducks. There wa...
A series of experiment was conducted to improve the utilization of coconut meal in poultry ration . A bioprocess (fermentation) approach was adopted. Coconut meal was fermented followed by an enzymatic process at room temperature or 50 OC.The nutritive value of the fermented products was determined chemically. Product with the highest nutritive value was then used for a feeding trial to study the interaction effect between dietary levels of fermented coconut meal and phosphorous level on the performances of laying ducks. Nine experimental diets were formulated, i.e ., the factorial of 3 levels of fermented coconut meal (0, 30 and 40%) and 3 levels of total phosphorous (0.6, 0.8 and 1 .0%) . The diet was fed to pullet ducks and the performances of the ducks were observed for 16 weeks of production period. The results showed that the nutritive value of coconut meal increased by fermentation and the highest yield was achieved when the enzymatic process was performed at 500C. There was ...
Prosiding Semirata 2013, 2013
The materials were processed by the paraffin method, and it is described qualitatively. From the result of the research, it can be seen that the difference of aerenkim development day by day until the erghth day after showing in the day wet and submerged conditions. This differentiation of aerenkim zoning in the different treatments are also look different. In anatomy of both rice wich grow in the different soil of land shows the some adaptation to the excess of the water capacity, they both can form aerenkim to survive in submerged condition with the type of lysogenous forming where this aerenkim was formed after two days of submerged plant and the structures of the aerenkim are not ehanged after eight dyas submerged plants.
This study was aimed at finding out the effects of combining steaming sago ( Metroxylon Spp) and golden snail flour ( Pomacea Spp) as the source of energy in duck ration, substituting yellow corn, on the performance of male Alabio, Mojosari, and their cross (MA). One hundred and ninety two young male ducks from the three breeds of 7 days old were assigned in 48 units of cage (4 ducks/cage). Research method applied was Completely Randomized Design with factorial pattern (3x4). The first factor was duck breeds (a) consisted of tree duck breeds: Alabio duck, Mojosari duck and Raja duck and the second factor was types of ration: R0 (control/100% basal ration), R1 (basal ration + 13% steaming sago and 2% golden snail flour), R2 (basal ration + 26% steaming sago and 4% golden snail flour) and R3 (basal ration + 39% steaming sago and 6% golden snail flour). All treatments were repeated four times. The observed variables were performance of ducks: body weight, body weight gain, ration co...
Este periodo comprende la aportacion de percusores tanto de aquellos que organizaron y dirigieron grupos con fines sociales. Algunos de los sucesos importantes fueron los movimientos de ayuda dirigidos a ciertos grupos, principalmente a Inglaterra que sufrió un cambio economico y social causado por la industrializacon. Otro suceso fue el auge de doctrinas causado por la
Reception 9h45-10h15 Opening Session 10h15-11h00 Vivian Nutton (U. College London) Keynote session 'The Colonel goes to war': Pliny and Medicine 11h00-11h30 Coffee break 11h30-13h00: 1 st session Tiziano Ottobrini (U. di Bergamo) Nicandro e la medicina ellenistica come Vorlage degli alexipharmaka nella Naturalis historia Fabrizio Feraco (U. della Calabria) Nicandrea in Plinio il Vecchio Isabella Bonati (U. Lisbon) Pinxere effigies herbarum atque subscripsere effectus: Pliny the Elder and the Ancient Tradition of the Illustrated Herbals 13h00-14h30 Lunch 14h30-15h15
„Nicht mehr lesen! Sehen!“ hatte Johannes Molzahn 1928 von seinen Zeitgenossen gefordert und meinte damit die immer größere Bedeutung der Fotografie. Doch hatte Molzahn zugleich ein Programmwort formuliert, das nicht die Gegenwart des Mediums betraf, sondern seine Vergangenheit. Über Ursprünge und Entwicklung der Fotografie wurden bereits seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts gründliche Geschichtswerke geschrieben. Eines jedoch blieb stets unterbelichtet: das fotografische Bild. Lesen ließen sich solche Fotogeschichten als ausgedehnte Berichte über Entdecker und Erfinder, über Apparate, Technologien und Anwendungsfelder. Nur zu sehen gab es hier erstaunlich wenig. In den späten 1920er Jahren aber verwandelte sich diese Situation vollständig: In rascher Folge erschienen Bücher zur Bildgeschichte der Fotografie. Ob als Tafelwerk oder Broschüre – entdecken konnte das Publikum in solchen Büchern die „alte Fotografie“. In seinem Essay untersucht der Fotohistoriker Steffen Siegel die Gründe für diesen Wandel, er fragt nach Formen und Funktionen der Buchgestaltung und stellt die wichtigsten Publikationen vor. Zu ihnen gehören Bände wie „Aus der Frühzeit der Photographie“ von Helmuth Bossert und Heinrich Guttmann, „Die alte Photographie“ von Camille Recht, William Shepperleys „A History of Photography“ und Erich Stengers „Die Photographie in Kultur und Technik“, Raymond Lécuyers „Histoire de la photographie“ und nicht zuletzt Beaumont Newhalls „Photography, 1839–1937“, der als Katalog für eine Ausstellung im Museum of Modern Art gedacht war und sich rasch als Standardwerk durchsetzen konnte.
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Электронный журнал «Кавказология» / Caucasology , 2024
DONDE MENOS TE LO ESPERAS. El nacionalismo banal español, 2023
Proceedings 11th international space syntax symposium
Criminal Justice Studies A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society , 2019
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2020
Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 2018
Proceedings of the 24th International Academic Conference, Barcelona, 2016
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2015
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 2020
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2017
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2014
Journal of Sensory Studies, 2003