Ailton Oliveira1 , Felipe Bastos1 , Isabela Trindade1 , Walter Frazão1 , Arthur Nascimento1 , Diego Gomes2 , Francisco
Müller1 and Aldebaro Klautau1
Universidade Federal do Pará - LASSE —, Av. Perimetral S/N, Belém, Pará, Brazil.,
Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - IGE — , Marabá, Pará, Brazil.
Corresponding author: Ailton Oliveira — Email:
[email protected]
Abstract – Digital representations of the real world are being used in many applications, such as augmented reality.
6G systems will not only support use cases that rely on virtual worlds but also benefit from their rich contextual
information to improve performance and reduce communication overhead. This paper focuses on the simulation of 6G
systems that rely on a 3D representation of the environment, as captured by cameras and other sensors. We present
new strategies for obtaining paired MIMO channels and multimodal data. We also discuss trade-offs between speed and
accuracy when generating channels via ray tracing. We finally provide beam selection simulation results to assess the
proposed methodology.
Keywords – 6G, artificial intelligence, machine learning, MIMO, ray tracing.
ality can be computationally expensive, especially for
time-varying digital worlds. We discuss two categories
of simulations: the one in which the ML/AI model is
executed within the virtual world simulation loop and
the one in which the ML/AI model is out of the loop
and the simulator can then write files to be later used
for training ML/AI models. An example of the first
category (INLOOP) is going to be used as the UFPA
Problem Statement [6] for the 2021 ITU AI/ML in 5G
Machine Learning (ML) and, more generally, Artificial
Intelligence (AI), are currently under investigation to
optimize the performance of future communication networks [1]. The applications include, for instance: physical layer (PHY) optimizations, network management
and self-organization [2, 3]. Given the increasing importance of ML/AI in communications, there are several initiatives concerning ML/AI architectures, such
as the one carried out by ITU [4]. This trend should
continue with 6G systems, which are expected to support augmented reality, multisensory communications
and high-fidelity holograms [5]. One such application is
autonomous driving, where digital representations are
used to generate sensors for hardware-in-the-loop testing1 . And because such digital representations of the
world will flow through the 6G network, it is expected
that ML/AI can leverage them. Therefore, a specific
set of simulation tools for future networks is characterized by the requirement of being able not only of dealing
with communication channels, but also the corresponding sensor data, matched to the scene.
Concerning the channel generation, the requirement of
having an associated digital world precludes the adoption of a class of modern channel models that are not
related to any virtual world representation, such as the
ones presented in [7, 8]. We therefore adopt ray tracing
(RT) for MIMO channel generation, which is aligned
with other recent work (see, e. g. [1] and references
therein) and allows the generation of site-specific communication channel responses with temporal and spatial
Another motivation for this paper is to promote public datasets. In many ML application domains, the
data is abundant or has a relatively low cost. For example, the deep learning-based text-to-speech system
presented in [9], which represents the state-of-the-art,
achieves quality close to natural human speech after being trained with 24.6 hours of digitized speech. In contrast, the research and development of 5G has to deal
with a relatively limited amount of data. Considering
the 5G research on AI/ML applied to millimeter waves
(mmWave) MIMO, the lack of abundant data from measurements or simulations hinders some data-driven lines
of investigation. With 6G moving towards the use of
This paper focuses on strategies for simulating 6G systems that require a representation of the environment,
as captured by cameras and, eventually, additional
modalities of sensors. More specifically, we consider
Multiple Input / Multiple Output (MIMO) systems and
discuss the required generation of channels that are consistent with the scene at each time instant. A simulation that integrates communication networks and artificial intelligence immersed in virtual or augmented re1
Fig. 1 – Block diagram of CAVIAR simulation with AI/ML in the simulation loop (INLOOP). In OUTLOOP simulations, the simulator
can write files that will be later used for designing and assessing AI/ML models.
even higher (Terahertz) frequency bands [10], it becomes
even more challenging to perform measurement campaigns for this frequency range [11], particularly for outdoor environments. Given that channel measurements
for 6G will demand relatively expensive equipment, the
simulation strategies for modeling mobility and virtual
worlds discussed in this paper can alleviate the problem. The generated datasets are especially useful when
spatial consistency and time evolution are important to
assess an AI/ML technique applied to the physical layer.
• Source code and datasets to reproduce the baseline
of 2021 ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge.2
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Methods and software for CAVIAR simulation of 6G are presented in Section 2. Section 3 explains some improvements in the RT simulation methodology. Section 4
presents numerical results and their discussion. Finally,
Section 5 concludes the paper.
The contributions of this paper are:
• A discussion of strategies and software for simulating Communication networks and Artificial intelligence immersed in VIrtual or Augmented Reality
Gaming and other industries are driving the development of sophisticated tools to create virtual worlds,
composed of 3D models, physics engines and other components. The virtual world 3D scenery can be created
from scratch by 3D design modelers, or from data imported from the real world. For instance, the new Cesium plug-in for Epic Game’s Unreal Engine3 integrates
photogrametric information obtained from drones into
3D models available via Cadmapper 4 and other sites.
This complements tools such as Twinmotion,5 which facilitate the construction of 3D virtual worlds. This paper promotes the vision that 6G and beyond will benefit
from the availability of virtual worlds to leverage ML/AI
applied to communication networks. Current investigations of AI applied to 5G aim at finding how raw data
from sensors such as LIDAR and cameras can optimize
• A preview of a CAVIAR simulator that will be used
in the UFPA Problem Statement for the 2021 ITU
AI/ML in 5G Challenge, which consists of a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem with the decisions taken by the RL agent changing the virtual
world on-the-fly (as the simulation evolves).
• Discuss a new methodology using photogrametric
data available from the Internet to improve the realism of ray-tracing simulations by automatically
assigning electromagnetic properties to the materials composing a scene, via semantic segmentation
with deep neural networks.
• Results exposing trade-offs between speed and accuracy when generating channels via ray tracing.
• Results of a reinforcement learning experiment in
beam selection realized in the CAVIAR environment.
the communication performance [12, 13, 14, 15]. But
the possibility of having realistic 3D models, physics engines and other virtual reality assets for simulations of
communication systems, opens new horizons in terms of
AI/ML applied to 6G and beyond.
scene. The sensors output constitute the episode input
𝒫t , and the corresponding output 𝒪t is obtained by a
signal processing module. These episodes are actually
what is stored in Raymobtime episodes [12] but in a
CAVIAR simulation they can be created and used onthe-fly, if needed. The CAVIAR 6G virtual world simulator also incorporates a communication system that has
some functionalities driven by the ML4COMM engine.
The ML4COMM engine also relies on the scene description and can extract features from the raw sensor data
to feed its AI/ML algorithms.
As proposed in [16], the CAVIAR framework concerns
a specific category of 6G simulations that rely on virtual worlds and incorporate two subsystems: wireless
communications and AI/ML. In the next paragraphs,
we briefly review the CAVIAR framework, depicted in
Fig. 1, and then focus on the important aspect of generating the communication channel corresponding to a
given scene of the virtual world. We discuss how the
Raymobtime methodology [12] fits well to the demand
for communication channels imposed by 6G CAVIAR
Fig. 1 illustrates the INLOOP CAVIAR framework with
the AI/ML module within the simulation loop. When
the decisions of this module do not affect the environment, it can be convenient to split the simulation
into two stages, with the first one being an OUTLOOP
CAVIAR simulation that writes episode files that will
be later used for designing and assessing AI/ML models. The more evolved INLOOP simulation is required
in cases such as a drone mission in which the AI/ML
decisions will change the drone trajectory and, consequently, its wireless channel. In general, when the
AI/ML model issues commands or actuator signals that
effectively change the trajectories of mobile entities, alter the environment or the communication system state
(e.g., buffer occupation), the simulations may need to
be INLOOP and communication channels generated onthe-fly. In the simpler OUTLOOP simulation category,
channels can be pre-computed and the communication
simulation decoupled from the physical engine, as often used in AI/ML applied to beam selection [19, 12].
The next sections provide two examples to distinguish
INLOOP and OUTLOOP CAVIAR simulations.
A CAVIAR simulation generates multimodal data for
each discrete time t ∈ ℤ, and is able to operate in
two modes, the first mode is focused on online learning,
running the simulation and the neural network simultaneously, creating an environment where data is transmitted in real time, or in discrete samples with time
stamps defined by the user. The second mode of operation performs data recording in databases or text
files, working as a tool for creating datasets. Along
the simulation, the machine learning for communications (ML4COMM) engine operates on data organized
as an episode E = [(𝒫1 , 𝒪1 ), … , (𝒫S , 𝒪S )], with a sequence of S tuples (𝒫t , 𝒪t ), t = 1, … , S, of paired data,
where 𝒫t and 𝒪t are sets with the input AI/ML parameters and corresponding outputs, respectively. In supervised learning, 𝒪t consists of desired labels for classification or regression, while for reinforcement learning 𝒪t
consists of rewards for the agents. The tuples (𝒫t , 𝒪t )
denote evolution over discrete-time t. In our methodology, the outputs of the simulators are periodically stored
as “snapshots” (or scenes) over time tTsam , where Tsam
is the sampling period and t ∈ ℤ.
2.1 OUTLOOP CAVIAR simulation for beam
Beam selection is a classical application of AI/ML to
communications [20, 21, 22]. The goal is to choose the
best pair of beams for analog beamforming, with both
transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) having antenna arrays with only one Radio Frequency (RF) chain and
fixed beam codebooks. Fig. 2 illustrates beamforming
from a Base Station (BS) to both vehicles and drones.
The main steps in Fig. 1 can be summarized as follows. The environment is composed of a 3D scenery with
fixed and mobile objects. These objects are created and
placed with specialized tools and data from the Internet,
as described in [12] and [17]. The positions and interactions among mobile objects are determined by a physics
engine (for instance, the Unreal engine or the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) traffic generator [18]).
We first assume beam selection for a vehicular to infrastructure network, to illustrate an OUTLOOP CAVIAR
simulation. In this case the communication subsystem
is a downstream MIMO system in which a BS with a
Uniform Linear Array (ULA) of Nt antennas communicates with cars with ULAs of Nr antennas. ML is used
for beam-selection.
Once the scene is complete, the environment is represented via sensors, such as LIDAR, which is simulated by Blensor and Blender software, returning point
cloud data (PCD) that maps the shapes of the 3D space
around the sensor. It is possible to adjust the resolution of the PCD through a quantization process. A raytracing software (Remcom’s Wireless InSite in Fig. 1)
also captures the communication channel for the given
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) codebooks 𝒞t =
{w̄1 , ⋯ , wN
̄ t } and 𝒞r = {f1̄ , ⋯ , f̄Nr } are used at the
transmitter and the receiver sides, respectively. The
beam pair [p, q] is converted into a unique index i ∈
As part of the UFPA Problem Statement for the 2021
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge, we designed an INLOOP
CAVIAR simulation in which RL is executed at the BS
and used in two problems: a) determine the drone trajectory and b) beam selection along the downstream. In
the challenge, the drones need to deliver pizzas to distinct addresses in a neighborhood. Fig 3 illustrates the
Fig. 2 – Beamforming from BS to both vehicles and drones.
{1, 2, ⋯ , M}, where M ≤ Nt Nr . For the i-th pair, the
equivalent channel (without considering noise) can be
calculated as
yi = w∗i Hfi ,
Fig. 3 – Scene from an INLOOP CAVIAR simulation in which a
drone is served by a BS and RL is used for beam selection and for
determining the drone trajectory.
The scenario depicted in Fig 3 allows us to investigate
several problems that relate communication with drones
path planning. One important issue is how to obtain the
channels on-the-fly. If the visualization is performed after the whole simulation is finished, the time to generate
the channel (via RT, for instance) may be longer. But
in this case the scenes need to be visualized along the
simulations (as part of a game, for example), then the
minimum number of frames per second will impose a
limit on the time to generate the communication channels.
and the optimal beam pair index î is given by
î = arg
|yi |.
The beam selection is then posed as a top-k classification
problem. At time t, the classifier inputs are features
obtained from 𝒫t and the output is the beam pair i.
For the scenario presented in this section, the trajectory of vehicles and all mobile objects do not depend
on the AI/ML model, hence all the episodes can be precomputed. Next, we discuss a simulation in which the
trajectories are determined by the AI/ML model and
the channels cannot be pre-computed.
The next section discusses our Raymobtime methodology and the corresponding datasets. Other publicly
available RT-based datasets are listed in Table 1. The
ViWi dataset, presented in [13], provides similar output
data compared to Raymobtime, including visual data.
The DeepMIMO dataset [25] is maintained by the same
group as ViWi and offers only wireless channel information. The dataset described in [1] does not have visual
information as well. One of the main differences between
these three datasets and Raymobtime is how mobility
is handled. The Raymobtime methodology simulates
realistic traffic with several moving vehicles using the
SUMO software in order to provide better spatial and
temporal consistency, as well as channel variability due
to the moving scatterers. ViWi [13] (in its first version),
DeepMIMO and the map-based channel model in [1] use
a fixed grid for Tx-Rx positions and therefore does not
consider varying speeds for moving transceivers. ViWi
version 2 provides one new scenario that includes several
moving vehicles, each equipped with an omnidirectional
2.2 INLOOP CAVIAR simulation with drones
and reinforcement learning
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being used in
many connected applications, such as surveillance and
product delivery. UAVs can also be used as mobile radio
base stations to extend reach or improve network capacity, mainly in situations of disasters and accidents. In
order to meet the requirements of all these use cases,
the network links need to obey particular requirements,
ranging from very low latency to high data rates [23].
All this motivates intense research on 5G technologies
for supporting UAV-based applications. However, there
are currently few simulation tools for testing and studying telecommunication systems that involve UAV solutions and their corresponding channels. The CAVIAR
framework is deeply integrated with the Unreal Engine
development kit and the Airsim simulator [24], which
bring realism to the physical aspects of the simulations.
Table 1 – Other publicly available RT datasets.
Dataset name
Data Types
ViWi [13]
DeepMIMO [25]
Map-based channel model [1]
Image, depth-map, wireless channel, and user location
Wireless channel parameters
Wireless channel parameters
Indoor and Outdoor
Indoor and Outdoor
28 and 60
2.5, 3.5, 28, and 60
File format
Matlab, JPEG
one composed by a number of scenes. The smaller
the time between scenes, the more similar are consecutive scenes within an episode and, consequently, the
more correlated are the communication channels of a
given receiver along with the scenes. Currently, RT
simulations using Remcom’s Wireless InSite (WI) RT
software [26] are limited to sub-THz frequencies (up to
100 GHz). More details about the methodology can be
found in [12].
The Raymobtime methodology proposed in [12] aims at
providing a multimodal dataset, including RT channel
information and data from sensors, such as images, LIDAR and location, as illustrated in Fig. 1. One major
challenge in building the Raymobtime datasets is to provide accurate wireless communication channel parameter through the use of RT simulation software. In this
work, Remcom’s Wireless InSite (WI) RT software [26]
was adopted given its widespread use [1]. This section summarizes two improvements toward more realistic datasets for AI/ML involving MIMO channels. More
details can be found in [16].
The RT simulations demand the identification of the
material of the surfaces, in order to properly simulate
the electromagnetic interaction of the waves with the objects. The disposition and diversity of these materials
directly impact the quality of the channels [29], making
this assignment manually a time-consuming and laborious process, and usually results in few materials being actually adopted. To optimize this procedure, the
next paragraphs describe ongoing research to develop a
methodology to automatically assign such materials to
3D objects via semantic segmentation with deep neural
The first improvement compared to previous versions of
the Raymobtime methodology is the correction of the
orientation of the antenna arrays mounted on moving
vehicles, so that the array follows the direction of the
vehicle. As mobile objects (vehicles, people, etc.) move
in the virtual world, previous versions of Raymobtime
datasets were not updating the orientation of the antenna array.
The other improvement is the simulation of antenna
arrays inside the RT software. Previous versions of
Raymobtime always considered omnidirectional antennas inside the RT simulation. This procedure is called
here Single Input, Single Output RT (SISO-RT). MIMO
channel matrices are obtained during post-processing
with the use of the geometrical channel model [27]. This
approach reduces processing time and make the dataset
more flexible, as the user can define the desired antenna
arrays for all transceivers during post-processing, without the need to run RT simulations for every antenna
array configuration. However, the geometrical channel
model assumes planar-wave propagation, which can be
problematic when using large antenna arrays [1]. A
more realistic, albeit computationally expensive, alternative is to simulate the antenna arrays inside the RT
processing, called MIMO-RT procedure in [16]. Each
ray has its own time of arrival and angle offsets, which
is equivalent to the spherical-wave assumption [1]. As
shown in [28], the difference in estimated MIMO channel
capacity can be quite large between the two approaches.
Fig. 4 – Analysis region image taken from Cesium database.
Semantic segmentation is a modern approach that performs classification at pixel level, and allows us to determine both the class of an object and the boundaries
of each object [30]. Current approaches of this method
use deep learning in order to overcome traditional object
segmentation, allowing us to classify pixels not only by
their colors, but also considering the region context [31].
Due to the fact that the 3D environment is built reproducing real locations, it is possible to use databases such
as Cesium and Google’s Street View to obtain detailed
image data from the analysis region. We are applying
semantic segmentation in images obtained via the Cesium plug-in for Unreal in order to identify the different
Table 2 presents a list of current Raymobtime datasets
and their features. The datasets s011 and s012 include
the improvements described in this section. The Raymobtime datasets are divided in several episodes, each
Table 2 – Some Raymobtime datasets.
Dataset name
s011 (new)
s012 (new)
2.8 and 5
28 and 60
Number of receivers
and type
10 Mobile
10 Fixed
10 Fixed
10 Mobile
10 Mobile
10 Fixed
Time between
scenes (ms)
Time between
episodes (s)
Number of
Number of scenes
per episode
Number of valid
41 K
100 K
20 K
11 K
Fig. 7 – Segmented version of the Google’s Street View image.
Fig. 5 – Segmented version using PyTorch of the Cesium image.
ple (Fig. 5) when using images obtained from Google’s
Street View due to the better quality of the source image (Fig. 6). The segmentation was able to identify
cars, asphalt, sidewalks, vegetation and buildings with
a much better resolution, allowing us to classify the materials with more diversity. Our research efforts are now
dedicated to mapping the stitched 2D images to the 3D
model and include semantic segmentation results into
RT simulations.
In this section, we discuss some key issues related to
CAVIAR simulations. We start by evaluating the computational cost of RT. A snapshot of dataset s012 was
simulated with different parameters, assuming isotropic
antennas for SISO-RT simulations, and Uniform Linear
Array (ULA) for MIMO-RT simulations. The simulations include one transmitter and 10 receivers, each with
its own antenna or antenna array, depending on the scenario. The aim is to analyze the impact of the ray spacing, the use of Diffuse Scattering (DS) and the number of
antenna elements in the ULA (for MIMO-RT) on the RT
simulation time. DS is enabled in all SISO-RT simulations where the carrier frequency is above 6GHz (except
for the datasets s011 and s012, as they were designed
for the comparison between SISO-RT and MIMO-RT
results. The later one has an exponential increase in
simulation time when running with DS). For all the simulation results presented here, a PC with an NVIDIA
RTX 2070 was used.
Fig. 6 – Analysis region image from Google’s Street View.
surface types which composes the scenario.
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show an image taken from Cesium
and its segmentation, respectively. This segmentation
used a PyTorch implementation of semantic segmentation models on the MIT ADE20K [32] scene parsing
dataset. In this example, it is possible to verify that the
algorithm was capable of determining the contour of the
asphalt. On the other hand, the regions corresponding
to buildings, cars and vegetation were associated to the
same class. This is due to the bad quality of the images
taken from Cesium, where some regions of the figure
were rendered with deformations and inadequate color
assignment to objects, as observed in the tree at the bottom right corner and the objects at the sidewalks, for
instance. This is a challenging case for semantic segmentation. In Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, it is possible to verify that
there is a significant improvement in the segmentation
performance (Fig. 7) compared to the previous exam-
In the RT simulations, the transmitter shoots rays in a
sphere through the scenario to find viable paths between
transmitter and receiver. The minimum angle between
the rays is defined as the ray spacing. The values in Table 3 show that the ray spacing has a great impact in the
total simulation time. For SISO-RT, a simulation using
a ray spacing of 0.1∘ takes 11 times longer than the one
with ray spacing equal to 1∘ . For MIMO-RT, the simulation considering 0.1∘ ray spacing is 6.2 times longer
compared to ray spacing of 1∘ . For context, Wireless
InSite recommends setting ray spacing to 0.2∘ or less,
for 500 m × 500 m areas [33].
As an illustration of an INLOOP CAVIAR simulation,
we developed code for the Unreal Engine and AirSim
to simulate a BS serving a UAV. There are two RL
agents: one for determining the UAV trajectory and the
other for beam selection. We discuss only the latter
agent in this paper. As the UAV flies along its trajectory, the MIMO channel is obtained according to the
well-known geometric model, with parameters for three
multipath components obtained from probability distributions (see, e. g. [27, 16]). This simpler methodology
was adopted to speed up the simulations and allow for
visualizing the UAV as it flies. In this specific scenario,
RT channel responses are not used due to the required
simulation time. The BS used a ULA with Nt = 64 antennas, while the UAV uses a single antenna. A DFT
codebook is adopted.
DS is a special type of ray interaction with surfaces, allowing for the simulation of scattered paths caused by
irregularities in materials. It increases the number of
simulated paths and, consequently, the number of calculations and the run time. Table 3 presents results
for simulations with DS enabled, both in SISO-RT and
MIMO-RT scenarios, considering a ray spacing of 0.5∘ .
For SISO-RT, the run time was 87 longer when enabling
the DS compared to not using it. For MIMO-RT this
value was even greater: DS increased the simulation
time more than 600 times.
At each time t, the UAV informs its position to the BS,
which can then calculate the Angle of Arrival (AoA) 𝜃
of the beam at the UAV. This angle is used as the input for two beam selection algorithms: one based in RL
and a simple baseline. To perform beam-selection using
RL, we used a Deep Q Network (DQN) [34]. The Stable Baseline API6 with default DQN parameters was
adopted. The reward is the magnitude of the equivalent channel, as defined in Eq. (1). The baseline algorithm adopts the following heuristic: it simply chooses
the beam that points to the straight path direction between the BS and the UAV. For most of the UAV’s path,
there is Line-Of-Sight (LOS) and this heuristic achieves
good results. As expected, this strategy does not work
well when the link is Non-LOS (NLOS), which occurs
for the angular range 𝜃 ∈ [20, 30] degrees.
As described in Table 4, the simulation times depend on
the number of antenna elements in each Tx-Rx pair. Increasing the number of antenna elements in each Tx-Rx
pair significantly raises the simulation time. A twelvefold increase occurs when using Nt = 64 and Nr = 64
- where Nt and Nr are the number of antenna elements
in the ULA of the transmitter and receiver, respectively
- compared to the baseline case where Nt = 64 and
Nr = 2.
Table 3 – Simulation time increase factor for one RT simulation
(s012) for different ray spacing values, with and without diffuse
scattering enabled. The baseline time for SISO-RT is 00:00:11.749
and for MIMO-RT (with Nt = 64 and Nr = 8) is 00:00:39.654. The
time format is (HH:MM:SS.ccc).
Ray Spacing (∘ )
0.5 (DS-enabled)
The results of this simple experiment is provided in
Fig. 8. The bottom plot shows the angle 𝜃 as the UAV
takes off (t ∈ [0, 25000]), reaches its destiny and lands
(t > 76000). During three time intervals (including a
very short one) the link between the UAV and BS was
NLOS. The top plot shows the magnitude of the equivalent channel |yi,t |, in which the i-th codebook index was
chosen at time t. The optimum value, obtained by exhaustively trying all Nt = 64 indices, is shown together
with the values obtained by the DQN (RL) and baseline. While the optimum value is always larger than
5 and has an average value of 6.81, both baseline and
RL struggle to reach good results and achieve average
values E[|yi,t |] = 1.7 and 2.3, respectively. It should be
noticed that in this case the RL agent should choose one
among 64 indices having a single input (angle 𝜃). In the
UFPA Problem Statement for the 2021 ITU AI/ML in
5G Challenge [6], a richer set of input features will be
adopted, allowing not only beam selection but also UAV
path planning.
Simulation time increase factor
Table 4 – Simulation time increase factor for one RT simulation
(s012) considering different numbers of antenna elements in the
transmitter and receiver antenna arrays. The baseline time is
00:00:18.437 (with Nt = 64 and Nr = 2). The time format is
Simulation time increase factor
Fig. 8 – Beam selection results for a BS serving a UAV comparing RL versus a simple baseline algorithm. The optimal result (best beam
pair) is also included. The top plot presents the reward is the magnitude of the equivalent channel for the i-th beam pair at the time t
(higher reward values are better). The bottom plot shows the AoA 𝜃 at the UAV at each time t.
nications, pp. 54–62. issn: 1558-0687. doi: 10 .
This paper presented strategies and software for simulating 6G systems that represent the surrounding environment with images and other types of data. The socalled CAVIAR framework benefits from virtual reality
tools, emphasizing the physical aspects of the movement
of objects. This visual information, coupled with MIMO
channels generated through RT methods, enables investigating new AI/ML algorithms in 6G that rely on the
environment and learning from experience.
We also discussed how semantic segmentation and sensible RT parameters can improve generated MIMO channels. We advocate that aiming at realistic simulations
is the natural path to gain a better understanding on
how ML/AI can make communication systems more efficient. The effort along the direction of larger and realistic datasets is important for properly evaluating MLbased algorithms, and to avoid unfair comparisons to
conventional signal processing.
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Ailton Oliveira is a B.Sc
candidate in electrical engineering at Universidade Federal Pará, Brazil. He is currently a research student at
the Telecommunications, Automation and Electronics R &
D Center (LASSE/UFPA). His
achievements were recognized
with the outstanding undergraduate researcher award from
LASSE/UFPA, and had an awarded article in 2020, by
Brazilian Telecommunications Society (SBrT), with a
research focused on machine learning applied to beamselection. His current research interests include digital communications, 5G/B5G networks, MIMO systems,
data science and machine learning.
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[27] David Tse and Pramod Viswanath. Fundamentals of Wireless Communication. Cambridge University Press, 2005. doi: 10 . 1017 /
[28] Isabela Trindade, Francisco Müller, and Aldebaro
Klautau. “Accuracy Analysis of the Geometrical
Approximation of MIMO Channels Using RayTracing”. In: 2020 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM). IEEE.
2020, pp. 1–5.
Felipe Bastos received a technical degree in telecommunications from Instituto Federal do
Pará (2015), Computer Engineer from Universidade Federal
do Pará (2020) He also participated in an inter-university
exchange at École Supérieure
d’Informatique, Électronique,
Automatique (ESIEA) through
the BRAFITEC program, where he was an intern at
the European Nuclear Research Center (CERN). Currently, he is with the Telecommunications, Automation
and Electronics R & D Center (LASSE/UFPA) and pursues a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering
at Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). He is interested in embedded systems, Internet of things, 5G networks, and telecommunication systems.
[29] Felipe Bastos, Ailton Oliveira, João Borges, and
Aldebaro Klautau. “Effects of Environment Model
Complexity in Ray-Tracing simulation for UAV
Channels”. In: X Conferência Nacional em Comunicações, Redes e Segurança da Informação (2020).
[30] B. Li, Y. Shi, Z. Qi, and Z. Chen. “A Survey
on Semantic Segmentation”. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops
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[31] Yanming Guo, Yu Liu, Theodoros Georgiou, and
Michael S. Lew. “A review of semantic segmentation using deep neural networks”. In: International
Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval 7
(2018), pp. 87–93. issn: 1536-1276. doi: https:
[32] MIT Computer Vision team. ADE20K dataset.
datasets/ADE20K/. (accessed: 04.07.2021).
Isabela Trindade received a
B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil, in 2019.
She is currently pursuing a
M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering with the Telecommunications, Automation and
Electronics R & D Center
(LASSE/UFPA), under the supervision of Prof. Aldebaro Klautau. Her research interests include MIMO
communications, channel modeling with ray tracing simulations and machine learning.
[33] Wireless InSite Reference Manual. Version Version
3.3.0. Remcom Inc.
[34] Volodymyr Mnih, Koray Kavukcuoglu, David Silver, Alex Graves, Ioannis Antonoglou, Daan Wierstra, and Martin Riedmiller. “Playing atari with
deep reinforcement learning”. In: arXiv preprint
arXiv:1312.5602 (2013).
Walter Frazão is a B.Sc. candidate at Universidade Federal
Pará, Brazil, Brazil. He has
been a research student at the
LASSE/UFPA since 2019 and a
CNPq researcher at the Amazon Center for Excellence in
Energy Efficiency (Ceamazon).
He received an award in 2020 from the Brazilian
Telecommunications Society (SBrT) for an article on
machine learning applied to beam selection. His current
research interests include 5G, MIMO communications
and machine learning.
Aldebaro Klautau received
the Bachelor’s (UFPA, Brazil,
1990), M.Sc. (UFSC, Brazil,
1993) and Ph.D. degrees (University of California at San
Diego, UCSD, 2003) in electrical engineering. Since 1996, he
has been with UFPA and is now
a full professor, the ITU-T Focal Point, and directs the
5G & IoT Research Group at LASSE/UFPA. He was
a visiting scholar at Stockholm University, UCSD and
The University of Texas at Austin. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a researcher of the Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Arthur Nascimento started
his degree in biomedical engineering in 2018 at the Universidade Federal do Pará.
He is currently an undergraduate student researcher at
LASSE/UFPA. He received an
award for an article in telecommunications in 2020 and also
worked on the regional organization of the 2020 ITU
AI/ML in 5G Challenge. His current research interests include machine learning, artificial inteligence, computer vision and bioinformatics.
Diego de Azevedo Gomes
received M.Sc.
and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering (telecommunications) from
Universidade Federal do Pará,
Brazil, in 2012 and 2017, respectively. He is currently a
professor at Institute of Geosciences and Engineering, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Para (Unifesspa).
He had two awarded articles in the year 2020, both
regarding machine learning applied to beam selection.
His current research interests include MIMO communications, digital signal processing, and machine learning.
Francisco Müller received his
Bachelor’s degree (2002), M.Sc.
(2005) and Ph.D. (2010) in
electrical engineering at Universidade Federal do Pará,
Brazil. He has been an Associate Professor at Universidade Federal do Pará since
2011 and is associated with the
5G & IoT Research Group at
LASSE/UFPA. He was a visiting scholar at Virginia Tech (2007). Current research
interests include massive MIMO, 5G/6G channel modeling and estimation. He is a member of the IEEE Communications Society.