National Cyber Security,
a commitment for everybody
The need to evolve from a reactive culture
to one of prevention and resilience
National Cyber Security,
a commitment for everybody
The need to evolve from a reactive culture
to one of prevention and resilience
Published in June 2012
Enrique Fojón Chamorro
Dr. José Ramón Coz Fernández
Ramón Miralles López
Samuel Linares Fernández
Miguel Rego Fernández
Gianluca D’Antonio
Nathaly Rey Arenas
Translated and reviewed by
Juan Miguel Velasco López-Urda
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
1. Introduction
2. About the SCSI
2.1. Mission of the SCSI
2.2. Vision of the SCSI
2.3. Main activities of the SCSI
3. Evolving towards a comprehensive security model
4. Cyber space and its security
4.1. An approach to the concept of cyber space
4.2. Cyber security
5. Cyber space: The new dimension of the operating environment
6. The risk status of cyber space
6.1. Objectives
6.2. Threats
6.3. Authorship
7. Cyber security in Spain: current status
8. Diagnosis of the current status of National Cyber Security
9. Why does Spain need a National Cyber Security Strategy?
9.1. Why is it a concern? (Risks-Threats)
9.2. Who cares? (Those responsible)
9.3. How to respond to this concern? (Policies)
10. Functions of National Cyber Security
10.1. General functions
10.2. Operational functions
11. Enablers of National Cyber Security
11.1. Primary enablers
11.2. Secondary enablers
12. Organisational structure of National Cyber Security
13. Objectives of National Cyber Security 2012-2015
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
15. Conclusions
16. Main and auxiliary bibliography and websites consulted
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
1. Introduction
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have contributed to the welfare and progress of societies, in such a way that a large part of public and private relations depend on these technologies. Over
time and throughout evolution risks have emerged that have made it necessary to manage the ICT security.
Initially cyber security was concerned with protecting information reactively, although subsequently it has
evolved towards a proactive position which identifies and manages risks that threaten cyber space.
Within the framework of the SCSI (Spanish Cyber Security Institute) and ISMS Forum, a study was carried
out which developed an approach to concepts of cyber space and cyber security, to known risks and
threats, to the existing management in Spain, and to the need to develop a National Cyber Security System
to promote the integration of all players and instruments involved, both public and private, and to make
good use of the opportunities presented by new technologies, as well as to address the challenges that they
present. The main conclusions obtained from the study are summarised in this document.
Organisation of the document
This document is divided into 15 Sections, including the present introductory Section.
Section 2 discusses the SCSI, Spanish Cyber Security Institute, highlighting its mission, values and principle
Section 3 presents the study, explaining the need to evolve from a reactive culture to a culture of prevention
and resilience, as well as the need to progress towards a comprehensive security model.
Section 4 addresses an approach to the concepts of cyber space and cyber security.
Section 5 identifies the strategic importance of cyber space as a new dimension of the operating environment.
Section 6 analyses the risk status of cyber space, describing the principle objectives of cyber attacks and
the main cyber threats, along with the types and authors of these attacks.
Section 7 summarises the current status of cyber security at a national level.
Section 8 carries out a diagnosis of National Cyber Security, and lists the main causes that have prevented
us from reaching a level of cyber security focused on the status of the risk.
Section 9 analyses why we need a National Cyber Security Strategy.
Section10 lists and defines the main functions that should be attributed to National Cyber Security.
1. Introduction
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Section 11 lists and discusses the enablers of cyber security, who will make it possible to operate cyber
security on a national level.
Section12 proposes an organisational structure which allows National Cyber Security to be run, controlled
and managed.
Section 13 sets out the main objectives for National Cyber Security for the period between 2012 and 2015.
Section 14 lists a set of actions that will allow the objectives described in Section 13 to be achieved.
Finally, Section 15 sets out the main conclusions of the study.
1. Introduction
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
2. All about the SCSI
2. All about the SCSI
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
2. All about the SCSI
In November 2011, within the scope of the ISMS Forum Spain, the Spanish Cyber Security Institute was
conceived, hereinafter SCSI.
2.1. Mission of the SCSI
The mission of SCSI is to conduct and publish studies, as well as to encourage debates and the exchange
of ideas and knowledge, regarding the dependence that the socio-economic development of Spain has on
Information and Communications Technology (ICT), and thus create a state of awareness of the need for
cyber security in order to control and manage the risk status that this dependency generates.
2.2. Vision of the SCSI
The SCSI aims to become a meeting point of bodies, both private and public, and for professionals related
to the practices and technologies associated with cyber security, as well as becoming the national reference
for their publication for the whole of Spanish society.
2.3. Main activities of the SCSI
SCSI’s main activities are:
1. Studies and publications on cyber security.
2. Dialogue with national and international authorities and regulators.
3. Cyber programmes - education/cyber awareness.
4. Holding events in relation to cyber security.
2. Sobre el SCSI
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
3. Evolving
towards a Comprehensive
Security Model
3. Evolving towards a Comprehensive Security Model
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
3. Evolving towards a Comprehensive Security Model
Security, in all its dimensions and spheres, is the first responsibility of any government. Traditionally security
has been primarily handled by the defence sector, since the main risks to the survival and integrity of nations have been of a military nature. However the emergence of new players and risks of a heterogeneous
nature have caused many states within our geopolitical environment to carry out an extensive review and
transformation of their security and defence policies.
This review and transformation is due to a change in the guiding framework for security, driven mainly by
the following:
1. The security of states is no longer restricted to the defence of their borders and sovereignty; it
also extends to ensuring the welfare of their societies against new risks.
2. Globalization benefits trans-border risks and threats such as terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and cyber crime, among others.
3. The emergence of players from different locations and who have different motives, as well as
the desire to challenge the rule of law and international order, with the capacity to act within
any security dimension, makes it more difficult to attribute responsibility for the assault, and
therefore reduces the capacity of the State to respond to aggression.
Moreover, this new security model requires that the risks be identified beforehand. In other words, it is necessary to evolve from the current reactive culture to one of prevention and resilience.
The phenomenon of globalization, mentioned above, brings with it the freedom of movement of people,
goods, services and capital, fostering an evolution towards “linear security” where the separation between
domestic and overseas security, defence and domestic policy, and between the public and private, is no
longer applicable.
Therefore, national security is no longer identified as a type of security or defence, it is not the responsibility
of one particular ministry, nor is it separated into a domestic or overseas context, or a reactive or preventive
approach, rather it fully includes all of the above.
The emergence of cyber space and the need to secure it has meant that the evolution in the security model
has accelerated.
3. Evolving towards a Comprehensive Security Model
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
4. Cyber space
and its security
4. Cyber space and its security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
4. Cyber space and its security
Cyber space is now an essential part of our societies and economies, and may even become a determining
factor in the evolution of cultures and maybe their convergence.
4.1. An approach to the concept of cyber space
Cyber space is the set of means and procedures based on Information and Communications Technology
(TIC) which is configured for the provision of services. Cyber space consists of hardware, software, the
Internet, information services and systems of control that ensure the provision of services that are essential
for the socio-economic activity of any nation, especially those that are connected to its critical infrastructure.
Cyber space is structured on three overlapping layers: a physical layer, a logical layer and a social layer,
which are in turn comprised of 5 components (see diagram): geographic component, physical network
component, logical network components, people and cyber identities.
Cyber space: Layers and Components
Geographic component
Physical network component
Physical layer
Logical network component
Logical layer
Cyber identities
Social layer
The physical layer encompasses the geographic component and the physical networks component. The
geographical component refers to the physical location of the elements of the physical networks component.
The physical network component is made up of hardware and infrastructure that support the networks and
their physical connectors (cabling, encoders, routers, servers, computers, etc...).
The logical layer is formed of the logical networks component, these are logical connections that exist between the nodes of the networks, a node being any device that is connected to the communications and IT
systems network.
4. Cyber space and its security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
The social layer is made up of components of people and cyber identity. The people component is formed
of the people who interact with cyber space. The relationship between people and cyber identities may
be from 1 to n or from n to 1, meaning that a person may have one or more cyber identities and a cyber
identity may be used by one or more persons. These cyber identities may be real or spoofed, which allows
the user to enjoy certain anonymity and makes it difficult to prosecute criminal conduct that takes place in
cyber space. cyber identities are formed by, among other things, email accounts, network user accounts
and social media profiles.
4.2. Cyber security
Previously cyber security followed an information security approach which only protected information
against unauthorised access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification and destruction.
Currently this approach is evolving towards cyber space risk management (Information assurance) where
cyber security consists of the application of an analysis and management process for risks associated with
use, processing, storage and transmission of information and data, as well as risks associated with the
systems and processes used, based on internationally accepted standards.
One of the reasons for the adoption of this new approach is the characterisation of the cyber space of a
certain entity as an ICT system which provides services in a way that allows system security to be achieved
when it is in a state of known and controlled risk. Actually, both approaches, information security and information assurance, are different but complementary, and are very often wrongly used without distinction.
Moreover, the cyber security of a nation requires that at least two dimensions be proposed:
1. The protection of goods, assets, services, rights and freedoms, within state jurisdiction;
2. And the responsibility regarding cyber security which is shared with other states, bilaterally or
by means of supranational bodies.
The challenge is to ensure that the aggregation of partial solutions implemented by States, even if done in
a coordinated manner, solves global problems created by technologies that break down borders. Cyber
space is continually growing and rapidly evolving, reaching a capillarity which enables social, economic
and cultural relationships and dependencies, which are fundamental to the development and growth of our
country, to be sustained.
In summary, cyber security should be formulated proactively as an on-going process of analysis and management of risks associated with cyber space.
4. Cyber space and its security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
5. Cyber space:
The new dimension
of the operating environment
5. Cyber space: The new dimension of the operating environment
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
5. Cyber space:
The new dimension of the operating environment
Some of our key partners have already formally identified cyber space as a new dimension of the operating
environment. Therefore they are equipping their Armed Forces with the cyber capabilities necessary for the
undertaking of their tasks.
The Armed Forces do not only depend on ICT and IT systems for communicating, directing and controlling
operations, coordinating conflicts, obtaining and distributing information in relation to intelligence, carrying out surveillance and reconnaissance, among other military activities; rather they are also using these
systems for transforming the way that these actions are planned and executed. At the same time adversaries
of any kind (nations, criminal groups or terrorists, etc.) have access to and may use the same technologies
in a completely singular and innovative way.
Given that the Armed Forces are increasingly dependent on electromagnetic resources and IT networks,
which are in a continual process of convergence, a cyber battlefield is emerging. Since the technology
that allows the communication and processing of information changes so quickly, the Armed Forces must
constantly evaluate which aptitudes and capacities are necessary in order to achieve, conserve and take
advantage of this emerging battlefield.
The way in which the cyber space technologies are integrated and are employed, in accordance with the
operating circumstance of each scenario, will significantly affect the development and end result of military
operations. While it is important to stay up-to-date with regard to the knowledge and the application of ICT,
it is also important to establish a comprehensive approach to all aspects of cyber operations and to be able
to gain an advantage by combining and adapting them to the operating conditions of any given moment.
As with the other dimensions of the operating environment (land, sea, air, space), achieving mastery in
cyber space implies simultaneously progressing in two aspects of operations: obtaining and maintaining
Although employing emerging technologies before one’s adversary does so provides a great advantage,
the vulnerabilities and dependencies generated from implementation in its own networks, systems and sensors should also be taken into account and mitigated. It will probably be even more important to disable,
interrupt and cancel out the same capabilities when they are in the hands of our adversaries. To this end the
Armed Forces must integrate their capacities from one principle, converting them into elements of one same
dimension within modern operations. However, if said integration is not achieved, then at best the progress
of operations will not be equal, and could also lead to operational failures.
The attendance and participation in this operating space by the security bodies and forces, together with
civil initiatives by key organisations within a national security context, shall also have a specific weight on
the modus operandi, and therefore mechanisms should be articulated that allow, not only the fluid exchange
of information among the armed forces, but also in certain situations of close collaboration.
5. Cyber space: The new dimension of the operating environment
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
6. The risk status
of cyber space
6. The risk status of cyber space
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
6. The risk status of cyber space
The rapid evolution of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is increasing the speed, capacity,
flexibility, efficiency and usefulness of the current networks and systems, both within the civil and military
scope. These technologies are changing the way in which people interact between themselves and with
their environment.
This continual and accelerated evolution of the ICT has led to attacks becoming more and more sophisticated and numerous, leading to a cyber space that is ever more hostile, forcing those responsible for
National Cyber Security to adopt the most up-to-date technical and human means in order to address the
threats and their possible impacts.
The main objectives of cyber attacks, the main cyber threats, and the authors of cyber attacks are described
6.1. Objectives
The objectives of cyber attacks are classified into three major groups:
• Governments
• Private sector. The private sector includes operators of Critical Infrastructures.
• Citizens
6.2. Threats
The main threats associated with cyber space can be classified into two major groups:
• Threats against information
• Threats against ICT infrastructures
The threats against information are those that cause the loss, miss-handling, disclosure or misuse of information. Among these threats are:
• Espionage. Within this category all varieties of espionage are included, from state espionage to
industrial espionage.
• Theft and publication of classified or sensitive information.
• Theft and publication of personal data.
• Digital identity theft.
• Fraud.
• Advanced Persistent Threats (APT).
6. The risk status of cyber space
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Threats against ICT infrastructure are those that cause the temporary, partial or total interruption of certain
services or systems.
Among these threats are:
• Attacks against critical infrastructures.
• Attacks against networks and systems.
• Attacks against internet services.
• Attacks against industrial networks and control systems.
• Malware infection.
• Attacks against networks, systems or services through third parties.
6.3. Authorship
Cyber attacks may be classified, according to their authorship and impact, in accordance with the following categories:
• State sponsored attacks. Real world or physical conflict has extended to the virtual world of
cyber space. In recent years cyber attacks have been detected against the critical infrastructures
of countries and against very specific but equally strategic objectives. Some examples that are
known to many sections of the public are the cyber attack of Estonia in 2007, which resulted in
the temporary disabling of much of the Baltic country’s critical infrastructures, the cyber attack
by Russia against Georgia in 2008 as a prelude to the ground invasion, the Stuxnet cases with
cyber attacks against SCADA systems, Duqu with cyber attacks against industrial organisations,
the cyber attacks suffered by the classified networks of the United States Government at the
hands of hackers based on Chinese territory, and the recent discovery of Flame. Likewise, in
recent years it has been detected that some states have invested large amounts of economic,
technical and human resources in the development of Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) which
attack aggressively and choose very specific goals in order to maintain a constant presence
within the networks of the victims. The APT attacks are very difficult to detect due to the fact that
they use components and techniques that are especially designed to infiltrate their objectives
and remain there without being detected.
• Attacks sponsored by private organisations. The objective of many private organisations is to
obtain industrial secrets from other organisations or governments. This type of attack, on many
occasions, is executed with government support making equal use of APTs.
6. The risk status of cyber space
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
• Terrorism, political and ideological extremism. Terrorists and extremist groups use cyber space
to plan and publish their actions and acquire recruits to carry them out. These groups now recognise the strategic and tactical importance of cyber space for their interests. Social media and
forums have become the main instrument used by terrorists.
• Attacks by groups of organised crime. Organised crime gangs (cyber gangs) have started to
carry out their activities in cyber space, exploiting the possibility of anonymity that this sphere
offers. The objective of these types of gangs is to obtain sensitive information for the subsequent
fraudulent use thereof and for significant economic gains.
• Hacktivism. During 2011, hacktivism has become one of the major threats to governments and
organisations. The principles of this movement are anonymity and the free distribution of information through cyber space, essentially through the Internet. The hacktivists are grouped in a
decentralized manner using the under-ground to communicate and plan their actions. Among
these groups are Anonymous and Luzsec, but these are not the only ones. Their mission is to
‘attack’ the cyber space that represents people, companies or organisations that violate any
of their principles or interests. This implies that the cyber space of governments of the majority of countries around the world, banks, telecommunications companies, suppliers of critical
infrastructure, internet service providers, and ultimately all of cyber space, are susceptible to
denial of service attacks (DDoS) or to being hacked with the main objective of stealing sensitive
information which will subsequently be distributed on the Internet for free access.
• Low profile attacks. These types of attacks are normally executed by people with certain ICT
knowledge which allows them to carry out cyber attacks of a highly heterogeneous nature and
for fundamentally personal reasons.
• Personal privileged access attacks (insiders). This group poses one of the greatest threats to the
cyber space security of nations and companies as they are often an integral part of all the attacks outlined above. From a spy infiltrated by a State, or an employee working for gangs of
terrorists or cyber criminals, to disgruntled employees; these can all be considered insiders.
Below, the following table sets out the players, objectives, authorship and types of cyber attacks.
6. The risk status of cyber space
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Cyber space risk status summary
Private sector
State sponsored Espionage, attacks against
attacks critical infrastructure, APT.
Espionage, attacks against
critical infrastructure, APT.
sponsored by
the private
Attacks against networks and
Political and
systems, attacks against internet
services, malware infection,
attacks against third-party
services, networks and systems.
Attacks against networks and
systems, attacks against internet
services, malware infection,
attacks against third-party
services, networks and systems.
Theft and publication
of classified or sensitive
information, attacks against
networks and systems, attacks
against internet services,
malware infection, attacks
against third-party services,
networks and systems.
Theft and publication
of classified or sensitive
information, attacks against
networks and systems, attacks
against internet services,
malware infection, attacks
against third-party services,
networks and systems.
Theft and
publication of
personal data.
Digital identity theft and fraud.
Digital identity
theft and fraud.
Organised crime Espionage.
Attacks against networks and
systems, attacks against internet
Low profile
services, malware infection,
attacks against third-party
services, networks and systems.
Attacks against networks and
systems, attacks against internet
services, malware infection,
attacks against third-party
services, networks and systems.
Espionage, attacks against
critical infrastructure, attacks
against networks and systems,
attacks against internet services,
malware infection, attacks
privileged access
against third-party services,
attacks (insiders)
networks and systems, theft
and publication of classified or
sensitive information, malware
infection, APT.
Espionage, attacks against
critical infrastructure, attacks
against networks and systems,
attacks against internet services,
malware infection, attacks
against third-party services,
networks and systems, theft
and publication of classified or
sensitive information, APT.
Impact Medium
6. The risk status of cyber space
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
7. Cyber security in Spain:
The current status
7. Cyber security in Spain: The current status
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
7. Cyber security in Spain: current status
Spain has 31 million Internet users, representing an Internet penetration rate of 65.5% in respect of the
national population. This statistic places Spain at number 49 at international level with regard to the penetration rate of information society services (email, social media sites, e-business).
It is necessary to identify which assets in Spain are dependent on cyber space, what regulation exists, which
are the organisations with functions and responsibilities regarding this matter, and who are the participants.
The defence of our cyber space covers all conceivable assets and players, but should focus primarily on the
defence of critical infrastructure, business, and individual rights and freedoms. The critical infrastructure in
Spain is grouped into the following 12 sectors:
Sectors of critical infrastructure
In any of these sectors, the degree of penetration of cyber space, both for internal management and for service
provision, reached its critical level a long time ago. Any contingencies that might affect any of the key assets
belonging to any of the 12 strategic sectors could compromise national security. With regard to the Spanish business community, the vast majority of large companies have an internal organisation which is mature
enough to enable them to implement the activities and actions that are part of information security practices.
In the case of small to medium size enterprises and self-employed entities (more than 99% of the Spanish
business community), the lack of awareness and e-education, as well as a lack of financial and human
resources, impede the proper implementation of cyber security measures, limiting the focus to ICT activities.
7. Cyber security in Spain: The current status
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Government players with responsibility for cyber security
Administra- Ministry /
Ministry of
Ministry of
Operation, analysis, incident response,
the Presidency regulations, international relations.
Ministry of the
Operation, analysis, incident response,
regulations, international relations.
Ministry of
Operation, analysis, incident response.
Police Computer Crime Unit
Ministry of
the Interior
Operation, analysis, incident response.
Computer Crime Unit of the
Guardia Civil
Ministry of
the Interior
Operation, analysis, incident response.
Spanish Data Protection
Ministry of
Control authority and regulator (involves
analysis of incidents and sanctions).
Ministry of Defence (various
bodies and organisations)
Ministry of
Operation, analysis, incident response,
of the Interior
of Catalonia)
Operation, analysis, incident response.
IT Crime Unit of the Police
Force of the Basque Country
Council of
the Interior
Operation, analysis, incident response.
CSIRT-CV (Community of
Operation, analysis, incident response.
CESICAT (CERT - Catalonia)
Operation, analysis, incident response,
advice and training.
CERT – Andalusia
Operation, analysis, incident response.
Community of Madrid Data
Protection Agency
Control authority and regulator (involves
analysis of incidents and sanctions).
Catalonian Data Protection
Control authority and regulator (involves
analysis of incidents and sanctions).
Basque Data Protection
Control authority and regulator (involves
analysis of incidents and sanctions).
IT Crime Unit of the Police
Force of Catalonia
Cyber security competencies
Operation, analysis, incident response,
international relations.
7. Cyber security in Spain: The current status
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
The powers in relation to the management of cyber security are distributed among a set of organisations
and institutions, which depend on different central government ministries as well as on regional governments. Among the most relevant are the following:
• The National institute of Technology and Communication (INTECO), dependent on the Ministry
of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, is responsible for the management, via its CERT, of cyber
space defence of Spanish SMEs and citizens in their domestic environment.
• The National Cryptologic Centre (NCC), under the National Intelligence Centre (CNI), which
has among its missions the management of cyber space security, is dependent on any of the
three levels of government: national, regional and local. The CCN-CERT (Response Capacity
against Security Incidents) is a national alert centre which cooperates with all public authorities
to respond quickly to security incidents that occur in their part of cyber space and, moreover, it
is ultimately responsible for the national safety of classified information.
• The National Centre for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CNPIC), under the Ministry of the Interior, is responsible for promoting, coordinating and supervising all activities related to the
protection of Spanish critical infrastructures. Its main objective is to promote and coordinate the
necessary mechanisms to ensure the security of infrastructures that provide essential services to
society, fostering the participation of each and every one of the agents of the system in their
respective areas of power.
• Computer Crime Unit of the Guardia Civil and the Unit Responsible for Research into Information
Technology Crime of the National Police Force, both of whom are dependent on the Ministry of
the Interior, and are responsible for combating crime that occurs in cyber space.
• The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), an independent supervisory authority responsible
for ensuring compliance with the regulations on personal data protection. In some autonomous
communities (Madrid, Catalonia and the Basque Country) there are also data protection authorities with specific responsibilities regarding personal data files created or managed by the
Autonomous Communities and Local Governments of their particular territory.
Similarly, within regional administrations there are state-level equivalent centres such as the CERTs of Valencia, Catalonia and Andalusia.
Moreover, the Spanish Armed Forces, within the specific scope of both the Army and Navy, and as a whole,
led by the Chief of Staff of National Defence, develop different ICT programmes with the objective of providing secure networks and systems that incorporate the technologies required to provide the services and
applications that support military commanders in the fulfilment of their missions.
7. Cyber security in Spain: The current status
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
8. Diagnosis of
the current status
of National
Cyber Security
8. Diagnosis of the current status of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
8. Diagnosis of the current status of National
Cyber Security
Until the adoption, in May 2011, of the current National Security Strategy, cyber space had not been identified formally as a real threat to national security.
The belated recognition of the strategic importance of having a secure cyber space has led, among other
things, to the Government of Spain not yet having created a complete National Cyber Security System,
i.e., all the bodies, agencies, and procedures for the direction, control and management of the security of
Spanish cyber space.
Set out below are the main reasons why National Cyber Security has not yet reached the required level
to correspond to the actual risk from cyber space. These reasons can be divided into 4 groups: Organisational, Operational, Legal and Political.
Organisational reasons
a) Absence of a cyber security management body. The absence of a cyber security management
body prevents the implementation of a common working methodology that would facilitate decision-making and the coordination and integration of all players under common procedures.
b) Non-unified Management of the National Cyber Security due to a departmental approach. The
National Cyber Security management is shared, in a non-unified manner, by a set of organisations within the scope of multiple ministries (see diagram on Page 22 of this document).
c) Insufficient human, technological and economic resources. The existing management agencies
lack the human, technical and financial resources to implement and manage the capabilities to
achieve a level of cyber security that would match the known and controlled risk status.
Operational reasons
d) Partial and insufficient knowledge of the national cyber situation. Having a reliable and up-todate cyber situation is essential for making decisions and for crisis management within cyber
space. At present, the Government of Spain has a partial and insufficient knowledge of the
cyber space of the State administration and, to a lesser extent, so does the private sector.
e) Absence of a framework that would facilitate the sharing of information on cyber security. The
insufficient level of communication between public bodies in relation to National Cyber Security and between these public bodies and the private sector is due, principally, to the absence
of a stable and open procedural framework that would allow the fluid and secure sharing of
8. Diagnosis of the current status of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
f) Inadequate metrics regarding the degree of resilience of the ICT infrastructure of government
networks and the major critical infrastructure of the country. The lack of metrics leads to significant uncertainty on the degree of resilience of ICT infrastructures on which the government
networks and the critical infrastructures of Spain rely.
g) The minor role of private players regarding cyber security. At present National Cyber Security
is a closed and exclusive system of government players. Currently more than 80% of Spanish
critical infrastructure is the property of, and is directed and managed by, the private sector (national and international companies). Therefore, the private sector’s contribution to the process
of building National Cyber Security is essential.
Legal reasons
h) The absence of specific and comprehensive legislation on cyber security. There is legislation that
is distributed across different regulatory areas or matters, but this has not been developed from
a common political perspective covering the full national scope and establishing the strategic
character of cyber security.
Political reasons
i) Absence of policies encouraging public and private sector collaboration on cyber security. Public
and private sector collaboration is a cornerstone for achieving a level of security that would be
appropriate for the known and controlled risk status. Spain does not currently have a framework
for public and private sector collaboration in the field of cyber security.
j) Absence of a state policy on cyber awareness and cyber education. Many countries within our environment are developing ambitious cyber awareness and cyber security policies as a fundamental axis for creating a culture of cyber security.
These policies have been developed and supported, initially, by the private sector, and subsequently they have received strong government support. In this case, a
dual role should be highlighted, on the one hand, fostering the awareness and education of all citizens regarding the risks of cyber space and, on the other hand, identifying
future talent in the field of cyber security within the school and university community.
In Spain, INTECO and CCN have cyber awareness and cyber security programmes. In the
private sector, organisations such as ISMS Forum Spain also have cyber awareness initiatives
under the domain So far, these initiatives have had insufficient impact on civil society.
k) Absence of specific policies for national R&D+innovation on cyber security. There are no policies, programmes or initiatives for R&D+innovation of a nationwide scope to promote and
provide activities on cyber security, which is in sharp contrast with the leading role that the new
Horizon 2020 framework (a continuation of the 7th Framework Programme) attaches to cyber
security at an European level.
8. Diagnosis of the current status of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
9. Why does Spain need
a National Cyber Security
9. Why does Spain need a National Cyber Security Strategy?
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
9. Why does Spain need a National Cyber Security
The National Strategy for Cyber Security should be an instrument to guide those responsible for the direction and management of National Cyber Security and its beneficiaries, but it will also serve as a deterrent
to potential offenders.
The Government of Spain, through the Spanish strategy for cyber security, should explain the model that
provides cyber security to the Spanish society, within the current context of global risk. The National Cyber
Security Strategy must define the concept of cyber security based on the following three issues:
Concept of cyber security
What is the concern?
(Risks - Threats)
Who is concerned?
(Those responsible)
How is this concern
9.1. What is the concern? (Risks-Threats)
The novelty, diversity and heterogeneity of the risks and threats related to cyber space require reliable and
up-to-date knowledge of the cyber situation, providing, to those responsible for National Cyber Security,
the know-how necessary for the administration, control and management thereof. Section 6 of the present
document analyses the current risk status regarding cyber space.
9.2. Who cares? (Those responsible)
The security of cyber space is the responsibility of the government. Presidency of the Government should
take the lead in national security. In doing so it should create an integrated National Cyber Security
Although the responsibility lies with the Government of Spain, participation should be encouraged, not only
by traditional governmental players, but also by private players, the university community, associations,
experts, and representatives of citizens.
9. Why does Spain need a National Cyber Security Strategy?
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
9.3. How to respond to this concern? (Policies)
The Government of Spain should show political determination in order to confront cyber risks and threats,
and therefore should should establish objectives and priorities.
Similarly, the creation of the National Cyber Security System will reduce the risk of each ministry and
agency deciding its own course of action and it will also reduce the likelihood of a disproportionate coordination effort being deployed.
The main policies should aim to promote:
Resilience of Spanish cyber space;
Public and private sector collaboration;
Education and awareness;
R&D+innovation, and
International collaboration.
9. Why does Spain need a National Cyber Security Strategy?
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
10. Functions
of National
Cyber Security
10. Functions of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
10. Functions of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security should make appointments for the following set of functions:
Functions of National Cyber Security
• Establishing the objectives and priorities of National Cyber Security.
• Integrating policies and players.
• Giving advice on National Security to those responsible for same.
• Promoting a culture of cyber security.
• Assessing the risk status of cyber space.
• Planning policies and managing cyber crises.
• Strengthening national capacities for risk prevention, response and recovery, as well as for cyber attacks.
• Deterring potential aggressors.
10.1. General functions
• Establishing the objectives and priorities of National Cyber Security. National Cyber Security
should establish a set of objectives. These objectives must be achievable, measurable, and verifiable, and sustained over time, adapting to the needs that cyber space and its risk status require
at any given moment.
• Integrating policies and players. It is necessary to avoid the current subdivided model of poor
coordination, and to evolve into a model of comprehensive and unified management, with the
capacity for planning and analysis in order to formulate joint proposals for adopting strategic
decisions, monitoring their implementation and evaluating and monitoring their performance.
To this end it will be necessary that all players participate: public sector, private sector, state,
regional, municipal and even international.
• Giving advice on National Security to those responsible for same. The National Cyber Security
System shall advise the President of the Government and all those involved in national security issues, liaising between these and other national and international players, as well as with public
or private players.
• Promoting a culture of cyber security. The communication function is essential in the creation
and promotion of the cyber security culture. This function is to direct the communication strategy
on National Cyber Security issues and situations of crisis, promoting social and parliamentary
participation in the review and approval of strategies, promoting public and private sector
communication between departments, and disseminating warnings and recommendations to
the public. The culture of cyber security will be achieved through the right combination and
implementation of cyber security enablers described in Section 11 of this document.
10. Functions of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
10.2. Operational functions
• Assessing the risk status of cyber space. The Government of Spain is responsible for ensuring the
capacity to manage National Cyber Security. As a first step to fulfilling its responsibility it must
know what the status of our cyber security risk is quantifying the likelihood of threats materializing and estimating their potential impact.
• Planning policies and managing cyber crises. Planning policies and crisis management requires
a change in the cyber security management model, from coordination to integration and unification in order to optimize the contributions of all players involved. Comprehensive management
does not consist of copying the same tasks and capabilities, nor does it consist of coordinating
independent initiatives, rather it focuses on the contributions of all players and policies involved
from the very beginning.
• Strengthening national capacities for prevention, response and recovery from cyber risks and
attacks. The Government of Spain must have the capability available for prevention, response
and recovery from cyber risks and attacks. These capabilities should allow a reliable awareness of the status of the cyber situation. Moreover, the application introduces rationalization
mechanisms of resources and capabilities, power economies of scale and multiplies synergies
and performance by training initiatives, practical teaching, research, and common evaluation.
• Deterring potential aggressors. Having a resilient and safe cyber space available is a better
dissuasive mechanism against state and non-state aggressors.
10. Functions of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
11. Enablers
of National Cyber Security
11. Enablers of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
11. Enablers of National Cyber Security
The novelty of cyber space and its continuous evolution and transformation poses a challenge for National
Cyber Security. It is therefore necessary to build National Cyber Space Security in a progressive manner, with
the ability to evolve and adapt to a constantly changing environment.
The National Cyber Security enablers are those that allow the functions of National Cyber Security and are
divided into two groups: primary and secondary:
• The primary enablers are those that enable the construction of National Cyber Security.
• The secondary enablers are those that enable the operation of National Cyber Security. The
secondary enablers, independently, can carry out their specific function but would not reach
their critical efficacy and efficiency.
Enablers of cyber security
Primary enablers
Legal framework
Secondary enablers
Cyber situation
Awareness of
Public and private
sector collaboration
11.1. Primary enablers
The primary enablers of National Cyber Security are:
• State leadership
The State has an obligation to legislate and act in order to protect, or to enforce the protection
of, the services provided in cyber space and to allow citizens, organizations and businesses to
develop in social, cultural and economic spheres, among others. To comply with that obligation
implies the exercise of leadership for the definition of policies, strategies and legal frameworks
regarding cyber security, as well as creating the organizational tools that allow its application.
11. Enablers of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
The Presidency of the Government must exercise this leadership together with the Government
of Spain. Among its functions are approving, reviewing and communicating the strategies and
policies of National Cyber Security, but also monitoring their development and implementation,
as well as creating the necessary organisations and electing the persons responsible for them.
• Organisational structure
The State should create an organizational structure that allows the direction and management
of National Cyber Security and performs the functions of National Cyber Security described
in Section 10, Functions of National Cyber Security, of this document. Similarly, Section 12,
Organizational Structure of National Cyber Security, proposes a high-level organizational structure for National Cyber Security.
• Legal framework
Although the essential legislation to regulate the management and operation of National Cyber
Space already exists, it is scattered between different policy areas, and has been developed
from a common policy that reflects national and strategic cyber security. It will therefore be necessary to develop a legislative framework to support National Cyber Security that is effective,
and at the same, takes into account fundamental rights and public freedoms. The less dispersed
the regulations that are part of the legislative framework, the higher the level of legal security.
• Working methodology regarding cyber security
The novelty and complexity of the security of cyber space make it necessary to develop a methodology that provides a better understanding of the strategic importance of cyber space and its
risk status. This methodology should provide the following:
o A common language. This common language will range from technology to legal
o Homogenized theoretical fundamentals.
o Procedures that describe how to act regarding cyber security.
• Technology
Technology is the basis of cyber space. Understanding and adapting to continuous technological evolution is essential in order to improve the resilience and security of our cyber space.
11. Enablers of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
11.2. Secondary enablers
The secondary enablers of cyber security are:
• Knowledge of the cyber situation
Knowledge of the cyber situation should provide immediate awareness of one’s own cyber space,
that of other nations, that of the enemy and that of any other party of interest, as well as knowledge
of the status and availability of operational capabilities that are necessary for planning, directing
and managing the operations necessary to secure cyber space.
Knowledge of the cyber situation not only occurs as a result of the combination of intelligence and
operational activities in cyber space, but also in electromagnetic space and other dimensions of
the operating environment (land, sea, air and outer space).
The processes, procedures and capabilities of cyber situation awareness should be developed
to contribute to the overall situational awareness of those responsible for the management of
national security and the achievement of its objectives.
Thus, knowledge of the cyber situation must:
o Provide those responsible for National Cyber Security with the visibility, in real-time, of
networks, systems, their own services and their dependencies.
o Provide those responsible for National Cyber Security with the visibility, in real-time,
of the enemy’s actions on the networks, their own systems and services, as well as the
possible impact on the achievement of operational objectives.
o Provide those responsible for National Cyber Security with operational knowledge of
the impact of their decisions on cyber operations, within their scope of action, contributing to the decision-making process.
o Provide those responsible for national security with as much detail as possible, including intelligence information, essential to support the decision-making process regarding cyber space and cyber operations.
o Coordinate and share efforts between different players (auxiliary bodies of the general administration of the State Security Forces and Bodies of the State, military, private sector, industry, social partners and any other public or private entities, whether
national or international), obtain knowledge of the cyber situation to as great an
extent as possible.
o Identify threats in cyber space, including potential adversaries, in order to contribute
to the understanding of the situation of those responsible for leading national security
and intelligence and operational objectives.
11. Enablers of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
o Study the motivations, objectives and analyse the potential adversaries in their decisions to direct potential cyber attacks on national interests, so that a defence can be
planned against them.
• Information sharing
A set of mechanisms should be articulated to allow different players in National Cyber Security
to share information efficiently. Moreover, the sharing of information:
o Will help to achieve reliable and up-to-date knowledge of the cyber situation;
o Will improve the availability and resilience of National Cyber Security assets;
o Will allow cyber crises to be managed efficiently;
o In another context, it will optimize economic investment in cyber security, rationalising
the use of human and technical resources.
• Studies and publications on cyber security
Spanish society must become aware of individual risks (privacy and intimacy) and collective
risks (national security, economic, social and cultural prosperity) to which it would be exposed
in the event of an irresponsible use of cyber space. The Government of Spain must lead an
educational model and promote cyber security. The objectives of this model are:
1. Making Spanish society aware of cyber risks. A state of uniform opinion needs to be created on the need for secure cyber space in order to ensure the prosperity of our society and
2. Training Spanish society in the responsible use of cyber space. It is necessary to address
an ambitious education plan that allows training on cyber security awareness from an early
age (primary education) right through to university. Similarly, it should promote training programmes for other sectors.
3. Identifying and training national “cyber talents.” Early education on cyber security will identify
“national cyber talents.” These “cyber talents” should receive specialised guided training for
future incorporation into the management and control bodies of National Cyber Security.
• Strategic Communication
It is necessary to develop a strategic communication policy on matters of National Cyber Security and cyber crises, as well as boosting social and parliamentary debate on the review and
approval of strategies, promoting public and private sector communication between administrations, and disseminating warnings and recommendations to the public.
11. Enablers of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
• R&D+innovation
The strong technological component of cyber space and cyber security makes it obligatory
to promote competitiveness and R&D+innovation in the national public and private sectors.
Therefore the Government of Spain should develop a set of policies, the objective of which is
for national companies to commercialise their products and services, that the State maintains a
technologically advanced status and, most importantly, that it has flexible “partners” in order to
face the dynamic evolution of ICT.
• Public and private sector Partnerships
The heterogeneity and the changing landscape of the risk status of cyber space is a continuous
challenge for National Cyber Security. The Government of Spain does not have, on its own, the
skills needed to ensure National Cyber Space Security and, therefore, it needs the private sector, among others, in order to reach a level of security appropriate to a known and controlled
risk status.
It is the responsibility of the Government of Spain to create and promote a framework of public
and private sector collaboration.
These public and private sector partnerships on cyber security should contribute to:
o Improve knowledge of the cyber status. Private organisations are continuously and
repeatedly victims of cyber attacks of various kinds. For this reason they have implemented their own capabilities to ensure the safety of their specific cyber space. These
capabilities generate information and knowledge to be shared with the public bodies
and agencies responsible for the direction and management of cyber security. It is
necessary that this sharing be bi-directional.
o Optimize the national cyber capabilities and resources by avoiding the duplication of
o Improve the resilience of national cyber space.
o Improve the competitiveness of domestic companies in the field of cyber security.
o Improve R&D+innovation in cyber security.
o Promote awareness and education on cyber security.
11. Enablers of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
12. Organisational structure
of National Cyber Security
12. Organisational structure of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
12. Organisational structure of National Cyber Security
A high level organisational structure is proposed below in order to direct, control and manage National
Cyber Security.
Organisational structure of National Cyber Security
The National Cyber Security Body shall be responsible for directing National Cyber Security.
This body will enable the implementation of the tasks entrusted to National Cyber Security. These functions
have been described previously in this document.
• Operations. The National Cyber Security Body should seek capabilities of detection, prevention, containment and response to any cyber attacks or contingencies. These operational
capabilities will be managed from a National Reference CERT and a Defence CERT.
• Evaluation and monitoring. The area of evaluation and monitoring will be assigned
the following functions:
o Knowledge of the cyber situation. Knowledge of the national and global cyber situation
is a fundamental aspect for the efficient administration and management of National
Cyber Security. A reliable and up-to-date cyber situation is reached by means of integration and transformation of information from multiple sources: National CERT, intelligence
services, State Forces and Security Bodies, the remaining State Administrative Bodies,
critical infrastructure operators, internet service suppliers, hardware and software companies, citizens, private companies, private organisations and the international community.
12. Organisational structure of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Cyber situation awareness
o Risk analysis. Knowledge of the cyber situation will identify the causes of the threats
and likely unwanted cyber events, as well as the damage and consequences they may
have for national security. The innovative and rapid nature of cyber space requires a
continuous risk analysis, in order to help determine the security measures warranted by
the cyber space risk status.
o Planning. The plan will provide a long-term vision of procedures, activities and resources involved to help support the management of cyber security.
o Managing cyber contingencies. The on-going transformation of cyber space leads bodies and agencies that direct and manage National Cyber Security to face unknown
events that may compromise the resilience and / or security of our cyber space.
o Warnings. It will be necessary to have a mechanism to inform all those involved in
National Cyber Security about relevant issues.
o Lessons learned. Compiling the successes and failures in the direction and management of National Cyber Security is essential in order to improve weaknesses and
enhance the strengths of our cyber space, as well as to make it more resilient and
o Doctrine. Based on the knowledge of the cyber situation and all the lessons learned,
it will be necessary to create a consistent set of teachings or instructions on cyber
12. Organisational structure of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
o Development of policies and procedures. As a result of the above, it will be necessary
to develop policies and procedures that facilitate the control and management of National Cyber Security. These policies and procedures must take into account not only
technological but also legal, operational and any other dimensions that could affect
National Cyber Security.
• Strategic Programmes. Self-adaptation of National Cyber Space to a known and controlled risk status is a key aspect for National Cyber Security. Therefore it will be necessary to
work continuously and to evolve a set of strategic programmes that facilitate gradual adjustment
to a known and controlled cyber space risk status. Some of the strategic programmes are set out
o Awareness and Training. Training and continuous awareness of all sectors of Spanish
society is essential to the national security of cyber space.
o Cyber exercises. In order to know the true state of maturity of National Cyber Security,
cyber exercises will be required from time to time. These cyber exercises should take
place not only in the sphere of national cyber space but also within major international
organisations (NATO, EU, etc.)
o Standards and best practices. It will be necessary to develop standards and best
practices that improve the resilience and security of our cyber space. Many of these
standards and best practices already exist, and have international acceptance and
12. Organisational structure of National Cyber Security
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
13. Objectives of National
Cyber Security 2012-2015
13. Objectives of National Cyber Security 2012-2015
La Ciberseguridad Nacional, un compromiso de todos
13. Objectives of National Cyber Security 2012-2015
The ultimate purpose of the National Cyber Security Strategy should be to achieve a set of goals. Here are
the objectives that should be achieved regarding cyber security during the period 2012-2015.
Main objective
Providing a secure cyber space in order to ensure the social, cultural and economic prosperity of Spain
and the freedoms of its citizens through a culture of prevention and resilience involving, in an active and
integrated way, all sectors of Spanish society.
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3
Having reliable and up-to-date
knowledge of the cyber situation.
Improving national resilience in
respect of cyber threats.
Creating and promoting a
cyber security culture.
The main objective of National Cyber Security is to provide a secure cyber space in order to ensure the social,
cultural and economic prosperity of Spain and the freedoms of citizens through a culture of prevention and
resilience involving, in an active and integrated way, all sectors of Spanish society.
In order to achieve this objective it is first necessary to achieve the following sub-objectives:
• Sub-objective 1. Having reliable and up-to-date knowledge of the
cyber situation. It is necessary to have immediate awareness of one’s own cyber space,
as well as that of other nations, that of the enemy and that of any other parties involved, as
well as knowledge of the status and availability of operational capabilities that are necessary
for planning, directing and managing the operations necessary to secure cyber space.
• Sub-objective 2. Improving national resilience in respect of cyber
threats. It is necessary to have the capacity available to allow to resist and recover from
negative impacts resulting from activities that are known, unknown, predictable, unpredictable,
uncertain and unexpected, and which occur in cyber space. This effort must be directed in
particular to improving the resilience of the critical infrastructures of our country.
• Sub-objective 3. Creating and promoting a cyber security culture. The
enablers of National Cyber Security, described in part 6 of this document, should foster the
creation of a National Cyber Security culture. Reciprocally, the ‘essence’ of the National Cyber
Security culture thus created should optimise the management of these enablers and, therefore,
foster the consolidation of the cyber security culture.
13. Objectives of National Cyber Security 2012-2015
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
14. Actions for attaining
National Cyber Security
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
To achieve the objectives described in Section 13 of this document it will be necessary to perform a set of
actions in order to:
• Improve knowledge of the cyber situation.
• Improve the capacity of detection and analysis of cyber threats.
• Improve channels of communication between the different players involved in National Cyber
• Improve resilience and national cyber space security.
• Strengthen the national and international legal framework regarding cyber crime.
• Improve public awareness, education, training and professional development in cyber security.
• Promote R&D+innovation programmes in cyber security.
• Support the competitiveness of the private sector in the field of cyber security.
• Promote international cooperation.
The following are the actions that should be implemented during the period 2012-2015, in order to improve
the resilience and security of National Cyber Space:
Action 1. Approval of the National Cyber Security Strategy. In order to construct the
National Cyber Security System allowing the administration, control and management of National Cyber
Security, it is necessary to approve the National Cyber Security Strategy.
Organisational structure
Action 2. Design or create the national reference CERT. The national reference CERT
should be created, in addition to those that may already exist. The mission of the national reference CERT
shall be to collect operational information in relation to National Cyber Space status which is obtained by
its own means and that of other national CERTs, as well as international CERTs with whom collaboration
agreements have been signed.
Action 3. Create the Ministry of Defence CERT. It should provide the current Security
Operations Centres of the Armed Forces with the human, economic and technical resources necessary to
achieve the evolution towards becoming a CERT.
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Action 4: Create the National Centre for Monitoring and Evolution of Cyber
Security. This centre should develop the activities described in the Monitoring and Evaluation Centre
described in Section 12 of this document.
Action 5: Create the National Centre for Strategic Programmes on Cyber
Security. The unstoppable evolution and transformation of cyber space makes it necessary to develop
strategic programmes in this area in order to allow the adaptation of the national security status to a
known and controlled risk. Section 12 of this document defines the main strategic programmes on cyber
security identified to date. These programmes should be directed and controlled by the National Strategic
Programme on cyber security and management thereof must be distributed between agencies in the field
of General Administration.
Operational actions
Action 6. Appointment of human resources necessary for the Administration,
Control and Management of National Cyber Security. It will be necessary to provide all
bodies with the professionals that they need. These profiles should cover all areas of knowledge within the
scope of cyber security.
Action 7. Improve and extend the technological capacities which allow the
detection, prevention, containment and response to cyber attacks.PIn order to improve
the capacity of detection, prevention, containment and response to cyber attacks, it will be necessary to:
• Improve and expand the network of early warning sensors;
• Improve monitoring capabilities;
• Improve vulnerability scanning capabilities;
• Improve cyber incident solving capabilities.
Action 8. Create a framework for sharing information among different players
of National Cyber Security. The National Cyber Security Body should articulate the mechanisms
allowing the coordination and integration with the players involved in National Cyber Security in order to
facilitate the fluid and efficient sharing of information. This framework should include legislative measures
fostering an environment that respects fundamental rights and public freedoms, without compromising its
Action 9. Improvement of warning channels. It will be necessary to improve the channels
of communication in order to allow, properly and in good time, the different sectors of Spanish society and
players to be aware of cyber contingencies that pose a threat to national security.
Action 10. Develop a methodology for improving the resilience and security of
the National Cyber Space.
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Action 11. Encourage and promote the resilience and security of the ICT
infrastructure of the private sector. It will be necessary to pursue policies that promote improved
resilience and security of the ICT infrastructure.
International cooperation
Action 12. Bilateral or multilateral agreements with other nations regarding
cyber security. The global nature of cyber space makes it necessary to enter into bilateral and
multilateral agreements. These agreements should improve information channels, as well as the detection of
and/or coordinated responses against cyber incidents. Special relevance should be given to agreements
with the purpose of fighting cyber crime in any of its forms.
Action 13. Participation in multilateral and international forms on cyber security.
Spain should actively participate in all multilateral and international forums in which cyber security is
addressed (NATO, EU, UN, Interpol, Europol, OECD,…).
Action 14. To work in a coordinated manner with allies in order to implement
the Cyber Security Policies of NATO. The NATO Lisbon Summit in 2010 identified cyber space
as the new threat to the organisation. Spain must work together with the rest of its allies in the protection of
the Cyber Space of the Alliance.
Public and private sector collaboration
Action 15: Creation of the National Platform for the Coordination of Public and
Private Sector Cooperation in respect of cyber security. A national platform for the
coordination of public and private sector cooperation on cyber security should be created, where the
principal players in Spanish society are represented: the public sector, the private sector (with representation
of different types of organizations, large enterprises and SMEs), the academic community, technology and
research centres, associations and organizations.
Action 16: Creation of sector working groups within the national platform
for coordination of public and private sector cooperation in respect of cyber
security. Following the creation of the national platform, sector working groups should be created in
order to promote efficient and effective communication.
Education and awareness
Action 17: Develop a national education programme on cyber security. This
programme will promote awareness, education, training and professional development in cyber security.
This will require carrying out the actions set out below.
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Action 18: Develop a National Cyber Awareness Campaign. A cyber awareness
campaign should be developed in order for Spanish society to become aware of the individual (privacy
and intimacy) and collective risks (national security, economic, social and cultural prosperity) posed by
the improper use of cyber space. Similarly, specific campaigns should be carried out which are aimed
at parents and teachers. of the ISMS Forum is proposed as the embryo
campaign of Spain for the national cyber awareness campaign. In this campaign the role of the leading
private companies in the country and the mainstream media (TV, radio, newspapers, Internet ...) is critical.
Action 19: Incorporation of materials related to the responsible use of new
technologies and cyber security in primary, secondary, university and postgraduate curricula. It will be necessary to incorporate materials associated with cyber security.
This education should begin at an early age (primary education) and be extended throughout secondary,
university and post-graduate education. The purpose of starting this education at a young age is, on the one
hand, to homogenize the awareness of the use of new technologies, such as its responsible use, and on the
other hand, to identify national “cyber talents.”
Action 20: Modify education programmes that are related to Science, Technology
and Engineering, emphasising the important role of mathematics and computational thinking, not to
mention the legal and regulatory aspects.
All initiatives regarding higher education, including the implementation of specific Education Programmes
on cyber security, should be coordinated with the National Evaluation Agency for Quality and Accreditation
(ANECA), as the state foundation whose object is to contribute to improving the quality of higher education
through evaluation, certification and accreditation of teaching, teachers and institutions.
Action 21: Incorporation of materials related to new technologies and cyber
security curricula at military academies. Officers and NCOs of the Spanish Armed Forces
should receive a strong background in IT theory, electronics, radio wave propagation, among other things,
as well as their application to tactical military operations and strategies.
Action 22: Incorporation of materials related to new technologies and cyber
security in the curricula of business schools. Future managers of domestic firms should
receive training in new technologies and cyber security. The support of senior management is crucial for
organizations in order to implement them with a cyber security culture.
Action 23: Creation of a programme of academic centres of excellence in cyber
security. The public - private partnership between the State administration, the private sector and the
academic community should allow the appointment of a group of national universities and academic centres
of excellence where education on cyber security will be provided as part of the Government’s strategic
programmes on this subject. These centres will provide specialised training and promote R&D+innovation
in cyber security.
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Action 24: Mandatory training and awareness plans, aimed at employees of
public private or independent companies.
Action 25: Continual training plans for personnel responsible for the
administration and management of Cyber Space and State Administrations,
such as public and private organisations, which manage and administrate
critical infrastructure in Spain. It will be necessary to develop a plan which includes training
courses, degrees, masters and cyber security certification for personnel responsible for the administration
and management of the Cyber Space of State Administrations, as well as bodies, public and private, that
administrate and manage Spanish critical infrastructures.
R&D+innovation and Competitiveness
Action 26: Create a National Strategic R&D+innovation Plan concerning cyber
security and its corresponding development in annual work programmes.
Accompanying the National Cyber Security Strategy, with a similar timeframe as the defined action plan, a
strategic plan for development of R&D + innovation on cyber security should be developed which is aligned
both with the national needs voiced by the public and private sectors and with the strategic alignment
marked by the new European Horizon 2020 framework. This strategic plan should be developed by using
Annual Work Programmes that include specific themes and objectives towards positioning, improving and
developing the cyber protection capabilities of different sectors, both public and private, as well as the
citizens themselves, in addition to the promotion of the market for National Cyber Security products and
Action 27: Create a Technological Monitoring Observatory for International
Cyber Security R&D+innovation. In order to maintain advanced awareness at the forefront of
technology and cyber security, it shall be necessary to establish a process of technological monitoring
concerning R&D+innovation into cyber security which guarantees awareness, valuation of partnerships and
the promotion of joint projects, which ensure full integration, making full use of the opportunities, resources
and international advances in national organisations in this area.
Action 28: Create a National ICT Product Certification Centre. The implementation of
certain ICT products shall require prior approval by a national certification centre. This centre shall keep
an up-to-date catalogue of certified products. This catalogue shall contain those products (hardware and
software) that meet the security requirements in order to form part of the ICT infrastructure of the public
sector and the main critical infrastructure of the country, for which compliance will be mandatory. Likewise,
said catalogue shall be used as a guide for the rest of the private sector, providing advice on the use of its
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Other actions
Action 29: Designate the first week of the month of November as ‘Cyber Security
Awareness Week’. With the purpose of promoting cyber security awareness, and in order to take
advantage of the beginning of the school year, it is recommended to have a cyber security awareness week
in all places of education in the country (primary, secondary, university and post-graduate levels).
Action 30: Hosting the cyber space conference 2014 or 2015. In 2011 the first
international cyber space conference took place in London which was attended by the key players on the
world stage. This conference will be held in Hungary in 2012 and South Korea in 2013.
Action 31: Promote and lead the first Ibero-American cyber exercise in 2013.
Spain will promote and lead the first Ibero-American cyber exercise. This exercise will allow the level of
maturity of our cyber space to be measured. Furthermore it will consolidate Spain’s leadership in the field
of Ibero-American cyber space, reaching agreements on cyber security with many countries.
14. Actions for attaining National Cyber Security objectives
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
15. Conclusions
15. Conclusions
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
15. Conclusions
Spain, despite the great efforts that have been made, still does not have a solid capacity allowing the efficient administration, control and management of its cyber security.
Security, in all its dimensions and spheres, is the first responsibility of any government. The Government of
Spain should assume leadership regarding cyber security in order to make its citizens aware of the need
for protecting our cyber space on which our basic services, critical infrastructure, economy and progress
as a society depend.
ICT is not a problem, it is part of the solution and its resilience, protection and safe use are not only the responsibility of the Government, but also of independent and local administrations together with the private,
business and domestic sectors. All of them share this responsibility; however it is up to the government to
exercise leadership in the management of cyber security. These are responsibilities that cannot be delegated and which should result in providing the impetus, ideas and direction that Spain needs.
The changes in the guiding framework in recent years, including the emergence of new risks and threats
(cross-border threats, globalization and the emergence of non-state players, etc.) make it necessary to move
towards a comprehensive security concept and a culture of prevention and resilience.
This development is to consider cyber space as a key element in the overall risk management of national
security and, therefore, grant the necessary importance to cyber security as a continuous process of analysing and managing the risks associated with it.
The risk situation has evolved and is evolving day by day. The increase in the amount and variety of threats
against ICT infrastructure and information, the greater quantity and sophistication of cyber attacks and
the varying nature of their objectives, even citizens, the private sector and governments, are experiencing
certain changes that, together with the diversity of authors and interested parties, such as states, private organisations, terrorist organisations, organised crime or hacktivists, should be born in mind when developing
an appropriate cyber security strategy.
Another key aspect to bear in mind for the future National Security Strategy is the identification of cyber
space as the new dimension of the operating environment alongside more traditional forms (ground, sea,
air and outer space). It will therefore be necessary to provide our Armed Forces with the cyber capabilities
and human, technical and economic resources necessary for their exercise and functions.
In this sense, any contingencies that may affect any of the key assets of the twelve sectors grouped into our
critical infrastructures could compromise national security.
It is therefore necessary to develop and approve the National Cyber Security Strategy. This strategy
should be a tool to guide those responsible for the administration, control and management of National
Cyber Security and its beneficiaries, but it will also serve as a deterrent to potential offenders. This
strategy should be assigned a set of functions that can be achieved from the following set of primary
15. Conclusions
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
• The unquestionable leadership of State through Presidency of the Government;
• The creation of a National Cyber Security System integrated into the national security system;
• An appropriate method to provide a common language, theoretical homogenized fundamentals
and procedures that describe how to proceed in respect of cyber security;
• All accompanied by the necessary technological developments to support them.
Moreover, these principle enablers should be fed by:
• An awareness of the cyber situation;
• Appropriate information sharing between different players;
• An awareness and education brought about by the momentum of an educational model on
cyber security;
• A strategic communication policy on the issues of the National Cyber Security and Cyber Crisis
• The development and promotion of R&D+innovation in the national public and private sector;
• And a framework for public and private sector partnerships on cyber security.
The main objective of National Cyber Security is to provide a secure cyber space in order to ensure the social, cultural and economic prosperity of Spain and the freedoms of citizens through a culture of prevention
and resilience involving, in an active and integrated way, all sectors of Spanish society.
15. Conclusions
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
16. Main and auxiliary
bibliography and websites
16. Main and auxiliary bibliography and websites consulted
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
16. Bibliography and websites consulted
Main bibliography
• ARTEAGA, FÉLIX “Propuesta para la implantación de una Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional
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• LIBICKI, MARTIN “Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar”. October 2009. RAND project Air Force.
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2011. Universidad de Berkley.
• SHOSTACK, ADAM & STEWART,ANDREW “The new school of information security”. April
2008. Ed Addison-Wesley.
• STIENNON, RICHARD “Surviving Cyberwar”. January 2010.
16. Main and auxiliary bibliography and websites consulted
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Auxiliary bibliography
Cuaderno de Estrategia 149. Ministry of Defence
Government of the United Kingdom.
2010. Government of Canada.
Government of the United Kingdom.
2011. National Agtency for the Security of Information Systems. Government of France.
Ministry of Defence Government of Estonia.
• ESTRATEGIA ESPAÑOLA DE SEGURIDAD. June 2011. Government of Spain.
Government of India.
16. Main and auxiliary bibliography and websites consulted
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February 2006. Information Security Policy Council.
February 2002. The SANS Institute.
AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (LISAT), 2011 IEEE Long Island Issue Date: 6-6 May 2011.
On page(s): 1 – 6. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9878-9. May 2011. Network, IEEE.
OPERATION AURORA. January 2010. Sofpedia.
• NEW ZEALAND: THE DIGITAL 2.0 STRATEGY”. ISBN 978-0-478-31645-2.
August 2008. Government of New Zealand.
INFORMATION WARFARE AND SECURITY. June 2008. University of Plymouth, UK.
• SINGAPORE’S STRATEGY IN SECURING CYBERSPACE. October 2009. Government of Singapore.
Internet TRAFFIC: UPDATED. December 2010. NDA’s Business and Technology Magazine.
CYBER SECURITY ALLIANCE (NCSA). U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
National Security Council, EEUU.
Network, IEEE.
• THE NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY STRATEGY (NCSS). June 2011. Ministry of Security and Justice.
The Netherlands.
16. Main and auxiliary bibliography and websites consulted
National Cyber Security, a commitment for everybody
Websites consulted
16. Main and auxiliary bibliography and websites consulted
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