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2015, Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia
3 pages
1 file
'Standing on the edge of the abyss; Shigeyuki Kihara, catalyst for change' (2015) by Maia Nuku published in Broadsheet Visual Art + Culture Journal
KULT Online, 2021
Similar to previous publications of T.J. Demos, Beyond the World’s End: Arts of Living at the Crossing, is an urgent call to action that looks towards radical aesthetic practice for pragmatic solutions to the climate change crisis. This compilation of revised, previously published articles consists of close readings of contemporary artworks and social movements that act as case studies from which Demos develops and demonstrates his concept of ecology-as-intersectionality, an amalgamation of political ecology, critical race theory, and decoloniality. Was im Abgrund liegt - Ein schwaches Licht im Dunkel von Beyond the World's End - Arts of Living at the Crossing German Abstract: Ähnlich wie frühere Publikationen von T.J. Demos ist Beyond the World's End - Arts of Living at the Crossing ein dringender Aufruf zum Handeln, der in Richtung radikaler ästhetischer Praxis nach pragmatischen Lösungen für die Krise des Klimawandels sucht. Diese Zusammenstellung überarbeiteter, bereits veröffentlichter Artikel besteht aus eingehenden Lektüren zeitgenössischer Kunstwerke und sozialer Bewegungen, die als Fallstudien fungieren, aus denen Demos sein Konzept der Ökologie-als-Intersektionalität entwickelt und demonstriert, eine Verschmelzung von politischer Ökologie, Critical Race Theory und Dekolonialität. How to cite: Goodrich, Candace: “What Lay in the Abyss – A Faint Light in the Dark of Beyond the World’s End – Arts of Living at the Crossing [Review of: Demos, T.J.: Beyond the World’s End: Arts of Living at the Crossing. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2020.].“ In: KULT_online 63 (2021).DOI:
Journal of Religion & Health, 2002
POLITICS ON THE COUCH: CITIZENSHIP AND THE INTERNAL LIFE. By Andrew Samuels, 235 pp. New York: Karnac (Other Press). $16.00. MARTHA, MARTHA”: HOW CHRISTIANS WORRY. By Elaine Leong Eng, M.D. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, Inc., 2000. $14.95. “SPILT MILK”: PERINATAL LOSS AND BREAKDOWN. Edited by Joan Raphael-Leff. 100 pp. London: Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2000. MOTHERHOOD AND SEXUALITY. By Marie Langer, 305 pp. New York: Other Press, 2000. $30.00. BRANCHING STREAMS FLOW IN THE DARKNESS: ZEN TALKS ON THE SANDOKAI. By S. Suzuki. Eds: M. Weitsman and M. Wegner. 193 pp. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. $22.50. RESTORED HARMONY: AN EVIDENCE BASED APPROACH FOR INTEGRATING TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE INTO COMPLEMENTARY CANCER CARE. By Stephen Sagar, MD. xviii + 134 pp. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Dreaming Dragonfly Communications, 2001. $19.95 (US); $29.95 (Can.), paperback. (ISBN: 0-9689488-0-4). CHIYO-NI, WOMAN HAIKU MASTER. By Patricia Donegan and Yoshie Ishibashi, 184 pp. Boston: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1998. $16.95. THE METAPHYSICAL CLUB: A STORY OF IDEAS IN AMERICA. By Louis Menand, 442 pp. New York: Farrrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2001. $27.00. BUDDHISM WITHOUT BELIEFS: A CONTEMPORARY GUIDE TO AWAKENING. By Stephen Bachelor, 127 pp. Riverhead Books, 1997. $21.95. Video Art is Dead, Long Live Video Art
Pulse, 2020
In the essay "Hybrid Ecology-To See the Forest for the Trees" Laura Beloff writes that hybrid ecology is a growing concept within bioarts that braids together aesthetic investigations and processes with environmental or biological questions. This concept is central to the ideas explored in Art as We Don't Know It (2020) but could also be read as the organizing system of the book-a network of knowledges built between the interconnected thinkers found within its pages. A mix of hard science, philosophical inquiries into human relationship to nature, and artistic experiments with the biological and chemical world, this volume merges silos of knowledge that have traditionally been separated. The book was published to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Bioart Society, an association that supports international artist residencies, programs, and exhibitions that bring together art and science in Finland. It is broken up into four thematic sections: Life as we Don't Know It, Convergences; Learning/Unlearning; and Redraw and Refigure. Within each section, essays, interviews, and art project descriptions mingle together, informing each other as well as pointing to the ideas that slide outward towards other fields. For example, the first section places an essay by scientists Markus Schmidt and Nediljko Budisa on the contemporary xenobiology field alongside an essay by artist Adriana Knouf. Knouf argues that hormone treatments are a vital practice for hybridizing humanity-making gender binaries (the male/female categories 1 Tori Bush is a writer, teacher, and PhD Candidate at Louisiana State University. She is the co-editor of the anthology, The Gulf South: An Anthology of Environmental Writing 1900-today, forthcoming from University of Florida Press in February 2021.
During the tightening, the pulling, all I hear is white. An ocean inside my skull, wave after wave of trapped screams. I can feel them vibrating in my sinuses. On either side of the screaming there is a stillness, a quiet, a not-peace, and it is then that I can hear myself. Between the stalks and the fibrous green sentries above me I can see the sky but not the sun, and the sky has refused to change, so it is in this way that I now measure time. Breaths. My breaths. And the screaming. (08/2013), 2013
There is no other way of making sensuous man rational except by first making him aesthetic. (Friedrich Schiller, On the Aesthetic Education of Man, Twenty-third Letter)
Journal of Languages and Culture , 2017
Culture is a shared pattern of behaviour prevailing in a group or a society. It includes all the traditions, customs, beliefs and values that are transmitted from generation to generation and it can shape people. Thus it can be summarized that culture is something commonly shared, transmitted and it has a role in shaping people. When another culture tries to penetrate into the existing culture, some problems arise among people living in that society. Postcolonial literature deals with such problems as estrangement, displacement, identity crisis, etc. Kazuo Ishiguro is one of the examples of the writers of postcolonial literature and he studies on the aforementioned themes in his books. An Artist of the Floating World is one of them. The aim of this article is to analyse displacement and estrangement problems that the main character, Masuji Ono, faces because of the influence of another culture in Japan after World War II. There are many changes in society ranging from the traditional values to traditional art and they cause Ono to feel disturbed. Prior to discussion, an introduction and brief information about the historical background of the novel will be given.
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 2015
The reconstruction efforts following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (3/11) have sparked a rediscovery of the concept of kizuna (literally, “bonds between people”). Some Japanese authors, however, are contesting and expanding on this notion as a way of coming to terms with the disaster. Through the analysis of two literary works, I argue that 3/11 literature provides a model for Japan’s emotional and physical reconstruction through its resourcefulness and alternative vision of kizuna.
Artist Profile , 2022
'Yuki Kihara: Power and Resistance' by Kirsty Baker published in Artist Profile
China Review International, 2017
Experimental art forms always present a challenge to our theory; poetry is no exception. Such is the case, for example, in genres that combine symbolic systems in ways that recast conventions and expectations. In the poems that we will examine the combining systems are linguistic and graphic. As a field of study now, poetics has to, in one way or another, come to terms with the new creative frameworks that poets propose to us, so to speak, when we study their work.
Journal of Economic Methodology, 2020
L'Homme, 2017
Syiah Kuala Law Journal
Acta Mechanica et Automatica, 2016
Staying Whole & Effective As a Leader During Times of Transition: A Trinitarian Framework, 2022
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 2024
ThereMechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 55, No. 2, May, 2019 (Russian Original Vol. 55, No. 2, March-April, 2019), 2019
Desarrollo Económico - Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2018
Journal of plant and environment, 2023
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2020
Dermatologic Surgery, 2009
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem), 2020
The Worlds of Marco Polo. The Journey of a Venetial Merchant from the 13th Century , 2024
Journal of clinical medicine, 2024