Robot-Assisted Sensor Network Deployment and Data Collection
Yu Wang
Abstract— Wireless sensor networks have been widely used in
many applications such as environment monitoring, surveillance
systems and unmanned space explorations. However, poor
deployment of sensor devices leads (1) bad network connectivity
which makes data communication or data collection very hard;
or (2) redundancy of coverage which wastes energy of sensors
and causes redundant data in the network. Thus, in this paper,
we propose using a mobile robot to assist the sensor deployment
and data collection for unmanned explorations or monitoring.
We assume that the robot can carry and deploy the sensor
devices, and also have certain communication capacity to collect
the data from the sensor devices. Given a set of interest points
in an area, we study the following interesting problems: (1)
how to decide minimum number of sensor devices to cover all
the interest points; (2) how to schedule the robot to place these
sensor devices in certain position so that the path of the robot
is minimum; and (3) after the deployment of sensors, how to
schedule the robot to visit and communicate with these sensor
devices to collect data so that the path of the robot is minimum.
We propose a complete set of heuristics for all these problems
and verify the performances via simulation.
Wireless sensor networks [1] have tremendous prospects
due to their relatively lower cost and capability of obtaining
valuable information from locations that are beyond human
reach. A sensor network consists of a set of sensor nodes1
that spread over a geographical area. These sensors are able
to perform processing as well as sensing and are additionally
capable of communicating with each other. Due to its widerange potential applications such as battlefield, emergency
relief, environment monitoring, surveillance system, space
explorations, and so on, wireless sensor network has recently
emerged as a premier research topic. Most of current research
on wireless sensor networks assume the cost of each sensor
is cheap thus the number of sensors in a network could be
sufficient large (hundreds or thousands) to cover the target
area and maintain the network connectivity. However, in
many real applications (such as space exploration), certain
kind of sensor devices could be very expensive, and it is
impossible to have thousands of them to deploy. In addition,
since the sensors would have relatively weak radios, internode separation is very common in sensor networks. On
the other hand, even if the number of sensor is sufficient
and the radio is strong enough, poor deployment of sensor
Yu Wang is with Department of Computer Science, University of North
Carolina at Charlotte, USA. Email:
[email protected]. The work
of Wang is supported, in part, by funds provided by Oak Ridge Associated
Universities and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Changhua Wu is with Department of Science and Mathematics, Kettering
University, USA. Email:
[email protected]
1 In this paper the term node often represents a sensing device or called
a sensor. We often interchange them here.
Changhua Wu
devices could also lead to (1) bad network connectivity which
makes data communication or data collection very hard; or
(2) redundancy of coverage which wastes energy of sensors
and causes redundant data in the network. Thus, in this
paper, we propose using a mobile robot to assist the sensor
deployment and data collection for unmanned explorations
or monitoring. We assume that the robot can carry and
deploy sensor devices, and also have certain communication
capacity to collect the data from these sensor devices.
Recent years have seen the growing interest in mobile
sensor networks [2]–[7] or robot-assisted sensor networks
[8]–[11]. In mobile sensor networks, all or partial of the
sensor nodes have motion capability endowed by robotic
platforms. Mobile sensor networks have more flexibility,
adaptively and even intelligence compared with stationary
wireless sensor networks. Mobile sensors can dynamically
reposition themselves to satisfy certain requirements on
monitoring coverage, network connectivity, or fault tolerance. However, to make every sensor have motion capability
increases the cost of each sensor and maybe not feasible
in most applications. On the other hand, robots are large
complex systems with powerful resources and can interact
with sensor nodes. The new paradigm of robot assisted
sensor networks is of ubiquitous sensors embedded in the
environment with which the robot interacts: to deploy them,
to harvest data from them, and to task them. In turn, the
sensors can provide the robot with models that are highly
adaptive to changes in the environment and can re-task the
robots with feedback from sensors. Therefore, we believe
that robotics will have a profound effect on sensor networks.
Most previous research on robot-assisted sensor networks
[8]–[11] study using the robot to achieve coverage, localization and navigation. In this paper, we focus on coverage
and path planning. Given a set of interest points in an area,
we study the following interesting problems: (1) how to
decide minimum number of sensor devices to cover all the
interest points; (2) how to schedule the robot to place these
sensor devices in certain position so that the path of the
robot is minimum; and (3) after the deployment of sensors,
how to schedule the robot to visit and communication with
these sensors to collect data so that the path of the robot
is minimum. An illustration of this scenario is depicted in
Figure 1 where the rover using one path to deploy the sensors
and the other path to collect data from deployed sensors. We
propose a complete set of heuristics for all these problems
and verify the performances via simulations.
A potential application of our proposed robot-assisted
sensor network design is for unmanned space explorations.
Unmanned space explorations have tremendous prospects
well-known graph theoretic problem, the traveling salesman
problem [15]. We assume that the 2D space does not have
any obstacles and the robot can move towards any direction
freely. The objective of our path planning is to minimize the
total length of the path which the robot travels. We study
how to deploy sensors and schedule the robot path such that
the total travel distance is minimized and the coverage is
A. Models
Fig. 1. Illustration of the scenario where a robot (a rover) deploys sensor
nodes around interest points and assists to collect data from the unconnected
sensor network. Here, the red path is the deployment path, while the blue
one is the data collection path.
due to their relatively lower cost and capability of obtaining
valuable information from locations that are beyond human
reach. The impact of unmanned missions and the use of
automated remote monitoring stations and robotic platforms
in space have been observed from several successful ventures
in the past. Examples include the NASA Mars rovers that
are designed to negotiate unpredictable surface conditions
and provide valuable data, video samples as well as physical
samples through remote control. Our proposed approach can
allow the robot (rover) efficiently deploy and maintain the
sensor networks which enable data collection over large areas
over extended periods of time. The proposed coordinated
remote data deployment and collection approach can extend
the reach and lifetime of both space rovers and smart sensors.
Sensor Coverage: Since each sensor covers a limited
area, adequate coverage of a large area requires appropriate
placement of sensors based on collective coverage and cost
constraints. The previous research on sensor coverage mainly
focuses on studying how to determine the minimum set of
sensors for covering every location or certain objects (interest
points) in the target field. Different coverage models and
methods are surveyed by Cardei and Wu [12].
Robot-Assisted Sensor Networks: Mobile or robotassisted sensor networks have been studied recently. Most
previous research concentrate on using the robot or mobile
sensors to help sensor network to achieve coverage [2], [5],
localization [6]–[9], [11], target detection [3], fault-tolerance
[4], [10], and navigation [9]. In this paper, we study how
to use a robot assisting the sensor deployment and data
collection, with a focus on efficient path planning.
Path Planning: One of the most important problems in
robotics is path planning (or called motion planning) [13],
[14], which is aimed at providing robots with the capability
of deciding automatically which motions to execute in order
to achieve certain specific goals. It arises in a variety of
forms. The common form requires finding a short geometric
collision-free path for a single robot in a known static
workspace. In this paper, we do not focus on such kind of
path planning. The problem we concentrate on is similar to a
We assume that a set of m interest points (or called
targets), denoted by P = {p1 , p2 , · · · , pm }, are distributed
in a 2-dimensional plane. The objective of our mission
is to deploy a set of sensor devices, denoted by S =
{s1 , s2 , · · · , sn } to form a sensor network to monitor or
track these interest points. Each sensor node si is equipped
with a sensor which can monitor a disk region centered
at si with radius rS , i.e., if the distance between pl and
si is less than rS then sensor si can monitor the interest
point pl . We assume that single sensor can monitor multiple
points inside its sensing region. Each sensor node si has an
omnidirectional antenna so that it can talk to all sensor nodes
or the robot within a disk region centered at si with radius
rT . Hereafter, we call rS and rT the sensing range and the
transmission range respectively. We assume all sensor nodes
are equipped with same hardware devices, thus, they have the
same2 fixed rS and rT . We assume the robot R has a larger
transmission range than the sensor node, i.e., it can talk with
sensor node si if it is inside the transmission range of si . The
robot parks at point v0 initially and need to return v0 after
all operations. It can travel to any point in the 2-dimensional
plane during the operations.
B. The Problem
The problem we study is how to efficiently schedule a
robot to (1) deploy a set of sensor nodes S to guarantee
the coverage of all interest points P and (2) collect data
from these sensor nodes. Here, the efficiency of the path
scheduling means the scheduled path for the robot to travel
is shortest. We treat this problem as two sub-problems
separately: deployment problem and data collection problem.
For the deployment problem, given the set of interest points P , we study how to find the positions V =
{v1 , v2 , · · · , vn } of sensor nodes S where they will be
deployed by the robot, such that (1) the sensor network
guarantees the full coverage of all interest points P and uses
the minimum number n of sensor nodes S; and (2) the path
ΠD = v0 v1 v2 · · · vn v0 which the robot will travel to deploy
sensors at those positions has the minimum total length.
For the data collection problem, given the set of deployed
sensors V , we study how to find the turning positions (or
called pause points) U = {u1 , u2 , · · · , uk } where the robot
pauses and collects data from sensors, such that (1) the robot
2 However, our proposed methods can be easily extended to the case with
heterogeneous sensing and transmission ranges.
can communicate with every sensor during the round trip
and make the minimum number k of stops; and (2) the path
ΠC = v0 u1 u2 · · · uk v0 which the robot will travel to collect
data on those pause points has the minimum total length.
Notice that the deployment problem and the data collection
are essentially the same except the range of coverage is
different (one uses the sensing range, the other uses the
transmission range), thus we use the same set of heuristics
to solve these two problems.
exists many heuristics for it. The simplest and most classical
method is a greedy method, in which you always greedily
select the subset which can cover the maximum number
of uncovered elements. This greedy algorithm can achieve
an approximation ratio of O(ln s) where s is the size of
the largest subset. Inapproximability results [16], [17] show
that the greedy algorithm is essentially the best-possible
polynomial time approximation algorithm for set cover under
plausible complexity assumptions. Algorithm 1 shows our
greedy algorithm and Figure 3 illustrates the results from
Algorithm 1 on the example shown in Figure 2.
Interest Point
Fig. 2. The set of interest points P (black nodes) and the initial position
of the robot (red triangle). Here, 15 areas can be defined as A by the 9
sensing disks and their intersections.
Algorithm 1 Greedy algorithm to select the minimum number of areas where to deploy sensors
Input: A set of areas A = {a1 , a2 , · · · , al } and a set of
interest points P = {p1 , p2 , · · · , pm }.
Output: A subset of areas AS = {as1 , as2 , · · · , asn } to
place the n sensors S.
1: Initially, set all interest points uncovered and the uncovered counter k = m. Let the potential coverage ci of each
area ai equal to the number of disks DjS intersecting with
this area. Here, each interest points pj could be covered
by a sensor placed in area ai . We call pj can be covered
by ai .
2: while k! = 0 do
Select area aj with the largest potential coverage cj
(using IDs to break a tie) and add it into the selected
subset AS ;
Mark all interest points covered by aj covered;
k = k − cj ;
Update the ck for all adjacent areas ak .
7: end while
Interest Point
Fig. 3. Grey areas are the subareas selected by Algorithm 1 where a sensor
needs to be deployed.
In this section, we describe our algorithm for how to
deploy the sensors with assistance from the mobile robot.
As shown in Figure 2, we first use the sensing range rS
to draw a disk DiS for each interest point pi . To guarantee all interest points are covered by sensors, we need at
least one sensor node inside each disk DiS to monitor pi .
However, one sensor can sit in the intersection of multiple
disks to monitor multiple targets. Thus, we define the areas
formed by the disks and their intersections, denoted by A =
{a1 , a2 , · · · , al }, putting a sensor in an area ai covers one
or multiple interest points. The first optimization problem is
how to select the minimum number of areas to deploy sensor
nodes to guarantee the coverage. This problem is actually the
minimum set cover problem which aims to find the minimum
number of subsets to cover the whole space. The minimum
set cover problem is a NP-hard problem [15]. However, there
After selecting the area to place the sensors, we need
to decide their exact positions. Since the positions can
affect the total length of the path that the robot needs to
visit, we consider the position problem joint with the path
schedule problem. In other words, we propose an algorithm
to schedule the robot to deploy the sensors in each selected
area asi , so that the total length of the path travelled by
the robot is minimum. This problem is actually the traveling
salesperson problem with neighborhoods (TSPN) which is
also a NP-hard problem [18]. The classical TSP studies what
is the shortest round-trip route that visits each point exactly
once and then returns to the starting point, given a set of
point in a plane. TSPN studies what is the shortest roundtrip route that visits each area exactly once and then returns
to the starting area, given a set of areas. There are several
approximation algorithm exists for TSPN, however most of
them are very complex and not practical at all. Our algorithm
is an iterative algorithm in which each step we add a new
turn point inside one of the unvisited areas such that the
distance added to the robot path is minimum. Assume, we
have n areas needed to be visited (deploying the sensor) and
initially all areas are unvisited, the algorithm will terminate
after n rounds, since each round it adds a new turn point
in the path and covers an unvisited area. Algorithm 2 shows
the detailed algorithm.
Algorithm 2 Path schedule and sensor placement algorithm:
to select the turn points of the robot to deploy sensors
Input: A set of areas AS = {as1 , as2 , · · · , asn }.
Output: A path ΠD = v0 v1 v2 · · · vn v0 which the robot use
for sensor deployment.
1: Initially, set all selected areas asi unvisited and the
unvisited counter k = n. Let the path ΠD = v0 v0 .
2: while k! = 0 do
For each edge on vi vi+1 in path ΠD and every
unvisited area aj , we draw an ellipse which uses vi
and vi+1 as its foci and is tangent to aj . Let vj be the
tangent point. See 4(a) for illustration. If select aj to
visit between ai and ai+1 , the distance added to the
path ΠD will be ||vi vj || + ||vj vi+1 || − ||vi vi+1 ||.
It is obvious that we want to select the unvisited
area which adds the least distance to path ΠD . For
example, in Figure 4(b), ap , hence vp , is a better
choice than aj . Assume we select ap which is the
best for all edges in ΠD and all unvisited areas, we
mark ap visited, and insert vp between vi and vi+1 in
ΠD . Thus the number of edges in the path increases
by one. k = k − 1.
5: end while
Interest Point
Fig. 5. Path ΠD (red line) generated by Algorithm 2. Here, green squares
are the positions to place the sensors (also the turn points of the robot).
Interest Point
Fig. 6. The deployed sensors (green squares) and their sensor ranges (solid
circles) after the sensor deployment phase.
Interest Point
Fig. 4. (a) For each edge on vi vi+1 in path ΠD and every unvisited area
aj , we draw the ellipse which uses vi and vi+1 as its foci and is tangent
to aj . The distance added to the path ΠD by visiting aj is ||vi vj || +
||vj vi+1 || − ||vi vi+1 ||. (b) We select the unvisited area which adds the
least distance to path ΠD . In this example, ap is a better choice than aj .
Notice that in Step 3 of Algorithm 2 we need to draw an
ellipse which is tangent to aj . This can be done by two ways.
We can start with a small ellipse and increase its size until
it reaches aj . However, how to decide the initial size of the
ellipse and what size to increase at each step are difficult to
answer. The second way to do is using binary search. We first
randomly select a point b inside aj . We use ||vi b|| + ||vi+1 b||
as the major axis to draw the ellipse which guarantees to
intersect with aj . Then we reduce the major axis by half, if
the ellipse does not intersect with aj , we increase the major
Pause Point
Fig. 7. The robot-assisted data collection: the robot travels via the blue
path to collect data from each sensor. Here, the green dash circle is the
communication range of the sensor.
axis, otherwise further reduce it. By recursively doing this,
we can find the ellipse which is tangent to aj efficiently.
In practice, if the sensing range is small compared with the
distance between all areas, we can just use the ellipse via b
to estimate the optimal ellipse.
Figure 5 shows the path ΠD generated by Algorithm 2.
Path ΠD represented by red line is the path that the robot
will follow to place the n sensors, while the green squares
are the positions to place the sensors (also the turn points
of the robot). Figure 6 shows the deployed sensors and their
sensing ranges after the deployment phase. It is clear that
every interest point is covered at least by one sensor.
After the robot has deployed the sensors, all sensors
begin to collect information about the interest points. All
Path by the greedy method. P=415.6257
Path by the proposed method. P=336.8159
Path by a genetic travel salesperson method. P=352.5129
greedy method
generic method for TSP
Fig. 8.
proposed method
Sample paths found by the three methods.
information will be sent to a centralized control center.
However, due to the fact that the communication range of
sensor is limited, the sensor network may be partitioned
to components far away from each other. Adding more
sensor nodes can improve the connectivity, however, it is
not feasible in many applications, such as space exploration
with expensive sensor devices. In such scenario, the mobile
robot can help. We assume that the robot is also equipped
with communication devices and can collect data from the
deployed sensors. The path planning for the robot is again
an optimization problem where we try to minimize the total
distance traveled by the robot.
Here, given the set of deployed sensors S =
{s1 , s2 , · · · , sn } and their positions v1 , v2 , · · · , vn , we study
how to schedule the robot to visit certain pause points
U = {u1 , u2 , · · · , uk } where the robot can collect data from
sensors, such that (1) the robot can communicate with every
sensor during the round trip and make the minimum number
k of stops; and (2) the path ΠC = v0 u1 u2 · · · uk v0 which
the robot will travel to collect data on those pause points has
the minimum total length.
For the first half problem, we first use transmission range
rT of each sensor si to draw the areas to be covered, and then
run the greedy algorithm (Algorithm 1) to select minimum
number of pause points to cover all sensor nodes. The
problem is essentially the same as the one in the deployment
phase except that the range of coverage is transmission
range rT instead of sensing range rS . For the second half
problem, we need to schedule the robot to visit these selected
areas using shortest round trip. By using the same heuristic
(Algorithm 2), we can find a solution ΠC and return the
turn points u1 u2 · · · uk of the robot, shown as the blue path
in Figure 7.
Notice that if some sensors can communicate and transfer
data with each other, then it will suffice for the robot to
visit only one of these sensors to pick up data. For this
situation, we can merge these sensors’ transmission ranges
to a union area and use it as a single area in the input of
Algorithm 1 instead of several individual areas. By asking the
sensors to increase their transmission ranges, the connectivity
of the sensor network can increase, which will lead to less
areas the robot needs to visit. This is a tradeoff between
the communication cost plus power consumption at sensors
and the power consumption at the robot. For example, if the
transmission range of each sensor is infinitely large, then
the robot does not need to move to collect the data. If the
transmission range is infinitely small, the robot needs to visit
each sensor at its position to collect the data.
We carried out several simulation experiments to evaluate
the proposed method. As we have discussed earlier, the
sensor deployment and data collection are actually one
problem. Therefore, we only simulate in the context of sensor
deployment. Conclusions made from the simulation in sensor
deployment can be applied to the data collection problem.
In the simulation, all sensors have the same sensing range.
For simplification, the visiting point vi of each area ai is
chosen to be the center of ai . However, this simplification
does not undermine the virtual of the proposed approach.
In the simulation, we compared the travel distance by the
proposed approach with two traditional methods: greedy
method and near-optimal solution from traveling salesman
problem. In the greedy method, the robot starts from the
current interest point and goes to the next point which is
closest to the current one until all interest points have been
visited and returns to the original position. The near optimal
solution from traveling salesman problem is obtained by a
genetic algorithm [19]. In the simulation, we want to know
how the proposed approach performs with regard to the
number of interest points and the sensing range compared
with the two traditional methods.
Figure 8 shows a case of the simulation, in which 20
interest points, shown as black square dots, are randomly
generated within a 100 × 100 field. In this case, the sensing
range is 8. The total travel distances found by the greedy
method, the generic TSP method, and the proposed method
are 415.6257, 352.5129 and 336.8159. As we can see, when
there is overlapping between the disks, the travel distance
found by the proposed approach can be considerably smaller
than the distances found by the genetic TSP method and the
the greedy method on the interest points.
In the next two simulation experiments, we will compare
the three methods with regard to the number of interest points
and the sensing ranges. Figure 9 shows the experiment in
evaluating the proposed method with regard to the number of
The length of travel path
greedy method
proposed method
generic tsp method
Number of interest points
Fig. 9. Travel distance comparison with regard to number of interest points.
The length of travel path
greedy method
proposed method
generic tsp method
Sensing range
Fig. 10.
Travel distance comparison with regard to sensing range
interest points and a fixed sensing range. The sensing range
in this simulation is 8, and the number of interest points
varies from 5 to 29. We can see that the total travel distance
increases almost proportionally to the number of interest
points. Among the three methods, our proposed approach
can always achieve the smallest travel distance. Figure 10
shows travel distances found by the three methods with
regard to a fixed number (20) of random interest points and
various sensing ranges (from 5 to 19). It shows that for
the greedy method and the genetic TSP method, the total
travel distance do not vary much with regard to the sensing
range, which is caused by the fact that they always go to the
interest points instead of the overlapping areas. The travel
distance found by the proposed approach, however, steadily
decreases with increasing sensing range. This demonstrates
that when the sensing range is large, there is high probability
of overlapping, therefore traveling only to the overlapping
regions will save large amount of time and energy cost. Since
this paper does not intend to propose a method for finding
near optimal solution for the traveling salesman problem,
we did not compare the path finding algorithm, described in
Algorithm 2, in the proposed method with the greedy method
and the genetic method.
In this paper, we studied how to use a mobile robot
to assist the sensor deployment and data collection for
unmanned explorations or monitoring using sensor networks.
Given a set of interest points, we proposed a set of heuristics
to (1) decide minimum number of sensor devices to cover
all the interest points; (2) schedule the robot to place the
sensor devices in certain positions so that the path of the
robot is minimum; and (3) schedule the robot to visit and
communicate with these sensor devices to collect data so
that the path of the robot is minimum. We also verified the
performances via simulations, and the results demonstrated
a nice performance of our method compared with the greedy
algorithm and a genetic algorithm for TSP.
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