Cytologic Characteristics
of Meningeal Carcinomatosis
Increased Diagnostic Accuracy Using Carcinoembryonic Antigen and
Epithelial Membrane Antigen Immunocytochemistry
Merce Jorda, MD, PhD; Parvin Ganjei-Azar, MD; Mehrdad Nadji, MD
Background and Objectives: Traditionally, the di-
agnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis has been based on
clinical suspicion and confirmed by cytologic study of
cerebrospinal fluid. However, routine cytologic study may
fail to detect malignant cells in a relatively large number
of cases. We used immunocytochemistry in an attempt
to increase the sensitivity of cytologic detection of malignant neoplasms in cerebrospinal fluid.
Materials and Methods: Thirty-eight consecutive ce-
rebrospinal fluid specimens from patients with clinically suspected meningeal carcinomatosis were selected
for this study. Immunocytochemistry for carcinoembryonic antigen and epithelial membrane antigen were used
on the archival Papanicolaou-stained cerebrospinal fluid
From the Department of
Pathology, University of
Miami/Jackson Memorial
Medical Center, Miami, Fla.
Results: Of the 23 specimens from patients with proven
meningeal carcinomatosis, 13 were correctly diagnosed using cytomorphologic criteria alone. The diagnosis of malignant neoplasm in 8 cytologically suspicious and 1 cytologically negative specimen was confirmed using immunocytochemistry. All cases that were negative on follow-up
Conclusions: We conclude that in using common antibodies, such as carcinoembryonic antigen and epithelial membrane antigen, the sensitivity of the cytologic diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis increases, and that
previously Papanicolaou-stained preparations are suitable for immunocytochemical studies.
Arch Neurol. 1998;55:181-184
the leptomeninges by malignant cells is an important neurologic complication
that occurs in 5% to 18% of patients with solid tumors.1,2 Carcinoma of the breast and lung are the most
frequent sources of metastasis.3-5 Since a favorable clinical course depends largely on
early diagnosis and therapy, an accurate and
rapid diagnostic method is essential. Traditionally, the diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis has been based on clinical suspicion confirmed by cytologic study of
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).6 However, routine cytologic study may fail to detect malignant neoplasms in a relatively large number of cases because of the limited number
of carcinoma cells in CSF showing minimal pleomorphism and frequent association with reactive pia-arachnoid mesothelial (PAM) and inflammatory cells. 2,6
Repeated lumbar punctures are shown to
increase the diagnostic yield of CSF cytologic studies7; however, the procedure may
be associated with increased morbidity and
patient discomfort.
Immunocytochemical markers have
been widely used to facilitate detection and
subclassification of carcinoma cells in cytologic material.8,9 In an attempt to increase the sensitivity of cytologic detection of malignant neoplasms in CSF, we
used immunocytochemistry for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and epithelial
membrane antigen (EMA) in archival Papanicolaou-stained preparations.
All 4 Papanicolaou preparations in each
case were reexamined first, and the diagnoses of malignant neoplasm, suspicious
for malignancy, and negative were confirmed using cytomorphologic criteria. After immunostaining, the slides were reviewed without knowledge of the previous
diagnoses. Positive results for CEA and
EMA were defined as finely granular,
brown cytoplasmic, and/or membranous
granular staining. Neutrophils, when present, reacted positively with the polyclonal CEA antibody and were used as
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Thirty-eight consecutive CSF specimens from 38 patients with
clinically suspected meningeal carcinomatosis were selected from cytology files at the University of Miami/
Jackson Memorial Medical Center, Miami, Fla. Cerebrospinal fluid specimens that were diagnosed as malignant,
suspicious for malignancy, or negative were included in this
study. The diagnosis of malignant neoplasm was rendered
when definitive malignant epithelial cells, isolated or in abnormal groups, were observed. When few atypical cells were
seen in a hypocellular sample or in the presence of bland cytologic features not conclusive for the diagnosis of carcinoma, the case was diagnosed as being suspicious for malignancy. A negative diagnosis was rendered in samples with
few benign lymphocytes and/or reactive PAM cells. These cells
were identified as normochromatic large cells with a normal
nucleocytoplasmic ratio showing occasional grouping. Acellular specimens and those representing lymphoma, leukemia, and primary brain tumors were excluded from the study.
Cases that were positive on clinical follow-up included patients with aseptic meningitis with laboratory correlation, along with abnormal results from a computed tomographic scan of the head and no improvement of the
patient’s condition despite treatment.
Slides of 4 cytocentrifuged smears that were fixed in
95% ethanol and stained by the Papanicolaou method were
available in each case.
The coverglasses of 2 Papanicolaou-stained slides
were removed by placing them in xylene for approximately 1 to 4 hours. The slides were then hydrated in
decreasing grades of alcohol. Endogenous peroxidase
activity was blocked by immersing the slides in 3% hydrogen peroxidase in methanol for 20 minutes. The slides
were then treated with normal horse serum for 20 minutes. Polyclonal rabbit antiserum against human CEA
(code A115, Dako, Carpinteria, Calif ) was used at a dilution of 1:200 for 30 minutes at room temperature. Antirabbit immunoglobulin (PK-4001, Vector, Burlingame,
Calif ) was used at a 1:600 dilution. Monoclonal mouse
antibody against human EMA (code M613, Dako) diluted
at 1:600 for 30 minutes at room temperature was followed
by antimouse immunoglobulin (PK-4002, Vector) at a
1:600 and avidin-biotin horseradish peroxidase complex
at a 1:1600 dilution. The slides were washed in 3 changes
of phosphate-buffered saline solution between steps.
Diaminobenzidine was used as the chromogen. Counterstaining was not needed. The slides were then rinsed in
tap water and dehydrated in increasing grades of isopropyl alcohol, cleared with xylene, and mounted using a
synthetic neutral resin.
Table 1. Cytologic Diagnoses, CEA and EMA Immunostainings, and Outcome in 38 CSF Specimens*
Positive Reactions, No.
Cytologic Diagnosis
Suspicious for malignant neoplasm
No. of Cases
No. of Cases Positive
on Follow-up
*CEA indicates carcinoembryonic antigen; EMA, epithelial membrane antigen; and CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
built-in controls. Reactive PAM cells were negative for
both markers. The staining results were then correlated
with either autopsy findings (9 cases) or clinical follow-up (29 cases).
Of the 23 patients with proven meningeal carcinomatosis, 13 were correctly diagnosed using cytologic study
alone (sensitivity, 57%). Of these, 5 were positive for CEA
and 9 were positive for EMA (Table 1). Of the 9 CSF
specimens with the cytologic diagnosis of suspicious for
malignancy, 8 were proved to be malignant on follow-up and showed either CEA (Figure 1) or EMA
(Figure 2) positivity (Table 1). One case that was suspicious for malignancy was negative for CEA and EMA
immunostainings and proved to be negative on followup. Two cases originally diagnosed as negative proved
to be metastatic carcinomas on clinical follow-up, 1 from
the breast and 1 of unknown origin (Table 1). When benign and malignant fluids were immunostained for CEA
and EMA, all 15 cases that were negative on follow-up
were negative for CEA and EMA. Of the 23 cases that were
positive on follow-up, 12 (52%) were positive for CEA
and 15 (65%) were positive for EMA.
Cytologic examination of CSF has been accepted as a routinediagnostictechniqueinpatientswithknownorsuspected
malignant neoplasms involving the central nervous system.
Among metastatic solid tumors involving the leptomeninges, carcinomas of the lung and breast most commonly shed
cells in CSF.3-5 Carcinoma cells in general have a tendency
to occur singly or in small, loose clusters in CSF. This is in
contrast to the cell balls or large cohesive sheets seen in fluids of other body cavities. The relatively bland morphologic
features of the isolated carcinoma cells in CSF can create diagnostic difficulty. The presence of large, reactive PAM cells
in CSF may add to the difficulty of detecting carcinoma cells
as well. This may result in rendering an inconclusive diagnosis that is of little value in the management of a patient
with clinically suspected meningeal carcinomatosis. Such
reports are usually followed by repeated lumbar punctures,
a procedure that can be associated with complications.
Immunocytochemistry has been used to improve the
sensitivity and specificity of cytologic diagnosis in CSF. 5,10
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Table 2. Statistical Results of Routine CSF Cytologic Studies
Before and After Applying Immunocytochemistry
No. of Cases
Cytology and
True positive
False positive
True negative
False negative
Sensitivity, %
Table 3. Type of Malignant Neoplasm Found and
Immunoperoxidase Results Seen
in Cerebrospinal Fluid Specimens*
Immunoperoxidase Results
Figure 1. Proven carcinoma cells in cerebrospinal fluid. Primary site was the
lung; positive immunoperoxidase staining for carcinoembryonic antigen
(original magnification 3250).
Type of Malignant Neoplasm
Breast carcinoma
Lung carcinoma
Unknown origin
CEA and/or EMA
*CEA indicates carcinoembryonic antigen; EMA, epithelial membrane
Figure 2. Proven carcinoma cells in cerebrospinal fluid. Primary site was the
breast; positive immunoperoxidase staining for epithelial membrane antigen
(original magnification 3250).
The technique is particularly useful in highlighting rare
malignant cells within an inflammatory-reactive background.11 However, not everyone agrees that immunocytochemistry increases the sensitivity of cytologic diagnosis of malignant neoplasm in CSF.12,13
The purpose of this study was to assess the value
of immunocytochemical staining for CEA and EMA in
the differential diagnosis of reactive PAM cells and carcinoma cells in CSF. Our results show that positive
immunostaining for CEA and EMA is highly sensitive
and specific for the diagnosis of carcinoma in CSF.
Simultaneous use of both antigens improved the sensitivity of our cytologic diagnosis from 57% to 83%
(Table 2).
Most common metastatic carcinomas in the central nervous system, such as those from the breast, lung,
and gastrointestinal tract, are usually positive for CEA
and/or EMA. A number of other carcinomas, such as serous ovarian tumors, hepatocellular carcinomas, renal cell
carcinomas, and prostatic carcinomas, are usually negative for CEA14; however, these tumors are rarely found
in CSF and are not usually considered in the differential
diagnosis. Moreover, most of these tumors are at least
focally positive for EMA. On the other hand, PAM cells
are known to be negative for EMA and CEA.9
In our study, the majority of carcinomas originated
from the lung or breast (Table 3). Fifty-two percent
stained positively for CEA and 65% for EMA. Eightythree percent of cases were positive for CEA and/or
EMA. Using immunostaining for EMA, we confirmed
the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm in 6 of 8 cytologically suspicious cases. Using CEA in the same cases, we
were able to confirm the diagnosis of carcinoma in all of
them. Although the primary tumor site was not evident
in 4 of the 23 patients with meningeal carcinomatosis,
immunocytochemistry was helpful in reaching the
definitive diagnosis of cancer in 2 of those cases. In 4
patients (17%) with clinically proven carcinoma, neither cytomorphologic studies nor immunocytochemical
studies for CEA and EMA could detect malignant cells
in CSF. These represent clinically false-negative cases
resulting perhaps from the lack of shedding of tumor
In summary, although immunocytochemistry cannot replace conventional cytologic analysis of CSF, it increases the sensitivity of the diagnosis of meningeal carcinoma. The use of CEA and EMA together increases the
sensitivity more than CEA or EMA alone. Finally, previous alcohol-fixed Papanicolaou-stained cytocentrifuge specimens are suitable for immunocytochemical localization of these antigens. We therefore recommend the
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use of these 2 markers in Papanicolaou-stained CSF specimens that are suspicious for malignancy, particularly those
from patients with a history of carcinoma.
Accepted for publication July 7, 1997.
We thank Estela Garcı́a-McDougal, MPA, SCT
(ASCP), for her assistance in preparation of the manuscript.
Reprints: Parvin Ganjei-Azar, MD, Department of Pathology, University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center, 1611 NW 12th Ave, E Tower Room 2147, Miami, FL
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