arXiv:1708.06039v1 [cs.CV] 21 Aug 2017
More cat than cute?
Interpretable Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs
Dèlia Fernández∗
Alejandro Woodward
Víctor Campos
Barcelona, Catalonia/Spain
[email protected]
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Barcelona, Catalonia/Spain
[email protected].
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Barcelona, Catalonia/Spain
[email protected]
Xavier Giró-i-Nieto
Brendan Jou
Shih-Fu Chang
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Barcelona, Catalonia/Spain
[email protected]
Columbia University
New York City, New York
[email protected]
Columbia University
New York City, New York
[email protected]
The increasing availability of affect-rich multimedia resources has
bolstered interest in understanding sentiment and emotions in and
from visual content. Adjective-noun pairs (ANP) are a popular midlevel semantic construct for capturing affect via visually detectable
concepts such as łcute dog" or łbeautiful landscape". Current stateof-the-art methods approach ANP prediction by considering each
of these compound concepts as individual tokens, ignoring the underlying relationships in ANPs. This work aims at disentangling
the contributions of the ‘adjectives’ and ‘nouns’ in the visual prediction of ANPs. Two specialised classifiers, one trained for detecting
adjectives and another for nouns, are fused to predict 553 different
ANPs. The resulting ANP prediction model is more interpretable
as it allows us to study contributions of the adjective and noun
· Information systems → Multimedia information systems;
· Computing methodologies → Scene understanding;
affective computing, convolutional neural networks, compound
concepts, adjective noun pairs, interpretable models
ACM Reference format:
Dèlia Fernández, Alejandro Woodward, Víctor Campos, Xavier Giró-i-Nieto,
Brendan Jou, and Shih-Fu Chang. 2017. More cat than cute? Interpretable
Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs. In Proceedings of MUSA2’17, Mountain
View, CA, USA, October 27, 2017, 9 pages.
∗ Work
Figure 1: Example of object oriented and scene oriented
ANPs. The hypothesis of different contribution of the adjective or the noun depending on the ANP is subtended on
the subjective different visual relevance of one or the other
varying on the ANP. We distinguish between noun oriented
ANPs (top row) and adjective oriented ANPs (bottom row).
partially developed while Dèlia Fernández was a visiting scholar at Columbia
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MUSA2’17, October 27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
© 2017 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5509-4/17/10. . . $15.00
Computers are acquiring increasing ability for understanding high
level visual concepts such as objects and actions in images and
videos, but often lack an affective comprehension of such content.
Technologies have largely obviated emotion from data, while neurology demonstrates how emotions are fundamental to human
experience by influencing cognition, perception and everyday tasks
such as learning, communication and decision-making [18].
During the last decade, with the growing availability and popularity of opinion-rich resources such as social networks, the interest
MUSA2’17, October 27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
on the computational analysis of sentiment has increased. Every
day, Internet users post and share billions of multimedia content
in online platforms to express sentiment and opinions about several topics [13], which has motivated research on automated affect
understanding for large-scale multimedia [3, 12, 16]. The ability
of analyzing and understanding this kind of information opens
the door to behavioral sciences and applications such as brand
monitoring or advertisement effect [22].
One of the main challenges for automated affect understanding
in visual media is overcoming the affective gap between low-level
visual features and high-level affective semantics. Such task goes
beyond overcoming the semantic gap, i.e. recognizing the objects
in an image, and poses a challenging task in computer vision. In
[3], adjective-noun pair (ANP) semantics are proposed as a midlevel representation that convey strong affective content while
being visually detectable by traditional computer vision methods,
e.g. łhappy dog", łmisty morning" or łlittle girl".
It has been argued that the noun in an ANP grounds the visual
appearance of the concept, while the adjective works as a bias
carrying most of the conveyed affect [16]. However, we hypothesize
that for some ANPs the adjective may carry most of the visual cues
that are key for its detection, as depicted by the examples in Figure
1. While the most salient visual cues for łcute dogž or łdelicious
cupcakež are related to łdogž and łcupcakež, we expect that in other
cases such as łdark nightž or łbright dayž the visual features related
to łdarkž and łbrightž to contribute more in the detection of the ANP.
The analysis developed in this paper allows classifying between
noun or adjective oriented ANPs by comparing the contribution of
the adjective and noun concept in the final prediction.
The examples depicted in Figure1 point at a second factor influencing the relative contributions between adjective and nouns. If
focused on the nouns only, it can be observed that some of them are
related to the objects depicted in the images (eg. dog and cupcake),
while other nouns are more related to the whole scene represented
by the image (eg. night and day). Our analysis will also discuss the
behavior of adjective and noun contributions from this perspective.
The prediction of these adjective and noun structured labels has
been traditionally addressed with single branch classifiers, ignoring
the particular structure of these pairs. In order to verify our hypothesis, we propose fusing specialized adjective and noun detectors
and then analyze their contribution by means of state of the art
methods. The proposed two-stage training process allows to decompose the decision of the final classifier in terms of the contribution
of different understandable concepts, i.e. the adjectives and nouns
in the dataset. Given these contribution results, a thorough analysis
is performed in order to understand how the classifier leverages
the information coming from each of the branches and shed some
light into the particularities of the ANP detection task.
The contributions of this work include (1) a new ANP classifier
architecture that provides comparable performance to the state
of the art results while allowing interpretability, (2) a method to
evaluate adjective and noun contributions on ANP prediction, and
(3) an extended analysis on the contributions from a numerical and
semantical point of view.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews the related
models in ANP prediction and the previous works on decomposing
this task into adjective and noun classification. We present our
D. Fernández et al.
interpretable model ANPnet in Section 3, which is trained with the
dataset and parameters described in Section 4. Accuracy results are
presented in Section 5, while the contributions in terms of adjective
and nouns are discussed in 6. Final conclusions and discussions
are contained in Section 7. Source code and models are available at
Automated sentiment and emotion detection from visual media has
received increasing interest by the multimedia community during
the past years. These tasks have been addressed with traditional
low-level feature based techniques, such as color features [11],
SIFT-based Bag of Words [19] and aesthetic effects [25]. Due to the
success of deep learning techniques in reference vision benchmarks
[9, 17, 23], Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent
Neural Networks (RNNs) have replaced and surpassed handcrafted
features for affect-related tasks [4, 26, 27].
Methods for detecting adjective-noun pairs (ANP) have strongly
relied on state-of-the-art vision algorithms. Similarly to other computer vision tasks, early approaches based on handcrafted features [2] were soon replaced with CNNs [5, 15, 16]. CNNs have
proven their efficiency for large-scale image datasets [9, 10, 17, 23].
DeepSentiBank [5] presented the first application of CNNs for ANP
prediction. MVSO detector-banks [15] showed performance improvement by using a more modern architecture, GoogLeNet [23],
which also reduced the amount of parameters of the model.
The multi-task nature of the ANP detection task has been exploited by using a fan-out architecture, where a first set of layers
is shared for all tasks, and then splits in different network heads
that specialize on each task [14]. Inter-task influence is increased
through the use of cross-residual connections between the different
heads. Despite this approach improves on the single-task models,
the hierarchical structure of ANPs is not explicitly encoded in the
architecture and the influence of the adjective and noun branches
on the ANP detection lacks interpretability as compared to the
approaches presented in this work.
Factorized nets [21] explicitly leverage the hierarchical nature of
ANPs in the model architecture. Decomposing the ANP detection
task into factorized adjective and noun classification problems allows the model to classify unseen adjective and noun combinations
that are not available in the training set. However, the use of an
M-dimensional latent space for adjectives and nouns complicates
the interpretability of their combination in terms of understandable
semantic concepts.
The task of sentiment analysis is addressed with Deep Coupled
Adjective and Noun neural networks (DCAN) [24] by learning a
mid-level visual representation from two convolutional networks
jointly trained with VSO. One of this networks is specialized in
adjectives and the other one in nouns. The learned representations
shows superior performance in the task of sentiment analysis, but
does not provide an interpretation about which concepts triggered
the predictions.
The model proposed in this work follows a fan-in architecture
which allows to understand and decompose the final classification
in terms of the contribution of specific adjectives and nouns.
More cat than cute?
Interpretable Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs
MUSA2’17, October 27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
representations between the neighboring layers of smaller sizes.
Inputs to the fusion layer are whitened by computing the mean
and standard deviation for all the samples in the training set. The
number of output neurons in AdjNet and NounNet is determined
by the number of adjective and noun classes in our dataset, which
were 117 and 167 respectively.
Next sections present how ANPNet was trained to simultaneously provide competitive and interpretable results.
Figure 2: Interpretable model for ANP detection.
The ANPnet network presented in Section 3 was trained with a
subset of the Visual Sentiment Ontology (VSO) [3] dataset. Firstly,
AdjNet and NounNet were trained independently for adjective and
noun predictions, respectively, and in a second stage the fusion
layers were trained to predict the ANPs in the input image. This section describes in detail the dataset used and the training parameters
of the whole architecture.
This section presents ANPnet, an interpretable architecture for
ANP detection constructed by fusing the outputs of two specialized
networks for adjective and noun classification. Given an input
image, x, we estimate its corresponding Adjective, Noun and ANP
labels, yad j , ynoun and yAN P , as
ŷad j = fad j (x)
ŷnoun = fnoun (x)
ŷAN P = д ŷad j , ŷnoun
where fad j , fnoun and д are parametrized by neural networks,
namely AdjNet, NounNet and the Fusion network. We aim at studying the contribution of the different adjectives and nouns by analyzing the behavior of д with respect to its inputs. The method for
computing such contributions is described in Section 6.
The architecture for the specialized networks are based on the
well-known ResNet-50 model [9]. Residual Networks are convolutional neural network architectures that introduce residual functions with reference to the layer inputs, achieving better results than
their non-residual counterparts. All residual layers use łB optionž
shortcut connections as described in [9], where projections are only
used when matching dimensions (1 × 1 convolutions with stride
2) and other shortcuts are identity. This architecture represents a
good trade-off between classification accuracy and computational
cost. Besides, it allows comparison in terms of accuracy with the
ResNet-50 network trained for ANP detection in [14].
The last layer in ResNet-50, originally predicting the 1,000 classes
in ImageNet, is replaced in AdjNet and NounNet to predict, respectively, the adjectives and nouns considered in our dataset. Each of
these two networks is trained separately with the same images and
the corresponding adjective or noun labels. The probability ouputs
of AdjNet and NounNet are fused by means of a fully connected
neural network with a ReLU non-linearity. On top of that, a softmax
linear classifier predicts the detection probabilities for each ANP
class considered in the model.
Figure 2 depicts the deeper layers of ANPnet, showing how
AdjNet and NounNet are fused by a fully connected layer of 1,024
neurons. This size is chosen to allow the network to learn sparse
The presented work uses a subset of the Visual Sentiment Ontology (VSO) [3] dataset, the same part used in [14] to facilitate the
comparison in terms of accuracy.
The original VSO dataset contains over 1200 different ANPs and
about 500k images retrieved from the social multimedia platform
Flickr 1 . Those images were found by querying Flickr search engine
with keywords from the Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions [7], a wellknown emotion model derived from psychological studies. This
wheel contains 24 basic emotions, such as joy, fear or anger. The discovery of affective-related ANPs was based on their co-occurrences
with the emotion tags. The initial list of ANP candidates was manually filtered in order to ensure semantics correctness, sentiment
strength and popular usage on Flickr. Finally, each resulting ANP
concepts was used to query again Flickr and build this way a collection of images and metadata associated to the ANP.
The full VSO dataset presents certain limitations already pointed
out in [14]. First, some adjective-noun pair concepts are singletons
and do not share any adjectives or nouns with other concept pairs.
Also, some nouns are massively over-represented and there are far
less adjectives to compose the adjective-noun pairs. Due to these
drawbacks, our experiments are based on a subset of VSO build
according to the more restrictive constraints proposed in [14]. The
considered subset of ANPs satisfy the following conditions: (1) the
adjective is paired with at least two more different nouns, (2) nouns
that are not overwhelmingly biasing and abstract, and (3) all ANPs
are related with 500 or more images. The final VSO subset contains
167 nouns and 117 adjectives that form 553 adjective-noun pairs
over 384,258 Flickr images. A stratified 80-20 split is performed,
resulting in 307,185 images for training and 77,073 for test. The
partition used in our experiments is the same for which results in
[14] are reported2 .
2 Dataset splits were obtained through personal communication with the authors of
D. Fernández et al.
Best detected ANPs
MUSA2’17, October 27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
b) young deer
Worst detected ANPs
a) dying rose
Figure 4: Histogram of top-5 accuracy for ANP prediction
with ANPnet.
c) nice scene
d) peaceful morning
Figure 3: Example of two of the best (a, b) and worst detected
(c, d) ANPs. The visual variance on the ANP can be noticed
with contrasting examples.
All CNNs were trained using stochastic gradient descent with momentum of 0.9, on batches of 128 samples and a learning rate of 0.01.
Data augmentation, consisting in random crops and/or horizontal
flips on the input images, together with ℓ2 -regularization with a
weight decay rate of 10−4 is used in order to reduce overfitting.
When possible, layers were initialized using weights from a model
pre-trained on ImageNet [6]. Otherwise, weights were initialized
following the method proposed by Glorot and Bengio [8] and the
initial value for the biases was set to 0.
The training is performed in two stages. First, AdjNet and NounNet are trained independently for the tasks of adjective and noun
classification, respectively. The learned weights are then frozen in
order to train the fusion network on top of the specialized CNNs.
Thanks to this two-step training strategy, the inputs to the fusion
layer become an intermediate and semantically interpretable representation.
All experiments were run using two NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan
X GPUs and implemented with TensorFlow [1].
The performance of our interpretable model in terms of ANP detection is presented in Table 1. This table shows a decrease of performance in terms of accuracy of ANPnet with respect to a ResNet-50
fine-tuned end-to-end for ANP prediction. The table includes the
results of two ResNet-50, the ones published in [14] and new ones
obtained with the training parameters described in Section 4.2.
The similar values obtained by our model with respect to the ones
reported in [14] confirm that the training hyperparameters were
NounNet [14]
ResNet-50 [14]
AdjNet [14]
Table 1: Detection accuracy for adjective, nouns and ANPs,
in %.
appropriate. According to the baseline set by our ResNet-50 for
ANP prediction, the loss of accuracy associated building ANPNet
is of 3.8% for top-1 accuracy and 4.7% for top-5.
The loss is also present when comparing ANPnet with a noninterpretable version of the same architecture for which the output
layers of AdjNet and NounNet are also initialized randomly and
trained. In this case the drop in accuracy is of 2.2% when considering top-1 and 2.5% for top-5. With this setup, the network is not
forced to use adjective and noun probabilities as an intermediate
representation and has additional degrees of freedom to optimize
for the target task of ANP classification. The decrease in accuracy
of the interpretable model with respect to this latter configuration
is then expected. These results quantize the price to pay in terms
of accuracy for making our model interpretable.
A more general overview of the ANPnet performance in terms
of top-5 accuracy is presented in Figure 4 as the histogram of values considering the full test dataset. The distribution of accuracies
across the different ANPs follows a Gaussian-like distribution centered around the average score of 43.28%.
The results in Table 1 show both accuracy in terms of top-1 and
top-5 because ANP prediction can be highly affected by synonyms.
More cat than cute?
Interpretable Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs
Adjective concepts such as łsmilingž and łhappyž, or noun concepts
like łcatž and łanimalž are considered absolutely different in the
accuracy metric, so relaxing its detection by considering the top-5
predictions may provide a metric that expresses better the obtained
results [15]. This observation motivates the use of top-5 accuracy as
the reference metric for evaluating the correctness of the predictions
in the remaining sections of this work.
The accuracy results in Table 1 also show how adjectives are
more difficult to detect than nouns, as accuracy values are lower,
even distinguishing among a larger number of classes. There are two
reasons for this gap of performance. The first one is that adjectives
usually describe more abstract concepts than nouns, with a larger
associated visual variance. For example, there may be a wide range
of visual features required to describe the concept łhappyž. The
second reason is that ResNet-50 was initially trained for object
classification on ImageNet, a type of concepts that are associated
to nouns.
A closer look at the results allows to distinguish which of the 553
considered ANPs can be better detected and which ones present
more problems. Table 2 presents the ANPs with best and worst top5 accuracy predictions with ANPNet, comparing their accuracy per
ANP with the individual accuracies of their composing adjective
and nouns. Qualitative results of two of the best and worst detected
ANPs are depicted in Figure 3.
These results show how the best detected ANPs correspond to
object-oriented nouns, i.e. well defined entities with a low variation
from a visual perspective and usually represented by a localized
region withing the image. These would the the cases of łriverž,
łdeerž or łmushroomsž. On the other hand, the worst predictions
are associated to scene-oriented ANPs, which depict more abstract
concepts and thus have a larger visual variance, such as łplacesž,
łviewž or łscenež itself. The top-5 accuracy tends to be significantly
better in the case of object-oriented nouns than in the case of sceneoriented ones. This difference in performance may be related to
using a ResNet-50 pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset for AdjNet
and NounNet. ImageNet is a dataset build for object classification,
so our model is more specialized in these type of classes than those
related to scenes [28].
ANPNet allows a finer analysis under the form of a co-detection
matrix. The contents of the matrix provide the percentage of images for which the adjective, noun or ANP are correctly detected
(columns) among those images for which the adjective, noun or
ANP has been correctly predicted (rows). As previously stated, a detection is considered correct when the ground truth label is among
the top-5, whether adjective, noun or ANP. The diagonal of the
co-detection matrix corresponds to 100%, as it represents the ratio
of the whole set of detected adjective, noun or ANP with respect
to itself. The rest of values do not necessarily need to meet the
100% as, for example, a correct detection of an ANP among the
top-5 predictions does not also imply that the composing adjective
or noun was among the top-5 predicted adjectives or nouns. The
co-detection matrix allows to study the correlation between ANPs
and their composing parts, providing insights about how a correct
detection of adjectives and nouns is related to a correct detection
of an ANP.
The co-detection matrix of ANPNet is presented in Table 3. Its
results indicate that the detection of an ANP also implies in many
MUSA2’17, October 27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
cases a correct detection of the adjective, in 87.47% of the cases, and
of the noun, in 95.76% of the cases. On the other hand, a correct
detection of the adjective or noun does not necessarily imply a
correct detection of the ANP, as the ANP top-5 accuracy for these
cases is 66.38% for adjectives and 59.87% for nouns.
In addition, the matrix also indicates that a detection of the
adjective is also related to a correct prediction of the noun in 84.58%
of the samples, but the inverse situation only corresponds to 69.67%
of the considered images.
Understanding neural networks has attracted much research interest. For CNNs in particular, most methods rely on extracting the
most salient points in the original image space that triggered a particular decision. The particularities of the ANPNet model presented
in Section 3 allows to interpret the ANP predictions obtained in
Section 5 in terms of adjective and noun contributions.
We adopted Deep Taylor Decomposition [20] to compute the
contribution of each element in ŷad j and ŷnoun to the final ANP
prediction, ŷAN P (Equation 3). This method consists in computing
and propagating relevance backwards in the network (i.e. from the
output to the input), where layer-wise relevance is approximated
by a domain-specific Taylor decomposition. Two different rules
are then derived for ReLU layers, namely the z + −rule and z B −rule,
which apply to layers with unbounded and bounded inputs, respectively [20]. In our model, z B −rule is used for the relevance model
between the fully connected layer in the Fusion network and the
bounded Adjective and Noun probabilities, whereas z + −rule is used
Adjective Noun Ratio
This first analysis explores the nature of different ANPs depending on how much their prediction is influenced by the adjective
and noun classes that compose it. For this purpose, we define the
Adjective-to-Noun Ratio (ANR) as the normalized contribution of
the adjectives with respect to the nouns during the prediction of an
ANP. These normalized contributions are computed by summing
the individual contributions of all adjectives and nouns considered
by AdjNet and NounNet, and normalizing them by the total amount
of adjective and nouns, respectively. Based on this definition, a uniform distribution of activations at the 117 outputs of AdjNet and
another uniform distribution of activations at the 167 outputs of
NounNet will result in an ANR equal to the unit.
We present two types of analysis from the ANR perspective:
when considering a correct predictions of the ANP and its composing adjective and nouns, and when considering every prediction
in the top-5 for every image. The ANRs of the ANP with highest
and lowest ANPs are presented in Table 4, together with their top-5
accuracy values for the prediction, which allows interpreting the
ANRs values in the context of the predictability of the adjective,
noun and ANP.
6.1.1 Average ANR per correct predictions. A first analysis considers high quality predictions from two perspectives: focusing on
the correctness of the ANP only, or requiring a correct prediction
the adjective and/or noun as well. As in previous sections, a prediction is considered correct if the ground truth adjective, noun or
MUSA2’17, October 27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
D. Fernández et al.
Top-5 accuracies for best ANPs
Adj Noun
gentle river
tiny bathroom
young deer
wild deer
misty road
dying rose
icy grass
tiny mushrooms
golden statue
empty train
Top-5 accuracies for worst ANPs
Adj Noun
abandoned places
beautiful landscape
beautiful earth
charming places
bad view
peaceful morning
peaceful places
nice scene
serene scene
bright sky
Table 2: Top-5 accuracies for the best and worst detected ANPs, together with the top-5 accuracies of their composing adjectives
and nouns.
100.00 84.58
Noun 69.67 100.00 59.87
95.76 100.00
Table 3: Adjective, Noun and ANP co-detection matrix. The
contents of the matrix provide the percentage of images
for which the adjective, noun or ANP are correctly detected
(columns) among those images for which the adjective, noun
or ANP has been correctly predicted (rows).
ANP is among the top-5 prediction. This analysis corresponds to
the columns 2 to 5 in Table 4.
A first observation is that ANR takes values higher or lower than
one, indicating that some ANP predictions are more influenced by
the adjective branch of ANPnet, while others are more influenced by
the noun branch. This diversity allows us to classify ANPs between
adjective oriented or noun oriented ANPs, depending on whether
the ANR is higher or lower than one, correspondingly.
A second observation indicates that the difficulty on predicting
the adjective favors most of the ANPs to be noun oriented. We can
observe in table 4 that all the five ANPs with lowest ANR (noun
oriented) have an adjective accuracy prediction lower than the
adjective predictions from the five ANPs with highest ANR.
Finally, filtering the results by forcing a correct prediction of the
adjective and/or noun shows almost no impact in the final estimated
ANR. This lack of variation can be explained by the co-detection
matrix previously presented in Table 3. The third row of the matrix
indicates that, when an ANP is correctly detected, the adjective is
also well predicted in 87.47% of the cases and the noun in 95.76%.
This allows a small variation when samples are filtered to force that
adjective and/or noun must also be detected.
6.1.2 Average ANR per all images. The results of Section 6.1.1
indicate how each ANP prediction is affected by the composing
adjective and noun in the case of correct predictions. We extend this
analysis to a more generic approach were ground truth labels are not
considered, so that all top-5 predicted ANP for each image are used
in estimating the ANR values. This analysis provides more samples
because in this case each image in the dataset allows drawing five
ANR values, one for each of the top-5 predicted ANPs. In the case
of Section 6.1.1, each image could only contribute in estimating the
ANR of the ground truth ANP, and only in the case that the ANP
were predicted among the top-5 ones.
The results of this analysis corresponds to the sixth column in
Table 4. The estimated values show some slight variations with
respect to the ANRs predicted over correct predictions only. The
conclusions about adjective and noun oriented ANP remain the
same for the cases depicted in the table.
Visually equivalent ANPs
The interpretation of ANP predictions in terms of their contributing
adjectives and nouns permits a novel description approach for ANPs.
We define as visually equivalent those ANPs whose top-5 adjective
and noun contributions are identical. Table 5 contains two pairs
of visually equivalent ANPs. In the first example, łhappy dogž and
łsmiling dogž have an identical noun and very similar adjective from
a semantic perspective, while the second case presents the opposite
situation, in which the same łgoldenž adjective is used to build the
łgolden autumnž and łgolden leavesž ANPs. In both examples their
two sets of top-5 contributing adjectives and nouns is identical, but
not in the exact order. Also, from a visual perspective, the presented
examples depict how the two ANPs are visually described by the
same class of images.
A more extensive list of visually equivalent ANPs is provided
in Table 5, together with the ANR of each ANP. These visually
equivalent ANPs also share in all cases the adjective or the noun.
Notice how they also present similar ANR values, an expected
behavior as the most contributing adjectives and nouns are the
same in each member of the pair.
These results show how our interpretable model is able to identify equivalent ANPs, which are a common case given the subjectivity and richness of an affective-aware dataset. These observations
reinforce the choice of a top-5 accuracy metric instead of a more
rigid top-1, as the boundaries between classes are very dim and
often overlap.
More cat than cute?
Interpretable Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs
sexy model
misty trees
abandoned places
sexy body
wild horse
innocent eyes
incredible view
tired eyes
laughing baby
chubby baby
MUSA2’17, October 27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
Adjective-to-Noun Ratio (ANR)
Correct predictions
All top-5 predictions
ANP + Adj ANP + Noun ANP + Adj + Noun
Top-5 Accuracy
Table 4: Highest and lowest ANRs computed for all top-5 predictions and only for the correct predictions among the top-5.
Happy Dog
Smiling Dog
top-5 adjectives
top-5 nouns
top-5 adjectives
top-5 nouns
Golden Autumn
Golden Leaves
top-5 adjectives
top-5 nouns
top-5 adjectives
top-5 nouns
Table 5: Pairs of ANPs with identical top-5 adjective and
noun contributions.
Related Adjectives and Nouns
The most contributing adjectives and nouns detected by ANPnet can
also be used as semantic labels themselves. This way, our model can
ancient architecture
1.044 ancient building 1.075
dead fly
1.045 dead bug
traditional architecture 1.027 traditional house 1.004
dry tree
0.962 dying tree
tiny boat
0.924 little boat
weird bug
0.925 ugly bug
heavy clouds
0.921 dark clouds
beautiful clouds
0.920 beautiful sky
angry cat
0.820 evil cat
Table 6: Pairs of Visually Equivalent ANPs
detect in a single pass additional concepts related to the predicted
ANP, with applications to image tagging, captioning or retrieval.
Table 7 shows the top-5 related adjective and nouns of four
ANPs. We verify that the top contributing adjective and nouns have
correspondence with the image contents, by randomly picking six
images in the dataset for the considered ANPs. In example a) it can
be seen how ANPnet learned that the most related concepts for
an łelegant weddingž scene are the names łcakež, łrosež, łdressž
and łladyž, and the adjectives łoutdoorž, łfreshž, łtastyž and łdeliciousž. Notice the high contribution of food-adjectives as łfreshž,
łtastyž and łdeliciousž, which apply to the wedding cake and wedding meal. In the example b) we show the highest contributions
for a more scene-oriented ANP, as łcharming placež. We notice
how the network has been able to learn that adjectives describing
łcharming placesž are often also related to łcomfortablež, łexcellentž,
łtraditionalž and łexpensivež; and that elements appearing on these
types of scenes are łhotel", łhousež, łhomež and łfoodž. Examples
c) and d) show additional cases of adjectives and nouns that match
the contents of some images. For example, to describe łdelicious
foodž we could use adjectives as łtraditionalž, łexcellentž, łtastyž or
łyummyž. And to describe łgolden hairž images, other concepts that
are related are: łshinyž, łprettyž, łsexyž, łsmoothž, łladyž, łblondež,
łsunlightž and łgirlž.
MUSA2’17, October 27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
a) Elegant Wedding
D. Fernández et al.
b) Charming Places
top-5 adjectives
top-5 nouns
top-5 adjectives
top-5 nouns
c) Delicious Food
d) Golden Hair
top-5 adjectives
top-5 nouns
top-5 adjectives
top-5 nouns
Table 7: Examples of co-occurring concepts on ANPs for the
ANPs: a) "elegant wedding", b) "charming places", c) "delicious food" and d) "golden hair". Notice how the most contributing concepts match the images on the dataset for a
given ANP.
This work has presented ANPnet as an interpretable model capable of disentangling the adjective and noun contributions for the
predictions of Adjective Noun Pairs (ANPs). This tools has allowed
us to validate our hypothesis that the contribution of adjectives
and nouns varies depending on each ANP and have introduced
Adjective-to-Noun Ratio (ANR) as a measure to quantize it.
ANPnet is based on the fusion of two specialized networks for
adjective and noun detection. Keeping the interpretation of the
model when fusing the two specialized networks has also provoked
a loss of accuracy of the model, establishing a trade-off between
interpretability and performance. It has been observed that better
detection accuracies are often associated to object-oriented nouns,
while worse ones are related to scene-oriented nouns. As future
work, one may explore pre-training AdjNet and NounNet not only
with an object-oriented dataset as ImageNet, but also with a sceneoriented one such as Places [28].
The unbalanced contributions of adjective and nouns in ANP
predictions also allows a classification between adjective- and nounoriented ANPs. Adjective-oriented ANPs tend to be harder to detect
because adjectives themselves are also harder to detect than nouns.
As in the case of scene-oriented nouns, adjective-oriented ANPs
may be difficult to predict because AdjNet and NounNet were pretrained with the objects in ImageNet, a type of nouns. In addition,
qualitative results also indicate how adjective concepts are much
more visually diverse than noun ones.
Our work has also shown how different ANPs may have the
same top adjective and noun contributions, allowing the detection
of visually equivalent ANPs. As a final analysis, we have shown
how ANPnet can also be used to generate adjective and noun labels
to enrich the semantic description of the images.
The presented work, while focus on affective-aware ANPs, could
be extended to any other problem of adjective and noun detection,
and even to more complex cases with more composing concepts.
Our interpretable model aims at contributing in the field of better
understanding why deep neural networks produce their predictions
in terms of intermediate activations with a straightforward semantic interpretation. In the other hand, relationship between concepts
can be used in order to modify network loss when training.
As future work, the accuracy gap between the interpretable
model and the baseline should be reduced. An option to do that
is by introducing multi-task and weight sharing between AdjNet
and NounNet to reduce the number of parameters. A different
architecture were the detection of an adjective or noun could be
conditioned by the prior detection of the other (or viceversa) could
reduce the visual variance in the detection and help improving its
performance. Finally, the introduction of external knowledge bases
could be explored to explore prior knowledge on the domain.
The source code and models used in this work are publicly available at
Dèlia Fernández is funded by contract 2017-DI-011 of the Industrial Doctorate Programme of the Government of Catalonia. This
work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy
and Competitivity under contracts TIN2012-34557 by the BSC-CNS
Severo Ochoa program (SEV-2011-00067), and contracts TEC201343935-R and TEC2016-75976-R. It has also been supported by grants
2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1421 by the Government of Catalonia, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). We
gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation for the
donation of GPUs used in this work.
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