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2022, Review of "Critical readings of Turkey’s foreign policy"…
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The argument that ‘The study of foreign policy has been highly unaffected by the critical insights offered by post-positivism’ was put forward by Doty (1993) in the early years of the post-Cold War era. Although constructivist interventions have become more common since then, it is safe to argue that positivist approaches still dominate the analysis of foreign policy. Edited by Birsen Erdogan and Fulya Hisarlioglu, Critical Readings of Turkey’s Foreign Policy makes a timely contribution to this evolving literature with its attempt to bring together multiple scholars from Turkey to discuss different aspects of Turkey’s place in the world and its relations with other states through a ‘critical’ perspective.
This paper is aimed to review Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East from a constructivist point of view. Turkish state identity and domestic inputs to the foreign policy making process like culture, identity and norms are considered together with the external factors.
Turkish Studies, Vol 15, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 117-138
ABSTRACT This article analyses different approaches to Turkish foreign policy (TFP) from a critical realist perspective. It seeks to criticize positivist and post-positivist approaches to TFP, arguing for a non-reductionist, historical materialist approach based on the principles of critical realism. It argues that historical materialist approaches are missing both from the analysis of TFP and from the mainstream foreign-policy analysis in general. In emphasizing the importance of a historical materialist approach, the paper also underlines the importance of acknowledging the structural context of foreign policy-making as a complement to the agent-centric, micro-level analyses that dominate the mainstream TFP analysis. Finally, it advocates a research agenda that focuses on the development of a historical materialist approach to TFP
The Review of International Affairs, 2021
State identity not only defines how elite decision-makers, as well as the informed public, identify their governmental affiliation but also informs the actions of the policymakers in the conduct of their foreign policy. There are numerous studies dealing with the role of ideas, identity and norms in international relations by scholars belonging to the constructivist school of thought in International Relations Theory. This study purports to offer such a constructivist analysis of Turkish foreign policy behaviour based on the gradual change of Kemalist state identity from a secular Western-oriented identity to that of a religious-based affiliation under the current Justice and Development Party (2002-2020). While realist variables are significant for explicating major events of Republican Turkey, such as its alignment with the United States after World War II, Turkey's policy decisions towards Cyprus and the Turkic republics of the former Soviet Union cannot be explained by purely materialist factors. For an adequate understanding of these policies, we need to resort to analytical eclecticism employing both realist and constructivist variables for a more sophisticated analysis of Turkey's foreign relations. When it comes to the JDP government, however, constructivist variables trump realist explanations as Turkish foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, has been clouded and shaped by an Islamically-framed Weltanschauung.
New Middle Eastern Studies, 2019
Turkish foreign policy making under the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) rule has been at the centre of scholarly debates since the party first came to power in 2002. Interest to the subject maximised in a way during the 2010s, raising serious concerns over its manifestation in the fieldnot only in the Middle East, but also in other parts of the world. Contrary to what was initially believed, mostly by Western scholars, the AKP did not shift Turkish foreign policy away from Turkey's westernization vision. The AKP rather adapted to the changing global conditions of our time, affected by and being in constant dialogue with, the socio-economic and political aspects of the party's vision of founding the "New Turkey". The collective goal of the present collection of articles in this special issue is to show howand in what complex ways -Turkish foreign policy has changed over the years, and discuss the nature of the changes through three distinct themes: priorities, challenges and contradictions.
For Turkish scholars, understanding especially the last decade of Turkey’s international politics has been a great challenge. Answering fundamental questions, -and many others-, requires collection of reliable, complete and uniform data and interpreting them on conceptual terms. The purpose of this thesis is to understand and explain Turkey’s foreign affairs in a holistic way and offer a homegrown model based on original data. Building an original event dataset, this thesis accounts for the empirical observations made out of Turkey’s international practice and conceptualizes it as a complex system. It accounts for foreign policy change in complex systems, introduces concepts such as domestic responsivity, domestic, international nodes as well as intermestic and international nexus, and puts forward a helical model of power accumulation, as an outcome of successful foreign policy change.
Th e article explores the transformation which the Turkish foreign policy has been undergoing in the last decade since the post-Islamist Justice and Development Party had come to power. Whereas in the cold-war era Turkey concentrated its foreign policy on bolstering the alliance with the United States and on eff orts to join the European Communities, last couple of years have seen the country diversify its international engagement. Turkey has been using 'new' instruments, such as soft power, to build up its regional status. Yet, the ambitious foreign policy is constrained by the regional developments, the Arab Spring turmoil being the prime example.
Sâmbătă, 28 octombrie 2012 7:29 p.m. Mă ridic şi privesc patul, ţinându-mi respiraţia de teama sunetelor care-mi urcă din adâncul pieptului. No să plâng. No să plâng. Lăsându-mă uşor în genunchi, îmi pun mâinile pe marginea patului şi-mi trec degetele peste stelele galbene revărsate pe fundalul albastru-închis al cuverturii. Fixez cu privirea stelele, până când încep să se înceţoşeze din cauza lacrimilor care-mi înnegurează vederea. Închid ochii, strâns, şi-mi îngrop faţa în moliciunea patului, umplându-mi pumnii cu faldurile mototolite ale păturii. Umerii încep să-mi tremure, fiindcă hohotele pe care m-am străduit să le ţin în frâu îmi izbucnesc cu violenţă. Dintr-o singură mişcare iute, mă ridic, ţip şi smulg pătura de pe pat, azvârlind-o cât colo prin cameră. Strâng din pumni şi caut înnebunită în jur altceva de aruncat, înşfac pernele de pe pat şi le arunc în imaginea reflectată de oglindă a unei fete pe care no mai recunosc. Privesc cum fata din oglindă se holbează la mine, hohotind jalnic. Slăbiciunea din lacrimile ei mă înfurie. Ne repezim una spre cealaltă, până când pumnii ni se izbesc de sticlă, spărgând oglinda. Urmăresc cu privirea milioanele de cioburi sclipitoare căzând pe covor. Apuc de margini măsuţa pentru toaleră şi-o împing într-o parte, scoţând un alt ţipăt de prea multă vreme zăgăzuit. Când măsuţa ajunge să zacă pe spate, îi smulg sertarele şi împrăştii conţinutul prin cameră, rotindu-mă şi aruncând şi izbind cu picioarele tot ce
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