Acta Gastroenterológica Latinoamericana
ISSN: 0300-9033
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Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología
Alvarez, Fernando Andrés; Colombres, Gustavo Adolfo; Viqueira, Alejandro; Maldonado, Jorge
Eduardo; Alvarellos, Emilio; Sambuelli, Rubén Horacio; Alvarellos, Teresita
Splenic autoimplantation in omentum and stomach, hematoimmunological follow-up and B-cell
repertoire in the graft
Acta Gastroenterológica Latinoamericana, vol. 40, núm. 4, diciembre, 2010, pp. 339-346
Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Splenic autoimplantation in omentum and
stomach, hematoimmunological follow-up
and B-cell repertoire in the graft
Fernando Andrés Alvarez,1 Gustavo Adolfo Colombres,1 Alejandro Viqueira,1
Jorge Eduardo Maldonado,1 Emilio Alvarellos,1 Rubén Horacio Sambuelli,2
Teresita Alvarellos 3
Department of Experimental Surgery, 2 Department of Pathology, 3 Department of Human Genetics, Catholic University of Córdoba
School of Medicine, Jacinto Ríos 571, X5004ASK, Córdoba, Argentina.
Acta Gastroenterol Latinoam 2010;40:339-346
Introduction. Splenic autoimplantation appears to be
the only alternative to preserve splenic tissue after splenectomy; however, its relevance is still controversial. We
intended to study splenic autoimplantation in the greater omentum and stomach wall of rabbits and analyze
its hematoimmunological performance and the preservation of original structures. Methods. New Zealand
rabbits were divided in two groups: autoimplanted (A)
(n=13) and splenectomized (S) (n=4). The animals of
group A underwent autoimplantation of splenic fragments in the greater omentum and gastric wall. Both
groups were evaluated by hemocytological tests, scintigraphy, immunoglobulin and C3 dosages, before the
surgery and 2 and 4 months afterwards. After 4
months, the grafts were removed and histological examination and gen rearrangement of B-lymphocytes receptors by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were performed to assess the cellular diversity of clones. Results.
The histological analysis demonstrated the presence of
splenic tissue in 10 of the 13 cases (77%) with evident
size reduction. The gastric location did not develop
complications and demonstrated higher morphological
correspondence to the autoimplanted tissue. Both groups
showed significant decrease of IgM and increase of C3,
without considerable differences between both of them
during follow up. From the 8 grafts studied with PCR,
3 cases presented polyclonality and 5 oligoclonality.
Conclusions. The revascularized grafts evidenced splenic regenerating tissue, probably associated to the oligoCorrespondencia: Fernando Andrés Alvarez
Mariquita Sánchez 2322, X5008. Córdoba, Argentina.
Tel./Fax: +54-351 4894620 / +54-011 1551551700
[email protected]
clonality detected by PCR. Consequently, we consider
that autoimplantation is a reasonable alternative for
splenectomized patients, even though the stomach placement and the high frequency of oligoclonality justify
further investigation.
Key words. Splenic autoimplantation, PCR, rabbits,
stomach, oligoclonality.
Autoimplante de bazo en epiplón
y estómago, seguimiento
hematoinmunológico y repertorio
de linfocitos B en el injerto
Introducción. El autoimplante esplénico aparece como la única alternativa para preservar tejido esplénico
luego de la esplenectomía, aunque su utilidad sigue
siendo discutida. Nos propusimos investigar el autoimplante esplénico en epiplón y pared gástrica de conejos,
sus efectos hematoinmunológicos y el mantenimiento de
su estructura original. Métodos. Se emplearon conejos
Nueva Zelanda los cuales fueron divididos en dos grupos: autoimplante (A) (n=13) y esplenectomía (E)
(n=4). En el grupo A se realizó autoimplante de fragmentos esplénicos en epiplón mayor y estómago. Ambos
grupos fueron sujetos a valoración prequirúrgica y postquirúrgica a los 2 y 4 meses mediante estudios hemocitológicos, centellografía, dosaje de inmunoglobulinas y
C3. Al cuarto mes los injertos fueron sometidos a estudio histológico y genético mediante el rearreglo de genes
de receptores de linfocitos B por reacción en cadena de
la polimerasa (PCR) para valorar la diversidad de clones de esta célula. Resultados. El estudio histológico
Omental and gastric wall splenic autoimplantation
evidenció tejido esplénico en 10 de 13 casos (77%). El
autoimplante en estómago no presentó complicaciones
y demostró mayor correspondencia morfológica al tejido autoimplantado. Ambos grupos presentaron descenso significativo de IgM e incremento de C3, aunque sin
diferencias significativas entre ellos. De 8 injertos estudiados por PCR, se confirmó policlonalidad en 3 y oligoclonalidad en 5. Conclusiones. Los autoimplantes
se revascularizaron mostrando tejido esplénico en regeneración, probablemente asociado a la oligoclonalidad
hallada por PCR. Consecuentemente consideramos que
el autoimplante sería una alternativa factible en pacientes esplenectomizados, aunque la ubicación gástrica de los implantes y la elevada frecuencia de oligoclonalidad hallada justifican mayor investigación.
Palabras claves. Autoimplante esplénico, PCR, conejos,
estómago, oligoclonalidad.
A: autoimplanted group.
S: splenectomized group.
PCR: polymerase chain reaction.
IgM: immunoglobulin M.
OPSI: overwhelming postsplenectomy infection.
NIH: National Institutes of Health.
MCV: mean corpuscular volume.
mCi: millicurie.
SD: standard deviation.
SPECT: single photon emission computed tomography.
bp: base pairs.
For centuries, the spleen was thought to be a rescindable organ for the normal human life. This idea
has determined the resectionist approach implemented during decades.1-4 At the beginning of the
20th century, Morris and Bullock 5 suggested the importance of the spleen for the immune system. This
was the first evidence of the immune function of
this organ and several researchers have described the
negative effects of splenectomy since then.1,6-9
Currently, the overwhelming postsplenectomy
infection (OPSI) has been recognized as the most
severe consequence of the asplenia. This syndrome
is characterized by a short disease period with high
mortality rates (50% to 70%),1,10,11 that can develop
any time after spleen removal and implies a lifelong
risk of approximately 5%.10,11 Even though the incidence of OPSI is important in adults 1,11,12 the risk of
sepsis is higher in children, where it reaches a 13.8%
Fernando Andrés Alvarez y col
rate.6,13,14 These patients are considered immunocompromised hosts and strategies for the appropriate management of these cases have been proposed.15,16 However, current guidelines are scarce and
not strictly or consistently followed.9,16,17
In order to avoid the risk of OPSI, the indications of splenectomy have been reduced in patients
of any age.2,4,17,18 In severe splenic lesions or diseases
where splenic rescue is impossible, the autotransplant has been proposed as the only alternative to
preserve the spleen functions.3,4,17,19 Some studies have demonstrated that this procedure results in the
return to almost baseline levels of some hematological and immunological parameters.3,4,19-21 On the other hand, the possibility that the spleen autoimplantation fulfills protective functions against infections is still under discussion 2,4,22 since the single
presence of spleen tissue cannot guarantee complete
In this study, we intended to investigate the experimental results of spleen autoimplantation in
young rabbits, analyze its hematological and immunological effects and evaluate graft viability, histological structure, vascularization and immunological
repertoire of B-lymphocytes in the tissue.
Material and methods
Seventeen New Zealand male rabbits of 4-6
months of age (average body weight: 2.5 kg) were
used for this study. They were randomly selected
and separated in 2 groups: group A (n= 13), underwent autoimplantation and group S (n= 4) splenectomy. All procedures were performed in accordance
with the "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory
Animals" (NIH, publication Nº 85-23, revised
1996) and protocols approved by the Catholic University of Córdoba Ethics Committee. The animals
received ordinary care, standard feeding ad libitum
and had free access to water.
Anesthesia and surgical procedure
Anesthetic induction was performed with intramuscular Ketamine hydrochloride (30 mg/kg, Fada
Pharma, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Xylazine (5
mg/kg, Lab. Koning, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and
maintained with intravenous ketamin hydrochloride.
The animals were placed in supine position and
under sterile conditions; the surgical approach of
Omental and gastric wall splenic autoimplantation
the spleen was performed by left subcostal laparotomy. In Group A, we performed spleen exeresis and
autoimplantation of 60% of the total organ volume.
The sample was divided into 6 equal segments of 5
x 5 x 8 mm, which were placed in a pouch performed between the 2 layers of the greater omentum.
In 4 animals, a remnant segment of variable size was
simultaneously implanted in a pouch of the anterior
wall of the stomach, performed between the muscular wall and visceral peritoneum (Figure 1). These
pouches were closed with 6-0 polypropylene monofilament suture (Prolene, Ethicon Inc., Sommerville,
NJ, USA), the abdominal cavity was subsequently
washed with sterile solution and the abdominal wall
closed by layers.
The rabbits of group S underwent radical splenectomy. All the animals received a pre-surgical intramuscular dose of Cephalotin (200 mg/kg, Fada
Pharma, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Figure 1. Intraoperatory photo of the confection of an
implant in the gastric wall, close to the gastro omental
vascular beds.
Laboratory monitoring and hemocatheretic
Blood samples were collected from rabbit’s ear
veins to perform pre and post-surgical routine laboratory tests at 8 and 16 weeks in both groups. Hematological exams consisted of red blood cell count,
white blood cell count, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Immunological exams
were dosage of serum immunoglobulin M (IgM),
immunoglobulin G (IgG) and C3 fraction of the
complement by immuno-turbidimetry with a Hitachi 917 analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, Buenos Aires,
Argentina).The depurative function of the spleen
Fernando Andrés Alvarez y col
was evaluated by detection of Howel Jolly bodies
and abnormal red blood cells in peripheral blood
smears with May Grunwald-Giemsa staining.
Pre-surgical scans and follow-up controls at
weeks 8 and 16 after surgery were performed. Under sedation and anesthesia, an intravenous dose of
2.6 mCi Tc-99m phytate colloid solution was injected for hepatosplenic marking. Abdominal static
views and dynamic reconstruction by single photon
emission computer tomography (SPECT) were registered using a double-headed Picker Axis Camera
gamma equipment (Picker Axis, Marconi Medical
Systems, Cleveland, OH, USA).
Re-intervention and graft study
Four months after surgery, rabbits from Group
A were re-operated and the grafts were extracted for
macroscopic, histological and molecular evaluation.
Histological analysis
Samples were fixed in a 10% formaldehyde solution, dehydrated and wetted in paraffin. Slices of 5
μm width were sectioned and examined using hematoxylin-eosin staining. The analysis was performed in all cases by the same observer, comparing
the structure of the autoimplanted tissue with normal spleen tissue.
Polymerase chain Reaction (PCR)
The gene rearrangement of B-lymphocyte receptors heavy chain variable regions was evaluated in order to assess the clone diversity of these cells in the
graft. DNA was extracted from the autoimplanted
tissue by digestion with proteinase K (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), followed by separation with phenol/chlorophorm (Ambion Inc., Austin, TX, USA),
precipitation in isoprophilic alcohol and afterwards
resuspended in a storing buffer solution. The amplification was performed with specific oligonucleotides directed to the gene that codifies Ig HFR3 immunoglobulin heavy chain region, (conserved framework region FR3 size range 69-129 bp; sequence
CCT TGG CCC CAG-3’), free water of the nucleases, 10x buffer, Taq polymerase (Promega, Madison,
WI, USA). For cycling, a thermocycler Perkin Elmer
9600 (Perkin-Elmer Inc, Waltham, MA, USA) was
Omental and gastric wall splenic autoimplantation
used. For visualization, the amplified products were
run in an electrophoretic 3% agarose gel, stained
with ethidium bromide, and exposed to transillumination with ultraviolet light.
Statistical analysis
Results were expressed as means and standard deviation (SD). For the statistical analysis we used
ANOVA of repeated measures and non-parametric
Friedman test. Wilcoxon T test was used to compare
preoperative and postoperative hematoimmunological parameters in both groups. P values equal to or lower than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
All the animals survived to the surgical procedures without intraoperatory complications and with
optimal recovery. They stayed free of disease until
the moment of reoperation.
Fernando Andrés Alvarez y col
Morphological evaluation
Macroscopic examination revealed that the
omental implants were surrounded by adipose tissue forming a mesogastric spherical mass with several adhesions. After dissection, in 10 cases structures compatible with splenic tissue were found, with
lower size than the original implants, representing
20% of the total spleen. In 1 of the 4 animals that
simultaneously received implant in the gastric wall,
sessile protruding splenic tissue near the greater
curvature was also found (Figure 3). In the rest of
the cases, we found fibrous scarring.
In the histological evaluation, 10 of the 13 animals of Group A (77%) presented autoimplanted
splenic tissue (Table 1). In all the implants extracted from the omentum, red and white pulp were
Figure 3. Macroscopic view of an implant on the anterior stomach wall. Autoimplant (arrow heads), gastric wall (arrow).
In 8 cases of Group A (8/13), images with spotlights of similar sizes were captured in static images
and in SPECT method as well. In 2 animals, images
with more than one implant-compatible spotlight were observed (Figure 2). There was accordance of the
images obtained during follow up, without evidence
of modifications of the implant’s size in any case.
Figure 2. Scintigraphy of autologous splenic tissue implanted in the omentum (arrows) 16 weeks after the
surgery (right lateral view).
Table 1. Histology, Scintigraphy and PCR results in
Group A.
Omental and gastric wall splenic autoimplantation
Fernando Andrés Alvarez y col
Figure 4. Microscopic photograph of autoimplanted splenic tissue (H&E). a) Omental implantation surrounded
by fat with diffuse borders. b)
Hemosiderin pigments in the
cytoplasm of an implant macrophage (circle). c) Autoimplant on the gastric wall that
shows normal tissue with intact capsule, white and red
pulp with preserved architecture and proportions. d)
Omental autoimplant with
some scares and perigraft pancreatic tissue (arrows). Original magnification: 10x (a),
100x (b), 10x (c) and 4x (d).
Figure 5. Electrophoretic run
of DNA amplified with PCR
(gene Ig HFR 3). a) Molecular weight (base pairs marked
on left), b) Polyclonal normal
control (spleen), c) Negative
control (omentum), R: Rabbits. In rabbits 1,2,6, 7 and
13, an oligoclonal pattern of
bands can be observed under
150 bp (right side arrows).
observed with mild structural disorders, without
capsule, with diffuse limits and surrounded by
omental fat (Figure 4). The grafts presented regeneration with abundant neovascularization and abundance of blastoid lymphocytes with indented voluminous nuclei. Rests of hemosiderin in the cytoplasm of splenic macrophages were also observed,
demonstrating phagocytic activity (Figure 4). On
the other side, the implant of the gastric wall demonstrated higher correspondence in histological
structure and volume with the splenic implanted
tissue, compared with those performed in the
omentum, being indistinguishable to the normal
tissue, free of fat and with a defined capsule (Figure 4). Normal diffuse pancreatic tissue was frequently observed near the omental implants, as
well as areas of cystic steatonecrosis with fibrosis
(Figure 4). The 3 animals with unsuccessful implants were excluded from the study.
Gen rearrangement of B-lymphocyte receptors
In 5 of the 8 processed grafts (62.5%), a pattern
of oligoclonal bands was found under the 150 base
pairs (bp), and the other 3 were polyclonal with intense bands under 150 bp (Figure 5), as occurs in
the normal spleen.
Omental and gastric wall splenic autoimplantation
Fernando Andrés Alvarez y col
Table 2. Hematological and immunological parameters .▲
Hematological and immunological findings
Regarding the hemocatheteric activity, both
groups presented a significant increase of Howell
Jolly bodies during the postoperatory period (P =
0.001). However, the value was significantly higher
in Group S compared to Group A at weeks 8 (A:
0.2±0.02 vs. S: 1.3±0.3%, P = 0.002) and 16 (A:
0.6±0.07 vs. S: 1.4±0.2%, P = 0.0001).
None of the groups presented statistically significant variations in leukocyte or erythrocyte counts,
and hematocrit during the study period. MCV in
Group S significantly increased at weeks 8 (P =
0.03) and 16 (P = 0.05) compared with baseline levels. In addition, MCV and hematocrit were higher
in Group S than in Group A at weeks 8 and 16,
even though they did not reach significant differences in any case.
Serological levels of IgG did not present significant changes in any group during the postoperatory
period, but a significant decrease of IgM was noted
in both groups (P = 0.01). In contrast, C3 values
significantly increased along the study in both
groups (Group A: P = 0.0001 and Group S: P =
0.02). In spite of these variations, there were not
significant differences in IgM and C3 levels between
both groups in any of the controls. The results of
immunological parameters in both groups are presented in Table 2.
In spite of the great number of studies that support that splenic autoimplantation is a relatively safe and easy procedure,4 there is not current consensus regarding its functionality. Probably for this reason it has not yet become a routinely performed
procedure worldwide.
In this study, we confirmed that splenic autoim-
plantation is a feasible technique for splenic tissue
preservation, since our grafts revascularized and survived for 4 months in 10 of 13 animals (almost
80%). However, we found a moderate architectural
distortion and marked reduction of the size of the
omental implants, fact previously reported in rabbits.22 We believe that this finding can be attributed
to the animal model, since in spite of the initial ischemic period with partial necrosis described in other animals,4,22-24 the presence of diffuse pancreatic
tissue in the omentum of rabbits could have prejudiced the development and survival of the implants.
This hypothesis is supported by the histological findings of cystic steatonecrosis with fibrosis replacing
the non-viable implants and close to viable grafts.
According to previous reports, the autotransplants have been experimentally placed in several locations.4,25 The most frequently used technique involves the greater omentum, and this has been suggested as the best site for implantation.3,4,21,25
Nunes et al 20 and Liaunigg et al 26 found that the
histological morphology of the grafts did not differ
significantly between the sites of implant. Surprisingly, in our study, we found that the implant extracted from the gastric wall 4 months after surgery
had better regeneration and conservation of the original histological structure. In addition, the animals
that underwent postoperatory complications neither developed abdominal adhesions. Furthermore,
this location also allows maintaining the natural venous drainage to the liver through the portal vein.
We discarded as possible cause of failure in non viable implants a prolonged preoperatory shock, as
mentioned by Weber et al,27 since the omental implants simultaneously performed in these animals
were viable. Instead, we do consider that the failure
could be due to the reduced size of the grafts, considering as an important issue the fact that the viable autoimplant had greater volume at the moment
Omental and gastric wall splenic autoimplantation
of transplant (3 x 1 x 0.5 cm). In spite of the mentioned benefits, we are not able to state if this improved tissue regeneration could also be accompanied by a better functional reorganization.
Previous reports have mentioned the determinant role of B lymphocytes of the marginal zone of
the splenic tissue in the immunological response
against T-cell independent type 2 antigens, like the
polysaccharides of encapsulated bacteria,28 which
are the most frequently found responsible agents of
OPSI.1-3,7,11 It is important to remark that not only
the histological presence of these cells but also their
ability and immunological repertoire are determinant factors in the defensive function of the autoimplanted splenic tissue.
This study is the first one where the diversity of
B-lymphocyte clones of the autoimplanted tissue is
evidenced using the molecular biology technique.
Surprisingly, we found that in 5 of 8 studied cases
(62.5%), this tissue presented oligoclonality, which
is far away from the normal polyclonality and was
manifested by the low variability of genomic rearrangements in areas that encode for variable regions of immunoglobulin heavy chains, which are
the functional antigen receptors of these cells and
represent the unique specificity of each B lymphocyte. This oligoclonality, translated into a reduced repertoire for antibodies response against different antigens is probably associated to tissue immaturity during the regenerative process, histologically
demonstrated in this and other reports.4,22,23
Regarding hematoimmunological effects, we did
not find significant differences in any of the evaluated parameters between both groups during the postoperatory follow-up.
Probably, the absence of significant beneficial effects in the group of the autoimplanted animals was
a consequence of an insufficient amount and quality
of the volume of the tissue regenerated in 4 months.
Skipa et al 29 studied rats that underwent autoimplantation with a remnant tissue equivalent to a 1015% of the original spleen and demonstrated a significantly higher level of IgM, compared to the splenectomized animals. However, this was manifested
only 8 months later.
We can conclude that the two surgical techniques proved to be effective for the preservation of
splenic tissue. However, the reduction of the implanted tissue mass, the quality of its components
and a modification of the blood flow could compromise the important depurative function of the sple-
Fernando Andrés Alvarez y col
en in case of septicemia, at least during the initial
months of the follow up.
Based on the high incidence of oligoclonality
and the encouraging results of the autoimplantation
in the gastric wall found in our reduced number of
experiences, we would like to emphasize that our
observations deserve further research to determine
the actual significance of these findings.
Acknowledgements. We thank Professor Dr Adolfo
Facello for the scintigraphies, Dr Cristina Stevenazzi
for the hematological studies and Lic Nidia Blanch for
the statistical analysis of the data. In addition we
thank Drs Sebastian Gay, Isabel Garzón and Emilia
Mas for their valuable contribution during this work.
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