Personal Recognition Using Hand Shape and Texture
Ajay Kumar, Member, IEEE, and David Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper proposes a new bimodal biometric system
using feature-level fusion of hand shape and palm texture. The
proposed combination is of significance since both the palmprint
and hand-shape images are proposed to be extracted from the
single hand image acquired from a digital camera. Several new
hand-shape features that can be used to represent the hand shape
and improve the performance are investigated. The new approach
for palmprint recognition using discrete cosine transform coefficients, which can be directly obtained from the camera hardware,
is demonstrated. None of the prior work on hand-shape or palmprint recognition has given any attention on the critical issue
of feature selection. Our experimental results demonstrate that
while majority of palmprint or hand-shape features are useful
in predicting the subjects identity, only a small subset of these
features are necessary in practice for building an accurate model
for identification. The comparison and combination of proposed
features is evaluated on the diverse classification schemes; naive
Bayes (normal, estimated, multinomial), decision trees ( 4 5,
LMT), -NN, SVM, and FFN. Although more work remains to
be done, our results to date indicate that the combination of selected hand-shape and palmprint features constitutes a promising
addition to the biometrics-based personal recognition systems.
Index Terms—Biometrics, feature level fusion, feature subset
selection and combination, hand-shape recognition, palmprint
simultaneously extracted from a single image at medium resolution. Researchers have proposed several promising methods
for palmprint [7], [10], [11] and hand-shape [30]–[33] recognition. However, there has not been any effort to combine these
two modalities, which can be extracted from the single hand images, and this has been the focus of this work [3], [4].
The existing research on palmprint and hand-shape recognition or biometrics in general, has not made any attempt to
evaluate the usefulness of the feature subset. Feature subset selection helps to identify and remove much of the irrelevant and
redundant features. The small dimension of feature set reduces
the hypothesis space, which is critical for the success of online implementation in personal recognition. These observations
provide us the motivation to perform the experiments to illustrate the advantages of the feature subset selection for the examined palmprint and hand-shape features. Most of the prior
work in the biometric fusion literature has examined the fusion
of modalities at score level. However, the feature representation
conveys the richest information as compared to the matching
scores or abstract labels [5]. Therefore, the feature level fusion
of hand-shape and palmprint features has been investigated.
A. Proposed Work
ULTIMODAL biometric systems have recently attracted
the attention of researchers and some work has already
reported in the literature [1], [2], [5], [6]. Most of the reported
work has been focused on bimodal biometric systems: fingerprint with face, face with iris, palmprint with face, fingerprint
with face, or voice with face. With the notable exception of
face and iris, these bimodal biometric systems use two different
sensors or images to achieve the stated goals. The combination of iris and face investigated in [2] also use two different
images. Such a combination would be highly popular if the
iris images could be automatically extracted from the face images, which have been predominantly difficult/challenging due
to the significant difference in imaging requirement of the two
modalities. The palmprint and hand-shape information can be
Manuscript received October 15, 2004; revised August 7, 2005. This work
was supported in part by the CERG fund from the HKSAR Goverment, in part
by the central fund from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and in part by
the National Scientific Foundation of China (NSFC) under Contract 60332010.
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving
it for publication was Dr. Mario A. T. (G. E.) Figueiredo.
A. Kumar is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India, and also with the Department
of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon,
Hong Kong (e-mail:
[email protected]).
D. Zhang is with the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong (e-mail:
[email protected].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2006.875214
A personal recognition system that can simultaneously extract and utilize hand-shape and palmprint features is proposed.
The advantages of the proposed system are twofold. First, the
security threat associated with the hand-shape biometric, due
to a fake hand, can be restricted with the integration of palmprint features. Second, a higher performance can be ensured due
to the usage of bimodal features, which can be acquired from
single hand image without any inconvenience to the users. The
prior work on palmprint and hand-shape recognition has only
emphasized on feature extraction and classification, and there
has not been any attention on the critical issue of feature selection. Therefore, the goals of our experiments also include
feature subset selection which is aimed to achieve similar or
better performance with the usage of small number of features.
We also performed rigorous experiments to evaluate the comparative performance of palmprint and hand-shape features on
Bayes, support vector machines, feed-forward neural networks,
-nearest neighbor (NN), and decision-tree classifiers. In addition, the experiments reported in this paper are also aimed at;
improving the performance of hand-shape recognition by exploring new features from the peg-free images; investigating the
palmprint recognition in frequency domain using popular discrete cosine coefficients; and evaluating the performance gain
from the feature subset selection and features combination.
The block diagram of the main steps involved in building the
proposed biometric system is illustrated in Fig. 1. The hands
images are acquired [3] from the digital camera and used to extract two distinct images: 1) binary image depicting hand shape
1057-7149/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Fig. 1. Main steps involved in building the biometric system using hand shape and palmprint features.
Fig. 2. Block diagram of automated extraction of two ROIs.
and 2) gray-level region of interest (ROI) depicting palmprint
texture. Each of the extracted binary hand-shape images is further processed with morphological operations to remove any
isolated small blobs or holes. The features extracted from palmprint and hand-shape images are concatenated and normalized
before being fed to the classifier. One of the main differences of
our approach from traditional approach is the inclusion of step
that introduces feature subset selection, not shown in Fig. 1, is
detailed in Section III. The experimental results are presented
and discussed in Section V, which is followed by the conclusions of this paper in Section VI.
[9]. The counterclockwise rotation of major axis relative to the
normal axis is used to approximate the orientation
, and
are the normalized second-order moand
denote the
ments of pixels in the image
location of its centroid
One of the crucial tasks in the proposed system is to extract
two geometrically normalized images from a composite hand
image acquired from the digital camera. The block diagram for
the extraction of these two images, i.e., a binary image depicting
hand-shape and a gray-level image containing palmprint texture, is shown in Fig. 2. Each of the acquired hand images are
first subjected to thresholding operation to obtain the binarized
image. The magnitude of thresholding limit is computed by
maximizing the object function
, which denotes the measure of separablity between the two classes of pixels
where the numbers of pixels in class 1 and 2 are represented by
are the corresponding sample
is selected [8]
mean. The magnitude of that maximizes
to be the thresholding value.
Each of the binarized hand-shape images is further aligned
along the vertical direction as to restrict the feature variance due
to the rotation. The orientation of each of the binarized image
is estimated by the parameters of the best-fitting ellipse
The vertical alignment of the binarized hand-shape image is
achieved by rotation matrix , i.e.,
The resultant geometrically normalized binary image may have
isolated foreground blobs or holes. These artifacts are removed
by morphological preprocessing, (Fig. 1) before the estimation
of hand-shape features.
The distance transform of every pixel in the hand-shape
image is used to estimate the center of palmprint. The location
of the pixel with highest magnitude of distance transform
is obtained. All the gray-level pixels from the original hand
Fig. 3. (a) Acquired hand image. (b) Binarized hand-shape image used to extract the parameters of best-fitting ellipse. (c) Hand-shape image after rotation.
(d) Distance transform of image. (e) Estimation of palmprint region using located center and orientation from (d) and (b), respectively. (Color version available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.)
and oriented
image, in a fixed-square region, centered at
along , are used as the palmprint image. The objective of
set of operations detailed above is to achieve approximate
translation, scale, and rotation invariance, and this is ensured
as follows: translation invariance by the estimation of
scale invariance by fixed distance between camera and imaging
board, and rotation invariance by the estimation of orientation
. Fig. 3 shows the typical extraction of the hand-shape and
palmprint image using the method described in this section.
Fig. 4. (a) Computation of localized DCT coefficients in overlapping blocks.
(b) Mask used to compute significant DCT coefficients from each of the blocks
in (a). (Color version available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.)
A. Palmprint Features
The palmprint matching using texture-based [7], line-based
[10], and appearance-based methods [11] have been proposed
literature. The discrete cosine transform (DCT) has become
one of the most successful transforms in image processing
for the purpose of data compression, feature extraction, and
recognition. The computational efficiency of the statistically
sub-optimal transform is very high due to the various kind
of fast algorithms [12] developed. However, the significance
of DCT for palmprint images is yet to be investigated. The
spatial image block to its values in
DCT that maps a
frequency domain is defined as follows [13]:
The palmprint image is divided into overlapping blocks of size
as shown in Fig. 4(a). The DCT coefficients, i.e.,
for each of these blocks are computed. Several of these DCT coefficients have values close to zero and can be discarded. In this
work, all of the block DCT coefficients except those 12.5% coefficients shown in Fig. 4(b) are discarded. The feature vector from
every palmprint image is formed by computing standard deviation of these significant DCT coefficients in each of these blocks.
B. Hand-Shape Features
Hand-shape representation requires effective and perceptually important features based on geometrical information or
geometry plus interior content. Shape is an important visual
feature and has been used to describe and retrieve the image
content [14], [15]. There are several shape properties that can
be useful to describe and characterize the hand shape. However, there have not been any prior studies to examine these
shape properties for hand-shape recognition. We investigated
, solidity
seven such shape properties, i.e., perimeter
, eccentricity
position of centroid rel, and convex area
ative to shape boundary
improve the success of prior methods. The definition and details of these features can be found in [15] and [16]. In addition,
16 geometrical features from the hand shape, as proposed in
prior work [30]–[33], were also obtained; four finger length
, eight finger width
, palm width
palm length
, hand area
, and hand length
(Fig. 5). Thus, each of the hand shape is characterized by a
vector of 23 features. The signature analysis on the hand-shape
boundary image is used to extract the image reference points,
i.e., four fingertips, four interfinger points, and hand base, in a
similar manner as detailed in [30]. The thumb features were not
computed due to their poor reliability, as in [32], and its poor
stability can be largely attributed to the peg-free imaging setup.
All the feature distances are computed in terms of number of
pixels in the binary image.
Fig. 5. Extraction of typical hand-shape features from the image of boundary
pixels. (Color version available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.)
Several feature subset selection algorithms have been proposed in the literature. The wrapper is one of the most commonly used algorithms that evaluates and selects feature subset
by repeated use of a particular classification algorithm. However, it is highly time consuming and prohibitive when the dimension of feature vectors is large (such as those from palmprints evaluated in this work). In this paper, we used the correlation-based feature selection (CFS) algorithm which has been
shown [18] to be quite effective in feature subset selection. Unlike wrapper, CFS does not have to reserve a part of training data
for evaluation which is difficult due to the limited availability of
biometric training data. The CFS is a classifier-independent algorithm and its usefulness is illustrated from our experimental
results. The CFS algorithm uses a correlation-based objective
function to evaluate the usefulness of the features. The objecis based on the heuristic that a good feature
tive function
subset will have high correlation with the class label but will remain uncorrelated among themselves
is the average feature to class correlation and
the average feature to feature correlation within the class. The
to search
CFS-based feature selection algorithm uses
the feature subsets using the best first search [19]. The search
is aborted if the addition of new features does not show any
improvement in the last five consecutive expanded combinations. We examined the usefulness of CFS scheme by evaluating recognition accuracy and the size of best feature subset
with those from original feature set.
Several classification algorithms to evaluate the performance
and benefits of feature subset selection are investigated. These
algorithms are quite popular and well known in pattern recognition literature [17]. However, with few notable exceptions, their
usefulness for hand recognition is yet to be evaluated. The simplified version of Bayes rule, known as naive Bayes, which assumes that the feature vectors within a class are independent,
was first evaluated. The naive Bayes has shown to work well
with real data samples, and it traditionally makes the assumption that the feature values are normally distributed. However,
this assumption may be violated in some domains and our experiments were not restricted to the normality assumption. The
distribution of features was also estimated using nonparametric
kernel density estimation [20] and employed in the naive Bayes
classifier. The multinomial model [21] has been shown to outperform other alternative models on the real data and was, therefore, also investigated for the performance. The -NN classifier employed minimum Euclidean distance between the query
feature vector and all the prototype training data [23]. The support vector machine (SVM) [24] classifier employed polynomial
kernel as it gave us the best results. The feed-forward neural network (FFN) employed a linear activation function for the last
layer the sigmoid activation function was employed for other
layers. The training weights were updated by using resilient
backpropagation, which achieves faster convergence and conserves memory [25].
[26] decision tree is the most widely used algoThe
rithm and uses entropy criteria to select the most informative
features for the branching during the training stage. The feature
that gives the most information is selected to be at the root of the
, also known as logistic model
tree. Another extension of
tree (LMT), uses a combination of tree structure and logistic regression model to build the decision tree. The different logistic
regression functions at tree leaves are built using LogitBoost algorithm [22]. The construction of LMT is detailed in [27] and
was evaluated in the experiments as it achieved much higher accuracy than
In order to examine the goals of our experiments, the image
database from 100 subjects was collected. The dataset consisted
of 1000 images, ten images per subject, which were obtained
from digital camera using unconstrained peg-free setup in indoor environment. These hand images were collected during
two sessions with an average interval of three months, as the
focus of experiments was to investigate the performance of biometric modalities instead of their stability with time. The volunteers were in the age group of 16–55 years but not very cooperative and were not paid for the data collection. During the
image acquisition, the users were only required to make sure
that 1) their fingers do not touch each other and 2) most of their
hand (back side) touches the imaging table. The automated segmentation of hand-shape and palmprint image was achieved as
detailed in Section II. Each of the 300 300 pixels segmented
palmprint images were further divided into 24 24 pixels with
an overlapping of six pixels as shown in Fig. 4(a). The feature
vector of size 1 23 from hand shape and 1 144 from the
palmprint image were initially extracted for the feature evaluation and selection from the training data. We employed five
image samples from every user collected during the first session for training and the rest for testing. In order to allow fair
comparison and combination of palmprint and hand-shape features, the same training and testing splits are used to generate
the results.
The parameters of SVM and FFN employed in the experiments were empirically selected. The SVM using the nomial
kernel gave much better results than those from radial basis
function. Therefore, to conserve the space, only results from
polynomial kernel are reported. The SVM training was achieved
with C-SVM, a commonly used SVM classification algorithm
[28]. The training parameter and were empirically fixed at
1 and 0.001, respectively. Similarly, the number of input nodes
in FFN were also empirically selected for the best performance;
100 (80) for palmprint, 50 (50) for hand shape, and 125 (75) for
the combined feature set. The entries in the brackets represent
the numbers when corresponding feature subset is employed for
the performance evaluation. The FFN neuron weights were updated using resilient backpropagation algorithm and the training
was aborted if the maximum number of training steps reached
decision tree was pruned with a confidence
to 1000. The
factor of 0.25. The splitting criteria for LMT was the same as the
one used for
, i.e., information gain. The minimum number
of feature vectors at which a node can be considered for splitting was fixed to 15.
The experimental results for the palmprint recognition are
summarized in Table I. This table also shows the performance
of corresponding classifier with and without the feature subset
selection. The evaluation of 144 palmprint features from the
training set, using the CFS algorithm described in Section III,
has revealed 75 redundant and irrelevant features. This suggests that the feature selection has been aggressively pursued
in the palmprint domain. The performance of 69 relevant palmprint features, or feature subset, is also illustrated in Table I. It
can be seen from this table that the kernel density estimation
has managed to improve naive Bayes performance, but the performance improvement is significant when multinomial event
model is employed. The best performance for palmprint recognition is achieved with SVM classifiers when the second order
polynomial kernel is used. However, the achieved performance
of nearest neighbor classifier suggest that it may be preferred in
some applications as it is inherently simple and does not require
Fig. 6. Receiver operating characteristics using from the hand-shape and palmprint features. (Color version available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.)
training phase. The performance of FFN is better than naive
Bayes, but quite similar to that of SVM or -NN. The performance of decision tree
has been worst and this may be
due to the large number of features that make the repeated portioning of data difficult. However, the performance of LMT is
also promising and similar to that of -NN. The average tree
size for the decision tree build using 144(51) features for LMT
was 16 (12) and 285 (281), respectively. This is not
surprising as LMT algorithm has shown [27] to be often more
and always resulting in a tree of small size
accurate than
than those from
One of the important conclusions from Table I is that the
usage of feature selection has effectively reduced the number of
features by 52.08% while improving or maintaining similar performance in most cases. This suggests that, while the majority
of palmprint (DCT) features are useful in predicting the subjects
identity, only a small subset of these features are necessary, in
practice, for building an accurate model for identification.
Fig. 7. Prformance analysis of classifiers with the number of features; k -NN, SVM, and FFN in (a), decision trees in (b), and naive Bayes in (c). (Color version
available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.)
Table II summarizes the experimental results for the handshape identification. The evaluation of 23 hand-shape features
from the training data has selected 15 most informative features;
, ,
, and
. The decision tree
using LMT achieved the best performance while those from the
multinomial naive Bayes is the worst. The usage of the multinomial event model in naive Bayes has resulted in significant
performance improvement from the palmprint features (Table I)
while the usage from hand-shape features has been degraded
(Table II). This can be attributed to the inappropriate estimation [29] of the term probabilities resulting from the small size
hand-shape feature vectors. The average size of decision tree
was 81 (69)
build using 23 (15) features using LMT and
and 251 (255), respectively.
The experimental results for the combined hand-shape and
palmprint features are shown in Table III. The CFS algorithm
selected 75 features subset from the combined list of 167 features. The combined feature subset had 13 hand-shape features,
, and 62 palmi.e., , , ,
print features. It may be noted that the reduced feature subset obtained from the combined feature set is not the addition or sum
of reduced feature subsets individually obtained from palmprint
and hand-shape feature sets. This suggests that only a certain
combination of features, rather than the combination of individual feature subsets carrying the discriminatory information,
is useful in the feature level fusion. The new hand-shape features
selected in the individual and combined feature subsets, i.e., ,
, and , justify their usefulness. However, other new examined hand-shape features, i.e., , , , and , could not establish their significance. As shown in Table III, the SVM classifier achieved the best performance which is closely followed
by -NN. It can be noted that the combination of hand-shape
and palmprint features has been useful in improving the performance for all the classifiers except for the case from naive
Bayes classifier. The performances of combined features from
the multinomial naive Bayes classifier using feature subset selection suggests that the multinomial event model is most sensitive to irrelevant and redundant features. The size of decision
was 16
tree build using 147 (100) features using LMT and
(12) and 285 (231), respectively. The best results for -NN are
obtained when
and has been used in Tables I–III. We also
performed the experiments using the -NN classifier to ascertain the performance for user authentication. Fig. 6 shows the
receiver operating characteristics from the respective features
and their feature-level fusion.
It is prudent to examine how the performance of various
classifiers is adversely affected by the irrelevant and redundant
features. The performance improvement of these classifiers
with the availability of more features, using a fixed number of
training samples, is investigated. In this set of experiments, all
the available features from the training samples were ranked
in the order of their merit using CFS objective functions (6).
The feature vectors in the test data set were also ranked in the
same order of ranking generated from the training data. The
performance of these classifiers starting from first ten features
was computed and the next ten features were added at every
successive iterations. The number of input nodes for FFN
classifier was empirically fixed to 75, irrespective of number
of features. Fig. 7(a) shows the performance variation for
-NN, SVM, and FFN classifiers with the increase in number
of features. The SVM classifier does not show any appreciable
increase in the performance with the addition of irrelevant
features (say beyond 75) and its performance is generally the
best of all the classifiers evaluated in this paper. It is interesting
to note that the feature selection strategy has been able to find
20 (10) best features that give 96% (89%) accuracy using
the SVM classifier. This 20(10) feature subset consists of 15(6)
palmprint and 5 (4) hand-shape features.
The performance of the LMT classifier in Fig. 7(b) shows
an initial increase in performance with the increase in informative features, but the performance stabilizes with the addition of
noninformative and redundant features (beyond 70-75). Thus,
the performance of LMT suggests that it is insensitive to the redundant and irrelevant features, and this is due to the fact that
the LMT is built using the stagewise fitting process to construct
the logistic regression models which select only relevant feadecision tree continues to
tures from the training data. The
maintain worse performance and the feature selection strategy
do not have any appreciable effect on the performance. Fig. 7(c)
shows the results for the performance of naive Bayes classifier.
The performance estimates of the naive Bayes multinomial classifier shows a tendency of exponential increase with a small
number of features before an abrupt decrease in performance.
The performance of the naive Bayes with nonparametric kernel
estimation is marginally better than those with normal assumption, but is still quite poor.
This paper introduces a new bimodal personal authentication system by integrating hand-shape and palmprint features,
simultaneously acquired from the single hand image. The proposed method of hand-shape and palmprint image segmentation, and the combination of features from these two images,
has shown to be useful in achieving higher performance. It is
not possible to locate the relevant features from the real biometrics data in advance, and, therefore, the performance of feature selection strategy must be measured indirectly. The best
way to do this is to compare the classifier performance with
and without feature subset selection. The performance of palmprint and hand-shape features, and the effectiveness of feature
subset selection, was evaluated on the diverse classification
schemes, probabilistic classifier (naive Bayes), decision tree
, LMT), and instance-based classifier ( -NN),
classifier (
and learned classifiers (SVM, FFN). Our experimental results
in Section V suggested the usefulness of shape properties
(e.g., perimeter, extent, convex area) which can be effectively
used to enhance the performance in hand-shape recognition.
Similarly, the proposed approach for the palmprint recognition using DCT coefficients has also shown promising results.
This investigation is useful as the DCT coefficients can be directly obtained from the camera hardware using commercially
available DCT chips that can perform fast and efficient DCT
Experimental studies in this paper further suggest that, while
a majority of features extracted from the hand images are useful
in subject recognition, only a small subset of these features
are actually needed in practice for building an accurate model
for subject recognition. This is important, as none of the prior
studies on palmprint, hand-shape, or fusion literature has focused on the issue of feature subset selection. The usage of
small size feature vectors results in reduced computational complexity, which is critical for online personal recognition. The
analysis of experimental results in Tables I–III suggests that the
correlation-based feature subset selection is capable of effectively selecting the relevant palmprint and hand-shape features.
Although more work remains to be done, our results to date indicate that the combination of hand-shape and palmprint features constitutes a promising addition to the biometrics-based
personal recognition systems.
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Ajay Kumar (M’99) received the Ph.D. degree from
The University of Hong Kong in May 2001, where
he completed his doctoral research in a record time
of 21 months (September 1999 to May 2001).
He was with the Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT), Kanpur, as a Junior Research Fellow and at
IIT Delhi, New Delhi, as a Senior Scientific Officer
before joining Indian Railways. He joined the Indian
Railway Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE) in
1993 and was an Assistant Signal and Telecom
Engineer. He was a Project Engineer at IIT Kanpur
from 1996 to 1997 and an Assistant Professor at NIST, Berhampur, India,
from September 1997 to September 1998. He was a Research Associate with
The University of Hong Kong from December 1998 to August 1999. He
did his postdoctoral research at the Department of Computer Science, Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, from October 2001
to December 2002. He was awarded The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2003 to 2005, where he was with the Department
of Computing from April 2004 to February 2005. Currently, he is a faculty
member with the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi. His research
interests include pattern recognition with the emphasis on biometrics and
defect detection using wavelets, general texture analysis, neural networks, and
support vector machines.
David Zhang (SM’95) received the degree in computer science from Peking University, Peking, China,
in 1974, the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer
science and engineering from the Harbin Institute
of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China, in 1983 and
1985, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
and computer engineering from the University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, in 1994.
From 1986 to 1988, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow
at Tsinghua University, China, and then became an
Associate Professor at Academia Sinica, Beijing,
China. Currently, he is a Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Kowloon. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Tsinghua University;
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; HIT; and the University of Waterloo. His
research interests include automated biometrics-based authentication, pattern
recognition, and biometric technology and systems. He is the Founder and Director of both the Biometrics Research Centers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University and HIT, supported by UGC/CRC, the Hong Kong Government,
and the National Scientific Foundation of China (NSFC), respectively. He has
published over 180 articles, including seven books in his research areas.
Dr. Zhang is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal
of Image and Graphica and an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS, Pattern Recognition, the International Journal
of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Information: International
Journal, and the International Journal of Robotics and Automation and Neural,
Parallel, and Scientific Computations.