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Tablet Technology as a medium for Professional Development
International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2016
This paper describes an evaluation of tablet devices for a Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS). The purpose of this evaluation is to assess what type of tablet device could meet the needs of a GEMS student. GEMS requirements for the evaluation include; using the tablet device to replace paper teaching resources in lectures and tutorials and students must be able to edit the electronic resources in class. The tablet device is also considered for its suitability on clinical placements in third and fourth years, where students need a tablet device that allows them to take notes and access GEMS resources. The study evaluates four leading tablet devices; Apple iPad Air & iPad Mini, Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 and Microsoft Surface Pro 3. The methodology section will cover the assessment criteria used to compare tablet devices from the student, technical and GEMS management perspective. A questionnaire was also developed to gather feedback from students at the end of their time with each tablet device. Time constraints and tablet device availability meant that testing was carried out with a small number of medical students. The iPad Mini was chosen by GEMS as the overriding opinion was to go with the interface and device size most favored by the student participants in the evaluation. The author concludes with three standout challenges to consider; changing perceptions, network infrastructure and training and support.
Educational institutions at all levels and locations face constant pressures to incorporate the latest technology into their offerings for students and teachers. Many K-12 school districts in the U.S. have embraced SMART boards, tablet computers, and "bring your own device" (BYOD) implementations so that precollege students are now accustomed to technology-rich learning environments. U.S. higher education, in general, has been slower to adopt computer use as part of the in-class learning experience. Anecdotally, it appears that technology has taken hold in project-focused or problem solving-oriented small classes rather than in large lecture classes. In order to better understand the use of tablet computers in a large urban research institution, Boston University's classes that use tablet devices were observed and the faculty members who taught the classes were interviewed. Tablet computers were used in a number of small (fewer than 60 students) engineering, medicine,...
Edutracks, 2014
The invention of new forms of information and communication technology (ICT) has led to increased expectations that such technology will significantly enhance teaching and learning across all domains. The Tablet PC, a type of stylus or pen-based computer, is one such technology whose use has recently emerged in schools and colleges. There are several types of Tablet PCs currently available in Inida. This article focuses on the use of this form of Tablet PC and its effect on pedagogical practice. This article adds to the limited knowledge about the use of Tablet PC technology in classroom practices.
Tablet devices are rapidly being adopted by consumers and organiza- tions, but few universities have embraced them so far, since the feasibility of tablet use in higher education is still unclear. As an exploratory study, we exam- ined the potential for tablet use in universities regarding three use cases that cover typical scholastic tasks. The study is based on focus group interviews and a longitudinal test user group study conducted over five months at a North American university. The analysis, grounded in the task-technology fit frame- work for mobile information systems, shows that tablets are a useful addition to laptops for the consumption of learning materials as well as for collaborative and social activities, but need further improvements to be useful for the produc- tion of content. We will conduct a confirmatory follow-up study in the form of a pilot rollout in a German higher education institution to confirm - or rebut - our initial findings.
Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 2015
Background Learner benefits of tablet computer use have been demonstrated, yet there is little evidence regarding faculty tablet use for teaching. Objective Our study sought to determine if supplying faculty with tablet computers and peer mentoring provided benefits to learners and faculty beyond that of non–tablet-based teaching modalities. Methods We provided faculty with tablet computers and three 2-hour peer-mentoring workshops on tablet-based teaching. Faculty used tablets to teach, in addition to their current, non–tablet-based methods. Presurveys, postsurveys, and monthly faculty surveys assessed feasibility, utilization, and comparisons to current modalities. Learner surveys assessed perceived effectiveness and comparisons to current modalities. All feedback received from open-ended questions was reviewed by the authors and organized into categories. Results Of 15 eligible faculty, 14 participated. Each participant attended at least 2 of the 3 workshops, with 10 to 12 partic...
This long draft article that could make several academic publications gives a detailed examination of the tablet as a learning device, using a range of philosophical, cultural, literacy and educational perspectives.
ICTACS 2006, 2006
Tablet PCs are a new generation of notebook computers which provide multimodal input options of pen, voice and keyboard. Recently, these portable and flexible Tablet PCs have attracted attention as a potential tool in academic environments. This paper reviews the current use of Tablet PCs in teaching computer science and software engineering courses, presenting lectures and papers, and creating peer-review comments. The paper also presents applications of Tablet PCs in teaching and research at our university, the University of Canberra, Australia. These applications include marking assignments and reports, and developing signature verification applications.
Las principales causa de muerte de todas las edades en cubas son : tumores malignos (20.441 personas), enfermedades al corazon (21.401 personas), enfermedades cerebro vasculares (8.433 personas), influencia neumonia (5271 personas) y accidentes (4240 personas). En chile enfermedades del sistema respiratorios, efermedades del sistema circulatorio y tumores malignos ,enfermedades del sistema digestivo y accidentes.
Presentation given at Universidad de Santiago de Chile on November 14, 2017
You have to assess your professional development needs, set development goals and invest a minimum number of hours in working to achieve them through continuous professional development (CPD). You have to record the activity you undertake in the revalidation section of your online NRCPD account and keep a file of evidence to support the record you create. This e book was created on the IPad using the bookcreator app. Ebook Interactive whiteboard technology • Import articles as PDF or word files and annotate or narrate your thoughts about them to share with a colleague.
• Upload a BSL video of an interpretation to a file sharing app (dropbox/box) and send to a colleague for a voice over. When they have uploaded, compare to the original English text.
• Upload a video of yourself presenting in BSL and then watch back, annotating areas for development.
• Video yourself doing an interpretation, ask a colleague to do the same piece and then compare the strategies you each used and their effectiveness.
Русистика без граници. София, 2024. Т. 8. Кн. 2. С. 54–61.
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016
Simulation & Gaming, 1992
Frontiers in Materials, 2019
Journal of Travel Research, 2024
The Review of Laser Engineering, 2014
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2017
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, 2014