ASLI Conference 2014


Tablet Technology as a medium for Professional Development


You have to assess your professional development needs, set development goals and invest a minimum number of hours in working to achieve them through continuous professional development (CPD). You have to record the activity you undertake in the revalidation section of your online NRCPD account and keep a file of evidence to support the record you create. This e book was created on the IPad using the bookcreator app. Ebook Interactive whiteboard technology • Import articles as PDF or word files and annotate or narrate your thoughts about them to share with a colleague.

• Upload a BSL video of an interpretation to a file sharing app (dropbox/box) and send to a colleague for a voice over. When they have uploaded, compare to the original English text.

• Upload a video of yourself presenting in BSL and then watch back, annotating areas for development.

• Video yourself doing an interpretation, ask a colleague to do the same piece and then compare the strategies you each used and their effectiveness.