Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
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Evidence for the latest fossil Pongo in southern China
Wei Liao a, Terry Harrison b, Yanyan Yao a, c, Hua Liang a, Chun Tian a, Yuexing Feng d,
Sheng Li e, Christopher J. Bae f, *, Wei Wang a, *
Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University, 72 Jimo-Binhai Road, Qingdao 266237, China
Center for the Study of Human Origins, Department of Anthropology, New York University, New York, NY, 10003, USA
Anthropology Museum of Guangxi, Nanning, 530012, China
Radiogenic Isotope Facility, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
No.3 Institute of Geological & Mineral Resources Survey of Henan Geological Bureau, Zhengzhou 450000, China
Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2424 Maile Way, 346 Saunders Hall, Honolulu, HI, 96822, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 30 June 2021
Accepted 1 July 2022
Available online 26 August 2022
Pongo fossils with precise absolute age brackets are rare, limiting our understanding of their taxonomy
and spatiotemporal distribution in southern China during the Late Pleistocene. Twenty-four isolated
teeth of fossil orangutans were recently discovered during excavations at Yicun Cave in Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region, southern China. Here, we dated the fossil-bearing layer using Uranium-series
dating of the associated flowstone and soda straw stalactites. Our results date the Yicun orangutan
fossils to between 66 ± 0.32 ka and 57 ± 0.26 ka; thus, these fossils currently represent the last
appearance datum of Pongo in southern China. We further conducted a detailed morphological comparison of the Yicun fossil teeth with large samples of fossil (n ¼ 2454) and extant (n ¼ 441) orangutans
from mainland and island Southeast Asia to determine their taxonomic position. Compared to other
fossil and extant orangutan samples, the Yicun Pongo assemblage has larger teeth and displays greater
variation in occlusal structure. Based on the high frequency of cingular remnants and light to moderate
enamel wrinkling of the molars, we assigned the Yicun fossils to Pongo weidenreichi, a species that was
widespread in southern China throughout the Pleistocene. Lastly, we used published stable carbon
isotope data of Early to Late Pleistocene mammalian fossil teeth from mainland Southeast Asia to
reconstruct changes in the paleoenvironment and to interpret dental size variation of Pongo assemblages
in a broader temporal and environmental context. The carbon isotope data show that dental size
reduction in Pongo is associated with environmental changes. These morphological changes in Pongo
appear to coincide with the expansion of savannah biomes and the contraction of forest habitats from the
Middle Pleistocene onward. The variation in dental size of forest-dwelling Pongo in mainland Southeast
Asia may have resulted from habitat differentiation during the Pleistocene.
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Late Pleistocene
Yicun Cave
Stable carbon isotope
1. Introduction
Orangutans are the only extant great apes in Asia, where today
they are restricted to Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) and northern
Sumatra (Pongo abelii and Pongo tapanuliensis; Groves, 2001;
Nater et al., 2017). During the Pleistocene, however, they were
widely distributed across mainland Southeast Asia, including
southern China, and Southeast Asia during the Pleistocene (Fig. 1;
Hooijer, 1948; Kahlke, 1972; Bacon and Long, 2001, 2002;
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (C.J. Bae),
[email protected] (W. Wang).
0047-2484/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Zhao et al., 2009a; Ibrahim et al., 2013). Genomic data for
extant Pongo reveal a complex evolutionary history (Locke et al.,
2011; Nater et al., 2015). Based on current genomic evidence, the ancestor of extant orangutans colonized Sundaland
from the Southeast Asian mainland during the Pliocene (MattleGreminger et al., 2018). The subsequent divergence between
P. abelii and P. tapanuliensis occurred in Sumatra at ~3.4 Ma,
representing the oldest split on Sundaland (Nater et al., 2017).
Pongo pygmaeus separated from P. abelii much later, at about
674 ka (Nater et al., 2017).
Although orangutans are not present on mainland Asia today,
the region is important for documenting the evolutionary history
and distribution of Pongo during the Pleistocene, particularly in
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Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
Figure 1. Location of Yicun Cave and the geographical distribution of the Pleistocene (Zhao et al., 2009a; Ibrahim et al., 2013) and extant Pongo sites (Nater et al., 2017). 1, Shiziyan,
China; 2, Luokeng, China; 3, Shuangyan Cave, China; 4, Qixingyan, China; 5, Xiashan Cave, China; 6, Shanbeiyan, China; 7, Dushizai, China; 8, Guantang, China; 9, Feishu Cave, China;
10, Huangyan Cave, China; 11, Yanhui Cave, China; 12, Mawokou Cave, China; 13, Heshang Cave, China; 14, Xianren Cave, China; 15, Xianren Cave, China; 16, Jiulong Cave, China; 17,
Mopanshan, China; 18, Gigantopithecus Cave (Lengzhaishan Cave), China; 19, Tongtianyan, China; 20, Ganqianyan, China; 21, Mujishan, China; 22, Gigantopithecus Cave (Nongmoshan), China; 23, Ganxian Cave, China; 24, Wuyun Cave, China; 25, Dingmo Cave, China; 26, Daxinhei Cave, China; 27, Baxian Cave, China; 28, Baikong Cave, China; 29, Juyuan
Cave, China; 30, Sanhe Cave, China; 31, Queque Cave, China; 32, Yixiantian Cave, China; 33, Zhiren Cave, China; 34, Shuangtan Cave, China; 35, Quzai Cave, China; 36, Xinchong Cave,
China; 37, Coc Muoi, Vietnam; 38, Tham Khuyen, Vietnam; 39, Keo Leng, Vietnam; 40, Hang Hum, Vietnam; 41, Nguom, Vietnam; 42, Duoi U’Oi, Vietnam; 43, Lang Trang, Vietnam;
44, Tham Om, Vietnam; 45, Nam Lot, Laos; 46, Ban Fa Suai I, Thailand; 47, Tham Prakai Phet, Thailand; 48, Thum Wiman Nakin, Thailand; 49, Boh Dambang, Thailand; 50, Badak
Cave C, Malaysia; 51, Batu Caves, Malaysia; 52, Padang Highland Caves, Sumatra; 53, Niah Cave, Borneo; 54, Madai Caves, Borneo; 55, Sangiran, Java; 56, Trinil, Java; 57, Punung, Java.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
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Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
strategies, and life history (Wich et al., 2004; van Noordwijk and
van Schaik, 2005; Wich et al., 2009).
However, no study has examined the relationship between
morphological variation in fossil orangutan assemblages and
environmental change during the Pleistocene. A welldocumented feature of Pongo evolution during the Pleistocene
is a general reduction in overall crown size (Hooijer, 1948; Gu
et al., 1987; Ho et al., 1995; Schwartz et al., 1995; Harrison
et al., 2021). Against this backdrop of a general reduction in
tooth size, Pongo assemblages from mainland Southeast Asia
exhibit significant regional variation in dental size during the
Middle and Late Pleistocene. At the same time, stable carbon
isotope data derived from fossil mammals from mainland
Southeast Asia reveal substantial environmental changes
through time as represented by variation in the forest and
woodland-grassland distribution during the Pleistocene (Louys
and Roberts, 2020). Thus, correlations between orangutan
dental size and stable carbon isotope composition of associated
fossil mammals may provide evidence to assess the impact of
habitat change on Pongo during the Pleistocene.
The present study has three aims. First, we use U-series dating
to constrain the age of a Pongo assemblage from Yincun Cave in
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southern China. Second, we
present a detailed description of the Yincun Pongo teeth and
conduct metric and morphological comparisons with extant and
fossil Pongo assemblages from other sites in mainland and island
Southeast Asia. Lastly, we attempt to correlate the dental size of
fossil Pongo assemblages to a large-scale data set of stable carbon
isotope data of fossil mammals from mainland Southeast Asia to
explore Pongo dental size variation and the potential impact of
environmental change on Pongo assemblages through time (i.e.,
from Early to Late Pleistocene). The results of our study contribute
to a better understanding of Late Pleistocene Pongo assemblages in
southern China and the relationship between environmental
change and dental size variation of Pongo from mainland Southeast
Asian sites during the Quaternary.
terms of first and last appearance datums. Although the Nanling
Mountains in northern Guangxi appear to have served as a
geographical barrier to the northern extent of Pongo weidenreichi
(Liang et al., 2020; also known as the ‘Liang Hua Line’, Demeter
and Bae, 2020), Pongo fossils are known from more than 30
cave sites throughout southern China, including those in
Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangdong, and Hainan (Zhao et al.,
2009a; Ibrahim et al., 2013; Harrison et al., 2014). As such, these
new fossil discoveries are providing important evidence to
document the early evolution of Pongo during the Pleistocene
(Zhao et al., 2009a; Harrison et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014). The
Pongo fossils from Baikong Cave in Guangxi have been dated to
~2.0 Ma based on biostratigraphy and paleomagnetic dating (Jin
et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2014), and thus currently represent the
earliest appearance of Pongo. The Pongo fossils from Baikong
Cave, Juyuan Cave (~1.8 Ma), Sanhe Cave (~1.2 Ma), and Queque
Cave (~1.0 Ma) have been attributed to P. weidenreichi (Harrison
et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014).
In general, P. weidenreichi has been distinguished from laterappearing Pongo taxa by its overall larger teeth, lower crowned
canines, and considerably larger second and third molars relative to
the first molars (Hooijer, 1948; Harrison et al., 2014). Pongo specimens from Ganxian Cave, dated to between 168.9 ± 2.4 ka and
362 ± 78 ka by Uranium-series (U-series) and electron spin resonance dating, have also been classified as P. weidenreichi (Liang
et al., submitted). Pongo weidenreichi from the Middle Pleistocene
of Yixiantian Cave and Daxin Hei Cave, retain the same morphological features of P. weidenreichi from the Early Pleistocene in
southern China, but have undergone a major reduction in dental
size (Harrison et al., 2021).
A recent study has shown that P. weidenreichi may have survived to the early Late Pleistocene (Harrison et al., 2021), as
suggested by evidence from Zhiren Cave that dates to
~116e110 ka (Jin et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2010; Cai et al., 2017).
Based on mammalian faunal comparisons, the ages of Pongo
fossils from Shuangtan Cave, Baxian Cave, and Quzai Cave in
southern China are considered comparable to those of Zhiren
Cave. However, more recent geochronological research at Zhiren
Cave indicates that the deposits may date to MIS 6, around
190e130 ka (Ge et al., 2020). In sum, Pongo fossils with definitive
dates from the Late Pleistocene of southern China are relatively
scarce. Additional Pongo fossils with more precise absolute age
determinations are needed to document the taxonomic and
phylogenetic status of Pongo assemblages in southern China
during the Late Pleistocene, and in particular, the later period of
the Late Pleistocene.
Long-term field studies reveal that extant orangutan populations on Sumatra and Borneo are heavily influenced by habitat
and ecological conditions (Wich et al., 2009, 2016; Manduell et al.,
2012; Vogel et al., 2015; Pandong et al., 2019; Seaman et al., 2019;
Meijaard et al., 2021). Sumatran forests are of higher productivity
than Bornean forests, as represented by a higher proportion of
fruit-bearing trees and shorter periods of low-fruit availability
(Wich et al., 2009, 2011; Pandong et al., 2019; Seaman et al., 2019).
Because orangutan diets consist primarily of fruits supplemented
by leaves and young shoots, bark, flowers, and insects, habitat
productivity and fruit availability directly impact orangutan ecology (Wich et al., 2009). Habitat variation is thus likely to have
shaped differences between extant Sumatran and Bornean orangutans in terms of population densities (van Schaik et al., 1995;
Russon et al., 2001; Morrogh-Bernard et al., 2003; Husson et al.,
2009; Vogel et al., 2015; Seaman et al., 2019), morphology
(Taylor, 2006, 2009; Taylor and van Schaik, 2007), reproductive
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Geological setting
Yicun Cave (107160 8.4300 E, 22 27048.6400 N) is located in Yicun
Village in Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City, Guangxi, southern
China (Fig. 1). The site was discovered and excavated in 2017 by a
research team from the Anthropology Museum of Guangxi. Yicun is
located in an area of a karst peak cluster formed by the dissolution
of Middle Permian limestone beds. The cave entrance is located on
the northwest side of the mountain about 4 m above present-day
ground level (Fig. 2A). Upon entering the cave, it branches about
11 m from the entrance into left, central, and right chambers.
Sediments are preserved in all three chambers (Fig. 2BeE).
Three test pits were excavated, with test pit 1 (T1) and test pit 2
(T2) located in the left chamber and test pit 3 (T3) in the central
chamber (Fig. 2F). The location of test pits was determined based on
the distribution of the fossiliferous sediments. Test pits were
excavated in 10 cm intervals, down to a depth of 70 cm in T1, and a
depth of 50 cm in T2 and T3. During the excavation, fossil mammals
and soda straw stalactites were mapped, recorded, and collected
from each layer. Sediments from each layer of all three test pits
were dry-sieved through 4 mm mesh screens outside the cave to
recover smaller fossils.
Based on the lithology, the stratigraphic profiles for the three
different test pits are similar. The section is divided into three layers
W. Liao, T. Harrison, Y. Yao et al.
Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
Figure 2. Yicun Cave. A) Landscape of the Yicun Cave. B) Well preserved sediment of T2 before excavation. C) T2 after excavation. D) Stratigraphic profile of the east side of T2. E)
Flowstone above the sediment of T2. F) Plan of the Yicun Cave showing the location of the three test pits. G) Stratigraphic profile of T2 with chronological framework. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
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Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
Means and standard deviations (SD) of the occlusal areas (MD BL)
for different tooth types of extant orangutans were adopted for
reference (Harrison, 2000). All of the Yicun fossil teeth were
separated into different size classes based on the number of SD
intervals ( 4 SD to þ6 SD) of each tooth from the means of the
corresponding tooth type of extant orangutans. Based on the percentage of teeth falling into different intervals, the dental size of the
Yicun Pongo assemblage was compared with other Pongo assemblages from the Early Pleistocene to the early Late Pleistocene of
mainland Southeast Asia. Because tooth size is highly correlated
with body weight in nonhuman primates (Gingerich et al., 1982;
Conroy, 1987), the overall dental size distribution can be used to
reflect the overall body weight for the fossil orangutan assemblage.
Although ape body weight regression formulae derived from individual teeth are ideal (Conroy, 1987; Harrison et al., 2021),
because we sometimes used published data that were aggregated,
in certain cases, we had to rely on overall dental size from these
To reconstruct paleoenvironmental change in mainland Southeast Asia, we collected published stable carbon isotope (d13C)
values of mammalian fossil teeth from Early to Late Pleistocene
sites (Supplementary Online Material [SOM] Table S1). Because we
are only interested in the relationship between Pongo and the
paleoenvironment, we restricted the comparative data to sites
where fossil orangutans have been reported. For consistency and
comparability of the data, all d13C values were corrected to the d13C
value of the diet of the mammal (d13Cdiet) following the method of
Louys and Roberts (2020). The d13Cdiet data set provides evidence
for large-scale variation in vegetation cover, from forested environments dominated by C3 plants (d13Cdiet < 23‰) to savannah
environments dominated by C4 plants (d13Cdiet > 15‰) in mainland Southeast Asia. Correlations between the overall dental size
variation of Pongo assemblages and the d13Cdiet data of the Early
Pleistocene, Middle Pleistocene, and Late Pleistocene enabled us to
qualitatively assess the overall body weight variation of Pongo assemblages in a broader temporal and environmental context.
from top to bottom (Fig. 2D, G). Layer 1 is an unconsolidated greybrown sandy clay, 5e15 cm in thickness, and contains only a few
fossil teeth. Layer 2 is a slightly cemented yellowish-brown sandy
clay, 10e50 cm in thickness, which yielded the highest density of
fossils. Layer 3, a calcified variegated sand, with a thickness of more
than 10 cm, is a sterile layer with no fossils.
2.2. Uranium-series dating
In the southeast part of T2, the sediment from Layer 1 was covered
by a thin layer of flowstone (Fig. 2D, E). In addition, two soda straw
stalactites were collected from Layer 2 at depths of 20 cm and 40 cm.
The flowstone and soda straw stalactites were selected for U-series
dating to constrain the age of the fossil teeth (Fig. 2G). For each
sample, 1e2 g of calcite material were carefully cleaned using a
diamond-tipped burr attached to a dental drill. The cleaned samples
were then crushed to an approximately 1 mm size fraction using an
agate mortar and pestle and then ultrasonically washed in Milli-Q
water four times and dried on a hotplate at 40 C. Finally, only the
cleanest calcite pieces free from any visible forms of alteration were
handpicked under a binocular microscope and used for U-series
dating. UraniumeThorium dating for these samples was carried out
using a Nu Plasma HR multicollector inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) in the Radiogenic Isotope Facility at
the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of
Queensland, following chemical treatment procedures and MC-ICPMS analytical protocols described in Zhao et al. (2001, 2009b),
Clark et al. (2014), and Liu et al. (2014). The 230Th/238U and 234U/238U
activity ratios of the samples were calculated using the decay constants given in Cheng et al. (2000). The nonradiogenic 230Th was
corrected using an assumed bulk-Earth atomic 230Th/232Th ratio of
4.4 ± 2.2 10 6. UraniumeThorium ages were calculated using
Isoplot/Ex v. 3.0 (Ludwig, 2003).
2.3. Morphological descriptions and linear metric analysis of the
Yicun Pongo fossils
3. Results
The mammal fossils including the Pongo teeth unearthed from
Yicun are housed in the Anthropology Museum of Guangxi.
Twenty-four isolated teeth of fossil orangutans are described and
analyzed in this study (Fig. 3; Table 1). Metric comparisons were
made between the Yicun Pongo teeth and a large comparative
sample of fossil and extant orangutans from mainland and island
Southeast Asia (Table 2). These included fossil Pongo from the Early
to Late Pleistocene (i.e., P. weidenreichi, Pongo sp., Pongo javensis,
Pongo palaeosumatrensis, Pongo duboisi; n ¼ 2454) and extant
orangutans from Borneo (P. pygmaeus) and Sumatra (P. abelii;
n ¼ 441). The comparative dental metric data were compiled from
Hooijer (1948), Drawhorn (1995), Zhao et al. (2009a), Ibrahim et al.
(2013), Harrison et al. (2014, 2021), Wang et al. (2014), Tshen
(2016), and Filoux and Wattanapituksakul (2019).
The morphological descriptions and comparisons of the fossil
teeth employ standard anatomical terms following Hooijer (1948),
Schwartz et al. (1994, 1995), Drawhorn (1995), Zhao et al. (2009a),
Ibrahim et al. (2013), Harrison et al. (2014), and Wang et al. (2014).
Mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) dimensions of the Yicun
orangutan fossil teeth were measured with a hand-held caliper to
the nearest 0.1 mm.
3.1. Uranium-series dating results
Three samplesdone flowstone and two soda straw stalactites
from T2dwere used in the U-series analysis to determine the age of
the Yicun fossils (Fig. 2G; Table 3). The U-series age of the flowstone
above Layer 1 is 57.8 ± 0.3 ka, indicating that the Yicun fauna is
older than this age. The two soda straw stalactites found at depths
of 20 cm and 40 cm from Layer 2 of T2 were dated to 307.1 ± 5.5 ka
and 66.3 ± 0.3 ka, respectively. Because the U-series ages of the
soda straw stalactites should be older than the host sediments (St
Pierre et al., 2009, 2012, 2013), fossils from the depths of 20 cm
and 40 cm should be younger than 307.1 ± 5.5 ka and 66.3 ± 0.3 ka,
respectively. When combining the U-series ages of the flowstone
and the soda straw stalactites, the Yicun fauna can be confidently
constrained between 57.8 ± 0.3 ka and 66.3 ± 0.3 ka.
3.2. Morphological descriptions of the Yicun orangutan fossils
Dental measurements for the 24 isolated orangutan teeth from
Yicun are presented in Table 2. Most of the crowns of these teeth are
well preserved (Fig. 3).
2.4. Overall dental size of the Yicun Pongo assemblage and
paleoenvironmental reconstruction
Left upper lateral incisor The Yicun I2 (YC-1) is generally well preserved, although the enamel surface of the lingual side and the
middle parts of the labial side are lightly weathered (Fig. 3A; SOM
Fig. S1). The crown is moderately worn. The labial surface of the
To compare dental size variation of the Yicun orangutan fossils
with extinct and extant Pongo assemblages from mainland Southeast Asia, we used the method developed by Harrison (2000).
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Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
Figure 3. Pongo fossil teeth from Yicun Cave. A) YC-1, left I2; B) YCT2-5, left C1; C) YCT2-2, right P3; D) YCT2-3, right P3; E) YCT2-10, left P3; F) YCT3-1, left P3; G) YCT1-5, right P4; H)
YCT2-12, right P4; I) YCT1-4, left P4; J) YCT2-8, left P4; K) YCT2-6, right M1; L) YCT2-7, right M1; M) YCT2-11, right M1; N) YCT1-8, left M1; O) YCT2-13, left M1; P) YC-2, right M2; Q)
YCT1-7, right M2; R) YCT1-6, right M2; S) YCT1-3, right M3; T) YCT1-2, left M3; U) YCT2-9, left M3; V) YCT1-1, left P3; W) YCT2-1, right P4; X) YCT2-4, right M2.
buccolingually, with shallow mesial and distal longitudinal
grooves, and its apex curves mesially.
crown is convex apicobasally and mesiodistally. The apex is situated nearer to the mesial side of the crown. The apical margin is
curved in the mesiodistal plane. The distal crest of the apex is
longer than the mesial crest and it slopes away at a steeper angle. In
lingual view, the crown has an irregular pentagonal shape. The
different heights of the mesial and distal crests give the crown a
bilaterally asymmetrical appearance. The lateral incisal angle is
closer to the gingival line than the medial-incisal angle. A welldeveloped lingual cingulum slopes toward the middle part of the
lingual face to join the mesial crest; the right portion of the lingual
cingulum shows evidence of rodent gnawing. The lingual surface
above the cingulum is concave vertically and convex transversely.
In mesial view, the crown is cone shaped. The mesial face is convex
apicobasally and mesiodistally. The gingival line presents a concavity toward the root. In distal view, the crown is cone shaped, and
convex apicobasally and buccolingually. The root is flattened
Left upper canine The Yicun C1 crown (YCT2-5) is well preserved
and moderately worn but the tip of the crown and the root are
missing (Fig. 3A; SOM Fig. S1). Based on the size and morphology of
the crown, the canine can be inferred to have belonged to a male
individual. The crown has a large conical shape which is elongated
mesiodistally. The anterior border is rounded and slightly convex
vertically. Near the cervix of the crown, the anterior border passes
into a triangular prominence. The posterior border forms a sharp
edge and is slightly concave. The distolingual side displays an
extensive wear facet that runs from the apex to the cervix. In lingual
view, there is a vertical groove that closely follows the curved
contour of the anterior border. This anterior groove is well developed in the middle of its course and fades away toward the apex
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Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
the buccal side (the paracone) and a smaller blunt lingual cusp (the
protocone). The paracone and protocone are separated by a deep
anteroposterior valley on the occlusal surface. The buccal part of
the crown is wider and less convex than the lingual side and
separated from the flattened anterior and posterior surfaces by
obtuse but well-defined angles, whereas on the lingual part, there
are no angular prominences. A notable feature of the P3s is that the
anteroexternal angle of the crown projects anteriorly. This feature
easily distinguishes the P3s from the P4s. There are two marginal
ridges (anterior and posterior) that originate from the apex of the
paracone. The anterior ridge of the paracone is steeper than its
posterior ridge and descends lower on the anterior side of the
crown. The marginal ridge ascends inward from the anteroexternal
angle along the anterior surface of the crown which is depressed in
the middle at the cervix, and culminates in the apex of the protocone. The posterior ridge of the paracone descends backward and
then inward from the postero-external angle along the posterior
surface of the crown and ends at the apex of the protocone. From
the apex of the paracone, an anterior transverse ridge runs inward
and joins the marginal ridge in front of the protocone. The anterior
transverse ridge, the anterior ridge of the paracone, and the anterior marginal ridge all border a triangular depression, the anterior
fovea. From the apex of the paracone, or somewhat behind it, there
is another oblique ridge that runs inward parallel to the anterior
transverse ridge and joins the marginal ridge behind the protocone.
There is a posterior fossa that is bordered by an oblique ridge and a
posterior marginal ridge. A central fossa is present between the
oblique ridge and the anterior transverse ridge. There is a great deal
of variation in the transverse ridge locations and secondary cusp
number on the P3s and P4s. In the P3 specimen YCT3-1, the oblique
ridge is divided into three minor ridges. The P4 specimen YCT2-12
has a prominent hypocone behind the protocone and its anterior
and latter transverse ridges form a ‘V’ shape that encloses the
paracone. In the P4 specimen YCT1-5, the hypocone and metacone
are separated from the protocone and paracone by a cleft. An
anterior transverse ridge passes down from the anterior part of the
paracone and runs inward and forward to join a minor ridge in front
of the protocone. An almost parallel posterior ridge connects the
apex of the metacone to the distal aspect of the protocone. There
are two distinct accessory cusps on the posterior marginal ridge.
The P3s and P4s have three roots, two buccal and one lingual.
Table 1
Dimensions of orangutan teeth from the Yicun Cave.
Test pit
Depth (cm)
Tooth category
MD (mm)
BL (mm)
Left I2
Right M2
Left P3
Left M3
Right M3
Left P4
Right P4
Right M2
Right M2
Left M1
Right P4
Right P3
Right P3
Right M2
Left C1
Right M1
Right M1
Left P4
Left M3
Left P3
Right M1
Right P4
Left M1
Left P3
Abbreviations: ML ¼ mediolateral, BL ¼ buccolingual.
and cervix. Posterior to the anterior groove, the lingual surface
forms a ridge that is defined posteriorly by a groove, so that the
lingual surface is trilobate. In labial view, the crown is trapezoidal in
shape. The labial surface is convex mesiodistally and apicobasally.
The anterior part of the labial surface possesses a number of minor
grooves and ridges.
Upper third and fourth premolars The crowns of the right P3s
(YCT2-2 and YCT2-3; Fig. 3C, D; SOM Fig. S2), left P3s (YCT2-10 and
YCT3-1; Fig. 3E, F; SOM Fig. S2), and the right P4s (YCT1-5 and YCT212; Fig. 3G, H; SOM Fig. S3) are generally well preserved. The
enamel surfaces of the left P4s (YCT1-4 and YCT2-8, Fig. 3I, J; SOM
Fig. S3) are heavily weathered, but the structure of their occlusal
surfaces is preserved. The crowns are slightly to moderately worn.
All of the P3s and P4s have two main cusps, a large pointed cusp on
Table 2
Pongo specimens used in the morphological comparisons and linear metric analyses.
Fossil site
Baikong Cave
Juyuan Cave
Sanhe Cave
Queque Cave
Yixiantian Cave
Daxinhei Cave
Ganxian Cave
Badak Cave C
Punung I, II, III
Early Pleistocene
Early Pleistocene
Early Pleistocene
Early Pleistocene
Middle Pleistocene
Middle Pleistocene
Middle Pleistocene
Middle Pleistocene
Middle to Late Pleistocene
Southern China
Southern China
Southern China
Southern China
Southern China
Southern China
Southern China
Peninsular Malaysia
Shuangtan Cave
Baxian Cave
Zhiren Cave
Quzai Cave
Batu Caves
Tham Prakai Phet
Lida Ajer and Djamboe
Niah Cave
Late Pleistocene
Late Pleistocene
Late Pleistocene
Late Pleistocene
Late Pleistocene
Late Pleistocene
Late Pleistocene
Late Pleistocene
Late Pleistocene
Southern China
Southern China
Southern China
Southern China
Peninsular Malaysia
central Sumatra
central Sumatra
North Sumatra
Harrison et al. (2014, 2021)
Harrison et al. (2014, 2021)
Wang et al. (2014); Harrison et al. (2021)
Harrison et al. (2014, 2021)
Harrison et al. (2021)
Harrison et al. (2021)
Liang et al. (submitted)
Ibrahim et al. (2013)
Badoux (1959); Drawhorn (1995);
Harrison et al. (2014)
Harrison et al. (2021)
Harrison et al. (2021)
Zhao et al. (2009a); Harrison et al. (2021)
Harrison et al. (2021)
Ibrahim et al. (2013)
Filoux and Wattanapituksakul (2019)
Hooijer (1948); Harrison et al. (2014)
Hooijer (1948); Harrison et al. (2014)
Hooijer (1960)
Hooijer (1948)
Hooijer (1948)
Upper first molars The crowns of the right (YCT2-6, YCT2-7, and
YCT2-11; Fig. 3KeM; SOM Fig. S4) and left (YCT1-8 and YCT2-13;
Fig. 3N, O; SOM Fig. S4) M1s are well preserved, except for YCT211, which is missing the posterointernal part of its crown. All are
missing their roots. The crowns are slightly to moderately worn. The
M1s have four main cusps. The paracone and metacone on the buccal
side are higher and more closely approximated and extend down to
the cervix of the crown more steeply than the protocone and
hypocone of the lingual side. The protocone, which is the largest
cusp, is positioned less anteriorly than the paracone. The crista
obliqua, connecting the protocone and metacone, is interrupted by a
groove in the middle of its course. An anterior transverse ridge runs
inward from the anteroexternal edge in front of the paracone to the
anterior marginal ridge close to the protocone. A linear anterior fovea
is surrounded by an anterior transverse ridge and an anterior marginal ridge. A posterior transverse ridge passes inward from the apex
of the metacone to the apex of the hypocone. Only in YCT2-6 does
this posterior transverse ridge originate from the apex of the
accessory cusp behind the metacone. The anterior and posterior
transverse ridges define the central fossa of the crown, which is
divided by the crista obliqua into a trigon fossa anteriorly and a
hypocone fossa posteriorly. The trigon fossa is generally wider and
deeper than the hypocone fossa. Only in YCT2-13 is the trigon fossa
shallower than the hypocone fossa. The posterior fossa is bordered
by a posterior transverse ridge and a posterior marginal ridge. Except
for YCT2-7, an accessory cusp is separated from the metacone by a
cleft. A lingual cingulum is represented by a short ledge that passes
from the mesiolingual angle to the inner part of the anterior marginal ridge except in YCT1-8. There is evident variation in the degree
of wrinkle development on the occlusal surface. For example, in
YCT2-7, the wrinkles are coarse and patent, whereas in other M1s,
the wrinkles are represented by fine lines on the slightly worn
occlusal surface. There are elliptical interproximal facets on the
mesial and distal faces of the crowns.
The 234U/238U and 230Th/238U activity ratios of the samples were calculated using the decay constants given in Cheng et al. (2000). 230Th/238U ages were calculated using the Isoplot/Ex 3.0 Program v. 3.0 (Ludwig, 2003). The
nonradiogenic 230Th was corrected using an assumed bulk-earth atomic 230Th/232Th ratio of 4.4 ± 2.2 10 6. Corrected Initial (234U/238U) was calculated iteratively using the measured (234U/238U) and the age of flowstone.
All errors reported in this table are quoted as 2s.
57.8 ± 0.3
307.1 ± 5.5
66.3 ± 0.3
58.2 ± 0.2
308.2 ± 5.3
66.7 ± 0.3
1.1458 ± 0.0011
1.1229 ± 0.0015
1.9684 ± 0.0016
0.33493 ± 0.00013
0.09976 ± 0.00003
1.64805 ± 0.00173
Soda straw stalactite
Soda straw stalactite
4.909 ± 0.006
4.782 ± 0.006
41.458 ± 0.136
98.94 ± 0.27
68.18 ± 0.22
113.29 ± 0.49
0.4779 ± 0.0012
1.0930 ± 0.0032
0.9393 ± 0.0029
Th Age (ka)
Th Age (ka)
Th (ppb)
U (ppm)
depth (cm)
Sample name
Table 3
Results of U-series dating from the Yicun Cave.
1.1724 ± 0.0013
1.2956 ± 0.0042
2.1761 ± 0.0040
Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
Corrected Initial
W. Liao, T. Harrison, Y. Yao et al.
Upper second molars All three M2s are from the right side. The
outermost layer of the enamel surface of YC-2 (Fig. 3P; SOM Fig. S5) is
heavily weathered, although the structure of its occlusal surface is
discernible. The crowns of YCT1-7 and YCT1-6 (Fig. 3Q, R; SOM Fig. S5)
are well preserved with only lightly weathered enamel surfaces. The
morphology of the M2s is similar to that of the M1s, except for their
obvious smaller hypocone. For YC-2, a linear anterior fovea is surrounded by the anterior transverse ridge and the anterior marginal
ridge (Fig. 3P). The posterior transverse ridge of YC-2 originates from
the apex of the accessory cusp behind the metacone. In YCT1-6
(Fig. 3R), the posterior transverse ridge passes inward from the apex
of the metacone to the apex of the hypocone. The lingual cingulum is
represented by a short ledge that passes from the mesiolingual angle
to the inner part of the anterior marginal ridge. There are elliptical
interproximal facets on the mesial and distal sides of the crown.
Upper third molars The crown of YCT2-9 (left M3; Fig. 3U; SOM
Fig. S5) is well preserved. However, the enamel surfaces of YCT13 (right M3; Fig. 3S; SOM Fig. S5) and YCT1-2 (left M3; Fig. 3T;
SOM Fig. S5) are heavily weathered. The morphology of the M3s is
similar to M1s and M2s, except for the absence of an elliptical
interproximal facet on the distal side of the crowns. A linear
anterior fovea is surrounded by the anterior transverse ridge and
the anterior marginal ridge of the crown. No posterior transverse
ridge is present. A lingual cingulum is represented by a short ledge
that passes from the mesiolingual angle to the inner part of the
anterior marginal ridge.
Lower third premolar The enamel surface of YCT1-1 (left P3; Fig. 3V;
SOM Fig. S6) is heavily weathered, although the main features of its
W. Liao, T. Harrison, Y. Yao et al.
Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
3.3. Size and morphological comparisons of the Yicun Pongo fossils
occlusal surface are preserved. The crown is moderately worn. In
occlusal view, YCT1-1 has a subtriangular outline, and the cervix of
the crown projects mesially and buccally. The long axis runs from
mesiobuccal to distolingual. The buccal side of the crown is more
convex apicobasally and mesiodistally than that of the lingual side.
There are three ridges (mesial, transverse, and distal) that originate
from the apex of the protoconid. The mesial ridge is sharp and
straight and extends basally to meet the lingual cingulum. The
transverse ridge descends internally and distally from the apex of
the protoconid to join into a prominent cervix which represents the
metaconid. The mesial ridge, the lingual cingulum, and the transverse ridge enclose an anterior fovea or trigonid basin that is
triangular in shape. The distal ridge descends distally from the apex
of the protoconid to join the distal marginal ridge. The distal ridge,
the distal marginal ridge, and the transverse ridge make up the
defining borders of the talonid fossa, which is circular in outline.
The roots of YCT1-1 are missing.
Metric comparisons of the Yicun Pongo teeth are presented in
SOM Table S2. In general, the Yicun fossil orangutan teeth fall
within the general broad range of metric variation of fossil and
extant Pongo (Fig. 4). However, the comparison reveals that the
Yicun teeth display a unique combination of features, including a
relatively small I2, extremely large C1 and M3, and a stronger
cingulum development on the upper and lower molars (Fig. 4).
The left I2 specimen from Yicun (YC-1) is much smaller than the
I s (879 and 2508) of P. weidenreichi from the Early Pleistocene
Baikong Cave located in the same region of Guangxi. YC-1 is also
smaller than the I2s of P. duboisi from the Late Pleistocene of Lida
Ajer and Djamboe, and of P. palaeosumatrensis from the Late
Pleistocene of Sibrambang, all located in the Padang Highlands of
west central Sumatra. The dimensions of YC-1 are within the range
of variation of the I2s of P. javensis from the Middle-Late Pleistocene
fissure-fillings from Punung in Java, P. pygmaeus from the Late
Pleistocene of Niah Cave in Borneo, and extant Pongo spp.
The male C1 specimen (YCT2-5) from Yicun is exceptionally large,
but is similar in size to the C1 (GCSD0410-178) of P. weidenreichi
from the Early Pleistocene site of Sanhe Cave in the same Chongzuo
area as Yicun. YCT2-5 is larger than the C1s from Middle Pleistocene
Ganxian Cave of Guangxi, southern China, the Late Pleistocene site
of Tham Prakai Phet in northeast Thailand, P. palaeosumatrensis from
the Late Pleistocene of Sibrambang, and P. pygmaeus from the Late
Pleistocene of Niah Cave. The dimensions of YCT2-5 fall within the
upper end of the range of variation of the C1s of P. duboisi from the
Late Pleistocene of Lida Ajer and Djamboe, and of extant Pongo spp.
The four P3s from Yicun can be divided into two size groups: large
(YCT2-2 and YCT2-10) and small (YCT2-3 and YCT3-1). A similar
distribution occurs for the Yicun P4s, M1s, M2s, and M3s (see below).
Except for the extremely large P3 (1089) from the Early Pleistocene
site of Baikong, the dimensions of the Yicun P3s fall within the size
range of all fossil and extant orangutan species included in our study.
The dimensions of two P4s (YCT1-5 and YCT2-12) are particularly
large. Except for two specimens of P. palaeosumatrensis from the Late
Pleistocene of Sibrambang, their sizes, at least in their mesiodistal
lengths, are larger than the rest of the P4s of fossil and extant
orangutans included in this study. The two smaller P4s (YCT1-4 and
YCT2-8) fall within the size distribution of the orangutan assemblages from the Early Pleistocene of Sanhe and Queque in Guangxi,
the Middle Pleistocene of Tham Khuyen in Vietnam, Badak in
Peninsular Malaysia, and Ganxian in Guangxi, and the Late Pleistocene of Tham Prakai Phet in northeast Thailand, Batu in Peninsular
Malaysia, and Sibrambang, Lida Ajer, and Djamboe in Sumatra. They
also fall within the upper range of size variation of P. javensis from the
Middle-Late Pleistocene Punung in Java and of the extant orangutan
samples. All of the Yicun P4s are larger than the P. pygmaeus P4s from
the Late Pleistocene of Niah Cave in Borneo.
Similar to the P4s, the dimensions of the Yicun M1s are also relatively large. Except for three specimens of P. weidenreichi from Middle
Pleistocene of Ganxian, two specimens of P. palaeosumatrensis from
the Late Pleistocene of Sibrambang, and one specimen of P. duboisi
from the Late Pleistocene of Lida Ajer and Djamboe, the M1 (YCT2-6)
of Yicun is larger than all other M1s included in this study. The
remaining four M1s (YCT1-8, YCT2-7, YCT2-11, and YCT2-13) of Yicun
are within the size range of fossil and extant orangutan assemblages.
The Yicun M2s are smaller than the M2 (1091) from the Early
Pleistocene of Baikong, but larger than those of P. pygmaeus from
the Late Pleistocene of Niah in Borneo, and within the size range of
other fossil and extant orangutan samples.
Except for one specimen (1118) of P. weidenreichi from the Early
Pleistocene of Baikong, one specimen of P. palaeosumatrensis from
the Late Pleistocene of Sibrambang, and two specimens of P. duboisi
Lower fourth premolar The enamel surface of YCT2-1 (right P4;
Fig. 3W; SOM Fig. S6) is lightly weathered, but the structure of its
occlusal surface is well-preserved. YCT2-1 is moderately worn. In
occlusal view, the crown is subrectangular with rounded angles,
being broadest anteriorly and narrowing posteriorly. The buccal side
of the crown is sloping and long while the lingual side is straight and
short. On the buccal surface, the enamel border descends anteriorly
toward the roots. There are two cusps, buccal (protoconid) and
lingual (metaconid), arranged in a transverse line and positioned
much nearer to the anterior than to the posterior border of the
crown. The protoconid and metaconid are connected by a transverse
ridge which is bisected by an anteroposterior sulcus in the midline
of the crown. A small and pit-like trigonid fossa is enclosed by the
transverse ridge and anterior marginal ridge. The posterior ridges of
the protoconid and metaconid descend backward from the cusp
apices and are continuous with the posterior marginal ridge. They
enclose a spacious and relatively deep talonid fossa. Most of the
enamel wrinkles have been obliterated by wear. There is a carious
cavity on the posterior marginal ridge. Only the upper parts of the
roots are preserved, and these display evidence of rodent gnawing.
Lower second molar The enamel surface of YCT2-4 (right M2;
Fig. 3X; SOM Fig. S6) is lightly weathered; but otherwise, the
occlusal surface is well preserved and only moderately worn. The
crown is trapezoidal in outline with rounded corners. The anterior
surface is perpendicular to the long axis of the crown. In occlusal
view, the five cusps are arranged around the periphery of the
crown. The tooth has little occlusal relief with low cusps and
shallow basins. The protoconid and metaconid, which are similar in
size, are the largest cusps. The latter is more elevated than the
former. The entoconid is lower than the metaconid. The hypoconid
and the hypoconulid are the lowest cusps, and both are worn with
small areas of dentine exposed. The hypoconulid is positioned toward the buccal side of the central axis. The entoconid, hypoconid,
and hypoconulid are all similar in size. A low and indistinct anterior
transverse ridge links the protoconid and metaconid to form the
distal border of the trigonid fossa. Posterior to the trigonid fossa is
the spacious and relatively deep talonid fossa, which is bordered by
the anterior and posterior transverse ridges. The linear, shallow
posterior fossa is bordered by the posterior transverse and posterior marginal ridges. The main cusps and grooves are arranged in a
typical Y-5 pattern: the metaconid comes into contact with the
hypoconid on the floor of the talonid basin. Most of the enamel
wrinkles on the crown are obscured by wear. Interproximal facets
are present on the mesial and distal faces. A cingular remnant is
represented by a ledge on the buccal side between the protoconid
and the hypoconid. The roots are mostly missing.
W. Liao, T. Harrison, Y. Yao et al.
Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
Figure 4. Metric comparisons of Pongo teeth from the Yicun Cave. Comparative data are from Hooijer (1948), Drawhorn (1995), Zhao et al. (2009a), Ibrahim et al. (2013), Harrison
et al. (2014, 2021), Wang et al. (2014), Filoux and Wattanapituksakul (2019), and A.-M. Bacon (unpub. data). Tooth sizes of the Yicun Pongo assemblage are mostly within the size
range of P. weidenreichi. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Peninsular Malaysia, the Middle-Late Pleistocene of Punung in Java,
and the Late Pleistocene of Niah in Borneo. At the same time, its
dimensions are within the size range of several other fossil
orangutan assemblages, including the Early Pleistocene of Sanhe in
southern China, the Middle Pleistocene of Tham Khuyen in Vietnam, the Late Pleistocene of Sibrambang, Lida Ajer and Djamboe in
Sumatra, and extant orangutan assemblages.
Although the Yicun right P4 (YCT2-1) is smaller than the P4s
from the Early Pleistocene of Baikong and Sanhe in southern China,
from the Late Pleistocene of Lida Ajer and Djamboe, two of the
Yicun M3s (YCT1-3 and YCT2-9) are larger than all other M3s
included in this study. The remaining Yicun M3 (YCT1-2) is within
the size range of fossil and extant orangutan assemblages.
Although the Yicun left P3 (YCT1-1) is smaller than the P3s from
the Early Pleistocene of Baikong, Juyuan, and Queque in southern
China and the Late Pleistocene of Tham Prakai Phet in Thailand, its
dimensions are larger than those from the Middle Pleistocene of
Ganxian in southern China, the Middle Pleistocene of Badak in
W. Liao, T. Harrison, Y. Yao et al.
Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
By contrast, the Middle and Late Pleistocene Pongo assemblages are
predominately þ1 and þ2 SDs (54.2% and 64.3%, respectively).
Thus, the Early Pleistocene Pongo assemblages from mainland
Southeast Asia are characterized by relatively larger overall teeth
than Pongo assemblages from the Middle and Late Pleistocene.
Furthermore, the Middle Pleistocene Pongo assemblages have some
teeth that can be considered exceptionally small.
Previously published d13Cdiet values for mammalian fossil teeth
attest to the large-scale variation in vegetation cover in mainland
Southeast Asia from the Early to the Late Pleistocene (Fig. 5). The
d13Cdiet data indicate that during the Early Pleistocene, mainland
Southeast Asia was predominantly a forest environment. By the
Middle Pleistocene, this region was dominated by savannahs, but
some forests persisted. The second half of the Late Pleistocene saw a
slight shift toward woodland and forest environments while
grasslands persisted.
it is larger than those from the Middle Pleistocene of Badak, the Late
Pleistocene of Batu in Peninsular Malaysia, and the Middle/Late
Pleistocene of Zhiren in southern China, and falls within the size
range of the rest of the comparative samples.
Except for three specimens (P041, P042, and P043) of
P. weidenreichi from the Early Pleistocene of Baikong, the Yicun M2
(YCT2-4) is larger than the M2s from the Middle/Late Pleistocene of
Zhiren in southern China, the Middle-Late Pleistocene of Punung in
Java, and the Late Pleistocene of Niah in Borneo, and falls within the
size range of the remaining comparative samples included in this
3.4. Overall dental size of Pongo assemblages and
paleoenvironmental reconstruction
The overall dental size distribution of fossil Pongo assemblages
from the Early to Late Pleistocene are presented in terms of SD units
of the occlusal areas of the fossil Pongo teeth relative to the extant
Pongo reference standard from Harrison (2000). Forty-six percent
of the teeth of the Yicun Pongo assemblage are 3 SD or greater than
the mean of the extant orangutan samples (Table 4). The Yicun
Pongo teeth are relatively larger overall than other Late Pleistocene
Pongo assemblages in southern China. The Pongo assemblages from
Shuangtan Cave, Zhiren Cave, Baxian Cave, and Quzai Cave have,
respectively, 8.0%, 15.4%, 17.2%, and 36.6% of their teeth that are 3 SD
or greater than the mean of extant Pongo. The overall dental size
distribution of the Early Pleistocene Pongo assemblages from
mainland Southeast Asia is predominately þ2 and þ3 SDs (58.9%).
4. Discussion and conclusions
Although Pongo fossils have been found in many cave sites
across southern China (Gu et al., 1987; Zhao et al., 2009a; Ibrahim et
al., 2013), few sites have been subject to detailed chronological
work until recently (i.e., Harrison et al., 2021). Pongo fossils from
Baikong, Juyuan, Sanhe, and Queque Caves from the Chongzuo area
in Guangxi, provide evidence that documents orangutan evolution
during the Early Pleistocene, from ~2.0 Ma to ~1.0 Ma (Harrison et
al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014). Pongo fossils from Ganxian in Bubing,
Guangxi, provide evidence of tooth size and morphological
Table 4
Dental size distribution of the Yicun and comparative fossil orangutan populations.
Standard deviation intervals from the mean values of extant orangutans
Late Pleistocene
Yicun Cave (southern China)
Shuangtan (southern China)a
Zhiren Cave (southern China)b
Baxian (southern China)a
Quzai (southern China)a
Keo Leng (Vietnam)c
Nguom rock shelter (Vietnam)c
Duoi U’Oi (Vietnam)c
Sang Cave (Vietnam)c
Tham Prakai Phet (Thailand)d
Total n
Middle Pleistocene
Yixiantian Cave (southern China)a
Daxin Hei (southern China)a
Ganxian Cave (southern China)e
Tham Khuyen (Vietnam)c
Lang Trang (Vietnam)c
Tham Om (Vietnam)c
Thum Wiman Nakin (Thailand)c
Total n
Early Pleistocene
Queque Cave (southern China)f
Sanhe Cave (southern China)g
Juyuan Cave (southern China)f
Baikong Cave (southern China)f
Total n
4 SD
3 SD
2 SD
þ1 SD
þ2 SD
þ3 SD
þ4 SD
þ5 SD
1 SD
Harrison et al. (2021).
Zhao et al. (2009a).
Tshen (2016).
Filoux and Wattanapituksakul (2019).
Liang et al. (submitted).
Harrison et al. (2014).
Wang et al. (2014).
þ6 SD
W. Liao, T. Harrison, Y. Yao et al.
Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
Bourgon et al., 2020), Cambodia (Bacon et al., 2018), Thailand
(Zeitoun et al., 2010; Filoux and Wattanapituksakul, 2019), and
Peninsular Malaysia (Ibrahim et al., 2013), and some of these fossil
assemblages are dated to as recently as ~20 ka (Bacon et al., 2015).
The Yicun Pongo fossils, dated to between 66.3 ± 0.3 ka and 57.8 ±
0.3 ka, represent the latest orangutan occurrence to date in
southern China. The Yicun Pongo fossil assemblage thus helps fill a
gap in our knowledge of orangutan evolution during the Late
Pleistocene in Mainland Southeast Asia. The fossil orangutans from
Yicun expand the temporal range of Pongo in southern China and
show that they survived in the region until at least ~60 ka. The
major cause(s) for the disappearance of Pongo from southern China
apparently only emerged after ~60 ka.
The taxonomic and phylogenetic status of the Late Pleistocene
Pongo assemblage in southern China has been a source of debate.
Initially, the Pongo fossil teeth from Zhiren Cave were classified as
Pongo pygmaeus weidenreichi based on their larger cheek teeth with
fewer and simpler occlusal enamel wrinkles than both fossil and
modern orangutans from Indonesia (Zhao et al., 2009a). Later, the
Zhiren Pongo fossil teeth were identified as a separate species,
P. devosi, based on their significantly smaller size compared with
the Early Pleistocene P. weidenreichi in southern China (Harrison
et al., 2014). It was argued that the more diminutive P. devosi
replaced P. weidenreichi during the Middle to Late Pleistocene
(Harrison et al., 2014). More recently, based on an expanded sample
of fossil teeth (>800) from Chongzuo in southern China, Harrison
et al. (2021) showed that there was an overall temporal trend of
dental size reduction while the distinguishing morphological features of orangutans remained unchanged from the Early to Late
Pleistocene. Thus, the Pongo teeth fossils from Zhiren Cave and
other Late Pleistocene cave sites have now been classified as
P. weidenreichi (Harrison et al., 2021).
The Yicun Pongo fossil teeth provide new evidence to document
the taxonomic and phylogenetic status of the Late Pleistocene
Pongo assemblage in southern China. In general, the Yicun fossil
teeth largely plot at the upper end of the size range of extant Pongo
teeth, with some specimens falling outside the upper end of this
size range. All of the Yicun specimens are larger than the mean
values of extant Pongo species, and fall in the range of variation of
the Early Pleistocene orangutan assemblages of Baikong, Juyuan,
and Queque in the Chongzuo region. The Yicun fossil teeth are
larger than those of Late Pleistocene Shuangtan, Zhiren, Baxian, and
Quzai of the same region (Table 4). Thus, the Yicun fossil teeth
represent a Pongo assemblage relatively larger in dental size than
other Late Pleistocene assemblages from the region. In addition, a
distinctive feature of the Yicun orangutan assemblage is its high
frequency of cingular remnants on the upper and lower molars
(Fig. 3). Except for one M1 (YCT1-8), a cingular remnant is observed
on all of the remaining 11 M. In addition, the upper and lower
molars of the Yicun orangutan assemblage have light to moderate
enamel wrinkling on the occlusal surface (Fig. 3). Overall, the dental
size and occlusal structure of the Yicun orangutan samples generally fall within the range of P. weidenreichi and can be assigned to
this species. These results confirm previous findings that
P. weidenreichi survived into the Late Pleistocene in southern China
(Harrison et al., 2021).
Tooth size dimensions are among the most easily measured
variables used to document the evolutionary history of the genus
Pongo during the Pleistocene (Hooijer, 1948; Gu et al., 1987;
Harrison et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014). In particular, we were able
to compare overall dental size variation among the different
orangutan assemblages using the extant Pongo reference standard
from Harrison (2000). Previous research has shown that there was
a progressive reduction in dental size in orangutans from southern
China during the Pleistocene (Harrison et al., 2014, 2021; Wang
Figure 5. Comparisons of the dental size distribution of the orangutan assemblage and
d13Cdiet data in mainland Southeast Asia from different periods of the Pleistocene. A)
Late Pleistocene; B) Middle Pleistocene; and C) Early Pleistocene. Dental size distribution of the orangutan assemblages in mainland Southeast Asia from different periods of the Pleistocene are presented in Table 4. The d13Cdiet data are presented in SOM
Table S2.
variation of orangutan assemblages during the late Middle Pleistocene (Liang et al., submitted). The orangutan assemblage from the
Late Pleistocene site of Zhiren in Chongzuo, Guangxi, has been
dated to >106.2 ± 6.7 ka by U-series (Liu et al., 2010) and to
116e106 ka by combined paleomagnetic and optically stimulated
luminescence dating methods (Cai et al., 2017). More recent chronological work suggests the Zhiren deposits may actually be older,
dating to 190e130 ka (Ge et al., 2020). Late Pleistocene Pongo fossil
assemblages have been recovered from Vietnam (Bacon and Long,
2001, 2002; Bacon et al., 2008, 2015), Laos (Bacon et al., 2015;
W. Liao, T. Harrison, Y. Yao et al.
Journal of Human Evolution 170 (2022) 103233
on fossil orangutan assemblages are consistent with these previous
findings for extant orangutan assemblages. The relationship between overall body weight and habitat variation as discussed
earlier suggests that arboreal orangutan assemblages in Mainland
Southeast Asia during the Pleistocene may have been heavily
influenced by their habitat ecology, as represented by the relative
proportion of available forest (Fig. 5). Similar to what has been
observed for extant orangutans, forest habitat degradation may also
have resulted in reduced body mass of the orangutan assemblage
during the Pleistocene. Nonetheless, we note that our conclusion
about the relationship between overall body weight and habitat
change must be viewed as provisional. Future research focused on
evaluating the relationship between environmental change and
Pongo body weight from a broader range of sites across time and
space should help to further clarify this potentially important point.
et al., 2014). The latest Pongo assemblage from Yicun has a relatively
larger overall dental size than the earlier Pongo assemblages from
Shuangtan, Zhiren, Baxian, and Quzai Caves in southern China
(Table 4). The Yicun Pongo assemblage does not conform to the
pattern of progressive reduction in overall dental size, and may
indicate a Late Pleistocene dental size differentiation between the
Pongo assemblages in southern China. From a region-wide
perspective, the overall dental size reduction of Pongo in mainland Southeast Asia occurred principally during the Early and
Middle Pleistocene (Fig. 5).
In addition, the Middle Pleistocene Pongo assemblages unexpectedly have some teeth of relatively small size. Tooth size has
been shown to be highly correlated with body weight in nonhuman
primates, with correlation coefficients for upper and lower teeth
with body weight ranging between 0.84e0.95 and 0.85e0.97,
respectively (Gingerich et al., 1982; Conroy, 1987). However, it is
currently unknown whether tooth size and body weight are highly
and significantly correlated in orangutans, and/or whether this
relationship scales isometrically. Assuming that tooth size provides
a reasonable guide to body weight in orangutan assemblages over
time scales, it can be inferred that Early Pleistocene Pongo had a
mean body weight that was much larger than those from the
Middle and Late Pleistocene. Compared with the Late Pleistocene
Pongo assemblages, the Middle Pleistocene Pongo assemblages are
distinguished by some individuals with what appear to be the
smallest body weights. We must acknowledge, however, that the
current approach has unknown errors associated with it, and that
pooling across tooth positions in the present study introduces more
noise so that some degree of caution in interpreting these results is
When combined with the stable carbon isotope data from fossil
mammals (SOM Table S1), this study suggests that habitat change
may have impacted the body weight of Pongo assemblages in
mainland Southeast Asia during the Pleistocene (Fig. 5). In forest
environments dominated by C3 plants, Pongo assemblages from the
Early Pleistocene are characterized by larger overall dental sizes,
and, assuming dental size accurately tracks body mass, relatively
larger body weight. By the Middle Pleistocene, the widespread
open savannahs in Mainland Southeast Asia are associated with
Pongo assemblages that have undergone a reduction in body
weight, with some individuals having the smallest body weights.
Sustainable forest environments in parts of Mainland Southeast
Asia from the Middle to Late Pleistocene provide support for some
Pongo assemblages of overall larger body weight.
The relationship between body weight and habitat variation
suggests that arboreal orangutan assemblages in the Pleistocene
may have been heavily influenced by their habitat and ecology as
represented by the relative proportion of available forests. The results presented here are consistent with field studies of extant
orangutan assemblages on Sumatra and Borneo. As habitat quality
decreases from Sumatra to Borneo, cranial capacity of adult Pongo
species has been shown to decrease from west to east, with a
significantly smaller cranial capacity of the easternmost Pongo
pygmaeus morio compared to most other orangutan groups (Taylor
and van Schaik 2007). Along with the cranial capacity decrease,
average postcanine dental sizes of P. pygmaeus from Borneo have
been reported to be smaller than those of P. abelii from Sumatra
(Uchida, 1996; Cameron, 2001). Studies focused on the body mass
of Bornean orangutans also demonstrate that habitat degradation
may reduce the body mass of the adult assemblages (Rayadin and
Spehar, 2015). A recent study has further shown that the estimated lean body mass of P. pygmaeus was lower during low-fruit
periods in all age-sex classes examined, including flanged males,
unflanged males, adult females, and adolescents (O'Connell et al.,
2021). Our preliminary findings of the impact of habitat variation
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing
financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
We thank S. Xing from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology
and Paleoanthropology for inviting us to contribute to this special
de Paris for sharing
issue. We thank A.-M. Bacon from Universite
the metrical data of extant Pongo species, G. F. Lu and X. H. Wu from
the Cultural Relics Bureau of Chongzuo City, J.Y. Li and F. Tian from
the Tiandong County Museum, C. L. Huang from the Natural History
Museum of Guangxi, and S. S. Wei, J. P. Li, X. Fu, and B. Xiao from the
Anthropology Museum of Guangxi for their assistance with field
work. Critical comments and thoughtful suggestions from Andrea
Taylor (co-Editor-in-Chief), the Guest Editor, and three anonymous
reviewers helped us improve the manuscript. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(42002025), Major Program of National Social Science Foundation
of China (20&ZD246), and the BaGui Scholars Project of the
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
Supplementary Online Material
Supplementary online material related to this article can be
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