FOLLOWING IS A FIRST CENTURY MODEL of the millennium and the judgement of hades and how it was connected to the tenth-century temple in the Holy city Jerusalem. (Revelation19-20-21) This short explanation (in notes with references) has four distinct merits:- 1. It places the C.1st documents back in their Natural C.1st Context 2. It brings C.1st time facts under Observation 3. It Saves the Appearances of the facts 4. It adds more Meaning to the temple by the addition of more information. At the end of these observations I am forced to agree with Wittgenstein;- 'In logic nothing is accidental: if a thing can occur in a state of affairs (an actual event) the possibility of the state of affairs must be written into the thing itself.' Tractatus. 2.012 L. Wittgenstein

SEVEN-PAGE PRETERISM. EASY REFERENCE TO HADES. WHY WAS HADES JUDGED IN 70AD? By Morrison Lee Abstract. THE AIM of this article is to explain why hades was judged at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. In brief it identifies the link between :- . the second coming (in clouds) of Jesus, . the destruction of the tenth-century Holy City, and . the judgement of hades in 70AD. THE CLUE is the sequence of three successive chapters, Rev19-20-21. Note the order:- Firstly - the Destruction of harlot CITY Jerusalem :- Rev19:2 “And I heard a loud voice crying out … for he has judged the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with immorality and avenged the blood of his servants.” Secondly - Judgement of HADES’ at the end of 1000 years :- Rev20:14 “…at the end of 1000 years death and hades were thrown into the lake of fire.” Thirdly – then the appearing of NEW JERUSALEM post-judgement :- Rev21:2 “…and I saw the holy city new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven as a bride adorned for her husband.” HOW WAS MOSAIC JERUSALEM CONNECTED TO HADES? SO MOST SIMPLY the order of Revelation 19-20-21 is; (1) the destruction of a wicked city (ch19) and (3) the appearing of a perfect city (ch21)… and in-between (2) we have to explain a judgement of the dead in hades after 1000 years. (ch20) Why ch20? There is a lovely simplicity of a wicked city replaced by a blessed city, but why break-up that simplicity without necessity? What necessity is 1000 years long and connected to the dead in hades?? Why add these impedimenta to a simple story? What is it about the tenth-century city that explains the judgement of the dead in hades? To understand this we need more Detail and more Focus. DETAIL. AS DIFFERENT as the destinies of the wicked and blessed cities are, they both share the same title; ‘HOLY CITY.’ Let’s look at this little detail. One HOLY CITY is destroyed while the other HOLY CITY gets divine approval. Compare Revelation11 with Revelation21. Rev11.1-2 ‘Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, "Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it. "Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under-foot the HOLY CITY for forty-two months. HOLY CITY given to nations and trampled. Rev21.1-2 ‘Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer [any] sea. And I saw the HOLY CITY new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. HOLY CITY married to her divine husband. FOCUS. WHICH CITY is the biblical ‘Holy city’? There is only one ‘Holy city’ in scripture, and its name is Jerusalem. Compare the use of the term. . Ezra 1.3 Go up to Jerusalem and rebuild house of Lord. He is the GOD IN JERUSALEM . Neh11.1 Rest of the people cast lots…to live in the HOLY CITY JERUSALEM. . Is52.1 Beautiful garments O JERUSALEM, HOLY CITY of God… . Dan9.20 Praying to the Lord my God for the HOLY HILL of my God. . Dan9.24 Seventy weeks decreed for your people and your HOLY CITY . Mtt4.5 The devil took him to the HOLY CITY…pinnacle of the temple THE HOLY CITY is always Jerusalem in the bible. God lived in the Holy temple, which was built on the Holy hill, and located in the Holy city Jerusalem. But in the days of Jesus, first-century Jerusalem was so thoroughly corrupted that it brought upon itself Justice by its own destruction… …because these are days of vengeance, so that all things which are written will be fulfilled...for there will be great distress upon the land and wrath to this people; 24and they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations ; and Jerusalem TRAMPLED UNDERFOOT BY THE GENTILES until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Lk21.22-24 COMPARE the Holy city Jerusalem with the Holy city in Revelation and we see they both correspond in; identity, destiny, and duration. (Jerusalem was devastated for 42 months, 1260 days, or three and a half years from 66-70AD.) Thus in the circumstances of identity, destiny and duration the Holy city Jerusalem corresponds to the harlot. 1. Identity - Holy city 2. Destiny - Trampled underfoot. 3. Duration - Devastated for 42 months. WHAT is equal to each other is equal to the same thing – Holy city (Now un-Holy) Jerusalem equal to the harlot city of first-century Jerusalem, therefore they are the same entity. WHERE WERE CITY AND covenant connected? Simple observation shows that Law and Covenant were located in the same place – in the temple. (BC960. 1 Kings8:1-14; 2Chron5-7) So now we have a tenth-century city, the temple of which contains both Law and Covenant. This explains Location. . Fast-forward 960 years to Matthew 24 and look through Jesus’ eyes. What does He see? In 30AD Jesus sees a tenth-century temple whose ‘use-by’ day is up! It’s about to disappear stone-by-stone 40 years later, and mathematically that is :– 960 + 40 years (Jesus prophecy of the end) = 1000 years. So that’s the time (1000 years) connection.) Next question is Cause – why? . How is hades connected to the Law of sin, death and hades? Answer. Through the old covenant ‘gates of hades’ being located in the harlot city. 1 Kings8-9. Following is a simple model of this explanation. DIAGRAM #1. FIRST-CENTURY MODEL OF HADES. “This generation” (Mtt24.34; Mk13.30) ____________________________+____________________ X End of hades BC960 30AD| +40 years |70AD Temple Construction. | 1000 years | Temple Destruction Now we proceed to question the connections between the harlot city of Revelation and hades. HOW WAS OLD-COVENANT JERUSALEM ‘THE HARLOT’ OF REVELATION? The term ‘harlotry’ in the Old Testament was a reference to spiritual infidelity – the breaking of a promise. Jehovah made a promise to Abraham with the expectation his descendants would imitate his faithful fidelity. Jerusalem temple was the centrepiece of Mosaic civilization in the C.10th before Jesus. By BC586 Israel had brought disaster upon itself by ‘whoring’. This is attested by numerous passages of which the following is but a sample. . Jerusalem abomination /harlot – Ezek16:1,15,20,22,25,26,28,29,30,31,32,34,38,43 Ezek23:2,4,12,14,19,20,29,30,35,43,44,45. Hos1:2 . Jerusalem Holy City – Neh11,1; Ezra1.3; Is52.1; Mtt4.5; Rev11.1 . Jerusalem the bride - Is61.10; Jer2.32 . Jerusalem divorced for harlotry – Jer3.1-20 esp. . Jerusalem shed all blood - Mtt23.35-36; Lk11,50-51 . Vengeance on Jerusalem - Lk13.33; 21.20-22; 28-32; Rev18.24; 19.2 . Jerusalem Millennial city - 1 Kings8-9. From temple construction (BC960) to destruction (at fulfilment of Jesus’ prophecy 40 years later) was 1000 years. WAS OLD-COVENANT JERUSALEM RELATED TO HADES? We can generalise the following - Old Covenant Jerusalem is to be understood against a background of sin and separation from God in hades awaiting judgement at the last day at the ends of the ages. (1Cor10.10.) This connection between Jerusalem, redemption and hades? . Jerusalem nobility made a covenant with hades - Is5.14 . Jerusalem covenant with death & hades cancelled - Is28.14-18 . King of Jerusalem. “I am confined to the gates of hades” -Is38.9 . Jerusalem bones [dead] brought out of tomb - Jer8.1 . ‘Whole house of Israel’ Bones to be resurrected - Ezek37.11 . Fountain opened in Jerusalem for sin on ‘that day’ - Hos13.1 . Jerusalem the waiting place for redemption - Lk2.38 . Hadean judgement connected to age of Law & Prophets - Lk16.29-31 WAS OLD-COVENANT JERUSALEM RELATED TO 1000 years? Old Covenant Jerusalem was founded in the tenth-century BC on the fortress of Zion by its greatest king, King David, (R. BC1010 to 970. David. Reigned BC1010 to 970. however the covenant temple was constructed by his son, Solomon, also King in Jerusalem. (R. BC970-931 King Solomon. Reigned BC970-931. It was at the opening of the temple around BC957 Temple dedicated circum BC960. that the ark of the covenant (containing Moses’ Law Law & Covenant in temple. 1 Kgs8.1-9) was placed within it. From this time the presence of Jehovah dwelt in Jerusalem in His glory cloud. Jehovah dwelt in Cloud. 1 Kgs8.1-10,11,12,13 ‘The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.’ (Rev19.10) Jesus’ temple prophecy (Matt24; Mk13; Lk21) was given the same week He died. In 30AD He said; ‘This generation [40 years] will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled.’ We know from all eyewitness history that the temple was destroyed in that generation in 70AD. Temple destroyed 70AD. All Jewish, Catholic, Christian and secular sources agree on this. The destruction of the temple was confirmation of ‘Jesus’ testimony.’ Mtt24; Heb9.8-9. WAS JUDGEMENT OF HADES ‘RESERVED’ BEFORE END OF MOSAIC AGE? The universal judgement of all generations was to occur at the last day of the Mosaic age in that generation. Before this all judgement of the living and dead was reserved in hades. . Hide me in sheol until your wrath passes - Job14.13 . Will my hope go down to the gates of sheol? - Job17.16 . Sheep & goats separated when Son comes with angels – Mtt25.31-34 . Abraham, Law & Prophets in effect with hades - Lk16.29-31 . The coming of Lord at hand /judge standing at the door - Jas5.6-9 . He is ready to judge the living and the dead - 1Pet4.5 . Angels in chains reserved for the day of judgement - 2Pet2.4 . Unrighteous kept under punishment for day of J. - 2Pet2.9 . Heavens that now exist stored up for fire at day - 2Pet3.7 . Angels that sinned kept in chains until judgement - Jude6 . Black darkness reserved for the wicked - Jude7-13 . Death and hades gave up their dead & judged - Rev20.13-14 DIAGRAM #2. FIRST-CENTURY MODELOF RESERVED JUDGEMENT. “This generation” (Mtt24.34; Mk13,30) BC960 ________________________ __+____________________ X End of age /hades | All judgement RESERVED IN HADES until … | END OF AGE 70AD 4. WAS SIN STORED UP BEFORE THE MOSAIC AGE ENDED? ALL SIN was stored up in the time of the Law and the Prophets until the Last Day, when all injustices vengeance (for all the righteous blood shed on earth from Abel) would be punished. (Gen4.8; Mtt23.35-36; Lk11.50-51) All the blood shed by animal sacrifice was sealed up in the temple. (Heb10.1-4) The temple was a witness to sin as God’s eyes and ears were there. (1Kgs8.29-32) . Vengeance laid up in store - Deut32.34 . My transgression sealed up in a bag - Job14.17 . Sin removed when altar stones crushed - Is27.9 . Sin of Ephraim sealed up - Hos13.12 . Fountain opened for sin in that day - Zech13.1 WAS ‘THIS GENERATION’ CONNECTED TO THE JUDGEMENT? ‘This generation’ was to stand at the judgement at the last day of the Mosaic age. The destruction of the Mosaic institution in 70AD made it impossible for the Mosaic religion to ever be practiced in the land again. This time of the end was foretold from the time of the beginning by Moses, (Deut29.22-29) then Solomon, (1Kgs9:6-9) then Jeremiah, (Jer19.6-15) then Daniel, (Dan12.6-13) and finally at the time of the end by Jesus. (Mtt23:35-36; Lk21.20-32; Rev18.24-19.2) Consider how this generation is connected to all other generations at the judgement. . Judgement and resurrection at end of age -Dan12.2-4; 13 . Judgement of C.1st cities at Last day -Chorazin & Capernaum - Mtt11.21ff . Judgement of old cities at day of judgement -Tyre & Sodom - Mtt11.21ff . Judgement of C.1st generation with -Nineveh, Sheba - Mtt12.36 . Judgement of C.1st cities harvested at end of age - Mtt13.39 . Judgement of dragnet at the end of the age - Mtt13.47-50; Ezek32.3 . Judgment followed by resurrection at last day - Jn11.24 . Judgement by God has appointed a day to judge the world - Acts17.31 . Judgement of living and the dead at His coming - 2Tim4.1 . The coming [presence] of the Lord at hand - Jas5.7 . Judge standing at the door - Jas5.8 . Judge of living and dead ‘ready’, ‘end of all things at hand’ - 1Pet4.5-7 . Behold I come quickly /near /soon /at /without delay /little while – Revelation 1-22 WAS OLD COVENANT READY-TO-DISAPPEAR AFTER 30AD? YES The Old Covenant was made obsolete at the crucifixion of Christ, (Eph2.15-16; Col2.14-15) but it did not disappear. Jesus’ kingdom had come ‘already’ (in Principle) while He was on earth, but ‘not yet’,(in actual Fact) while the millennial temple was still standing. (Heb9.8-9) The debt was cancelled at the cross for Christians, but not for legalists who trusted in their own righteousness and the elements Elements. Greek. Stoicheia Elements of Mosaic Judaism. of Judaism. (Col2.14-23) This is the meaning of ‘already’ (in Principle) but ‘not yet.’ (in actual Fact) The final act of redemption was the punishment of the harlot city in 70AD and the destruction of its bloody-system of law, sin, death and hades. Notice how salvation, the promises, the kingdom were still anticipated and in the future before Revelation. . The Deliverer will come … and this’ll be covenant take away sins – Rom11.26-27 . Salvation nearer to us than when we first imagined - Rom13.11 . He makes the first covenant obsolete, old, ready to vanish away - Heb8.13 . The tabernacle [temple] parable for immediate present (Greek vuv) -Heb9.8-9 . They [OT dead] did not receive the promises - Heb11.13 . They [OT dead]desire a better country [ie New Jerusalem] - Heb11.16 . They [OT dead] did not receive what was promised - Heb11.39 . But you have come to Mt Zion and to the city of God - Heb12.22 . Let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom - Heb12.28 . Here we have no lasting city [present Jerusalem]we seek one to come Heb 13.14 .Salvation ready to be revealed in last time -1Pet1.5 . Pay attention to prophecy as to a lamp shining in a dark place – 2Pet1.19 . [OT] Darkness is passing away, true[NT] light is already shining - 1Jn2.8 WHY? Because the Law and Covenant (and hades) were in the temple awaiting judgement at the end of the millennium, and ‘vengeance’ at Jesus’ presence Jesus ‘presence in clouds.’ Greek Parousia. Occurs 15 times in clouds. (Deut32.43; 1Kings9.6-9; Dan9.24; Mtt23.35-39; Lk21.20-32; Heb10.37; Rev6.10-11; 18.24-19.2; 20.13-14) DID SATAN AND OLD COVENANT DISAPPEAR AT THE CROSS? Jesus’ death dealt Satan a mortal wound at the cross, but the covenant did not disappear in 30AD. (Heb8.13) But 37 years after the cross Satan was given a ‘short time’ for 1260 days /42 months / Time, Times, half a Time /3.5 years. This is the period of 3.5 years from 66-70AD. This forty year (a-millennium) period COMPLETED the TOTAL millennium of 1000 years and ended Satan completely. . Great red dragon with ten heads seven horns -Rev12.3 . Great dragon ancient serpent devil & Satan thrown down – Rev12.9 . Satan’s time is short - Rev12.12-15 . Satan’s mortal wound healed -Rev13.3 . Satan given authority for 42 months - Rev13.5 . Worship image of beast -Rev13.15 . Number of beast is number of man; 666 -Rev13.18 . No one could enter sanctuary till after 7 plagues – Rev15.8 . Out of mouth & dragon demonic spirits -Rev15.13-14 . Battle of spirits at Armageddon -Rev16.16 . Great city split in 3 parts – Babylon remembered – Rev16.19 . And in her found all blood of prophets & the slain - Rev18.24 . And He avenged the blood of prophets on her – Rev19.1-2 . When 1000 years complete released for short time – Rev20. . And Satan thrown into the lake of fire…forever - Rev20.10ff Q. If the Old Covenant and Satan disappeared at the cross, how can we explain Satan ‘given authority for ‘a short time’ AFTER THE CROSS and before he is thrown into the lake of fire? Unless his power is still operating somehow after the cross. CONCLUSION. LOOKING BACK TO THE FIRST CENTURY is very new and strangely unfamiliar for all of us, however look back does four very useful things. It explains: the bible in its natural context at the end of the end of the Mosaic age the time facts by observation, so that ‘this generation’ means this C.1st generation the natural meaning of His own words, and so saves the appearances of the facts. more meaning in the temple by the addition of more information without change. The ‘down side’ of this truth is that it makes us all beginners again – there are no ‘experts’ in a first-century model of end times, just beginners. But the essential thing is that it restores to Jesus our complete salvation – He is the Source of our faith, the Author and Finisher of our faith. (Heb5.9; 12.2) By His Grace we are saved and not of our own selves… it is the Gift of God. (Eph2.8-9) -Praise be to God- Brisbane, Australia Nov 2022 -ooOOoo-