The personality of elemnt ID ego and super ego on emma's character


Literature is usually known as a creative and imaginative human‟s activities. Therefore, sometime literature is established by the authors though the phenomenon of public life, for example in the case psychoanalysis. This psychological problems has a relationship with sychoanalysis approach that focuses on investigating human behavior in their daily lives. Novel Emma by Jane Austen selected by the writer to analyze the psychological and personality problems that is experienced by the main character. This study is aimed to find out two points; 1) knowing the elements id, ego, and super ego and 2) knowing the dominant element that main character. Sigmund Freud‟s theory is used in the study to explain about psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis theory people help people understand the differences in personality and psychiatric, begin from the strange personality to normal personality with id, ego, and super ego. Personality is formed naturally, according to the place where he lived, from the ...

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter contains the background, statement of problem, purpose of research, research significance and definition of key terms. 1.1. Background Literature is usually known as human‟s imaginative and creative activities. As Luxemburg (1992) says that literature is a creation of human thinking and it is not an imitation. Therefore, sometimes literature is made by author thought the phenomenon of society life, for example in psychological. This problem has relation with human‟s behavior in their lives. One of areas in the study of psychology is psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is one of the scientific discipline is developed by Sigmund Freud. It has relation with mental functioning and development in a man (Brenner in Minderop, 2010). Moreover, Psychoanalysis refers to conflict of personality structure that appear from the combination of id, ego, and super ego. According to Clark as quoted by Minderop (2010), he explains that id shows the true purpose of the individual organism‟s life to satisfy himself. Meanwhile, Ego takes the decisions to consider in fulfilling every expectation. And the last is the Super-ego refers to control human‟s desire or satisfaction. In this case, literature that contains a psychological phenomenon, the psychological aspects appear thought the character that is constructed in the story. There is some literature that refers to the theory psychoanalysis, such as poetry, drama, short stories, novels, etc. 1 One of the novel Emma written by Jane Austen. Jane Austen is known as a writer of novels in England then in her life, she epidemic came from a small circle of life in the suburbs of the nobility. During her life Jane Austen‟s trained by her father and her younger brother in studying. She always read her own books and optimistic fully supported by his family pushed to become a powerful writer in the land oh her birth. This novel tells a main character there is character called Emma Woodhouse who is protagonist of the novel. In the well-known first sentence of the novel, the narrator describes Emma as, “Beautiful, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition.” In some ways, the twenty year old Emma is mature for her for her age. Because Emma‟s mother is dead and her older sister married, she is already the head of her father‟s household. She cares for her father and oversees the social goings-on the village of Highbury. Emma‟s misplaced confidence in her abilities as a matchmaker and her prudish fear of love constitute the central focus of novel, which traces Emma‟s mistake and growing self understanding. According to George (1916) novel is a genre of fiction. Fiction is defined as the art or craft of contriving through the written word representation of human life that instruct or divert or both. The various forms that fiction may take are best seen less as a number of separate categories then as a continuum or more accurately a cline, with some such brief form as the anecdote of one and of the scale and the longest conceivable novel it other. Fiction also that drawing in the human life use writer. 2 When any piece of fiction is long enough to constitute a whole of a book, then it may be said to have achieved novel hood. But this state admits of its own quantitative categories so that a relatively brief novel may be a novella. Character is important element in fiction. Character is one aspect in literature that can create a story become illusion of reality and represent idea or feeling to make readers or viewers knows and understands. Character in the novel relate to human in real life then related with condition everyone for activities. In the novel character divided into two protagonist and antagonist. Protagonist is identical with all the good character inside the actors which had been chosen and created by the author. According to Altenberd and Lewis (1966) that protagonist is a character who is admired by the readers, which always called as a hero because he always does ideal role and follows the rules and value in the society. The reader often give sympathy to the protagonist characters. The character shows hope and value can be supposed as protagonist character. Yet, sometimes there is character who does not give us the morality value. Luxemburg (1992) says antagonist is the opposite character of protagonist either physically and psychologically. The antagonist character usually causes conflict for protagonist. Although there is other thing such as disaster, accident environment and society, social rules moral value and author it can cause conflict but if it not done by a character, they are called antagonist force. According to Abram (1991): “Character are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, Intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons Say and their distinctive way of saying it the dialogue and from what they do the action.” 3 Stanton (1965) said character is commonly used in two ways. The first is that character designates the individuals who appear in the story. The second is that character refers to the mixture of interests, desires, emotions, and moral principles that makes up each of these individuals. The researcher takes some references as previous studies on this research. The first researcher downloads a Journal by Indiani (2013) “Character Disorder in Marry Shelly‟s Frankeinsten” who explained about character Victor who has a disorder character because he grows up, he becomes an antisocial, ambitious and he success in creating human being by combining science and magic. The second researcher download to journal by Nurs syam (2003) “The element of Id, Ego, and Super Ego ‟Laura‟ in Tennesse William‟s Drama „The Glass Menagerie”. Who explain approach theory psychoanalysis that main character Laura with use Id, Ego, and Super Ego by Freud. 1.2. Statement of Problem Some based on the background above, appear some of problems that can be statement thought question as follows: 1. How are Id, Ego, and Super Ego signified on Emma Character? 2. What is dominant elements and its influence on the shaping of Emma Character? 4 1.3. Research Objectives The researcher has considered, the paper needs an aim and real utility as the part of beneficial science analysis in accordance with dictum that Specific purpose of this research is as follows: 1. To find id, Ego, and Super Ego in Emma Character. 2. To know Emma character based on the dominant influence of Id, Ego, and Super Ego. 1.4. Research Significance The Purpose from this research about Emma Novel by Jane Austen analysis with Theory Psychoanalysis is:  Academically, for to develop stronger science and learning theory use by Sigmund Freud is Theory Psychoanalysis in this research explain Main character with use theory Psychoanalysis.  In generally, for to be in the reference material to make, literary criticism, and is useful for everyone, especially the students can make the material in the study and examine the theory of Psychoanalysis in Novel of literary. 1.5. Definition of Key Term To avoid misconception in conceiving the terms in this research, the researcher makes clarification of key terms to explain some words: 1. Character: character is part of the intrinsic or structure in literature because character representation of story for the readers. (Endaswara: 179) 5 2. Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis is theory help people to understand the differences in personality and psychiatric, begin from the strange personality to normal personality. (Freud:07) 3. Id, it operates the request of the pleasure principle. The energy of its impulse always commands to immediately satisfy, the discontented of it will neurosis disturbances. (Storr 1991:71-73) 4. Ego, it is outside skin of Id. It operates based on reality principle and limited by social reality, hence, it has authority to suspend spontaneous respond from outside incident or impulse from inside or adaption. (Storr 1991:71-73) 5. Super Ego, it is strongly related to Id and Ego. It is formed with the ideal image of its culture, its norms, and its value. Which come from father‟s power. Repressiveness, and its genuine-experienced, superiority, which surround since the person infant, and it is carriet into adult age. ( Storr 1991:71-73). 1.6. Organization of Writing In this research, writer using five chapter of writing, there are chapter one until chapter five. In chapter one, the writer will describe about introduction as the background of the research. In chapter two, the writer will describe about the theories as conceptual framework theory by Sigmund Freud. In the chapter three, the writer will describe and write about methods of research that will use in this thesis paper. In the chapter four, the writer will discuss and explain about data, analysis data and also discussion. And the last chapter in chapter five, the writer will explain about conclusion and suggestion. 6