abstract Research

Comprehensive nursing care that requires the professional nurse executive and nurse manager, one method that is able to provide nursing care to its full potential is the method of the primary team. This study was to determine whether there are differences in satisfaction before and after the intervention methods of the primary team. To determine whether there is a primary method of application effect on job satisfaction of nurses satisfaction, the work itself, promotion, supervision, group work and working conditions. Respondents consisted of a nurse executive, who was given a closed questionnaire on nurse job satisfaction, then do the application of methods of primary team for 4 weeks, then using the same questionnaire, the data collected were analyzed statistically different test T-test. This study shows that there are differences in job satisfaction before and after the intervention methods of the primary team (the p-value <0.05) on all indicators, namely the work yourself, and working groups had similar average satisfaction is 11, supervision and work itself also has the same average is 10, and the promotion of satisfaction indicators have the lowest value is 9, the conclusion of this study is that working conditions affect job satisfaction, it is evident from the results of the study pre and post implementation of the method the primary team, the indicator of working conditions scored an average satisfaction (9.5 to 11) with job satisfaction (64.3%), while the lowest satisfaction indicators contained in the work itself (8.8 to 10) with a value of 57.1% job satisfaction.

The Primary Method Of Application Effect On Job Satisfaction Nurses (Quantitative Studies) Andriani lembah 1, 1 College of Health Sciences Kendedes Malang Armanu 2, Kuswantoro 3 2 Management Magister Economy Faculty , Study Program of Nursing Science Faculty Brawijaya University Malang ABSTRACT Comprehensive nursing care that requires the professional nurse executive and nurse manager, one method that is able to provide nursing care to its full potential is the method of the primary team. This study was to determine whether there are differences in satisfaction before and after the intervention methods of the primary team. To determine whether there is a primary method of application effect on job satisfaction of nurses satisfaction, the work itself, promotion, supervision, group work and working conditions. Respondents consisted of a nurse executive, who was given a closed questionnaire on nurse job satisfaction, then do the application of methods of primary team for 4 weeks, then using the same questionnaire, the data collected were analyzed statistically different test T-test. This study shows that there are differences in job satisfaction before and after the intervention methods of the primary team (the p-value <0.05) on all indicators, namely the work yourself, and working groups had similar average satisfaction is 11, supervision and work itself also has the same average is 10, and the promotion of satisfaction indicators have the lowest value is 9, the conclusion of this study is that working conditions affect job satisfaction, it is evident from the results of the study pre and post implementation of the method the primary team, the indicator of working conditions scored an average satisfaction (9.5 to 11) with job satisfaction (64.3%), while the lowest satisfaction indicators contained in the work itself (8.8 to 10) with a value of 57.1% job satisfaction. . Key words : Application of the primary methods, the level of job satisfaction