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Comprehensive nursing care that requires the professional nurse executive and nurse manager, one method that is able to provide nursing care to its full potential is the method of the primary team. This study was to determine whether there are differences in satisfaction before and after the intervention methods of the primary team. To determine whether there is a primary method of application effect on job satisfaction of nurses satisfaction, the work itself, promotion, supervision, group work and working conditions. Respondents consisted of a nurse executive, who was given a closed questionnaire on nurse job satisfaction, then do the application of methods of primary team for 4 weeks, then using the same questionnaire, the data collected were analyzed statistically different test T-test. This study shows that there are differences in job satisfaction before and after the intervention methods of the primary team (the p-value <0.05) on all indicators, namely the work yourself, and working groups had similar average satisfaction is 11, supervision and work itself also has the same average is 10, and the promotion of satisfaction indicators have the lowest value is 9, the conclusion of this study is that working conditions affect job satisfaction, it is evident from the results of the study pre and post implementation of the method the primary team, the indicator of working conditions scored an average satisfaction (9.5 to 11) with job satisfaction (64.3%), while the lowest satisfaction indicators contained in the work itself (8.8 to 10) with a value of 57.1% job satisfaction.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 2014
This was a cross-sectional, observational study conducted in an outpatient specialty district health unit in the city of Ribeirão Preto, in the southeastern Brazilian state of São Paulo, with the aim to analyze the job satisfaction of the nursing staff. Data were collected using the Index of Work Satisfaction (IWS), a validated instrument which was applied to 23 members of the nursing team in January 2012. Among the components of job satisfaction, participants considered Interaction to be most important, followed by Professional Status, Job Requirements, Organizational Policies, Remuneration and Autonomy. The combined mean Index of Work Satisfaction obtained was 8.29, corresponding to poor job satisfaction among the studied population, as most of the studies in the literature that used the same instrument had scores between 12 and 37.
Job satisfaction is a general attitude of an individual to the work he does. A person with a high level of job satisfaction shows a positive attitude towards his work, while someone who is not satisfied with his job shows a negative attitude towards his work. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of job satisfaction of nurses in General Hospitals under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Jakarta in 2019 based on 3 factors related to job satisfaction, namely organizational policy, workload and competency of nurses. This study used a cross sectional design with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The population was all the nurses in charge of the hospital which amounted to 38 people. The sample was all populations with exclusion criteria for nurses on leave. The total sample of the study was 35 people because there were 3 nurses who were on leave. The results of the analysis of this study show that the percentage of nurses who are satisfied working as nurses in...
Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies, 2022
Job satisfaction is the general attitude of an individual towards the work he does. Someone with a high level of job satisfaction shows a positive attitude towards his job, while someone who is dissatisfied with his job shows a negative attitude towards his job. This study aims to examine the factors (age, education, gender, years of service, salary, supervision, working conditions, relations between employees, opportunities for advancement, financial security) that affect nurse job satisfaction. Quantitative research used the study with a cross sectional design. The research instrument is a questionnaire. The study was conducted on June-July, 2017 on 64 nurse respondents at dr. Reksodiwriyo Hospital. Data analysis using Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact. The results showed that only the period of service, working conditions, relationships between employees and financial security were related to job satisfaction, while other factors were not related. It is recommended to improve the...
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
The primary aim of the study was to assess job satisfaction among nurses working at tertiary care hospital. job dissatisfaction is increasingly large disorder among nurses job dissatisfaction has a cost for individual in term of health, wellbeing and for organization in term of absenteeism and turnover which indirectly affect quality of patient care. Methodology -A descriptive research design was adapted and exploratory approach used to assess job satisfaction among nurses. Study was conducted on 100 staff nurses selected by convenient sampling technique. Modified Minnesota job satisfaction scale was to assess job satisfaction. It was self reporting questionnaire and generally requires 15-30 minutes to solve questionnaire. Findings-Majority of nurses was highly satisfied in their job with respect to all jobs reinforcing factor except independence and compensation where they have reported only average satisfaction. Conclusion -Nurses in selected tertiary care hospital are highly sati...
Background: Nurse as one of the to health care employee at hospital a part important in the effort reaching the target of health development in the form of helath care service at patient. Upbringing treatment helath care service determined also by satisfaction work from nurse having an effect on to nurse performance in giving treatment upbringing. Target of research: The Factors Affecting With Satisfaction Job Of Nurse At Wamena General Hospital. Method Research : Analytic with cross sectional study design. Population is all nurse Wamena gernal hospital as much 173 people as sampel by totalizeing sampling during one months in August 2017 by using questioner. Data analysed to use square chi and regression binary logistics. Result of research : There is factors affecting age (p-value = 0,009; RP = 1,495; CI95%= (1,104 - 2,023), job position (p-value = 0,031; RP = 2,519; CI95%= (0,926 - 6,854), year of service (p-value = 0,037; RP= 1,368; CI95%= (1,029 - 1,819), prosperity program (p-...
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal, 2021
To assess the level of job satisfaction among registered nurses working in clinical area at Teaching Hospital Dera Ghazi Khan. Method: A cross sectional descriptive survey was used to assess the level of job satisfaction among registered nurses. Random sampling technique was used to collect the data. Sample size consists of 102 registered nurses, out of 121, working in clinical area at DHQ Teaching Hospital Dera Ghazi Khan. I developed one Likert scale with consisted 30 questions to measure the Level of Job satisfaction among registered Nurses. Computer analysis was done with statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 18. Descriptive statistics were taken out depending on the type of variable under study. Result: Study included 102 registered nurses to assess the level of job satisfaction. Results showed that from 102 respondents, 18 (17,65% answers in strongly satisfied category,45 (44.12% answers in satisfied category, 25 (24.51%) answers in neutral category, 08 (7.83%) answers in dissatisfied category and 06 (5.89%) answers in strongly dissatisfied category. It is evident that the corresponding falls in the category of strongly satisfied and satisfied 61.77%, which is comparatively greater than remaining categories. Furthermore, it is also submitted that the frequency of such outcome decreases vertically indicating that the scale is adjusted for convince, otherwise it can be integrated to 70% to 80%, it means that overall sample size is ranging strongly valid the result. Discussion: Nurses are not fully satisfied with their work. When the workload of Nurses increase then the level of Job satisfaction decreases because both are against each other.
ABSTRAC: The Objectives of this research were to examine and analyzes empirically abot: (1). The influence of competence to the work satisfaction of the nurses, (2). The influence of work environment to the work satisfact ion of the nurses, (3). The influence of leadership transformational to the work satisfaction of the nurses, (4). The influence of competence to the performance of the nurses, ( 5). The influence of work environment to the performance of the nurses, (6), The influence of leadership transformational to the performance of the nurses, (7). The influence of work satisfaction to the performance of the nurses at the private hospitals class B in Makassar. This research employed the primary data through survey. As respondents of population was the number of nurses at the private hospitals class B in Makassar. They were 1.009 nurses. This research used Slovin Method sampling. The samples of this research consist of 170 respondents, which the samples determined by proportion...
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 2016
Introduction: A hospital is an institution for the medical and nursing care of ill and injured person needing complex services with high risk of complications. Nurse will be one who recognizes and understands the fundamental needs of a person, sick or well, and who knows how these needs can be met, she/he will possess a body of scientific
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
In current scenario it is become a big challenge for employer to retain their employees for a longer period of time and satisfy them, because satisfied workers gives their full dedication to their job. Employees demands monetary and non monetary benefits from their employer, monetary benefits cannot satisfies them alone. This paper aimed to study about job satisfaction of nurses working in selected private and public hospital in Jabalpur city and identify the favorable conditions for them. In my research I have taken one private and one public hospital of Jabalpur city.100 sample size of nurses included as a respondent. Research is based on primary database and structured questionnaire have prepared for data collection and secondary data have collected from articles, books, journals, internet etc .Collected data have analyzed by frequency calculation. By this whole research study we found that the hypothetical condition which has taken as a alternative has been proved but both sectors are providing same conditions to their nursing staff so we cannot say there is any major difference between them This study aimed to offer some suggestions to improve the job satisfaction level of nurses for retention. IndexTerms-Job satisfaction, private and public hospital, nursing staff.
Introduction: Satisfaction of the nurses are key component in delivering inviolable health care in the country. Multiple factors are responsible for nurses? job satisfaction. Satisfied nurses are able to provide quality nursing care for their patients. Staff Nurses? Job satisfaction are influenced by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The staff nurses attitude towards their job can be measured through the job satisfaction scale. This study has been undertaken in an attempt to explore and describe the Job Satisfaction of staff nurses working in the hospitals. Objective: Explore and describe the Job Satisfaction of staff nurses working in the hospitals. Compare the Job satisfaction of staff nurses working in different settings. Methods: A quantitative approach to explore the job satisfaction level of staff nurses with a descriptive design was adopted in the study. Non- Probability method through simple random sampling technique and standardized tool of Job Satisfaction Scale by Dr. Sharma was used to collect data from staff nurses working in three hospitals at Bangalore. Results: Staff nurses are having an average Job satisfaction working in three different hospitals. Staff nurses working in the corporate hospital are comparatively more satisfied than in the Government and Mission hospital while comparing the Job satisfaction in different settings. Conclusion: Job satisfaction of nurses is an important concept as levels of job satisfaction may impact upon the global nursing workforce. Results of this present study demonstrate that staff nurses have average job satisfaction working in the hospitals. Implications for Nursing Management: Findings suggest that efforts are needed to improve intrinsic and extrinsic factors of staff nurses to ensure Job Satisfaction of staff nurses working in the hospitals.
Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais – BIB, 2021
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