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GAMMA-400 is a future high-energy γ-ray telescope, designed to measure the fluxes of γ-rays and cosmic-ray electrons + positrons, which can be produced by annihilation or decay of dark matter particles, and to survey the celestial sphere in order to study point and extended sources of γ-rays, measure energy spectra of Galactic and extragalactic diffuse γ-ray emission, γ-ray bursts, and γ-ray emission from the Sun. GAMMA-400 covers the energy range from 100 MeV to ∼3000 GeV. Its angular resolution is ∼ 0.01 • (E γ > 100 GeV), and the energy resolution ∼ 1 % (E γ > 10 GeV). GAMMA-400 is planned to be launched on the Russian space platform Navigator in 2019. The GAMMA-400 perspectives in the search for dark matter in various scenarios are presented in this paper
The GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope is designed to measure the fluxes of gamma rays and cosmic-ray electrons + positrons, which can be produced by annihilation or decay of the dark matter particles, as well as to survey the celestial sphere in order to study point and extended sources of gamma rays, measure energy spectra of Galactic and extragalactic diffuse gamma-ray emission, gamma-ray bursts, and gamma-ray emission from the Sun. The GAMMA-400 covers the energy range from 100 MeV to 3000 GeV. Its angular resolution is ~0.01º (E γ > 100 GeV), the energy resolution ~1% (E γ > 10 GeV), and the proton rejection factor ~10 6 . GAMMA-400 will be installed on the Russian space platform Navigator. The beginning of observations is planned for 2018.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2013
Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017)
Extraterrestrial gamma-ray astronomy is now a source of new knowledge in the fields of astrophysics, cosmic-ray physics, and the nature of dark matter. The next absolutely necessary step in the development of extraterrestrial high-energy gamma-ray astronomy is the improvement of the physical and technical characteristics of gamma-ray telescopes, especially the angular and energy resolutions. Such a new generation telescope will be GAMMA-400. GAMMA-400, currently developing gamma-ray telescope, together with X-ray telescope will precisely and detailed observe in the energy range of ~20 MeV to ~1000 GeV and 3-30 keV the Galactic plane, especially, Galactic Center, Fermi Bubbles, Crab, Cygnus, etc. The GAMMA-400 will operate in the highly elliptic orbit continuously for a long time with the unprecedented angular (~0.01° at E γ = 100 GeV) and energy (~1% at E γ = 100 GeV) resolutions better than the Fermi-LAT, as well as ground gamma-ray telescopes, by a factor of 5-10. GAMMA-400 will permit to resolve gamma rays from annihilation or decay of dark matter particles, identify many discrete sources (many of which are variable), to clarify the structure of extended sources, to specify the data on the diffuse emission.
The design of the new space-based gamma-ray telescope GAMMA-400 is presented. GAMMA-400 is optimized for the energy 100 GeV with the best parameters: the angular resolution ~0.01 deg, the energy resolution ~1%, and the proton rejection factor ~10E6, but is able to measure gamma-ray and electron + positron fluxes in the energy range from 100 MeV to 10 TeV. GAMMA-400 is aimed to a broad range of science topics, such as search for signatures of dark matter, studies of Galactic and extragalactic gamma-ray sources, Galactic and extragalactic diffuse emission, gamma-ray bursts, as well as high-precision measurements of spectra of cosmic-ray electrons + positrons, and nuclei.
Acta Polytechnica, 2013
Successfully launched in June 2008, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, formerly named GLAST, has been observing the high-energy gamma-ray sky with unprecedented sensitivity in<br />the 20MeV ÷ 300 GeV energy range and electrons + positrons in the 7 GeV ÷ 1TeV range, opening a new observational window on a wide variety of astrophysical objects.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2015
The development of the GAMMA 400 γ ray telescope continues. The GAMMA 400 is designed to measure fluxes of γ rays and the electron-positron cosmic ray component possibly associated with anni hilation or decay of dark matter particles; and to search for and study in detail discrete γ ray sources, to mea sure the energy spectra of Galactic and extragalactic diffuse γ rays, and to study γ ray bursts and γ rays from the active Sun. The energy range for measuring γ rays and electrons (positrons) is from 100 MeV to 3000 GeV. For 100 GeV γ rays, the γ ray telescope has an angular resolution of ~0.01°, an energy resolution of ~1%, and a proton rejection factor of ~5 × 10 5 . The GAMMA 400 will be installed onboard the Russian Space Observatory.
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
Objective: To examine the types of substance use associated with suicidal ideation based on age group, gender, and school type in a sample of Turkish youth. Methods: The study data was collected by the Istanbul Department of Education on 31,604 high school students who received a 66-question survey that was administered in the school setting. Systematic sampling was used to select the allocated sample of classrooms. Every third classroom from each grade was included in the sampling. The sample consisted of 53% female and 46.3% male participants. The participants' ages ranged from 13 to 21, with an average age of 16 years (SD ± 1.06 years). The sub-questions for substance use were added to generate new independent variables used to examine the relationship between substance use and suicidal ideation based on age, gender, and school type. Binary logistic regression was run between the dependent variable (suicidal ideation) and independent variables (type of substance use) based on three models; age, gender, and type of school. The study examines the use of legal (sleeping pills, tobacco, steroids, and alcohol) and illegal (amphetamine, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine, mushroom, homemade brews, cannabis) substances. The standardized coefficients were calculated with a p-value of 0.05 and odds ratios were reported. Results: Tobacco and sleeping pill use were significantly associated with suicidal ideation among all age groups, and both gender participants and those in regular and vocational schools. Ecstasy was significantly associated with suicidal ideation among older age groups and Anatolian school participants. Inhalant use was significantly associated with suicidal ideation in female participants and those who were in regular schools. Substance use among vocational school participants and those who were in older age groups had a significant association with suicidal ideation. Conclusions: A pattern of substance use was seen in this study, specifically highlighting the need for educational and other preventive measures among Turkish youth with greater emphasis on youth in older age groups and vocational high schools.
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Civil Siria (en árabe: الحرب اللهلية السورية ) es un conflicto bélico iniciado a principios de 2011 y que aún se da en la actualidad en Siria. En esta guerra se enfrentaron en su inicio las Fuerzas Armadas de Siria del gobierno del presidente sirio, Bashar Al-Asad, contra grupos armados rebeldes de diversa índole, conocidos en Occidente como la «oposición siria». Más adelante, numerosos grupos y combatientes de los «rebeldes» se unieron a los yihadistas del Estado Islámico de Irak y el Levante (EI, ISIS o Daesh), lo que le permitió a este último expandirse e invadir vastas extensiones de Siria desde las zonas que ya ocupaba en Irak. Sin embargo, algunos grupos rebeldes yihadistas combaten tanto contra el gobierno como contra el Estado Islámico,64 uno de los más grandes y activos es el Frente Al-Nusra, considerado la rama de Al-Qaeda en Siria y que controla pequeñas franjas de territorio entre zonas de otros grupos rebeldes y el gobierno.
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