User Studies

2022, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

The present paper attempts to study the concept of a user study. Information centers and research centers do not seem to meet the needs of the user. The user has been deprived for many years. User studies are mainly about library readers and the use of libraries. There is a huge amount of information being created in the world today, but if there is no use to read it, then the value of that information is zero. The library has a huge collection of books, but if you do not have the class to use it, then the library will not be of any use. Alternatively, the library will not be developed. User Study is a staff student as well as a researcher who needs to know information about different types of users.

10 VIII August 2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 10 Issue VIII August 2022- Available at User Studies Sameer P. More Librarian BJS’S Arts Science and Commerce College Wagholi Pune-412207Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University Abstract: The present paper attempts to study the concept of a user study. Information centers and research centers do not seem to meet the needs of the user. The user has been deprived for many years. User studies are mainly about library readers and the use of libraries. There is a huge amount of information being created in the world today, but if there is no use to read it, then the value of that information is zero. The library has a huge collection of books, but if you do not have the class to use it, then the library will not be of any use. Alternatively, the library will not be developed. User Study is a staff student as well as a researcher who needs to know information about different types of users. Keywords: User Behaviour, Information Seeking Behaviour, Types of User Studies, Communication, and Library Oriented. I. INTRODUCTION The concept of users and their information needs found some expression at the first conference of the Royal Society held in London and became a subject of Discussions at the International Conference on Information held in Washington, D.C. in 1958. Prof. J.D. Bernal's paper entitled "The Transmission of Scientific Information: A User's Analysis" received great attention Library and information systems are designed to meet the information needs of their readers. In the past, information systems and services were developed based on literary warrants rather than user warrants. A user study is any type of evaluation that directly involves the user according to their needs or wants. Identifying a definite user group is one of the many complex and demanding processes involved in providing information. Studying the user is a challenging task as the theoretical methods and models associated with them are not necessarily fully developed and perfect. Products based on user studies and services are more likely to be better developed than products based on evidence and information. Some of the common variables that appear in the user's study are as follows: 1. Factors in the use of information that affect the perception of their problem.2.Specific ways in which user information is most likely to be used and their ability to use a given type of information. 3. Environmental or social features 4. Stages in the information transfer process that relate to a person's knowledge of a particular idea or concept.5. Communication Features. The term user study has been given a different meaning in library and information science literature. The user study incorporates a variety of concepts and audiences. The library is a social institution and it is necessary to cultivate the library for the benefit of society. As the needs of the reader's increase, so does the scope of librarianship. Computers entered Indian libraries after about 1965. Computers were first used in libraries at Indian National Scientific Documentation Center (INSDOC) Mumbai, Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), BHEL, etc. Later, the electronic media gave an alternative to the question of space, but there were fears that it would destroy the libraries. However, the librarian began to acquire computer knowledge on the policy of not leaving the old but accepting the new. Eresources include e-books, e-journals, CDs, DVDs, microchips, microforms, card readers, etc. Traditional tools include writings, manuscripts, texts, journals, maps, gadgets, etc. A librarian working in the world of books is an important part of society. The librarian always strives to balance these two. II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 1) Vasant Lele writes (2013) Evaluation should be done keeping in mind the interest of the users in the field of user studies. 2) Line (1967) defines one type of user study the survey as a systematic collection of data concerning a library its activities, operations staff use and users at a given time. 3) Menzel defined that the term is named variedly as user studies information need studies user studies information-transfer studies communication behavior studies information behavior studies dissemination and utilization studies’. The basic premise of Wilson Davis's study is that the most important factor in the development of research in the field of library and information science is the emphasis placed on the user. III. DEFINITION According to Vasant Lele “A user study is a tool for systematic examination of the symptoms and behaviors of all the systems that provide services to the user”. © IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1010 International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 10 Issue VIII August 2022- Available at IV. OBJECTIVES 1) The user study is primarily for assessing the major needs of the user as well as improving the knowledge of the library staff or librarians. 2) Librarians and library staff can provide better services for checking user information from the reading material available in the library without wasting user's time. V. METHODOLOGY AND DATABASE USED Descriptive method has been used for this research paper along with reference from some online databases. VI. RESEARCH DISCUSSION Types of User Study let’s look at the different study types offered by different practitioners with the help of diagram as follows: Library orient ed St udies David Wilson User Orient ed St udies Types of User St udy User St udies M enzel Behaviour St udies Informat ion flow St uides Fig.1 Types of User Study The types described by Wilson Davis are as follows: A. Library Oriented Studies This includes inquiries into how information centers and individual libraries are used. Readers need to undertake new experiments to reach out to the library. Man becomes knowledgeable and rich by adding his own knowledge and knowledge due to the scriptures. There is a great need to remind readers that libraries change his personality and way of life and as a result he can progress towards a more prosperous life. B. User Oriented Studies It involves the study of how a particular type of user group obtains the information they need to carry out their work. Other types suggested by Menzel: 1) User Studies: This type of study means where do you go to find information? Or studies like how you get references have been noticed by the society to use common channels and this includes personal recommendation, summary and directing services, sifting through journals whenever the opportunity arises. 2) Behaviour Studies: This type of study has nothing to do with the phenomenon of obtaining information, but rather with finding out how users' general reactions to the communication system can be. Usually spend half of your working hours in this type of communication for sifting, searching for context, direct reading, talking to your coworker, and so on. 3) Information flow Study: It studies the design of communication system information flow. E.g. Once an article is written, it is published in about 3 years. In the meantime it is written and published. In the meantime it is written and published. It goes through various stages during the preparation of the report.. The key milestones in user practice can be identified in the following Diagram ways: a) The original Phase (Normative Phase): At this stage, the question has to be identified and its study needs to be supported. The study has to be interpreted and diagnosed. It has to be determined first in a simple way and then in a more accurate way. © IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1011 International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 10 Issue VIII August 2022- Available at b) Operational Phase: This involves the development of strategies for determining the best use of the tool in the action phase and the method for which it is determined. It is analyzed by collecting information. These points include the following points:  Budget Availability  Staff Class  General staff capacity  Time money access etc.  Available tools  Political practice Steps of User Study Normative Phase Operational Phase Evaluation Phase Fig.2 Steps of User Study c) Evaluation phase: It analyzes the findings and presents them. The determined benefit is compared to the price. The objective outcomes of the program are compared and matched. VII. SUGGESTIONS 1) Evaluation should be undertaken keeping in mind the interests of the users in the user study area. 2) When the user expects a simple basic service, the establishment should start with high standards and very ambitious goals. 3) Libraries report that the goals and objectives of the study have been achieved, but it is important that users verify the reality of the situation by being aware of the time, effort, and money involved in the user study program and not overemphasizing the need for evaluation. VIII. CONCLUSION From this User study, it was concluded that the concept of user study, its types, and stages were studied in detail. To check the needs of the user and to know how to implement it. To increase library usage and create awareness about the library, users can easily access their needs. The answer to the important question of how loyal the users and consumers should be lies in the satisfaction that the user initially got from the service experience and they have succeeded in maintaining the satisfaction of the service users. REFERENCES [1] [2] Menzel's (1966). Streams the flow of information among scientists and Technologist [3] Melvin, J. Voight (1961). Scientists approach to information. [4] Prasad A.R.D. Indian Library and Information Science Academics, In 9th IATLIS Conference held at Visakhapatnam, 9–11 August 1992. (Prasad; 1992; p. [5] Tobin, J. C. (1974).Library and information science research: An analysis of the 1984 ... Library & Information Science Research. 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