SocialVec: Social Entity Embeddings
Nir Lotan, Einat Minkov
arXiv:2111.03514v1 [cs.SI] 5 Nov 2021
University of Haifa
[email protected],
[email protected]
This paper introduces SocialVec, a general framework for
eliciting social world knowledge from social networks, and
applies this framework to Twitter. SocialVec learns lowdimensional embeddings of popular accounts, which represent entities of general interest, based on their co-occurrences
patterns within the accounts followed by individual users,
thus modeling entity similarity in socio-demographic terms.
Similar to word embeddings, which facilitate tasks that involve text processing, we expect social entity embeddings to
benefit tasks of social flavor. We have learned social embeddings for roughly 200,000 popular accounts from a sample of
the Twitter network that includes more than 1.3 million users
and the accounts that they follow, and evaluate the resulting
embeddings on two different tasks. The first task involves the
automatic inference of personal traits of users from their social media profiles. In another study, we exploit SocialVec
embeddings for gauging the political bias of news sources
in Twitter. In both cases, we prove SocialVec embeddings
to be advantageous compared with existing entity embedding
schemes. We will make the SocialVec entity embeddings publicly available to support further exploration of social world
knowledge as reflected in Twitter.
World knowledge about entities and the relationships between them is vital for information processing and communication by humans and machines alike. Much effort has
been invested over the last decades in constructing factual
knowledge bases that describe entities and the relationships
between them in a structured relational form, e.g., (Mitchell
et al. 2018). Following the advances in deep learning, researchers have proposed schemes for learning entity and relationship embeddings, based on the information available
in structured knowledge bases (Lerer et al. 2019), as well
based on the textual contexts that surround the entity mentions (Yamada et al. 2020).
However, much of the knowledge that is needed for intelligent information processing and communication extends
beyond relational facts, and is in fact of social nature. Consider for example the social aspect of political polarity. Relevant knowledge about the stand of individuals who dissiminate information, or with whom one engages in a conversation, is necessary for effective information processing
and communication. Likewise, the political leaning of news
sources should be taken into account for critical processing
of the content disseminated by them (An et al. 2012).
In this work, we introduce SocialVec, a general framework for eliciting world knowledge from social networks.
SocialVec learns entity representations based on the social
contexts in which they occur within the social network. We
apply this framework to Twitter,1 a popular and public social
networking service that is considered as a credible source of
social information (e.g., (O’Connor et al. 2010)). We rely
on the fact that public entities, including politicians, artists,
national and local businesses, and so forth, maintain active
presence in social networks in general, and Twitter in particular (Marwick and Boyd 2011). We further exploit the fact
that Twitter users typically follow other accounts of interest, to consume the content posted by those accounts. We
focus our attention on the most popular accounts within a
large sample of the social network, assuming that these accounts represent entities of general interest. Importantly, we
consider entities that are co-followed by individual users
to be contextually related in that they reflect the interests,
opinions, and socio-demographics of each user; for example, users would typically follow entities of similar political
orientation to their own (Eady et al. 2019). The proposed
SocialVec framework employs neural computing to process
this information into low-dimensional entity embedding representations. Similar to Word2Vec (Mikolov et al. 2013a),
which learns low-dimensional word representations from the
words with which they cooccur in large text corpora, SocialVec learns entity representations based on other entities
that users tend to co-follow, as observed in a large sample of
the Twitter network. While word embeddings facilitate tasks
that involve text processing, we expect social entity embeddings to benefit information processing tasks of social flavor, such as the exploration of entity similarity in the social
space, providing useful representations for downstream applications, and potentially supporting researchers and practitioners in deriving various social insights.
In this work, we apply SocialVec to a large portion of the
Twitter network, which includes more than 1.3 million users
sampled uniformly at random, and the accounts that they
follow. We then exploit and evaluate the entity embeddings
produced by SocialVec in two empirical case studies. The
first study applies to the task of automatically inferring the
personal traits of users from their social media profiles. We
show that modeling users in terms of the popular accounts
followed by them yields state-of-the-art or competitive performance in predicting various personal traits, such as gender, race, and political leaning. In another case study, we
exploit SocialVec embeddings for gauging the political bias
of news sources in Twitter. An evaluation against the results
of polls conducted by Pew research (Center 2014; Jurkowitz
et al. 2020) shows high accuracy of our approach. In both
studies, we show clear advantage of SocialVec over existing entity embeddings, which rely on structured and textual
information sources (Lerer et al. 2019; Yamada et al. 2020).
In summary, this paper presents several main contributions: (1) We outline SocialVec, a new framework for learning social vector representations of popular entities from social media, and (2) we apply and achieve high-performance
results on the tasks of personal trait prediction and the identification of political bias of news sources. (3) We make the
SocialVec entity embeddings publicly available, and believe
that this has the potential of making a significant impact in
exploring social world knowledge as reflected in Twitter.
Related work
The success of Word2Vec (Mikolov et al. 2013a) has
inspired many related works, both within and beyond
the textual domain. In the networks domain, the models
of DeepWalk (Perozzi, Al-Rfou, and Skiena 2014) and
Node2Vec (Grover and Leskovec 2016) learn node embeddings by sampling node sequences via random walks in the
graph, and predicting selected nodes based on the representations of the neighboring nodes in the sequence. Here, we
do not aim to learn embeddings for all nodes (users) in the
very large Twitter graph. Rather, we aim learn world knowledge in the form of entity embeddings, where we consider
a bipartite graph that includes sampled users and the popular accounts that they follow within the Twitter network. We
practically model two-hop node sequences, moving from a
node that denotes a popular account to a user node who follows that account, and then to another popular account followed by the same user. In this manner, we avoid sampling
paths from the very large graph of the whole of Twitter, efficiently modeling relevant information within a sub-graph of
Twitter. Our approach is closely related to Item2Vec (Barkan
and Koenigstein 2016), a model that learns item embeddings
from a bipartite graph of user-item rating history for recommendation purposes. They too compute the embeddings
of items given the ratings of individual users, considering
other items known to be liked by the same users as relevant contexts. They found that the Item2Vec embeddings
outperformed SVD in recommendation, especially when the
rating matrix was sparse. In our work, we experiment with
both models of Word2Vec, namely CBOW and skip-gram,
whereas they only explore the latter. We also model full contextual information as opposed to sampling by shuffling, as
detailed below.
Entity embeddings
Using SocialVec, we elicit social world knowledge from social media, learning the representations of popular accounts,
which likely correspond to entities of general interest. Accordingly, we compare our learned embeddings with existing entity encoding schemes, all of which rely on factual
sources. Below, we describe and motivate the comparison of
SocialVec embeddings with the the entity representations of
Wikipedia2Vec and Wikidata graph embeddings.
Wikipedia2Vec Wikipedia is considered to be a highquality semi-structured resource for learning entity representations.2 In this space, entities correspond to concepts
represented by dedicated Wikipedia articles. A useful feature of Wikipedia is the availability of human-curated annotations of entity mentions within its articles, and the mapping of the entity mentions onto their unique identifiers
via hyperlinks, pointing to relevant textual contexts of the
entity mentions. The Wikipedia2vec model learns the embeddings of both words and entities from Wikipedia, with
the aim of placing semantically similar words and entities
close to each other in a joint vector space (Yamada et al.
2016, 2020). Concretely, this model learns word representations using Word2Vec, predicting the neighboring words
of a given word in all of Wikipedia pages. In addition, for
each hyperlink in Wikipedia, Wikipedia2Vec aims to predict
the words that surround it given the referenced entity, thus
modeling word-entity relationships, and further predicts the
neighboring entities of each entity in Wikipedia’s link graph,
i.e., the entities with which it is connected over some hyperlink, thus modeling direct inter-entity similarity. The resulting word and entity embeddings have been applied to
various downstream tasks of natural language and knowledge processing, including entity linking, and knowledge
base completion, and have been shown to outperform multiple baselines (Yamada et al. 2020).
Wikidata graph Embeddings Wikidata is a popular large
collaborative knowledge base developed and operated by
the Wikimedia Foundation (Tanon et al. 2016), hence it
is aligned with Wikipedia.3 Wikidata represents entities of
various types as nodes, and relational facts as typed edges
between entity pairs. Additional relation types encoded in
Wikidata include taxonomic hierarchies (’is a’ relationships), and mappings to entity properties. Recently, Lerer
et al (2019) have introduced the scalable PyTorch-BigGraph
(PBG) framework, designed to efficiently learn graph-based
node embeddings in very large graphs. We consider the entity embeddings inferred using PGB and the TransE (Bordes et al. 2013) graph embedding method from the whole
of Wikidata. As reported by the authors, their implementation of TransE to Wikidata yielded higher-quality embeddings compared with the DeepWalk algorithm, as evaluated
on the task of link prediction.
Relying on curated knowledge sources like Wikipedia or
Wikidata has limitations however. First, these resources are
inherently incomplete, where some popular entities do not
have Wikipedia pages (Hoffart et al. 2012). Similarly, the
modeling of entity relationships and properties by these resources is partial (Mitchell et al. 2018). Here, we further argue and show that these methods lack the representation of
social world knowledge about entities. Finally, we note that
while several researchers have previously learned user embeddings from social network structure, these efforts were
typically ad-hoc, being applied to specific tasks and datasets
of limited size. Some related works consider the content
associated with users for learning user embeddings, e.g.,
(Benton, Arora, and Dredze 2016). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that outlines and evaluates an approach for learning entity embeddings from social media at
scale with the aim of capturing social world knowledge.
fixed size c. The loss function of skip-gram is defined as:
logP (wj | wi )
and the conditional probability P (wj | wi ) is defined using
the following softmax function:
P (wj | wi ) = P
exp(uTi vj )
k∈W exp(ui vk )
Learning We follow closely the Word2Vec approach
that learns word embeddings from context word information (Mikolov et al. 2013a), adapting it to learn social contexts of entities. Given unlabeled text corpora comprised of
a sequence of words (wi )K
i=1 , the skip-gram network variant of Word2Vec is trained to predict the neighboring words
that surround each word wi in turn within a window of a
where ui ∈ Rd and vi ∈ Rd are latent vectors that denote
the target and context word representations in the vocabulary
wi ∈ W , respectively.
Equation 2 is overly costly however, as it applies to the
whole vocabulary W . To alleviate this cost, negative sampling replaces the softmax function with:
Learning social embeddings
Users on social networks typically associate themselves with
other accounts of interest, consuming the content posted
by those accounts. These directed social links correspond
to a graph structure, where vertices denote user accounts
and edges represent follower-to-followee relationships. Naturally, a fraction of the accounts have a high number of followers, where there exists a long-tail of accounts that are
followed by small social circles. We focus our attention on
those accounts that are most popular, assuming that they represent public entities of general interest. Our goal is to learn
low-dimensional entity representations that characterise the
social contexts in which the entities appear on social media.
Concretely, we consider a large sample of users U
mapped to the set of Twitter accounts that each one of them
follows, ui → {aij }, ui ∈ U , aij ∈ A, where A denotes
the union of all the accounts that are followed by the users
in our dataset. We define the set of entities of interest as the
subset of the most popular accounts, E ⊂ A, for which there
exist at least k users who follow them in our dataset.
In modeling the social context of each entity e ∈ E, we
focus our attention on the sets of other entities that are cofollowed by the individual users in our sample, i.e., considering the sets {{aij } : e ∈ {aij }, aij ∈ E}. Overall, the
set of entities followed by an individual user is expected to
be small, representing their personal interests and tastes. We
discard information about the identity of the users, merely
treating them as coherent samples of social contexts. Similarly to text sequences, which contain words that are related
to each other grammatically and topically, we expect the sets
of entities followed by the individual users to form meaningful units of local social contexts.
i=1 −c≤j≤c,c6=0
P (wj | wi ) = σ(uTi vj )
σ(−uTi vk )
where σ = 1/1 + exp(−x), and N is a parameter. Thus,
it is aimed to distinguish the target word wi from a noise
distribution that includes N negative examples, typically
sampled from the unigram distribution raised to the 3/4rd
power (Mikolov et al. 2013b). Training is performed by minimizing the loss function using stochastic gradient descent.
While Word2Vec captures the linguistic context of words,
learning to predict the adjacent words in a sequence, we wish
to model socio-demographic contexts of entities, predicting
other popular accounts that are co-followed by individual
users. Adapting the formulation of the skip-gram model, we
replace the words wi , wj with account pairs ei , ej , modifying Equation 1 as follows:
logP (ej | ei )
ui ∈U ei ,ej ∈{eui },ei 6=ej
where {eui } denotes the set of entities followed by user ui .
Our formulation is similar to the model of
Item2Vec (Barkan and Koenigstein 2016), which learns
item embeddings from user-item rating data for recommendation purposes. In both cases, the context corresponds to
a set as opposed to a sequence. They shuffle the context
items multiple times in order to obtain diverse context
representations within a local context size c (Eq. 1). We
apply non-stochastic modeling of the entity neighborhoods
(Eq. 4) by practically setting the window size to be large
enough to include all of the co-followed entities for every
focus entity ei .
In addition to the skip-gram neural model, we experiment
with the CBOW network variant of Word2Vec. Using the
CBOW formulation, the focus word wi is predicted given all
of the neighboring words within the context window. Similarly, we learn entity embeddings by learning to predict each
focus entity ei in turn from the representations of all of the
co-followed entities per user, {eui }, ei 6= ej .
Num. of followers per user [log-scale]
Num. of users [log-scale]
Figure 1: Account popularity based on our sample of 1.3
million Twitter users: a small number of highly popular accounts are followed by more than 25K users, where a long
tail of accounts are followed by up to 100 users. We learn
the embeddings of the most followed ∼200K accounts.
The Social Corpus
It is desired to train the neural embeddings using data that
is high-quality, representative, and abundant. We obtained
a large number of unique Twitter user identifiers, sampled
uniformly at random from a pool of users in the U.S. who
posted tweets in the English language,4 and retrieved the full
list of accounts followed by each user using Twitter API.
Overall, we collected information about the accounts followed by a total of 1.3 (1.265) million distinct users. Our
data, collected in the beginning of 2020, includes 1,236 million relationships, mapping the users to 90.4 million unique
accounts that are followed by them.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of accounts by their number of followers in our data. As shown, a small number of accounts (1.4K) are followed by more than 25K users, i.e., by
more than 1.9% of the users in our dataset. A higher number
of accounts (∼4,000) are followed by 10-25K users, i.e., by
0.8-1.9% of the users. Next, there are many more accounts
(89K) that are followed by 1-10K users, and a long tail of
accounts that are followed by less than 1K users. Learning
embeddings for all of the users in our dataset is infeasible,
both computationally and statistically, since sufficient context information is required for learning meaningful representations. We therefore set a threshold based on account
popularity, considering the accounts that are followed by at
least k = 350 users in our dataset. Roughly 200K accounts
(201,247) meet this condition, and they comprise our vocabulary of entities E.
Naturally, we expect there to be differences in the scope
of entities represented by a knowledge base like Wikipedia
and Twitter. We aligned these resources, exploiting the fact
We sampled the user identifiers from a corpus of 600 million
tweets posted authored by over 10 million users in 2015, that was
acquired from Twitter for research purposes.
that Wikidata links entity entries with Wikipedia as well
as with their Twitter account information.5 We found that
31.5K out of the 200K accounts represented in SocialVec
(15.8%) have a Wikipedia page or Wikidata entry associated
with them. Naturally, many of those entities that are represented in Wikipedia are widely-known and hence, popular
in Twitter.
Overall, the users in our sample follow 978 other accounts
on average, among which 228 are considered popular and
represented in SocialVec. About half of the accounts that
one follows and are represented by SocialVec map also to
Wikipedia. Thus, there is a substantial overlap between SocialVec vocabulary of entities and Wikipedia. Nevertheless,
as one may expect, factual knowledge bases like Wikipedia
are limited in their coverage of the world knowledge that is
represented in social networks.
Experimental setup
We learned entity embeddings using the skip-gram and
CBOW variants of Word2Vec as implemented in gensim (Rehurek and Sojka 2010). In order to capture the full
context of co-followed accounts by every user, we set the
window size to c = 1000 (Eq. 4). We discarded the records
of users who follow more than 1000 accounts, assuming that
these users are non-selective, and may not represent coherent contexts for our purposes.
We applied common parameter choices in training the
models, setting the initial learning rate to 0.03, and having it
decrease gradually to a minimum value of 7×10−5 . We set
the number of negative examples to N = 20, downsampling
popular accounts by a factor of 1e-5. We have experimented
and tuned these parameters based on cross-validation results using the training portion of our personal trait prediction dataset. We further experimented with learning embeddings of varying sizes, and set the embedding size to 100
dimensions–similar to Wikipedia2Vec entity embeddings–
as this choice yielded good results in our cross-validation
tuning experiments. The training of the models was conducted using an Intel Core i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz computer with 24 CPUs, 128GB RAM and an NVIDIA GV100
GPU. Training the CBOW and skip-gram models lasted
about five days and two weeks, respectively.
Evaluation We evaluate SocialVec embeddings on two
case studies, in which we use these embeddings as features
in learning, as well as employ vector semantics to assess semantic similarity between entities. In our experiments, we
compare SocialVec embeddings with the Wikipedia2Vec entity representations learned from Wikipedia, and the graphbased entity embeddings learned from Wikidata; both methods have been shown to yield SOTA results on downstream
tasks, as discussed above. Concretely, we experiment with a
version of Wikipedia2Vec embeddings which we trained on
a dump of Wikipedia in English from October 2020.6 The
See Wikidata property: P2002, twitter user numeric id property
P6552. We used Wikidata’s SPARQL query service available at to retrieve the Wikipedia identifier of each Twitter account represented in SocialVec.
We used the code provided by Yamada et al. (2020).
Class Distribution
≤ 25 y.o. (56%), > 25 y.o.
No (82%), Yes
High School (67%), Degree
Caucasian (57%), Afr. Amer.
Female (56%), Male
≤ 35K (64%), >35K
Democrat (76%), Republican
Table 1: Personal trait prediction: dataset statistics
Wikidata graph is very large, containing 78M entities and
∼4K relation types, posing a computational challenge. We
use pre-trained entity embeddings learned using the TransE
method from the official dump of Wikidata as of 2019-0306 with the scalable PyTorch-BigGraph framework (Lerer
et al. 2019).7 The Wikipedia2Vec and graph embeddings are
of 100 and 200 dimensions, respectively.
Personal Trait Prediction
Researchers have long been exploring methods for automatically inferring the socio-demographic attributes of users
from their digital footprints, mainly based on the content
posted or consumed by them (Youyou, Kosinski, and Stillwell 2015; Volkova and Bachrach 2016). Such personal information about users is beneficial for applications like personal recommendation (Pritsker, Kuflik, and Minkov 2017),
as well as for social analytics (Mueller et al. 2021). Here, we
employ the SocialVec embeddings of popular accounts that
users follow on Twitter as features in a supervised classification framework, targeting the prediction of various sociodemographic traits for each user.
We refer to a labeled dataset due to Volkova et al. (2015).
This dataset includes the identifiers of sampled Twitter
users, labeled by means of crowd sourcing with respect to
the personal attributes of age, gender, ethnicity, family status, education, income level, and political orientation. The
labels were determined based on public information on Twitter, including the user’s self-authored account description,
and any metadata and historical tweets available for the
user. Thus, the labels reflect subjective and proximate judgements. All of the labels are binary, where continuous attributes, namely age and income, were manually split into
distinct binary ranges, as detailed in Table 1.
In order to obtain information about the accounts that the
users in the dataset follow, we queried Twitter API with the
relevant user account identifiers. Overall, we tracked 3,558
active user profiles in Twitter (out of 5,000 users in the
source dataset). We further retrieved tweets posted by these
users,8 considering text as alternative information source for
attribute prediction. Overall, we collected up to 200 tweets
posted by each user, similar to Volkova et al. (2015), obtaining 180 tweets per user, on average.
Due to legal restrictions, public datasets specify user ids, but
do not contain the content posted by them.
While this data was collected some time after the user labels were assigned, we believe that as the labels are categorical, and were obtained based on coarse human judgement,
the labeling accuracy is not severely compromised. Furthermore, we evaluate the various methods using the same data
and in the same conditions, where this forms a viable evaluation setup.
We perform supervised classification experiments, predicting the various attribute values for each user as independent
binary classification tasks. For each target attribute, we randomly split the set of labeled examples into distinct train
(80%) and test (20%) sets, maintaining similar class proportions across these sets. Once the models are trained, prediction performance is evaluated against the gold labels of the
test examples.
In learning, we represent each user u using the vector embeddings of the popular accounts that they follow, {eu }. We
follow the practice of averaging the bag-of-embedding vectors into a unified summary vector of the same dimension
eu (Shen et al. 2018). We then feed the averaged vector representation into a logistic regression classification network,
in which the output layer consists of a single sigmoid unit.
While we experimented also with multi-layer network architectures, we found this single-layer classifier to work best.
Below, we report our results applying this framework using SocialVec and the existing entity embeddings schemes.
As reference, we evaluate also content-based attribute classification using the tweets posted by each user as relevant
evidence. In this case, the tweets authored by each user,
tu , are first converted into a 300-dimension text embedding
vector using the pre-trained convolutional FastText neural
model (Joulin et al. 2017),9 which is often used for tweet
processing (Sosea and Caragea 2020). We average the FastText tweet embeddings (Adi et al. 2017), and feed the resulting user representation to the logistic regression network.
The classification results for each of the target attributes are
given in Table 2 in terms of the ROC AUC measure. Let
us first examine our results using the SocialVec embeddings
as features in classification, and compare these results with
the Wikipedia2Vec and Wikidata entity embeddings. As detailed in the table, SocialVec outperforms the other embedding schemes by a large gap across all of the target attributes.
For example, classification performance on age prediction
is 0.74 in terms of ROC AUC using SocialVec, compared
with 0.69 and 0.61 using the Wikidata graph embeddings
and Wikipedia2Vec, respectively. Similar or larger gaps in
favor of SocialVec are observed for each for the other traits.
Importantly, only a subset of the popular accounts that are
represented by SocialVec have respective embeddings based
on Wikipedia and Wikidata. Figure 2 shows relevant statistics about the number of accounts followed by the users in
our dataset that are represented using each method. As illustrated, the number of relevant SocialVec embeddings that
Wikipedia entities:
SocialVec ∩ Wiki.
(Volkova and Bachrach 2016)
Table 2: Personal trait prediction results [ROC AUC] (∗ the results by (Volkova and Bachrach 2016) were obtained on a larger
version of our dataset, and are not directly comparable.)
Figure 2: Personal trait prediction: the number of popular account embeddings that are associated with each user in the
dataset, and the proportions of users that have a limited number of embeddings (less than 5,10, or 50) associated with
them using each method.
are available is substantially higher compared with the other
methods. Consequently, the ratio of users that are poorly
represented, being associated with less than 10 account embeddings, is 5% using SocialVec, vs. 22 and 32% using the
Wikipedia- and Wikidata-based methods. These gaps in coverage illustrate the wider applicability of our approach in the
social domain of Twitter. Yet, in order to conduct a fair comparison between the different embedding schemes, we performed another experiment, in which we eliminated from
the feature any SocialVec embeddings of accounts that are
not represented by either one of the other methods. As illustrated in Figure 2, this variant has a similar coverage profile
as the Wikipedia-based methods.
The results of using the restricted set of SocialVec embeddings are shown in Table 2 (’SocialVec ∩ Wiki.’). We
observe that the classification performance using this strict
evaluation is lower as less features are used, e.g., ROC AUC
drops from 0.74 to 0.71 on the age category, however SocialVec still outperforms the performance of the alternative
entity representations on each and every one of the target
categories. Thus, we conclude that our social entity embeddings inferred from Twitter are more informative compared
with the respective entity embeddings inferred from relational knowledge bases for personal trait prediction.
Feature analysis. Table 3 demonstrates in more detail the
valuable social information that SocialVec encodes for personal trait prediction. The table presents the top accounts
associated with each class label in our dataset, based on
the pointwise mutual information (PMI) measure (Rudinger,
May, and Van Durme 2017). In general, high PMI values indicate on distinctive feature-class correlation. We observe,
for example, that the top Twitter accounts followed by male
(as opposed to female) users belong to men who specialize in sports, whereas the top accounts that characterize female users belong to women. Likewise, we find that the top
accounts that characterise Afro-American users belong to
Afro-Americans, and vice versa. We further observe that
users with an academic degree distinctively follow media
accounts such as the New Yorker and the Economist magazines, whereas non-academic users tend to follow rappers.
Finally, distinctive accounts that represent political polarity
include rappers on the Democratic side. On the Republican side, we find accounts that are related to Country music, echoing previous findings by which Country music fans
are twice as likely to vote Republican than fans of other
genres,10 and the accounts of Tim Tebow, a former football player, and the fast-food brand of Chick-fil-A, which
are both known for their conservative views.11 Thus, the accounts that one follows on social media are highly predictive
of their personal traits and interests; this social information
is encoded more effectively and with better coverage using
SocialVec compared with the Wikipedia-based methods.
Comparison with other approaches A question of interest is how the modeling of users based on the entities
that they follow as encoded by SocialVec compares with the
more traditional approach of representing the users in terms
of the content authored by them. Table 2 presents also our
trait prediction results based on the textual content authored
by the users (’FastText’). The best results per trait are highlighted in boldface in the table. As shown, the SocialVec
approach achieves top performance by a large margin on
all categories, except for education and income, for which
content-based classification achieves comparable or slightly
See ”Tebowing” at Tebow,
and Same-sex marriage
Ian Rapoport, Sports writer and analyst (1.04)
Chris Broussard, Sports analyst, Fox Sports (1.02)
Adam Schefter, Sports analyst (1.02)
starwars, Star Wars on Twitter (0.80)
John Krasinski, an actor, director and producer (0.78)
Luke Bryan, a country music singer and songwriter (0.78)
21 Savage, a rapper, songwriter, and producer (0.45)
AccessJui, Music Producer (0.44)
Desi Banks, a comedian, actor, and writer (0.42)
Chick-fil-A, a large fast food restaurant chain (1.15)
Carrie Underwood, a Country singer (1.14)
Tim Tebow (1.13)
Chelsea DeBoer, a reality TV persona (0.81)
womenshumor, ”tweets made for a woman” (0.80)
Maci Bookout, a reality television personality (0.76)
Emmanuel Hudson, actor (1.16)
Erica Dixon, TV personality (1.15)
The New Yorker, an American magazine (1.30)
The Economist, an international newspaper (1.20)
Jack Tapper, anchor and host at CNN (1.19)
Bryson Tiller, a rapper (0.35)
Kevin Gates, a rapper (0.35)
Tami Roman, a TV personality and rapper (0.34)
Table 3: The top Twitter accounts that are characteristic to different subpopulations as measured using our datasets labeled with
personal attributes and the Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) measure.
higher results. (The difference in performance between FastText and SocialVec on the education category is not significant according to the McNemar χ2 statistical test as applied
to accuracy results.) We find this sensible, as education and
income levels are known to be manifested through writing
style (Flekova, Preoţiuc-Pietro, and Ungar 2016).
Finally, Table 2 includes the results previously reported by
Volkova et al. (2015; 2016). They trained log-linear models using n-gram features extracted from the tweets posted
by each user, showing gains over alternative models. We
stress that their results are not directly comparable to ours,
as the original dataset included many more labeled examples of users who are no longer active (5K vs. 3.5K labeled
users in our dataset). Moreover, they relied on tweets obtained shortly after user labeling. Nevertheless, we observe
that our results applied to the reduced dataset using SocialVec are comparable or exceed the results by Volkova and
Bachrach (2016) on the majority of the categories. Another
work that predicted gender and ethnicity from user names reported results that are lower than those reported by Volkova
and Bachrach (Wood-Doughty et al. 2018).
In summary, our results indicate that many sociodemographic attributes can be predicted with high accuracy using SocialVec entity embeddings. We showed superior performance compared with entity embeddings inferred from knowledge bases, both due to better coverage
and the encoding of social aspects in SocialVec. And, our
results outperform content-based classification for multiple
attributes, even when trained using fewer labeled examples.
To improve prediction results further, it is possible to model
the network information of the users’ direct friends, exploiting social homophily (Pan et al. 2019). Also, trait prediction
results may potentially improve via the integration of network and content information, ideally using larger datasets.
Political polarity of news sources
As a second case study, we investigate whether the political
orientation of news sources can be inferred from the social
patterns encoded in SocialVec. A recent survey by Pew Re-
search estimated that 62% of the U.S. adults consume news
primarily from social media sites (Mitchell 2016). A lack of
awareness of the biases of these accounts can play a critical
role in how news are assimilated and spread on social media, shaping people’s opinions and influencing their choices
to the extreme of swaying the outcomes of political elections (Allcott and Gentzkow 2017). In addition, identifying
the slant of news accounts on social media may help address
political bubbles, where users are exposed primarily to ideologically congenial political information (Eady et al. 2019).
Various research works aimed to infer the political slant
of media sources based on the language used by them, the
framing of political issues by these sources (Baly et al.
2020), or the language used by their followers (Stefanov
et al. 2020).12 Ribeiro et al. (2018) quantified the biases of
news outlets by analyzing their readership directly, considering the proportions of liberal and conservative users within
the source’s audience. Their work is limited to Facebook, as
they relied on explicit account statistics that it provides to
advertisers. In this work, we exploit SocialVec social entity
embeddings for predicting the political leaning of news accounts on Twitter. As we show empirically, the resulting assessments are highly accurate, yielding similar results to formal polls, whereas factual entity embeddings lack the necessary social information that is encoded by SocialVec.
The Word2Vec metric tends to place two words close to each
other if they occur in similar contexts (Levy and Goldberg
2014). Likewise, we gauge the social similarity between entities based on the cosine similarity of their embeddings. Assuming that individual users follow the accounts of politicians, media sources, and other entities with similar political orientation to their own, we expect the distribution of
accounts that are followed by right- and left-leaning populations to be distinguishable. That is, the embeddings of en12
(Stefanov et al. 2020) referred to somewhat disputable judgements by the mediaBiasFactCheck website. We could not obtain
the subset of accounts that they evaluated for comparison purposes.
tities of similar political orientation should exhibit higher
similarity in the vector space, compared with the embeddings of accounts of opposite political polarity. We therefore compute the bias of news accounts on Twitter based on
their similarity to popular accounts with distinct political polarity in the embedding space. Specifically, we consider the
accounts of the Republican Donald Trump, the incumbent
U.S. president at the time that our data was collected,13 and
of Barack Obama, the former Democratic president.14 As of
2020, both accounts were among the top-followed Twitter
accounts in the U.S., ranked at fourth and first positions, respectively, based on the number of their followers.15
Let us denote the SocialVec embedding of a specified
news account as en , and the embeddings of the Democratic
and Republican anchor accounts, which we set to the accounts of Obama and Trump, as eD and eR , respectively.
We measure the similarity of the news source in the embedding space with these Republican and Democratic anchors.
We then assess the political orientation of the news account,
considering the difference between those similarity scores.
Formally, we compute the political orientation (PO) score
of en as the difference between the cosine similarities:
P O(en ) = Sim(eR , en ) − Sim(eD , en )
Accordingly, a positive score indicates on overall conservative (Republican) social orientation, whereas a negative
score indicates on a liberal (Democratic) social bias. The
greater the gap between the similarity scores, the greater is
the social political polarity.
In our experiments, we rank selected news accounts according to their computed political orientation scores, and
compare our results against formal polls. Again, we evaluate the embeddings of SocialVec, as well the embeddings of
Wikipedia2Vec and the graph-based Wikidata embeddings,
gauging the extent to which each of these methods captures
the social phenomena of political leaning.
Ground-truth datasets
We refer to the results of two formal polls conducted by Pew
Research in 2014 and 2019 (Jurkowitz et al. 2020), with
the goal of gauging the political polarization in the American public. The participants in the polls were recruited using random sampling of residential addresses, and the data
was weighted to match the U.S. adult population by gender,
race, ethnicity, education and other categories. In both polls,
Pew researchers classified the audience of selected popular
news media outlets based on a ten question survey covering
a range of issues like homosexuality, immigration, economic
policy, and the role of government. The media sources were
then ranked, according to those poll participants who said
they got political and election news there in the week before,
taking into consideration the party identification (Republican or Democrat) and ideology (conservative, moderate or
liberal) of those participants.
13; suspended in Jan. 2021.
# Accounts
0.82 (31)
0.85 (30)
0.36 (28)
0.28 (28)
-0.40 (23)
-0.32 (23)
Table 4: Spearman’s correlation results of ranking news accounts by political slant using different entity embeddings,
compared with the poll-based rankings reported by Pew Research in 2014 and 2020. The number of available news account embeddings is given in parenthesis for each method.
0.94 (31)
0.95 (22)
0.97 (30)
0.95 (22)
0.55 (28)
0.55 (22)
0.60 (28)
0.50 (22)
0.32 (23)
0.27 (22)
0.27 (23)
0.23 (22)
Table 5: Accuracy results: predicting political slant as binary
polarity, for all accounts available per method (‘all’), or for
the accounts represented by all methods (‘common’).
Overall, the polls conducted in 2014 and 2019 apply to
36 and 30 selected news media outlets, respectively. These
two sets include 43 unique media outlets jointly, where there
are 18 news sources that overlap between the two surveys.
We manually mapped the various sources to their Twitter
accounts, identifying the accounts for the majority of news
sources included in the earlier poll (31 out of 36), and practically all of the news sources included in the more recent poll
(30). As detailed in Table 4, all of those Twitter accounts are
included in SocialVec, where most of the news sources have
respective Wikipedia2Vec and Wikidata embeddings.
The Pew surveys assign numerical political polarity score
to each of the news sources that do not match the range, or
interpretation, of the computed cosine similarity scores. In
order to assess the correlation between our entity similarity metric and the survey results, we therefore consider the
relative ranking of the various news sources, ranging from
conservative/Republican to liberal/Democrat.
Table 4 reports the similarity of the poll-based rankings
with the rankings generated using Eq. 5 and the different entity embedding schemes in terms of the Spearman’s ranking
correlation measure (Hill, Reichart, and Korhonen 2015). A
perfect Spearman correlation of +1 indicates that the rankings are identical, where correlation of -1 would mean that
the rankings are perfectly inverse. As shown in the table,
the rankings produced using SocialVec are highly similar
to the ground-truth rankings, as measured by the high correlation scores of 0.82 and 0.85 per the two polls. In contrast, the rankings produced by Wikipedia2Vec are not wellaligned with the ground-truth rankings, as indicated by the
low Spearman correlation scores of 0.36 and 0.28. The rankings generated using the Wikidata graph embeddings are not
meaningful altogether, yielding negative correlation scores.
Figure 3 illustrates the distribution of the political orientation scores of the news sources included in the poll of 2020,
as computed using SocialVec. The accounts are placed on
Figure 3: Ranking of political polarity based on our embeddings
the range of Democratic (left) to Republican (right), and are
spaced along this range relative to their scores. Similar to the
poll results, we observe that some news sources lie close to
each other on this scale of political bias. Notably, gauging
ranking similarity is highly sensitive, in that any differences
in the ordering of accounts with similar scores are penalized.
Table 5 reports the results of a more lenient evaluation,
where we consider the proportion of evaluated news accounts for which the polarity is correctly estimated. Here,
we assign the computed political orientation to be conservative/Republican if the PO score is positive, and vice versa
(Eq. 5). As shown in the table, the binary political orientation predicted using SocialVec is accurate for 94% and 97%
of the evaluated news accounts, where there exists a single
mistake per the polls of 2014 and 2020, respectively. In contrast, Wikipedia2Vec embeddings yield low accuracy of 55%
and 60% per those polls, and the Wikidata graph embeddings yield poor accuracies of 32% and 27%. To account for
the differences in coverage, Table 5 reports prediction accuracy also for the subset of accounts which are represented by
all methods (‘common’). As shown, the same trends persist.
In error analysis, we found that faulty polarity predictions by
SocialVec applied to news accounts for which the number of
contexts (followers) in our sample of Twitter was the lowest
among all the accounts included in each poll. If accounts
with less than 5,000 followers in our data are removed from
the evaluation, then SocialVec achieves perfect polarity classification results for all of the Twitter news accounts that are
included in both of the reference polls.
Overall, our results demonstrate that the political orientation of Twitter accounts can be accurately predicted based
on the social contexts embedded in SocialVec. In contrast,
the Wikipedia- and Wikidata-based entity embeddings fail
to relate different entities by social aspects such as political
affinity. We believe that the framework presented here for
predicting political bias can be employed in future research
for the assessment of various social biases using SocialVec.
We presented SocialVec, a framework for learning social
entity embeddings from social networks, considering the
accounts that users tend to co-follow as relevant contexts.
We demonstrated the applicability of SocialVec embeddings
in two case studies, obtaining competitive or SOTA results
using minimal or no supervision, and showing advantageous performance over entity representations derived from
knowledge bases.
There are naturally some limitations to our approach. An
inherent limitation is that the social network of Twitter may
provide a biased reflection of the real world. It has been
shown, for example, that Twitter users are younger and more
Democrat than the general public.16 . In addition, while public figures like politicians and artists typically maintain popular Twitter accounts, some entity types, e.g., locations, may
not be well-represented in Twitter, or invoke low interest in
this platform. Furthermore, accounts may be banned from
social networks like Twitter. Yet, we believe that SocialVec
encapsulate valuable, wide and truthful social knowledge.
Another inherent limitation of SocialVec, as any other embedding method, is that the quality of particular entity embeddings depends on sufficient context statistics for those
entities. In the future, we plan to extend the scope of data
that is modeled in SocialVec, where this would enable the
learning of high-quality representations for entities that are
popular locally, or within particular sub-communities.
This may be the first work to present social entity embeddings. We believe that the implications of this work go
far and beyond the particular case studies presented in this
work. We will make SocialVec embeddings publicly available, hoping to promote social knowledge modeling and exploration. As future research directions, we are interested to
enhance the social knowledge encoded by SocialVec with
account semantic types. We also wish to explore the integration of social context in content analysis, for example, for
identifying entity mentions in tweets, and for the modeling
of social context in applications of opinion mining.
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